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Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 2, 473–477, 1999 Pediatric and Developmental Pathology

r1999 Society for Pediatric Pathology

Adnexal-Centered Giant Congenital

Melanocyte Nevus with Extensive
Ganglioneuromatous Component
and Trisomy 7
Department of Pathology, Hospital de Niños ‘‘Superiora Sor Marı́a Ludovica,’’ 1900 La Plata, Argentina

Received June 12, 1998; accepted October 13, 1998.

ABSTRACT Key words: adnexal-centered nevus, ganglioneuroma,

giant congenital melanocyte nevus, trisomy 7
Adequate interpretation of clinical and histopathologic
features of giant congenital melanocytic nevus (GCMN)
in newborns is a continued challenge. A GCMN with
three large nodules and three polypoid exophytic tumors INTRODUCTION
presented in the dorsum of a female full-term newborn, Giant congenital melanocyte nevi (GCMN) are
the borders exhibiting a spotted grouped pattern. Micro- peculiar neural crest–related hamartomatous le-
scopic examination revealed a peculiar adnexal-centered sions that cover large areas of the skin [1,2].
(eccrine sweat gland ducts, acrosiringia, and hair infun- Recently, trisomy 7 has been recognized to be
dibula) compound nevus expressing pagetoid intraepider-
present in this lesion [3]. GCMN consistently create
mal spreading of epithelioid melanocytes. The nodules
difficulties in treatment, are of cosmetic and psycho-
represented an extensive ganglioneuromatous compo-
nent. The neurons and their neuropil were positive for
social significance for the patient and relatives, and
neuron-specific enolase, S-100, synaptophysin, tyrosine probably imply an increased risk for the develop-
hydroxilase, and PGP 9.5. In addition to these compo- ment of melanoma as well as other malignancies
nents, a poorly differentiated, fusiform, low-mitotic rate [1,2,4]. Notably, some GCMN may present clini-
population of cells undergoing epithelioid differentiation cally as alarming-looking tumors. This, combined
(and probably neuronal differentiation) with nodular with the fact that early neonatal biopsies of GCMN
arrangement was also present in the polypoid tumors may show many of the microscopic features ac-
and deeper parts of the nevus, in part intermixed with the
cepted for the diagnosis of melanoma in older
neurons. These cells were vimentin positive but S-100
negative. FISH studies revealed these cells to express
patients [5,6], may induce the diagnosis of malig-
three signals for the centromeric probe for chromosome nancy. Those features include at least the following:
7 whereas the neuronal component showed just two. (1) presence of intraepidermal isolated or grouped
Adnexal-centered arrangement of melanocytes has not epithelioid melanocytes at all levels simulating
been emphasized in GCMN. Ganglioneuromatous differ- superficial spreading melanoma, and (2) appear-
entiation has been rarely reported in this condition. ance of proliferative dermal nodular collections of
Trisomy 7 in GCMN has been reported only once previ-
epithelioid and spindle-shaped cells, occasionally
heavily pigmented, suggesting nodular melanoma
[1]. In addition to this, GCMN may present with
*Corresponding author ulcerated areas and/or include grossly visible polyp-
oid exophytic tumors of different size [2]. GCMN or
multiple CMN may represent the surface compo-
nent of a rare congenital disorder known as neuro-
cutaneous melanocytosis, in which the meninges
present benign or malignant melanocytic tumors
[2,7]. A peculiar variant of GCMN, namely bulky
naevocytoma of the perineum, presents as a large,
pigmented tumor in the perineal region [8].
Eccrine-centered nevus is a particular variant
of CMN, first described by Mishima [9], in which
the nevus cells arrange around and in the eccrine
sweat ducts. Cases reported clearly indicate that
this particular disposition of the nevus cells always
presents in examples of CMN [10]. However, we
have not been able to find any reference indicating Figure 1. Very large, pigmented congenital nevus at
such a pattern in GCMN. The case we report here the dorsum showing two of the nodules and three
polypoid tumors. The border has the typical spotted
was also associated other neural crest–related tis-
grouped pattern.
sues in the deeper part, in particular, an extensive
ganglioneuromatous component, a situation rarely
referred to in the literature [11,12].
Histologic examination of the detached original
CASE REPORT mass as well as of the polypoid tumors resected
This newborn presented at birth with a large, afterward showed an array of spindle-shaped cells
in tight or loosely arranged groups with low mitotic
deeply black giant nevus of 15 ⫻ 9 cm, involving the
rate (1–3/10 high power fields). These cells were
dorsal aspect of the trunk from D6 to L3, and
focally associated with osteoid deposits and inter-
extending laterally to the posterior axillary line on
mixed with melanin-containing isolated or grouped
both sides. Most of the surface of the nevus was flat.
epithelioid melanocytes. Part of the surface was
Also present were three heavily pigmented nodules,
devoid of epidermis and covered by fibrin and
the larger being 2.5 cm in diameter, and three
leukocytes. The spindle cells of the tumoral lesions
pinkish polypoid masses showing eroded surface
were positive for vimentin and S-100 and negative
(Fig. 1). One similar 1.5-cm tumor had autoampu-
for skeletal muscle–specific actin (HHF-35). Flat
tated spontaneously during labor and was sent to
areas of the nevus showed that the epidermis
the pathology department by the acting obstetri-
contained junctional nests, basal hyperplasia, as
cian. The patient was referred to our hospital and well as all levels of intraepidermal epithelioid mela-
admitted to the neonatal care unit. Clinical, imag- nocytes, many of them heavily loaded with melanin
ing, and laboratory studies were unremarkable, granules. The junctional activity was particularly
except for the dorsal nevus and three pinpoint- striking at the acrosiringia, the upper intradermal
sized pigmented lesions localized to the right fron- segment of the eccrine sweat ducts, and the hair
tal region, second right finger, and left pretibial infundibula, a finding that was consistent in all the
region. Two polypoid masses were extirpated and samples obtained from the rest of the nevus. Sev-
submitted for histologic study along with a biopsy eral samples obtained from the nodules of the last
of the lower margin of the main GMN. A complete large surgical specimen involving the whole GCMN
resection of the nevus, including the superficial revealed that extensive areas of the dermal compo-
fascia and some skeletal muscle fibers, was per- nent of the lesion were represented by large cells
formed 10 days after admission, at the age of 20 with ganglionar differentiation with nuclei exhibit-
days. Six months after surgery the patient is alive ing prominent nucleoli in a notably fibrillary back-
and well. ground (Fig. 2). The picture strongly suggested a

474 R. DRUT ET AL.

Figure 2. Extensive ganglioneuromatous replacement
of the hypodermis and lower dermis. Inset: Sharp neuro-
nal cytoplasmic and nuclear S-100 positivity. Hematoxy-
lin and eosin, ⫻50; inset, ⫻80.
Figure 3. Composite figure showing nevus cell nuclei
with three fluorescent signals for the pericentromeric
region of chromosome 7.
ganglioneuromatous appearance. These areas also
exhibited frequent, very ectatic vessels with thin
walls. The neurons and the fibrillary background already been referred to in the literature [1]. This
were neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin, PGP discordance justifies the recommendation of ex-
9.5, tyrosine hydroxilase, and S-100 positive (Fig. 2, treme caution before making the diagnosis of malig-
inset). The S-100 immunoreactivity produced the nancy in any such nevi during the first months of
sharpest contrast with the rest of the tissues pre- life [1,12,13]. Hendrickson and Ross [4] reported
sent in the lesion. The rest of the dermis and seven patients developing neoplasms in GCMN.
hypodermis was occupied by tight fascicles, focally Remarkably, the three infants presenting in their
in concentric whorls, of spindle-shaped or more first year of life did not present late recurrences or
loosely arranged epithelioid cells. Also present were metastasis. On the other hand, true malignant,
melanocytes containing different amounts of mela- metastasizing tumors may arise in CMN, giant or
nin, arranged in a collagenous interstitial matrix. not. The list includes melanomas [1,4], which may
Upper levels presented large, melanin-containing be congenital (see ref. 2 for review), and rhabdomyo-
nevus cell groups. A few spindle and stellate cells sarcoma [14,15]. Poorly differentiated small round-
present in the perivascular loose myxomatous tis- cell malignancies as well as unclassified undifferen-
sue proved to react positively for epithelial mem- tiated sarcomas have also been reported [4]. A
brane antigen (EMA). combination of these histologic patterns may be
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) stud- found [4]. CMN may develop tumors, either benign
ies performed with the pericentromeric probe for or malignant, expressing any or several of the
chromosome 7 (D7Z1) on paraffin-embedded tis- differentiating capabilities of the neural crest [1,2,4],
sue sections revealed the presence of three signals the lesion fitting very well in the group of so-called
in 70% of the nuclei of the nevus cells and two neurocristopathies [16]. An unusual example of
signals in the ganglion cells (Fig. 3). Thus only the this was reported by Roth et al. [17]. Their patient
undifferentiated nevus cells showed an extra chro- was a 16-month-old girl with a history of partially
mosome 7. excised GCMN who developed a retroperitoneal
‘‘malignant schwannoma with melanocytic and neu-
DISCUSSION roepithelial differentiation.’’ Although the authors
GCMN may contain a large variety of constituent suggest that the lesions were not in continuity, no
cells [4]. Clinically alarming GCMN containing autopsy was performed to clearly establish the
heavily cellular tumoral masses suggesting malig- possibility that the CMN had had a deep compo-
nancy but behaving in a benign manner have nent. Recently, the term ‘‘plutipotential melanoblas-


toma’’ has been proposed to encompass the wide
range of malignancy types that may present in
GCMN [18]. The authors suggest that these diver-
gent differentiation lines recapitulate those nor-
mally expressed by the neural crest cells.
Although the multicentric polypoid tumors
present in our patient were clinically spectacular,
most of their constituent spindle cells were positive
for only vimentin and S-100. Hence, the lesions
were interpreted as being composed of undifferen-
tiated ectomesenchymal cells. The presence of oste-
oid deposits suggests osteogenic differentiation,
Figure 4. Peculiar blastematous-like, concentric arrange-
while the recognition of a small proportion of cells ment of undifferentiated spindle-shaped cells, in part
expressing positivity for EMA may be interpreted surrounding small vessels. Inner cells show more epitheli-
as meningeal–perineurial differentiation; both of oid appearance. Arrow points to cells with features
suggesting early neuronal differentiation: nucleus with
these findings are in line with neural crest anlage open chromatin and prominent nucleolus. Insets: Cells
potentialities. interpreted as representing early stages of neuronal
The present case expressed yet two other differentiation. Hematoxylin and eosin, ⫻100; insets,
unusual features for GCMN, both of which deserve
comment—namely adnexal-centered junctional ac-
tivity and a ganglioneuromatous dermal compo- Closer examination of the ganglioneuro-
nent. As mentioned above, adnexal-centered mela- matous differentiation in our case revealed that
nocytic nevi include CMN containing junctional the general picture could be arranged in the follow-
nests associated with the upper portion of the ing sequential steps of differentiation. First, fas-
eccrine sweat ducts and hair infundibula [9,10]. cicles of spindle-shaped cells acquired concentric,
This peculiar localization has not been described in onion-skinned disposition in groups of 10 to 20
acquired melanocytic nevi. Most of the eccrine- layers exhibiting a blastematous appearance. Sec-
centered nevus cases, if not all, present clinically as ond, at the center of the latter, cells progressively
spotted, grouped pigmented nevi [9,10]. Some of showed epithelioid features and later on, early
these also exhibit hair infundibula involvement neuronal differentiation (Fig. 4). The next step
[10]. However, the adnexal-centered distribution of included the appearance of nests of full-blown
the junctional nests seems not to have been re- ganglionar cells, which progressively became sur-
ported in GCMN, as found in this case. Interest- rounded by fibrillary neuropil. These steps were
ingly, it was only at the periphery of the lesion that recognizable up to the mid-dermis. The peculiar
the spotted grouped pattern of pigmentation was distribution of the ganglion cells, limited to the
evident (Fig. 1). The extensive ganglioneuromatous deeper dermis and hypodermis, together with the
dermal component was another unexpected find- proposed steps of differentiation favors the interpre-
ing. Groups of ganglion cells in GCMN have been tation that in the tumoral areas of this GCMN, the
previously reported by Masson [11] in a 7-year-old undifferentiated cells were committed to neuronal
child with a large lesion affecting the right half of and melanocytic differentiation. FISH findings of
his face; the lesion was interpreted as a ‘‘sympa- this case confirm a preliminary report [3] describ-
thetic and melanogenic ganglioneurofibroma of ing the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 7
the skin.’’ Slaughter et al. [12] mentioned the in the CMN.
presence of ganglion cells as part of a GCMN of the
dorsum in a 1-year-old boy with neurocutaneous NOTE ADDED IN PROOF
melanosis who died from what seems to be the first The relationships between nevus cells and ganglio-
reported example of metastatic rhabdomyosar- neuromatous differentiation are also emphasized
coma arising in a GCMN. by a recent report of ganglioneuroblastic differen-

476 R. DRUT ET AL.

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