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01 2009


Training & Translations

Newsletters 2009

CONFUSABLE WORDS: forever , for ever You use forever in front of the continuous from of a verb to mean very often. the doctor who is forever winding up his watch. Babbage was forever spotting trivial errors in their calculations. You use forever in front of and adjective to talk about a quality or attitude someone or something always has. The President remained forever grateful. You use forever or for ever to say that something is or always will ve the case. When the game is going well you feel you can go on playing forever. I was quite certain she had left me for ever. I just wanted to hide myself here for ever, and be safe and happy. Children sometimes use for ever in the phrase for ever and ever to emphasize that something never stops. URLs Recomendados: Public holidays all over the world!! Public Holidays worldwide!!! http://www.globalsources.com/TNTLIST/DIRECTORIES/TRAVEL/HOLIDAYS.HTM Vocabulary Exercise: Vocabulary - Logistics - Types of Transport 1. transport (EU GB) transporte transportation (EU). 1. transporte, 2. medio de transporte 2. to comply with: obedecer, acatar, observar ( reglamento), acceder ( a una peticin), (material) estar conforme ( con las especificaciones). 3. forwarding agent, freight forwarder: agente especializado en la importacin y exportacin de las mercancas que estn circulando o que no se encuentran en transito. Se encarga de las formalidades tcnicas y jurdicas de la aduana. 4. to hire: 1. alquilar ( el arrendatario alquila) , 2. (EU se usa poco) alquilar ( el arrendador alquila) = to hire out, 3. contratar a una persona) to let, alquilar ( arrendador). 5. description: 1. descripcin (de una persona), 2. descripcin ( de un empleo), 3. profesion ( cuando aparece en el pasaporte) 4. descripcin ( mercanca) designacin: 1. designacin ( de una persona), nombramiento (sucesor empleo), 2. denominacin. 6. consignee: destinatario, consignatario; consignor o consignee: expedidor , se deriva de to consign: 1. confiar, entregar (sth to sbs care: algo a alguien), 2. enviar (mercanca), 3. depositar (efectivo) en consignacin. 7. Document of title: tambien, deed of property, title deed. Title: 1. titulo ( de un livro de una persona), 2. derecho ( de propiedad), title to the land, derecho de la tierra, 3. titulo ( de propiedad). 8.to be effective as such: ser efectico como tal. 9.to endorse: 1. endosar, avalar; 2. hacer una poliza adidonal, 3. aprobar, apoyar ( un proyecto), 4. repaldar ( a un candidato). 10. voyage: viaje por mar o aire. 11. feight: flete, es decir 1. una mercanca transportada, carga= cargo, 2. transporte de mercaderia ( por barco o avion), 3. precio del transporte o de la mercanca. 12. rate: 1. proporcion , tasa, 2. tarifa . El precio del transporte puede ser pagado al salir ( freight prepaid, flete pagado por anticipado) o al llegar a su destino (freight collect, flete por cobrar). Letra de Cambio, Cheque , Transferencia Bancaria.

02 -2009
Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


Training & Translations

CONFUSABLE WORDS: present, actual Present is used in front of a noun to indicate that you are talking about things as they are now, rather than how they used to be or will be in the future. The present system has many failings. Economic planning cannot succeed in the present condition. You also use present in front of a noun to indicate that you are talking about the person who has a job, role, or title now, rather than someone who had it in the past or will have it in the future. The present chairperson ias a woman. .Zanussis new film about the present Pope. You do not use actual to describe thins as the are now. You use actual to emphasize that the place, object or person you are talking about is the real or genuine one . The predicted results and the actual results are very different. The interpretation bore no relation to the actual words spoken. URLs Recomendados: Get Updates on World Finance at Crisis Talk - Real Prespective on the Crisis http://crisistalk.worldbank.org If you're like me, you're still trying to figure out just what's happening with the global financial crisis that's in all the headlines. I'm no economist, but I want to at least have a grasp of what's happening, because it affects all of us. That's why I like Crisis Talk (http://crisistalk.worldbank.org), a blog from the World Bank that aims to keep readers updated on the developments in this unfolding crisis. Vocabulary Exercise: Vocabulary - Logistics - Types of Transport A. Fill in the Blanks : 1- A .is a transport contract between the Consignor and the Consignee that must accompany all shipments. 2- Goods can be sent by ship in two ways: .. or .. and space. 3- Evidence of the firms contract to have its cargo transported by ship is called a of . . 4- Major users of air transport include the . and .. wholesalers. B . Multiple Choice 1- Different types of Bills of Lading include: a- shipped b- clean c- dirty d- confirmed e- a, b & d f- a, b & c 2- A Charter Party indicaters: a- Ships name and tonnage b- Port of loading and unloading c- demurrage d- lay-days e- a,b & c only f- b, c & d only g- all are required 3- In determining their rates railways consider all the following criteria EXCEPT: a- volume b- weight c- value d- shipper e- mileage
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f- risk of damage 4- The following iids lend themselves to shipping by air: a- Automobile tires b- Bottled water c- flowers d- None of the above e- All of the above C . Translate: 1. Le entregaremos la mercanca CIF. 2. Un conocimiento de embarque se expide en varias copias. 3. Llene la nota de consignacin. 4. La mercanca se necesita con urgencia. 5. El conocimiento de embarque areo acompaa cualquier envo por avin Answers: Consignment note leasing, chartering, hiring bill, lading postal services, flower B. 1. f 2. g 3. d 4. c C. 1. We will have the merchandise delivered to you CIF. 2. A bill of lading is issued in several copies. 3. Complete the consignment note. 4. The goods are urgently needed. 5. An air waybill accompanies every air shipment.

03 -2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: notice observe pay attention If you notice something, you became aware of it by seeing it or by using your other senses. I noticed she was wearing a new dress. I noticed a new tranquillity about him. I have noticed that your father is not as friendly towards me as he used to. Observe can be used with the same meaning as notice. However, observe is a rather formal word. Glancing cautiously about the room, she observed a threadbare rug and a few pieces of sadly shabby furniture. The Count, I observed, had a mildly speculative expression on his face. You can also use observe to talk about watching someone or something deliberately and very carefully. A half dozen spectators gathered on the outside to observe the proceedings. He will stand well back in order to observe you from a distance. If you pay attention to someone or something, you watch or listen with great concentration, especially in order not to miss anything. For the first time he paid attention to the driver. I was not paying attention to what was going on.

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


Training & Translations

URLs Recomendados: The Queens English Society. http://www.queens-englishsociety.com/

Revamped Queens English Society (QES) site is now up and running. The url is http://www.queens-english-society.com/ . Please take a look at it. You will probably find it interesting and I hope that it will also prove useful. It is full of tips on how to use English properly and there are masses of really useful links to all manner of excellent works of reference. With a feedback channel by e-mail to Academy@queens-english-society.com where you can send your comments & questions. Vocabulary Exercise: Vocabulary - Types of Transport and Packing Part I 01- substantial: 1. considerable, elevado: substantial rebate, descuento importante 2. sustancial de peso: substantial proof, prueba concluyente 3. considerable (fortuna) 4. real. 02- to heighten: 1.aumentar, acentuar (un contraste), agravar (mal), realzar (un color) 2. elevar, levantar (un muro) 3. acrecentar, intensificar(se). 03- global: 1. global, de conjunto 2. mundial, internacional: to go global, lanzarse al mercado mundial (una empresa o un pas). 04- damage: (sg.) 1.dao(s), descompostura(s) 2. perjuicio 3. (pl) daos y perjuicios. 05- pick-up: recogida (de mercadera) = collection: accin de recoger o recolectar algo a domicilio. 06- thereby: por eso, por ello. 07- to handle: 1. manejar, manipular: Handle with care, Frgil 2. tratar (un problema), manejar (un negocio) 3.tener: We dont handle that type of product, no tenemos ese tipo de producto. 08- roadway: calzada, va. 09- license (EU)/licence (GB): 1. permiso, autorizacin, libertad 2. licencia, permiso (de conducir, de caza) 3. licencia (de fabricacin) 4. impuesto (televisin). 10- haulage, hauling: transporte de mercancas, transporte en camin de carga; haulage operador, hauler (GB; haulier): transportista por carretera, chofer de camin de carga, trailero; to haul: 1. transportar (mercancas) en camin 2.arrastrar, acarrear, remolcar. 11- to enforce: 1. hacer respetar, imponer (una ley, una disciplina, derechos) 2. hacer valer (derechos) 3. apoyar (una demanda). 12- documentation (se usa siempre en singular): documentacin, documentos (necesarios para probar algo). 13- paperwork (se usa siempre en singular): 1. escrituras, puesta al da de captulos 2. documentos 3. papeleo. 14- United Nations Convetion on the Internacional Multimodal Transport of Goods, Convenio de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Transporte Multimodal Internacional de Mercancas. 15- machinery (colectivo singular): 1. maquinaria 2. mecanismo (de una mquina, del Estado) 16- log(-book): libro de navegacin, diario de abordo (mar.), diario de vuelo (aviac.), cuaderno de abordo (transporte), por ext.: registro en el que se anotan los eventos importantes [computer log: (comp.)] bitcora de computadora.

Comentario de inters sobre la crisis segn Albert Einstein.

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


Training & Translations

04 -2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: cure heal recover recovery When a doctor or a treatment cures a patient or a disease, or cures a patient disease, the patient gets better. He took the boy to a special doctor and had his eye infection cured. Dr Battacharya went in for acupuncture, and had once cured Mrs Bhoolabhoy of migraine for the hole week. A cure is a medicine that cures a disease. Nobody would deny the value of the work being done to find a cure for cancer. a possible cure for AIDS. When an injury such as a cut or a broken leg gets better, you say that it heals or that it is healed. I waited there six weeks, not knowing whether the leg would heal or not. This ointment should heal the cut in no time. If you say that someone heals a sick person, you mean that they make them better, usually by unconventional methods known as alternative medicine. Give de Lord the chance, Ginny, He healed my leg. He can heal your mothers blood. He had been miraculously healed of his illness. When a sick person recovers, recovers from an illness, or makes a recovery, they get better.
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In the time Johnnie recovered, thankfully without any permanent damage. How long do people take to recover from sickness of this kind? He made a quick recovery, but the operation hadnt been as successful as hoped. URLs Recomendados: Facial Recognition Test BBC Science http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/tmt/instructions_1.shtml Face Perception 1 Find out whether your ideal partner is an extrovert or an introvert. It has 20 questions and should take about 10-12 minutes. You will see male or female faces depending on which gender you are most attracted to for your partners. Do not be concerned if you keep seeing the same pair of faces. You are still progressing through the test. Many of the image pairs will look the same because they have been created from the same average face. In fact, there are subtle differences between them. It was developed by Professor David Perrett and Dr Tony Little of the University of St Andrews. Vocabulary Exercise: Types of Transport and Packing - Part II 01- packing: (material de) embalaje packaging: embalaje, presentacin de un producto. El embalaje individual (packaging) contribuye al formato de las ventas por medio de una presentacin atractiva. Para proteger las mercancas contra la tpica falta de cuidado del transporte internacional de usarse adems el embalaje de transporte. 02- Cuando la mercanca se vende franco de embalaje o embalaje incluido (sold packing-free), el expedidor decide el tipo de embalaje que se va a usar. Cuando la mercanca se vende bajo embalaje por pagar (sold packing extra) el expedidor deber ajustarse a las instrucciones del cliente. 03- grain (colectivo singular): cereales. 04- loose: 1. suelto, flojo, poco preciso: loose funds, fondos no asignados 2. desatado, suelto (hoja, ficha). 05- to wrap: envolver, embalar, empaquetar. 06- drum: (embalaje) recipiente cilindrico, lata, bidn, tonel, bobina/carrete (de cable elctrico) 07- through (adj.): 1. directo: through freight: mercanca en transito 2. que va de un punto a otro, atravesando 3. acabado, terminado. 08- to offload: 1.descargar un excedente (de mercanca) 2. descargarse: to offload os work on sb, descargar un trabajo sobre alguien to unload (GB), descargar toda la mercanca. 09- to seal: 1. sellar, lacrar, emplomar 2. cerrar hermticamente 3. (jur.) precintar 4. decidir, determinar: 10- to seal a deal, concretar un negocio. 11- to wait (v.t): esperar: goods awating delivery, mercanca pendiente de entrega, pero to wait for sth (GB y EU) o to wait on sth (EU) quiere decir esperar algo. to notify: avisar, comunicar, notificar; to notify sb. of sth, avisarle de algo a alguien; to be notified that, estar avisado de 12- short/long haul: transporte zona corta/larga; juggernaut (GB), camin de carga, trailer; insulated container, contenedor isotrmico; tran(s)shipment, transbordo.

05 -2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: distinct - distinctive Something that is distinct, or distinct from something else, can be recognized as different and separate from it, even tough the two things might be similar in some way . Each of his eight animals had a distinct personality. This is not a cross between a cherry and a plum, but a distinct species. The British Museum is now distinct from the British Library.
Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


Training & Translations

If something like a shape or a sound is distinct, you can see or hear it very clearly. You do not make yourself clear, said Sticking, in his most distinct voice. You use distinctive to describe things which have a special quality that makes them easy to recognize. Mr Ross noted their distinctive Glasgow accent. Jossis appearance was distinctive, He was a powerful giant who stood over six feet tall. URLs Recomendados: http://www.materiabiz.com/mbz/index.vsp MATERIABIZ es una comunidad de personas vinculadas al mundo de los negocios, integrada por empresarios, ejecutivos, profesores e investigadores, consultores, editores y estudiantes. Su contenido es la produccin de investigadores y profesores de prestigiosas escuelas de negocios; la intervencin de empresarios y ejecutivos a partir de sus propias experiencias; el estudio sistemtico sobre los papers ms destacados del mundo acadmico; y finalmente, el aporte original y espontneo de todos los integrantes de la comunidad. Su esencia es la combinacin entre el aspecto innovador de su contenido y la interaccin entre sus integrantes.

Vocabulary Exercise: Types of Transport and Packing A. Fill in the blanks 1- Bicycles, paper products and computers are usually packed in .. , while textiles are placed in . . 2- Truckers in the US are called in Great Britain. 3- Stopping at .. is required of truckers in North America. 4- Successive use of more than one method of transport without .. is called combined, or .. transport . B. Multiple Choice 1- Importers and exporters prefer using road transport because it is: a) Flexible b) less risky c) inexpensive d) a & b only e) a & c only f) all the above 2- A truckers log must include the following details, EXCEPT: a) routers taken b) refueling stops c) length of time of stopovers d) breakdowns e) weather conditions 3- Timber, oil, grain are usually loaded: a) loose b) in bulk c) in airplanes d) in ships e) a & b only f) a, b & d 4- What shipping techniques(s) is (are) used in connection with combined transport: a- Palletizing b) containerization
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c) unit load devices d) a & b only e) a, b & c C. Translate 1. La polica efecta revisiones para confirmar que los choferes de los camiones tengan los documentos necesarios. 2 . Las autorizaciones son estrictamente controladas. 3. Qu modo de transporte piensa usted usar? 4. El envo por unidades de carga facilita el transito de la mercanca.
Answers: A. 1. cardboard cartons, bales 2. lorry drivers 3. weight scales 4. offloading, inter-modal, multi-modal B. 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. e C . 1. The police check to confirm that the truckers have the proper documentation. 2. Permits are strictly enforced. 3. Which method of transport do you plan to use? 4. Shipping in unit load form facilitates through movement of goods

06 -2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: memory souvenir A memory is something that you remember from your past. That sweet smell brought the memories flooding back. Although he is now a wealthy man he cannot erase the memories of childhood. a memory of an old friend. A souvenir is an object that you keep to remind you of something that has happened to you or to a place that you have visited. Tourists often by souvenirs when they are on holidays. The walls were filled with photos and souvenirs for the colonels army days and his hunting expeditions. You can shop for souvenirs the black and brown coral jewellery if particularly fine.

URLs Recomendados: http://oreilly.com/

OReilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, research, and conferences. Since 1978, OReilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and galvanizing their adoption by amplifying faint signals from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism. Vocabulary Exercise: Marine Insurance - Vocabulary 1- At-sea risks: el guin en indispensable, ya que at-sea esta en posicin de adjetivo = sea risks or risks at sea. 2- to take out: sacar, conseguir ( una patente, una licencia) suscribirse a, hacerse ( de un seguro). 3- insurance: este termino cubre todas las formas de seguros que garantizan un riesgo. El termino assurance esta reservado para los seguros de eventos cuya
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Training & Translations

naturaleza no es fortuita, como la jubilacin, una edad determinada o la muerte. Pero la mayora de las compaas de seguros britnicas utilizan assurance para el seguro contra incendios, accidentes o martimo. Los estadounidenses usan insurance en todo slos casos. 4- insurance is concerned with: el seguro tiene como propsito, el objetivo del seguro es. 5- subject matter: objeto (derecho, correspondencia) 6- Premium: 1. prima (en seguros) , 2. agio (en finanzas), bono (en la bolsa de valores), 3. prima ( salario, venta). 7- seaworthiness: estado de navegabilidad del barco, condiciones de un buque para navegar, ariworthiness; navegabilidad ( aeronavegacin) Roadworthiness: aptitud, condicin ( de un vehiculo). 8- To entrust: confiar: (sth to sbdy.) encargar ( sb with sth), confiable algo a alguien ( una misin y una venta). La nueva "onda" de Google - Jossette Rivera - BBC Mundo Google present Wave, su nueva plataforma de comunicacin en la red. Hubo aplausos como en los viejos tiempos de Apple. Eran los desarrolladores de Google presentando su nueva aplicacin: Wave, que promete revolucionar la manera en la que nos comunicamos en la red. Slo un da despus de que Microsoft asegurara lo mismo, pero con Bing. La premisa de Google es que estamos usando un correo electrnico inventado hace ms de una dcada. Y que no ha sufrido modificaciones impactantes. Literalmente, pasado de moda. Entonces lanzaron una pregunta clave. "A qu se parecera el correo electnico si se inventara hoy?" dijo Lars Rasmussen, uno de sus creadores durante la conferencia de Google I/O en San Francisco. Wave fue la respuesta. El "nuevo" correo electrnico La nueva herramienta incorpora varias aplicaciones en una sola plataforma. La recin lanzada herramienta de comunicacin se rige bajo el principio bsico de internet: compartir. Y contiene, en un solo lugar, todo lo que hoy en da causa furor -por separado- en la red: blog, correo electrnico, wiki, chat, videos, fotos, telefona IP, herramientas de informacin instantnea, redes sociales y mapas. En pocas palabras una plataforma unificada que va del correo electrnico a twitter. Siempre en lnea con "la nube" -aplicaciones "almacenadas" en red para no saturar las computadoras con informacin- el servicio permite crear conversaciones utilizando todas las herramientas que hoy se usan por separado. Cada conversacin es llamada un wave (onda). Y cada wave es un tipo de documento abierto a ms usuarios que pueden interactuar con l. "Es un nuevo tipo de comunicacin y colaboracin al mismo tiempo", afirm Rasmusen. "Permite la interaccin inmediata entre plataformas sociales" Siguiendo con la tradicin, el servicio ser gratuito y promete estar listo a fin de ao. Dejaron slo una duda pendiente: cmo se integrar este nuevo servicio al correo electrnico ya existente. "Vint Cerf (el gur de internet para Google) le dio la vuelta. No aclar si desaparece o no y si idealmente migraremos todos a una plataforma unificada. "Es casi una pregunta filosfica", asegur a BBC Mundo Gonzalo Alonso, vicepresidente de operaciones de la empresa de desarrollo de programas informticos Globant. Ganar la guerra es cuestin de "timing" La nueva herramienta de Microsoft, Bing, prometi que revolucionar los mtodos de bsqueda en la red. Antes de la presentacin de las nuevas herramientas por parte de Microsoft y Google, especialistas y usuarios estaban en ascuas. Las estrategias de lanzamiento parecieron decirlo todo. El director general de Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, lanz su nuevo buscador Bing en la
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conferencia All Things Digital en San Diego en una habitacin llena de altos ejecutivos. Asegur que cambiara la forma de buscar en la red. Google contraatac muy a su estilo: regal telfonos Android a los asistentes a la conferencia y anunci una gran sorpresa para el da siguiente. Los desarrolladores mordieron el anzuelo. "Mis respetos ante la estrategia: estos locos regalaron ms 4.000 tlfonos en el ao ms difcil en la economa estadounidense", asegur Alonso, quien fuera tambin director de Google Latinoamrica. Ante el entusiasmo de la nueva herramienta, se levantaron de sus sillas y rompieron en aplausos. No hubo duda de la emocin generada. Este viernes, las bsquedas en Google Wave le llevaba ventaja a Bing en los resultados de bsqueda en internet. Un amoro con la red Tengo mis dudas de qu tan efectivos puedan ser convirtiendo a una gran masa crtica a una sola plataforma. No hay nada que me haga pensar que s lo vayan a hacer Gonzalo Alonso, vicepresidente de operaciones de Globant No todos estn tan eufricos. Algunos expertos en comunicacin se tomaron la noticia con cuidado. Argumentan sobre todo los principales "pecados" de Google: lanzar a ciegas sus productos, no ponerla a disposicin de los usuarios para un periodo de prueba, no haber dominado de manera real ms que en el mercado de la bsqueda pero, sobre todo, no tienen fcil lograr que la gente renuncie a sus preferencias. "Sostengo la teora de que al utilizar internet desarrollas una experiencia profunda difcil de cambiar. Los usuarios desarrollamos confianza, un amoro que no tengo por qu ir a buscar a otro lado", dijo Gonzalo Alonso. "Tengo mis dudas de qu tan efectivos puedan ser, convirtiendo a una gran masa crtica a una sola plataforma. No hay nada que me haga pensar que s lo vayan a hacer", concluy. Sin embargo, la nueva herramienta podra ser una apuesta ms trascendental. Los anlisis tras el anuncio indican que, quiz, Google no ha lanzado slo una nueva herramienta, sino una autntica revolucin en la manera en la que nos comunicamos.

07 2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: envelop, envelope When one thing envelops another, it covers, surrounds, or encloses it completely. Envelope is a verb. Our heads were enveloped in smoke. Deadly silence enveloped the War Room. An envelope is a paper cover in which you send letters through the post. Envelope is a noun. Enclosed is a stamped addressed envelope for your reply. Tim, who usually received only bills through the post, looked at the envelope with surprise. URLs Recomendados: Conferencia TED Technology, Entertainment and Design. Increble lo que haremos con la tecnologa! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVvJw4FJmUU Vocabulary Exercise: Marine Insurance - Vocabulary 1- To run aground: (literal :irse al suelo, irse a pique). Encallar (barco), fracasar (en las negociaciones), tambin to strand. 2- Shipwewck: naufragio, to wreck. 1. destruir, provocar el naufragio de, hundir. 2. hacer fracasar (proyecto, negociaciones), arruinar (carrera), estropear, destrozar. 3- ad valorem ( locucin latina): literal: segn el valor, proporcional al valor ( o pliza evaluada).
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4- free from/of: franco , libre de, exento de (derechos, etc), neto. 5- all-in: se utiliza tambin para indicar un precio: for $ 50 all-in, por $ 50 todo incluido.

Business and Language Google First 100 Billion Dollar Brand Google just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The search engine giant is not only the worlds biggest brand, it is also the first brand worth $100 billion. A report from the market research firm Millward Brown shows Google has kept its position as the worlds most powerful brand. It valued the company at $101.4 billion. This is 25 per cent higher than its biggest rival Microsoft, which is the second most valuable brand. The Top 100 Most Powerful Brands report lists Coca Cola at number three, followed by IBM and McDonalds. Technology companies make up eight of the top ten. Googles brand is helped because it is now also a verb in everyday use. It is very common to hear people say Google it when they want some information. The report is the worlds largest study of what consumers and businesses think of brands. It says a brand name is key for any business to grow. A strong brand can help protect a business from risk, and position it for future growth, it says. The authors believe a strong brand name is the ultimate return on investment. Joanna Seddon, chief executive of Millward Brown, told reporters: "In the current [economic] environment, brand has become even more important because it can help to sustain companies in tough times." Her report says brand value has grown, even through the recession: The value of brands remains strongthe total value of the top 100 most valuable brands has increased to just under $2 trillion. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. giant firm 2. 3. kept 4. helped 5. common 6. study 7. protect 8. return 9. current 10. remains GAP FILL: Put the words into the gaps in the text. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. maintained present usual research company profit colossus stays aided safeguard

Google just keeps __________ bigger and bigger. The search engine giant is not only the worlds biggest brand, it is also the first brand __________ $100 billion. A report from the market research firm Millward Brown shows Google has kept its __________ as the worlds most powerful brand. It __________ the company at $101.4 billion. This is 25 per cent higher than its biggest rival Microsoft, which is the second most valuable brand. The Top 100 Most Powerful Brands report lists Coca Cola at number three, __________ by IBM and McDonalds. Technology companies __________ up eight of the top ten. Googles brand is helped because it is now also a __________ in everyday use. It is very __________ to hear people say Google it when they want some information. The report is the worlds largest __________ of what consumers and businesses think of brands. It says a brand name is __________ for any business to grow. A strong brand can help protect a business from risk, and position it for future __________, it says. The authors believe a strong brand name is the ultimate __________ on investment. Joanna Seddon, chief executive of Millward Brown, told reporters: "In

followed verb worth valued common getting position make

growth remains key current value study

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


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return tough

the __________ [economic] environment, brand has become even more important because it can help to sustain companies in __________ times." Her report says brand value has grown, even through the recession: The value of brands __________ strongthe total __________ of the top 100 most valuable brands has increased to just under $2 trillion.

Google just keeps getting bigger and (1) _____. The search engine giant is not only the worlds biggest brand, it is also the first brand worth $100 billion. A report from the market research (2) _____ Millward Brown shows Google has kept its position as the worlds most powerful brand. It valued the company (3) _____ $101.4 billion. This is 25 per cent higher than its biggest rival Microsoft, which is the second most valuable brand. The Top 100 Most Powerful Brands report (4) _____ Coca Cola at number three, followed (5) _____ IBM and McDonalds. Technology companies make up eight of the top ten. Googles brand is helped because it is now also a verb in everyday (6) _____. It is very common to hear people say Google it when they want some information. The report is the worlds largest study (7) _____ what consumers and businesses think of brands. It says a brand name is key for any business to grow. A strong brand can help (8) _____ a business from risk, and position it for future growth, it says. The authors believe a strong brand name is the ultimate return on investment. Joanna Seddon, chief executive of Millward Brown, told reporters: "In the (9) _____ [economic] environment, brand has become even more important because it can help to sustain companies in (10) _____ times." Her report says brand value has (11) _____, even through the recession: The value of brands remains strongthe total value of the top 100 most valuable brands has increased to (12) _____ under $2 trillion. Put the correct words from the table below in the above article. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) bigger firmly on listing at used for protect current through growth only (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) biggest firmest for lists to using of protective currency though grew just (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) big firm in list for use by protects currant tough growing simply (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) biggie firmness at listings by used to to protection currants thorough grown fair

Answers SYNONYM MATCH: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. giant firm kept helped common study protect return a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. colossus company maintained aided usual research safeguard profit

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar

9. 10. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

i. j. present stays

Training & Translations

current remains

PHRASE MATCH: Google just keeps The search It valued the company Technology companies make it is now also a verb in what consumers and businesses a brand name is key help protect it can help to sustain companies increased to just a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. getting bigger and bigger engine giant at $101.4 billion up eight of the top ten everyday use think of brands for any business to grow a business from risk in tough times under $2 trillion

GAP FILL: Google first 100 billion dollar brand Google just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The search engine giant is not only the worlds biggest brand, it is also the first brand worth $100 billion. A report from the market research firm Millward Brown shows Google has kept its position as the worlds most powerful brand. It valued the company at $101.4 billion. This is 25 per cent higher than its biggest rival Microsoft, which is the second most valuable brand. The Top 100 Most Powerful Brands report lists Coca Cola at number three, followed by IBM and McDonalds. Technology companies make up eight of the top ten. Googles brand is helped because it is now also a verb in everyday use. It is very common to hear people say Google it when they want some information. The report is the worlds largest study of what consumers and businesses think of brands. It says a brand name is key for any business to grow. A strong brand can help protect a business from risk, and position it for future growth, it says. The authors believe a strong brand name is the ultimate return on investment. Joanna Seddon, chief executive of Millward Brown, told reporters: "In the current [economic] environment, brand has become even more important because it can help to sustain companies in tough times." Her report says brand value has grown, even through the recession: The value of brands remains strongthe total value of the top 100 most valuable brands has increased to just under $2 trillion. LANGUAGE WORK 1-a 2-c 3-d 4-b 5-d 6-c 7-b 8-a 9 -a 10 - c 11 - d 12 - b

Five Crucial Components of Web Design By Woody Longacre (c) 2009 Professional website developers know the importance of web design and the role it plays in making a website successful. Designing a successful website is no easy task, especially for someone who is new to the world of web development. With the help of web development applications many people can and do create decent websites. But decent in most cases is not good enough to make a site successful from a traffic or financial standpoint. There are five crucial components of web design that you must focus on in order to make a site valuable to its visitors and successful for you. SEO Getting free traffic to your site. Usability Ease of navigating around the site and finding desired information quickly. Aesthetics Visual appeal.
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Content Valid, up-to-date, relevant information. Graphics Eye candy that relays relevant visual information to the visitor. SEO Before you ever lay down a byte of HTML code for a site, you have to know and understand at least the basics of SEO and how it fits into the design. SEO is the art of designing a site in a fashion that gives the site an advantage for obtaining free and abundant traffic. The number one aspect of SEO is selecting keywords relevant to your site. The keywords you select should be based on high usage, low competition and relevancy to your topic. Once you select keywords you can then begin the development of your site. Keep in mind keywords are a critical aspect of the design. The keywords you choose will be applied within the design in strategic fashion to benefit the flow of traffic to your site. To understand more on how to implement SEO you should read and learn more about this important subject. If you don't, your website success will be difficult to achieve. Usability Your website must be easy to navigate and designed in a way that makes it easy to find information. Visitors will not stay long if it takes more than one or two clicks to get the information they want or if it takes brain power to figure out how to get the information they want. One of the goals of your site design is to keep usability easy, and simple. To do this, apply the following three fundamentals of usability. Provide a site search tool. A visitor in a hurry can quickly find the info they desire then move on to the action they desire. Provide simple, intuitive and consistent site navigation. This provides visitors the tool they need to leisurely explore their way through your site. Provide logical and simple to follow content. The message of a site should start off in a simple and basic fashion with well defined links pointing the way to more detailed information or explanation as needed. In the cases above, the goal is to make it easy for your visitor to find the information they want without frustration or difficulty. Doing this well will have a positive effect on increasing the return of your visitors. Aesthetics A website has to look clean, uncomplicated and strike a balance in layout that is pleasant to the visitor. Pleasing aesthetics come about when the colors of a site complement each other, the graphics blend and lend continuation of the theme and the layout brings unity and openness to the page. Often overlooked by novice designers is the color palette of the site. While you can select color in a willy-nilly fashion and still provide a visually appealing site, a better idea for color selection should be based on an understanding of the color wheel and proven color strategies. Many web designers often view a web page as an opportunity to blast a visitor with lots of information in hopes this will convince the visitor to take action. Usually this results in a quick exit due to the overwhelming visual effect and complicated look. A better approach is to provide less content and open space (referred to as white space) to allow visitors eyes to scan and explore with ease. Content An important feature of any website is the quality of the text content. Visitors come to a site expecting to find answers to their questions, solutions to their problems or for entertainment value. The content offered at your site must be well-written and without grammatical or spelling errors. It also has to be relevant to the theme of your site, with valid, up-to- date information for your visitors. Content is King! Graphics You can have a functional and usable website without graphic elements. However, if
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there are similar sites to yours that employ graphics, guess which site will get the most traffic. The necessary companions to any well-designed site are the images and illustrations that grace its pages. The images can't be any willy-nilly graphic that you might think is cool. Graphic imagery has to support your branding, and communicate the message you are trying to convey. Before you incorporate graphic elements into your site, take some time to look around the web. Notice what looks good and how elements are laid out. These same layouts techniques can be used as models for your site. The Internet is a highly competitive business arena. To be successful with a commercial website, you have to keep these five crucial web design elements in mind. Contrary to what many will tell you, it is rarely possible to have commercial success without the benefit of a professional website. This is not to say that you must hire a professional, however you must implement professional design elements to improve your chances for success.

08 2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: certainly, surely You use certainly to emphasize that what yu say is definitely true. He had probably been employed at Cluny and he certainly orked at Vezelay. It is certainly not accidental spillage. You use surely for emphasis, especially when you are objecting to something that has been said or done, or when you are expressing surprise that other people do not agree with you. Eva Crane must surely be one of the worlds best known experts on bee keeping. Academics tent to use journalism as a dirt word, but surely some of the best writers have been journalists. Both British and American speakers of English use certainly to agree to a request, or to agree with what someone has said. American speakers also use surely in this way: Would you agree that if is still a difficult world for women to live in? Oh, certainly. He asked if he might be allowed to hear one of her records. Why surely, Daniel!. URLs Recomendados: Cuentos sufes Imperdibles! http://www.islamyal-andalus.org/publicaciones/cuentos_sufies/cuento1.htm Vocabulary Exercise: Marine Insurance - Vocabulary // Marine Insurance - Exercises A. Fill in the blanks: 1 . . Act as intermediaries between the insurers and those seeking insurance. 2 . All the insurers on a particular policy are called .. . 3. Hull insurance polies can ve or .. policies. 4. A ship and her cargo are exposed to two types of . B. Multiple Choice: 1. General Average insurance implies that a loss is apportioned between: a) all owners fo the cargo an the ship b) owners of the cargo only c) the owners of the ship d) all owners of the ship 2. Cargo insurance can be all of the following, EXCEPT: a) valued b) unvalued c)floating d) time 3. Insurance risk is determined by considering the following criteria: a) the nature of the goods b) packing used
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c) vessels seaworthiness d) a & c only e) a, b & c 4. Of the following percentages of insurance coverage, direct insurers would accept what percentage of risk: a) 75% b) 50% c) 85% d ) 25% C. Translate 1. Si usted contrata un seguro martimo su carga quedara protegida. 2. Ponga su firma aqu 3. El seguro de la carga cubre la mercanca. 4. Me han dicho que una pliza contra todo riesgo es el procedimiento habitual. 5. Este seguro entra en vigor en cuanto la mercanca sale del deposito. Answers A. 1. Insurance brokers 2. co insurers 3. voyage, time 4. at-sea risks B. 1. a 2. d 3. e 4. c C. 1. You will protect your cargo by taking our marine insurance 2. Please sign here. 3. Cargo insurance covers the goods. 4. I have been told that an all-in policy is the usual procedure. 5. This insurance takes effect as soon as the goods leave the warehouse.

Dollar Under Threat As The Global Currency India is the latest country to cast doubt on the U.S. dollar as the major global currency. Suresh Tendulkar, a top government economist, has advised India to rely less on the dollar. He suggests buying a number of different currencies instead of just the greenback. He told reporters: The major part of Indian reserves is in dollars. That is something thats a problem for us. Indias treasury holds over $260 billion in foreign currency reserves. A weaker dollar means those reserves could fall in value. This is especially possible with the pressure on the dollar from Americas weakening economy. This may not exactly be the final nail in the coffin for the dollar, but it seems to be losing ground on other currencies. The dollar is not only under attack from Indias economists. China and Russia are also calling for a new international foreign-exchange reserves system. On July the 3rd, Chinas former Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan called for a system to maintain the stability of the major reserve currencies. This suggests China no longer views the American dollar as the worlds sole reserve currency, and that the dollar is no longer the system at the heart of global financial markets. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has repeatedly called for a system that has a mix of currencies. Japan appears to be the only economic power that is keeping faith with the dollar. This may change at a meeting of the G-8 in Italy on July 8-10. 2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. cast doubt on rely treasury reserves losing ground on former maintain a. b. c. d. e. f. g. only finance department belief depend keep blend express uncertainty

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1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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8. sole h. stocks 9. mix i. exj. falling behind 10. faith 3. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one. combination is possible): cast doubt on over $260 billion in foreign the pressure on the dollar from the final nail it seems to be losing ground not only under attack a system to maintain the worlds sole the heart of global the only economic power that a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. financial markets on other currencies the stability reserve currency currency reserves Americas weakening economy the U.S. dollar is keeping faith in the coffin from Indias economists

LANGUAGE India is the latest country to (1) ____ doubt on the U.S. dollar as the major global currency. Suresh Tendulkar, a top government economist, has (2) ____ India to rely less on the dollar. He suggests buying a number of different currencies instead of just the greenback. He told reporters: The major (3) ____ of Indian reserves is in dollars. That is something thats a problem for us. Indias treasury holds over $260 billion (4) ____ foreign currency reserves. A weaker dollar means those reserves could fall in value. This is especially possible with the pressure (5) ____ the dollar from Americas weakening economy. This may not exactly be the final nail in the coffin for the dollar, but it seems to be (6) ____ ground on other currencies. The dollar is not only (7) ____ attack from Indias economists. China and Russia are also calling for a new international foreign-exchange reserves system. On July the 3rd, Chinas (8) ____ Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan called for a system to maintain the stability of the major reserve currencies. This (9) ____ China no longer views the American dollar as the worlds sole reserve currency, and that the dollar is no longer the system (10) ____ the heart of global financial markets. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has (11) ____ called for a system that has a mix of currencies. Japan appears to be the only economic power that is keeping faith with the dollar. This may change at a meeting of the G-8 in Italy on July 8-10. Put the correct words from the table below in the above article. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) cyst advised partner on in loses under farmer suggestion by repeatedly faithful (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) cost advice party in on lost over firmer suggest at repetition faithless (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) coast advisory part for at losing below framer suggesting pump repeats faith (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) cast advises partly to to loss above former suggests attack repeating faiths

09 2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: after, behind You use after to say that something happens at a later time than something else.
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Eva was tidying up after lunch. Send them on their way after just one meal. If you are behind someone or something, they are in front of you and you are facing their back. Allison came across and stood behind her. The girl behind him is typing. Sandy stared at me, his eyes widening behind his rimless glasses. After and behind can also be used with verbs such as walk or run which express movement. If you walk or run behind someone, they are in front of you and stay in front of you. He walked behind me for a long way. If you walk or run after someone, you try to reach where they are, perhaps so you can talk to them or in order to catch them. Thomas ran after him, yelling to him to stop. http://www.timeanddate.com/ URLs Recomendados: Excelente sitio en donde podrn saber la hora en todo el mundo, salidas del sol y la luna, usar un planner de reuniones, clculos con fechas y muchos gadgets ms.

Vocabulary Exercise: Customs Vocabulary // Marine Insurance - Exercises Customs: (se us siempre en plural, incluso cuandos e encutra en posicin de determinante) , 1. aduana, 2 . derechos de aduana. Clearance: 1. liquidacin , 2. declaracin de aduana, 3. compensacin, 4. autorizacin To levy: 1. recaudar, percirbir ( un impuesto) = to raise. To discharge: 1. descargar, 2. despedir, 3. saldar ( una deuda), 4. cumplir con, desempear (deber), 5. descargar, librar (sb of an obligation: a alguien de una obligacin). Clearance outwards (s) clearance inward(s): declaracion / manifiesto de entrada, permiso de entrada. Business and Language : Lego loses trademark battle over bricks The Danish toy maker Lego has just lost a court battle over a trademark on its bricks. For fifty years, it has enjoyed protection from rival toymakers. Lego had a copyright on the shape and design of its small bricks and blocks. This stopped competitors from making the same size and shape blocks. However, rival toy company Mega Brands started fighting Legos trademark in 1999. For almost a decade, Mega Brands has battled Legos lawyers in the courts. Lego argued its iconic bricks were unique, and different from others around the world. It said the design and size of the studs on top of the bricks meant it could be copyrighted. The judges disagreed and decided that the shapes of Lego's bricks served a clear and useful purpose and could not be protected. They were too ordinary to deserve a copyright. Children have been playing with Lego for over half a century. The bricks are a permanent fixture of all kids bedrooms, school activity areas and department store play rooms. It all started in 1958 when Lego launched its first red bricks. These have changed over the ages into fantasy figures, space stations and motorized models. The popularity of the colourful blocks has led to theme parks around the world. A Lego spokeswoman, Charlotte Simonsen, said the company was disappointed with the judges' decision: "We at Lego are convinced in our belief that we are right in our views on trademark legislation, she said. The new court ruling could pave the way for more competition. A brick war between Lego and Mega Brands could see cheaper prices for kids and adults. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

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1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Training & Translations

prevented lead to everlasting opinions one-of-a-kind use fight laws started competitor

battle rival stopped unique purpose permanent launched views legislation pave the way for

PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one. combination is possible): 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. lost a court battle over a Lego had a copyright on the Lego argued its iconic bricks were it could be Lego's bricks served a clear and useful Children have been playing with Lego for over It all started in 1958 when Lego launched its first We at Lego are convinced in The new court ruling could pave the way for more. A brick war between Lego and Mega Brands could see a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. unique purpose our belief trademark competition shape cheaper prices red bricks copyrighted half a century

LANGUAGE The Danish toy maker Lego has just (1) ____ a court battle over a trademark on its bricks. For fifty years, it has enjoyed protection from rival toymakers. Lego had a copyright (2) ____ the shape and design of its small bricks and blocks. This stopped competitors (3) ____ making the same size and shape blocks. However, rival toy company Mega Brands started fighting Legos trademark in 1999. For almost a decade, Mega Brands has (4) ____ Legos lawyers in the courts. Lego argued its iconic bricks were (5) ____, and different from others around the world. It said the design and size of the studs on top of the bricks meant it could be copyrighted. The judges disagreed and decided that the shapes of Lego's bricks served a (6) ____ and useful purpose and could not be protected. They were too ordinary to deserve a copyright. Children have been playing with Lego for over half a century. The bricks are a permanent (7) ____ of all kids bedrooms, school activity areas and department store play rooms. It (8) ____ started in 1958 when Lego launched its first red bricks. These have changed over the ages into fantasy figures, space stations and motorized models. The (9) ____ of the colourful blocks has led to theme parks around the world. A Lego spokeswoman, Charlotte Simonsen, said the company was disappointed (10) ____ the judges' decision: "We at Lego are convinced in our (11) ____ that we are right in our views on trademark legislation, she said. The new court ruling could (12) ____ the way for more competition. A brick war between Lego and Mega Brands could see cheaper prices for kids and adults. Put the correct words from the table below in the above article. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) loser of from battle unquote clear (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) lost from of battling uniquely clarity (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) losing on on battles unique clearness (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) loses to to battled unequal clearly

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) fixing all population for belief wave (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)

Training & Translations

fixed everything popular with believe cave (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) fixture complete popularity from believes fave

fix whole populate of believers pave

Answers SYNONYM MATCH: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. battle rival stopped unique purpose permanent launched views legislation pave the way for a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. fight competitor prevented one-of-a-kind use everlasting started opinions laws lead to

PHRASE MATCH: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. lost a court battle over a Lego had a copyright on the Lego argued its iconic bricks were it could be Lego's bricks served a clear and useful Children have been playing with Lego for over It all started in 1958 when Lego launched its first We at Lego are convinced in The new court ruling could pave the way for more A brick war between Lego and Mega Brands could see a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. trademark shape unique copyrighted purpose half a century red bricks our belief competition cheaper prices

GAP FILL: Lego loses trademark battle over bricks The Danish toy maker Lego has just lost a court battle over a trademark on its bricks. For fifty years, it has enjoyed protection from rival toymakers. Lego had a copyright on the shape and design of its small bricks and blocks. This stopped competitors from making the same size and shape blocks. However, rival toy company Mega Brands started fighting Legos trademark in 1999. For almost a decade, Mega Brands has battled Legos lawyers in the courts. Lego argued its iconic bricks were unique, and different from others around the world. It said the design and size of the studs on top of the bricks meant it could be copyrighted. The judges disagreed and decided that the shapes of Lego's bricks served a clear and useful purpose and could not be protected. They were too ordinary to deserve a copyright. Children have been playing with Lego for over half a century. The bricks are a permanent fixture of all kids bedrooms, school activity areas and department store play rooms. It all started in 1958 when Lego launched its first red bricks. These have changed over the ages into fantasy figures, space stations and motorized models. The popularity of the colourful blocks has led to theme parks around the world. A Lego spokeswoman, Charlotte Simonsen, said the company was disappointed with the judges' decision: "We at Lego are convinced in our belief that we are right in our views on trademark legislation, she said. The new court ruling could pave the way for more competition. A
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1-d 2-a


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brick war between Lego and Mega Brands could see cheaper prices for kids and adults. LANGUAGE WORK 3-b 4-c 5-c 6-b 7-d 8-a 9-b 10 - d 11 - c 12 - a

Qu es Zoho? - Por Mara Paula Pia Zoho es un conjunto de aplicaciones web desrrolladas por Zoho Corporation que proporcionan a los usuarios una completa gama de utilitarios que permiten colaborar en proyectos y compartir informacin, elaborar hojas de clculo y compartir documentos en privado (entre otras cosas), todo esto prescindiendo de llevar siempre con nosotros una laptop encima: todo est en el servidor remoto. Para utilizarla hay que registrarse en el sitio. Las aplicaciones son gratuitas para uso individual, pero en el caso de ser utilizadas por alguna empresa, hay una tasa a pagar. Ser esta la competencia a Google en lo que hace a Google Docs y Gmail o al ya conocido Open Office? Para conocer ms, este link a la Wikipedia donde est disponible, en espaol, la lista de aplicaciones y sus funciones. De Twitter y de hashtags - Por Mara Paula Pia Una de las caractersticas que tiene Twitter es que, al rengln de texto que enviamos a esa red, le podemos colocar una etiqueta o tag que refiera al tema que tratamos en ese texto. Como cuando etiquetamos posts en un blog, podemos etiquetar twitts en Twitter. Este recurso agrupa lo que se dice en referencia a determinado tema en un hashtag, algo as como un conjunto de dichos en relacin a algo, que puede verse en una pgina aparte. El hashtag rene todo lo que dicen los usuarios sin cuenta protegida respecto a algn asunto de inters pblico que se est debatiendo en el momento, alguna noticia aparecida en los medios o tambin algn tpico humorstico, que siempre cae all si lleva su respectiva etiqueta. Vamos a poner dos ejemplos de hashtags para que se entienda mejor, y qu usos se les puede dar. Para variar, uno de los temas que se debati o estuvo en boca (o en dedos) de la mayora de los twitteros fue el tema de la gripe A H1N1. Fue por ese medio que comenz a circular informacin sobre prevencin an antes que en medios oficiales, y los usuarios crearon, para tal fin, el hashtag #gripeA. Cualquier rengln que se le agregue #gripeA -ya sea adelante, en el medio o al final- va a parar al montn taggeado y puede leerse cuando uno solicita esa etiqueta en el buscador de Twitter. El caso es que el diario LaNacin ha hecho uso de esto y presenta, en una pgina aparte, todos aquellos twitts que contienen el tag #gripeA. Es un modo de mostrar lo que se dice u opina al respecto, qu tipo de informacin circula, qu noticias tienen eco referidas al tema y lo que se rumorea en 140 caracteres sobre la tan mentada enfermedad. Otro ejemplo es el #followfriday. Existe en esta red la costumbre, cada viernes, de recomendar usuarios (por la temtica de lo que twittean, por su humor, puntos de vista, links que pasan, etc.) para que otros puedan conocerlos y agregarlos a su lista de contactos. As es que dentro de los 140 caracteres reglamentarios, quien as lo desee puede recomendar gente, agregando en el rengln el tag #followfriday. Puede verse la lista de hashtags ms populares (la mayora en ingls) aqu. Algo ms: cuando un hashtag se hace muy popular, se dice que se ha convertido en un trending topic o tpico de moda. Justamente hashtag.org lo que hace es mostrar la lista de trending topics por hashtag en tiempo real.

10 2009

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CONFUSABLE WORDS: embarrassed, embarrassing I you are embarrassed you feel nervous and upset about something that you have done or that has happened. She was speaking in a very loud voice because she was so angry and Hugh looked at her in an embarrassed way. She has a little embarrassed and did not know what to say. Something that is embarrassing makes you feel embarrassed. He said something that would be embarrassing for me to repeat. Duboiss discovery helped to rescue Haeckel from an embarrassing situation. URLs Recomendados: COLOUR IN MOTION Una experiencia animada interactiva de comunicacin y simbolismo de colores http://www.mariaclaudiacortes.com/colors/Colors.html Excelente sitio, no se lo pierdan!! Les va a encantar!! Vocabulary Exercise: Customs - Vocabulary 1 . to asses: calcular, evaluar, valorar, fijar, establecer: to assess the damage: evaluar los daos, la averia. 2 . relief: 1. auxilio, ayuda: relief agency, organismo de asistencia: 2. alivio , desgravacion: tax relief, desgravacion de impuestos. 3. repayment: reembolso: to repay ( dinero, prestamo, sb for sth, algo a alguien), liquidar ( una deuda). 4. to recover: 1. cobrar ( deudas). 2. recuperar(se) ( economia, moneda), volver a subir ( acciones). 5. data ( plural de datum): datos pero en gral se considera un sustantivo incontable de numero singular. 6. to clear: 1. clarificar, 2. liquidar ( una mercanca, una cuenta), 3. liquidar (deudas), 4. despachar, sacar ( de la aduana), 5. compensar ( cheques), 6. ganar ( un beneficio neto). 7. obtener / dar una autorizacin, 8. demostrar la inocencia de. 7. to smuggle sth in /out: introducir / sacar ( pasar) algo de contrabando. 8. el precio en deposito / en consignacin (in bond price) incluye solamente los gastos de manipulacin para poner la mercanca en el deposito. A. Fill in the blanks 1- Forwarding agents assist the exporter in .. the formalities of an export . 2- An . gives the detailes of the export cargo. 3- .. are a form of indirect tax on the customer 4- The use of the Electronic Data Interchange should lead to complete . Transactional in the future. B. Multiple Choice 1- Electronic Data Interchange is intended to speed the transactions for all of the following. Except: a. banks b. customer c. manufacturer d. ship-owner e. b&d f. all of the above 2- Government levy duties on: a. Protect domestic producers from compensation. b. Raise money c. Limit domestic consumption d. All the above e. A&b only. 3- The principal customs documents are: a. invoice b. export licenses c. packing list d. a&c only e. a, b & c 4- When delivery terms have been specified, the exporter may have to attack which
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documents to the customs and transport documents: a. Insurance certificate b. invoice c. certificate of receipt d. export licence e. a & c only f. all of the above C. Translate 1- Su agente de trnsito le ayudara a cumplir con estas formalidades de aduana. 2- Los agentes aduaneros calculan y cobran los derechos de aduana. 3- Protejamos a nuestros productores de la competencia extranjera. 4- Es intil fingir ignorancia. 5- Voy a pagar los derechos de inmediato. Answers: 1. discharging, transaction 2. outward, manifest 3. Duties 4. paperless 1. d 2.d 3.e 4.e C. 1. Your forwarding agent will help you to discharge the customps formalities. 2. Customs agents assess and collect customs duties. 3. Let us protect our producers agaings foreign competition. 4. Its no use pleading ignorance. 5. I pay duty immediately. El e-learning global: idiomas en la Web 2.0 La posibilidad de una mayor participacin a travs de entornos virtuales transform la manera de estudiar lenguajes en Internet. Conozca las ventajas y desventajas segn los usuarios. Juan Manuel Gozlez trabaja en una empresa de comercio exterior y regularmente viaja a distintos pases de Europa. Esta situacin le cre una nueva necesidad: aprender idiomas de la manera ms acelerada posible. Sin embargo, tambin le suscit un problema: cmo hacer para asistir a clases cuando al menos una semana al mes tena que viajar al exterior? Fue en ese momento que recurri al e-learning: Esta modalidad es la mejor para m, que viajo con mucha frecuencia y tengo una rutina laboral muy cambiante. No puedo comprometerme a asistir a un curso presencial semanal, en cambio en la Web me organizo los horarios para, al menos por las noches, hacer algunos ejercicios online. La posibilidad de estudiar idiomas en la Web no es nueva sino que surgi hace ms de una dcada con la masificacin del uso de Internet. Sin embargo, los cursos se fueron complejizando con los aos: hoy es posible asistir a clases de conversacin a travs de webconferencias, cursos multimediales con uso de videos, audio y recursos para el trabajo colaborativo. Esta tendencia fue resultado de la diversificacin de opciones de idiomas - es posible estudiar lenguas tan exticas como el bielorruso o el swahili online y de las nuevas potencialidades de la Web 2.0, que permiten una mayor interaccin entre alumnos y profesores a partir del surgimiento e integracin de nuevos entornos virtuales. Ofertas en la Web Aunque la mayora de los sitios que ofrecen cursos de idiomas en Internet son administrados por ingleses, norteamericanos o espaoles, tambin hay portales creados por argentinos, como OM Personal, soloingls.com o Sherton English. El primero es un sitio de enseanza de idiomas creado por el profesor Orlando Moure en 1999. Todo comenz con una humilde Web de 30 pginas, segn su autor, que ofreca una propuesta de capacitacin gratuita diferente y personalizada mediante el sistema de Edutainment (Educacin y Entretenimiento).
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Actualmente, el portal alcanza las 10.000 pginas en lnea y recibe 700.000 visitas al mes, de las cuales 20.000 se matriculan. En OM Personal, el estudiante puede asistir a hasta 12 cursos completos de ingls en forma gratuita, rendir exmenes finales, recibir un boletn semanal con descarga de audio y video, obtener asesoramiento a travs de consultas va e-mail y obtener certificados-estmulo. Lo que distingue a este sitio es la posibilidad de preparar exmenes internacionales como el First Certificate de la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido) y el Toefl de ingls americano. De creacin ms reciente, Sherton English es un portal que ofrece cursos para aprender ingls gratis en un ao a travs de distintas herramientas como lecciones, canciones, discursos, y dilogos. Sus directores - Adolfo Bieri y Carlos Tealdi - explican que el rasgo diferencial de Sherton es el mtodo de enseanza que permite lograr una excelente comprensin oral y escrita del idioma y hablar en forma fluida, en slo 12 meses. A su vez, est pensado para que el alumno oriente el curso a su medida al elegir entre infinidad de lecciones de acuerdo a sus intereses y necesidades. Sherton recibe 400.0000 visitas y 24.000 registros mensuales, un nmero que crece da a da, segn afirman sus directores. Por otra parte, en este momento, hay 140.000 registrados, de los cuales 23.000 son de la Argentina. Formacin combinada Adems de la gratuidad de la mayora de los cursos, la gran ventaja de estudiar idiomas de forma virtual es poder adaptar el tiempo de estudio a las posibilidades de cada alumno. Sin embargo, esto tambin puede tener arrastrar inconvenientes, ya que implica tener constancia y responsabilidad a la hora de ejercitarse en la Web. A su vez, la ausencia fsica del profesor y los compaeros de clase puede ocasionar dificultades de aprendizaje en algunos casos. Josefina es abogada y, al advertir que necesitaba aprender ingls tcnico, recurri a un curso online. La gran ventaja era que no precisaba trasladarme, con lo que cuesta viajar y llegar a horario en Buenos Aires. Sin embargo, este curso no sirvi para m porque no lograba ser constante en el aprendizaje. Cuando tens tanta libertad para organizarte, corrs el riesgo de no hacer el trabajo. Un caso similar es el de Soledad, Licenciada en Relaciones Pblicas e Institucionales, quien tambin se registr en un sitio Web para aprender, en este caso, francs. No me gust, porque no tena contacto con un profesor y compaeros fsicos. Si bien est la posibilidad de chatear con otros estudiantes virtuales y tener un tutor, no es lo mismo que estar en una clase presencial, donde lo que se genera en clase es muy enriquecedor para todos los participantes, explica. Sin embargo, tambin advierte que el exito o fracaso del e-learning tiene mucho que ver con la personalidad de cada uno y tambin si se quiere empezar un idioma de cero o ya se sabe algo. Para mi, que no saba nada de francs, me result un poco complicado. Pero si uno ya conoce el idioma, pude ser muy til para practicar, de hecho practiqu un poco de ingles y me result ms til. Ms all de comparar las ventajas de una u otra modalidad, presencial o virtual, los especialistas explican que lo importante es complementar ambos mtodos para un mejor aprendizaje. En Sherton English, por ejemplo, ofrecen la doble posibilidad de contar con un sistema de aprendizaje online autodidacta y clases presenciales aranceladas con profesores asociados a Sherton. Moure, de OM Personal, tambin reconoce las diferencias entre los dos sistemas: La principal ventaja de la formacin virtual gratuita en relacin a la presencial consiste en la democratizacin del acceso a quienes, de otra manera, no podran iniciar o completar su capacitacin. Por otra parte, la educacin a distancia otorga mayor flexibilidad en el manejo del tiempo a quienes quieren estudiar, pero no cuentan con la posibilidad de asistir en determinados das u horarios a un centro educativo. A partir de este anlisis, considera que ambas modalidades son complementarias y no excluyentes: La formacin virtual no reemplaza en un 100% a la presencia fsica de un educador sino que es ideal para complementarla. En ese sentido, la tendencia que se impone hoy en da es la conocida como blended learning (formacin combinada) la cual incorpora tanto la
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formacin virtual como la presencial. E-Learning 2.0 Consolidada la primera etapa del e-learning, el avance de las nuevas tecnologas est trasformando la forma de ensear y aprender en entornos virtuales. Este nuevo escenario, donde la red deja de ser una vidriera de contenidos multimedia para convertirse en una arquitectura basada en la participacin de los usuarios, se denomina e-learning 2.0-3D. La llegada de la Web 2.0 implic una gran transformacin en la forma de enseanza y aprendizaje en Internet. As como el usuario auto-gestiona hoy su entretenimiento, su banca, las reservas y compras online, estas nuevas experiencias y recursos nos sirven para el diseo de ambientes especialmente desarrollados para la formacin, advierten Susana Trabaldo y Nancy Piriz, directoras de Net-Learning, empresa especializada en asesoramiento a organizaciones para la implementacin de e-learning. En este sentido, los entornos de aprendizaje actuales de Net-learning integran: aulas virtuales, conferencias Web, blogs, fotologs, vblogs, podcasts, webcasts, wikis, webquest, mapas globales, redes sociales, sindicacin de contenidos, videos y msica. Todos aparecen integrados en las propuestas de e-learning 2.0, blended-learnig, rapid elearning o mobile learning. Otro Second Life Otra de las herramientas significativas que ofrece la web 2.0 en la enseanza de idiomas es la de los Mundos Virtuales: un software que, al crear cierta perspectiva, genera un efecto de profundidad que ayuda a la inmersin visual. Esto hace referencia a MUVEs (Multi-User Virtual Environments), Entornos Virtuales de Mltiples Usuarios a los que se accede a travs de Internet. Al ingresar se puede interactuar con otros usuarios, representados por avatares, en un entorno que crea la ilusin de un espacio tridimensional. Para la mayora de la gente, Mundo Virtual (en el contexto de Internet) es sinnimo de Second Life (SL), el popular metaverso desarrollado hace poco ms de cinco aos y que ha conseguido atraer el inters de los medios de comunicacin, marcas comerciales e incluso instituciones gubernamentales. Hoy, Second Life rene el mayor nmero de centros educativos, entre los que se encuentran centros de idioma pioneros, agregan Trabaldo y Piriz. En conclusin, las posibilidades que ofrece el e-learning en el aprendizaje de idiomas son variadas y aumentan con el avance de las nuevas tecnologas. Sin embargo, tambin requiere constancia y dedicacin ante la falta de un profesor y de un especio fsico de reunin. En todo caso, como advertan los especialistas, combinar clases presenciales con ejercitacin online puede ser una buena forma de aprender a hablar y escribir en otros idiomas. 11 opciones en Internet Hay actualmente una gran variedad de cursos de idiomas disponibles en la Web. En su mayora son gratuitos. Conozca cul le conviene ms segn sus necesidades y/o preferencias: www.aulafacil.com: Portal espaol que ofrece gran variedad de cursos online divididos en mltiples categoras, como ser autoayuda, nutricin, cocina, economa e idiomas, entre otras. www.ShertonEnglish.com: Sitio creado por argentinos que ofrece cursos gratuitos de ingls en 12 meses. Se pueden complementar con clases presenciales aranceladas. www.Livemocha.com: En este portal se destaca la gran cantidad de cursos gratuitos que se ofrecen - desde ingls hasta swahili o bielorruso - y la posibilidad de chatear online con nativos. www.soloingles.com: Portal que permite la enseanza de idiomas a profesionales, ejecutivos y empresarios a travs de videoconferencia y por celulares www.ompersonal.com.ar: Portal argentino que ofrece hasta 12 cursos gratuitos de ingls online. Se destaca la posibilidad de preparar dos exmenes internacionales: First Certificate y Toefl.
Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en: info@avtuition.com.ar


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www.englishmedianet.com: Se caracteriza por ofrecer clases de ingls por videoconferencia. Ofrece un programa de entrenamiento dividido en siete niveles, que abarca desde el absoluto desconocimiento del idioma hasta su total dominio. www.mangolanguages.com: Es en idioma ingls. Recomendado para viajeros que precisen afianzar la comunicacin oral. Ofrece cursos de hasta 12 idiomas en mdulos de clases gratuitas en principio y luego aranceladas. www.bbc.co.uk/languages: Una completa herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas y utilidades hecho por la BBC de Londres. www.linkua.com: Un mercado online donde encontrar tutores reales para mejorar el idioma que se prefiera. Hablarn con profesores nativos del lenguaje que se busque. Dispone de servicio de videoconferencia. www.elanguageschool.net: Lecciones gratis para aprender hasta 10 diferentes idiomas online: chino, holands, francs, alemn, italiano, japons, portugus, coreano, ruso y espaol. www.elblogdelingles.blogspot.com: una referencia en formato blog para aprender ingls de una manera distinta a la tradicional.

11 2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: price, prize The price of smth. is the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy it. He wanted to know the price of the car. A prize is something of value that is given to someone who has achieved something, for example winning a competition or passing an exam. I entered one or two competitions and won prizes. URLs Recomendados: Internet Coaching Library Articles and Tips for Internet Marketing Success - 19 coaching subjects to choose from: http://www.internetworldstats.com/links3.htm#blog Vocabulary Exercise: Vocabulary Exercise: Marketing - Export Strategy - Vocabulary A. Multiple Choice: 1- Firms can choose which of the following export strategies: a- sole distributor b- assign patents c- multi-modal d- direct investment e- a, b & d only f- a, c & d only 2- A company is often forced t use middlemen because its financial resources are: a- Shared b- constrained c- Understated d- all the above e-None of the above 3- A firms technological capacity can be defined as all of the following. Except: b- product quality a- new product development d- patent rights c- production capacity 4- An embargo . Exports to a particular country: b- reduces a- authorizes c- taxes d- forbids e- examines B. Translate:

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1- Contratara a distribuidores mltiples? 2- Cedieron sus patentes y licencias a empresas extranjeras. 3- Unamos nuestros esfuerzos con los de otras empresas. 4- A qu mercados extranjeros conviene que entre la empresa? 5- Estos productos estratgicos estn sometidos a un control estricto. Answers: 1.e 2.b 3.c 4.d B. 1. Will you engage multi-distributors? 2. They (have) assigned their patents and licenses to foreign firms. 3. Let us pool our efforts with those of other firms. Which foreign market should the firm enter? Those sensitive products are subject to restrict control.

El espaol del futuro, ms simple y moderno. Por Andrs Oppenheimer MADRID.- Una de las sorpresas agradables con las que me encontr durante una visita a Espaa la semana pasada es lo que est ocurriendo en el campo de la modernizacin del idioma espaol para hacerlo ms fcil de leer y escribir. La Real Academia Espaola (RAE), que, desde 1713, regula la lengua espaola, evala seriamente eliminar antes de fin de ao los acentos de las palabras "ste", "se" y "slo". En este momento, esas palabras llevan acento cuando se les emplea en ciertos casos y no en otros, lo cual es un verdadero dolor de cabeza para muchos. Adems, en un futuro prximo la RAE podra adoptar oficialmente las versiones fonticas de palabras inglesas como marketing , parking y sex appeal . El Diccionario Panhispnico de Dudas de la RAE, que es una especie de diccionario no oficial de trminos usados frecuentemente y que estn siendo considerados para ser admitidos en el diccionario oficial de la RAE, ya ha aceptado "marquetin", "parquin" y "sexapil". Los 46 jueces de la Academia, que incluyen a escritores prominentes como Mario Vargas Llosa y Arturo Prez Reverte, se renen regularmente para discutir si incorporan en el diccionario oficial -el Diccionario de la Lengua Espaola- las palabras admitidas en el diccionario de dudas. Entre las que ya han pasado del diccionario de dudas al diccionario oficial estn "espnsor" y "cederrn". En una entrevista realizada en la seorial sede de la RAE, donde cada miembro de la academia tiene un perchero con su nombre para colgar su sombrero, paraguas y bastn, el director de la Academia, Vctor Garca de la Concha, me dijo que la globalizacin est haciendo cambiar rpidamente todos los idiomas. Las lenguas que no avancen al ritmo de la realidad posiblemente desaparezcan, agreg. "Las palabras viajan mucho ms rpido hoy, por Internet y por los viajes -dijo Garca de la Concha-. Para sobrevivir, una lengua debe ser usada por un gran nmero de personas, tener un idioma unitario y estar actualizada con la tecnologa." La tendencia a simplificar la lengua espaola no es nueva. La Academia ya ha eliminado acentos de verbos muchos aos atrs. Pero ahora pretende eliminar las tildes de palabras usadas mucho ms frecuentemente cuando stas no sean indispensables para marcar la tonicidad. Adems, la Academia est a punto de publicar sus primeras reglas gramaticales comunes para todos los pases hispanohablantes, en un esfuerzo conjunto con 22 academias nacionales de la lengua. "Se estn neutralizando bastante las diferencias", dijo Garca de la Concha, refirindose al espaol usado en diversos pases. "Ms del 90 por ciento del lxico es comn de Espaa con Amrica latina."
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Los crticos de la Academia dicen que, en muchos aspectos, la RAE sigue siendo una institucin troglodita, que mantiene trminos racistas y discriminatorios hacia las mujeres. Su diccionario oficial an incluye la palabra "judiada", definida como "accin mala, que tendenciosamente se consideraba propia de los judos". Y mientras define la palabra "zorro" positivamente, como "hombre muy taimado y astuto", describe el femenino "zorra" entre otras cosas como "prostituta". Tildes obsoletas Mi opinin: aunque en algunos aspectos la Academia sigue viviendo en la Edad Media no hay excusa para mantener "judiada", un trmino que ya no se usa en ningn lado, ni en mantener vivas expresiones sexistas que tambin forman parte del espaol antiguo-, me alegra ver que la institucin est tratando de simplificar y modernizar ms rpidamente la lengua espaola. Los puristas no deberan alarmarse por las propuestas de espaolizar palabras en ingls: es algo que viene ocurriendo desde hace mucho tiempo, y no ha puesto en peligro al idioma espaol. Las palabras "ftbol", del ingls football , o "mitin", de meeting, hoy da son parte de la lengua hispana, sin que a nadie le choque. Y el intento de eliminar los acentos debera ser ms que bienvenido: en la era de Internet y de mensajes de texto, donde casi nadie usa las tildes, estas ltimas se estn convirtiendo, cada vez, en ms obsoletas. Hasta ahora, siempre cre que la Academia era un anacronismo que mantena a la lengua espaola presa en una camisa de fuerza. Pero despus de visitar esta institucin, empiezo a pensar que cumple una buena funcin al unificar y simplificar la lengua espaola en todo el mundo, asegurando as su supervivencia. Slo hace falta que la RAE erradique algunos de sus vestigios medievales, y haga un poco de "marquetin".

12 2009
CONFUSABLE WORDS: assist, attend If you assist someone, you give them the help they need. For example, a nurse con assist a doctor, a guide can assist someone who needs information, or you can assist someone who has fallen by picking them up. Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born. I enclose a simple map that may assist you. You use attend to talk about being present at an event such as a class or a meeting. You do not use assist in this way. Each day he walked several miles to attend his lectures. I stopped off in London to attend a conference. URLs Recomendados: Save the planet!!! Para grandes y chicos, imperdible, como cuidar el planeta. http://www.animalssavetheplanet.com/media/swf/design_video.swf Vocabulary Exercise: Marketing - Export Strategy Vocabulary A. Multiple Choice: 1- After-sales service is especially useful in selling the following kinds of goods: a- automobiles b- factory machinery c- cosmetics d- food e- none of the above 2- Package design addresses the following needs of retailers and wholesalers, EXCEPT: a- handling b- storing c- pricing d- inventory control e- none of the above
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3- Kentucky Fried Chicken had a disastrous experience with its Finger Licking Good chicken in: b- Italy a- Japan c- Morocco d- Korea c- Hong Kong 4- An industrialized economy has a large number or consumers made up of the following class(es): b- . blue collar a- poor c- middle class e- aristocratic d- new rich

B. Translate: 1- Las mrgenes que utilizaremos deben ser fcilmente trasferibles de un pas a otro. 2- Nuestro embalaje debi haber estimulado la utilizacin del producto. 3- El diseo del embalaje no facilita ni la manipulacin ni el almacenamiento. 4- El servicio posterior a la venta en un incentivo esencial.

Answers: 1.b 2.c 3.e 4.c C. 1. Our imagery must be easily transferred from country to country. 2. Our packaging should have encouraged product use. 3- The package design facilitates neither handling nor storage. 4- After-sales service is a vital inducement. Twitter ya tiene versin en espaol: Desde su nacimiento el ao 2006, el microblogging Twitter -que permite escribir en slo 140 caracteres lo que est sucediendo-, ha tenido un rpido crecimiento, sumando millones de usuarios alrededor del mundo. 05.11.2009, 08:46 Debido a este xito y como una forma de expandirlo, el sitio completo desde ahora se puede utilizar en espaol, adems del ingls y japons, los idiomas habilitados anteriormente. Biz Stone, uno de los fundadores del sitio, seal en un post escrito precisamente en espaol, que la manera de habilitar el idioma es simple. "Puedes cambiar el idioma en la Configuracin o visitar Twitter.com y cambiar la configuracin del idioma en la opcin situada en la esquina inferior derecha". En el mismo blog se indica que la traduccin del sitio se origin gracias a la colaboracin de los voluntarios hispanoparlantes que respondieron al llamado de la compaa a traducir Twitter en varios idiomas hace slo algunas semanas. Segn el sitio Cnet, esta noticia podra ser un intento de la compaa para seguir creciendo a nivel mundial, en medio de acusaciones de que su trfico se ha estancado.
Source: Glos Contable S Debonis. Dicc de Banca J Rosenberg Cobuild Collins Confusbale words. Exportar - Larousse

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