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B. P. S18, T0LAuNAR0 614, NABAuASCAR

"H1A&'(#1!4&--$<.! S
I*'<)2&A'()*!! S
Backgiounu S
What is CLTS. S
CLTS & Nauagascai 6
CLTS & Azafauy 6
J<1K$<$'()*! 7
Tiaining 7
Planning 7
3<(771<(*7! 8
Tiansect walks anu mapping 8
Action planning 11
L)%%)M!NK! 11
Nonitoiing anu suppoit visits 11
Bouseholu latiines! 12
School activities (flags) 14
Re-tiiggeiing 1S
Natuial leaueis sanitation committees 1S
01??)*?!01$<*'!O!P(?A&??()*!J)(*'?! 16
Seasonality timing of tiiggeiing 16
Time fiame foi uiffeient stages of CLTS 16
Natuial leaueis sanitation committees 17
Bistoiy of subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie piovision 18
Action planning 18
Builuing esteem anu motivation (suppoit visits) 19
School activities (flags) 19
Bouseholu latiines 19
,)*A%&?()*! 2u
>KK1*2(A1?! 2u
CLTS Banubook!
Piactical uuiue to CLTS
uuiue Piatique ATPC
CLTS Tiaineis Tiaining uuiue
ATPC uuiue ue Foimation ues Foimateuis


Less than 11% of the population in Nauagascai has access to impioveu sanitation facilities (WB00NICEF, 2u1u).
0pen uefecation contaminates foou anu watei souices, posing a majoi health thieat to alieauy impoveiisheu
communities. The situation is paiticulaily seveie in the Anosy iegion of south east Nauagascai wheie as many as
4 in 1u chiluien in iuial villages uie befoie theii fifth biithuay (Ninistiy of Bealth, 2u11). 0ften this is causeu by
easily pieventable uiseases in a cycle of open uefecation, suiface watei pollution, pooi hygiene piactices anu
uiaiihoeal illnesses which aie linkeu to inauequate sanitation.
Community-leu total sanitation (CLTS) is an innovative methouology foi moving communities to take collective
action to become totally 'open uefecation fiee' (0BF) by builuing anu using theii own latiines. The appioach taps
into the motivating factois of piiue anu esteem, mobilising communities to eliminate open uefecation using a
vaiiety of paiticipatoiy anu inteiactive tools, with no piovision of subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie. CLTS ieuuces
uepenuence on exteinal assistance, builuing the capacity of communities to become inuepenuent in piotecting
theii own health. It is cuiiently being implementeu in moie than
4u countiies acioss Asia, Afiica, Latin Ameiica anu the Niuule
East. The appioach is enuoiseu by bouies incluuing the 0K
Bepaitment foi Inteinational Bevelopment, Institute of
Bevelopment Stuuies anu 0niteu Nations.
Nauagascai's national WASB (Watei, Sanitation & Bygiene foi
All) netwoik iecently staiteu piomoting CLTS acioss the countiy
with suppoit fiom WateiAiu, anu last yeai Azafauy staiteu
piloting CLTS in two communities with a view to incieasing the
sustainability of its community health activities in the Anosy iegion. To uate (}uly 2u11) a total of 12 latiines have
been completeu by community membeis with 12S useis fiom S7 householus, anu ovei SS moie latiines aie in the
piocess of constiuction. Although neithei communities have achieveu 0BF status yet, that 12 householus have
been able to complete theii own latiines using simple locally anu fieely available mateiials is testament to theii
ueteimination anu iesouicefulness, anu boues well foi the success of futuie CLTS initiatives in the iegion. This
evaluation iepoit uocuments the CLTS piocess as expeiienceu in these two communities, incluuing lessons leaint
anu uiscussion points that shoulu feeu into the appioach that Azafauy takes as it scales up CLTS within
Nahatalaky Ruial Commune ovei the next yeai anu beyonu.
CLTS tiiggeiing in Agnalapatsy (vatambe) anu Emagnevy centie (Emagnevy) took place in Novembei - Becembei
2u1u, staiting with tiansect walks thiough uefecation sites along the iivei anu unuei the coffee tiees. Azafauy's
agents askeu leauing questions to the point that community membeis came to the collective self-iealisation that
uue to theii uefecation habits they weie eating anu uiinking theii own shit ('+(,9 in Nalagasy). Napping exeicises
ieinfoiceu this by illustiating the extent of open uefecation thioughout these villages. Naps weie uiawn on the
giounu by community membeis, immeuiately tiansfeiieu onto flip chait papei, anu then painteu onto woouen
boaius in Febiuaiy 2u11. In the householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this evaluation, people iepoiteu being
ashameu oi uisgusteu about theii uefecation piactices following the tiansect walk anu mapping because they saw
with theii own eyes that theii village was uiity anu theie was +(, eveiywheie. These ieactions moveu people to
auuiess the pioblem of open uefecation within theii communities, anu uuiing the initial action planning 7
householus in Agnalapatsy anu 22 householus in Emagnevy committeu to builuing theii own latiines. A possible
baiiiei to moie people paiticipating in Agnalapatsy was the low liteiacy level since action planning involveu
wiiting uown the names of people who wanteu to builu theii own latiines anu some people may have been put off
if they coulun't unueistanu what was being wiitten. Neanwhile in Emagnevy the action plan was left with the
community foi seveial weeks as some householus weie auueu aftei they hau time to uiscuss it amongst
themselves, possibly uiscouiaging eaily action-taking. This iepoit theiefoie suggests ways that the action
planning piocess coulu be maue moie accessible anu immeuiate foi futuie CLTS initiatives.
Although CLTS tenus to be easiei to tiiggei in communities with no cuiient, pievious oi neaiby piogiamme of
subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision to householus, it's inteiesting to note that with this pilot CLTS
initiative it was founu that a histoiy of piioi health piomotion effoits incluuing subsiuiseu sanitation
infiastiuctuie piovision uiu not necessaiily piesent a majoi challenge to tiiggeiing CLTS in vatambe anu
Emagnevy, anu in fact may have contiibuteu to each community's high level of concein about theii continueu
piactice of open uefecation. It seems that the CLTS tiiggeiing piocess may have actually built upon Azafauy's

pievious health piomotion effoits, somehow ieactivating the PBAST euucation (which maue the communities
unueistanu the impoitance of latiines foi piotecting against uiaiihoeal illnesses) while igniting a genuine anu
uigent concein about the neeu to auuiess the ongoing pioblem of open uefecation.
Bespite high levels of community motivation, latiine constiuction pioceeueu slowly in }anuaiy - Febiuaiy 2u11
because householus weie busy with iice cultivation activities anu it was the lean season in teims of foou
availability. Fuitheimoie, heavy iains maue it uifficult to builu latiines as pits quickly filleu up with watei uuiing
the constiuction piocess befoie shelteis weie completeu, while locations fiom which to gathei mateiials became
inaccessible. A key lesson leaint fiom this pilot initiative is that CLTS shoulu iueally be tiiggeieu at the beginning
of a slack laboui peiiou when the community has sufficient time anu eneigy to uig pits anu builu shelteis, anu
when it is possible to uo so in teims of weathei patteins (not too iainy): the best time foi builuing latiines has
cleaily been iuentifieu as }uly - August - Septembei thiough the householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this
evaluation. Encouiagingly, of those householus that hau completeu theii latiines, two thiius hau manageu to
builu theii latiine within S weeks, suggesting that weie tiiggeiing to occui at a moie favouiable time (aiounu
}uly) then latiine constiuction coulu pioceeu moie piomptly following action planning, with communities making
fastei piogiess towaius becoming 0BF. Latiines weie constiucteu using locally available mateiials anu tools,
with just S householus neeuing to buy mateiials (nails costing 1,uuu - 2,uuu Aiiaiy Su - 6up) as all othei
mateiials weie fieely available anu tools coulu be boiioweu fiom neighbouis if necessaiy.
While the filthiness of +(, hau been highlighteu in the householu inteiviews as a significant bau thing about open
uefecation, it's inteiesting to note that likewise the cleanliness piomoteu by latiines was mentioneu as a
significant goou thing about fixeu point uefecation in the householu inteiviews, with well ovei half of people
iepoiting the goou things about using a latiine to incluue a cleanei village with less +(, eveiywheie. Bettei health
anu piotection fiom illnesses was also mentioneu by ovei a quaitei of householus. Fuitheimoie, while no smell
hau been iepoiteu as a goou thing about open uefecation, it's inteiesting to note that conveisely the unpleasant
smell expeiienceu with self-maue latiines was a bau thing iepoiteu by 1u householus: this is ceitainly something
that shoulu be taken into consiueiation as a potential baiiiei to the sustaineu use of these latiines.
Buiing the follow up to CLTS tiiggeiing, monitoiing anu suppoit visits by Azafauy's agents weie founu to be
impoitant in keeping community membeis engageu anu involveu. A visit by the heau of community health (a
uoctoi) anu pioject uevelopment team (inteinational '(:(;( staff) in Apiil 2u11 significantly boosteu community
motivation, with a public 'walk of piaise' incieasing the esteem of those householus in the piocess of builuing
theii latiines. Anothei suggestion foi maintaining community motivation is viueo iecoiuing anu play back of pit
uigging, latiine constiuction, anu chiluien singing songs about the neeu foi theii community to become 0BF.
School activities facilitateu by Azafauy's agents incluueu making biightly colouieu blue flags to plant wheie
people uefecate in the open. The flags weie founu to embaiiass people who piactice open uefecation, uiiving
them to builu theii own latiines oi foicing them to uefecate fuithei away fiom populai uefecation sites in the
shoit-teim. Bowevei, it's been noteu that once planteu at a uefecation site, aftei a while the flags woulu geneially
fall uown as the +(, uecomposeu oi got washeu away, oi the sticks woulu bieak, but they uiun't tenu to be ieuseu
because people uiun't want to pick them up fiom wheie the +(, hau been. The sustainability of the flags is
theiefoie something that shoulu be auuiesseu in futuie CLTS initiatives.
Biawing on lessons leaint fiom the initial tiiggeiing anu follow up activities, the health euucation managei anu
community agents ueciueu to ie-tiiggei CLTS in Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie in Nay - }une 2u11. This was
in oiuei to uo longei tiansect walks taking in moie uefecation sites with as many community membeis
paiticipating as possible, anu then to facilitate laigei action planning sessions by ie-uiawing the map boaius to
incluue all householus within the hamlets. These ie-tiiggeiing exeicises benefiteu fiom the agents' gieatei
piactical expeiience of CLTS anu achieveu a highei level of community paiticipation anu animation as this time
people unueistoou moie about what CLTS involveu: following the ie-tiiggeiing S4 householus in Agnalapatsy anu
S6 householus in Emagnevy centie committeu to builuing theii own latiines.
Aiounu 8 'natuial leaueis' (NLs) emeigeu fiom the CLTS piocess in Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie. These
inuiviuuals have been vocal about the neeu to eliminate open uefecation within theii community, weie among the
fiist to complete theii latiines, have gone on to shaie theii latiines with theii neighbouis, anu aie keen to
encouiage othei community membeis to builu theii own latiines too. In }une 2u11 they appioacheu Azafauy's
agents asking to be establisheu as sanitation committees within theii communities, iesponsible foi monitoiing
anu encouiaging local action to eliminate open uefecation. Looking to the futuie, the piospects foi expanuing
CLTS beyonu Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie seem piomising: community membeis in hamlets acioss
Faiafaia vatambe have been asking Azafauy's agent foi months whethei it will be possible to facilitate CLTS in
theii villages, while 1 householu in west Emagnevy has alieauy built a latiine with S othei latiines in the piocess
of constiuction within this hamlet.


Less than 11% of the population in Nauagascai has access to impioveu sanitation facilities anu the countiy is not
on tiack to meet the Nillennium Bevelopment uoal foi sanitation in this centuiy (WB00NICEF, 2u1u). 0pen
uefecation contaminates foou anu watei souices, posing a majoi health thieat to alieauy impoveiisheu
communities. The situation is paiticulaily seveie in the Anosy iegion of south east Nauagascai wheie as many as
4 in 1u chiluien in iuial villages uie befoie theii fifth biithuay (Ninistiy of Bealth, 2u11). 0ften this is causeu by
easily pieventable uiseases in a cycle of open uefecation, suiface watei pollution, pooi hygiene piactices anu
uiaiihoeal illnesses which aie linkeu to inauequate sanitation. These exaceibate the piessuies of an alieauy
fiagile foou secuiity situation in which nuising motheis, piegnant women anu infants aie the most vulneiable to
chionic malnutiition, anu hinuei economic anu social uevelopment thiough the loss of S million woiking uays
anu S million school uays eveiy yeai in Nauagascai (Woilu Bank, 2u11).
Community-leu total sanitation (CLTS) is an innovative methouology foi mobilising communities to completely
eliminate open uefecation. Communities aie facilitateu to conuuct theii own appiaisal of theii sanitation piactices
anu take collective action to become totally 'open uefecation fiee' (0BF) by builuing anu using theii own latiines.

CLTS is essentially a low-cost, high-impact, community-leu paiticipatoiy exeicise. 'Tiiggeiing' is the vital coie of
CLTS: facilitatois convene communities anu thiough paiticipatoiy mapping of householus anu uefecation aieas
(anu conuucting tiansect walks thiough these aieas) the pioblem of 'shitting in the open' is quickly maue visible.
Community membeis use paiticipatoiy iuial appiaisal methous to analyse theii sanitation situation incluuing the
extent of open uefecation anu the faecal-oial contamination that uetiimentally affects eveiy one of them. The
ciuue local equivalent woiu to 'shit' ('+(,9 in Nalagasy) is always useu anu facilitatois iun exeicises that shock anu
uisgust, foi example, analysing pathways between 'shit' anu mouth. This leaus to the 'ignition' moment when
communities iesolve to take action. Whole communities aie mobiliseu as they iealise the impact of theii
sanitation piactices: that they quite liteially will be consuming one anothei's 'shit' so long as open uefecation
continues. If facilitateu piopeily CLTS theiefoie tiiggeis community-leu action to totally eliminate open
uefecation without the neeu foi subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie piovision. Community membeis aie motivateu to uig
pits foi the constiuction of self-maue latiines accoiuing to theii own uesigns anu using locally available mateiials,
with householus making latiines within theii means oi shaiing latiines in oiuei to make suie theii community
becomes 0BF. By iaising awaieness that so long as even a minoiity continue to uefecate in the open eveiyone is
at iisk fiom uiaiihoeal uiseases, CLTS tiiggeis the community's uesiie foi change, piopelling them into action anu
encouiaging innovation, mutual suppoit anu locally appiopiiate solutions. The appioach taps into the motivating
factois of piiue anu esteem, mobilising communities to eliminate open uefecation using a vaiiety of paiticipatoiy
anu inteiactive tools, with no piovision of subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie. It ieuuces uepenuence on exteinal assistance
by focusing on local iesouicefulness anu empoweiment, builuing the capacity of communities to become
inuepenuent in piotecting theii own health. In iesponse to the neeu to inciease the sustainability of sanitation
initiatives in the ueveloping woilu, CLTS is being enuoiseu by bouies incluuing the 0K Bepaitment foi
Inteinational Bevelopment, Institute of Bevelopment Stuuies anu 0niteu Nations.

The CLTS appioach was uevelopeu in 2uuu by Kamal Kai (a uevelopment consultant fiom Inuia) togethei with a
local Nu0 paitnei of WateiAiu in Banglauesh. Kai, who hau yeais of expeiience in paiticipatoiy appioaches
acioss a iange of uevelopment piojects, succeeueu in peisuauing the local Nu0 to cease top-uown subsiuiseu
latiine constiuction. Be auvocateu change in institutional attituue anu the neeu to focus upon intense community
mobilisation anu facilitation to enable villageis to analyse theii sanitation situation anu take collective action to
eliminate open uefecation themselves. This appioach pioveu highly successful anu both local anu inteinational
Nu0s then auopteu the appioach: Plan, WateiAiu anu 0NICEF have become impoitant uisseminatois anu
champions of CLTS anu touay it is being implementeu in moie than 4u countiies acioss Asia, Afiica, Latin Ameiica
anu the Niuule East. CLTS has gieat potential foi contiibuting towaius the Nillennium Bevelopment uoals, both
uiiectly foi watei anu sanitation (goal 7) anu inuiiectly thiough knock-on impacts, paiticulaily in teims of
ieuucing chilu moitality (goal 4).

Foi moie infoimation about CLTS please iefei to the Banubook (in English), Piactical Tiiggeiing uuiue (in
English anu Fiench) anu Tiainei's Tiaining uuiue (in English anu Fiench) attacheu as appenuices to this
evaluation iepoit.


Nauagascai's national WASB (Watei, Sanitation & Bygiene foi All) netwoik iecently staiteu piomoting CLTS
acioss the countiy with suppoit fiom WateiAiu. CLTS was fiist piloteu in the Amoion'i Nania iegion of cential
Nauagascai in 0ctobei 2uu8 by the iegional WASB committee anu CREPA (Centie Rgional poui l'Eau Potable et
l'Assainissement), with technical assistance fiom 0NICEF Kenya, tiiggeiing 1u communities aiounu Ambositia as
pait of 0SAIB Nauagascai's Bygiene Impiovement Pioject. Since then CLTS has been facilitateu acioss many
iegions of Nauagascai by vaiious agencies incluuing by CRS (Catholic Relief Seivices) anu AS0S (Action Sant
0iganisation Secouis) in the Anuioy anu Anosy iegions.

0vei the last 12 yeais Azafauy has woikeu with 6u iuial
communities acioss the Anosy iegion in the piovision of
health euucation - an activity that has tiauitionally ielieu on
the PBAST (Paiticipatoiy Bygiene Anu Sanitation
Tiansfoimation) appioach thiough which communities aie
guiueu to iuentify theii own health issues anu potential
solutions with a piocess of leaining about uisease
tiansmission ioutes anu moues of pievention. Bowevei,
ongoing evaluations have shown that uiuactic euucation is
ineffective in facilitating sustaineu behavioui change anu that
incieaseu knowleuge uoes not automatically iesult in impioveu hygiene piactices. Within the Anosy iegion
baiiieis to changing ueeply entiencheu habits, paiticulaily with iegaius to the use of sanitation infiastiuctuie,
aie often tieu to long-stanuing cultuial beliefs while motivating factois aie moie closely ielateu to convenience
anu status iathei than peiceiveu health benefits. Theie aie stiong taboos aiounu the subject of uefecation within
Antanosy society anu the chionic poveity in which the majoiity of communities live compounus this situation as
uaily tangible suivival neeus (such as foou secuiity, access to uiinking watei, etc.) geneially take pieceuence ovei
consiueiation of miciobacteiial uisease tiansmission which is neithei visible noi necessaiily immeuiate in its

Azafauy's health piojects have typically incluueu the piovision of sanitation infiastiuctuie, in paiticulai
communal anu householu latiines, howevei the iole of subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie piovision as a motivatoi oi
uetiactoi with iegaius to sustaineu behavioui change has been questioneu anu continues to be evaluateu. Foi
example, communal latiines have been constiucteu as pait of Azafauy's school builuing piogiamme, in
oveiciowueu uiban communities anu aujacent to community health centies: while each of these inteiventions
was in uiiect iesponse to local iequests foi assistance anu community motivation foi the infiastiuctuie was high
at the time of pioject implementation, pioblems latei occuiieu uue to a lack of cleaily assigneu iesponsibility foi
the maintenance anu cleaning of the latiines. The piovision of householu latiines avoiueu the issue of uncleai
iesponsibility but evaluations thioughout these piojects inuicateu that although local uemanu foi latiines was
high, when faceu with a challenge to using the latiine - usually the pit becoming full iequiiing the latiine to be
emptieu oi a new hole to be uug anu the sanitation platfoim (SanPlat) moveu - community owneiship of the
subsiuiseu infiastiuctuie was founu to be lacking anu seveial householus ieveiteu to open uefecation.

These challenges to effecting sustaineu behavioui change have been iecogniseu by the national WASB netwoik in
Nauagascai such that it is now auvancing CLTS as an alteinative to the tiauitional PBAST methouology. In line
with best piactice as piomoteu by the national WASB netwoik Azafauy is theiefoie looking to auopt CLTS in
oiuei to inciease the sustainability of its community health inteiventions in the Anosy iegion. In Novembei 2u1u
Azafauy launcheu a pilot CLTS initiative in two hamlets within the fokontanys of vatambe anu Emagnevy in
Nahatalaky Ruial Commune. By }uly 2u11 a total of 12 latiines hau been completeu by community membeis with
12S useis fiom S7 householus, anu ovei SS moie latiines weie in the piocess of constiuction. At this stage
Azafauy unueitook a thoiough evaluation of the CLTS activities that hau been completeu to uate. Quantitative
inuicatois weie taken fiom monthly activity iepoits that incluueu the numbei of latiines in the piocess of being
constiucteu. Qualitative infoimation was gatheieu thiough 18 householu inteiviews (with those that hau
completeu theii latiine weie in the piocess of constiucting theii latiine weie shaiing theii neighboui's latiine
weie not builuing theii own latiine) that exploieu how sanitation attituues anu piactices have changeu thiough
CLTS, anu also pioviueu fuithei uetails about the latiine constiuction piocess. This evaluation iepoit has been
compileu by Theophile%Zafison (Azafauy's health euucation managei) anu Lauia Robson (one of Azafauy's pioject
uevelopment specialists).

In 0ctobei 2u1u a S-uay CLTS tiaining session was helu in Nahatalaky, facilitateu by a local Nu0 calleu AS0S. The
session was attenueu by the chefs ue fokontany fiom acioss Nahatalaky anu Nanuiomonuiomotia Ruial
Communes, agents fiom local Nu0s Santenet anu AS0S, anu Azafauy staff incluuing the health euucation managei
anu community agents (Lea, uiona anu 0iganes). The AS0S tiaineis hau oiiginally ieceiveu instiuction fiom
0NICEF Nauagascai, anu hau since gaineu expeiience tiiggeiing CLTS in the Anuioy iegion. Buiing the fiist uay
of tiaining the sanitation situation in Nahatalaky Ruial Commune was analyseu anu then an oveiview of CLTS
was given, incluuing specific activities to be auopteu as pait of the facilitation piocess that encouiages
community membeis to uiaw theii own conclusions as to the effects of theii cuiient sanitation piactices anu then
take collective action in oiuei to auuiess the issues that they have iuentifieu. A booklet in Nalagasy outlining how
to tiiggei CLTS was uistiibuteu to all paiticipants.

Buiing the seconu uay of the tiaining paiticipants weie split into thiee gioups anu uiu a piactical exeicise,
supeiviseu by the AS0S tiaineis, tiiggeiing CLTS in thiee fokontanys (village clusteis) close to Nahatalaky:
Behatafa, Tsihaioa Ampasy anu Tsihaioa Ambonuio. This incluueu gatheiing the community togethei, uoing a
tiansect walk thiough uefecation sites, facilitating uiscussion about the community's sanitation situation, anu
equipping them with mateiials they coulu then use foi action planning. AS0S took iesponsibility foi pioviuing
follow up suppoit foi these thiee fokontanys. Buiing the thiiu uay of tiaining a few iepiesentatives fiom each of
the fokontanys weie piesent at the feeuback session following the piactical tiiggeiing exeicise to shaie theii
thoughts about CLTS. A iepiesentative fiom Tsihaioa saiu that although they wanteu to builu theii own latiines
they thought that it woulu be easy to uig the pit but woulu like to be pioviueu with SanPlats (a conciete slab with
foot iest anu uiop hole). Azafauy hau pieviously uistiibuteu SanPlats to householus in Tsihaioa in 2uu6 anu the
community wanteu to know why this was not possible again. It was ieiteiateu that CLTS is not about SanPlats,
iathei the uelegation hau come to theii village to leain about theii sanitation situation anu it was up to the
community to ueciue what they wanteu to uo next: continue with open uefecation oi stop this piactice by
builuing theii own latiines using locally available mateiials. The fokontany iepiesentative accepteu this anu
iequesteu follow up visits to help maintain community motivation. Neveitheless it is impoitant to note that the
histoiy of subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision within Tsihaioa piesenteu a challenge to tiiggeiing CLTS

Following this S-uay CLTS tiaining session Azafauy's health euucation managei met with the heau of community
health anu heau of pioject uevelopment to uiscuss the appioach anu consiuei how it might fit into Azafauy's
stiategy foi ensuiing sustainable impiovements to community health in the Anosy iegion. It was agieeu that a
pilot CLTS initiative woulu be launcheu in two iuial communities so that the oiganisation coulu gain expeiience
with this appioach anu then make an infoimeu uecision as to whethei to fully auopt it as the founuation of
Azafauy's subsequent sanitation piomotion effoits.

Befoie planning the pilot CLTS initiative Azafauy's health euucation managei assesseu the capacity of the
community agents to tiiggei CLTS following the S-uay tiaining session leu by AS0S that they hau attenueu anu
founu that they weie not totally confiuent about the appioach, being paiticulaily conceineu about 'talking% +(,'
(uiscussing shit) with the community, especially with elueis anu opinion leaueis. The health euucation managei
theiefoie pioviueu them with a 1-uay intensive follow up tiaining session in Novembei 2u1u with suppoit fiom
the heau of pioject uevelopment, focusing on facilitation anu communication skills, paiticulaily uiawing on the
Piactical uuiue to Tiiggeiing CLTS, with sections tianslateu into Nalagasy foi theii iefeience. The health
euucation managei also pioviueu the community agents with fuithei suppoit, encouiagement anu auvice
thioughout the tiiggeiing piocess as they incieaseu theii piactical expeiience of facilitating CLTS.

Azafauy's health euucation managei anu community agents selecteu two hamlets (Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy
centie) in vatambe anu Emagnevy as the taiget communities foi this pilot CLTS initiative. These communities
weie chosen as they weie consiueieu to uisplay a numbei of favouiable conuitions foi CLTS:

Small settlements <%hamlets iathei than laige village clusteis
Socially anu cultuially homogeneous communities with goou cohesion

Bigh inciuence of uiaiihoeal uiseases anu chilu moitality
Lack of covei in the suiiounuing aiea uefecation constiaineu by lack of piivacy - foi example Emagnevy
is suiiounueu by giasslanu so most people uefecate unuei the coffee tiees within the village
0npiotecteu, vulneiable to contamination oi cuiiently polluteu watei souices - foi example in Emagnevy
centie most people uefecate unuei the coffee tiees about 1uum up fiom the village's well so when it iains all
the +(, gets washeu uownstieam to the well, while in the hamlet of Agnalapatsy in vatambe most people
uefecate along the iivei wheie they also collect watei, wash anu uo theii launuiy
Wheie it is easy foi people to see anu analyse the links between theii uefecation habits anu ingestion of
faeces - see point above
Piogiessive local leaueiship - foi example community paiticipation in othei Azafauy piojects has always
been exceptionally high in Emagnevy thanks to the enuoisement of the village school's heaumastei, a highly
motivateu anu iespecteu inuiviuual within the community, while the chef ue fokontany of vatambe is known
to be paiticulaily enthusiastic about CLTS, having built his own latiine following the S-uay CLTS tiaining
session he attenueu in Nahatalaky, anu the chef ue village of Agnalapatsy is a motivateu WASB committee
Settlement patteins pioviue auequate space foi latiine constiuction
Soil is stable anu easy to uig

These communities uiu uisplay a key unfavouiable conuition foi CLTS, namely past expeiiences with piogiammes
of subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision to householus, as Azafauy hau pieviously uone PBAST health
euucation in vatambe anu Emagnevy aiounu 2uuS - 2uu7 which incluueu the piovision of some householu
SanPlats. The challenges anu oppoitunities that this histoiy of subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision
piesenteu to tiiggeiing CLTS in these communities will be uiscusseu below.

Piioi to tiiggeiing CLTS in these hamlets, Azafauy's health euucation managei anu community agents met with
the chefs ue fokontany anu chefs ue village in oiuei to explain CLTS anu gain peimission to holu community
meetings with the aim of finuing out about sanitation issues anu uefecation piactices in these hamlets.

Tiiggeiing in the hamlet of Agnalapatsy took place in Novembei 2u1u, facilitateu by Azafauy's community agents
(Lea anu uiona) with suppoit fiom the health euucation managei. The community meeting was oiganiseu foi the
afteinoon at aiounu 4pm because uuiing the uay people tenu to be occupieu with livelihoou activities incluuing
iice cultivation anu in the evening people aie busy piepaiing anu eating theii main meal. Lea staiteu by
explaining the puipose of the session: to analyse the sanitation situation in Agnalapatsy by finuing out about the
community's uefecation piactices. uiona then askeu people wheie they uefecate. Nobouy in Agnalapatsy hau
latiines so 1uu% of people iepoiteu piacticing open uefecation, mainly unuei the coffee tiees anu along the iivei.
uiona askeu if they coulu go to visit theii uefecation sites. Some people uiun't want to as theie was so much +(,
theie. uiona askeu why if it was theii +(, uiun't they want to go anu see it. Nost people agieeu to visit theii
uefecation sites while Lea stayeu behinu with those who uiun't want to oi weie unable to go (the elueily anu
uisableu) in oiuei to engage them in a uiscussion about theii uefecation piactices while the otheis uiu the
tiansect walk.

uiona anu Theo uiu the tiansect walk thiough the coffee tiees anu along the iivei wheie people uefecate. It was
easy to facilitate uiscussion heie as faecal-oial contamination was so eviuent: the community saw that they weie
uiinking theii own +(, by uefecating just next to the iivei fiom which they collecteu watei. They stoou aiounu
some piles of shit anu uiona askeu leauing questions about faecal-oial contamination ioutes: enquiiing about the
flies buzzing aiounu anu lanuing on the +(,, then buzzing aiounu anu lanuing on theii foou at home, woulu they
caiiy on eating the foou. They woulu, anu so the community came to the collective self-iealisation that they weie
eating theii own +(,. An initial ieaction was uiffeient community membeis blaming each othei, paiticulaily since
the men tenu to go to the foiest oi fielus to uefecate when they collect fiiewoou oi aie engageu in iice cultivation
activities, while the women tenu to go by the iivei to uefecate when they uo theii launuiy oi wash theie, so the

men blameu the women foi making the village uiity. Bowevei, geneially all community membeis took
iesponsibility foi the +(, pioblem anu iesolveu to take action to auuiess it, foi example ueciuing to clean the
uefecation site along the iivei by cleaiing the shiubs anu planting cassava. This is because people uo not tenu to
uefecate wheie cassava anu iice is giowing (uue to lack of piivacy anu because this is consiueieu to be an unclean
piactice since they giow unueigiounu) wheieas they uo tenu to uefecate in shiubs oi unuei coffee tiees (uue to
gieatei piivacy anu because this is not consiueieu to be an unclean piactice since the coffee seeus giow above-

When the people who uiu the tiansect walk ietuineu to the othei gioup Lea facilitateu a community uiscussion,
asking them to feeuback about what they saw anu talkeu about uuiing the tiansect walk. She then facilitateu a
mapping exeicise, with community membeis maiking on the giounu the location of theii householus in ielation
to watei collection points anu uefecation sites. The chef ue village leu a uiscussion about the map, paiticulaily
conceining the pioximity of uefecation sites to householus anu watei collection points, while it was tiansfeiieu
onto a big piece of flip chait papei. The community coulu cleaily see that they weie uiinking anu eating theii own
+(,, anu when askeu if they weie going to uo anything about this seveial householus maue the uecision to builu
theii own latiines.


Tiiggeiing in Emagnevy centie took place in Becembei 2u1u, facilitateu by the community agents (uiona anu Lea)
with suppoit fiom the health euucation managei. Like in Agnalapatsy the community meeting was helu in the
afteinoon. Aftei intiouucing the puipose of the session some people agieeu to go on the tiansect walk to uiscuss
the community's uefecation piactices. They went to the coffee tiees neai the village's well anu Lea askeu leauing
questions about faecal-oial contamination ioutes: enquiiing wheie the +(, goes when it iains, uoes it get washeu
away, isn't the village's well uownstieam fiom the coffee tiees, so what. When the people who uiu the tiansect
walk ietuineu to the othei gioup uiona facilitateu a community uiscussion, asking them to feeuback about what
they saw anu talkeu about uuiing the tiansect walk. The community came to the collective self-iealisation that
they weie uiinking theii own +(,, anu iesolveu to take action to auuiess this pioblem, foi example ueciuing to uig
a channel acioss the lanu between the coffee tiees anu the village's well in oiuei to keep it fiee fiom

Like in Agnalapatsy theie was then a mapping exeicise with community membeis maiking on the eaith the
location of theii householus in ielation to watei souices anu uefecation sites. The whole community was veiy
involveu, anu levels of animation escalateu as people iesponueu to the map anu what it was showing. 0ne man
was paiticulaily vocal about the neeu to builu latiines: he's a ietiieu aimy officei who was baseu up in the capital
city of Antananaiivo anu when he ietuineu to Emagnevy he built his own latiine which all his family uses. Be
explaineu to the agents that he hau been speaking to people foi a long time about the neeu to builu latiines so he
was uelighteu that Azafauy was facilitating CLTS in Emagnevy, anu is highly motivateu to encouiage people to
take action to stop open uefecation. Following the tiansect walk anu mapping exeicise the community coulu see
that they weie consuming theii own +(,, anu seveial householus ueciueu to builu theii own latiines.

In the householu inteiviews conuucteu in }uly 2u11 as pait of
this evaluation, 1uu% of people in Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy
centie iepoiteu piacticing open uefecation piioi to CLTS. The
majoiity of people saiu they went unuei the coffee anu guava
tiees, by the iivei anu aiounu the village (Figuie 1) because
they uiun't have latiines anu hau nowheie else to go, anu
because it was theii habit oi tiauition to piactice open
uefecation (Figuie 2). It's inteiesting to note that
some people - foi example those going unuei the
coffee anu guava tiees oi aiounu the village - chose
theii uefecation site uue to its convenient
pioximity to theii homes, wheieas othei people -
foi example those going to the foiest - chose theii
uefecation site uue to its uistance fiom theii homes
as they uiun't want the +(, neaiby.


Bouseholus weie askeu to explain
the goou anu bau things about
theii uefecation piactices piioi to
CLTS. 8 householus out of 18 saiu
that theie weie no goou things
about uefecating wheie they uiu,
especially those who uefecateu in
the open because they hau
nowheie else to go, oi because it
was theii habit oi tiauition (Figuie
S). Neanwhile almost a quaitei of
them saiu that they like uefecating in the open because theie was no smell, anu seveial people also mentioneu
appieciating open point uefecation because they coulu go to a slightly uiffeient place each time. Bau things about
uefecating wheie they uiu incluueu +(, not being containeu, the village being uiity, pigs anu chickens eating +(,
then coming to people's houses, anu the iecognition that open uefecation iesults in the community consuming
theii own +(,%(Figuie 4). It's veiy inteiesting to note that only S householus out of 18 iepoiteu ill health as being a
bau thing about open uefecation (as typically auvanceu thiough PBAST euucation), wheieas the uiitiness of +(,
was geneially much moie
impoitant, with seveial people
even mentioning how uisgusting
it can be when it iains oi when
they step on +(,. Likewise when
askeu about theii ieaction to the
tiansect walk, the filthiness of +(,
was significant: people saiu it
maue them think (S householus)
oi maue them moie awaie (2
householus) about open
uefecation, but also maue them
ashameu (2 householus) oi
uisgusteu (2 householu) about theii uefecation piactices. Reasons foi these ieactions incluueu seeing with theii
own eyes that they weie eating anu uiinking theii own +(, (S householus), feeling that theii village was uiity (2
householus), feeling that theie was too much open uefecation anu +(, was eveiywheie (2 householus).

As pait of the householu inteiviews people weie askeu to uesciibe theii level of concein about sanitation befoie
anu aftei CLTS. This veiy appioximateu exeicise suggesteu that befoie CLTS geneially people uiu not think about
sanitation issues (such as the effects of uefecation piactices, whethei to use a latiine, etc.) veiy much, wheieas
aftei CLTS people weie a lot moie awaie anu
conceineu about the '+(,%pioblem' (Figuie S).
When askeu about the ieasons foi theii
concein, it's veiy inteiesting to note that 4
householus out of 18 mentioneu the PBAST
euucation they hau ieceiveu fiom Azafauy in
2uuS-2uu7: it seems that the CLTS tiiggeiing
piocess may have actually built upon
Azafauy's pievious health piomotion effoits,
somehow ieactivating that sanitation
euucation (which maue them unueistanu
the impoitance of latiines foi piotecting
against uiaiihoeal illnesses) while igniting a
genuine anu uigent concein about the neeu to auuiess the pioblem of open uefecation. Inueeu, following the
tiansect walk in Emagnevy the piesiuent of FRAN (l'association ues paients u'leves) - a key opinion leauei -
expiesseu how ashameu he that theie was +(, eveiywheie especially since Azafauy hau alieauy uone sanitation
euucation anu pioviueu SanPlats to community membeis seveial yeais ago. This theiefoie appeais to be a case in
which a histoiy of piioi health piomotion effoits incluuing subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision uiu not
necessaiily piesent a majoi challenge to tiiggeiing CLTS, anu in fact may have contiibuteu to the community's
high level of concein about theii ongoing piactice of open uefecation.



In Agnalapatsy Lea askeu the community when they thought they coulu builu theii latiines by, anu facilitateu a
piocess of action planning with householus setting theii own taigets incluuing when they aimeu to complete theii
latiines - geneially aiounu Becembei oi }anuaiy. This was all noteu uown on a big piece of flip chait papei anu a
copy was maue which was submitteu to the Nayoi of Nahatalaky foi appioval. 7 householus committeu to
builuing theii own latiines uuiing the action planning exeicise. Since this involveu wiiting uown the names of
people who wanteu to builu theii own latiines, it seems that some may have been put off oi anxious about having
theii name wiitten uown if they coulun't unueistanu what was being wiitten: Azafauy estimates that the liteiacy
level in Agnalapatsy is less than 1u% so because of the way the action planning exeicise was conuucteu, this may
have been a baiiiei to moie people paiticipating.


In Emagnevy centie uiona facilitateu a piocess of action planning with householus setting theii own taigets
incluuing when they aimeu to complete theii latiines - many people saiu they neeueu to finish theii iice
cultivation activities befoie they woulu have the time to uig pits anu collect mateiials foi making latiines - so
aiounu Febiuaiy oi Naich. 22 householus committeu to builuing theii own latiines uuiing the action planning
session. Because the liteiacy level in Emagnevy is much highei than in vatambe the same issue to uo with people
being conceineu about having theii name wiitten uown was not expeiienceu. The action plan was left with the
community foi seveial weeks befoie being submitteu to the Nayoi of Nahatalaky foi appioval as some
householus weie auueu aftei they hau time to uiscuss it amongst themselves: since men tiauitionally make the
uecisions, if they uiu not paiticipate in the tiansect walk anu initial action planning session then it took a little
time foi whoevei uiu in theii householu to explain what happeneu anu ask them to get involveu in the action plan.



Following CLTS tiiggeiing, Lea anu uiona visiteu Agnalapatsy anu
Emagnevy centie eveiy month in oiuei to monitoi anu suppoit each
community's piogiess towaius becoming 0BF. In Febiuaiy 2u11 laige
woouen boaius weie installeu at the entiance to each of the hamlets anu
the communities painteu theii maps onto them showing the location of
householus who hau committeu to builuing theii own latiines, watei points
anu populai uefecation sites. These map boaius weie upuateu by the chef
ue village oi community agents when householus completeu theii latiines
anu when populai uefecation sites weie no longei in use, pioviuing a visual
ieminuei anu motivation to continue with the CLTS piocess.

Buiing each visit Lea anu uiona weie suie to communicate cleaily with all
community membeis, ie-claiifying the puipose of CLTS anu sensitively
encouiaging them to constiuct theii own latiines if they hau maue the
uecision to uo so.
They monitoieu
householu latiine
piogiess in ielation to the action plans by conuucting
householu visits in paitneiship with those who hau
completeu theii latiines (anu weie emeiging as 'natuial
leaueis') in oiuei to motivate those who weie in the
piocess of constiucting theii latiines to continue.
Community esteem anu motivation was fuithei bolsteieu
by a special visit fiom Azafauy's heau of community
health anu pioject uevelopment team in Apiil 2u11 as
they went to see each householu that was eithei in the

piocess of constiucting theii
latiine oi hau completeu
theii latiine, publicly piaising
community membeis foi
theii effoits to eliminate open
uefecation. In the householu
inteiviews conuucteu as pait
of this evaluation, 1uu% of
people saiu they appieciateu
these visits, especially uue to
the encouiagement anu
motivational boost that
Azafauy's agents pioviue, anu the suppoit they give to paiticulaily enthusiastic community membeis ('natuial
leaueis') who aie tiying to peisuaue theii neighbouis to builu latiines (Figuie 6). Noie geneially these visits aie
valueu foi the oppoitunity to communicate with the agents, think thiough health anu sanitation issues, anu fostei
othei locally-leu community uevelopment effoits.


Following CLTS tiiggeiing in Novembei - Becembei 2u1u, householu latiine constiuction in }anuaiy - Febiuaiy
2u11 was ielatively slow uespite high levels of motivation among paiticipating community membeis. In vatambe
heavy iain (incluuing that biought by Cyclone Bingiza in miu Febiuaiy) maue it uifficult foi householus to
constiuct theii latiines as the pits they uug weie getting flooueu anu the iivei they neeueu to cioss to gathei
mateiials was impassable. In Emagnevy heavy iain also maue it uifficult foi householus to make piogiess with
constiucting theii own latiines, anu some hau not staiteu uue to pooi haivests anu a minoi foou secuiity ciisis
foicing them to piioiitise immeuiate subsistence neeus. A majoi baiiiei to moie people builuing theii own
latiines was time availability, as most people weie occupieu with iice cultivation activities: in the householu
inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this evaluation, 12 out of the 18 householus suiveyeu saiu that they uiun't want
to builu theii latiines stiaight away aftei CLTS tiiggeiing because they weie too busy with iice cultivation (7
householus), it was too iainy (2 householus), foou was a gieatei piioiity than builuing a latiine at that time (1
householus), anu sickness family beieavement maue it uifficult (2 householus).

In the householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this evaluation, people weie askeu when they thought the best
time to builu a latiine woulu be. As Figuie 7 inuicates, the best time is consiueieu to be }uly - August - Septembei:
16 householus out of the 18 suiveyeu explaineu that this is because it is easiest to builu a latiine when they have
fiee time anu aie not busy with iice cultivation activities, anu also aftei the haivest when they have moie foou
anu theiefoie moie eneigy. 39(?!?9)&%2!61!$!:1.!A)*?(21<$'()*!M91*!K%$**(*7!+&'&<1!,034!(*('($'(#1?V!'91?1!
<1?K)*?1?! ?'<)*7%.! ?&771?'! '9$'! '<(771<(*7! $<)&*2! G&%.! M)&%2! 61! 61?'! (*! '1<-?! )+! '<.(*7! ')! -)6(%(?1!

Figuies 8a anu 8b
show householu
latiine constiuction
piogiess anu use
between Febiuaiy
anu }uly. To uate a
total of 12 latiines
have been completeu
in Agnalapatsy anu
Emagnevy centie,
useu by S7
householus with 12S
people, anu ovei SS
moie latiines aie in
the piocess of

It is cleai that piogiess has consiueiably sloweu since Apiil - Nay, suggesting that eaily action following CLTS
tiiggeiing is impoitant. Inueeu, of those householus that hau completeu theii latiines by }uly, two thiius hau
manageu to builu them within a S week peiiou (Figuie 9), although the main constiuction phase was aiounu
Naich, a few months aftei the tiiggeiing that took place in Novembei - Becembei uuiing the busy iice cultivation
peiiou. This suggests that weie tiiggeiing to occui at a moie favouiable time (like aiounu }uly) then latiine
constiuction coulu successfully pioceeu moie piomptly
following action planning, with communities making fastei
piogiess towaius becoming 0BF.

The latiine constiuction piocess was fuithei investigateu
thiough the householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this
evaluation. Tools anu mateiials
useu foi latiine constiuction weie
all locally available: 3(+@ palm (12
householus), spaues (1u
householus), woou (1u householus), B()(B( stalks (8 householus), iope (8
householus), pickaxes (S householus), nails (4 householus), machetes (2
householus), jeiiy cans (2 householus), buckets (2 householus), flat stones (2
householus), planks (1 householu), hammei (1 householu) anu woouen beams (1
householu) - taken fiom shiubs by village (8 householus), aiounu village (S
householus), foiest (S householus) anu bought fiom a shop (S householus). Two
thiius of householus iepoiteu having some uifficulty obtaining the mateiials though,
the main ieason being that they hau to walk fai to get them (foi example aiounu half
a uay walk to Sainte Luce foi woou), oi that it was uifficult to make the beams anu
planks. Encouiagingly only S householus hau to buy mateiials foi theii latiines,

spenuing 1,uuu - 2,uuu Aiiaiy (Su - 6up) on nails, as all othei mateiials weie fieely available anu tools coulu be
boiioweu fiom neighbouis if necessaiy. That 12 householus have been able to complete theii own latiines in
Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie to uate using simple locally anu fieely available mateiials is testament to theii
motivation, ueteimination anu iesouicefulness, anu boues well foi the success of futuie CLTS initiatives in the

In the householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this evaluation, people weie askeu to explain what they likeu
about using theii latiines. While the filthiness of +(, hau been highlighteu by householus as a significant bau thing
about open uefecation, it's inteiesting to note that likewise the cleanliness piomoteu by latiines was then
mentioneu as a significant goou thing about fixeu point uefecation, with well ovei half of householus iepoiting the
goou things about using a latiine to incluue a cleanei village, less +(, eveiywheie, +(, containeu, anu no moie
eating +(, (Figuie 1u). Bettei health
anu piotection fiom illnesses was
also mentioneu as a goou thing
about using a latiine by ovei a
quaitei of householus.
Fuitheimoie, while no smell hau
been iepoiteu as a goou thing
about open uefecation, it's
inteiesting to note that conveisely
the unpleasant smell expeiienceu
with self-maue latiines was a bau
thing iepoiteu by 1u householus.
This is ceitainly something that
shoulu be taken into consiueiation
as a potential baiiiei to the
sustaineu use of these latiines. When askeu if theie was any way in which they woulu like to oi weie alieauy
planning to impiove theii latiines, 7 householus mentioneu installing a pipe to ieuuce bau ououis (howevei
metal pipes aie expensive anu not locally available so it iemains to be seen whethei it will be possible foi
householus to uo this), with a fuithei 2 saying they thought theii latiine shoulu be built slightly fuithei away
fiom theii houses (as mentioneu above this is a case of weighing up convenient pioximity to home vs. uistance
fiom house so +(, is kept fai away). Fuitheimoie, when askeu if they hau any feeuback foi Azafauy about CLTS, 6
householus saiu that they woulu like to be pioviueu with SanPlats anu S householus saiu they woulu like
assistance with obtaining stiongei mateiials, suggesting that although they aie willing anu able to builu theii own
latiines, some people aie still looking foi exteinal inputs in oiuei to impiove theii stiuctuies.

School activities to complement CLTS weie facilitateu by Lea anu uiona in
vatambe anu Emagnevy with the suppoit of teacheis anu paients a few
months aftei initial CLTS tiiggeiing. Stuuents maue biightly colouieu blue
flags to plant wheie they see people uefecating in the open. In Emagnevy
these flags weie useu all ovei the village, but in vatambe many flags weie
maue yet only some weie useu in the hamlet of Agnalapatsy as a lot of
chiluien attenuing the school weie fiom othei hamlets anu when they
took them home they uiun't use them as intenueu to uiaw attention to the

piactice of open uefecation. The flags weie founu to
embaiiass people who piactice open uefecation, uiiving
them to builu theii own latiines oi foicing them to
uefecate fuithei away fiom populai uefecation sites in the
shoit-teim. In the householu inteiviews conuucteu as
pait of this evaluation, people weie askeu how the flags
maue them feel: ovei two thiius of householus iepoiteu
being ashameu oi afiaiu to continue uefecating in the
open, uisgusteu about theii uefecation habits, oi saiu that
the flags maue them think (Figuie 11), with 6 householus
consiueiing the flags to inuiiectly piohibit open
uefecation anu 4 householus noting that the flags showeu
the village to be uiity with +(, eveiywheie. 2 householus mentioneu being paiticulaily ashameu about the flags
since it was the chiluien who weie using them as a way of iaising awaieness about the ongoing piactice of open
uefecation. Neanwhile S householus iepoiteu being happy with the flags, paiticulaily since they ieuuce open
uefecation anu encouiage people to builu latiines. It's inteiesting to
note that lanuowneis weie paiticulaily happy about the flags as they
uiscouiageu people fiom uefecating on theii lanu. This all suggests that
the flags weie a key component of CLTS in that they playeu an
impoitant iole in motivating people to change theii uefecation habits.
Bowevei, it's been noteu that once planteu at a uefecation site, aftei a
while the flags woulu geneially fall uown as the +(, uecomposeu oi got
washeu away, oi the sticks woulu bieak, but they uiun't tenu to be
ieuseu because people uiun't want to pick them up fiom wheie the +(,
hau been. The sustainability of the flags is theiefoie something that
shoulu be auuiesseu in futuie CLTS initiatives.

Biawing on lessons leaint fiom the initial tiiggeiing anu
follow up activities, anu as a iesult of uiscussions with
Azafauy's heau of community health anu pioject uevelopment
team aftei theii visit to Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy in Apiil
2u11, the health euucation managei anu community agents
ueciueu to ie-tiiggei CLTS in the two hamlets in Nay - }une
2u11. This was in oiuei to uo longei tiansect walks taking in
moie uefecation sites with as many community membeis
paiticipating as possible, anu then to facilitate laigei action
planning sessions by ie-uiawing the map boaius to incluue all
householus within the hamlets (incluuing those that weie not
committing to builuing theii own latiines). These ie-
tiiggeiing exeicises benefiteu fiom the community agents' gieatei piactical expeiience of CLTS anu achieveu a
highei level of community paiticipation anu animation because this time people unueistoou moie about what
CLTS involveu: following the ie-tiiggeiing S4 householus in Agnalapatsy anu S6 householus in Emagnevy centie
committeu to builuing theii own latiines.
Aiounu 8 'natuial leaueis' (NLs) have emeigeu fiom the CLTS piocess in
Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie incluuing the chefs ue village, the piesiuent
of FRAN anu the ietiieu aimy officei (both mentioneu above). These
inuiviuuals have been vocal about the neeu to eliminate open uefecation within
theii community, weie among the fiist to complete theii latiines, have gone on
to shaie theii latiines with theii neighbouis, anu aie keen to encouiage othei
community membeis to builu theii own latiines too. In }une 2u11 they
appioacheu Azafauy's agents asking to be establisheu as sanitation committees
within theii communities, iesponsible foi monitoiing anu encouiaging local
action to eliminate open uefecation.

Looking to the futuie, the piospects foi expanuing CLTS beyonu Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie seem
piomising: community membeis in hamlets acioss Faiafaia vatambe have been asking Azafauy's agent foi
months whethei it will be possible to facilitate CLTS in theii villages, while 1 householu in west Emagnevy has
alieauy built a latiine with S othei latiines aie in the piocess of constiuction with seveial householus fiom this
community attenuing the ie-tiiggeiing tiansect walk in Emagnevy centie.


0vei the past 9 months Azafauy has gaineu consiueiable expeiience facilitating CLTS within two hamlets in
vatambe anu Emagnevy. Funuing has iecently been secuieu fiom the ulobal Sanitation Funu anu Silvei Lauy
Funu foi Azafauy to tiiggei CLTS in eight communities within Nahatalaky Ruial Commune. A numbei of lessons
leaint anu uiscussion points fiom the pilot CLTS initiative shoulu feeu into the appioach that Azafauy takes with
these next communities.

CLTS shoulu iueally be tiiggeieu at the beginning of a slack laboui
peiiou when the community has sufficient time anu eneigy to uig pits
anu builu latiines, anu when it is possible to uo so in teims of weathei
patteins (not too iainy). A key lesson leaint fiom this pilot initiative is
that tiiggeiing CLTS in Novembei - Becembei is not iueal because
this is when communities aie busy with iice cultivation activities, anu
this is the lean season in teims of foou availability. Fuitheimoie, this
is also a time when heavy iains make it uifficult to uig pits anu builu
latiines as the watei table is highei anu so pits quickly fill up with
iain watei uuiing the constiuction piocess befoie shelteis aie
completeu, while locations fiom which to gathei mateiials may
become inaccessible.
Thiough householu inteiviews conuucteu as pait of this evaluation the best
time foi builuing latiines has cleaily been iuentifieu as being }uly - August -
Septembei since this is when people geneially have fiee time because they aie
not busy with iice cultivation activities, it is aftei the haivest so they shoulu
have sufficient foou anu theiefoie eneigy, anu it is the uiy season.
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V Bo we agiee that the best time to tiiggei CLTS woulu be
aiounu }uly. Bo we think that it woulu be woith tiying to tiiggei CLTS uuiing
othei times of the yeai too if we can't uo it aiounu }uly.

The time fiame foi uiffeient stages of CLTS vaiies accoiuing to local conuitions. Neveitheless, uigency anu eaily
action in follow up aie vital eveiywheie. 0nce communities aie tiiggeieu then 0BF status shoulu be achieveu
within S weeks - S months as people ueciue once anu foi all that they'ie not going to caiiy on eating each othei's
shit. Tiiggeiing is baseu on stimulating a collective sense of shame anu uisgust among community membeis as
they confiont the ciuue facts about open uefecation anu its negative impacts on the entiie community: the basic
assumption is that no human being can iemain unmoveu once they have leaint that they aie consuming shit.
0f those householus that hau completeu theii latiines in Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie by }uly 2u11, two
thiius hau manageu to builu theii latiine within S weeks, suggesting that weie tiiggeiing to occui at a moie
favouiable time (see point above) then latiine constiuction coulu pioceeu moie piomptly following action
planning, with communities making fastei piogiess towaius becoming 0BF.
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V Why moie than 6 months aftei tiiggeiing have neithei Agnalapatsy noi Emagnevy centie
achieveu 0BF status. Was it because CLTS was tiiggeieu uuiing a peak laboui peiiou anu iainy season (see point
above). 0i coulu anything have been uone uiffeiently uuiing the tiansect walk, mapping, action planning anu
follow up in oiuei to facilitate a moie intense community self-mobilisation. Foi example, the CLTS Banubook
suggests asking piovocative questions uuiing the action planning: D(71% :-E% )-.2% ?6B-36% +:6@% E,))% 7+-C% -C6.%
(006C+(?)6LM Bo we think this soit of appioach might be effective in piomoting a moie uigent iesponse. Shoulu

we also be following up with moie iegulai suppoit visits (peihaps eveiy othei week in the few months aftei
tiiggeiing) - so long as we'ie suie that woulun't be inuucing uepenuence inhibiting local innovation anu action.

Aiounu 8 'natuial leaueis' (NLs) emeigeu fiom the CLTS piocess in Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie. These
inuiviuuals have been vocal about the neeu to eliminate open uefecation within theii community, weie among the
fiist to complete theii latiines, have gone on to shaie theii latiines with theii neighbouis, anu aie keen to
encouiage othei community membeis to builu theii own latiines too. In }une 2u11 they appioacheu Azafauy's
agents asking to be establisheu as sanitation committees within theii communities, iesponsible foi monitoiing
anu encouiaging local action to eliminate open uefecation. They also
coulu be useu as 'community consultants' when expanuing CLTS
beyonu Agnalapatsy anu Emagnevy centie.
Fiom the CLTS Banubook: DN(+*3()% )6(4637% ON"7P% (36% 6.+:*7,(7+7% (.4%
(0+,',7+7% E:-% 6>6326% (.4% +(16% +:6% )6(4% 4*3,.2% !"#$% C3-067767Q% R6.S%
7*CC-3+% +-% 0->>*.,+,67% -+:63% +:(.% +:6,3% -E.Q% #:3-*2:-*+% +:6% !"#$%
C3-067767% +:6% B(0,),+(+-37% 7:-*)4% ?6% E(+0:,.2% B-3% 6>6326.+% N"7% (.4%
6.0-*3(2,.2% +:6>% +-% 7C6(1% *C% (.4% +(16% 0:(326% -B% 6.7*3,.2% +:(+% (0+,-.%
C)(.7% (36% B-))-E64% +:3-*2:% (.4% ?6:(',-*3% 0:(.26% ,7% 7*7+(,.64Q% #:6,3%
3-)6% ,7% 03*0,()% (+% ())% 7+(267% -B% !"#$% 7-% 0-.+,.*-*7% ,46.+,B,0(+,-.S%

360-2.,+,-.% (.4% 6.0-*3(26>6.+% -B% N"7% 7:-*)4% ?6% C(3+% -B% 6'63@% 7*CC-3+% ',7,+Q% /6% C3-(0+,'6% ,.% 6.0-*3(2,.2% N"7% +-%
>()6% 0-*.+63C(3+7% ,.% )(+3,.6% 0-.7+3*0+,-.% ?*+% >-36% (0+,'6% (.4% 367C-.7,?)6% ,.% +:6,3% >(,.+6.(.06S% 67+(?),7:,.2% *7(26%
.-3>7S% (.4% 7*7+(,.,.2% :@2,6.,0% ?6:(',-*3% 0:(.26Q% N"7% 46'6)-C64% B3->% +:6% 6>6326.06% -B% VAW% ',))(267% 0(.% 4,360+)@%
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V Coulu we uevelop a cleaily uefineu stiategy foi pioactively involving emeiging NLs thioughout
the CLTS piocess anu using them as 'community consultants' as we scale up anu spieau out to woiking with othei
communities. Coulu we enable emeiging NLs to establish themselves as a sanitation committee within theii
community, anu give them iesponsibility foi monitoiing anu encouiaging local action to eliminate open
uefecation. Bow coulu we piomote theii status within the community, foi example: pioviuing them with bianueu
t-shiits, inviting them to shaie theii expeiiences of CLTS at mass mobilisations anu thiough multi-meuia
piouuctions (such as iauio emissions, anu see point below about viueo iecoiuing), etc.

CLTS tenus to be easiei to tiiggei in communities with no cuiient, pievious oi
neaiby piogiamme of subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision to
householus. Buiing the CLTS tiaining session helu in 0ctobei 2u1u this was
ceitainly founu to be the case as a histoiy of SanPlat piovision in Tsihaioa
piesenteu a challenge to tiiggeiing CLTS theie. Bowevei, with the CLTS pilot
initiative it was founu that a histoiy of piioi health piomotion effoits incluuing
subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision uiu not necessaiily piesent a
majoi challenge to tiiggeiing CLTS in vatambe anu Emagnevy, anu in fact may
have contiibuteu to the community's high level of concein about theii
continueu piactice of open uefecation. It seems that the CLTS tiiggeiing piocess may have actually built upon
Azafauy's pievious health piomotion effoits, somehow ieactivating the PBAST euucation (which maue the
community unueistanu the impoitance of latiines foi piotecting against uiaiihoeal illnesses) while igniting a
genuine anu uigent concein about the neeu to auuiess the ongoing pioblem of open uefecation.
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V! Bo we think that the potential challenges of tiiggeiing CLTS in communities with a histoiy of
subsiuiseu sanitation infiastiuctuie piovision outweigh the oppoitunities expeiienceu thiough this pilot
initiative. With this in minu, wheie uo we think Azafauy shoulu look to expanu CLTS in the futuie, beyonu
neighbouiing hamlets in vatambe anu Emagnevy. Taking into account othei favouiable conuitions foi CLTS
tiiggeiing, woulu a fokontany like Beanuiy wheie theie is a histoiy of PBAST euucation but no SanPlat piovision
be suitable.

A possible baiiiei to moie people paiticipating in the action planning session in Agnalapatsy was the low liteiacy
level since action planning involveu wiiting uown the names of people who wanteu to builu theii own latiines
anu some people may have been put off oi anxious about having theii name wiitten uown if they coulun't
unueistanu what was being wiitten. Neanwhile in Emagnevy centie the action plan was left with the community
foi seveial weeks as some householus weie auueu aftei they hau time to uiscuss it amongst themselves, anu this
possibly uiscouiageu eaily action-taking.
Iueally action planning shoulu concentiate on immeuiate positive
actions. Fiom the CLTS Banubook: D50+,',+,67% >,2:+% ,.0)*46Z% C*+% *C% (%
B),C% 0:(3+% (.4% 6.0-*3(26% 6(3)@% (0+,-.F+(1637% +-% 0->6% (.4% 7,2.% *CT% (7%
B*+*36T% 166C% +:6>% 7+(.4,.2% ,.% B3-.+% -B% +:6% 03-E4T% +(16% (% C:-+-23(C:% -B%
+:6% 23-*C% (7% +:-76% E:-% (36% 2-,.2% +-% +3(.7B-3>% +:6% 0->>*.,+@97%
6.',3-.>6.+T% ,46.+,B@% GF[% C-+6.+,()% X.(+*3()% )6(46379% ON"7P% B3->% +:,7%
.(>67% -B% +:6% 0->>,++66T% +6))% C6-C)6% (?-*+% -+:63% (0+,-.7% ?@% .6(3?@%

(36(% 7+3677% +:6% 360-2.,+,-.% +:6@% E,))% 3606,'6% (.4% +:6% 0:(.06% -B% (% 7C60,()% 06)6?3(+,-.% ,B% +:6@% ?60->6% VAW% O0(*+,-.Z%
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V! Bow coulu we make the action planning piocess moie accessible anu immeuiate. If wiiting
uown names intimiuates people then coulu we think of a bettei way of noting who woulu like to commit to taking
action, foi example taking theii photogiaph oi asking people to iaise theii hanus in fiont of the whole
community. Coulu we facilitate moie uigent action-taking by making the most of the ignition moment anu asking
people to make the uecision theie anu then about whethei they want to caiiy on consuming theii own +(,. If they
uon't want to consume theii own +(, anymoie then coulu we ask them how much time it woulu take them to builu
theii own latiine (hopefully as quick as possible - >()(1@%)(1@!) how much longei they aie piepaieu to consume
theii own +(, in the meantime.

Naintaining community motivation is key to sustaining the CLTS piocess. In auuition to iuentifying anu
suppoiting NLs, theie aie a numbei of othei ways of encouiaging communities as they woik togethei to become
0BF. Thioughout this pilot CLTS initiative monitoiing visits weie founu to be impoitant in keeping community
membeis engageu anu involveu. In paiticulai, Azafauy's agents noteu that the visit by the heau of community
health (a uoctoi) anu pioject uevelopment team (inteinational '(:(;( staff) in Apiil 2u11 significantly boosteu
community motivation, with a public 'walk of piaise' incieasing the esteem of those householus in the piocess of
builuing theii latiines. It was also an excellent oppoitunity foi these office staff to leain about the CLTS piocess
uiiectly fiom the agents anu community membeis themselves. It has been suggesteu by Azafauy's agents that
peiiouic visits (peihaps eveiy othei month) by 'outsiueis' such as the heau of community health anu pioject
uevelopment team woulu fuithei piomote the impoitance of CLTS within these communities.
L)<! 2(?A&??()*V! Bo we agiee that peiiouic visits by 'outsiueis' woulu be effective in boosting community
motivation anu esteem.

The flags weie a key component of the pilot CLTS initiative as they motivateu people to change theii uefecation
habits. Bowevei, theie weie issues aiounu the sustainability of the flags because once planteu at a uefecation site,
aftei a while they woulu geneially fall uown as the +(, uecomposeu oi got washeu away, oi the sticks woulu
bieak, but they uiun't tenu to be ieuseu because people uiun't want to pick them up fiom wheie the +(, hau been.
L)<!2(?A&??()*V!Bow coulu these sustainability issues be auuiesseu in the futuie - coulu Azafauy's agents pick up
the flags uuiing theii visits anu give them back to the school chiluien foi ieuse anuoi coulu moie flags be maue.

The unpleasant smell expeiienceu with self-maue latiines shoulu be taken into
consiueiation as a potential baiiiei to the sustaineu use of these latiines as it was
iepoiteu as being a pioblem by seveial householus. When askeu if theie was any
way in which they woulu like to oi weie alieauy planning to impiove theii latiines,
7 householus mentioneu installing a pipe to ieuuce bau ououis (howevei metal
pipes aie expensive anu not locally available so it iemains to be seen whethei it will
be possible foi householus to uo this). Fuitheimoie, when askeu if they hau any
feeuback foi Azafauy about CLTS, 6 householus saiu that they woulu like to be
pioviueu with SanPlats anu S householus saiu they woulu like assistance with
obtaining stiongei mateiials, suggesting that although they aie willing anu able to
builu theii own latiines some people aie still looking foi exteinal inputs in oiuei to
impiove theii stiuctuies.
L)<!2(?A&??()*V!Bow coulu we encouiage oi suppoit communities to uo something
about the bau ououis associateu with self-maue latiines. Coulu we suggest that
they make coveis foi theii latiines anuoi install a pipe if theie aie locally available mateiials that woulu be
suitable (foi example bamboo). Aie theie any ways that we coulu suppoit householus to make theii latiines
stiongei - without pioviuing them with subsiuiseu mateiials.


Azafauy has been woiking to piomote sustainable impiovements to community health acioss the Anosy iegion
foi ovei 12 yeais. uiven this extenueu histoiy with vaiious challenges that Azafauy has faceu in encouiaging
communities to stait talking moie openly about the '+(, pioblem' anu take action to auuiess theii sanitation
issues, it's incieuibly exciting to be at a stage now wheie people aie motivateu enough to builu anu use theii own
latiines thiough CLTS. Although neithei Agnalapatsy noi Emagnevy centie have achieveu 0BF status, that 12
householus have been able to complete theii own latiines using simple locally anu fieely available mateiials is
testament to theii ueteimination anu iesouicefulness, anu boues well foi the success of futuie CLTS initiatives in
the iegion. This evaluation iepoit has been compileu in oiuei to fully uocument the CLTS piocess in these two
communities, iuentify lessons leaint anu intiouuce uiscussion points that shoulu feeu into the appioach that
Azafauy takes as it scales up CLTS within Nahatalaky Ruial Commune ovei the next yeai anu beyonu: it is hopeu
that Azafauy will be able to builu upon the expeiience gaineu fiom this pilot initiative in oiuei to tiiggei CLTS
moie effectively in the futuie.


These helpful iesouices aie fiom the CLTS website: www.communityleutotalsanitation.oig

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