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A library system is a kind of database application used to store, manage and

gives information in regards with books, publications, medias and other literary

materials. It can be linked with other databases for additional data such as information

about its users and its administrators.

Currently, the Adamson University uses a library system named “ATHENA”. It is

capable of many things which includes searching of books, adding of books, updating of

books, and lending and returning of books from users that are currently enrolled,

working or guests of Adamson University. It is also connected to the internet allowing

internet users to search books and other literary materials that are available at the

Adamson University Library.

The study s all about making a library system that has these features employing

our knowledge in database programming through the Visual Basic application.


General Objective:

The general objective of the study is to create a library system database

using a visual graphical user interface software namely VISUAL BASIC 6.0

Specific Objectives:

Specifically, it aims:

1. to provide a library system database that can be accessed by two

types of users that depends on their purposes, and has limitations.

These two types are the administrator type and the user type

2. to provide a library system database that is capable of inputting

information of books and users, updating these information,

searching these information, and doing transactions of lending and

returning using these informations.

3. to provide a database that is user friendly and the interaction

between the user and database made easier.


The system which is named “Baathalamon” is a library system database that has

many capabilities and limitations. These capabilities and limitations are enumerated


A. Capabilities

1. It has two types of users:

a. Administrator – a type of user that can input, edit and update

information of users and books, and can do transactions of lending of

books to users and returning of books from users.

b. User - a type of user that can only search for books’ information.

2. Inputting, Updating and Deleting of books and users information

- Administrator type of users can input, update and delete records

of books and users.

3. Searching made easy

- at the user-type of user, searching is done everytime the user

pressed a key and automatically display its contents that are similar to the

characters pressed at the list box of the form.

4. Lending Transactions

- transactions for lending is made easier because it only requires

the user no of the user to be able to see all the user’s info and it also only

requires the book’s accession no. for the administrator to see if the book


5. Return Transactions

- transactions for returning is made easier because it only requires

the user no of the user to be able to see the user’s information and the

books that he/she borrowed. The system also automatically computes if

the user has an overdue book and tells how much. Records of books that

are returned are saved inside a table of the database for backup copy.

6. Password Protected

- the administrator’s access is protected by a password to prevent

unauthorized persons to enter. And it can also be changed if the correct

password is entered and then clicking the “Change Password?” label.

B. Limitations

1. Limited Feature for User types

- User type of users are only limited to searching, they can view the

books information by manipulating the list box at the search form.

2. Editing Limitation

- administrators when editing a record can edit all the informations

except the information at the user no and the accession no because these

are the index keys of the database record to be edited.




A. Splash Screen

The splash screen of the system gives the user to view the title of the software,

which is “Adamson University Library System”. The logos of the different colleges of

Adamson University are also displayed here. The logos consecutively appear every

half a second making a wheeling effect before the splash screen unloads. The numbers

that are located at the lower left corner of the screen is just a minor design. It is the

trademark of the designer (“18932006”). The user can click anywhere at the form to

skip the splash screen. The total time for the splash screen unloads is 6 seconds.

B. Main Menu Form

The Main Menu appears after the splash screen unloads. Here the colleges’

logos also appears consecutively within a time interval as a design. The Main Menu

allows the user to select whether he/she is an administrator or a user by clicking one of

the buttons.

C. Password form and Change Password Form

The Password form appears after selecting the administrator form at the Main

Menu form. The system requires the user to input the correct password before clicking

“OK”. Failure to input the password for three times will automatically ends the program.

Clicking “Cancel” will bring back the Main Menu form. The user can change the

password by inputting first the correct password then clicking the “Change Password?”


The Change Password form appears after clicking the “Change Password?” label

at the password form. Here, the system allows the user to change the old password

with a new one. The user first must input the old password then the new password

before clicking “OK”. Clicking “Cancel” will bring back the password form.

• Properties :

1. Password is “adamson”. (case sensitive)

D. Home form (50% actual size)

The Home form appears after inputting the correct password at the password

form. The form allows the user to view the title and the designer and developer’s name

of the system. At the upper part of the form, the user may select what he/she wanted to

do by clicking at the labels.

E. Lending Transaction Form (50% actual size)

The Lending Transaction Form appears after clicking the “Lend” label under

“Transaction” label. This form is for lending transactions. The administrator only needs

the user number of the user to automatically display the user’s information. And the

Book’s accession number to automatically display the book’s information. The

administrator can also select at the “Due Date” drop-down to select the due date of the


• Properties:

1. Add Button – Clicking this will add the information at the text boxes to the


2. Delete Button – Clicking this will delete the record that is selected at the

list. Administrator must check first the record/s to be deleted.

3. Save Button – Clicking this will save the transaction made. The records

will be save inside a table on which the administrator can later on open to

see the transactions. After clicking the “Save Button” the list will be

cleared allowing the administrator to make a new transaction.

4. New Button – Clicking this will clear all the texts at the text boxes and the

list allowing the administrator to make a new transaction.

F. Return Transaction Form (50% actual size)

The Return Transaction Form appears after selecting the “Return” label under the

“Transactions” label. This form is for returning of books transactions. The user only

needs the user number of the user to be able to see all the books that he/she borrowed.

This is displayed at the list and the corresponding fines are displayed at the another list.

The total fines of the books are displayed at the “Total Fines” textbox.

• Properties :

1. Return button – clicking this will delete the book that is selected at the list

and then save the records to a table for returning of books so that it can

be retrieved for checking purposes. The User must first pay to the

administrator the total amount required for the book to be returned else it

will not be returned. After clicking the textboxes and the lists will be


2. Cancel Button – clicking this will clear all the textboxes and the lists

allowing the user to cancel the transaction.

G. User Forms (50% actual size)

User Form #1

This form will appear after clicking the “User” label. This forms allows the

administrator to input, edit and update information of the users.

• Properties :

1. Search Button – clicking this the system will automatically search if a user

is available with that last name, first name and user number. If the search does

not find a match a message box will appear saying that no user is with that

search. If a match is found then the tabular box will proceed to the user

information tab to display the information of the search. The list box at the user

list tab will also display the information in a list form.

– this is specially used for searching for a specific user so that the

administrator can edit it or view its information.

User Form # 2

The above picture displays the second tab (User Information Tab) of the user

form. It is where the information are inputted for adding of new records and edited for

existing records.

• Properties :

1. Add Button – clicking this will clear the textboxes allowing the

administrator to input new data for a new record.

2. Edit Button – clicking this allows the administrator to edit the information of

the book that is searched at the first tab (Search user) of the user form by

enabling the textboxes. This will only be available if the search is

performed previously.

3. Update Button – Clicking this will update the information displayed at the


4. Cancel Button – Clicking this will cancel the editing or adding process.

User Form # 3

The above picture displays the third tab (User Lists Tab) of the user form. It is

where the list of user is displayed. It can also display all the users and the number of


• Properties :

1. List all Users button – clicking this will display all the users in the list box.

H. Book Forms (50% actual size)

Book Form #1

This form will appear after clicking the “Books” label. This forms allows the

administrator to input, edit and update information of the Books.

• Properties :

1. Search Button – clicking this the system will automatically search if a book

is available with that accession number, call number and title. If the search does

not find a match a message box will appear saying that no book is with that

search. If a match is found then the tabular box will proceed to the book

information tab to display the information of the search. The list box at the book

list tab will also display the information in a list form.

– this is specially used for searching for a specific book so that the

administrator can edit it or view its information.

Book Form # 2

The above picture displays the second tab (Book Information Tab) of the Book

form. It is where the information are inputted for adding of new records and edited for

existing records.

• Properties :

1. Add button – clicking this will clear the textboxes allowing the administrator to

input new data for a new record.

2. Edit – clicking this allows the administrator to edit the information of the book

that is searched at the first tab (Search Book) of the book form by enabling

the textboxes. This will only be available if the search is performed


3. Update – Clicking this will update the information displayed at the textboxes.

4. Cancel Button – Clicking this will cancel the editing or adding process.

Book Form # 3

The above picture displays the third tab (Book Lists Tab) of the Book form. It is

where the list of book is displayed. It can also display all the books and the number of


• Properties :

1. List all Books button – clicking this will display all the books in the list box.

I. Search Form (50% actual size)

This form appears after selecting the “User” button at the menu form. The

primary purpose of this form is to search a book for a specified criterion.

Search is automatically done everytime the user types a letter.

The list display depends on the criterion that the user selects. If the user selects

the book title, the book title will be on the first column but if the user selects the

publisher, the publisher will be on the first column.




The following conclusions pertaining to the study are:

1. The developed library system provides a visually graphical interface with

the user.

2. The developed library system is able to provide the two types of users

certain capabilities depending on their limitations and needs.

3. The developed library system is able to provide the administrator type of

user a secured way of inputting records and processing transactions

through a password.

4. The developed library system is able to provide the administrator type of

user the capability to input, edit, and update records of users an books.

5. The developed library system is able to provide the user type of user the

capability to search books depending on the criterion.


Considering the conclusions mentioned above, the following are the


1. Further study on the ODBC part of Visual Basic to further improve

the visual graphics of the system.

2. Further tests are needed to see certain bugs that are missed after

the debugging.

3. Further intensified the search methods and the functions of the

lending and returning transactions.



Fronckowiak, John W.; Helda, David J., Visual Basic 6 database programming.
Foster City, Calif. : IDG Books Worldwide, 1999.
Watterson, Karen L. Visual basic database programming / Karen L. Watterson.
Reading, Mass : Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Deitel, H.M.; Deitel, P. J.; Nieto, T. R. Visual Basic 6 : how to program
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 2001.

Electronic Sources:



Ric Tan Valiente, Jr.

Bondoc compd. Burgos st., Pamplona I
Las Piñas City
02 – 8736251


2004 – Present Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Adamson University
900 San Marcelino St., Ermita Manila, Philippines

2002 – 2003 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Mapua Institute of Technology
Intramuros Manila, Philippines

Personal Information:

Birth Date : November 11, 1985

Birth Place : Manila
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’ 7”
Weight : 115 lbs.
Religion : None
Interest : Reading of books, Information
Technologies, Swimming, Studying,
Computer Games

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