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Psychometric Test

Psychometric Test
1.- At 2 for 5 cents, how many pencils can be bought with 50 cents ?
R= 20

2.- How many hours will it take a car to travel 660 kilometers at a speed of 60 kilometers
per hour ?
A= 11 hours

3.- If a man earns $20.00 per day and spends $14.00, how many days will it take him to
save $300.00?
R= 50 days

4.- If two cakes cost $0.60, how many cents does one-sixth of a cake cost?
R= $0.05

5.- How many times more is 2 x 3 x 4 x 6, than 3 x 4 ?

A= 12 times more

6.- How much is 16% of $120.00 ?

R= $19.20

7.- Four percent of $1,000.00 is equal to eight percent of what amount?

R= $ 500.00

8.- The capacity of a rectangular refrigerator is 48 cubic meters. If it is six meters long and
four meters wide,
What is its height ?
R= 2 meters

9.- If 7 men make a 40 meter well in 2 days, how many men are needed to do it in half a
day ?
A= 28 men

10.- (A) has $180.00; (B) has 2/3 of what (A) has; and ( C ) 1/2 of what (B) has; how much
do they all have together?
R= $ 360

11.- If a man runs 100 meters in 10 seconds, how many meters will he run on average in
1/5 of a second ?
A= 2 meters

12.- A man spends 1/4 of his salary on house and food and 4/8 on other expenses, how
much of his salary does he save?
R= 25%
1. Which of the following words does not fit with the remaining words? LION |

The word that does not fit is WOLF, since it is a carnivore but not a feline like the
others. 2. Which of the following words does not fit with the rest? Ordinance Clerk |
Scribe | Secretary | Copyist | Copyist |

Ordinance, is the only profession that does not have to do with writing 3. I am a man. If
John's son is the father of my son, what am I of John? Your grandfather | Your father |
Your son | Your grandson | I am John | Your uncle

4. Which word does not belong to the following group? knife | swan | smile | feather |
beautiful | thought

The other words are nouns. 5. In the following group, indicate the word that, because
of its meaning, does not reflect the same concept. glue | sieve | clip | nail | string |

The other words are for joining elements and this one separates. 6. Which word is not
related to the others: Saw | Screwdriver | rasp | file |

It is more of a tool for electricians 7. Legislative power is to Cortes Generales as

Executive power is to: Congress | Senate | Constitutional Court | State Government |

8. Comedy is to Dramatic as Novel is to: Lyrical | Narrative | Humorous | Didactic |

9. Tomás, Pedro, Jaime, Susana and Julia took the test. Julia scored higher than Tomás,
Jaime scored lower than Pedro but higher than Susana, and Pedro scored lower than
Tomás. Who scored the highest? Tomás | Pedro | Jaime | Susana | Julia |



RADISH, both grow underground.

11. Complete this analogy with a six-letter word ending in A. "High is to low as heaven
is to earth. | Sierra | Malva | Salva |

12. In the following group, indicate the two words that, because of their meaning, do
not reflect the same concept. glue and nail | sieve and saw | nail and clip | rope and
glue |

All other words are for joining.

13. Mountain is to land as whirlpool is to: fluid | wet | sea | sky | rain |

A whirlpool is part of the sea as the mountain is part of the land.

14. Which of these words does not belong to the group? microscope | magnifying glass
| microphone | telescope | telegraph |

The others denote objects that magnify images or sounds (B is also acceptable: the
only one that does not have a "tele" or "micro" prefix).

15. Find the two words that are most similar in meaning. (a) bundle (b) bundle (c) laugh
(d) lightning (e) collection a and c | a and d | b and a | c and e | d and e |

are synonyms (one could also admit A and E, collective nouns that can be applied
interchangeably to different things).

16. Potential is to height as kinetic is to... Mechanics | Motion | Motion | Acceleration |

17. Axiomatic is to unequivocal as zuzar is to... Impel | Repel | Reject | Attract |

18. HSCÑ is to Fran as RBDMQ is to... Paolo | Pabel | Pablo | Palos |

19. Japan is to yen as Algeria is to... Dinar | Peso | Dragma | Dollar |

20. E-book is to electronic as a book is to... Sheet | Medium | Letters | Paper |


. 1. Denmark is to Danish as Spain is to... Hispanic | Spanish | Iberian | Hebrew |

2. Mecca is to cube as the pyramids of Cheops are to... Egypt | Cleopatra | Pyramid |
Empire |

3. Flower is to pistil as woman is to... Uterus | Vajina | Abdomen | Anus |

4. 3 is to 9 as 2 is to.... 7 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 6 |

5. Letter is to -gram as face is to... -edro | -face | -pedro | -ista | |

6. Deca is to 10 as duodeca is to... 11 | 22 | 32 | 12 | 12 |

7. Listener is to receiver as speaker is to... Medium : Transmitter : Channel :

Interference : Interference
8. Pictogram is to drawing as histogram is to... Code | Line | Bar | Range |

9. Kilobyte is to Kb as network is to... ISDN | R | Internet | NET |

10. Equator is to parallels as poles are to... Altitude | Meridians. | Latitude | Focus |

11. Land is to surveyor as iron is to... Blacksmith | Ferrous | Ironworker | Ironworker |

12. Death is to tanato- as disease is to... duck- | -itis | noso- | noso- | sono- | |

13. Female is to progesterone as male is to... Androgen | Progesterone | Testosterone

| Exteroids |

14. Scalene is to one as isosceles is to... Three | Four | Six | Two | Two |

15. Rectangle is a cylinder is a as semicircle is a... Circle | Square | Sphere | Triangle |

Triangle |

The body when entering in revolution produces this figure 16. Butter is to lipids as rice
is to... Fats | Carbohydrates | Complex carbohydrates | Sugars |

17. Worm is to annelid as starfish is to... Pachyderm | Hermaphrodite | Stellate |

Echinoderm. | |

18. Nervous tissue is to neurons as muscles are to... Myofibrils | Muscle fiber |
Synopsis | Strength |

19. Ronca is to truncate as ode is to... Modal | Ova | Oval | Moda |

20. Computer is to bit as a living being is to... Organ | Finger | Finger | Skin | Cell | Cell

TERMAN-MERRIL. It is a test whose main objective is to measure the IQ of people

with sufficient schooling to be able to understand problems presented in written

The tool discovers intellectual brilliance, and is structured in ten series in which
cultural information, judgment, logic, verbal reasoning, numerical ability,
attention-concentration, classification and selective discrimination are detected.

Its application time takes approximately 35 minutes and it can be administered

individually or collectively.

The subtests are structured as follows:

The items (questions) are classified into three groups: the first corresponds to those
items that anyone can answer, whether or not they have schooling, the second
includes items that are expected to be answered by subjects who have acquired
intermediate schooling, and the third refers to those items that can only be
answered by subjects with a certain level of specialization.

As for the subtests, they are scored in several groups, according to the specific
factors that each subtest evaluates. Thus we have that: the first group is strictly
verbal, to which correspond the subtests of information, comprehension,
similarities and vocabulary, due to the fact that both the operations necessary to
solve the tasks involved and the answers are verbal. The second group is called
attention and concentration, to which the arithmetic and digit repetition subtests
belong. The order of application must be according to the manual, in order to
ensure strict applicability of the standards to the results. In order to know the
theoretical framework on which this test is based, the corresponding research was
carried out, visiting different libraries, as well as people involved in this field.
Information is obtained from different condu[***]cts and it is known that the test
originated in the United States of America and began to spread in the Mexican
Republic through the city of Monterrey, N.L. This paper-and-pencil test has an
application form and an answer sheet. It contains 10 series, each with a time limit
that does not exceed four minutes:


1. Information or general knowledge and memory - Culture and general knowledge;

reflects the ideas and experiences that the individual has learned and organized.
Mediated memory (long term) Semantic.

2. Comprehension: Judgment and common sense, handling of reality.

3. Meaning of Words - Analytical skills in the formation of verbal concepts, general


4. Logical Selection - Ability to reason and logically deduce concepts according to

experience, capacity of abstraction.

5. Arithmetic - Reasoning and management of quantitative aspects and acquired


6. Practical Judgment - Ability to grasp the situations of daily life with common

7. Analogies: Facility to understand concepts expressed in words. Ability to reason,

abstract, generalize and think in an organized way.

8. Sentence Ordering - Planning, comprehension and organization of verbal

concepts, and attention to small details.

9. Classification.- Logical discrimination of verbal concepts.

10. Seriation: Analysis and synthesis in the handling of quantitative aspects.

Deduction capacity.

The TERMAN test is self-administered. The user usually takes about 35 minutes to
complete it.



I 2 minutes

II 2 minutes

III 2 minutes

IV 3 minutes

V 5 minutes

VI 2 minutes

VII 2 minutes

VIII 3 minutes

IX 2 minutes

X 4 minutes


SERIES 1.- Information, general knowledge and memory.

This subtest is basically oriented to detect how much information the individual has
abstracted from his/her environment; the operation used will be the remote
memory and the associative capacity. It may reflect the intellectual ambition of the

SERIES II.- Common sense, judgment and logical reasoning.

This subtest involves the ability to make judgments to understand and respond to
situations given in practice.

It suggests the level of intellectual functioning, with low scores found in subjects
with marked concrete intelligence, while subjects with abstract intelligence will
achieve high scores. It may also indicate adjustment to established social norms,
and adequate use of previous experiences.

SERIES III.- Meaning of words: Vocabulary.

It involves the use of verbal symbols and the richness of vocabulary that the person
has developed in his environment. The subject requires the correct operation of his
or her directed attention, and the understanding of ideas or concepts.

High scores will be found in people with a greater wealth of concepts, adequate
management of abstract thinking, and a high cultural level.

Low scores indicate poor vocabulary, difficulty in expressing oneself, or low reading
and cultural skills.

SERIES IV.- Logical selection, classification, organization.

The exercise requires conceptualizing the principles of things through a

classification, according to the importance of the organization of the material itself,
and finally the selection according to an established logic.

Measures the quality of information achieved in the environment

SERIES IV.- Logical selection, classification, organization.

The exercise requires conceptualizing the principles of things through a

classification, of selection according to an established logic. Measures the quality of
information achieved in the environment.

High scores indicate a correct formation of concepts and objectivity to appreciate

the environment.

Low scores are presented in practical and very concrete subjects, with superficial
analysis of judgmental elements.

SERIES V.- Arithmetic problems, numerical ability, reasoning, attention,


It measures the subject's ability to handle arithmetic operations. Reflects practice

and experience in handling quantities and mathematically based problems. Ratio
reasoning is used. The person makes use of his attention and concentration to
understand the problem, handle it mentally, and propose the necessary arithmetic
operations to find a result.

High scores indicate skill and experience in handling arithmetic operations, as well
as a high level of attention and concentration on the task under time pressure.

Low scores are found in people with difficulty concentrating at work, anxiety under
time pressure and difficulty in handling arithmetic operations.

SERIES VI - Meaning of sentences, general knowledge, memory.

This exercise has a content similar to that of the first series, finding as a
fundamental operation of intelligence, the compression and sense of sentences.

High scores are found in people with broad culture, agile reading comprehension,
and an accurate judgment of reality. Low scores will be obtained from people with
difficulty in reading and understanding texts, as well as limited culture and

SERIES VII Analogies, verbal reasoning, vocabulary.

The series involves an analogy based on abstract areas, looking for proportions and
similarities. The reasoning needs to be conceptualized on a basis of appropriate
classification and vocabulary.

High scores will be found in people with ease of speech and precision in the use of
concepts, agile in choosing between alternatives.

Low scores will be among people with reduced vocabulary, low ability to
understand an analogy in its abstract and verbal phrase; we will also have slow
subjects to choose and decide between alternatives.

SERIES VIII Sentence ordering, logical organization, attention-concentration.

Measures the ability to sort unstructured material, using detail and logical
classification to lead to the formation of a sentence. It requires a good degree of
attention and attention to detail, as well as staying on task and putting together
organized material, so the series is rich in measuring the ability to synthesize the
elements to form a program.

High scores in people quick to seek ways to solve problems, creative with initiative.
Low scores are found in people with low attention to detail, and more attention to
the global whole.

Low scores are found in people with low attention to detail and more attention to
separate units than observation of an overall whole.

SERIES IX.- Classification, discrimination, hierarchization, organization.

The series measures the speed of conceptualization, proceeding to the classification,

discrimination and hierarchization of the concepts themselves.

High scores in people agile in understanding meanings of concepts and words, with
vision to classify and find differences in the materials they handle.

Low scores indicate low attention to detail, anxiety under time pressure, and
limited handling of numbers and proportions.


The scoring is performed by the system (the application itself), thus being able to
generate the graph and the report corresponding to the person tested, as well as the
list of scores obtained in each series, also indicating their IQ (C I), Terman IQ, rank
and learning ability.

From the sum of the points obtained in each series, a raw score is obtained, which is
converted to a mental age score in months, according to the table of
correspondence to this test. To obtain the IQ, the following formula should be used:
C I = MENTAL AGE (in months) X 100


In the industrial environment, the people who handle this test define chronological
age as 192 months because they assume that every adult must have this maturity.
However, this result would be more valid if the chronological age used for this
formula is the one that corresponds in months to the current age of the individual.

Notwithstanding the above, it is a test that is being used with great boom in
different Mexican institutions, because it can be applied individually and
collectively, it evaluates different areas of the subject's intellectual capacity and it is
easy to score.

It is a very complete instrument due to the aspects it evaluates. However, for a

correct use of the test and for it to be valid, it is necessary to carry out a statistical
study of the test, standardizing it and adapting it to the needs of the population.


1. One point is given for each correct answer, zero points if the answer is false or

2. In series II, V, X the number of hits is multiplied by two to achieve the partial

3. In series III, VI, VIII subtract the number of wrong answers from the total
number of correct answers.

4. Two answers are asked for in each question, the score would be one point for
each complete item; that is, one point will be given only if both answers are good.

5. To obtain the IQ, add up the points achieved in each series, and that total should
be converted to the attached "Mental Age Table". Once the mental age in months is
obtained, it should be divided by 192 and multiplied by 100 (Table I).

Note that we will be working with people who are older than 16 years old, in case of
studying children under 16 years old, their age should be converted into months
and this will be the denominator to convert their mental age into IQ.

C I = MENTAL AGE (in months) X 100



126 and more Excellent

120 -125 Superior

110-119 Above average

90-109 Medium Term

80-89 Lower than the average term

71-79 Lower

70 or less Deficient

NOTE* To convert the partial results of each series to ranges, use the Series
Interpretation table.

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