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The fundamentals will depend on the game situation



They will be for players with or without the ball.

It will depend on the playing area

Delayed, intermediate, advanced zone.



 FID1: Compensate for line imbalances. If a center starts driving, the other center
compensates the line. (Delayed zone)

 FID2: Goalkeeper service giving the maximum possible width to facilitate short play.
(Delayed zone).

 FID3: If the goalkeeper shoots long, close diagonally towards the center lane, (Delayed

 FID4: Move the ball as far as possible by jumping a position on your line of play.
(Delayed zone)

 FID5: When there are no passing options with the intermediate zone, progress with the
ball to fix the attacker. (Delayed and Intermediate Zone)

 FID6: Provide deep support, preferably diagonally towards our goal to open the playing
space. (Delayed and Intermediate Zone)

 FID7: If the center back plays long, move towards lateral areas (Rear and intermediate

 FID8: Move the ball preferably vertically seeking progression. (Lagging and
intermediate zone)

 FID9: If the ball is not in the orientation of the center back, delay the position behind the
other center back to give the option of a pass. (Delayed zone)

 FID10: Maintain visual control of the attacker and the ball. (Lagging and intermediate

 FID11: Mark the striker while the team attacks. (Lagging and intermediate zone)

 FID12: Keep the defense balanced (Delayed and intermediate zone)

 FID13: Modify the width of the line depending on the supports of the posterior. (Lagging
and intermediate zone)

 FID14: In individual defense risk zone, (delayed zone)

 FID15: Do not defend inside the area with the ball in the center. (delayed zone)

 FID16: Anticipation of rejections (delayed zone)

 FID17: Defense of the goal when there is 1:1 with the goalkeeper.

 FID18: Guide the attacker towards the less skilled leg when he can finish. (delayed

 FID19: Release the area when the ball moves away from it, directing the exit
towards the ball and stopping the exit when the opponent controls the ball. (delayed

 FID20: In the defense of fouls and corners against: Maintain an active foot attitude,
fight without hugging the opponent and maintain a distance that allows us to collide
with the arm to stop their actions. (delayed zone)

 FID21: Identify the striker for whom you have to be responsible. (retarded and
intermediate zone)

 FID22: Maintain visual control of the attacker and the ball. (delayed zone)

 FID23: Do not be overwhelmed by putting pressure on the ball holder (back zone or
intermediate zone)

 FID24: Time the holder by minimizing the unmarking space for the second striker
(rear, intermediate zone).

 FID25: Time before numerical inferiority or equality, (delayed, intermediate zone.)

 FID26: Quickly retreat, intercepting the possible progression of the forward if he

plays the ball with another teammate., (rear, intermediate zone)

 FID27: Coverage to the winger or center back defended by the ball holder, (rear
zone, intermediate)

 FID28: Delay the position when facing deep passes into space, (rear, intermediate

 FID29: Delay the position in the event of aerial disputes from the other centre-back,
(rear, intermediate zone)

 FID30: Individual defense of unmarking into space (enter-exit), (delayed,

intermediate zone).

 FID31: Maintain balance in defense, (rear, intermediate zone)

 FID32: Compensate line imbalances, (delayed, intermediate zone)

 FID33: Restore the defensive risk imbalance with 100% efforts, (late, intermediate,
advanced zone)


 FID1: Always guarantee possession of the ball to the free players, goalkeeper and
centre-backs as long as they cannot progress in the game, (delayed zone.)

 FID2: In the goalkeeper's service, give the maximum possible width for the short game,
(delayed zone)

 FID3: If the goalkeeper plays long, close towards the center lane, (rear zone)

 FID4: Move the ball as far as possible, jumping a position on your line of play, (back

 FID5: Maintain visual control of the attacker and the ball when the team attacks
(intermediate zone) side that does not intervene directly in the game, opposite side
where the ball is located

 FID6: Mark the forward while the team attacks. (intermediate zone)

 FID7: Do not leave the defensive line when the wing defender on the opposite side
does. (intermediate zone)

 FID8: Provide direct support in the game as a third man. (Intermediate zone)

 FID9: Maintain balance between lines in depth when the team goes out, (intermediate

 FID10: Make passes to the second line to win the backs, (intermediate zone)

 FID11: To generate superiority, fix the opponent by driving the ball towards him,
(intermediate zone).

 FID12: Join advanced lateral zones when changing orientation (advanced zone).

 FID13: Split in depth when the advanced teammate on the same lane is going to make
a support and the defending winger follows him, (advanced zone)

 FID14: Center the ball depending on the space we are in: (advanced zone).

o On the ground and in front of the defense

o Behind the first or second center back
o Very strong and at the point of penalty

 FID15: Finish the competition units with crosses into the area or shots on goal,
avoiding dangerous losses, (advanced zone).

 FID16: Provide support in width and depth, preferably diagonally outlined, towards the
wing zone to open the playing space, (rear, intermediate zone)

 FID17: Carry out movements, preferably vertically, seeking progression. (retarded,

intermediate zone)

 FID18: Reduce the possibility of crosses, avoiding the tackle whenever possible (delayed zone).

 FID19: Prioritize the defense of players close to the goal, (delayed zone)

 FID20: In risk zone individual defense, (delayed zone)

 FID21: In the defense of fouls and corners against: Maintain an active attitude of feet, fight
without hugging the opponent and maintain a distance that allows us to collide with the arm to
stop their actions, (delayed zone)

 FID22: Release the area when the ball moves away from it, directing the exit towards the ball and
stopping the exit when the opponent controls the ball, (delayed zone)

 FID23: Guide the attacker based on the system or his capable leg when he can finish (delayed

 FID24: Defense of the goal when 1:1 with the goalkeeper, (delayed zone)

 FID25: Anticipation of rejections in shots on goal, (delayed zone).

 FID26: Do not defend inside the area with the ball in the center, (delayed zone)

 FID27: Compensate line imbalances, (delayed zone)

 FID28: Maintain the balance of the line in depth by matching the position of the close center back
when the ball is in the opposite lane, (delayed zone)

 FID29: Delay the position in front of deep passes into space (rear zone)

 FID30: Do not allow the ball to progress towards the goal, directing the opponent towards the
wing without being overtaken (rear, intermediate zone).

 FID31: Reduce the possibility of passes to the interval between the lateral and central, (rear,
intermediate zone).

 FID32: Cover the nearest center back when it is in a 1:1 situation and disputes, (delayed,
intermediate zone).

 FID33: Identify the forward who is responsible for the opponent, teammates and ball, (back zone,

 FID34: Maintain visual control of the attacker and the ball, (back zone, intermediate.)

 FID35: Do not be overwhelmed by pressing the ball holder (back zone, intermediate).

 FID36: Time before numerical inferiority or equality, (delayed, intermediate zone)

 FID37: Quickly retreat, intercepting the possible progression of the forward if he plays the ball
with another teammate, (rear, intermediate zone).

 FID38: Individual defense of the unmarkers behind the second center back (enter-exit), (rear,
intermediate zone).

 FID39: Keep the defense balanced in width, (rear, intermediate zone)

 FID40: Reduce the space according to possible reception of the end in changes of orientation
(retarded, intermediate zone).

 FID41: Restore defensive risk imbalance with 100% efforts; (retarded, intermediate, advanced


 FID 1 Give support to defenders when they are ready to play the ball. (delayed zone or
intermediate zone)

 FID2 Guarantee the start of the game leaving the defensive line (delayed zone or intermediate

 FID3 Orient the body to obtain maximum information from opponents, space and teammates.
(delayed zone or intermediate zone)

 FID4 Offer support after the pass, give continuity to the action. (delayed zone or intermediate

 FID5 Change the orientation of the game (back zone or intermediate zone)

 FID6 Position yourself so that a diagonal line is formed with respect to the rival goal.
(intermediate zone)

 FID7 Provide support diagonally with respect to the anterior and posterior line. (intermediate

 FID8 Avoid making more than three passes in the same lane (intermediate zone)

 FID9 Finish the competition units when we are in the appropriate area. (advanced zone)

 FID10 Maintain balance of the line and between the lines in the completion of competition units.
(advanced zone)

 FID11 Provide support after the pass, give continuity to the action. (advanced zone)


 FID12 Help the center backs in the defense of a player who progresses with the ball under
control. (delayed zone)

 FID13 Do not be overwhelmed by the player with the ball (Intermediate Zone)

 FID14 Reduce the possibility of inside passes. (Lagging zone or intermediate zone)

 FID15 Cover the nearest centre-back when it is in a 1v1 situation and disputes. (Intermediate

 FID16 Help the full-backs in defending a player who progresses with the ball under control
without leaving the central lane. (Lagging zone or intermediate zone)

 FID16 Minimize passing lanes with players who are in your zone. (Intermediate zone)

 FID17 Pressuring nearby players after losing possession of the ball. intermediate zone)

 FID18 If playing with two pivots, do not defend at the same height. intermediate zone)

 FID19 Help the close interior players in the defense of a player who progresses with the ball
under control without leaving the central lane. intermediate zone)


 FID1 Guarantee the breadth of the team (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID2 Profile the body to obtain as much information as possible, with your back to the
sideline. (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID3 Guide actions forward in progression. (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID4 Alternate support and depth clearances to destabilize defenders (advanced zone
and intermediate zone)

 FID5 Create space for unmarking with a minimum of successive foot support.
(advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID6 Create space for unmarking by initially moving towards the area where we do not
want to receive the ball. (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID7 Attack the defender in 1v1 situations with spatial advantage. (advanced zone and
intermediate zone)

 FID8 Do not stop when you have gained an advantage in the action (advanced zone
and intermediate zone)

 FID9 Fix a wide player when there is a possibility of doubling a winger

 FID10 Give continuity to the action after the pass (advanced zone and intermediate

 FID11 Center the ball depending on the space we are in: 1 on the ground and in front of
the defense. 2 behind the first or second center back 3 very strong and at the penalty
spot. (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID12 Reduce the amplitude in the finishing zone. (advanced zone and intermediate

 FID13 Entering the finishing zone when the ball progresses along the opposite side
(advanced zone)

 FID14 Spike in the finishing zone (advanced zone)

 FID15 Anticipate rejections at goal (advanced zone)


 FID16 Reduce passing options to the ball holder (advanced zone and intermediate

 FID17 Defend zonally and press within our zone when we are close to the center of the
game. (advanced zone)
 FID18 Close interior passing spaces (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID19 Quickly retreat your position when the ball passes our position. (advanced zone
and intermediate zone)

 FID20 Avoid being overwhelmed in the defense of the player with the ball (advanced
zone and intermediate zone)

 FID21 Pressing in ball loss situations (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID22 Identify the player to be responsible (intermediate zone)

 FID23 Follow the winger when joining the attack (intermediate zone)

 FID24 Interrupt a possible spatial disadvantage (intermediate zone or advanced zone)

 FID25 If the defense is pressured in the advanced zones, harass the players close to
the center of the game and the player with the ball (advanced zone)



 FID1 Guarantee the creation of the game by going to the media area. (Intermediate
 FID2 Guarantee the depth of the team (advanced or intermediate zone)

 FID3 Offer support in the midfield line and the rival defense (intermediate zone)

 FID4 Orient the body to be able to play in progression. (intermediate zone and
advanced zone)

 FID5 Balance the indoor play spaces (intermediate zone and advanced zone)

 FID6 Offer diagonal support with respect to backward and advanced lines. (intermediate
zone and advanced zone)

 FID7 Make passes with advantage and with a tendency to progress (intermediate zone
and advanced zone)

 FID8 If progression is not possible, maintain possession by playing in useful spaces.

(intermediate zone)

 FID9 Stand out in depth in a situation of spatial imbalance. (advanced zone)

 FID10 Provide continuity after passing (intermediate zone and advanced zone)

 FID11 Attack free spaces in the finishing area. (advanced zone)

 FID12 Finishing first in the finishing zone (advanced zone)

 FID13 Attack the rejected ball in the central zone of the attack. (advanced zone)


 FID14 Reduce passing options to the ball holder (advanced zone)

 FID15 Close interior passing spaces (advanced zone)

 FID16 Pressing in ball loss situations (advanced zone)

 FID17 Disrupt possible spatial disadvantage (advanced zone)

 FID18 Do not be overwhelmed by harassing the player with the ball (intermediate zone)

 FID19 Press after request for the team ball (intermediate zone)

 FID20 Quickly move back the position when the ball passes us. (intermediate zone)

 FID21 Close spaces in the inside game (intermediate zone)

 FID22 Defend towards the center of play zonally and press within their zone
(intermediate zone and advanced zone)

 FID23 Disrupt the possible spatial disadvantage (intermediate zone and advanced



 FID1 Guarantee team depth. (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID2 Quickly recover the position after exiting it to participate in the game. (advanced zone)

 FID3 Orient the body to have as much information as possible about the game situation.
(advanced zone or intermediate zone)

 FID4 Get out behind the center backs. Or the central defender furthest from the ball preferably
(advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID5 Offer short support to the holder when he is in trouble or under great pressure. (advanced
zone or intermediate zone)

 FID6 Alternate demarcations at the foot and in depth (advanced zone)

 FID7 Giving false information when unmarking (advanced zone)

 FID8 Generate spaces with advantage for teammates (advanced zone)

 FID9 Offer second line support (advanced zone)

 FID10 Change the direction of the unmarking when the balls progress (advanced zone) along the

 FID11 Attack the ball as soon as possible in its trajectory when we are going to shoot on goal.
(advanced zone)

 FID12 Attack the most effective spaces for finishing (advanced zone)

 FID13 Offer a passing line from behind if the baseline is gained (advanced zone and intermediate

 FID14 Finish first (advanced zone)

 FID15 Show continuity after giving the pass (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID16 Anticipate rejections on goal. (advanced zone)

 FID17 Do not stop once you have achieved a spatial advantage (advanced zone and
intermediate zone)


 FID18 Avoid interior passes towards the central zone of the opposing attack (advanced zone and
intermediate zone)

 FID19 Direct the game towards the wings (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID20 Press hard and fast after losing the ball (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID21 Avoid hindering the center back's ball movement (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

 FID22 Prepare the team's counterattack (advanced zone and intermediate zone)

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