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Bens dad _______ very strong. 3. _________ your friends popular? 4. ______ your favourite colour yellow? 5. The boys shorts _______ (not) green. 6. His favourite colours ________ red and blue. COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS WITH WHERE,WHAT,WHY,WHO,WHEN OR HOW OLD. 1. ________is your name? Dina. 2. ________ are you from? Italy 3. __________ is your birthday? 2nd October. 4. ________ is your favourite singer? Jennifer Lopez. 5. ________ are you relaxed? Because its Saturday. 6. _____________ are you? 16 years old. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF HAVE GOT. 1. The cafeteria _________ meat and fish. 2. We _________ (not) soup today. 3. The children _______ (not) sandwiches. 4. My mum ________ (not) fresh fruit. 5. _______ the salad ______ carrots? CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. Which shirt is Dans? The red shirt is his/hers. 2. Where are the girlss shoes? Their/ theirs shoes are here. 3. Thats my sandwich. Its my/mine! 4. These are the students/ students schoolbags. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. There is/ are an insect on your arm.

2. There is/ are some apples inmy bag. 3. A/ The world is beautiful! 4. I havent got a /an beard. 5. There isnt some/any milk in my coffee. 6. I want some/ any juice. 7. Rita is a/an optimistic person. 8. The/A picture is famous. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH HOW MANY OR HOW MUCH. 1. __________ money have you got? 2. _________ children have you got? 3. __________ food is there? 4. ________ carrots are there? COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE. 1. Children ________ (not drive) cars. 2. We __________ (visit) our grandma every day. 3. The bus ________ (not go) to York Street. 4. ________ you _______ (like) milk? 5. ________ Ben ________ (live) in Manchester? 6. I always _________ (walk) to school. 7. Laura _________ (not eat) breakfast in the morning. 8. My sisters usually ________ (drink) water. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH CANT, CAN,MUST OR MUSTNT. 1. Nick loves art and he ________ paint very well. 2. You ________ eat sweets before dinner. Its unhealthy. 3. Students at our school _________ wear a school uniform. 4. I ________ do this exercise in English. Can you help me, please? 5. You _______ be at home in ten minutes, so walk quickly!

6. I dont understand a word. _______you speak French? 7. We ________ walk to the museum. its very close. COMPLETE HTE ENTENCES WITH SUITABLE ADVERBS. 1. Anne is a good dancer. She dances ______. 2. Joe is a fast runner; he runs ________. 3. Paul and James are slow eaters; they eat ________. 4. Tom is always very quiet. He also speaks ________. 5. Wendy is a bad singer; she sings ______. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE OR THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS. 1. ________ you _______ (stand) on your head every morning? 2. The children _______ (play) table tennis at the moment. 3. Sam _______ (not rollerblade) with his friends. 4. John _________ (not watch) a lot of television. 5. David _________ (not like) boxing! 6. _________ Paul always ________ (eat) breakfast? COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS BELOW. USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE OR THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS. PLAY-LOVE-TAKE-DO-RUN-THINK 1. Ron sometimes __________ pictures of us. 2. Why _______ Alex ________ my computer game? 3. Laura _________ gymnastics every morning. 4. I ________ to school right now becasue Imlate. 5. I _________ your jacket! 6. Mark _____________ surfing is fantastic! COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THE ADJETIVES IN BRACKETS. 1. The green shirt is _______________ (expensive) than the red shirt. 2. I think Shirley is the ____________ (beautiful) girl in the world.

3. Maths is the __________ (easy) subject for me. 4. Is walking _________ (safe) than running? 5. Ive got the __________ (big) cat in our street. 6. Vegetables are _________ (healthy) than sweets. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THE ADJECTIVES IN BRACKETS. 1. I think monster films are __________ (goo) than romantic films. 2. Im _________(bad) singer in my class. 3. Jacks feet are _________ (large) as Ricks feet. 4. The TV is ___________ (useful) thing in our house. 5. The music shop is _________ (small) as the bookshop. 6. Bill is ________ (active) than Charles. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF WAS OR WERE. 1. The chairs ___________ (not) on the floor. 2. The gate ______ open. 3. The walls ________ (not) green! 4. Why _________ you at home? 5. The water _________ (not) hot. 6. I ________ (not) at home at 10 oclock. 7. The curtains _________ purple and pink. 8. My grandparents garden _________ beautiful. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THERE WAS OR THERE WERE. 1. ____________ a rug on the floor- a pink and white one. 2. __________ any washing machines in the 1800s. 3. ____________ any food in the fridge. 4. How many room _________ in the house?

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