Voodoo Night Scenario

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Some townsfolk in Woodinvale have been dabbling in the Voodoo arts, and now the town is overrun with zombies. The zombie spell is being held together by four import- ‘ant ingredients which have been hidden around the town. Can you and your companions find the ingredients, destroy them, and survive the night? Irs time t0 find out! Op 1) Place the L-Shaped board containing the graveyard and select the other three boards randomly. 2) Place the ritual circle on the center of town board, in the corner space closes to the graveyard. 3) Place the 8 numbered tokens face down, randomly in buildings around the board. 4) Place the Cross, Skull, Amulet, Book, and gas markers nearby. 5) All 4 heroes start in the Center of Town with a free Hero Card as if their start location were not on the board. 41) Spawning pit in graveyard auto-spawns one zombie per turn, independent of regular spawning. 2) Heroes replenish. 3) Heroes may not pass through the space containing the Ritual Circle. 4) When searching a building, a player may choose to cither search as usual or, if there is a number token in the building, collect that number token. That character then collects the following item or actions from the following key: Seanch Key: 1: The Cross 2: Gas Can 3: Sneak attack: a zombie appears in the hero's space. 4: The Skull 5: The Book 6: Sneak attack x2: 2 zombies appears in the hero's space. 7) The Amulet 8) First Aid: May instantly and completely heal any hero. Collect the ingredients for the Voodoo curse (Amulet, Skull, Book, and Cross) from various locations, collect gas can and fire item. Destroy all items in the graveyard before dawn. Two heroes must begin their turns in the graveyard, with all items. Zombie Objecrive _ Zombies win if heroes fail or if two heroes are killed. Scenario Search Items Any 0 Fire) Item.

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