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Photonics in Lurope

Lconomic Impact
Dr. Arhold Mayer
OpIech CohsulIihg
CH-8274 1gerwileh
PubIished by
Luropeah 1echhology PlaI!orm PhoIohics21
5ecreIariaI PhoIonics21
VDI 1echhologiezehIrum CmbH
DeparImehI Laser ahd OpIics Research
Cra!-Recke-SIrasse 84
D-40239 Dusseldor!
1el.: +49 (0) 211 / 62 14 - 478
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 62 14 - 484
e-mail: phoIohics21vdi.de
CoordinaIing ediIors
VDI 1echhologiezehIrum CmbH
Markus Wilkehs Florehce Schellberg KaIharihe ReIzla!!
SebasIiah Krug DoroIhea WesIerberg
8arIkowiak CmbH & Co. KC, 1hisvorsI
Siebel Druck uhd Cra!k, Lihdlar
December 2007
Photonics in Lurope
Lconomic Impact
Photonics is drivihg ihhovaIioh
ih Lurope. 1his bold sIaIemehI is based oh Ihe
!hdihgs presehIed ih Ihis markeI sIudy "Pho Io hics
ih Lurope". II spoIlighIs Ihe ehormous compeIiIive
po Ieh Iial o! phoIohics IhaI has already ehabled
progress ih com muhicaIiohs, ehIerIaihmehI,
healIhcare, mahu!acIurihg, ehvirohmehIal sehsihg,
lighIihg ahd biosciehces, Io hame buI a !ew. II
reveals |usI how crucial phoIohics is !or Ihe !uIure
ecohomic developmehI o! Ihe Luropeah Uhioh. "PhoIohics ih Lurope" headlihes some key
ihdicaIors abouI Ihe currehI sIaIe o! Lurope's PhoIo hics ihdusIry.
1hese ihclude:
. 1he revehue o! Ihe Luropeah phoIohics ihdusIry grew by 12% Io 49 billioh ih 2006.
Luropeah phoIohics producIioh is how equivalehI Io IhaI o! microelecIrohics ih Lurope ahd
is expecIed Io exceed iI sooh, uhderlihihg how imporIahI phoIohics is !or Lurope's overall
. PhoIohics employs 246,000 people ih Lurope, hoI ihcludihg subcohIracIors. Well over 5,000
compahies are ihvolved ih mahu!acIurihg o! phoIohics, mosI o! Ihem small ahd medium-sized
. Lurope has 19% o! Ihe overall worldwide phoIohics producIioh volume ahd leads ih mahy
key secIors such as lighIihg, measuremehI ahd auIomaIed visioh, producIioh Iechhology,
medical Iechhology ahd li!e sciehces, de!ehce phoIohics ahd opIical compohehIs ahd sysIems.
Ih Ihese areas Ihe Luropeah share rahges !rom 25% Io 45%.
For Ihe period 2005 Io 2015, Ihe sIudy predicIs ah ahhual growIh raIe o! 7.6% !or Ihe world
phoIohics markeI.
Lurope is ih a sIrohg posiIioh ih mahy oIher areas o! phoIohics, ihcludihg viIal Iechhologies
!or Ihe !uIure such as advahced high e!!iciehcy lighIihg ahd phoIovolIaic ehergy producIioh.
We heed Io make sure IhaI we exploiI Ihese sIrehgIhs ahd capiIalise oh Ihe compeIiIive
advahIage phoIohics o!!ers us. MasIerihg disrupIive phoIohic Iechhologies will give us Ihe
opporIuhiIy Io regaih leadership ih oIher applicaIioh areas such as displays.
1o do Ihis we heed a sIrohg coordihaIed e!!orI by all Ihe relevahI players, aI Luropeah ahd
haIiohal level. We also heed Io ehsure close cooperaIioh beIweeh Ihe research commuhiIy
ahd ihdusIry. AlIhough Lurope has already made greaI progress ih Ihe lasI !ew years wiIh
Ihe Luropeah Iechhology plaI!orm PhoIohics21 playihg a sighi!cahI role, Ihere are sIill mahy
challehges ahd much work Io be dohe.
Viviane Reding,
Luropean Commissioner for lnformation Society and Media
1he sIudy ih hahd was ihspired by a survey oh Ihe phoIohics markeI ih Cermahy which was
published ih SepIember 2007 by Ihe Cermah Federal MihisIry o! LducaIioh ahd Research.
OpIech CohsulIihg, ahd Ihe Luropeah Commissioh IogeIher wiIh PhoIohics21 have Iakeh Ihe
ihiIiaIive Io have Ihis markeI sIudy exIehded Io cover all o! Lurope.
1. Luropean Photonics by Sector
1.1 Production 1echnoIogy
1.2 Measurement & Automated vision
1.3 MedicaI 1echnoIogy & Life Science
1.4 0pticaI Communications
1.5 Information 1echnoIogy & Printing
1.6 Lighting
1.7 fIat PaneI ispIays
1.8 SoIar Lnergy
1.9 efence Photonics
1.10 0pticaI Components & Systems
2. Luropean Photonics by Country
2.1 0verview
2.2 Cermany
2.3 france
2.4 united kingdom
2.5 ItaIy
2.6 1he hetherIands
2.7 0ther Luropean countries
Appendix: MethodoIogy, ehnitions
1he Luropeah phoIohics ihdusIry accouhIed ih 2005 !or revehues o! LUR 43.5 billioh
. 1he
ih dusIry secIor employs 246 000 persohs ih Lurope, hoI ihcludihg employmehI wiIh subcohIrac-
Ih 2006, revehues ihcreased Io abouI LUR 49 billioh, correspohdihg Io a growIh raIe o! 12%. 1he
growIh is subsIahIially higher Ihah Ihe CDP growIh o! 3% (homihal growIh 5%) !or Ihe LU25
couhIries [2]. PhoIohics is a growIh ihdusIry.
1 1his comprises Ihe revehues o! producIioh plahIs locaIed ih Lurope, wheIher owhed by Lurope or overseas
headquarIered compahies. Revehues o! producIioh plahIs ouIside Lurope are hoI ihcluded.
2 1he base year o! Ihe presehI reporI is 2005. 1haI year has beeh choseh because a deIailed reporI oh Cermahy
"OpIische 1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeuIuhg ih DeuIschlahd" [1] also uses Ihe base year 2005. 1haI
reporI !orms ah imporIahI daIabase !or Ihe presehI ahalysis.
TabIe 1. PhoIonics 5ecIors and 5egmenIs
PhoIohics is a cross-secIoral Iechhology, which comprises Ieh secIors, ahd more Ihah 40 ma|or
producI segmehIs (1able 1). Diagram 1 shows Ihe breakdowh o! Luropeah PhoIohics producIioh
volume by Ihe Ieh secIors.
Six secIors accouhI !or a share o! more Ihah 10% o! Ihe IoIal Luropeah producIioh volume:
lighIihg (15%), measuremehI & auIomaIed visioh (14%), producIioh Iechhology (13%), medical
Iechhology & li!e sciehce (13%), de!ehce phoIohics (12%), opIical compohehIs & sysIems (11%).
1he oIher !our secIors accouhI !or a share o! less Ihah 10%: opIical commuhicaIiohs (7%), solar
ehergy (7%), ih!ormaIioh Iechhology (5%), !aI pahel displays (3%).
1he world markeI !or PhoIohics accouhIed ih 2005 !or LUR 228 billioh
. 1he segmehIaIioh o!
Ihe world markeI di!!ers !rom Ihe segmehIaIioh o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume. NoIably,
Ihe secIors o! !aI pahel displays ahd ih!ormaIioh Iechhology domihaIe ih Ihe world markeI
(Diagram 2).
3 Ih Ihe reporI "OpIische 1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeuIuhg ih DeuIschlahd" [1] Ihe world markeI
is esIimaIed aI LUR 211 billioh. 1he di!!erehce is maihly due Io Ihe de!ehce phoIohics secIor, which is hoI
ihcluded ih Ihe reporI oh Cermahy.
Ah average ahhual growIh raIe o! 7.6% is expecIed !or Ihe PhoIohics world markeI !or Ihe Ieh
years period o! 2005 Ihrough 2015 [1]
. 1he highesI growIh raIe (13.2%) is expecIed !or Ihe
solar ehergy secIor (Diagram 4). Demahd ih IhaI secIor is maihly deIermihed by Ihe size o! legal
ihcehIives. SIrohg growIh o! 9% Io 10% per year is also expecIed !or Ihe secIors o! producIioh
Iechhology, opIical compohehIs & sysIems, ahd opIical commuhicaIiohs. CrowIh !or Ihe secIors
o! measuremehI & auIomaIed imagihg, medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce, ih!ormaIioh Iechho-
logy, ahd !aI pahel displays is expecIed aI 6% Io 7% ahhually, while 5.5% is expecIed !or Ihe
lighIihg secIor.
1he Luropeah producIioh volume o! LUR 43.5 billioh correspohds Io 19% o! Ihe world markeI
1he Luropeah ihdusIry has a weak posiIioh ih Ihe secIors o! ih!ormaIioh Iechhology ahd !aI
pahel displays (Diagram 4 ahd Diagram 5). For PhoIohics wiIhouI ih!ormaIioh Iechhology ahd
!aI pahel displays, Ihe Luropeah share ih Ihe world markeI is ih average 35%, ahd rahges !rom
25% Io 45% !or Ihe sihgle secIors (Diagram 6).
4 1he growIh raIe re!ers Io Ihe PhoIohics world markeI excludihg Ihe de!ehce phoIohics secIor,
!or which ho markeI !orecasI daIa was available.
5 NoIe IhaI "Luropeah revehues" ihclude producIs, parIs ahd service, while Ihe world markeI ihcludes
producIs ohly. For deIails see Ihe Appehdix oh meIhodology ahd de!hiIiohs.
Diagram 5. PhoIonics by 5ecIor, European ProducIion VoIume and 5hare in Ihe WorId MarkeI
1he PhoIohics world markeI is larger Ihah Ihe semicohducIor world markeI, which accouhIed
!or a volume o! LUR 200 billioh (USD 247.7 billioh) ih 2006, accordihg Io Ihe SemicohducIor
IhdusIry AssociaIioh (SIA). Also, Ihe PhoIohics markeI grows !asIer Ihah Ihe semicohducIor mar-
keI (accordihg Io SIA, Ihe USD-based average ahhual growIh raIe o! Ihe semicohducIor markeI
!rom 1996 Io 2006 was 6.5%). 1he Luropeah producIioh volume ih PhoIohics (LUR 43.5 billioh)
is larger Ihah !or semicohducIors (esIimaIed aI LUR 30 billioh correspohdihg Io a share 15%
o! Ihe worldwide producIioh). AlIhough Ihe Iwo markeIs are hoI !ully comparable
Ihe daIa
uhderlihes Ihe growIh dyhamics o! Ihe PhoIohics markeI, ahd iIs imporIahce !or Ihe Luropeah
Diagram 7 shows Ihe producIioh volume by couhIry
. Lurope accouhIs !or 19% o! Ihe worldwi-
de producIioh volume. PhoIohics producIioh is domihaIed by Asia, hoIably 1apah, Korea, ahd
1aiwah. Chiha is caIchihg up, hosIihg producIioh !aciliIies o! overseas producers ahd LlecIrohic
Mahu!acIurihg Services (LMS). Also locally owhed compahies ih Chiha play ah ihcreasihg role.
NorIh America hosIs ah esIimaIed 15% o! Ihe worldwide producIioh volume
6 1he semicohducIor markeI comprises compohehIs ohly, while Ihe PhoIohics markeI comprises compohehIs
ahd sysIems, i.e. a higher level o! ihIegraIioh.
7 For Ihe Luropeah couhIries, Ihe revehues o! Ihe producIioh !aciliIies ih Ihese couhIries are ihcluded,
comprisihg producIs, parIs ahd service (see Appehdix oh meIhodology ahd de!hiIiohs).
8 1he esIimaIe o! Ihe NorIh Americah producIioh volume is complicaIed by Ihe !acI IhaI Americah compahies
have ouIsourced a large amouhI o! mahu!acIurihg Io subsidiaries abroad ahd LMS.
Cermahy accouhIs !or 39% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume (Diagram 8). Frahce ahd Ihe
UK !ollow wiIh 12%, each, Ihe NeIherlahds wiIh 10%, ahd IIaly wiIh 8%. 1he oIher couhIries
accouhI !or Ihe balahce o! 19%. Amohg Ihese SwiIzerlahd accouhIs !or Ihe largesI volume, !ol-
lowed by Spaih. II should be hoIed IhaI Ihe share o! Ihe couhIries varies subsIahIially by secIor
ahd producI. Per capiIa, Ihe NeIherlahds accouhI !or Ihe largesI PhoIohic producIioh volume,
!ollowed by Cermahy ahd SwiIzerlahd.
A deIailed ahalysis, as giveh ih Ihe !ollowihg chapIers o! Ihis reporI, shows IhaI Ihe sihgle regi-
ohs ahd couhIries ih Lurope are !ocused oh parIs o! Ihe PhoIohics producI specIrum. Ohe reasoh
!or Ihis is specializaIioh, emergihg e.g. !rom ihdusIry hisIory. OIher !acIors are labour cohIehI
o! Ihe producIs, ahd labour cosI o! Ihe regioh. CouhIries wiIh low labour cosI o!Ieh hosI high
volume mahu!acIurihg, ihvolvihg a subsIahIial amouhI o! mahual work. 1his ihcludes mahu!ac-
Iurihg ahd assembly plahIs operaIed by large compahies headquarIered elsewhere. CouhIries
wiIh high labour cosI pre!erably hosI Ihe mahu!acIurihg o! high value-added producIs, ihvol-
vihg a small amouhI o! mahual work.
Overall, Ihe humber o! compahies ih PhoIohics mahu!acIurihg ih Lurope is esIimaIed Io well
exceed 5,000. Several o! Ihe PhoIohics secIors are domihaIed by a !ew, large producers. 1his is
Irue !or Ihe secIors o! lighIihg, producIioh Iechhology, commuhicaIiohs, ahd de!ehce phoIohics.
NoIe IhaI also ih Ihese secIors SML add Io Ihe Luropeah producIioh. Ih oIher secIors, boIh large
compahies ahd SML cohIribuIe Io a subsIahIial exIehI Io Ihe producIioh volume, e.g. ih Ihe sec-
Iors o! medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce, solar ehergy, ahd opIical sysIems & compohehIs. 1he
secIor o! measuremehI & auIomaIed visioh is domihaIed by SML, wiIh a limiIed cohIribuIioh o!
large compahies.
Durihg Ihe discussiohs !or Ihis reporI Ihe quesIioh was raised i! Ihe Luropeah PhoIohics ihdusIry
is Ioo !ragmehIed. As !or mahy oIher quesIiohs Ihe ahswer heeds di!!erehIiaIioh beIweeh Ihe
secIors ahd producI segmehIs. Ih some producI areas Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry is more !ragmehIed
Ihah Ihe couhIerparIs ih 1apah ahd NorIh America. 1his is Irue e.g. !or Ihe secIor o! solar eh-
ergy. Also, ih Ihe segmehI o! specIromeIers large uhiIs have emerged ih 1apah ahd ih Ihe USA,
while Ihe uhiIs ih Lurope are smaller. 1he solar ehergy secIor is ih Ihe phase o! rapid growIh,
while Ihe specIromeIer segmehI is maIure. II is also imporIahI Io hoIe IhaI some segmehIs are
!ragmehIed worldwide, such as auIomaIed visioh. Ohe advahIage o! larger compahies is Iheir
compeIiIivehess ih Ihe rapidly growihg overseas markeIs e.g. ih Asia.
1he ahalysis !or Ihe presehI reporI has beeh !ocused oh Ihe presehI sIaIus o! Ihe Luropeah Pho-
Iohics ihdusIry. DaIa oh Ihe world markeI ahd markeI !orecasI has beeh Iakeh !rom Ihe deIailed
reporI oh Cermahy [1]. 1haI reporI ahalyzes mahy addiIiohal issues, ihcludihg employmehI, em-
ploymehI !orecasI, exporI volumes, ahd R&D quoIas !or Cermahy. 1echhology issues are dealI
wiIh ih Ihe PhoIohics21 Agehda [3]. 1he seI o! daIa leads Io hoIeworIhy aspecIs, Ihe discussioh
o! which is beyohd Ihe scope o! Ihis reporI.
16 16
1. Luropean Photonics by Sector
1.1 Production 1echnoIogy
5egmenIs and major producIs
. LiIhography
. Wa!er sIeppers
. Laser mask wriIers
. Pro|ecIioh scahhers !or !aI pahel displays
. Ob|ecIive lehses !or wa!er sIeppers
. Lasers !or wa!er sIeppers
. Laser maIerials processihg
. Machihes / sysIems
. Lasers
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he Luropeah ihdusIry holds a sIrohg posiIioh ih Ihe secIor o! producIioh Iechhology, wiIh a
producIioh volume o! LUR 5.8 billioh. 1his compares Io a worldwide markeI volume o! LUR 12.8

Ih Ihe liIhography segmehI Luropeah compahies have a sIrohg posiIioh regardihg wa!er sIep-
pers (ASML), ahd ob|ecIive lehses !or Ihe wa!er sIeppers (Zeiss). FurIher producIs ihclude laser
mask wriIers (Microhic ahd oIher Luropeah compahies). 1he Luropeah ihdusIry is hoI ihvolved
ih Ihe segmehI o! pro|ecIioh scahhers !or !aI pahel displays. Also, iI is hoI ihvolved ih excimer
lasers !or wa!er sIeppers.
9 NoIe IhaI Ihe producIioh volume ihcludes parIs ahd service, while Ihe world markeI re!ers Io producIs ohly.
For !urIher deIails please re!er Io Ihe Appehdix oh meIhodology ahd de!hiIiohs.
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
LiIhography 6.8 > 3
Laser MaIerials Processihg 6.0 ~ 2.5
ToIaI 12.8 ~ 5.8
TabIe 1.1l1. ProducIion TechnoIogy -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of Ihe European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
Laser maIerials processihg comprises Ihe subsegmehIs o!
. Macro processihg (maihly ihcludihg cuIIihg, weldihg, ahd markihg).
. Micro processihg (processes !or mahu!acIurihg o! semicohducIors, !aI pahel displays,
prihIed circuiI boards, solar cells).
Ih Ihe larger segmehI o! macro processihg Luropeah compahies have a worldwide leadihg posi-
Iioh regardihg sysIems ahd lasers [4]. Ih Ihe segmehI o! micro processihg compahies !rom NorIh
America ahd 1apah domihaIe. Ih Ihe emergihg !eld o! solar cell processihg Luropeah mahu!ac-
Iurers are well posiIiohed.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
Diagram 1.1/1 shows Ihe producIioh volume (LUR billioh) ih Ihe secIor o! producIioh Iechhology
ih Lurope.
LiIhography: 1he NeIherlahds are home Io ASML, Ihe world markeI leader !or wa!er sIeppers.
Revehues o! ASML accouhIed !or ~ LUR 2.5 billioh ih 2005 [5]. 1he ob|ecIive lehses !or Ihe ASML
wa!er sIeppers are mahu!acIured by Zeiss, Cermahy [6]. FurIher acIiviIies ihclude laser mask
wriIihg sysIems (Microhic o! Swedeh [7]), as well as mihor acIiviIies !or laser wriIihg sysIems by
compahies ih Cermahy.
Laser maIerials processihg: Cermahy accouhIs !or abouI hal! o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volu-
me (sysIems ahd lasers). 1he hexI largesI mahu!acIurer is SwiIzerlahd, !ollowed by IIaly [4].
5IrucIure of European indusIry
Ih Ihe producIioh I echhology secIor Ihe ma|or Ihree compahies accouhI !or more Ihah 50% o!
Ihe producIioh volume, Ihe ma|or Ieh compahies accouhI !or more Ihah 80%. 1he humber o!
smaller compahies exceeds 100.
TabIe 1.1l2. ProducIion TechnoIogy - 5IrucIure of Ihe European IndusIry, 2005
") Not including revenues of manufacturing facilities outside Lurope.
"") Precise estimate not given for confdentiality reasons.
1.2 Measurement & Automated vision
5egmenIs and major producIs
. AuIomaIed visioh
. SysIems (ihcl. So!Iware)
. CompohehIs: cameras, illumihaIioh, eIc.
. MeasuremehI
. 8ihary sehsors
. MeasuremehI sysIems
. MeasuremehI sysIems !or Ihe semicohducIor ihdusIry
. MeasuremehI sysIems !or opIical heIworkihg
. SpecIromeIers ahd specIromeIer modules
. MeasuremehI sysIems !or cohsIrucIioh ihdusIry, geodeIic measuremehI sysIems
. OIher measurihg sysIems: !or geomeIry, dyhamics, parIicles, eIc.
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he world markeI accouhIs !or a volume o! LUR 18.9 billioh, wiIh cohIribuIiohs !rom auIomaIed
visioh (LUR 6.7 billioh)
, bihary sehsors (LUR 5.2 billioh), ahd oIher measuremehI sysIems (LUR
7.0 billioh).
Revehue class *) Compahies (ma|or couhIries o! producIioh) 1oIal revehues
ih LUR billioh
> LUR 500 Mio ASML (NL), 1rump! (D, CH), Zeiss (D) 3 . 4 **) p
LUR 50 . 500 Mio < 10 compahies: Ro!h Sihar (D), 8ysIrohic (CH), 1 . 2 p y
Prima IhdusIry (I), 1ehopIik (D), Microhic (S), y p
examples, lisI hoI compleIe
< LUR 50 Mio > 100 compahies < 1
ToIaI 5.8
10 NoIe IhaI Ihe 2005 world markeI !or auIomaIed visioh is esIimaIed aI LUR 6.7 billioh due Io hew ih!ormaIioh.
I.e. Ihe !ormer esIimaIe o! LUR 7.4 billioh [1] has beeh revised dowhward by abouI 10%, maihly due Io a
reduced esIimaIe !or Lurope.
1he share o! Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry ih Ihe world markeI is abouI 42% (bihary sehsors), 30% (au-
IomaIed visioh), ahd 34% (oIher measuremehI sysIems). Luropeah compahies are well represeh-
Ied ih Ihe sub-segmehIs o! geomeIrical & dyhamic measuremehI, ahd geodeIic measuremehI /
measuremehI ih Ihe cohsIrucIioh secIor. 1he represehIaIioh is weaker ih Ihe subsegmehIs o!
specIromeIers, ahd weak ih Ihe area o! measuremehI sysIems !or Ihe semicohducIor ihdusIry
ahd measuremehI sysIems !or opIical heIworkihg.
TabIe 1.2l1. MeasuremenI & AuIomaIed Vision -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
ProducIion voIume by counIry
Ih Ihe segmehI o! auIomaIed visioh Cermahy holds a share o! ~50% o! Ihe Luropeah produc-
Iioh. FurIher regiohs wiIh ma|or producIioh are Frahce, Ihe UK, IIaly, Ihe 8ehelux, ahd Scahdi-
Ih Ihe segmehI o! bihary sehsors Cermahy domihaIes wiIh a Iwo Ihird share o! Luropeah pro-
ducIioh, !ollowed by Frahce.
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
AuIomaIed visioh sysIems y 6.7 2.0
ahd compohehIs
8ihary sehsors 5.2 2.2
OIher measuremehI sysIems 7.0 2.4
ToIaI 18.9 6.6
For Ihe oIher measuremehI sysIems Ihe Cermah share is esIimaIed aI 29%, wiIh acIiviIies ih Ihe
area o! specIromeIers ahd opIical measurihg sysIems !or geomeIry ahd dyhamics. Ma|or acIivi-
Iies ih oIher Luropeah couhIries ihclude specIromeIers (Frahce, UK), ahd measuremehI sysIems
!or Ihe cohsIrucIioh ihdusIry / geodeIic measuremehI sysIems (SwiIzerlahd ahd oIher). 1he,
relaIively weak, Luropeah acIiviIies ih Ihe area o! measuremehI sysIems !or Ihe semicohducIor
ihdusIry are locaIed ih Frahce ahd Cermahy.
5IrucIure of European indusIry
1here are abouI 10 compahies wiIh revehues exceedihg LUR 100 millioh, makihg up !or a IoIal
o! abouI LUR 2.5 billioh. 1hese bigger compahies are maihly acIive ih Ihe segmehIs wiIh sIah-
dard producIs, such as e.g. bihary sehsors ahd specIromeIers.
1he ma|oriIy o! Ihe compahies, however, accouhIs !or revehues o! less Ihah LUR 100 millioh, ahd
mosI o! Ihem !or much less Ihah IhaI amouhI. 1he revehues o! Ihese more Ihah 1,000 compahies
add up Io ~LUR 4 billioh.
For Ihe auIomaIed visioh segmehI, compahy size ih Lurope has beeh ahalyzed by Ihe LMVA
(Luropeah Machihe Visioh AssociaIioh) [8]. 1he daIa ih Diagram 1.2/2 below is based oh 80 com-
pahies !rom 16 couhIries reporIihg Io Ihe LMVA sIaIisIics. 1he compahies all have less Ihah 500
employees workihg ih Ihe area o! auIomaIed visioh. Some o! Ihe ma|or compahies are public
(e.g. 8asler, Isra, ahd Viscom ih Cermahy). 1he ahhual sales o! ma|or Luropeah auIomaIed visioh
compahies are ih Ihe rahge o! LUR 50 millioh.
Diagram 1.2l2. European AuIomaIed Vision Companies by 5ize
Source: Luropeah Machihe Visioh AssociaIioh (LMVA)
TabIe 1.2l2. MeasuremenI & AuIomaIed Vision - 5IrucIure of Ihe European IndusIry, 2005
Ih Ihe segmehI o! bihary sehsors leadihg compahies achieve ahhual sales exceedihg LUR 100 mil-
lioh. Ih addiIioh, Ihere are mahy smaller compahies ih Ihe segmehI. NoIe IhaI mahy compahies
ih Ihe bihary sehsor segmehI also produce relaIed producIs such as auIomaIed visioh sysIems
ahd oIher (opIical) sehsors ahd measurihg sysIems. Luropeah mahu!acIurers ihclude Sick (D),
Siemehs (D), 8allu! (D), Leuze (D), IFM (D), ahd AuIomelec (F).
Ih Ihe segmehIs o! specIromeIers, as well as measuremehI sysIems !or semicohducIor mahu-
!acIurihg, ahd measuremehI sysIems !or !bre opIic heIworkihg, big compahies domihaIe oh
a worldwide scale. 1he world markeI leaders are locaIed ouIside Lurope, ahd Ihe size o! Ihe
acIiviIies ih Lurope is small Io medium size.
Ih Ihe segmehI o! oIher opIical measurihg sysIem (!or geomeIry, dyhamics, parIicles, eIc.), small
compahies domihaIe. 1he biggesI compahies ih Ihis segmehI Iypically accouhI !or revehues ih
Ihe rahge o! a !ew Ieh millioh Luros.
Revehue class Number o! compahies Compahies 1oIal revehues
ih LUR billioh
> LUR 50 Mio ~ 20 see IexI ~ 2.5
< LUR 50 Mio > 1000 ~ 4
ToIaI 6.6
1.3 MedicaI 1echnoIogy & Life Science
5egmenIs and major producIs
1he segmehI o! medical Iechhology comprises medical IherapeuIic sysIems, ahd diaghosIic sys-
Iems !or ihvivo ahd ihviIro diaghosIics. 1he segmehI o! li!e sciehce ihcludes R&D sysIems, ahd
especially sysIems !or drug developmehI (pharmaceuIical ahd bioIech R&D).
Ma|or producIs ihclude:
. Lhdoscopes ahd accessories
. SpecIacle lehses ahd cohIacI lehses
. 1herapeuIic laser sysIems
. Medical imagihg sysIems: CR sysIems (compuIed radiography), DR sysIems
(digiIal radiography), !uorescehce diaghosIics sysIems, opIical coherehce
Iomography sysIems, oIher diaghosIic sysIems !or ophIhalmology. NoI ihcluded
are hoh-phoIohic medical imagihg sysIems such as Xray ahd NMR sysIems.
. Microscopes ahd surgical microscopes
. Capillary elecIrophoresis sysIems, DNA sequehcers, cell sorIers
. PlaIe ahd array readers
NoIe IhaI pulse oximeIry sysIems are hoI ihcluded ih Ihis reporI as Iheir phoIohic cohIehI is
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he revehues o! Luropeah compahies o! LUR 5.7 billioh correspohd Io 33% o! Ihe world markeI.
1he Luropeah markeI share is especially high ih Ihe segmehIs o! microscopes (hearly 50%). 1he
Luropeah markeI share is abouI 35% ih Ihe segmehIs o! specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses. Ih all
oIher segmehIs Ihe Luropeah markeI share is uhder 30%, e.g. !or ehdoscopes ahd IherapeuIic
laser sysIems. II is lower Ihah 20% !or ih-viIro diaghosIic sysIems (e.g. plaIe ahd array readers,
capillary elecIrophoresis sysIems, DNA sequehcers, cell sorIers), ahd !or medical imagihg sysIems
(CR ahd DR).
TabIe 1.3l1. MedicaI TechnoIogy & Life 5cience -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
SpecIacle lehses ahd cohIacI lehses 7.8 2.7
OIher 9.7 3.0
ToIaI 17.5 5.7
ProducIion voIume by counIry
SpecIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses, wiIh LUR 2.7 billioh, accouhI !or hearly hal! o! Ihe Luropeah
producIioh volume. 1he ma|or producers are Cermahy, Ihe UK, ahd Frahce. NoIe IhaI Ihe world
markeI leader, Lssilor, is headquarIered ih Frahce. However, LurosIaI daIa suggesIs IhaI Lssilor's
producIioh !aciliIies are Io a subsIahIial exIehI locaIed ih oIher couhIries. SpecIacle lehses / coh-
IacI lehses are also produced ih IIaly, Ihe NeIherlahds, ahd Io a smaller exIehI ih several oIher
Luropeah couhIries.
Microscopes / surgical microscopes are Ihe hexI imporIahI Luropeah producIs. 1he domihaIihg
producer is Cermahy. Surgical microscopes are also produced ih SwiIzerlahd. 1herapeuIic laser
sysIems are maihly produced ih Cermahy (ophIhalmic sysIems) ahd IIaly. Lhdoscopes are maihly
produced ih Cermahy (LurosIaI: LUR 324 millioh, hoIe IhaI Ihe presehI reporI ihcludes accesso-
ries (cameras, video documehIaIioh sysIems). Small quahIiIies o! ehdoscopes are also produced
ih Ihe UK, 8ulgaria, Huhgary, Polahd, LiIhuahia ahd LsIohia.
Overall, Cermahy accouhIs !or abouI 50% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume ih Ihe secIor.
Microscopes, ehdoscopes, ahd specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses are Ihe ma|or producIs. Smaller
cohIribuIiohs origihaIe !rom medical imagihg sysIems, ophIhalmic diaghosIic sysIems, ahd Ihe-
rapeuIic medical laser sysIems.
1he UK accouhIs !or a 14% share. 1he ma|or producIs are specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses. Spec-
Iacle lehses / cohIacI lehses are also Ihe ma|or producI o! Frahce, which accouhIs !or 11% o! Ihe
Luropeah producIioh volume. OIher imporIahI producers are SwiIzerlahd (surgical microscopes,
ahalyIical sysIems) ahd IIaly (specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses, medical laser sysIems).
5IrucIure of European indusIry
Ma|or mahu!acIurers ih Lurope are Zeiss (maihly microscopes, specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses),
Lssilor (specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses), ahd Leica MicrosysIems (microscopes). Medium size
compahies ih Ihe secIor (LUR 50 . 500 millioh) produce microscopes, specIacle lehses / cohIacI
lehses, ophIhalmic diaghosIic ihsIrumehIs, ehdoscopes, ahd ahalyIical laboraIory equipmehI.
1his ihcludes e.g. SIorz (D) ahd Wol! (D) ih Ihe ehdoscope segmehI, Zeiss MediIec (D) ih Ihe
ophIhalmic segmehI, Mller-Wedel (D) ih Ihe microscope segmehI, RodehsIock (D) ih Ihe spec-
Iacle lehs / cohIacI lehs segmehI, ahd 1ecah (CH) ih Ihe segmehI o! ahalyIical ihsIrumehIaIioh.
8esides, Ihere are huhdreds o! smaller compahies ih Ihe secIor, accouhIihg !or revehues o! less
Ihah LUR 50 millioh, each.
TabIe 1.3l2. MedicaI TechnoIogy & Life 5cience - 5IrucIure of Ihe European indusIry, 2005
") Lssilor did not contribute information to the report.
Revehue class Number o! Compahies (ma|or 1oIal revehues
compahies couhIries o! producIioh) ih LUR billioh
> LUR 500 Mio < 5 Zeiss (D), Leica MicrosysIems ~ 3 y
(CH, D), Lssilor (F, oIhers*)
LUR 50 . 500 Mio 10 . 15 see IexI 1 . 1.5
< LUR 50 Mio >> 100 1 . 1.5
ToIaI 5.7
1.4 0pticaI Communications
5egmenIs and major producIs
. OpIical heIworkihg sysIems
. Maihly IelecommuhicaIioh sysIems, !or Iruhk, meIro, ahd access heIworks:
WDM, SoheI / SDH, DCS / OCS equipmehI
. CA1V, CC1V, LAN sysIems
. CompohehIs ahd modules
. Lasers, couplers, isolaIors, eIc.
. 1rahsmiIIers, receivers
. Fibre ampli!ers
Fibre cables are hoI ihcluded ih Ihis reporI (cablihg is hoI cohsidered Io be parI o! PhoIohics).
LurosIaI daIa oh !bre cable producIioh is provided ih Ihe box below.
European indusIry and vorId markeI
OpIical heIworkihg sysIems ahd compohehIs are produced ih Lurope, NorIh America ahd Asia
Chiha has gaihed a subsIahIial markeI share ih recehI years.
LurosIaI gives Ihe !ollowihg !gures !or "OpIical !bre cables made up o! ihdividually shea-
Ihed !bres wheIher or hoI assembled wiIh elecIric cohducIors or !IIed wiIh cohhecIors":
. LU15: LUR 1.1 billioh
. LU25: LUR 1.08 billioh
. D: LUR 0.19 billioh
. L: LUR 0.08 billioh
. F: LUR 0.40 billioh
. I: LUR 0.15 billioh
. Smaller cohIribuIiohs (<LUR 0.1 billioh) !rom Ihe UK, S, FIN, A, DK, oIhers
. NL: daIa blocked
11 1apah does hoI have a leadihg supplier posiIioh !or opIical heIworkihg equipmehI, as iI has ih mosI oIher
PhoIohics secIors. 1his is remarkable as opIical commuhicaIiohs has received high aIIehIioh by R&D !uhdihg
ih 1apah, ahd Ihe deploymehI o! !bre opIics has beeh pushed aggressively.
TabIe 1.4l1. OpIicaI CommunicaIions -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
1he revehues o! Lurope based mahu!acIurihg plahIs are esIimaIed aI LUR 3.0 billioh, i.e. abouI
ohe quarIer o! Ihe worldwide producIioh volume.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
1he worldwide markeI shares !or opIical heIworkihg sysIems ih 2005, as esIimaIed by a markeI
research compahy, are showh ih Ihe box below.
1he opIical heIworkihg equipmehI ihdusIry has uhdergohe subsIahIial resIrucIurihg, ih Lurope
ahd worldwide. 1he laIesI resIrucIurihg occurred a!Ier Ihe bursI o! Ihe Ielecom bubble ih Ihe
year 2000. 1oday, Ihe couhIry o! headquarIers o! Ihe compahies ih Ihe secIor is hoI hecessarily
Ihe couhIry o! ma|or producIioh. AlcaIel-LucehI produces ih Frahce ahd ih NorIh America, as
well as ih oIher Luropeah ahd hoh-Luropeah couhIries. Lricssoh produces maihly ih Ihe UK,
ih IIaly, ahd ih Swedeh. Siemehs (how Nokia Siemehs) produces maihly ih Cermahy. Mid size
compahies (e.g. Adva OpIical !rom Cermahy), ahd ah esIimaIed ~ 50 small compahies produce
sysIems, modules, ahd compohehIs ih Lurope. Also subsidiaries o! compahies headquarIered ih
NorIh America ahd ih 1aiwah mahu!acIure ih Lurope, while Lurope headquarIered compahies
produce Io a subsIahIial degree overseas.
WorIdvide markeI shares opIicaI neIvorking sysIems in 2005 *
23% AlcaIel-LucehI (F) # 6% Lricssoh (S)
10% Huawei (Chiha) 6% Siemehs (D)
10% NorIel (Cahada) 5% Cisco (USA)
9% Fu|iIsu (1apah) 5% NLC (1apah)
7% 1ellabs (USA) 19% OIher
*) couhIry o! compahy headquarIers ih brackeIs
#) 16% were broughI ih by !ormer AlcaIel (F), ahd 7% by !ormer LucehI (USA)
Source: RHK [9]
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
SysIems 9.9 2.5 . 3.0
CompohehIs 2.1 < 0.5
ToIaI 12.0 ~ 3.0
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
AlcaIel-LucehI, Lricssoh-Marcohi, ahd Nokia-Siemehs domihaIe Ihe producIioh o! opIical heI-
workihg sysIems ih Lurope. Adva OpIical is a medium size compahy ih Ihe secIor. FurIher, Ihere
are abouI 50 small compahies makihg compohehIs ahd subsysIems. 1his ihcludes subsidiaries o!
NorIh America ahd 1aiwah headquarIered compahies.
TabIe 1.4l2. OpIicaI CommunicaIions - 5IrucIure of Ihe European indusIry, 2005
Revehue class Number o! Compahies (ma|or couhIries 1oIal revehues
compahies o! producIioh wiIhih Lurope) ih LUR billioh
> LUR 500 Mio < 5 AlcaIel-LucehI (maihly F), 2 . 2.5 y
Lricssoh (maihly UK, I), y
Nokia-Siemehs (maihly D)
LUR 50 . 500 Mio !ew Adva OpIical (D), ~ 0.5 p
lisI hoI compleIe
< LUR 50 Mio ~ 50 < 0.5
ToIaI ~ 3.0
1.5 Information 1echnoIogy & Printing
5egmenIs and major producIs
. SysIems !or commercial prihIihg
. SysIems !or o!!ce auIomaIioh ahd cohsumer elecIrohics
. DigiIal cameras ahd camcorders
. OpIical disk drives
. Scahhers
. Laser ahd LLD prihIers, digiIal copiers
. MulIi !uhcIiohal prihIers (MFPs, scah, !ax, prihI)
. PrihI oh demahd sysIems
. Fax machihes
. 8ar code readers
. CompohehIs:
. Lasers !or sysIems above
. Image sehsors
European indusIry and vorId markeI
WiIh a volume o! LUR 50 billioh Ihe I1 secIor is Ihe secohd largesI ih PhoIohics, worldwide. 1he
ma|or segmehI is digiIal cameras. 1hese are produced ih Lurope ohly ih very small quahIiIies.
Also ih Ihe segmehI o! opIical disk drives Ihe acIiviIy ih Lurope is very small. Ih Ihe segmehI o!
prihIers, digiIal copiers, MFPs ahd prihI-oh-demahd sysIems Ihe Luropeah share is ih Ihe rahge
o! ~5% (esIimaIe based oh LurosIaI daIa). Ih Ihe segmehI o! bar code readers Ihe Luropeah
share is esIimaIed aI ~15%.
Ih Ihe segmehI o! sysIems !or Ihe prihIihg ihdusIry Lurope holds share o! abouI 35%. 1he seg-
mehI is characIerized by Ihe !acI IhaI Ihe sysIems are used ih a producIioh ehvirohmehI (prih-
Iihg ihdusIry), raIher Ihah ah o!!ce auIomaIioh ahd cohsumer ehvirohmehI. ProducIs comprise
prihIihg plaIe ahd cylihder exposure sysIems.
TabIe 1.5l1. InformaIion TechnoIogy & PrinIing -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
PhoIohic compohehIs ih Ihe I1 secIor maihly comprise image sehsors ahd semicohducIor lasers
!or opIical disk drives ahd laser prihIers (hoIe IhaI opIical compohehIs such as lehses are ihclu-
ded ih Ihe opIical compohehIs & sysIems secIor). For image sehsors ahd semicohducIor lasers Ihe
Luropeah producIioh shares are small.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
1he overall Luropeah producIioh volume ih Ihe secIor o! ih!ormaIioh Iechhology is small com-
pared Io Ihe worldwide volume. A breakdowh by couhIry is complicaIed by Ihe !acI IhaI mosI o!
Ihe sihgle couhIry LurosIaI daIa are blocked. Combihihg Ihe LurosIaI daIa wiIh ih!ormaIioh oh
ma|or mahu!acIurers ih Lurope leads Io Ihe esIimaIe showh ih Diagram 1.5/1. IIaly is Ihe ma|or
producer, wiIh producIs ihcludihg prihIers, MFPs, copiers, ahd !ax machihes (OliveIIi). DaIalogic
produces bar code readers ih IIaly, ahd is raIed Io be Ihe worldwide humber Ieh producer by a
markeI research !rm [10]. Oc o! Ihe NeIherlahds produces copiers, prihIers ahd prihI oh de-
mahd sysIems, based oh laser ahd LLD Iechhology, ih Ihe NeIherlahds ahd ih Cermahy.
World markeI Revehues Luropeah Ma|or producihg
ihdusIry couhIries ih Lurope
SysIems !or prihIihg y p g 1.1 0.4 8, D, CH
SysIems !or o!!ce y 42.0 ~ 1.5 I, NL, F, D
auIomaIioh ahd
cohsumer elecIrohics
CompohehIs 7.2 small
ToIaI ~50 ~ 2
LurosIaI daIa !urIher ihdicaIes producIioh o! digiIal cameras ih several Luropeah couhIries, ahd,
Io a lesser exIehI, producIioh o! opIical disk drives. 1he small producIioh volumes suggesI IhaI
Ihese are ho maihsIream producIs.
Ih Ihe segmehI o! sysIems !or Ihe prihIihg ihdusIry ma|or Luropeah producers are 8arco (cylihder
ehgravihg sysIems !or !exo prihIihg, producIioh ih 8elgium ahd Cermahy), ahd Heidelberger
Druckmaschiheh (compuIer Io plaIe sysIems, Cermahy). FurIher acIiviIies ih Lurope ihclude Da-
eIwyler (prihIihg cylihder ehgravihg sysIems, SwiIzerlahd, Cermahy), SIork / SchablohehIechhik
Ku!sIeih (cylihder ehgravihg sysIems, Ihe NeIherlahds, AusIria), ahd several compahies makihg
compuIer Io plaIe sysIems (e.g. 8asysprihI o! Cermahy ahd several oIhers).
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
Ma|or Luropeah compahies ihclude OliveIIi (o!!ce auIomaIioh sysIems), Oc (o!!ce auIoma-
Iioh sysIems), DaIalogic (bar code readers), Heidelberger Druckmaschiheh (prihIihg ihdusIry
sysIems), ahd 8arco (prihIihg ihdusIry sysIems). Ah esIimaIed more Ihah 50 smaller compahies
produce sysIems !or Ihe prihIihg ihdusIry ahd specialized o!!ce auIomaIioh sysIems.
TabIe 1.5l2. InformaIion TechnoIogy & PrinIing - 5IrucIure of Ihe European IndusIry, 2005
Revehue class Number o! Compahies 1oIal revehues
compahies ih LUR billioh
> LUR 50 Mio < 10 OliveIIi (I), Oc (NL, D), > 1
DaIalogic (I), Heidelberger g g
Druckmaschiheh (D), 8arco (8, D)
< LUR 50 Mio > 50 > 0.5
ToIaI ~ 2.0
1.6 Lighting
5egmenIs and major producIs
. Lamps
. IhcahdescehI lamps
. Discharge lamps
. Also lamps !or hoh-lighIihg applicaIiohs are ihcluded (e.g. UV lamps !or liIhography,
waIer puri!caIioh, adhesive curihg, eIc.).
. LLDs
. High brighIhess LLDs, !or illumihaIioh, geheral lighIihg, sighallihg, eIc.
. "Low" brighIhess LLDs, ihcludihg !or illumihaIioh, sighallihg.
. Also LLDs used !or oIher applicaIiohs are ihcluded (e.g. IR LLDs !or remoIe cohIrols,
commuhicaIiohs, eIc.).
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he 2005 world markeI !or lamps accouhIed !or a volume o! LUR 13 billioh, Ihe world markeI
!or LLDs accouhIed !or LUR 5.5 billioh. 1he markeI !or lamps ahd LLDs accouhIed !or LUR 18.5
billioh (wiIhouI lumiharies ahd elecIrical accessories
1he 2005 Luropeah producIioh o! lamps is esIimaIed aI LUR 3.7 billioh, Ihe LLD producIioh
accouhIs !or LUR 0.23 billioh (LurosIaI). 1here!ore, Ihe share ih Ihe world markeI is 28% ih Ihe
lamp segmehI, ahd 4% ih Ihe segmehI o! LLDs. Ihcludihg relaIed producIs such as ballasIs ahd
oIher accessories, produced by Ihe lamp ahd LLD mahu!acIurers, Ihe Luropeah producIioh vo-
lume is esIimaIed aI LUR 6.5 billioh.
1hese !gures re!er Io Ihe producIioh volume ih Lurope. 1he IoIal markeI share o! Luropeah
compahies (ihcludihg overseas producIioh plahIs) is esIimaIed aI abouI 50% !or lamps, ahd
abouI 15% !or LLDs. 1he ma|or Luropeah lighIihg mahu!acIurers, Philips ahd Osram, produce
Lamps ahd LLDs Io a cohsiderable exIehI ouIside Lurope. NoIe IhaI, Io a small exIehI, NorIh
America ahd 1apah headquarIered compahies also produce lamps ih Lurope.
12 Lumiharies ahd elecIrical accessories add ah esIimaIed LUR 32.4 billioh dowhsIream markeI [11].
13 For lamps ahd LLDs LurosIaI !gures are blocked !or Ihe NeIherlahds, ahd several oIher couhIries. Some
ihdicaIioh is available !rom Ihe di!!erehce o! Ihe LU25 IoIal vs. Ihe reporIed sihgle couhIry cohIribuIiohs.
TabIe 1.6l1. LighIing - WorId MarkeI and Revenues of Ihe European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
") Accessories not included.
"") Lurope based plants only.
#) lncluding ballasts and accessories produced by the lamp and LLD manufacturers. Not including these items, the Lu-
ropean production accounts for a total of LUR J.9 billion (LUR J.7 billion for lamps, and LUR 0.2J billion for LLDs).
Ih Ihe segmehI o! lamps, Ihe ma|or compeIiIors o! Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry are CL o! Ihe USA, NLC
ahd 1oshiba o! 1apah, ahd a large humber o! small producers ih Chiha. Ih Ihe segmehI o! LLDs,
Osram ahd Philips are amohg Ihe worldwide markeI leaders. Overall, however, Asiah compahies
domihaIe Ihe LLD world markeI, wiIh ah esIimaIed share o! abouI 80%.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
1he breakdowh o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume by couhIry, as showh ih Diagram 1.6/1,
has beeh esIimaIed based oh Ihe LurosIaI daIa
ahd addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh !rom Ihe ihdusIry
(ahhual reporIs, experI ihIerviews). Cermahy accouhIs !or Ihe largesI producIioh volume o! LUR
2.3 billioh. Several couhIries accouhI !or a producIioh volume o! > LUR 0.5 billioh, ihcludihg Ihe
NeIherlahds, 8elgium, Frahce, IIaly, ahd Ihe UK. Spaih ahd Polahd are also imporIahI producIioh
locaIiohs !or lamps. Ih addiIioh, Ihere are producIioh plahIs ih Czech, Dehmark, Fihlahd, Roma-
hia, Slovakia, ahd Swedeh.
Accordihg Io LurosIaI, LLDs are maihly produced ih Cermahy ahd Ihe UK. FurIher, LurosIaI
reporIs small producIioh amouhIs, or blocked !gures, !or Czech, Frahce, Dehmark, Fihlahd, Ihe
NeIherlahds, Spaih, ahd Swedeh. For AusIria, ho producIioh is reporIed. Ih cohIrasI, ho LLD chip
mahu!acIurer, producihg IhaI large amouhI, was idehIi!ed ih Ihe UK. However, LLD chips are
produced ih AusIria by 1ridohic-AIco. II appears IhaI LurosIaI is hoI uhambiguous regardihg
LLD chips ahd modules.
World markeI* Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry ** #
Lamps 13.0 NA
LLDs 5.5 NA
ToIaI 18.5 ~ 6.5
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
1he lamp producIioh ih Lurope is domihaIed by Philips ahd Osram. Heraeus NoblelighI o! Cer-
mahy produces lamps !or Iechhical applicaIiohs. Also, Lurope hosIs lamp mahu!acIurihg plahIs
o! CL, as well as o! 1apah headquarIered compahies.
Ih Ihe area o! LLDs ahd LLD lighIihg modules, Osram, Philips ahd 1ridohic-AIco are ma|or Luro-
peah producers. However, a subsIahIial share o! Ihe LLD producIioh o! Ihe compahies is locaIed
ouIside Lurope. Ih addiIioh, Lurope hosIs mahu!acIurers !ocusihg oh Ihe !urIher ihIegraIioh o!
TabIe 1.6l2. LighIing - 5IrucIure of European IndusIry, 2005
") revenues with lamps, LLDs, accessories, Luropean production plants.
Revehue class Number o! Compahies (ma|or Luropeah 1oIal revehues
compahies couhIries o! producIioh) ih LUR billioh *
> LUR 1 billioh 2 Philips (NL, 8, D, Polahd, oIher), > 5 p
Osram (D, Czech, Slovakia)
< LUR 1 billioh > 15 Heraeus NoblelighI (D), Ceheral ~ 1 g
LlecIric (D), 1ridohic-AIco (A), .
ToIaI 6.5
1.7 fIat PaneI ispIays
5egmenIs and major producIs
. FlaI pahel displays (FPDs)
. 1F1 LCDs
. OIher LCDs
. PDPs
. OIher FPDs
. Display maIerials
. Liquid crysIals
. Display glass (!or FPDs)
European indusIry and vorId markeI
WiIh Ihe declihe o! Ihe CR1 Lurope has losI mosI o! iIs markeI share ih Ihe display secIor. FlaI
pahel displays (FPDs), which !orm by !ar Ihe largesI secIor ih PhoIohics, have become a maihly
Asiah Iechhology. 1he USA has some ihvolvemehI by mahu!acIurihg DLP ahd CLV chips !or pro-
|ecIioh displays.
Ih Lurope, ohly small volume producIioh o! FPDs is locaIed. 1here is a small passive-maIrix LCD
display mahu!acIurihg acIiviIy by a 1apahese-Cermah |oihI vehIure (OpIrex Lurope), wiIh ma-
hu!acIurihg plahIs ih Cermahy ahd Czech. Plahar, a USA headquarIered compahy, employs
abouI 250 persohs ih Fihlahd. Plahar makes elecIrolumihescehI displays. FurIher, Ihere are some
small scale R&D driveh acIiviIies, e.g. ih Ihe UK ahd ih Cermahy ih Ihe area o! elecIrohic paper.
1he ma|or Luropeah acIiviIy ih Ihe !aI pahel display secIor is Ihe mahu!acIurihg o! liquid crys-
Ials by Merck ih Cermahy. Merck claims a 69% share ih Ihe world markeI !or liquid crysIals [12].
Also, Ihere is a smaller acIiviIy o! SchoII makihg FPD glass ih Cermahy. 1he display glass markeI
is domihaIed by Corhihg o! Ihe USA ahd Asiah compahies. All o! Ihem have seI up producIioh
plahIs close Io Ihe display mahu!acIurers ih Asia.
TabIe 1.7l1. WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry CouhIries
FPD 56 0.25 D, CZ, F, FIN
MaIerials 5.1 0.85 D
(LC, Display Class)
ToIaI 61.1 ~ 1
Philips o! Ihe NeIherlahds is ihvolved !hahcially ih LC Philips LCD o! Korea. RecehIly, LC Philips
LCD has seI up a back-ehd LCD pahel assembly plahI ih Polahd (1oshiba holds a 19.9% share).
1he pahels assembled are !or 1V seIs. Also 1V seI mahu!acIurihg plahIs are locaIed ih Polahd
(LC LlecIrohics, 1oshiba). LC Philips LCD is Ihe !rsI maker o! large LCD pahels esIablishihg ah
assembly base ih Lurope. Sharp is how buildihg a back-ehd assembly plahI ih Polahd. IPS Alpha
1echhology o! 1apah has sIarIed 1V seI producIioh ih Czech ih 2006, ahd plahs a back-ehd LCD
assembly plahI ih Huhgary. 1he compahies are aIIracIed by low labour cosI, low Iaxes ahd Iax
breaks, ahd access Io Ihe LU. NoIe IhaI Ihese acIiviIies did hoI exisI ih 2005, Ihe base year o! Ihis
reporI. Also, Ihese are assembly acIiviIies. 1he Iechhology-ihIehsive !rohI-ehd mahu!acIurihg is
dohe ih Asia.
PC mohiIors ahd 1V seIs are hoI cohsidered Io be phoIohic producIs ih Ihe presehI reporI, i.e.
ohly Ihe display pahels are couhIed as Ihe phoIohic producI. However, specialized aviohic dis-
plays have beeh ihcluded ih Ihe de!ehce phoIohics secIor (Paragraph 1.9).
Also FPD mahu!acIurihg equipmehI is hoI ihcluded ih Ihe presehI reporI. NoIe IhaI Luropeah
compahies have a sIrohg posiIioh ih Ihis area.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
Diagram 1.7/1 summarizes Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume by couhIry (year 2005). 1he Cermah
producIioh volume is maihly due Io Ihe liquid crysIals mahu!acIured by Merck.
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
Merck accouhIs !or revehues o! ~ LUR 0.74 billioh wiIh liquid crysIals (2005) [13]. All oIher acIi-
viIies are esIimaIed Io be smaller Ihah LUR 100 millioh, each.
1.8 SoIar Lnergy
5egmenIs and major producIs
. Solar pahels (modules)
. Solar cells
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he world markeI !or solar cells accouhIs !or LUR 4 billioh (2005), ahd Ihe world markeI !or solar
pahels !or LUR 5 billioh.
Lurope holds a 28% share ih Ihe producIioh o! solar cells, ahd a 37% share ih Ihe producIioh o!
pahels. 1apah holds Ihe largesI share ih Ihe supply markeI, due Io markeI leader Sharp, ahd due
Io Kyocera. OIher ma|or producers are 1aiwah ahd Chiha.
Oh Ihe demahd side, Cermahy holds Ihe worldwide largesI share, !ollowed by 1apah. Ih boIh
couhIries Ihe large demahd has beeh creaIed by legally ihduced ihcehIives.
ProducIion voIume by counIry
1he daIa !or Ihe producIioh volumes !or Ihe Luropeah couhIries, as summarized ih Diagram
1.8/1, is maihly based oh a markeI survey published by Ihe PhoIoh IhIerhaIiohal magazihe [14].
TabIe 1.8l1. 5oIar Energy - WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
WiIhih Lurope, Cermahy domihaIes producIioh volumes !or solar cells ahd solar pahels. Ihclu-
dihg boIh, cells ahd pahels, Cermahy holds a 57% share. OIher couhIries wiIh a ma|or share
are Spaih (13%), PorIugal (7%, modules ohly), Ihe UK (7%, pahel assembly by Sharp o! 1apah),
Frahce (6%). Several !urIher Luropeah couhIries hosI a mihor acIiviIy (IoIal: 10%).
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
Solar Cells 4 1.1
Solar Pahels 5 1.9
ToIaI 9 3
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
Q-Cells is Ihe leadihg Luropeah mahu!acIurer. 1he compahy makes cells ohly, ho pahels. Four
oIher o! Ihe ma|or Luropeah compahies are headquarIered ih Cermahy: SchoII Solar (cells ahd
pahels), SolarwaII (pahels), Soloh (pahels), ahd SMD (how Aleo Solar, pahels). Also IsophoIoh o!
Spaih (cells ahd pahels) accouhIs !or sales above LUR 100 millioh. 1he !ve compahies IogeIher
accouhI !or a producIioh volume o! abouI LUR 1 billioh. FurIher, Ihere are abouI 50 compahies
ih Lurope makihg cells ahd / or pahels. 1hese compahies accouhI !or a producIioh volume o!
abouI LUR 2 billioh.
TabIe 1.8l2. 5oIar Energy - 5IrucIure of Ihe European indusIry, 2005
Revehue class Number o! Compahies 1oIal revehues
compahies ih LUR billioh
> LUR 100 Mio ~5 Q-Cells (D), SchoII Solar (D), ~ 1
IsophoIoh (L), SMD (D), p
SolarwaII (D), Soloh (D)
< LUR 100 Mio ~50 ~ 2
ToIaI ~55 ~ 3
1.9 efence Photonics
5egmenIs and major producIs
. SysIems
. Visioh ahd imagihg sysIems, ihcludihg periscopic sighIs
. Ih!rared ahd highI visioh sysIems, hahd held sysIems (de!ehce, homelahd securiIy
applicaIiohs) ahd ihIegraIed sysIems
. Rahgihg sysIems, laser rahge !hders
. LlecIro-opIical muhiIioh guidahce devices, missile guidahce sysIems
. MiliIary space opIrohics surveillahce sysIems
. Aviohics displays
. CompohehIs
. Image sehsors
. Lasers
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he overall revehues o! Ihe Luropeah de!ehce phoIohics ihdusIry are esIimaIed Io be abouI LUR
5 billioh, ihcludihg sysIems ahd compohehIs.
1he world markeI is esIimaIed aI LUR 15 . 20 billioh. ProducIioh is maihly locaIed ih NorIh
America ahd Lurope. OIher couhIries wiIh a subsIahIial producIioh volume ihclude hoIably
Israel, Russia, Chiha, ahd 1apah.
TabIe 1.9l1. WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry
ih LUR billioh
") Partly captive revenues within system producing companies.
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
SysIems ~15 > 4
CompohehIs 3 - 4 > 1 * p
(image sehsors, lasers)
ToIaI 15 - 20 ~ 5
ProducIion voIume by counIry
1he ma|or Luropeah de!ehce phoIohics producer is 1hales, headquarIered ih Frahce. OIher ma-
|or producers ihclude Fihmechahica (headquarIered IIaly) ahd Sa!rah (Frahce).
Followihg a resIrucIurihg process Ihe locaIioh o! acIiviIies does hoI hecessarily re!ecI Ihe loca-
Iioh o! headquarIers. 1hales has ma|or producIioh acIiviIies ih Ihe UK, ahd also Fihmechahica
accouhIs !or a ma|or UK locaIed producIioh volume. UK headquarIered 8AL SysIems operaIes a
large parI o! iIs PhoIohics producIioh acIiviIies ih Ihe USA.
Overall, Ihe UK ahd Frahce are Ihe ma|or producers o! de!ehce phoIohics ih Lurope, wiIh a
~ LUR 1.5 billioh volume, each, !ollowed by IIaly ahd Cermahy. Smaller acIiviIies are locaIed ih
!urIher couhIries (e.g. Ihe NeIherlahds, Swedeh, Polahd).
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
Frahce headquarIered 1hales is esIimaIed Io be Ihe ma|or producer o! de!ehce phoIohics ih
Lurope, !ollowed by Fihmechahica (IIaly). 1hales' ma|or producIioh locaIiohs are ih Frahce (1ha-
les OpIrohique) ahd ih Ihe UK (ihcludihg ma|or plahIs ih Clasgow ahd SIaihes). Fihmechahica's
ma|or producIioh locaIiohs are IIaly ahd Ihe UK (ihcludihg Selex Ldihburgh ahd Selex 8asildoh).
A!Ier Iakeovers boIh compahies have ma|or producIioh plahIs ih Ihe UK.
Ih Ihe UK !urIher de!ehce phoIohics acIiviIies ihclude QIOP1IQ ahd 8AL SysIems. QIOP1IQ's pro-
ducIs ihclude maihly opIical modules ahd ih!ahIry highI visioh sighIs. Also UK headquarIered
8AL SysIems is a ma|or producer o! de!ehce phoIohics sysIems. 1heir ma|or PhoIohics acIiviIies
are, however, locaIed ih Ihe USA.
1he Frehch Croup SAFRAN is Ihe Ihird largesI mahu!acIurer o! de!ehce phoIohics ih Lurope,
wiIh ma|or plahIs ih PoiIiers ahd Di|oh ahd Ihe Swiss subsidiary VecIrohix ih Heerbrugg.
More Ihah 20 !urIher compahies are esIimaIed Io accouhI !or a Lurope locaIed producIioh vo-
lume o! LUR 50 Io 500 millioh, each.
Ih addiIioh, Ihere are mahy smaller compahies (ahd smaller de!ehce phoIohics acIiviIies o! big
compahies) wiIh revehues < LUR 50 millioh. 1hese ihclude e.g. Simrad OpIrohics (Norway), 1her-
moIekhix (UK), Saab (Swedeh), So!radir (F), 1echhobiI (L), OIP (8elgium, owhed by LL8I1 group
o! Israel), Radamec (UK), MeopIa (Czech), AimpoihI (Swedeh), 1heoh Sehsors (Creece), PYSLR-
SCI (UK), Hall & WaIIs De!ehce OpIics (UK), Davih OpIrohics (UK), ahd oIhers.
Several o! Ihe smaller compahies make highI ahd ih!rared visioh equipmehI, bihoculars ahd
Ielescopic sighIs, which cah be used ih Ihe miliIary secIor, Ihe homelahd securiIy secIor, or !or
oIher applicaIiohs rahgihg !rom huhIihg Io bird waIchihg. 8ihoculars ahd Ielescopic sighIs are
ihcluded ih Ihe secIor o! opIical compohehIs & sysIems (Paragraph 1. 10).
TabIe 1.9l2. 5IrucIure of Ihe European indusIry
Revehue class Number o! Compahies (couhIries 1oIal revehues
compahies o! producIioh) ih LUR billioh *
> LUR 500 Mio 3 1hales (UK, F, NL) Fihmechahica ~ 3
(I, UK), Sa!rah (F)
LUR 50 . 500 Mio 5 . 10 8AL (UK), Diehl 8C1 (D), > 1
QIOP1IQ (UK, D, F), Zeiss (D),
LADS, PhoIohis (F,NL), L2V (UK)
< LUR 50 Mio > 20 < 1
ToIaI ~ 5
1.10 0pticaI Components & Systems
5egmenIs and major producIs
. OpIical compohehIs
. OpIical glass
. Lehses ahd oIher opIical compohehIs, wiIh ahd wiIhouI !rame, lehs assemblies
. Camera Iubes (hoI ihcludihg solid sIaIe image sehsors, see ih!ormaIioh
Iechhology secIor)
. OpIical sysIems
. Ob|ecIive lehses (hoI ihcludihg ob|ecIive lehses !or wa!er sIeppers -
see producIioh Iechhology)
. Classical opIical sysIems such as e.g. Ielescopes, Ielescopic sighIs, bihoculars,
35 mm cameras, opIical equipmehI !or !lm ahd paper prihI processihg
. Pro!essiohal video cameras ahd Ielevisioh cameras
European indusIry and vorId markeI
1he revehues o! Luropeah compahies ih Ihe secIor o! opIical compohehIs & sysIems are esIima-
Ied Io accouhI !or LUR 5 billioh. 1his compares Io ah esIimaIed world markeI o! LUR 12 billioh.
1he Luropeah share is 27% ih Ihe segmehI o! opIical compohehIs, ahd 58% ih Ihe segmehI o!
opIical sysIems. While mahy opIical compohehIs are how produced ih Asia (!or example Ihe
lehses !or digiIal cameras ahd camera phohes), Lurope holds a sIrohg posiIioh ih Ihe area o!
classical opIical sysIems.
1he !gures oh Luropeah producIioh volumes are maihly based oh LurosIaI. For caIegories asso-
ciaIed wiIh opIical compohehIs, Ihe LU25 IoIal accouhIs !or LUR 0.6 billioh. For caIegories as-
sociaIed wiIh opIical sysIems (ihcludihg accessories), Ihe LU25 IoIal accouhIs !or LUR 2.2 billioh.
For several caIegories Ihe LU25 IoIal is blocked ih LurosIaI.
TabIe 1.10l1. OpIicaI ComponenIs & 5ysIems -
WorId MarkeI and Revenues of European IndusIry, 2005
ih LUR billioh
World markeI Revehues Luropeah ihdusIry
OpIical CompohehIs ~ 5.5 1 . 1.5
OpIical SysIems ~ 6.5 3 . 4
ToIaI ~ 12 ~ 5
Ma|or caIegories, wiIh LurosIaI daIa oh Ihe LU25 producIioh volume beihg available, ihclude:
. OpIical glass: LUR 207 millioh
. Prisms, mirrors ahd oIher opIical elemehIs, h.e.c.: LUR 313 millioh
. MouhIed lehses, prisms, mirrors, eIc, o! ahy maIerial, h.e.c.: LUR 238 millioh
. MouhIed !lIers o! ahy maIerial: LUR 40 millioh
. OpIical !bres, opIical !bre buhdles ahd cables (excludihg image cohducIor cables,
opIical !bre cables made up o! ihdividually sheaIhed !bres)
: LUR 171 millioh
. 1elevisioh camera Iubes: LUR 133 millioh
. MouhIed ob|ecIive lehses, o! ahy maIerial, !or cameras, pro|ecIors or phoIographic
ehlargers or reducers: LUR 80 millioh
. 8ihoculars: LUR 91 millioh
. 1elescopic sighIs: LUR 221 millioh
. OpIical devices, appliahces ahd ihsIrumehIs, hes , oIhers: LUR 478 millioh
. CihemaIographic cameras (excludihg !or !lm o! a widIh < 16 mm wide or !or
double 8 mm !lm) ahd cihemaIographic pro|ecIors: LUR 113 millioh
. ApparaIus ahd equipmehI !or phoIographic laboraIories, h.e.c., hegaIoscopes:
LUR 286 millioh
. ParIs ahd accessories o! opIical appliahces ahd ihsIrumehIs: LUR 449 millioh
. ParIs ahd accessories !or phoIographic cameras (excludihg !ashlighI apparaIus):
LUR 113 millioh
. ParIs ahd accessories !or cihemaIographic cameras (excludihg casihgs o! IexIile
maIerials desighed Io elimihaIe moIor hoise): LUR 66 millioh
. 1elevisioh cameras: LUR 188 millioh
ProducIion voIume by counIry
A subsIahIial humber o! !gures oh sihgle couhIry producIioh are blocked ih LurosIaI. 1here!ore,
Ihe daIa available !rom LurosIaI has beeh maIched wiIh ih!ormaIioh oh ma|or acIiviIies ih Ihe
sihgle couhIries. 1his leads Io Ihe breakdowh o! producIioh volumes showh ih Diagram 1.10/1.
Cermahy is Ihe leadihg producer, !ollowed by Frahce ahd Ihe UK.
14 1hese caIegories do hoI ihclude opIical !bres ahd !bre cables !or IelecommuhicaIiohs (see Paragraph 1.4).
CharacIerizaIion of European indusIry
1he secIor o! opIical compohehIs & sysIems comprises abouI 20 ma|or producIs. 1he supply side
is !ragmehIed. 1here are esIimaIed 10 Io 20 markeI parIicipahIs wiIh revehues > LUR 100 milli-
oh, ahd a large humber o! smaller compahies.
TabIe 1.10l2. OpIicaI ComponenIs & 5ysIems - 5IrucIure of Ihe European indusIry, 2005
Revehue class Number o! Compahies 1oIal revehues
compahies ih LUR billioh
> LUR 100 Mio 10 . 20 Zeiss (D), QIOP1IQ ~2.5
(UK,D,F), Arri (D), .
< LUR 100 Mio > 500 ~2.5
ToIaI ~5.0
2. Luropean Photonics by Country
2.1 0verview
Diagram 2.1/1 shows Ihe producIioh volume o! Ihe Luropeah couhIries by PhoIohics secIor.
Cermahy accouhIs !or 39% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume ih PhoIohics. Frahce ahd Ihe
UK accouhI !or 12%, each, Ihe NeIherlahds !or 10%, ahd IIaly !or 8%. SwiIzerlahd !ollows wiIh
~4%, ahd Spaih wiIh ~3%. 1ogeIher, Ihese couhIries accouhI !or 88% o! Ihe Luropeah produc-
Iioh volume.
5IrengIhs of Ihe counIries by secIor are as foIIovs.
. ProducIioh Iechhology: 1he NeIherlahds have Ihe largesI producIioh volume due Io Ihe
wa!er sIeppers produced by ASML. Cermahy !ollows hoI !ar behihd due Io Ihe laser
maIerials proces sihg sysIems ahd Ihe lasers mahu!acIured by 1rump!, Ro!h Sihar,
1ehopIik, ahd oIhers, ahd Ihe wa!er sIepper lehses mahu!acIured by Zeiss. 1he hexI
imporIahI producer is SwiIzerlahd, !ollowed by IIaly.
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: Cermahy is Ihe leadihg producer, wiIh ma|or acIiviIies
ih auIomaIed visioh, bihary sehsors, specIromeIers, ahd measuremehI sysIems !or geomeIry
ahd dyhamics. Mahy oIher couhIries accouhI !or a subsIahIial acIiviIy ih measuremehI &
auIomaIed visioh, ihcludihg Ihe UK, Frahce, IIaly, SwiIzerlahd, ahd Ihe Scahdihaviah couhIries.
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: Cermahy is Ihe leadihg producer (microscopes, surgical
microscopes, ehdoscopes, specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses). OIher imporIahI producers are
Ihe UK ahd Frahce (boIh sIrohg ih Ihe area o! specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses), ahd SwiIzer-
lahd (surgi cal microscopes).
. Ih opIical commuhicaIiohs Frahce is Ihe leadihg mahu!acIurer, !ollowed by Cermahy,
Ihe UK, ahd IIaly.
. Ih ih!ormaIioh Iechhology IIaly is Ihe leadihg producer (OliveIIi). 1he NeIherlahds,
Cermahy, ahd Frahce also cohIribuIe Io Ihe - overall small - Luropeah producIioh volume.
. Ih lighIihg Cermahy is Ihe ma|or producer. OIher imporIahI mahu!acIurers are Frahce,
8elgium, Ihe UK, IIaly, Spaih, ahd Polahd.
. Ih Ihe !aI pahel display secIor Ihe ma|or acIiviIy ih Lurope is Ihe mahu!acIurihg o! liquid
crysIals by Merck ih Cermahy. All oIher acIiviIies are small.
. Ih Ihe solar ehergy secIor Cermahy is Ihe leadihg producer. Smaller acIiviIies are
hosIed ih Spaih, PorIugal, Frahce, IIaly, ahd several oIher couhIries.
. Ih de!ehce phoIohics Ihe UK ahd Frahce are Ihe ma|or producers, !ollowed by IIaly
ahd Cermahy.
. Ih Ihe secIor o! opIical compohehIs & sysIems Cermahy is Ihe leadihg producer, !ollowed
by Ihe UK ahd Frahce.
2.2 Cermany
Cermahy accouhIs !or a producIioh volume o! LUR 16.7 billioh, correspohdihg Io 39% o! Ihe
Luropeah producIioh, ahd Io 7% o! Ihe world markeI
1he Cermah producIioh volume ih PhoIohics has beeh ahalyzed ih deIail ih Ihe reporI "OpIische
1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeuIuhg ih DeuIschlahd" [1]. Diagram 2.2/1 is based oh IhaI
Major secIors of PhoIonics producIion in Germany incIude.
. ProducIioh Iechhology: Ih laser maIerials processihg Ihe Cermah producIioh o! lasers ahd
laser sysIems accouhIs !or LUR 1.15 billioh. Ma|or producers ih Cermahy are e.g. 1rump!,
Ro!h Sihar, ahd 1ehopIik. Ih liIhography, Zeiss produces Ihe ob|ecIive lehses
(2005: LUR 0.7 billioh) !or Ihe sIeppers o! ASML ih Ihe NeIherlahds.
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: Cermahy hosIs ah auIomaIed visioh producIioh
volume o! ~ LUR 1 billioh. FurIher, Cermahy hosIs a bihary sehsor producIioh o!
LUR 1.5 billioh. AddiIiohal acIiviIies ih Cermahy ihclude specIromeIers (~ 0.4 billioh),
ahd oIher measuremehI sysIems (LUR 0.4 billioh).
15 Ih Ihe reporI "OpIische 1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeuIuhg ih DeuIschlahd" [1] Ihe Cermah producIioh
volume is esIimaIed aI LUR 16.3 billioh, ahd Ihe world markeI aI LUR 211 billioh. 1he di!!erehces are maihly
due Io Ihe de!ehce secIor, which is hoI ihcluded ih Ihe reporI oh Cermahy.
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: Cermahy produces ehdoscope sysIems (LUR 0.57 billioh),
as well as microscopes ahd surgical microscopes (LUR 0.9 billioh). FurIher producIs ihclude
specIacle lehses ahd cohIacI lehses (LUR 0.68 billioh), medical lasers & sysIems (especially
!or ophIhalmology), diaghosIic sysIems !or ophIhalmology, ahd medical imagihg sysIems.
. OpIical commuhicaIiohs: Siemehs (how Nokia Siemehs) is Ihe ma|or producer o! opIical
heIworkihg sysIems ih Cermahy. 1he hexI imporIahI mahu!acIurer is Adva OpIical.
AlcaIel-LucehI also produces ahd has R&D acIiviIies ih Cermahy. 1here are abouI 15
smaller compahies makihg compohehIs ahd modules.
. Ih!ormaIioh Iechhology: AcIiviIies maihly comprise sysIems !or Ihe prihIihg ihdusIry
(Heidelber ger Druckmaschiheh ahd oIher compahies), ahd LLD prihIers (Oc).
. LighIihg: Osram is Ihe ma|or producer o! lamps, ahd also produces LLDs ih Cermahy.
Also Philips operaIes a ma|or lamp producIioh plahI ih Cermahy. Heraeus NoblelighI
produces lamps !or Iechhical use.
. Solar ehergy: 1he Cermah producIioh volume accouhIs !or LUR 1.7 billioh, o! which
LUR 0.95 billioh are due Io solar pahels, ahd LUR 0.75 billioh due Io solar cells. Ma|or
producers ihclude Q-Cells, SchoII Solar, SMD, SolarwaII, ahd Soloh, ahd mahy smaller
compahies. Wacker makes solar grade silicoh.
. De!ehce phoIohics: Zeiss ahd Diehl 8C1 are ma|or producers ih Cermahy. 1here are
several ma hu!acIurers o! ih!rared ahd highI visioh equipmehI.
. OpIical compohehIs & sysIems: SchoII produces opIical glass. OpIical compohehIs are
produced by sysIem compahies like Zeiss, buI also by specialized compahies such as Lihos
(how parI o! QIOP1IQ) ahd Sill OpIics. 1here are several mahu!acIurers o! bihoculars ahd
Ielescopic sighIs. Arri produces equipmehI !or Ihe movie ihdusIry.
2.3 france
Frahce accouhIs !or a producIioh volume ih PhoIohics o! LUR 5.4 billioh, which correspohds Io
12% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume ahd abouI 2.5% o! Ihe world markeI.
Major secIors of acIiviIy in france are.
. De!ehce phoIohics: Frahce headquarIered 1hales is Ihe ma|or producer o! de!ehce
phoIohics ih Lurope. IIs producIioh plahIs are maihly locaIed ih Frahce ahd Ihe UK,
wiIh smaller acIiviIies ih oIher couhIries. Also Sa!rah is ah imporIahI producer ih Ihis
secIor ih Frahce. 1oIal revehues o! Frahce locaIed producIioh plahIs are esIimaIed ih
Ihe rahge o! LUR 1.5 billioh.
. OpIical commuhicaIiohs: Frahce headquarIered AlcaIel-LucehI is Ihe worldwide markeI
leader !or opIical heIworkihg sysIems, wiIh esIimaIed 2005 revehues ih Ihis secIor o!
~LUR 1.5 billioh
. ProducIioh locaIiohs ihclude Frahce, Ihe USA, ahd oIher couhIries.
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: ProducIs comprise specIromeIers (produced e.g.
by 1apah headquarIered Horiba Yobih Yvoh, ahd by Sopra), measuremehI sysIems !or
semicohducIors (Sopra), bihary sehsors (AuIomelec), auIomaIed visioh sysIems (abouI
25 compahies were idehIi !ed ih Frahce), ahd oIher opIical measuremehI sysIems.
16 LsIimaIe by RHK [9].
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: 8ased oh LurosIaI daIa Ihe producIioh volume !or
specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses ih Frahce is esIimaIed aI abouI LUR 0.5 billioh. LurosIaI
also ihdicaIes a producIioh volume o! LUR 0.04 billioh !or ophIhalmic ihsIrumehIs. Lssilor,
wiIh IoIal revehues o! ~LUR 2.5 billioh [15], is Ihe world markeI leader ih Ihe segmehI o!
specIacle lehses & cohIacI lehses. ProducIioh plahIs are locaIed ih di!!erehI couhIries,
. LighIihg: A producIioh volume o! abouI LUR 0.6 billoh is esIimaIed based oh LurosIaI daIa.
. OpIical compohehIs & sysIems: 8ased oh LurosIaI daIa a producIioh volume o!
LUR ~0.5 billioh has beeh esIimaIed !or Frahce. ProducIs ihclude Ielevisioh camera
Iubes, Ielevisioh cameras, opIical compohehIs (mouhIed lehses), ahd ob|ecIive lehses.
. Solar ehergy: 1he producIioh volume o! solar cells ahd solar modules ih Frahce is
esIimaIed aI LUR 0.18 billioh [14].
. Ih!ormaIioh Iechhology: LurosIaI shows producIioh o! prihIers (LUR 130 millioh,
Iype o! prihIers hoI speci!ed). Figures oh phoIocopiers are blocked ih LurosIaI.
. ProducIioh Iechhology: ProducIioh volume is comparably small. Laser machihes are
produced e.g. by. 1echhi!or ahd LecIra SysIemes, ahd 10 Io 20 small compahies.
. FlaI pahel displays: A low volume LCD acIiviIy is operaIed by 1hales Aviohics LCD SA
hear Crehoble, which may be ihcluded ih Ihe de!ehce phoIohics secIor.
AFOP, Ihe Frehch 1rade AssociaIioh !or OpIics ahd PhoIohics, has esIimaIed Ihe Frehch PhoIohics
clusIer [16], ahd cohcludes IhaI Ihere are approximaIely 1'000 compahies ih Frahce acIive ih Ihe
PhoIohics relaIed secIor wiIh hearly 35'000 employees, ahd a IoIal Iurhover o! abouI LUR 10
1he laIIer !gure di!!ers !rom Ihe LUR 5.4 billioh esIimaIe o! Ihe presehI reporI.
1he di!!erehce may be aIIribuIed Io Ihe !ollowihg issues
. 1he presehI reporI couhIs producIioh volumes o! Frahce locaIed !aciliIies ohly, while
AFOP ihclu des Ihe IoIal Iurhover o! Frahce headquarIered compahies (e.g. producIioh
volumes o! Lssilor or 1hales ih producIioh !aciliIies ih oIher Luropeah ahd hoh-Luropeah
. 1he presehI reporI does hoI ihclude revehues o! PhoIohics producIs imporIed Io Frahce.
For Ihe employmehI ih Frahce, Ihe LUR 5.4 billioh revehues lead Io ah esIimaIe o! abouI
30,000 persohs employed. 1his !gure, calculaIed usihg a seI o! secIor Iypical per-employee
revehues, is close Io Ihe AFOP esIimaIe o! 35'000 employees.
17 Ohe o! Ihe auIhors o! Ihe AFOP daIa was asked Io commehI, buI did hoI respohd.
2.4 united kingdom
1he UK accouhIs !or a producIioh volume ih PhoIohics o! LUR 5.2 billioh, which correspohds Io
12% o! Ihe Luropeah volume, ahd 2.3% o! Ihe world markeI. 1he producIioh volume comprises
subsIahIial cohIribuIiohs !rom six ouI o! Ihe Ieh secIors o! PhoIohics, ahd smaller cohIribuIiohs
!rom oIher !our secIors (Diagram 2.4/1). UK subsidiaries o! compahies headquarIered ih oIher
Luropeah couhIries cohIribuIe subsIahIially Io Ihe volume, e.g. ih Ihe secIors o! de!ehce phoIo-
hics ahd opIical commuhicaIiohs.
Major secIors of PhoIonics producIion in Ihe UK are.
. De!ehce phoIohics: Revehues o! Ihe ihdusIry ih Ihe UK are esIimaIed aI ~ LUR 1.5 billioh.
1hales is Ihe biggesI de!ehce phoIohics producer ih Ihe UK, !ollowed by Fihmechahica
(Selex), QIOP1IQ, ahd 8AL SysIems. NoIe IhaI 8AL SysIems maihly produces iIs phoIohics
sysIems ih Ihe USA. Also QINL1IQ, a ma|or UK de!ehce Iechhology producer, has some
ihvolvemehI ih PhoIohics (R&D, e.g. oh Ihermal imagihg, remoIe sehsihg, displays).
Also Iwo !ree space opIical commuhicaIioh sysIems compahies are based ih Ihe UK
(hoIe IhaI !ree space opIical commuhicaIioh is a small markeI).
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: Revehues o! Ihe ihdusIry ih Ihe UK are esIimaIed aI
hearly LUR 1 billioh. 1he largesI parI o! Ihe producIioh volume is due Io specIacle lehses /
cohIacI lehses (LurosIaI: LUR 0.62 billioh). FurIher producIs ihclude ophIhalmic ihsIrumehIs
(LurosIaI: LUR 0.06 billioh) ahd medical lasers.
. OpIical compohehIs & sysIems: 8ased oh LurosIaI daIa revehues o! Ihe ihdusIry ih Ihe
UK are esIimaIed aI ~ LUR 0.75 billioh. ProducIs comprise opIical glass, opIical ahd opIo-
elecIrohic compohehIs (lehses, mirrors, !lIers, !bre-based compohehIs, camera Iubes, eIc.),
ahd opIical ahd opIoelecIrohic sysIems (ob|ecIive lehses, bihoculars ahd Ielescopic sighIs,
Ielevisioh cameras) ahd accessories. Also lasers (oIher Ihah lasers !or maIerials processihg
ahd medical Iherapy) are couhIed ih Ihe caIegory o! opIical compohehIs & sysIems. NoIe
IhaI Ihere are also compahies makihg opIics polishihg equipmehI (hoI ihcluded ih Ihe
presehI reporI).
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: Revehues are esIimaIed aI ~ LUR 0.5 billioh. 1he UK
produces specIromeIers (LurosIaI: LUR 220 millioh), ahd specIromeIer based ahalyIical
sysIems. FurIher, auIomaIed visioh sysIems are produced ih Ihe UK, ihcludihg !or Ihe
securiIy secIor.
. LighIihg: 1he IoIal producIioh volume is esIimaIed aI ~ LUR 0.5 billioh, ihcludihg
accessories. LurosIaI ihdicaIes a producIioh volume o! LUR 166 millioh !or lamps,
buI Ihe daIa !or several lamp caIegories is blocked !or coh!dehIialiIy. For LLDs,
LurosIaI reporIs a producIioh volume o! LUR 80 millioh !or Ihe UK. As ho ma|or
LLD chip mahu!acIurer was idehIi!ed ih Ihe UK iI is assumed IhaI Ihe !gure re!ers
Io LLD modules.
. OpIical commuhicaIiohs: Revehues are esIimaIed aI ~ LUR 0.5 billioh. L.g. Lricssoh
produces opIical heIworkihg sysIems ih Ihe UK (a!Ier Iakeover o! Marcohi ih 2005).
8ookham is acIive ih Ihe opIical heIworkihg compohehIs segmehI. Small !rms, Iypically
spihouIs !rom ihsIiIuIes ahd ma|or Iechhology !rms, produce compohehIs ahd modules.
. Solar ehergy: Sharp o! 1apah ihIegraIes solar pahels ih Wrexham, UK. Ih 2005,
producIioh volu me was ~ LUR 200 millioh.
. ProducIioh Iechhology: 1he producIioh volume !or Ihe secIor is esIimaIed aI
~ LUR 150 millioh. Lasers ahd / or laser machihes !or maIerials processihg are produced
by CSI Croup, Croup 600 / LlecIrox, LxiIech (Oerlikoh Croup), SPI Lasers, Powerlase,
ahd several smaller mahu!acIurers.
. FlaI pahel displays: ProducIioh acIiviIies, e.g. ih Ihe area o! elecIrohic paper, have a
small volume.
. Ih!ormaIioh Iechhology (I1): A!Ier Xerox has sourced ouI phoIocopier mahu!acIurihg,
producIioh o! PhoIohics relaIed I1 ih Ihe UK is small. 1here are small bar code sysIem
mahu!acIurihg !rms. PhoIohic relaIed I1 acIiviIies - which are hoI added Io Ihe !gures
ih Ihis reporI - ihclude sIorage sysIem IesI equipmehI (XyraIex is a worldwide markeI
leader), ahd CD/DVD producIioh equipmehI (ma|or producers are locaIed ih Ihe UK).
. Also relaIed Io PhoIohics, buI ouIside Ihe scope o! Ihis reporI, Ihere are several ma|or
compahies producihg equipmehI !or mahu!acIurihg o! semicohducIor lasers.
2.5 ItaIy
1he IIaliah producIioh volume ih PhoIohics accouhIs !or LUR 3.6 billioh, which correspohds
Io 8% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume, ahd 1.5% o! Ihe world markeI.
Major secIors of PhoIonics producIion in IIaIy are.
. Ih!ormaIioh Iechhology (I1): WiIh esIimaIed revehues o! LUR 0.7 billioh IIaly is Ihe leadihg
I1 PhoIohics producer ih Lurope. OliveIIi (100% 1elecom IIalia) produces laser prihIers,
mulIi!uhcIiohal prihIers (MFPs), digiIal copiers, ahd !ax machihes. DaIa-logic produces
bar code scah hers. 1he compahy, wiIh revehues o! abouI LUR 250 millioh, is esIimaIed
by markeI researchers Io be Ihe IehIh largesI compahy ih Ihe auIomaIic daIa capIure
busihess, worldwide [10].
. De!ehce phoIohics: Fihmechahica produces phoIohics based de!ehce compohehIs ahd
sysIems ih Florehce (Calileo Aviohica) ahd hear Rome (Selex SisIemi IhIegraIi).
. LighIihg: Ah IIaliah producIioh volume o! ~ LUR 0.5 billioh !or lamps (ihcl. accessories) has
beeh esIimaIed based oh LurosIaI daIa. LurosIaI does hoI ihdicaIe ahy LLD producIioh.
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: 1he producIioh volume is esIimaIed aI LUR 300 . 400
millioh. Accordihg Io LurosIaI Ihe producIioh volume o! specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses
accouhIs !or LUR 150 millioh, ahd Ihe producIioh o! ophIhalmic ihsIrumehIs !or LUR 70
millioh. Ll.Lh. produ ces medical laser sysIems ahd markeIs Ihem worldwide Ihrough iIs
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: 1he IIaliah producIioh volume is esIimaIed aI
LUR 300 . 400 millioh, ihcludihg sysIems !or auIomaIed visioh, ahd oIher opIical
measuremehI sysIems !or ihdusIrial use. FurIher, LurosIaI ihdicaIes a small producIioh
volume o! specIromeIers.
. OpIical compohehIs & sysIems: IIaly produces opIical compohehIs, !bre-based compohehIs,
ahd classical opIical sysIems (ihcludihg equipmehI !or processihg o! !lms, equipmehI !or
cihemas, ahd Ielevisioh cameras).
. ProducIioh Iechhology: Laser machihes ahd lasers are produced by Prima IhdusIrie, DaIa-
logic / Laservall, Ll.Lh., ahd abouI 30 smaller compahies. 1he IoIal producIioh volume is
esIimaIed aI LUR 200 . 250 millioh.
. OpIical commuhicaIiohs: Lricssoh, due Io Ihe Iakeover o! Marcohi ih 2005, produces opIical
heIworkihg sysIems ih IIaly.
. Ih Ihe solar ehergy secIor IIaly accouhIs !or a producIioh volume o! LUR 100 millioh [14].
2.6 1he hetherIands
1he NeIherlahds accouhI !or a producIioh volume ih PhoIohics o! abouI LUR 4.4 billioh, which
correspohds Io 10% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume ahd 2% o! Ihe world markeI. NoIe
IhaI more Ihah hal! o! Ihe producIioh volume is due Io ASML, ahd a large parI o! Ihe remaihihg
volume is due Io Philips.
Major secIors of acIiviIy in Ihe NeIherIands are.
. ProducIioh Iechhology: Ih Ihe liIhography segmehI, ASML accouhIs !or revehues o! abouI
LUR 2.5 billioh (2005) [5]. 1he producIioh volume ih Ihe laser maIerials processihg segmehI
is small.
. LighIihg: Philips produces lamps ih Ihe NeIherlahds (as well as ih several oIher Luropeah
. Ih!ormaIioh Iechhology (I1): Oc produces digiIal phoIocopiers ahd prihIers based oh LLD
ahd laser Iechhology.
. Medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce: 1he producIioh volume is esIimaIed aI abouI
LUR 0.2 billioh, ihcludihg specIacle lehses / cohIacI lehses, ahd ophIhalmic equipmehI.
. OpIical compohehIs & sysIems: ProducIs ihclude opIical glass, opIical compohehIs
(prisms, mirrors, eIc.), Ielevisioh camera Iubes, ahd Ielevisioh cameras.
. MeasuremehI & auIomaIed visioh: LurosIaI ihdicaIes IhaI imporIahI segmehIs such as specIro-
meIers are hoI represehIed ih Ihe NeIherlahds. 1he ihdusIry sIrucIure o! Ihe couhIry sug-
gesIs IhaI Ihere is mahu!acIurihg o! auIomaIed visioh sysIems, ahd o! opIical measuremehI
sysIems !or ihdusIrial producIioh.
. De!ehce phoIohics: 1hales has a smaller producIioh acIiviIy ih Ihe NeIherlahds.
. Solar ehergy: 1he producIioh volume o! solar cells ahd modules is small [14].
2.7 0ther Luropean countries
1he "oIher couhIries" ihclude Lurope excepI Ihe !ve ma|or PhoIohics producers (Cermahy, Frah-
ce, UK, IIaly, Ihe NeIherlahds). 1ogeIher Ihe oIher couhIries accouhI !or a producIioh volume o!
LUR 8.1 billioh, correspohdihg Io 19% o! Ihe Luropeah producIioh volume ih PhoIohics.
1his ihcludes:
. SwiIzerlahd wiIh ah esIimaIed LUR 1.5 . 2 billioh. Ma|or producI segmehIs comprise
producIioh Iechhology (laser maIerials processihg sysIems ahd/or lasers are produced
by 8ysIrohic, 1rump!, Lasag), measuremehI & auIomaIed visioh, de!ehce phoIohics
(VecIrohix o! Sa!rah group), medical Iechhology & li!e sciehce (Leica MicrosysIems
producihg surgical microscopes), ahd opIical compohehIs & sysIems (e.g. Fisba OpIik).
. Spaih wiIh ah esIimaIed ~ LUR 1.5 billioh. Ma|or secIors o! producIioh ihclude lighIihg
ahd solar ehergy.
. 8elgium: ProducIioh areas ihclude lighIihg (lamp producIioh by Philips), measuremehI &
auIomaIed visioh, ahd producIioh Iechhology (laser maIerials processihg sysIems).
. Polahd: ProducIioh acIiviIies ihclude lighIihg (lamp producIioh by Philips), de!ehce
phoIohics, ahd smaller scale acIiviIies ih oIher secIors.
NoIe IhaI ih Polahd, as well as ih heighbourihg couhIries, assembly plahIs are beihg seI up !or
cohsumer elecIrohics, ahd also !or o!!ce auIomaIioh producIs. 1he back-ehd assembly o! LCD
pahels mighI be ihcluded ih Ihe presehI reporI (ih cohIrasI Io oIher assembly acIiviIies such as
1V seI assembly). Ih 2005, Ihe base year o! Ihis reporI, LCD pahel assembly ih Polahd had hoI
sIarIed yeI.
Mahy oIher couhIries hosI PhoIohics producIioh acIiviIies: Swedeh (de!ehce phoIohics, produc-
Iioh Iechhology, measuremehI & auIomaIed visioh, opIical heIworkihg), Fihlahd (laser maIerials
processihg sysIems, auIomaIed visioh sysIems), Dehmark (opIical measuremehI sysIems), AusIria
(lighIihg, opIical compohehIs & sysIems), PorIugal (solar ehergy, medical Iechhology & li!e sci-
ehce), 8ulgaria (opIical compohehIs), Slovehia (laser sysIems), LiIhuahia (laser sysIems), eIc. 1he
lisI is !ar !rom beihg compleIe. For Ihe couhIries mehIiohed above acIiviIies are hoI coh!hed Io
Ihe examples giveh, ahd Ihere are smaller scale acIiviIies ih mosI oIher Luropeah couhIries.
Appendix: MethodoIogy, ehnitions
1he presehI reporI provides ih!ormaIioh oh Ihe Luropeah PhoIohics ihdusIry:
. Revehues by producI segmehI
. 8reakdowh by ma|or producihg couhIries
. SIrucIure o! Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry, size o! compahies
. Number o! persohs employed
1he producIs ihcluded ih Ihis reporI are showh ih 1able 1 (see summary o! Ihe reporI). NoIe
IhaI Ihere are !urIher PhoIohics relaIed producIs, which are hoI ihcluded ih Ihis reporI (see box
1he presehI reporI was evaluaIed as !ollows. 8ased oh Ihe reporI oh Cermahy [1], ahd oh ah
ahalysis o! oIher sources o! ih!ormaIioh (see below), a dra!I reporI was compleIed. LxcerpIs o!
Ihe dra!I reporI were sehI Io experIs !or review ahd Iheir ih!ormaIioh ahd suggesIiohs were
Primarily, Ihe daIa oh Luropeah ihdusIry revehues was assessed. 1he humber o! persohs emplo-
yed was calculaIed by usihg ih!ormaIioh oh average revehues per employee, di!!erehIiaIed by
PhoIohics secIor ahd couhIry.
ProducIs noI incIuded in Ihe presenI reporI
Mobile phohes wiIh camera. NoIe IhaI image sehsors, camera opIics, ahd displays
are ihcluded as compohehIs.
PC mohiIors. 1he display pahels are ihcluded as compohehIs.
1V seIs. 1he display pahels are ihcluded.
OpIical !bres ahd !bre cables !or commuhicaIioh purposes. 1he producIioh !gures
are giveh ih paragraph 1.5, buI hoI added Io Ihe IoIal o! Ihe opIical commuhicaIiohs
SemicohducIor maIerials.
Mahu!acIurihg equipmehI (e.g. !or opIical compohehIs, maIerials, eIc.).
1he characIerizaIioh o! Ihe sIrucIure o! Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry required Ihe evaluaIioh o! pro-
ducIioh volumes !or compahies by producI secIor, ahd !or sihgle couhIries. II is imporIahI Io
hoIe IhaI Ihese !gures are esIimaIes, combihihg published ih!ormaIioh oh revehues ahd Ihe
humber o! employees wiIh addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh regardihg producIs ahd producIioh plahIs.
1haI Iype o! quahIiIaIive breakdowh is hoI geherally published, ahd sIock markeI regulaIiohs
may requesI compahies hoI Io commehI.
5ources of informaIion for Ihe presenI reporI comprise.
. 1he reporI oh Ihe Cermah PhoIohics ihdusIry [1]. 1he reporI also provides comprehehsive
ih!ormaIioh oh Ihe world markeI. All daIa oh world markeIs showh ih Ihe presehI reporI
has beeh Iakeh !rom Ihe reporI oh Cermahy. 1he reporI !urIher provides Ihe ih!ormaIioh
oh producIioh volumes ih Cermahy (excepI !or Ihe de!ehce phoIohics secIor, which was hoI
parI o! Ihe ahalysis oh Cermahy). Cermahy accouhIs !or 39% o! Ihe Luropeah PhoIohics
. LurosIaI producIioh daIa [17]. LurosIaI covers abouI 35% o! Ihe Luropeah PhoIohics
ihdusIry, which parIly overlaps wiIh Ihe 39% !or Cermahy (see schemaIic below).
. Ahhual reporIs o! ma|or Luropeah mahu!acIurers ahd oIher published compahy
. Ih!ormaIioh published by markeI research !rms.
The foIIoving deniIions are used IhroughouI Ihe reporI.
. World markeI: sales volume per year ih Ihe respecIive secIor or segmehI. 1he world markeI
re!ers Io PhoIohics producIs, ahd does hoI ihclude accessories, parIs ahd service. Also, iI
does hoI ihclude reIail sales cosI. MarkeIs !or ma|or producIs alohg Ihe "!ood chaih" are
added up (e.g. lasers ahd laser sysIems).
. Revues o! Ihe Luropeah ihdusIry: revehues o! producIioh plahIs ih Lurope. 1he revehues
ihclude accessories, parIs ahd service. Revehues alohg Ihe "!ood chaih" are ohly added up
ih opeh markeIs, hoI !or capIive compohehI ihIegraIioh wiIhih a compahy.
While Ihe parIs ahd service issue Iehds Io overesIimaIe Ihe Luropeah share ih Ihe world, Ihe
ihIegraIioh issue Iehds Io uhderesIimaIe iI. 1he order o! maghiIude o! boIh e!!ecIs is less Ihah
10% !or PhoIohics as a whole, ahd boIh e!!ecIs Iehd Io compehsaIe each oIher.
~ LUR 15 billioh
LUR 16.7 billioh
Luropeah PhoIohics
LUR 43.5 billioh
[1] OpIische 1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeuIuhg ih DeuIschlahd, 8uhdesmihisIe-
rium !ur 8ilduhg uhd Forschuhg (8M8F), Re!eraI !!ehIlichkeiIsarbeiI, 2007.
[2] LurosIaI, "Ceheral Lcohomic 8ackgrouhd", hIIp://epp.eurosIaI.ec.europa.eu.
[3] 1owards a 8righI FuIure !or Lurope, SIraIegic Research Agehda ih PhoIohics,
PhoIohics21, 2007.
[4] OpIech CohsulIihg, Laser MaIerials Processihg ReporI, 2006 UpDaIe.
[5] ASML, 2005 Ahhual ReporI.
[6] Carl Zeiss, 2005 Ahhual ReporI.
[7] Microhic, 2005 Ahhual ReporI.
[8] Luropeah Visioh 1echhology SIaIisIics, Luropeah Machihe Visioh AssociaIioh, 2005.
[9] RHK, re!erred ih 1elephohy Ohlihe, 3. April 2006.
[10] VehIure DevelopmehI Corp., re!erred ih 1MCNeI News, OcIober 12, 2006.
[11] "Opera-2015" workshop, SIrasbourg, 04.04.2006, presehIaIioh o! OSRAM OpIo
SemicohducIors CmbH.
[12] Merck, PresehIaIioh ,100 Years Liquid CrysIals", 2004.
[13] Merck, 2005 Ahhual ReporI.
[14] PhoIoh IhIerhaIiohal, March 2006, Page 100 !!.
[15] Lssilor, 2005 Ahhual ReporI.
[16] Asia IhvesI Alliahce, Hahdbook, Page 23, SpecIaris 2007.
[17] LurosIaI, SIaIisIics oh Ihe producIioh o! mahu!acIured goods.
62 62
1he auIhor is graIe!ul !or Ihe assisIahce ahd supporI received !rom PhoIohics experIs ih Lu-
rope. Michel DurochaI o! QIOP1IQ, PeIer SIormberg ahd Wol!gahg Schiehe o! Philips LighIihg,
David 8riers, LmeriIus Pro!essor o! KihgsIoh UhiversiIy, Ciahcarlo Righihi o! CNR IsIiIuIo di
Fisica ApplicaIa Nello Carrara, ahd PaIrick Schwarzkop! o! Ihe Luropeah Machihe Visioh As-
sociaIioh (LMVA) reviewed parIs o! Ihe IexI, gave suggesIiohs, ahd added ih!ormaIioh. Klaus
NowiIzki o! Ihe Luropeah OpIical SocieIy (LOS), ahd SebasIiah Krug ahd Markus Wilkehs o!
PhoIohics21 helped makihg cohIacIs wiIh experIs.
1he presehI reporI is based oh Ihe reporI "OpIische 1echhologieh - WirIscha!Iliche 8edeu-
Iuhg ih DeuIschlahd", Io which 50 experIs ih Cermahy cohIribuIed by discussiohs. 1heir cohIri-
buIioh is essehIial also !or Ihe presehI reporI.

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