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Free Operations

Swami says, “Service to Mankind is Service to God.” And it was this quotation that inspired
the youths of Jakarta-Indonesia to take up the massive task of serving the Lord through
service of His children by way of conducting operations for the needy.

The drive for this project was set off when the youths first decided to conduct this seva as an
offering to Bhagavan on His 75th Birthday. But, with the grace of the Divine Lord, this project
did not just stop there; in fact, it has been a continuous effort on the parts of the youths.

The Operations seva project involves several stages.

In the first, the team conducts extensive and thorough surveys throughout the city and even
neighboring cities. Here, they look for those patients in dire need of medical help but do not
have the means or resources to do so.

Patients being transported to and from the doctors’ clinics

In the second stage, these patients are brought to qualified doctors and surgeons for
preliminary check-ups. They are subsequently registered in a hospital and the surgeries are
duly performed.

The last stage involves post-operative visits and required medical treatment at the doctor’s.

Throughout every phase, the youths are always by the side of the patients. And throughout
every step, Bhagavan is by them!

Majority of patients were operated and treated for tumor, hernia, lymphoma, Cancer (6
cases) and Heart Ailment (2 cases). By September 2005, a total of _________
patients have
been operated on.

Billy-Before Billy-After

Celsa-Before Celsa-After

Hani-Before Hani-During Surgery

Hidayat-Before Hidayat-After

Meri-Before Meri-After

Puspi-Before Puspi-After

Tatang-Before Tatang-After

The seed of love sown years ago at the commencement of the project has grown to a
beautiful tree, bearing fruits of love and satisfaction which the youths themselves are
enjoying, for, hasn’t Bhagavan Himself said, “Service to man…will gladden your heart and
make you feel that life has been worthwhile.”

Jln. Pasar Baru Selatan No. 26 Jakarta 10710, Indonesia
Phone: (021) 3842313; Fax: (021) 3842312
E-mail: indosai@indo.net.id


To : Dr. VK. Ravindran (Central Coordinator Zone 4 Region 41 – Prasanthi

Council) – by email
From : Udayo Untarya Wijaya
Cc : Bp. Ketut Nurcahya (Chairman – SSGI) – by email
Bp. Mohan Leo (1st Deputy Chairman – SSGI) – by email
Bro. Ashok P. Nanwani (2nd Deputy Chairman – SSGI) – by email
Bro. Putu Suwitra (1st Secretary – SSGI) – by email
Bp. I Dewa Putu Sumendra (Korwil V – SSGI) – by fax
Date : 10th February 2006
Subject : Free Cataract Operation – SSG Surabaya (Area V) - DRAFT

A s part of the 80th birthday celebration of Bhagawan Baba, Sai Study Group
Surabaya (Area V - Sai Study Group Indonesia) organized a Free Cataract
Operation for the destitute in the surrounding area. To commemorate Sri Sathya
Sai’s 80 year of advent, the Sai Study Group initially planned to provide free
operation to a minimum of 80 patients.

T he operations were carried-out at Graha Amerta General Hospital Dr. Soetomo

in Surabaya. As much as 388 patients registered for the operation. Upon
screening & diagnosis, the number of cataract patients who needed an immediate
operation was reduced to 112 patients. The first batch of operations was carried out
on February 4th – 5th, with a total of 35 patients treated. The rest of the patients will
be treated in another consecutive weeks (every Saturday & Sunday).

T he seva project initiated by Sai Study Group Indonesia, is fully backed-up &
jointly organized with Graha Amerta (General Hospital Dr. Soetomo –
Surabaya), PKK * – whose chairman is none other than the wife of the Mayor, and
Bina Hati Foundation (a foundation established by Sai Study Group Surabaya to
implement Bhagawan’s Baba teachings in real ACTION through EHV, free medical
services, HIV/AID & drug abuse counseling).

* PKK = Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (An institution who conduct special program at village level
to educate women on various aspects of family welfare).

s o c i a ld e l i n q u e n ttso l o v i n gr e s p o n s i b l eimportedfromChinaand distributedto 1,000
individuals. people.Thesecentreshavebeendistributing
full mealsto the homelesseverySundayfor
I Y,9,1 the past 18 years.
ln Jacksonville, FIorida,a medicalcamp
was conduciedon 28th January2006 wherein
74 patients were seen and screened for
Inspiredby Bhagavan'shealthcaremission,
cholesterol, glucose,hypertension, HIV and the SathyaSai Organisationof Argentinahas
sickle cell disease.Dental and visual a regularprogrammecalled Sai Medicareto
e x a m i n a t i o n sw e r e a l s o p e r f o r m e d T
. he
provideboth healtheducationand medical
influenzavaccine was also administered. treatment.The programmebegan in the year
Primaryprevenlionpresentationswere given 2002 and, on an average,about300 patients
on heart disease,obesity, cancer, stress are seen in each camp.The campsare held 3
management, diabetes and anger o r 4 t i m e sa y e a r i n S a n t a F e , R o s a r i o .
management.The event was covered by a G o n z a l e sK a t a n , G r a n B o u r g , Q u i l m e s ,
local televisionstation. Cordovaand Tucuman. Health education
addresseslopics such as well-babycare.
Amidst the glitz of Hollywood,downtown
L o s A n g e l e s h a s a s i z e a b l e h o m e l e s s breastfeeding,child development,alcoholism
populationof about48,000.These individuals and familyviolence.
haveno shelterfrom inclemenlwinterweather In addition,medicalcamps are conducted
and olLenspend days without meals. The which not only includemedicaltreatmentbut
Glendaleand Arcadia Sathya Sai centres also the serving of meals and entertainment
teamed up on 26th January 2006 to provide forchildren.The medicalcampsare conducted
four times a year and about 3,000 patients
have been seen so far. In one of the camps,
an individualwho was nol familiarwith Sri
S a t h y a S a i w a s s o i m p r e s s e dw i t h t h e
charilableand lovingservicethat he donated
60 pairs of eyeglassesand free visiontesting
for all patients.

A free cataractclinicwas organisedin

Surabayain February 2006.At theopeningof
Homelessin downtownLosAngeles the clinic,388 patients
wereseenand 112of
beingseryedby Sai devotees. them were deemedas requiringcataract
blanketsand toiletrybags to rhe homelessin operations. Firstsurgeries
downtownLos Angeles.The toiletrybags and 4th February 2006,and werefollowedby
f u l l m e a l s w e r e h a n d e do u t t o 4 0 0 moresurgerieseveryweekend.
people. In addition, blankets were - Prasanthi Council
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