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Is the Threat of Reemployment Services More Effective Than

the Services Themselves? Evidence from Random

Assignment in the UI System


We examine the effect of the Worker ProŽ ling and Reemployment Services system.
This program “proŽ les” Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants to determine
their probability of beneŽ t exhaustion and then provides mandatory employment
and training services to claimants with high predicted probabilities. Using a unique
experimental design, we estimate that the program reduces mean weeks of UI beneŽ t
receipt by about 2.2 weeks, reduces mean UI beneŽ ts received by about $143, and
increases subsequent earnings by over $1,050. Most of the effect results from a
sharp increase in early UI exits in the treatment group relative to the control group.
(JEL J650)

The UI system is widely believed to provide unemployment by providing a subsidy to their

incentives for workers to lengthen their spells of job search and leisure. This paper examines the
behavioral effects of a new program that “pro-
Ž les” Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants
* Black: Center for Policy Research, 426 Eggers Hall,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 (e-mail: based on the predicted length of their unem-
danblack@maxwell.syr.edu); Smith: Department of Eco- ployment spell or the predicted probability that
nomics, 3105 Tydings Hall, University of Maryland, Col- they will exhaust their UI beneŽ ts. Established
lege Park, MD 20742 (e-mail: smith@econ.umd.edu); in 1993 and formally called the “Worker Pro-
Berger (Mark Berger passed away on April 30, 2003):
Department of Economics, Gatton College of Business and
Ž ling and Reemployment Services” (WPRS)
Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506; system, the program forces claimants with long
Noel: American Express—TRS, 10030 North 25th Avenue, predicted UI spells or high predicted probabili-
Building 10400, Phoenix, AZ 85021 (e-mail: Brett.J. ties of beneŽ t exhaustion to receive employ-
Noel@aexp.com). We thank the U.S. Department of Labor ment and training services early in their spell in
for Ž nancial support through a contract between the Ken-
tucky Department of Employment Services and the Center order to continue receiving beneŽ ts.1
for Business and Economic Research at the University of We consider the effects of the proŽ ling pro-
Kentucky. Smith also thanks the Social Science and Hu- gram on claimant behavior using data from
manities Research Council of Canada and the CIBC Chair Kentucky. Our data embody a unique experi-
in Human Capital and Productivity at the University of
Western Ontario for Ž nancial support. We thank Bill Burris,
mental design. The randomization in our data
Donna Long, and Ted Pilcher of the Kentucky Department occurs only to satisfy capacity constraints and
of Employment Services for their assistance, and Steve only at the margin. UI claimants are assigned
Allen, Susan Black, Amitabh Chandra, and Roy Sigafus for “proŽ ling scores” that take on integer values
research assistance. Seminar participants at Australian Na-
tional University, Boston University, the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics, University of Colorado, Cornell Univer-
sity, the Econometric Society meetings, University of Es- sity College Dublin, the Upjohn Institute, and University of
sex, University of Houston, Indiana University, the Institute Western Ontario provided useful comments. We especially
for Fiscal Studies, the Institute for Research on Poverty thank Jaap Abbring, Joshua Angrist, Christopher Taber, and
Summer Conference, Louisiana State University, University Bruce Meyer for their suggestions, along with three anon-
of Maryland, MIT, University of Missouri, University of ymous referees.
New South Wales, Ohio State University, the Society See Stephen Wandner (1997), U.S. Department of La-
of Labor Economists meetings, the Stockholm School of bor (1999), or Randall Eberts et al. (2002) for more detailed
Economics, SUNY-Buffalo, Syracuse University, the Tin- descriptions of the program and of how it varies across
bergen Institute, University of Toronto, UBC, Univer- states.


from 1 to 20, with higher scores indicating claimants to exit quickly, thereby reducing the
claimants with longer expected durations. The extent of moral hazard in the UI program.
requirement to receive reemployment services Third, we evaluate the use of proŽ ling scores
is allocated by proŽ ling score up to capacity. based on expected UI claim duration as a means
Within the marginal proŽ ling score—the one at of allocating the treatment. If this is an efŽ cient
which the capacity constraint is reached— method of treatment allocation, we would ex-
random assignment allocates the mandatory ser- pect to Ž nd that the impact of treatment in-
vices. Thus, if there are ten claimants with a creases in the proŽ ling score. Instead, we Ž nd
proŽ ling score of 16 but only seven slots re- little evidence of any systematic relationship
main, seven claimants are randomly assigned to between the estimated impact of treatment and
the treatment group and three are assigned to the the proŽ ling score. This suggests that such pro-
control group. Donald T. Campbell (1969) Ž ling does not increase the efŽ ciency of treat-
terms this experimental design a “tie-breaking ment allocation and indicates the potential value
experiment.” Donald L. Thistlethwaite and of further research on econometric methods of
Campbell (1960) Ž rst advocated it as a means of treatment allocation before extending proŽ ling
evaluating the impact of receiving a college to other programs.
scholarship.2 To our knowledge, our experiment The paper proceeds as follows: In the next
is the Ž rst to use this design. section, we describe the Kentucky WPRS sys-
We have three major Ž ndings. First, using our tem and the design of the experiment. Section II
unique data, we evaluate the WPRS system for lays out the econometric framework for our
persons at the proŽ ling score margin. We esti- investigation. Section III presents our empirical
mate that for this group, the program reduces Ž ndings and Section IV concludes.
mean weeks of UI beneŽ t receipt by about 2.2
weeks, reduces mean UI beneŽ ts received by I. How the WPRS System Works
about $143, and increases subsequent earnings
by about $1,000. Given its very low cost, the States are afforded a great deal of leeway in
program easily passes standard cost-beneŽ t the design and implementation of their WPRS
tests. systems. In Kentucky, the Department of Em-
Second, the dynamics of the treatment effect ployment Services contracted with the Center
provide important evidence about how the pro- for Business and Economic Research (CBER)
gram works. The treatment group has signiŽ - of the University of Kentucky to develop an
cantly higher earnings in the Ž rst two quarters econometric model of expected UI spell
after Ž ling their UI claims than the control duration.
group, while there are no signiŽ cant differences CBER estimated the proŽ ling model using
in the third through sixth quarters. This suggests Ž ve years of UI claimant data and variables
that the earnings gains result primarily from obtained from various administrative and public
earlier return to work in the treatment group. use data sets. The proŽ ling model contains local
Moreover, examination of the exit hazard from economic and labor market conditions along
UI suggests that much of the impact results with worker characteristics.3 U.S. Department
from persons in the treatment group leaving UI of Justice regulations prevent states from using
upon receiving notice of the requirement that
they receive reemployment services, rather than
during or after the receipt of those services. See Berger et al. (1997) for a more detailed description
of the model. The proŽ ling model has moderate success in
Thus, the program induces some job-ready predicting claimants who will exhaust their UI beneŽ ts.
Berger et al. report that selection based on the proŽ ling
model results in a treated group whose members receive
We thank Joshua Angrist for bringing these citations to 78.3 percent of their possible beneŽ ts while random assign-
our attention. Campbell (1969) notes the relationship be- ment would result in a treated group whose members re-
tween the “tie-breaking experiment” and the regression dis- ceive only 66.6 percent of their possible beneŽ ts. “Perfect”
continuity design. See Angrist and Alan B. Krueger (1999) assignment based on realized spell lengths would yield a
and James J. Heckman et al. (1999) for discussions of the treatment group whose members receive about 93 percent of
regression discontinuity design. their potential beneŽ ts.

sex, age, race, ethnicity, and veteran status in ment. We will assess your needs and work
their proŽ ling models. While the econometric with you to decide which services may
proŽ ling model provides a continuous measure increase your chances of Ž nding a good
of the expected number of weeks of beneŽ t job. Services may include counseling, job
receipt, CBER provides the Department of Em- search workshops, testing, job referral
and placement, or if needed, referral to
ployment Services with a discrete proŽ le score
more intensive services, such as training.
ranging from 1 to 20. Claimants predicted by
the proŽ ling model to exhaust between 95 and
100 percent of their unemployment beneŽ ts re- Because of capacity constraints, local ofŽ ces
ceive a score of 20, claimants predicted to ex- at some times during the year are not able to
haust between 90 and 95 percent of their serve the entire population of claimants, making
unemployment beneŽ ts receive a 19, and so on. it necessary to ration entry into the program.
The WPRS system was implemented in October CBER allocates program slots at each local
of 1994; we make use of UI spells starting ofŽ ce, serving those claimants with the highest
between that date and June 30, 1996. proŽ ling scores. In the marginal score group,
The Kentucky WPRS system begins with where there are enough slots to serve some but
claimants providing information about their em- not all claimants with a given score, CBER
ployment history and characteristics while Ž ling randomly assigns persons to either a treatment
their claims. For claimants found to be eligible group required to participate in reemployment
for proŽ ling, the Kentucky DES provides services as a condition of continued UI receipt
CBER with data from the claimants’ intake or a control group exempt from this require-
forms.4 CBER then provides local Department ment. We call these sets of claimants “proŽ ling
of Employment Services’ ofŽ ces with the pro- tie groups,” or PTGs— groups of claimants in a
Ž ling scores of claimants in their area and the given ofŽ ce Ž ling claims in a given week who
list of those chosen to receive reemployment have the marginal proŽ ling score for that ofŽ ce
services. Finally, those claimants selected to in that week. This design differs from typical
receive reemployment services are contacted experimental evaluations of employment and
through the mail to inform them of their rights training programs wherein all program appli-
and responsibilities under the program. A copy cants are randomly assigned.
of the letter sent by the Department of Employ- Unfortunately for the sample size available
ment Services appears as Exhibit 1 on the AER for our analysis but fortunately for the claim-
web site (http://www.aeaweb.org/aer/contents/). ants, the Kentucky economy was extremely
In the letter, the claimant is told: strong from October 1994 to June 1996, the
period for which we currently have data. As a
You have been indentiŽ ed as a dislocated result, local ofŽ ces were often able to treat the
worker and selected under the UI Claim- entire claimant population. Indeed, of the
ant ProŽ ling Program to receive job 57,779 claimants in this period, 48,002 were
search assistance services. You are obli- selected for treatment, or slightly over 83 per-
gated under the law to participate. Failure cent. Of the 2,748 potential PTGs, there are
to report or participate in reemployment
only 286 actual PTGs, ranging in size from 2 to
services without justiŽ able cause may re-
sult in denial of your unemployment in- 54. The mean size of a PTG is 6.9, with a
surance beneŽ ts. median of 4, a 25th percentile of 3, and a 75th
percentile of 8. ProŽ ling scores within the PTGs
This program is designed to provide job range from 6 to 19, with the median and the
search assistance services to those UI mode at 16.5 Combining all of the PTGs yields
claimants identiŽ ed as being most likely
to need assistance in Ž nding new employ-
Most of the variation in the marginal proŽ ling score
among the PTGs consists of variation across local ofŽ ces. A
regression of the marginal proŽ ling score on a vector of
Individuals who have a deŽ nite recall date or who are local ofŽ ce indicators using PTGs as the unit of observation
hired through a union hall are exempt from proŽ ling. explains 64 percent of the variation in proŽ ling scores.



p-values with proŽ ling Treated
for tests of score 6 to 19, population,
Control Treatment differences not in not in
group group in means experiment experiment
Age 37.0 37.1 0.717 37.2 37.4
(10.9) (11.1) (11.3) (11.2)
Years of schooling 12.3 12.6 0.221 12.4 12.4
(2.10) (2.14) (2.03) (2.06)
White male 0.564 0.518 0.095 0.519 0.517
White female 0.352 0.372 0.060 0.394 0.399
Nonwhite male 0.040 0.055 0.433 0.044 0.042
Nonwhite female 0.044 0.055 0.691 0.044 0.042
Earnings in year before $19,759 $19,047 0.666 $18,612 $19,171
claim (13,677) (13,636) (13,344) (14,612)
Weekly beneŽ t amount $168.35 $167.36 0.747 $169.90 $173.26
(68.90) (64.70) (66.01) (64.76)
N 745 1,236 — 54,649 46,766

Notes: Standard deviations are given in parentheses. Means are unweighted. Tests for
differences in means are for the treatment and control groups and are based on a linear
regression that also conditions on the 286 PTGs. The treated population consists of all
claimants assigned to the proŽ ling treatment, not just those in the PTGs. All claimants are
eligible for 26 weeks of UI beneŽ ts.
Source: Authors’ calculations are from the Kentucky WPRS Experiment.

a treatment group of 1,236 claimants and a

control group of 745 claimants. Thus, the ex-
perimental design uses only about 2.6 percent of
the treated population and 7.6 percent of the
untreated population. Table 1 compares the
characteristics of the treatment and control
groups as well as the populations of treated
claimants who are not randomly assigned and of
other claimants with proŽ ling scores between 6
and 19. Based on these characteristics all of the
Figure 1 provides a time line for the typical KENTUCKY WPRS PROGRAM
claimant, although there is considerable hetero-
geneity among claimants in the timing of these
events. Unemployment insurance checks are continuing eligibility in order to receive the
usually sent fortnightly in Kentucky. The Ž rst second check. Thus, if the letters, and the man-
check is received in week two of the spell. The datory reemployment services they imply, are to
letter in Exhibit 1 is typically received after the have a deterrent effect, we would expect to
Ž rst check but before the second—that is, in observe it between weeks two and four. Within
week three or four. Claimants need to contact ten working days following notiŽ cation of the
the UI ofŽ ce in week three or four to verify their program, claimants selected for treatment report
to a local ofŽ ce for an orientation where they
learn about the program and complete a ques-
There are, however, at least two different ofŽ ces for each tionnaire. Using this information, Employment
proŽ ling score among the PTGs. Services staff assesses the claimants and then

refers them to speciŽ c services, such as assisted a random disturbance term. b* and m j are pa-
job search, employment counseling, job search rameters to be estimated.
workshops, and retraining programs. Conditioning on the PTG Ž xed effects has
Among those claimants who attended the ori- two important consequences for the estimates.
entation, 76.7 percent were referred to less First, because the proportion of claimants in the
expensive job search and job preparation activ- treatment group varies among PTGs, failure to
ities. These less expensive services are also less include PTGs Ž xed effects would bias the esti-
intensive, typically consuming from four to six mated impacts if expected earnings in the ab-
hours of claimant time. In contrast, only 13.8 sence of treatment vary among PTGs in a way
percent were referred to (relatively) more ex- that is correlated with the random assignment
pensive, and intensive, education and training ratio. Second, because each PTG consists of
programs.6 The average number of services re- individuals with a speciŽ c proŽ ling score at a
ceived following orientation was 1.02. Condi- particular location on a particular week, includ-
tional on completing at least one service, the ing the mj implicitly conditions on the proŽ ling
average number of additional services received score, location, and time period. Conditioning
was 2.10. Of those referred to services, only on these factors substantially reduces the resid-
61.3 percent completed at least one. Another 5.7 ual variation in these data and thereby increases
percent started at least one service but returned the precision of our estimated treatment effects.
to employment before completing any. Overall, When the impact of treatment is the same for
31.8 percent of those referred received no ser- each PTG, unweighted estimation of equation
vices because they had returned to employment, (1) provides efŽ cient estimates of the impact of
chose not to claim beneŽ ts, or were exempted treatment for claimants in a PTG. When the
because their previous employer provided sim- impact of treatment varies across PTGs, how-
ilar services.7 ever, the situation is more complex. Let D̂ j 5
Y# 1j 2 Y# 0j denote the estimated impact for the
II. Estimation jth PTG. Following Angrist (1998), it can be
shown that the ordinary least-squares (OLS)
In this section, we present experimental esti- estimate of b* from unweighted estimation of
mates of the mean impact of treatment for equation (1) is:
claimants in a PTG. In particular, we estimate
versions of: (2) b* 5 O w D̂
j j

(1) y ij 5 m j 1 b *T ij 1 y ij ,
r j ~1 2 r j ! N j
where w j 5 , N j is the
where y ij is the outcome for the ith individual in k51
r k ~1 2 r k ! N k
the jth PTG, T ij is a binary indicator for whether number of claimants in the jth PTG, and r j is the
or not the ith individual in the jth PTG received probability that a member of jth PTG receives
treatment, m j is a vector of PTG Ž xed effects to treatment. In this case, estimating equation (1)
control for differences in expected earnings in produces a weighted average of the PTG-
the absence of treatment across PTGs, and y ij is speciŽ c treatment effects, where the weights
correspond to the conditional variance of treat-
ment in each PTG.
6 Two features of the implicit weights on the
Individuals could be referred to more than one service
and some persons were referred to miscellaneous other D̂ j are of interest in this context. First, for a
services. See Noel (1998) for a detailed description of the given random assignment ratio within a PTG,
available services.
increases in the number of claimants in the PTG
The fraction exempted due to receiving similar services increases the implicit weight on that PTG in the
from their previous employer is not precisely known, but
program staff indicate that it is small. The remaining 1.2
estimation of b*. Second, for a given size of
percent was referred in error or had incomplete data on PTG the weight is larger the closer the random
service completion. assignment ratio is to 0.5. As Angrist (1998)

emphasizes, this weighting tends to reduce the records are only for the Commonwealth of Ken-
variance of the estimates because D̂ j is more tucky, no earnings are recorded for claimants
precisely estimated when N j is larger and the who crossed state lines to begin employment.
assignment rate r j is closer to 0.5. If the assign- This is likely to be particularly problematic in
ment rate is the same for all PTGs (whether or the urban areas of Kentucky. Of the seven Met-
not it equals 0.5) as in a classic experimental ropolitan Statistical Areas in Kentucky, only
design, then the weighting is simply based on Lexington is not located on the border of an
the size of the PTG. adjoining state. Thus, if the WPRS treatment
To examine the importance of this issue, we affects the probability of taking a job outside
present estimates based on an alternate weight- Kentucky, this will bias our results.
ing scheme that provides consistent estimates of Second, earnings are only observed for
the impact of treatment for claimants in a PTG claimants who work in jobs covered by the UI
even if the impact of treatment varies by PTG. system.9 Third, UI records do not include any
This estimator treats each PTG as a separate “informal” activities. To the extent that claim-
experiment. It consists of a weighted average of ants work “off the books,” the UI records un-
the mean differences in outcomes between the derstate total earnings. If the treatment increases
treatment group and control group members in participation in the formal labor market and
each PTG, with the weights proportional to the reduces participation in the informal labor mar-
number of treated individuals (r j N j) in each ket, then our measure of earnings will tend to
PTG. We refer to this estimator as the “match- overstate the earnings impact of treatment.
ing” estimator, because it has the same structure These problems are standard in all analyses that
as a nonexperimental cell matching estimator, use earnings variables constructed from UI
with the crucial difference that in this case we records.
know that the conditional independence as- Table 2 presents the basic impact estimates.
sumption that justiŽ es the matching holds be- In column (1) we report the results from esti-
cause of the random assignment within each mating the Ž xed-effects regression in equation
PTG. In a world where the impacts do not vary (1) above. We Ž nd that the treatment group
among PTGs, the matching estimator remains collects payments for about 2.2 fewer weeks
consistent, but is inefŽ cient relative to estimat- than the control group. The treatment group
ing equation (1) by OLS. receives about $143 less in beneŽ ts than the
control group, but this difference is statistically
III. Empirical Analyses signiŽ cant only at the 10-percent level.10 We

A. Aggregate Estimates
Bloom (1999) for a comparison of UI data and survey data
We focus on four outcomes of interest: the in an evaluation context.
number of weeks that a claimant receives beneŽ ts, 9
Certain wages and salaries are exempt from the UI
the amount of beneŽ ts that the claimant receives, system, although the U.S. Department of Commerce (1994)
the fraction of claimants exhausting beneŽ ts, and estimates that about 98 percent of wages and salaries are
included in the system for all but eight industries. The
the claimant’s earnings in the quarters following industries that are not well covered are railroads, farms,
initiation of the UI claim. All data elements are farm contractors, private household, private elementary and
taken from administrative records of the Kentucky secondary educational institutions, religious organizations,
Department of Employment Services. the military, and “other,” which is comprised of U.S. citi-
zens working for exempt international agencies and foreign
The measure of earnings after the start of the consulates and embassies. Combined, these industries ap-
unemployment insurance claim is less than pear to account for less than 3 percent of wage and salary
ideal for three reasons.8 First, because UI earnings. Thus, the coverage rate appears to be in excess of
95 percent of wage and salary earnings.
The reductions in weeks paid and amount of beneŽ ts
paid, however, give con icting estimates of the magnitude
See V. Joseph Hotz and Karl Scholz (2000) for a of the treatment effect. The mean weekly beneŽ t payment is
general discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of approximately $168, which suggests that a 2.2-week reduc-
administrative data and Robert Kornfeld and Howard tion in weeks paid should reduce the amount paid by about

TABLE 2—IMPACT OF TREATMENT ON DURATION OF ing initiation of the UI claim.11 Thus, in terms
BENEFITS AND EARNINGS: of mean impacts, the WPRS treatment shortens
OCTOBER 1994 TO JUNE 1996 the duration of UI claims, reduces beneŽ ts paid,
and raises earnings.12 Column (2) presents the
(1) (2) matching estimates described at the end of Sec-
Fixed-effect tion II. They tell the same substantive story as
regression Matching the estimates in column (1), with slightly
Outcome measures estimates estimates
smaller estimated impacts on the number of
Number of weeks receiving 22.241 22.045 weeks of beneŽ ts received and the dollar value
UI beneŽ ts (0.509) (0.411) of beneŽ ts received, but larger estimates of the
[0.000] [0.000]
UI beneŽ ts received 2143.18 281.44 impact of treatment on the fraction exhausting
(100.3) (81.6) beneŽ ts and earnings in the year after the start
[0.077] [0.159] of the claim.
Fraction exhausting beneŽ ts 20.024 20.030 As discussed in Section II, our unique data
(0.023) (0.0019)
[0.152] [0.0055]
directly identify only the impact of treatment for
Earnings in the year after 1,054.32 1,599.99 claimants in a PTG. Given the similarity in
the start of the UI claim (588.0) (475.2) characteristics we show in Table 1 among
[0.037] [0.001] claimants in PTGs, all claimants with proŽ ling
N 1,981 1,981 scores between 6 and 19, inclusive, and all
Notes: Each of the regressions controls for the ProŽ ling Tie claimants receiving the WPRS treatment, our
Group (PTG) of the recipients. There are 745 claimants in estimates may generalize to these larger popu-
the control group, 1,236 claimants in the treatment group, lations, and so also provide guidance on broader
and 286 PTGs. Standard errors are in parentheses and p- policy questions regarding retaining or scrap-
values from one-tailed tests are in brackets. The “Fixed-
effect regression” estimates result from OLS estimation of
ping the entire WPRS system.13
equation (1) in the text. The “Matching” estimates represent
weighted averages of the mean differences in treatment and B. Putting the Aggregate Estimates in
control group outcomes within each PTG, with the weight Perspective
for each PTG proportional to the number of treatment group
members it contains.
Source: Authors’ calculations are from the Kentucky WPRS Economists have studied several policies that
Experiment. modify the U.S. unemployment insurance sys-
tem by reducing the incentives for excess ben-
eŽ t receipt while at the same time not punishing
claimants for whom a longer search is optimal.
estimate that 2.4-percent fewer claimants in the The reemployment bonus experiments surveyed
treatment group exhaust their beneŽ ts, but this in Meyer (1995) tested one such policy. In these
difference is statistically insigniŽ cant. Finally, studies, claimants who Ž nd a job quickly and
the treatment group earned, on average, $1,054
more than the control group in the year follow-
We wondered if the impact of treatment might dimin-
ish over time as later cohorts of claimants learned about the
modest time commitment that the program usually requires.
$370. In contrast, a savings of $143 suggests a reduction of We found, however, no systematic pattern over time.
only 0.85 in weeks paid. This latter estimate is similar to Interestingly, Katherine P. Dickinson et al. (1997)
estimates from other programs in the existing literature; see evaluate the WPRS using nonexperimental methods for
Bruce D. Meyer (1995). We examine this discrepancy in three states: Delaware, Kentucky, and New Jersey. For
detail in the Appendix to Black et al. (2002). We Ž nd Kentucky, they Ž nd that the program reduced weeks of
evidence of more repeat UI spells in the treatment group. beneŽ t receipt by 0.72, reduced beneŽ ts paid by $96, and
Our evidence suggests that for some of these repeat spells, had no impact on earnings. Overall, their estimates suggest
the beneŽ ts paid variable was updated in the administrative that simple nonexperimental estimators have trouble repli-
records to re ect the second spell but the weeks paid vari- cating the experimental impact estimates, which is consis-
able was not. As a result, the analysis suggests that the tent with the usual Ž ndings in the literature.
weeks paid impact estimates in Table 2 may have a modest Black et al. (2002) provide additional evidence on this
upward bias. point.

keep it receive a cash payment.14 These exper- nus experiment that Woodbury and Spiegelman
iments indicate that the unemployment spells of (1987) present. They estimate that a $500 bonus
UI claimants can be shortened without loss of to UI claimants who found a job within 11
post-program earnings. Though reemployment weeks resulted in a reduction in the duration of
bonuses reduce the length of UI spells, many of UI spells of about 1.1 weeks. The earnings of
the claimants who receive bonuses would have those offered a bonus were comparable to the
exited quickly without them. Moreover, Meyer earnings of those not offered a bonus. Thus,
argues that the permanent adoption of reem- relative to the Illinois bonus experiment, the
ployment bonuses would substantially increase Kentucky WPRS appears to have had a substan-
the UI take-up rate as eligible persons who tial impact on claimants. This may re ect the
expect short spells and who do not at present Ž le fact that claimants have until week 11 to Ž nd
for beneŽ ts would do so in order to collect the alternative employment under the Illinois bo-
bonus. This response would further increase the nus, but to avoid reemployment services under
cost of the program without increasing its WPRS claimants must Ž nd a job within the Ž rst
beneŽ ts.15 few weeks of their unemployment spell. The
While the UI bonus schemes represent a “car- WPRS program has the further advantage that it
rot” designed to lure claimants back into em- is unlikely to increase the UI take-up rate.
ployment, other experiments used “sticks,” such The WPRS impacts reported here also tend to
as greater enforcement of UI job search require- be larger than those from experimental evalua-
ments, to push claimants who could Ž nd work tions of job search assistance programs for UI
back into employment by raising the costs of claimants summarized in Meyer (1995).16 Most
staying on UI. Orley Ashenfelter et al. (1999) of these programs (see his Tables 5A and 5B)
present experimental evidence on small “stick” have estimated impacts equal to or less than one
programs in four states. These programs include week of beneŽ t receipt. Decker et al. (2000)
detailed eligibility reviews at the start of the analyze the recent Job Search Assistance (JSA)
claim, more information about the work search experiment, which used proŽ ling to assign
requirement and, for a random subsample of the workers to job search assistance in Washington,
treatment groups, random work search veriŽ ca- DC and Florida. They Ž nd that structured job
tion very early in the spell. The Ž ndings suggest search assistance in Washington lowered the
that the treatment, particularly the eligibility number of weeks receiving beneŽ ts by 1.13
reviews, had a small but noticeable effect on weeks and reduced payments by $182, while the
qualiŽ cation rates (see the top of their Table impacts in Florida were 20.41 weeks and $39,
6). Meyer (1995) reviews other experiments respectively. The larger impacts we Ž nd here
that examined programs that combined stricter are consistent with the somewhat more inten-
enforcement with job search assistance. These sive employment and training services being
programs had stronger effects and passed stan- offered, which presumably raise the cost of con-
dard cost-beneŽ t tests. Such “stick” policies tinued UI receipt for those who do not value
have the potential to shorten UI spells without them and raise the beneŽ ts of service receipt for
causing the increases in the take-up rate gener- those who do.
ated by reemployment bonuses. Finally, we consider the costs and beneŽ ts of
To compare our estimated impacts of the the proŽ ling program from the point of view of
WPRS program with those of other programs, the UI system. Our estimates from Table 2 in-
consider the estimates from the Illinois UI bo- dicate that treated claimants receive, on aver-
age, $143 less in beneŽ ts than untreated
claimants. We can compare these average ben-
See Stephen Woodbury and Robert Spiegelman eŽ ts with the average cost per treated claimant
(1987), Patricia Anderson (1992), Paul T. Decker (1994),
and Decker and Christopher J. O’Leary (1995) for analyses
of the individual bonus experiments.
15 16
O’Leary et al. (2002) propose using proŽ ling to allo- See Walter Corson et al. (1985), Anderson et al.
cate eligibility for reemployment bonuses to avoid these (1991) and Terry R. Johnson and Daniel H. Klepinger
problems. (1994) for analyses of the individual job search experiments.


Note: Triangles denote signiŽ cant differences at the 5- OCTOBER 1994 TO JUNE 1996
percent level.
Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS
Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct the Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct
graph appear in Table B1 of Black et al. (1999). the graph appear in Table B1 of Black et al. (1999).

in the Kentucky UI system. To construct the C. The Effect of Treatment Over Time
average cost per treated claimant, we use data
on the average hours spent per week on proŽ l- Figure 2 displays hazard rates for leaving UI
ing in each of the 28 local ofŽ ces and the state for the experimental treatment and control
UI ofŽ ce, the average compensation per hour groups, and Figure 3 displays the difference
for employees of the Kentucky Department for between the two with the corresponding 95-
Employment Services, the annual cost of the percent conŽ dence bands. They document a
contract with CBER at the University of Ken- large impact of treatment after claimants receive
tucky to maintain the proŽ ling model and data the letter notifying them of their obligation to
system, and the number of treated claimants in receive reemployment services. About 13 per-
the Ž rst 86 weeks of proŽ ling.17 These costs cent of the treatment group exits after the Ž rst
sum to $11.93 per treated claimant. Even if one two weeks but only about 4 percent of the
adds approximately $0.5 million in startup costs control group exits. Subsequently, the hazard
and initial model development and spreads rate of the treatment group is almost always
them over the treated claimants from the Ž rst 86 higher than that of the control group, although
weeks of proŽ ling, the costs are still only the difference is statistically signiŽ cant only a
$22.35 per recipient. Thus, the proŽ ling system couple of times. We may use these estimates to
appears to save the UI program a substantial calculate the survivor function. The maximum
amount of money.18 difference between the treatment and control
group survivor functions is 0.11, which is
achieved in week 12. The difference after just
17 two weeks is 0.083 or about 75 percent of the
These data were provided by Ted Pilcher of the Ken-
tucky DES. maximum difference.19
The costs included here do include short-term training
provided by UI staff but do not include the cost of long-term
training referrals to outside providers. A full cost-beneŽ t Parameter estimates are presented in Appendix Table
analysis would include these additional costs. A cost-beneŽ t B1 of Black et al. (1999). Most beneŽ ts are paid biweekly
analysis from the standpoint of society (rather than of the UI (every other week). Technically, these data are not true
system) would also include the increased earnings of the hazards because we do not observe whether the weeks of
treated claimants and some measure of the value of their beneŽ t receipt are consecutive. Rather, they represent
forgone leisure. counts of the number of weeks within the beneŽ t year that


Note: Triangles denote signiŽ cant differences at the 5-
percent level. Note: Triangles denote signiŽ cant differences at the 5-
Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS percent level.
Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct the Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS
graph appear in Table B2 of Black et al. (1999). Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct the
graph appear in Table B2 of Black et al. (1999).


Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS
Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct Sources: Authors’ calculations are from Kentucky WPRS
the graph appear in Table B2 of Black et al. (1999). Experiment. The parameter estimates used to construct
the graph appear in Table B2 of Black et al. (1999).

The exit hazard in the treatment group con-

tinues to lie above that for the control group for This explanation is consistent with the evidence
most of the eligibility period. This could result of modest but detectable impacts in the AFDC
from a positive impact of employment and work/welfare experiments documented in Ju-
training services on those who receive them. dith Gueron and Edward Pauly (1991). Alterna-
tively, it is possible that persons with low
hazard rates in the treatment group exit UI in the
a claimant receives payments. Over 80 percent of claimants Ž rst few weeks at a higher rate than similar
in PTGs, of treated claimants, and of all claimants had either persons in the control group.
no interruption or one of two weeks or less. In Figures 4 and 6, we graph mean earnings

and employment by quarter after the start of the on some claimants comports with the Ž ndings
UI spell for the treatment and control groups, in the literature that UI reduces the incentive to
and in Figures 5 and 7, we graph the differences Ž nd a job quickly. For example, Meyer (1990)
between the treatment and control groups along documents spikes in the hazard function as
with 95-percent conŽ dence bands. The earnings workers approach the exhaustion of their UI
estimates illustrate the impact of early exit from beneŽ ts, and David Card and Phillip B. Levine
unemployment in the treatment group. In the (2000) document that increasing the length of
Ž rst quarter, treatment group members average time that claimants may receive beneŽ ts causes
$525 more in earnings than control group mem- the hazard function to fall substantially.20 Look-
bers, indicating that about half of the earnings ing at search behavior directly, John M. Barron
gain occurs in the Ž rst quarter. In the second and Wesley Mellow (1979) Ž nd that those
quarter the earnings impact is about $344. By workers receiving UI searched 1.6 fewer hours
the third quarter, the difference, while positive, per week than unemployed workers not receiv-
is no longer statistically signiŽ cant, and for sub- ing payments. Robert D. St. Louis et al. (1986)
sequent quarters there is virtually no difference offer evidence that claimants systematically vi-
in mean earnings. The impact of treatment on olate the search requirements that UI imposes.
employment—where employment is deŽ ned as Our results are consistent with the idea that
positive earnings during a quarter—indicates a the WPRS system lowers the worker’s reserva-
substantial increase in the probability of em- tion wage and increases search intensity early in
ployment in the Ž rst quarter, a modest increase the unemployment spell. A faster return to em-
in the second quarter and little effect after that. ployment implies worse matches on average in
Only the Ž rst quarter effect is statistically the treatment group. This in turn implies that we
signiŽ cant. should observe treatment group members hav-
Experimental evaluations of mandatory job ing more interrupted spells of unemployment as
search assistance in other contexts report similar more of their matches fail to result in stable
results. Corson and Decker’s (1989) analysis of employment. To test this prediction, we esti-
the New Jersey search experiment and Johnson mated a linear probability model based on
and Klepinger’s (1994) analysis of the Wash- equation (1) with an indicator for the presence
ington search experiment both Ž nd evidence of of an interrupted spell as the dependent vari-
early return to work. Decker et al.’s (2000) able. The results indicate that the treatment
analysis of JSA experiments in Washington, DC group had a 0.06 higher probability of having
and Florida also Ž nd sharp increases in the an interrupted spell than the control group
hazard rate in the second and third weeks of (with a p-value of 0.003), which corresponds
the JSA program. Peter Dolton and Donald to about a 36-percent increase in the number
O’Neill’s (1996) experimental examination of of interrupted spells.21 The absence of signif-
the Restart component of Britain’s UI system icant earnings impacts in quarters three
parallels our Ž ndings on a different dimension. through six after the start of the claim, however,
After receiving beneŽ ts for six consecutive
months, the Restart program requires recipients
to participate in an interview with a caseworker.
Dolton and O’Neill (1996) document a sharp 20
See also Ronald Ehrenberg and Ronald Oaxaca
spike in the hazard rate of the treatment group (1976), Robert MofŽ tt (1985), Lawrence Katz and Meyer
relative to the control group when claimants (1990), and many others.
If the WPRS program lowers claimants’ reservation
receive notice of the interview. Johnson and wages early in their unemployment spells, then treatment
Klepinger (1991, Table 4) Ž nd a similar spike in group members who exit early should have lower earnings
the UI exit hazard in response to a letter noti- than control group members who exit early. To test this, we
fying the recipient of an eligibility review in- interacted the treatment indicator with an indicator for
terview in the Washington Alternative Work whether or not the claimant exits early—that is, within four
weeks of the start of the UI claim. We Ž nd strong evidence
Search Experiment. of lower earnings among treatment group members exiting
Our evidence that WPRS reduces moral haz- early compared to control group members who do so. See
ard in the UI system by acting as a “leisure tax” Black et al. (1999) for these estimates.



Weeks Amount exhausting Annual
paid paid beneŽ ts earnings
ProŽ ling score between 6 and 13 22.238 2$270.08 20.055 $939.51
(0.913) (179.74) (0.041) (1052.05)
[0.007] [0.067] [0.090] [0.186]
ProŽ ling score between 14 and 15 21.891 2$14.42 0.030 2$1,257.14
(1.050) (206.77) (0.0049) (1,210.25)
[0.036] [0.472] [0.771] [0.851]
ProŽ ling score of 16 23.057 2$465.73 20.095 $4,175.83
(1.102) (216.94) (0.051) (1,269.76)
[0.003] [0.016] [0.032] [0.001]
ProŽ ling score between 17 and 19 21.861 $182.09 0.027 $689.71
(1.039) (204.60) (0.047) (1,197.55)
[0.037] [0.813] [0.784] [0.283]
p-value for test of equal impacts 0.851 0.132 0.174 0.021
across approximate proŽ ling
score quartiles

Notes: Each of the regressions controls for the ProŽ ling Tie Group (PTG) of the recipients.
There are 745 claimants in the control group, 1,236 claimants in the treatment group and 286
PTGs. The approximate quartiles for the proŽ ling scores are scores 6 to 13 (515 members),
scores 14 and 15 (390 members), score 16 (424 members), and scores 17 to 19 (652
Source: Authors’ calculations are from the Kentucky WPRS Experiment.

indicates that there is no long-term harm from allocate the treatment?22 If the goal of proŽ ling
the treatment. is to increase the efŽ ciency of treatment alloca-
In sum, we have strong evidence that the tion then, assuming that the costs of the treat-
earnings gains we document result from more ment do not vary across persons, it should
early exits from UI in the treatment group. Most allocate the treatment to those for whom it has
of these exits take place prior to the receipt of the largest impact. To address this question, we
reemployment services. Earnings are signiŽ - examine impact estimates for proŽ ling score
cantly higher in the Ž rst and second quarters subgroups. If the proŽ ling mechanism enhances
after claimants’ Ž le their claims. We Ž nd no the efŽ ciency of treatment allocation, then we
evidence that claimants ever suffer reduced should Ž nd larger impacts for claimants with
earnings through the Ž rst six quarters after their higher scores, as claimants with higher scores
claims. This evidence suggests that the “leisure are much more likely to get treated.
tax” implicit in the WPRS treatment represents Table 3 presents impact estimates for our four
an effective tool for reducing the moral hazard outcome variables, with the claimants divided
in the UI program. into four subgroups based on their proŽ ling
scores: 6 –13 (about 26 percent of the treatment
D. Evaluating ProŽ ling as an Allocation group), 14 or 15 (about 20 percent of the treat-
Mechanism ment group), 16 (about 21 percent of the treat-
ment group) and 17 to 19 (about 33 percent of
In addition to evaluating the impact of the
proŽ ling treatment on those assigned to it, we
also brie y consider a different evaluation ques- 22
See Berger et al. (2000) for an extended discussion of
tion: How well does the proŽ ling mechanism these issues.

the treatment group). The results suggest that higher wages conditional on employment. We
the impact varies nonlinearly with the proŽ ling Ž nd no evidence that the earnings of the treat-
score, but we can reject the null of equal im- ment group are lower through the Ž rst six quar-
pacts across proŽ ling score subgroups only for ters after the start of the unemployment spell,
earnings. suggesting that there is no long-term harm from
The assumption underlying the WPRS is that the treatment provided by the program.
those with the longest expected UI spells beneŽ t The reduction in the length of recipiency in
the most from the proŽ ling treatment. The esti- the treatment group is largely accomplished by
mates in Table 3 provide little justiŽ cation for early exits from UI. Many of these early exits
this assumption, as there does not appear to be coincide in time with the letters sent out to
a monotonic relationship between the proŽ ling treatment group members to notify them of their
score and the impact of treatment. Thus, the obligations under the program. These Ž ndings
evidence in Table 3 calls into question the wis- suggest that the gains from the program result in
dom of using expected UI spell duration (rather large part from removing claimants from the UI
than, say, predicted impacts) as a means of rolls who were job ready and had little trouble
allocating treatment. locating employment. Hence, the WPRS treat-
ment appears to be successful at reducing the
IV. Conclusion moral hazard associated with the UI program.
Moreover, from the perspective of the UI sys-
We use unique data to examine the impact of tem, and likely from that of society as well, it
the Worker ProŽ ling and Reemployment Ser- produces a wide excess of beneŽ ts over costs.
vices (WPRS) initiative. Our experimental data Finally, the underlying assumption of the
are for persons in marginal proŽ ling groups— WPRS program is that those with the longest
that is, persons whose expected UI spells are expected UI spell durations would beneŽ t the
just long enough to put them in the group re- most from the requirement that they participate
quired to receive reemployment services in re- in reemployment services in order to continue
turn for continued receipt of beneŽ ts. This receiving their UI beneŽ ts. It is also assumed
design, which Thistlethwaite and Campbell that treating these claimants will result in the
(1960) call a tie-breaking experiment, allows largest budgetary savings for state UI systems.
the introduction of random assignment without Our results provide little justiŽ cation for either
disrupting the program and without denying assumption, as we do not Ž nd a monotone re-
services to those most in need. In so doing, it lationship between the proŽ ling score and the
may reduce resistance to random assignment by impact of treatment. If the goal of proŽ ling is to
line workers and program administrators (and allocate the treatment to those claimants with
politicians) and also reduce the negative public- the largest expected impact from it, or to save
ity sometimes associated with random assign- the state UI system the most money, then our
ment in the social services. Ž ndings call into question the wisdom of using
For claimants in the proŽ ling tie groups, we the expected beneŽ t duration as a means of
Ž nd that random assignment to the WPRS treat- allocating treatment. They also suggest the
ment results in a 2.2-week reduction in beneŽ t value of further thought and study before ex-
receipt relative to the control group. This rep- tending proŽ ling to other programs.
resents a reduction in mean beneŽ ts payments
of slightly over $143 per recipient. In addition, REFERENCES
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