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Nos encontramos all por el ao 52 d.C., 22 aos despus de la crucifixin de Jesucristo.

El cristianismo se extiende por todo el Imperio Romano bajo la direccin dinmica e inspirada del apstol Pablo. Pero eso no quita que la misin de predicar el Evangelio sea arriesgada y peligrosa, y los que la emprenden necesitan mucho valor y fe en Dios!

The year was approximately 52 A.D., 22 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Under the dynamic and inspired leadership of the Apostle Paul, Christianity was spreading throughout the Roman empire. But preaching the gospel was a hazardous and a dangerous mission that required a great deal of courage and faith in God!

En cierta ocasin, y para escapar de los enemigos religiosos que tena en Turqua, Pablo lleg por mar a Atenas (Grecia), cruzando el Mar Egeo. De ah viaj hacia el Peloponeso, hasta la ciudad de Corinto. Al poco de llegar all, conoci a Aquila y Priscila, un matrimonio judo que se dedicaba a hacer tiendas o carpas. Aceptaron a Jess de buena gana, e invitaron a Pablo a quedarse en su casa. Este les ayudaba a fabricar carpas, y todos los das de reposo iba con ellos a la sinagoga juda de la ciudad, donde predicaba y haca lo posible por persuadir a los judos de que Jess era el Mesas que esperaban, el Hijo de Dios.

One time, fleeing from his enemies in Turkey, Paul sailed across the Aegean Sea to Athens, Greece. From there he journeyed down the Grecian peninsula to the city of Corinth. After only a short time there, Paul met a Jewish couple named Aquila and Priscilla, who were tent-makers by profession. They readily received Jesus into their hearts and invited Paul to stay in their home. Paul helped them make tents, and every Sabbath day went with them to the local Jewish synagogue where he preached and tried to persuade the Jews that Jesus was their Messiah, the Son of God.

El dirigente de la sinagoga era un judo llamado Crispo. Tras escuchar a Pablo, se convenci de que lo que deca era la verdad, y as l y toda su casa recibieron a Jess en sus corazones con gran alegra! Pero haba otros cabecillas judos que no recibieron la Verdad. Uno de los principales era un tal Sstenes. Este odiaba a Pablo y empez a divulgar perversas mentiras y rumores. Al poco, Sstenes consigui que expulsaran a Pablo y Crispo de la sinagoga. Pablo se traslad a la casa de Justo, un cristiano que viva al lado mismo de la sinagoga. Desde all empez a predicar el Evangelio a los griegos de Corinto, y al poco tiempo ya se haba convertido gran nmero de ellos al cristianismo.

The chief ruler of the synagogue was a Jew by the name of Crispus, and as he listened to Paul, he became convinced that what he was saying was the truth, so he and all of his household joyfully received Jesus into their hearts! But there were other Jewish leaders who did not receive the Truth, and chief among them was a man named Sosthenes. In his hatred for Paul, Sosthenes began spreading vicious lies and rumours and soon had Paul and Crispus expelled from the Synagogue! Paul then went next door to the house of Justus, a Christian whose house was built right beside the synagogue. From there, he began preaching the Gospel to the Greeks of Corinth, and soon a large number of them were converted to Christianity!

Sstenes se encendi en ira! "Tenemos que hacer algo para detener a Pablo antes que convierta a ms gente a Jess!" declar Sstenes, ardiendo de ira, odio y envidia. "Hagamos lo siguiente Pablo estaba sentado en casa de Justo, leyendo, cuando de repente una turba irrumpi, con Sstenes a la cabeza! "Ah est! Agrrenlo!" Pablo se puso en pie, y al momento una docena de hombres se le tiraron encima y lo empujaron contra la pared! "Si pudiera juzgarte segn nuestras leyes religiosas," gru Sstenes, mandara que te apedrearan en el acto! Yo mismo te lanzara la primera piedra! Pero la ley romana exige un juicio civil, y como no queremos meternos en los por matarte, dejaremos que te condenen los romanos!

Sosthenes flew into a fury ! Weve got to stop Paul before he wins any more people to Jesus! Sosthenes declared, burning with hate and jealousy. And heres what well do. Paul was sitting reading in Justus home when suddenly a mob, led by Sosthenes, burst into the house! There he is! Seize him! he shouted. Paul rose to his feet, and instantly a dozen men were upon him & had pinned him to the wall! If I could judge you according to our religious laws, Sosthenes snarled, I would have you stoned to death right here on the spot! I myself would throw the first stone!But Roman law requires that you get a civil trial, and we dont want to get ourselves in trouble by killing you, so well have to let the Romans condemn you!

"Pero si no he violado ninguna ley ni he hecho nada ilegal," respondi Pablo a los que le acusaban. "No tienen de qu acusarme. Sstenes, con la cara pegada a la de Pablo y echando rayos por sus malvolos ojos, le dijo, "Cllate la boca, perro! Mira a la calle! Tenemos de nuestra parte a una turba de varios cientos de griegos que estn convencidos de que s has quebrantado las leyes romanas! Cuando presentemos nuestras acusaciones, los romanos te crucificarn, tal como crucificaron a tu Jess!" Dicho esto, le escupi a Pablo en la cara y baj por las calles de la ciudad, a la cabeza de la turba, en direccin al gran palacio de mrmol, sede del tribunal del gobernador romano. En aquel tiempo, el gobernador o procnsul de Grecia era Junio Galin, hermano menor del famoso senador romano Sneca. Al or que "se haba cometido un grave delito", abri la puerta de su tribunal a la turba de judos y ciudadanos griegos enfurecidos.

But Ive broken no laws or done anything legally wrong. Paul answered his accuser, You have no case against me. Sosthenes stuck his face right up to Pauls, his evil eyes gleaming inches away, and said, Shut up, you dog, and look outside! There is a mob of several hundred Greeks with us who are now persuaded that you have broken Roman laws!And by the time we get finished accusing you, the Romans will crucify you just like they did your Jesus! With that, he spat in Pauls face, and led the mob down the streets of the city to the great marble palace where the Roman Governors judgment seat was. Now the proconsular Governor of Greece was Junius Annoeus Gallio, the younger brother of the famous Roman senator Seneca. Upon hearing that a serious legal crime had been committed, he admitted the mob of Jews and enraged Greek citizens into his court.

Cuando se hubieron reunido ante el gobernador, Sstenes se adelant y principi su acusacin de Pablo, "Este hombre est convenciendo a la gente para que honre a Dios de formas contrarias a la ley!" Sstenes lanzaba contra Pablo una acusacin tras otra, y el gobernador se empez a preocupar ante la infinidad de delitos graves que le imputaban!

When they had assembled before the Governor, Sosthenes stepped forward and began to accuse Paul. This man, he charged, is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law! Sosthenes began bringing one accusation after another against Paul, and the Governor became concerned at the multitude of serious criminal accusations that were being leveled against Paul!

En un momento dado, el gobernador Galin sonri irnicamente al comprender lo que suceda. "Esto es absurdo!" pens. "Es pura envidia religiosa. No es ms que una pelea por motivo de sus tradiciones y diferencias doctrinales! Pero lo acusan de haber quebrantado leyes civiles para que yo lo sentencie! Cuando por fin Sstenes y los dems judos dieron por terminada la acusacin, estando ya Pablo a punto de levantarse para presentar su defensa, Galin se puso en pie y anunci, "Seores judos, si ustedes hubieran denunciado una verdadera infraccin o delito grave, sera razonable que les prestara atencin. Pero dado que se trata de cuestiones de cosas relacionadas con sus propias leyes religiosas, solucionen el asunto entre ustedes mismos! Yo no quiero ser juez de esas cosas! Y haciendo una seal a los soldados de la guardia, mand desalojar a la turba. Al ver que Pablo segua all en pie, le dijo tranquilamente, "Ests libre; te puedes ir."

Suddenly Governor Gallio gave a wry smile as he realized what was happening. This is ridiculous! he thought, this is nothing more than religious jealousy and arguments over tradition and doctrinal differences!And yet theyre trying to get me to pass judgment on him by accusing him of having broken some legal law! Finally Sosthenes and the other Jews finished their accusations, and just as Paul was about to speak in his defense, Gallio rose to his feet and said, If you Jews were making a complaint about some actual wrong-doing or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. But since it involves questions about things having to do with your own religious laws, settle the matter yourselves! I will not be a judge of such matters! Motioning to the guards, Gallio then had the entire mob driven out of the Court. Seeing Paul still standing there, he said to him quietly, You are free to go.

Al salir Pablo del Palacio de Justicia, mientras bajaba por la majestuosa escalinata, se encontr con que haba estallado una feroz refriega entre los judos y la turba de griegos, pues estos ltimos estaban furiosos de que Sstenes los hubiera engaado metindoles mentiras sobre Pablo. Encolerizados de que Sstenes los hubiera alborotado sin motivo, se volvieron contra l y le dieron una paliza por haberse aprovechado de ellos! Pablo permaneci bastante tiempo ms en Corinto, enseando y predicando la Palabra de Dios y conquistando a miles de almas para la fe de Jess! Cuando se fue de all, se haba formado uno de los grupos de cristianos ms fuertes de toda Europa, y una multitud innumerable de almas haban descubierto autntica felicidad y una razn de ser!

As Paul emerged from the court building and descended its great steps, he noticed that an angry quarrel had broken out between the Jews and the angry mob of Greeks who had been tricked and misled by Sosthenes lies about Paul. Furious that Sosthenes had gotten them all stirred up over nothing, the angry crowd now turned on him and began beating him for having deceived and used them! Paul stayed on in Corinth for quite some time after this, teaching and preaching the Word of God and winning thousands of souls to faith in Jesus! By the time he left, one of the strongest groups of Christians in all Europe had been established, and an untold multitude of people had found true happiness and meaning in life!

Adaptacin dramtica del captulo 18 de los Hechos de los Apstoles

Dramatized Bible story from Acts 18

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