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MAIN EXTERNAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS International Food Security Surveillance Systems Institutions involved Name of the system General

Objective Category Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods Surface covered Global USAID FEWSNET (Famine Early Warning Systems Network)

The main pillars that guide the FEW NET approach are: Continued production of high quality targeted e sustainable networks, emphasis on policy-useful information, and continued innovation in analytical to Main Data Near-term Outlook


Medium-term Outlook



Weather Hazards

Market and food prices Market and food prices Market and food prices Market and food prices Market and food prices


Price Watch


Product Availability


Price Bulletins


Production and Market Flow Maps


Regional Market Reports

Food security and livehoods


Livelihood Zone Map

Physical Environment and hydrological


Satellite Imagery

Food security and livehoods


Livelihood Profiles

Food security and livehoods


Livehood Baselines

Food security and livehoods


Livelihood Seasonal Monitoring Calendars

Food security and livehoods


Livelihood Attribute Maps

Food security and livehoods


Remote monitoring

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Market and food prices Food security and livehoods Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered Surface covered Global

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) GIEWS (The Global Information and Early Warning System)

Reports on the world food situation and provide early warnings of impending food crises in individual c Main Data Food outlook


Crop Prospects and Food Situation WFP (World Food Programme) VAM (Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping)

Find the answer to some critical questions before the design of an operation. (scale of intervention, typ required to save people's lives and livelihoods). Main Data

Food security and livehoods


CFSVA (Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis)

Food security and livehoods


CFSAM (Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission

Food security and livehoods


EFSA (Emergency Food Security Assessment)

Food security and livehoods


FSMS (Food Security Monitoring Systems)

Food security and livehoods


Market Assessments and Bulletins

Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category


hunger map


hunger stats


Countries threats to Food security FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) FAOSTAT

Two-way data exchange facility between countries and FAO as well as a facility to store data at the nat Main Data

Surface covered




Market and food prices



Food security and livehoods


Food supply

Food security and livehoods


Supply Utilisation Accounts and Food Balances

Market and food prices





Agricultural Resource

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Food security, livehoods and nutrition Surface covered Global

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Food security statistic Facilities data in relation to food security. Main Data Food deprivation

Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods


food needs


food consumption


Food production and trade

Food security and livehoods


Diet composition

Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods


Access to food


Food aid



nutritional status

Nutrition and health Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods


Health FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) IPC (The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification)

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a standardized tool that aims at providing a a common scale, which is comparable across countries, will make it easier for donors, agencies and go they become catastrophic. Main Data IPC Analytical templates

Surface covered Global


Analysis IPC

Food security and livehoods



Food security and livehoods Food security and livehoods


Map short rains assessment


Map long rains assessment

Regional Food Security Surveillance Systems Institutions involved Name of the system CILSS (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel) Agrhymet

General Objective Category Climate Surface covered Sahel

To contribute to achieving food security and increased agricultural production in the CILSS member St the Sahelian region. Main Data Climatological Data



Hydrological Data



Agricultural Data

Food security and livehoods


Food Data



Phytosanitary (pests) data

Pastoral and livestock


Pastoral data






METEOSAT-Based Rainfall Estimates NOAA Satellite-Based Lake and Pond Monitoring



Pastoral and livestock Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category


Monitoring Pastoral zones FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) SWALIM (Somalia Water and Land Information Management)

It is an information management unit serving Somali administrations, non-governmental organisations in assisting Somali communities whose lives depend directly on water and land resources. Main Data

Surface covered



Water resources Datasets Somalia Water source Information Management Systems (SWIMS) Somalia Climate Monitoring Network







Water resources maps



Land Resources Datasets



Land Resources Maps



Digital Documents Catalogue



Aerial photography Dataset



Flood Risk and Response Management System Irrigation information system

Agriculture and Hydrological Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category


KFSS (Kenya Food Security Surveillance)

Act as a technical and advisory body to all relevant stakeholders on issues of drought management and effective guidelines on methods and approaches for the coordination of both information and appropria Main Data

Surface covered

Food security and livehoods


Food Security outlook

Food security and livehoods


Food Security Update

Food security and livehoods


Short Rains Assessment

Food security and livehoods


Long Rains Assessment

Food security and livehoods


Early Warning Bulletins

Food security and livehoods

Arid District of Kenya

Drought and natural Resources management

Food security and Semi Arid Districts livehoods of Kenya

Drought and natural Resources management

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Pastoral and livestock Surface covered Haiti

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) GIEWS (The Global Information and Early Warning System)

Reports on the world food situation and provide early warnings of impending food crises in individual c Main Data Vegetation Monitoring

Food security and livehoods


Haiti Food Security Emergency

Pastoral livelihood and Livestock Surveillance Systems Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Livestock Surface covered Global FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) AGA (Animal production and health division)

Increasingly competitive market for livestock commodities, to safeguard animal and veterinary public h minimize the environmental impact of livestock production. Main Data Animal Health



Animal Production



Animal Welfare






Feed and food safety



Genetic resources& Reproduction



Livestock and gender



Veterinary public health



GIS maps



GLW (Gridded Livestock of the World) Videos; audios and image Gallery FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) GLiPHA (Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas)

Livestock Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category


Provide the ability to implement thematic information systems that collect, reference, visualize, exchan data. Main Data

Surface covered



Food Supply

Food security and livehoods


Human demographics

Food security and livehoods


Land occupation



Livestock health



Livestock population



Livestock production

Pastoral livelihood and livestock


Production indices

Pastoral livelihood and livestock



Hazard Surveillance Systems Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Hazards Surface covered Global IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) HEWS (Humanitarian Early Warning Service) Establishing a common platform for humanitarian early warnings and forecasts for natural hazards. Main Data Drought





















La nia/el nio

Hazards Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Hazards


Tsunami IIASA (Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) IIASA (Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

Conducts policy-oriented research into problems like climate change that have a global reach and can or problems of common concern to many countries that need to be addressed at the national level, suc sustainable development. Main Data Environment and Natural Resources

Surface covered Global



Population and Society

Hazards Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Hazards


Energy and Technology OCHA ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) GDACS ( Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System)

Provide near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response c Main Data Current Disaster Events Nutrition and Health information Systems

Surface covered Global

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered Latin America and The Caribe

WFP (World Food Programme), CIDES, GCNF (Global Child Nutrition Foundation), Plan International, P Alimentacin Escolar Nutrinet Fight against hunger and children malnutrition in Latin America and The Caribe (it is in Spanish). Main Data Mother, Infant and Young Child nutrition



Latin America and The Caribe

School meals program


Latin America and The Caribe

Vitamins and minerals

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

UNSCN (United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition) NICS (Nutrition Information in Crisis Situation)

To raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the nutritional situation of populations affected by a Main Data


Global (affected by a crisis)

Nutritional status

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

WHO (World Health Organization) CRED (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters)

To promote research and provide information in the burden of disease and health issues arising from d humanitarian emergencies. Main Data

Nutrition and health


CE DAT (Complex emergency database)

Nutrition and health


EM-DAT (The International Disaster Database) MICRODIS (Integrated Health Social and Economic Impacts of Extreme Events: Evidence, Methods and Tools) UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

Nutrition and health

Asia and Europe

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

Working for children's rights, meeting children's basic needs and expanding opportunities for children t Main Data

Nutrition and health


Facts of children

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

WHO (World Health Organizations) World health statistics Present the most recent health statistics for WHO's 193 Member States Main Data



Health-related data

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

WHO (World Health Organizations) GHO (Global Health Observatory) It provides data and analyses on global health priorities. Each theme provides information on global si database views, major publications and links to relevant web pages. Main Data



Women health



Health-related Millennium Development Goals



Mortality and Global Burden of Disease (GBD)



Map gallery



Country statistics



Indicator registry

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

WHO (World Health Organizations) Global Health Atlas StaStandardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional, and global levels. Main Data



Infectious and diseases data

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

USAID MIS (Malaria Indicator Surveys) Measurement of key malaria indicators through nationally representative household surveys. Main Data



Malaria Indicators

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

USAID DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys)

Collect and disseminate accurate, national data on fertility, family planning, maternal, child health, ge Main Data



DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) data

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

UNICEF MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys) To produce statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of a range of indicators in the HIV/AIDS. Main Data



Children and Women Health Indicators

Humanitarian crises information Systems Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered OCHA ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) Reliefweb Serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief community. Main Data

Humanitarian crises


Latest updates

Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

OCHA ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) IRIN

Humanitarian news and analysis service covering the parts of the world often under-reported, misunde Main Data

Humanitarian crises


Latest news and analysis

Other information Sources Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered World Bank

to fight poverty providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in Main Data


Institutions involved Name of the system General Objective Category Surface covered

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

Build and share solutions to the challenges of: Democratic Governance; Poverty Reduction; Crisis Prev HIV/AIDS Main Data


MAIN EXTERNAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS International Food Security Surveillance Systems


SNET (Famine Early Warning Systems Network)

main pillars that guide the FEW NET approach are: Continued production of high quality targeted early warning information, emphasis on developing ainable networks, emphasis on policy-useful information, and continued innovation in analytical tools. Type of product Estimations of the food security conditions. Periodicity Three-monthly Format / software Map

Estimations of the food security conditions.



Current Weather hazards.

It is not periodic


The latest information on changes in price for basic food commodities in urban centres of FEWS NET countries. The matrix shows the availability of Flow Maps and Price Graphs for a particular commodity.



It is not periodic


Price bulletins.



Summary of market networks (catchments and commodity flows) significant to food security. Regular reports emphasizing market analysis security outcomes for the specific region. and food

It is not periodic




Divides the country into homogenous zones within which people share broadly the same pattern of livelihood, including access to food and income and patterns of exchange. It provides geographical orientation of livelihood systems and a sampling frame for future livelihood zone profiling and livelihood baseline development.

It is not periodic


NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), RFE (Rainfall Estimation), WRSI (Water Requirements Satisfaction Index), ITCZ (Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone). It provides a brief economic differentiation between groups (wealth groups) and information on the relative importance of different sources of food and income to each. This information provides a basis to begin understanding vulnerability to particular events. It provides a detailed, quantified breakdown of household livelihood options (food, cash and expenditure patterns) and coping capacity/expandability for different wealth groups in the livelihood zone, highlighting market linkages, and constraints and opportunities for economic growth.


Satellite image

It is not periodic


It is not periodic


Combine the seasonal calendars found in the profiles with the information on sources of food and income by wealth group to identify which variables are important to which wealth groups in each zone. Combine the livelihoods information contained in the Zone Maps and Profiles to geo-reference where a crisis is likely to have the most significant effect and to provide context to important decision maker questions. FEWS NET has launched a new remote monitoring initiative. It will build a strong knowledge base in livelihoods, markets and trade , and climatology, develop an analytical framework, and identify key food security indicators. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

It is not periodic


It is not periodic



WS (The Global Information and Early Warning System)

orts on the world food situation and provide early warnings of impending food crises in individual countries. Type of product Macroeconomic prospects and global financial markets. Periodicity Six-monthly Format / software Report

Crop prospects and food situation. (World Food Programme)



M (Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping)

the answer to some critical questions before the design of an operation. (scale of intervention, type of intervention and the most appropriate responses ired to save people's lives and livelihoods). Type of product It provides information on the political, socio-economic and agro-ecological context, food supplies, markets, livelihoods, coping strategies, nutrition, health, educationIdentifies the root causes of food insecurity and vulnerability, provides analysis of markets, and analysis of risk. Usually it is undertaken for emergencies related to agricultural production or overall food availability problems. It assesses the seriousness of a crisis situation by looking at the food produced nationally and the extend to which poor people can meet their basic food needs. It analyses the impact of a crisis on the food security of households and communities. It is conducted when a natural disaster, a conflict or an economic shock causes population displacements and food insecurity. It monitor changes in people's food security situations. It aims to alert when a situation deteriorates and to ensure that assistance can be provided in a timely appropriate way. It also monitors market prices and rainfall patterns. Periodicity Format / software





It is not periodic


It is not periodic


Analysis the impact of higher food prices of households food security situation. The quarterly bulletin presents the trends of prices of staple food commodities and the overall cost of the food basket. The hunger map is available in four languages.


Report/ bulletins



Recompilation of useful facts and figures on world hunger. Global hunger; child hunger; Malnutrition; food&HIV/AIDS. According to the country it has been studied the threats to food security. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

It is not periodic

Facts and figures Facts and figures, videos, future projects

It is not periodic


-way data exchange facility between countries and FAO as well as a facility to store data at the national and sub-national levels. Type of product The agricultural production covers: Quantity produced; Producer price; Value at farmgate (forthcoming); Area harvested; Yield per hectare [Crops; Crops processed; Live Animals; Livestock Primary; Livestock Processed; Production Indices. The agricultural trade covers detailed food and agriculture exports and imports: quantity; Unit value; value. [Trade STAT; food aid shipments (WFP)]. The agricultural supply covers food commodities that have been converted back into primary equivalents: Quantity; Dietary Energy; Proteins; Fats; Totals and per Capita [Crops Primary Equivalent; Livestock and Fish primary Equivalent]. The Supply Utilisation Accounts and Food Balances covers: Production: Trade; Feed and Seed; Waste; Other utilisation; Consumption; Elements covered: Quantities; Calories, Proteins, Fats. PricesSTAT (annual data on prices received by farmers (called Producer prices) for primary crops, live animals and livestock primary products as collected at the point of initial sale (prices paid at the farm-gate)). The agricultural resources covers: investment; land; labour; machinery; Fertilizers; Pesticides. The national distribution of land, among arable land, pastures and other lands, as well as the importance of irrigation. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Periodicity Format / software Database, statistics



Database, statistics


Database, statistics


Database, statistics


Database, statistics


Database, statistics

d security statistic

ities data in relation to food security. Type of product Prevalence of undernourishment in total population; number of undernourished persons; intensity of food deprivation. Periodicity Annual Format / software Database, statistics

Minimum dietary energy requirement; rates of change. Nutrients: Dietary Energy, Protein and Fat; food consumption and population growth. Quantities: food groups; food items. Role of Trade: Net-Trade&Imports. Food production: Index; Group quantity; Item quantity Food Trade: Index; Group quantity; Item quantity. Food consumption pattern of main food groups; Food consumption pattern of main food items; diet diversification index; food from animal origin; micronutrients: (Dietary Energy; Dietary Protein, Dietary Fat). Inequality of dietary energy consumption distribution; Share of food consumption expenditure to total household consumption. Cereals; Share of food aid in total consumption.


Database, statistics Database, statistics Database, statistics




Database, statistics


Database, statistics Database, statistics Database, statistics Database, statistics


Children; adults.


Life expectancy at birth; child mortality (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)


(The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification)

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a standardized tool that aims at providing a common currency for classifying food security. Using mmon scale, which is comparable across countries, will make it easier for donors, agencies and governments to identify priorities for intervention before become catastrophic. Format / Type of product Periodicity software Facilitate the classification and the analysis and allow recording all the data and analysis on which is built the final assessment. This report covers the period of one year and allows doing the projections on the probable evolution of food security of the country for the next harvest cycle. The map shows the IPC analysis for the phase classification (Generally Food security, moderately FS, Acute Food and Livelihood Crisis, Humanitarian Emergency and Famine) and the risk of worsening phase (watch, moderate risk and high risk). Map focus on the short rains assessment. Annual Template







Map focus on the long rains assessment.



Regional Food Security Surveillance Systems

SS (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel)


ontribute to achieving food security and increased agricultural production in the CILSS member States and, to improve natural resource management in Sahelian region. Type of product Periodicity Format / software

Rainfall, temperatures, relative humidity , winds, potential Daily, decade, evapotranspiration , insolation, frequency and duration of dry CLIMAT, CLIMBASE monthly and annual spells etc. Major watercourses's daily instantaneous discharges and water levels starting. Sowing dates, surface areas seeded, crop phenological development, soil moisture conditions and yield assessment. Cereal balance sheets (needs, production, food aid, stocks), risk zones etc. Daily HYDROM2 and 3, BLTE and SYSCAD DHC4 (crop moisture balance), phenological data management Word processing software and spreadsheets Under development

It is not periodic

It is not periodic

Inventory of diseases and phytosanitary situations.

It is not periodic

Vegetative cover, livestock population, animal health and pastoral water supply.

It is not periodic

dBase AGRHYMET's rainfall estimate software AGRHYMET's image processing software IDRISI

Half-hourly raw data.


Spatial rainfall estimates based on METEOSAT images and ground data. Estimating surface areas and water volumes of lakes and ponds.

It is not periodic

It is not periodic

Monitoring the normalized difference vegetation index. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

It is not periodic


ALIM (Somalia Water and Land Information Management)

an information management unit serving Somali administrations, non-governmental organisations, development agencies and UN organisations engaged ssisting Somali communities whose lives depend directly on water and land resources. Type of product Climate data set, river flow data, Water sources data, irrigation infrastructure data set. SWIMS is a database application to monitor and manage data for the point sources: boreholes, dams, berkads, dug-wells, springs and others. The monitoring network that now consists of 67 manual rain gauges and five automatic weather stations (AWS) generates essential ground data to supplement satellite predictions. Climate, Drainage, Floods, Water Sources, Water Supply. Periodicity Format / software Report

It is not periodic

It is not periodic

Application Online data access (also it is possible Excel view) Maps

Daily, hourly

It is not periodic

Soils database, Land cover and vegetation dataset, landform dataset, land use dataset, tree cutting dataset, biomass dataset, land degradation dataset, land suitability dataset, length of growing period dataset, Agro Ecological Zones dataset. Land Cover, Landforms, Digital Elevation Models, Satellite Imagery, Geology and Soils, Land Degradation. The catalogue provide access to documents from previous water and land studies carried out in Somalia, sourcing them from donor document repositories, consultants of previous studies, individuals previously working with government Dataset of the Juba y Shabelle Rivers. Information available about: historical floods, river levels, flooded areas, road conditions and estimation of populations under flood, and response management showing contact information for cluster leads. The system consist of four modules: Irrigation infrastructure (canals, barrages, bridges and culverts), Agriculture module (schemes, soil types and crops grown), climate module (location of weather stations) and intervention module

It is not periodic


It is not periodic


It is not periodic


It is not periodic


It is not periodic


It is not periodic

S (Kenya Food Security Surveillance)

as a technical and advisory body to all relevant stakeholders on issues of drought management and food security. The steering group will provide ctive guidelines on methods and approaches for the coordination of both information and appropriate response measure. Type of product Periodicity Format / software

Report on the food security situation.



Report on the food security situation.



Short rains assessment report in food security.



Long rains assessment report in food security.



Monthly system that alarms of: environmental, livestock, pastoral welfare, agriculture.



Early Warning Bulletins, Food security after rains fail, Disease threat follows floods



Early Warning Bulletins, Food security after rains fail, Disease threat follows floods



(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

WS (The Global Information and Early Warning System)

orts on the world food situation and provide early warnings of impending food crises in individual countries. Type of product Monitor the status of the vegetation over time on a 10-day basis, compared with the long-term NDVI average. Periodicity 5 days Format / software Maps

Map gallery and crop calendar of Haiti.


Pastoral livelihood and Livestock Surveillance Systems (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) (Animal production and health division)

easingly competitive market for livestock commodities, to safeguard animal and veterinary public health, to maintain animal genetic diversity, and to mize the environmental impact of livestock production. Type of product Infectious diseases; Parasitic diseases; Trypanosomiasis; Economics and Epidemiology; Veterinary Service. Dairy; Poultry&small stock; Animal nutrition&feeding; Livestock production systems; Livestock development; meat Production. Animal Welfare. Periodicity Annual Format / software Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference Publication; Manual; Working Paper; eConference





Feed and food safety.


Genetic resources and Reproduction.


Livestock and gender.


Veterinary public health.


Global Livestock production and Health Atlas (GLiPHA); AGA Livestock Distribution Database; Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Database; Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis (PAAT) Information System; EMPRES-i (information, intelligence, intervention). Livestock densities; Livestock production systems; Livestock production. AnGR (Animal genetic resources); GREP (Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme); VPH (Veterinary public Health and Feed and Food Safety). (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

It is not periodic


It is not periodic


It is not periodic

Videos; audios; image

HA (Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas)

ide the ability to implement thematic information systems that collect, reference, visualize, exchange and disseminate statistical, survey and indicator . Type of product Periodicity Format / software Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs) Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs)

Food supply: all food; animal The topics can be: Calories; Fat; protein.




Human population segments: total population; Economic active; Agricultural economic active. The topics can be: Density, agricultural population/ agricultural land; Density, total population/land area; number; population. Land type: Agricultural land (arable and permanent crops; non arable non permanent) Topics: Agriculture land per 100 agric people; agriculture land per 100 people; Area; Land; Growth rate; total land per 100 people. Livestock species: Ruminants; monogastric; equines; wild animals Diseases: Foot and mouth disease; vesicular stomatitis; lumpy skin disease; rift valley fever; sheep pox and got pox. Livestock species: Ruminants; monogastric; equines; wild animals Topics: Density agric land [(LU/sqkm) (head/sqkm)]; Density total land[(LU/sqkm) (head/sqkm)]; Head/100people (agric pop). Livestock products (produced meat; milk; eggs; wool; hides and skins) Livestock species: Ruminants; monogastric; equines; wild animals.






Production indices: Agriculture PIN; Crops PIN; Livestock PIN. Topics: Net PIN; Net PIN per capita; Net production.


Trade livestock; trade products Livestock species: Ruminants; monogastric; equines; wild animals Topics: Exports [quantity; value]; Imports [quantity; value]. Hazard Surveillance Systems


Software (Visualization through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs)

C (Inter-Agency Standing Committee)

WS (Humanitarian Early Warning Service)

blishing a common platform for humanitarian early warnings and forecasts for natural hazards. Type of product Countries in crisis/facing unfavourable prospects for crops; Current drought and food insecurity conditions by countries. Major flooding currently underway; Global river gagging reaches: Current hydrologic status of each reach; flood alert. Current storms worldwide; current storms alerts; Global Storm Calendar. Periodicity It is not periodic Format / software Maps; information; data; bulletin Maps; information; data; bulletin Maps; information; data; bulletin Maps; information; data; bulletin



Desert locust situation. Volcanoes with new and on-going activity; volcanoes currently on red alert; volcanoes currently on orange alert; volcanoes currently on yellow alert; maps of volcanoes by country. Earthquake: above 7.5 on Richter scale; above 5 on Richter scale. Current earthquake; Worldwide earthquake activity: last 7 days Latest news; world weather information service (by WMO); Current precipitation forecast; Latest 3 hour rainfall world wide. Real time sea surface temperature; Latest El nio & La Nia forecast (by NOAA); Probabilistic ENSO Forecast by IRI; La nia Related Global Surface Temperature and precipitation Patterns. Latest Bulletin pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (by NOAA).



Maps; information; data; bulletin


Maps; information; data; bulletin


Maps; information; data; bulletin Maps; information; data; bulletin Maps; information; data; bulletin



A (Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

A (Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

ducts policy-oriented research into problems like climate change that have a global reach and can be resolved only by international cooperative action, roblems of common concern to many countries that need to be addressed at the national level, such as energy security, population aging, and ainable development. Format / Type of product Periodicity software Atmospheric Pollution; Evolution and Ecology; Forestry; Land Use & Agriculture. International Population. Negotiation; Risk & Vulnerability; World Annual Database



Dynamic Systems; Energy; New Technologies.



A ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

CS ( Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System)

ide near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response coordination. Type of product Earthquakes Volcanoes. and tsunamis; Tropical Cyclones; Floods; Periodicity Update Format / software Reports, documents, image

Nutrition and Health information Systems

(World Food Programme), CIDES, GCNF (Global Child Nutrition Foundation), Plan International, PROCOSI, Red de Malnutricin, AMERICA LATINA Red de entacin Escolar


t against hunger and children malnutrition in Latin America and The Caribe (it is in Spanish). Type of product Statistics, Nutrition calculator, data based, programmes and projects, successful cases. Periodicity Format / software Data; reports; bulletins;

It is not periodic

Statistics, data based, programmes and projects, successful cases.

It is not periodic

Data; reports; bulletins;

Statistics, data based, programmes and projects, successful cases.

It is not periodic

Data; reports; bulletins;

CN (United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition)

S (Nutrition Information in Crisis Situation)

aise awareness and facilitate action to improve the nutritional situation of populations affected by a crisis. Type of product Nutrition indicators in children; Wasting; Severe wasting; Oedematous malnutrition or kwashiorkor; Acute malnutrition; Severe acute malnutrition; Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference; Micro-nutrient deficiencies and vitamin A distribution coverage within 6 months prior to the survey; Nutrition indicators in adults; Mortality rates; Measles vaccination coverage Periodicity Format / software



O (World Health Organization)

D (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters)

romote research and provide information in the burden of disease and health issues arising from disasters to improve preparedness and responses to anitarian emergencies. Type of product Periodicity Format / software

Indicator on nutrition (Global and Severe Acute Malnutrition; Global and Severe Chronic Malnutrition; Global and Severe Underweight; MUAC, Oedema, BMI) Mortality (Crude Mortality Rate; Under 5 Mortality Rate; Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate) Vaccination (Measles coverage; BCG, Polio, DTP coverage)


Map and Timeline, Tables, Query systems

Trends, maps and profiles of the international disasters

It is not periodic

Maps, trends, reports

Undertake research on and in disaster-affected communities to assess the health, economic and social impacts at the micro-level.

It is not periodic


CEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

king for children's rights, meeting children's basic needs and expanding opportunities for children to reach their full potential Type of product Basic facts and statistics for the priority area (child protection; Education and Gender Equality; Child Survival and Development; HIV and AIDS; Immunization; Malaria; Measles; Nutrition; Polio; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Periodicity Format / software Fact, audio features, reporting guidelines, video news packages

It is not periodic

O (World Health Organizations) d health statistics

ent the most recent health statistics for WHO's 193 Member States Type of product Summary of the current status of national health and health systems in the following 9 areas: mortality and burden of disease; cause-specific mortality and morbidity; selected infectious diseases; health service coverage; risk factors; health workforce. Periodicity Format / software



O (World Health Organizations)

O (Global Health Observatory)

ovides data and analyses on global health priorities. Each theme provides information on global situation and trends highlights, using core indicators, base views, major publications and links to relevant web pages. Type of product Female mortality and causes of death, women and selected diseases /risk factors, women and health interventions. MDG1 (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger); MDG4 (Reduce child mortality); MDG5 (Improve maternal health); MDG6 (Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases); MDG7 (Ensure environmental sustainability; MDG8 (Develop a global partnership for development). Periodicity Format / software Data, trends analysis

It is not periodic


Country profile, maps, reports, links

Life expectancy, Global burden of disease (by WHO region), Global burden of disease (by country).

It is not periodic

Maps, trends and analysis

Antimicrobial Drug resistance; Avian Influenza; Buruli ulcer; Chikungunya, Cholera; Dengue, Expenditures on health; Different according Guinea Worm; Health action in crisis (HAC); Health Service; to the map HIV/AIDS; MCI; Influenza; International Travel and Health; Leishmania; Lymphati. It brings together the main health data and statistics for each country. Browse by: health status; health service coverage; health systems resources; risk factors; demographic and socioeconomic statistics, mortality, morbidity and risk factor, demographics, socioeconomics, resources, services and coverage. It is not periodic


Data excel

It is not periodic

Indicator and links

O (World Health Organizations)

al Health Atlas

Standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional, and global levels. Type of product Communicable diseases ( cholera; influenza virus monitoring; Malaria; Polio; Rabies; Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever) human Resources for health (Aggregated Data; Disaggregated Data; Gender distribution-health workforce; Age distribution-health workforce. Periodicity Format / software

It is not periodic



(Malaria Indicator Surveys)

surement of key malaria indicators through nationally representative household surveys. Type of product Ownership and use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS) of insecticides, prompt and effective treatment of fever in young children, and the prevention of malaria in pregnant women. Periodicity Format / software

It is not periodic


ID (Demographic and Health Surveys)

ect and disseminate accurate, national data on fertility, family planning, maternal, child health, gender, HIV/AIDS, malaria and nutrition Type of product The topics are: Anemia; Child health; Education; Family Planning; Female Genital Cutting; Fertility and Fertility Preference; Gender/Domestic Violence; HIV/ AIDS Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour; HIV prevalence; Household and Respondent Characteristics; Infant and Child Mortality; Malaria; Maternal Health; Maternal Mortality; Nutrition; Wealth/Socioeconomics; Women's Empowerment. Periodicity Format / software Final Report, Survey Dataset, GPS Datasets, HIV/Other Biomarkers Datasets

>2-3 years


S (Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys)

roduce statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of a range of indicators in the areas of health, education, child protection and /AIDS. Type of product Child Mortality, Pneumonia; Diarrhoeal Disease; Malaria; Immunization; Undernutrition; Low birthweight; Breastfeeding; IODINE Deficiency; Vitamin A Deficiency; Maternal Mortality; Delivery Care; Antenatal Care, Water, Sanitation; Education; Attitudes towards domestic violence; Birth Registration; Child Discipline; Child Labour; Child Marriage; Female Genital Mutilation; HIV/AIDS Humanitarian crises information Systems Periodicity Format / software

It is not periodic

Data set; global report; article

A ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)


ving the information needs of the humanitarian relief community. Type of product Updates reliable and relevant humanitarian information and analysis which goal is to make sense of humanitarian crises world wide. For achieve this goal they scan the websites of international and non.govermental organization, government, research institutions and the media. The updates are organized by: countries, thematics, organization, type of content and the date of being posted. Periodicity Format / software Reports, news, policy documents, analysis, maps, press releases, and appeals.


A ( United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

manitarian news and analysis service covering the parts of the world often under-reported, misunderstood or ignored. Type of product It offers the news services of the aid industry giving a perspective on the humanitarian enterprise, on-the-ground reporting on crisis and vulnerability, and early warning on brewing emergencies. It covers crisis (from Afghanistan to Somalia), climate change and food security, HIV/AIDS service. Also it is possible to find Somalia's Radio station. Other information Sources d Bank Periodicity Format / software


Text, film, radio, photography, publications.

ight poverty providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in the public and private sectors. Type of product Periodicity Format / software

It is possible to find data in: Agriculture & Rural Development Infrastructure; Aid Effectiveness; Labour & Social Protection; Economic Policy and External Debt; Poverty; Education; Private Sector; Energy & Mining; Public Sector; Environment Science & Technology; Financial sector; Social Development; Health; Urban Development

It is not periodic

Dataset, tables and reports.

P (United Nations Development Programme)

d and share solutions to the challenges of: Democratic Governance; Poverty Reduction; Crisis Prevention and Recovery; Environment and Energy; /AIDS Type of product News available by countries, regions or years. The topics are Millennium Development Goals; Democratic Governance; Poverty Reduction; crisis prevention and recovery; HIV/AIDS; Capacity Development and Women's Empowerment. Periodicity Format / software


Report, news, publications.

arning information, emphasis on developing

Medium http://www.fews.net/pa ges/imageryhome.aspx? pageID=1&l=en http://www.fews.net/pa ges/imageryhome.aspx? pageID=1&l=en http://www.fews.net/pa ges/imageryhome.aspx? pageID=1&l=es http://www.fews.net/pa ges/markettrade.aspx?l oc=3&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/markettrade.aspx ?loc=3&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/markettrade.aspx?l oc=3&l=en http://www.fews.net/pa ges/markettrade.aspx?l oc=3&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/markettrade.aspx ?loc=3&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/livelihoods.aspx?l oc=6&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/imageryhome.asp x?pageID=1&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/livelihoods.aspx?loc =6&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/livelihoods.aspx?l oc=6&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/livelihoods.aspx?loc =6&l=en

http://www.fews.net/pa ges/livelihoods.aspx?loc =6&l=en

http://www.fews.net/Pa ges/remotemonitoring.aspx?l=en

es. Medium http://www.fao.org/gie ws/english/fo/index.htm http://www.fao.org/gie ws/english/cpfs/index.h tm

tervention and the most appropriate responses


http://www.wfp.org/foo dsecurity/reports/CFSVA

http://www.wfp.org/foo dsecurity/reports/CFSAM

http://www.wfp.org/foo dsecurity/reports/EFSAs

http://www.wfp.org/foo d-security/reports/FSMS

http://www.wfp.org/foo d-security/reports/pricerise http://www.wfp.org/hun ger/map http://www.wfp.org/hun ger/stats http://www.wfp.org/cou ntries

and sub-national levels. Medium

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/339/default.aspx

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/342/default.aspx

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/345/default.aspx

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/354/default.aspx

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/351/default.aspx

http://faostat.fao.org/si te/348/default.aspx

Medium http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/

http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/ http://www.fao.org/eco nomic/ess/food-securitystatistics/en/

mon currency for classifying food security. Using ents to identify priorities for intervention before Medium






nd, to improve natural resource management in


http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html
http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html http://www.agrhymet.n e/eng/index.html

lopment agencies and UN organisations engaged

Medium http://www.faoswalim.o rg/theme_groups/water /water_reports_series http://www.faoswalim.o rg/thematic_areas/wate r/swims

http://www.faoswalim. org/subsites/climate/in dex.php http://www.faoswalim. org/downloads/Chapte r%204.pdf

http://www.faoswalim. org/thematic_areas/la nd/land_reports_serie s http://www.faoswalim. org (thematic_areas/land) http://agris.faoswalim. org/

http://www.faoswalim.o rg/userfiles/SWALIM%2 0Cataloge%202010.pdf http://www.faoswalim.o rg/subsites/frrmis/index .php http://www.faoswalim.o rg/userfiles/SWALIM%2 0Cataloge%202010.pdf

security. The steering group will provide ponse measure. Medium

http://www.kenyafood security.org/index.php ?option=com_content &view=article&id=19& Itemid=27

http://www.kenyafoods ecurity.org/index.php?o ption=com_content&vie w=article&id=19&Itemi d=27

http://www.kenyafood security.org/index.php ?option=com_content &view=article&id=107 &Itemid=113

http://www.kenyafoods ecurity.org/index.php?o ption=com_content&vie w=article&id=108&Item id=112 http://www.aridland.go. ke/mod.php?topic=102

http://www.aridland.go .ke/inside.php?articlei d=516

http://www.aridland.go. ke/mod.php?topic=129

es. Medium http://www.foodsec.org /workstation/64902/en/ http://fenix.fao.org:808 0/fenixweb/org.fao.fenix.web. modules.haiti.Haiti/Haiti .html?country=108

to maintain animal genetic diversity, and to

Medium http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_ah.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_aprod.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_awelf.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_env.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_food.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_gen.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_gender.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ubs_vph.html

http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/gi s/home.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/gl w/home.html http://www.fao.org/ag/ againfo/resources/en/p ublications.html

d disseminate statistical, survey and indicator


http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

http://kids.fao.org/gliph a/index.html

Medium http://www.hewsweb.or g/drought/ http://www.hewsweb.or g/floods/ http://www.hewsweb.or g/storms/ http://www.hewsweb.or g/locust/

http://www.hewsweb.or g/volcanoes/

http://www.hewsweb.or g/seismic/

http://www.hewsweb.or g/weather/ http://www.hewsweb.or g/nino_nina/ http://www.hewsweb.or g/other_hazards/

olved only by international cooperative action, nergy security, population aging, and Medium

http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ Research/index.html
http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ Research/index.html

http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ Research/index.html

ation. Medium http://www.gdacs.org/

SI, Red de Malnutricin, AMERICA LATINA Red de

Medium http://nutrinet.org/area s-tematicas/maternoinfantil

http://nutrinet.org/area stematicas/alimentacio n-escolar

http://nutrinet.org/area stematicas/vitaminasmin erales

. Medium

http://www.unscn.org/e n/publications/nics/#Ab out

s to improve preparedness and responses to


http://www.cedat.be/gu idelines



h their full potential Medium

http://www.unicef.org/i ndex.php

Medium http://www.who.int/wh osis/whostat/en/index.h tml

and trends highlights, using core indicators,

Medium http://www.who.int/gho /women_and_health/mo rtality/en/index.html

http://www.who.int/gho /mdg/en/

http://www.who.int/gho /mortality_burden_dise ase/countries/en/index. html

http://gamapserver.who .int/mapLibrary/

http://www.who.int/gho /countries/en/index.htm l http://apps.who.int/gho /indicatorregistry/App_ Main/browse_indicators. aspx


http://apps.who.int/glo balatlas/dataQuery/repo rtData.asp?rptType=1



HIV/AIDS, malaria and nutrition Medium

http://www.measuredhs .com/aboutsurveys/dhs/ start.cfm

of health, education, child protection and


http://www.childinfo.or g/index.html


http://www.reliefweb.in t/rw/rwb.nsf/doc106?Op enForm

or ignored. Medium

http://www.irinnews.or g/

blic and private sectors. Medium

http://www.worldbank. org/

and Recovery; Environment and Energy;



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