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All-in-one Cindy BURTIN Catherine DERESTIAT-WAUTELET Francoise ESQUENET Ingrid FRISON Nathalie HAUTAIN st Le site www digiportailbe te donne accés au complément multimedia de cet ny di I . ouvrage. Il te faut tout dabord activer ta licence a aide du code d'activation > < ortail repris dans le cadre ci-dessous, Lors de cette activation, ilte sera demandé “a” diaccepter les conditions générales. Cette licence est valable pendant un an a partir de la date dactivation ‘aa Attention ! N’active pas ta licence avant le 1°" septembre. La période de validité débute All-in-one 1 dés l'activation et dure 365 jours. Numéro d'article : 560707 Code d'activation : vnc7c7j7jr2xt3aa Collection d'anglais Composition de Jelly 1 Pour V'éleve 1 livre-cahier “All-in-one’ + CD acces sécurisé online Pour l‘enseignant A guide + CD ‘accés sécurisé online Jelly 1 Alltin-one Auteurs : Cindy BURTIN, Catherine DERESTIAT-WAUTELET, Francoise ESQUENET, Ingrid FRISON, Nathalie HAUTAIN Couverture & mise en page : Octopus Creative Communication Mlustrations : Virginie VIDAL Les photocopleuses sont 'un usage tes répandu et beaucoup y recourent de facon constante et machinale. Mais la production de livres ne se réalise pas aussi facilement qulune simple photocopie. Elle demande bien plus d'éneraie, de temps el argent. La rémunération des auteurs, et de toutes les personnes impliquées danse processus de création et de distribution des livres, provientexclusivement de la vente de cas ouvrages. En Belgique, la lol sur le drot c'auteur protege activité de ces aifferentes personnes. Lorsquil copie des livres. ‘en entier ou en partie, en dehors des exceptions definies parla ll, 'usagerprive ces différentes personnes d'une part de a remuneration ui leur est due. Cest pourquoi es auteurs et les éciteurs demandent qulaucun texte protégé ne soit copié sans une autorisation écrite préalable, en dehors des exceptions définies par alo, Léditeur s'est efforcé didentifir tous les détenteurs de droits. Si malgré cela {quelquiun estime enter en ligne de compte en tant qulayant droit, est invite 8 sadresser 8 I'édteur © Editions Van In, Louvain-la-Neuve ~ Wommelgem, 2014 “Tous droits réservés. En dehors des exceptions définies parla ol, cet ouvrage ne peut tre reprodut, entegistré dans un fichier informatise cou rendu public, meme partellement. par quelque moyen que ce soit. sans ‘autorisstion écrite de édteur 1" edition, 1 reimpression 2014 ISBN 978-90-306-6955-5 /2014/0078/42 Art, 560707102 ee 65 Summary Introduction Jelly’s map Welcome unit Unit 1 - Back to school! Unit 2 - It’s my party! Recap1 Unit 3 - After school Unit 4 - Have a nice day Unit 5 - Fashion victims Recap 2 Unit 6 - Home sweet home Unit 7 - Hit the road Recap 3 Glossary Grammar notes summary 16 a 65 75 109 171 183 2a. 239 247 238 + un livre-cahier *uncD + un accés online *7units > unités g'apprentissage +3 ‘recap’ unités de révision Jelly est structuré de la fagon suivante Units: unités dapprentissage Bienvenue! Tu découwres Jelly ? Voici quelques explications pratiques... Thémes/Mises en situation Dans chaque unité, des dialogues owstocue A «r+ introduisent la matiére. 1. sPeaxine Q) Expression orale 2. ustenine y= Compréhension a audition AE xx Competences : 3. reaDinc Compréhension a la lecture 4. writin Expression écrite Ces compétences alternent et sont numérotées de | 4x en suivant le déroulement de la leson. ®. Des phylactéres mettent en GR A “ Grammaire wore | évidence un point de grammaire « " développé en fin d’unite, Les parties qui demandent une Exercices > réponse écrite sont signalées par un crayon bleu. * avec pistes audio sur CO avec pistes auso su Deport Outils Des conseils te sont donnés pour faciliter ton étude et attirer ton attention sur certaines particularités de la langue. EDLs Les ‘soundboxes' te fournissent de aide en ligne a la prononciation. CORNUCOPIA Lenrichissement de ton vocabulaire est assuré par des séries de nouveaux mots en lien avec le theme de Uunité. YES, 1 can: Un récapitulatif de ce que tu as appris dans l'unité t’est systématiquement proposé. Rubriques + Siiarter & Chaque unité prévoit une dose de culture anglaise Take chike@ et une balade a travers Londres et ses principaux attraits touristiques. Vocabulaire" VOCABULARY GLOSSARY Le vocabulaire appris est clairement mis a ta disposition iLest classé par activité a la fin de chaque unité et proposé sous forme de lexique anglais-frangais complet en fin douvrage. Grammar notes & practice Be coy + GRAMMAR PRACTICE Les points de grammaire annoncés au fil de lunité sont développés et regroupés en fin d'unité dans les « Grammar notes » détachables et accompagnées diexercices dont les consignes sont en francais. “Recap' : unités te permettant de revoir la matiére en décembre, au printemps et en juin. Taste English with Jelly and have fun in London! ‘Champs thématiques Speaking Ustening Reading RI &E2.cat00 7 Say whatsina schoolbag Understand simple Gace |» Understand simple rules information about the UK 1 Ceractérstiques + Greet someone “Understand someone | + Understand someone personnelies, dela | introauce yourselt presenting himsait presenting himselfin an famile et des amis, Langues etrangeres Transports et voyages + Answer questions about you + Spell your name or simple words “+ Ack questions about someone's identity ‘email or aletter ei RECAP Caracterstques sTellthe day anddete | Uncersiandaphyscal |» Understanaa physical personnelies deta |» Describe physicaly description description farile et des amis someone or myself + Understand information | « Understand a text about Vie quotsianne ‘Ask and answer questions | about family famiy Relations avec les ‘about family autres ‘Talk about a party Education Nourrture & boissons. Liewx et directions Temps Congés ei ier ‘Takaboutmytastesin [+ Understandsomeone |» Understand a text about Ve quotaienne Sante et been-étve Eaccee oT 10. ree a « Nourrture et boissons Caracténstiques peysonneltes, dela Bae farnile et ces arm's Vie quotidienne servees music and sports + Tak about my hobbies + Ask questions about someone's tastes in music sports and hobbies Tell the time: = Describe physicaly semeone or mysett + Describe clothes + Askinformation ike ‘colours. prices + Oxcer a meal atthe restaurant + Descrite what peopie are dong talking about his tastes in | music sports or hobbies music and sports + Understand someboay talking about hishobbies + Understand somebody telling he time “ Understarda physical [+ Understand. tea about description clothes *Understandaciotnes | « Unaerstand a text about description activites happening now RECAP2 Habitater ‘environnement Conges ettoisirs Yie quotcienne Achats Nourrture et boissons eux et directions “Ask questions about quantity + Descrive ahouse and give information about it + Tatkabout tings! regularly do or Im doing OW inderstand holiday ‘activities + Understand a hotel ver + Understand atoxt about = Understandintormation | holiday actnties ‘about things o buy ‘chats Leeuxet dections habitat et ‘enuroniement Clty | 4. Congés ettoisis 41 Services “= Give and ask directions + Give some advice 10 someone + Understand directions to | « Understand a map and Tollow + Understand people talking about shops follow directions + Understand information about shops: + Locate shops ona map RECAPS writing (Get smarter ‘The United Kingdom Tite some information | « Personal pronouns about yoursel Tobe (4/7 +The alphabet + Articles: the /a/an + Numbars 0-20 + Possessive adjectives + Soundbox TH-H Yes, can! The British fag Means of anspor Londen Twikea physical TNurbere 24-100) Tsoundbon NGINK Faucaionin England | Buckingham Palace escrption + Dates and ordinal Yes, lean! The parks + Wote information about | numbers family Have got (4-1?) + Question words = Possessive case aa TWrtea shot malabout | Prepostions in/at/on | Soundbox: CHISH Sport Trafalgar Square hoobies, music orsports | + Gerund: + My coach reponses Piccaaily Circus = Thehours courtes + simple present (+ + My coach adverbes de +Can ‘requence + Personal pronouns: + My coach ‘comprehension + Comucopia: hobbies + Yes. can! Twitesbout things! [-Presentcontinucus/ [+ Soundbox pronunciation | April Fool The British Museum regulary dorm doing | Simple present ‘westminster Palace now sThereis/There are |e Cornucopia’ fa maison Big Ben ‘Give information abouta | « How much? / How + Comucopia prépostions Westminster Abbey house or anapartment | many? delieu ‘Westminster Bridge + Yes, ican! Twite advee toatnend | +lmperatve + Write directions to folow | « Numbers: >100 7 Soundbox pronuneiation| “My coach: mite / yard + My coach: opposite / above + Comucopia:tinéraires + Cornucopia: magasins + Cornucopia’ prépostions Yes, leant ‘Willam Shakespeare The Shard TTower Bridge ‘The Tower of London Simon says... Welcome to your new class! We are ready to have a fantastic time together. To start off on the right foot, let's play alittle game. You probably know it. In French we call it: “Jacques a dit’, Well, in English we say: “Simon says’ Here is a little reminder of the rules. You have to do what | tell you, only if | start my sentence with “Simon says". If you make a mistake, you are out of the game. Pretty simple, right? Now everybody: “Simon says: let's start the game"! Af & sit down! Quiet! Listen! Open your eyes! Close your eyes) Open your book! —_—_Close your book! a Put your finger Pick up your pen! Put your pen down! —_ Raise your finger! down! English over the world People speak English all over the world! “7 Countries where English is an official language Le franglais Sais-tu que, sans t’en rendre compte, tu cotoies et pratiques fa langue anglaise tous les jours ? Quand tu utilises un mot anglais en pariant francais, tu fais du franglai: FRANGLAIS Patella francais anglais Par exemple: Ma sceur surfe sur Internet et chatte avec ses copines tous les soirs. Mon pére m’a offert des baskets et un jeans trop cool ! ‘Ce week-end, on part faire du camping avec des amis. Tu nous rejoins au bowling aprés ton match, ok? Aton tour! Fais une liste de mots anglais que tu utilises ou entends réguliérement autour de toi. Pense aux sports, & la télévision, 8 la nourriture. 1 6. 2 a 3 8 4. 9. 5. 10. Sois attentif(-ve) a ton environnement, prends des journaux ou magazines et amuse-toi 8 y repérer du franglais. Colle tes trouvailles ci-dessous pour créer ton affiche franglais. 41 Les faux amis Les faux amis sont des mots anglais qui ressemblent & des mots francais, mais qui ont un sens totalement différent. Il faut étre attentif a ne pas tomber dans le piége. En voici quetques-uns : surname = nom de famille surnom = nickname library = _biblioth€que librairie = bookshop camera = _appareil photo caméra = video camera class = cours classe = —_ classroom large = grand lage = — wide glasses = _lunettes glace = ice School stuff In my rucksack, there is Y - E-~/ afountain pena biro/a pen a pencil a marker aruler apairofscissors. glue aneraser —apencilcase a school diary i] Sy BS — a notebook abook sheets of paper a binder a dictionary And some other stuff: | a sports equipment a lunch box a bottle of water tissues EE icine cn Crest la rentrée des classes. Que vois-tu dans ce sac? 1 6 2 7 3 8. 4 9 5 10. How well do you know The United Kingdom? North Atlantic REPUBLIC (OF IRELAND Hello, I'm Sam. This is my country! of? The United Kingdom ‘the United Kingdom is England. Scotland, wales and Northern ireland. England, Scotland and Wales make uP Great Britain. 2k ‘The capital city: London (London Is the capital of England, too!) -The monarchy: Elizabeth I'6 the Queen. She is married to the Duke of Edinburgh. She thas four children: Charles, anne, Andrew and Eaward ‘she lives in Buckingham Palace “There is a Prime Minister. not a President! Money: the pound & Welcome unit Quiest-ce? Peux-tu inscrire sur la carte les 3 pays qui font partie de la Grande-Bretagne ? oe =m “hy Quiest le premier ministre aujourd'hui ? Quelle est la langue principale parlée en Grande-Bretagne ? Bae ae... 15 Back to school! piaLocue A Nipun, Samantha and Kelly are pupils at a comprehensive schoo! in Stratford upon-Avon in England. They are in the playground AE net Samantha: Hi Nipun! How are you today? \Nipun: Fine thanks. How are you, girls? Kelly I'm fine. Samantha: Look! Who's that guy over there? Nipun: He's a new pupil. His name's Brian. Samantha: He's cute, isn’t he? Kelly: Yes, heis. You're right! Nipun: Let's welcome him! SOUNDBOX rer) > Check your comprehension. This is This is This is J Complete les phrases. 1. Samantha and Kelly are 2. Nipun and Brian are 3. Who's he? Oe cannes 1 NOTE Q Personal pronouns We have a new pupil Fesanew apt in the class jow old are you? I'm fine. \'m twelve years old. 1. speaKING Here's Brian with his schoolmates. Introduce them! ia Who's that boy over there? Who's the girl on the left? Who's the boy on the right? Who's the boy in the middle? Who's the girl in the micidle? Who are you? 17 piatocue B ® Nipun, Samantha, Kelly and Brian are in the playground, Nipun: Hello! My name's Nipun. Is it your first day here? Brian: Yes, itis. My name's Brian. Nipun: Welcome to our school! Brian: Thank you! ‘Samantha: I'm Samantha, but call me Sam! And this is Kelly. She's my best friend. kely: Hi, Brian Brian: Nice to meet you all! Kelly: Where are you from? Brian: 'm from London, (The bell is ringing.) Nipun: —It'stime. Samantha: Let's go! » Check your comprehension. Complete les phrases. 1. Nipun, Samanthe, Kelly and Brian are in the 2, Samantha and Kelly are 3. Brian is from 4. He is the new ¢ ) Tobe He is cute. How old are you? Meee | am from London: uz piatocue C ME v's Mrs Nelson: Good morning everybody. What's your name? Brian: My name is Brian Calerney. Mrs Nelson: Brian: Mrs Nelson: Brian: 11m twelve years old. Mrs Nelson: ®» Check your comprehension. Mrs Jody Nelson (the English teacher), Nipun, Brian, Kelly and Samantha are in the classroom, We have a new pupil in the class. Introduce yourself! Calerney? Can you spell your surname, please? Of course. C.A.LER.N.EY. It's an Irish name. Well Brian, welcome to our class! Great! Thank you very much. How old are you? 1. Fais correspondre un mot de la premiére colonne avec un mot de la deuxiéme colonne. 1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 Sam Nipun, Sam and Kelly Brian Kelly and Sam Brian Brian Mrs Nelson. Tes réponses: o7™mon @ > The English teacher Twelve years old students London Anew pupil Best friends Samantha a were 19 2. Réponds aux questions suivantes. Who are Nipun, Samantha and Kelly? Where are they? Where is their school? Who is Brian? How old is he? . 2. ustenine The alphabet ME ne4.ands A ape J James S Esther B bee K Kate T tea © ceiling Lewis U_ you D deep M Emily vow E Eve N. end W_ double you F eft © open X extra G Gina P Peter Y Why? 1H Rachel @ queue Zo rzzezezzarx 1 ice-cream Ro arm ME ve » Listen again and repeat. Ecoute attentivement la personne qui va épeler le nom de cing villes d’Angleterre, Note-les ci-dessous. 1 wa wn 3. SPEAKING — Canyou spell the following words? 1. playground 2. student 3. Stratford 4. comprehensive school 5. welcome 6. class 7. Irish 8. teacher 9. exercise 10. johe AE or Check your answers. 4, sreaxinc Make a lot of sentences with the words on the cards. Ex: Mrs Nelson is our English teacher. You are on the playground. You T THEY HE We ANEW STI a KELLY'S BEST FRIEND ‘THE INDIAN BOY A BRITISH GIRL AT STRATFORD CAMPUS OUR ENGLISH TEACHER (ON THE PLAYGROUND 21 ¢ d Articles It’s an Irish name. 5. usteninc Numbers ME vrs Liste He's a new pupil We have a new pupil in the class. n and count. Numbers from 0 to 20 0 zero 1 one a eleven 2 two 12 twelve 3° three 13 ‘thirteen 4° four 14 fourteen 5. five 15 fifteen 6 six 16 sixteen 7 seven 17 i ae ia How old are you? 9 nine 19 nineteen 1m twelve years old 10 ten 20 twenty ME nto 1. Tuvas entendre un certain nombre de chiffres qui correspondent & des préfixes de villes au Royaume-Uni. Situ t'y rends un jour en voyage, ils pourront tétre utiles. Note-les ci-dessous. International Call Prefix: Country Code: London: Cardiff Leeds: Edinburgh: 8 9 Liverpool: Dundee: Evesham: Oxford Bolton: 10. Brampton: > 2. Résous les additions et note les réponses dans les cases. ME ws ® : Across (3) 243 bata c1+2= a5+4 e4+4= £743 go+t Te voila agent de quartier au coeur de Londres : ton coéquipier te communique les numéros de plaque des voitures mal stationnées quilla repérées. Quand tu as pris note des plaques, relis-les a ton coéquipier pour vérifier que tu n‘as pas fait d'erreurs. Down) his+s i546 jist k7+i= (8445 LONDON POLICE 1 oo:ssso0-4 23 6. speaxine Q) 100k and listen how they pronounce 0 in different situations. Yes, here itis 0496 470145 Have you got Mona's phone number? > We say lol or ‘zero’ = wm This is the end of the match 2-0! > we say ‘rit 30-0 > We say love. ‘2 Poul Cowan / Sus Read the results of the lottery draw aloud. OOOOGO OO0O008 © 7. SPEAKING Choose one student ID. Play the role. Ask your neighbour about his/her identity and answer his/her questions. Questions: we What's your first name? A 2 What's your surname? Brian Calerney How do you spell it? age: 12 Green Lane How old are you? a stratford What's your address? (pleat ‘Warwickshire # @ a samantha Booth \e: 12 {Swentworth Avenue c. stratford Warwickshire Je. Cet Kelly Jones Age: 13 3 Kenilworth Road Coppon, Warwickshire Age: 13 sgon 1 Waterside soos Be £, ite f * Bridgetown ae, tion ROM Warwickshire 18 018 ¢ d Possessive adjectives - She's my best friend. tz What's your name? Welcome to our school! 8. wenn 9. wrmne. » Pen pal wanted I'm thirteen ye | ive in Euston (J I live ina flat Aton tour, cherche un correspondant et rédige un petit texte en anglais ! Pen pal wanted Lost property You go on a school trip to London. When you get off the train, you realize you can't find your bag! You start to panic and decide to tell your teacher. He takes you to the lost property office. They ask you to filin a form. Tu vas en voyage 8 Londres avec ta classe. Quand tu descends du train, tu constates que tune retrouves plus ton sac. Ton prof te conduit au bureau des objets perdus. Tu expliques ton cas et 'employé te demande de compléter un document de declaration de perte. Complete la déclaration avec précision, en anglais. LosT PROPERTY OFFICE trproperty at si Pancroshshior Los rae 22441 then Pres To OB day 0 Fadoy om 07001 1700 Email lost. propertyaeurostarcom Nome: First name: city: — country: Tel number: Mobile: Email address: ~ pescription (colourlsize): = YES, 1 can: » Vérifie ce que tu as appris dans cette Unit 1. Coche ce que tu sais faire. COMPETENCES Ecrire JE SAIS, [1] Ectire un petit mait ou une petite lettre dans laquelle je me présente, je donne mon age, mon état cule dis dou je proviens Parler JE SAIS. Poser des questions a un(e] amile) Répondre a des questions qui me sont posées. Me présenter (nom, age, provenance, vil). Souhaiter la bienvenue a quelquiun. Epeler mon nom/demander a mon interlocuteur d’épeler son nom. Dire bonjour a quelquun Ecouter JE SAIS [1] Comprendre un intertocuteur qui se présente (nom, age, état civil, provenance) Ecrire le mot que mon interlocuteur vient de m'épeler. lire JE SAIS. [7] Comprendre un petit texte dans lequel une personne se présente (nom, age, état ivi provenance CODE JE SAIS, [1 Conjuguer te verbe « to be » au présent Ecrire et utliser les pronoms personnels sujets Compter jusque 20. Dire Valphabet Utiliser les déterminants possessifs [J] _Utiliser tes déterminants a, an et the, The British flag ey Aims The British flag is called the Union Jack because it symbolises the union of the countries of the United Kingdom. In this flag. we find elements from the flags of Scotland, Norther Ireland and England What are the different parts in the flag? + For England. a red cross + For Scotland: a diagonal white cross * For Northern Ireland: a diagonal red cross Wales has got its own flag MW “iN et ma Brian and his new friends are at Brian's aunt's house. She lives in Notting Hill, London. He wants to show them the city of London, his hometown. They are talking about what they can visit and how they can get around in London. | by taxi | The taxis are called CABS | and are usually black by underground The underground in London is called the TUBE Each line has a different colour. by bus The typical London buses are red double-deckers. | by bike > Barclays Cycle Hire | You hire a bike at one place and | drop it off at another place. I in Brussels, it’s called Villo! by boat > The River Bus services It’s the same system as a bus, but ‘on the water. by tram > The London Tramlink AQ in tngland, people drive on the left-handside of the road! Unit 1- Back to school! TAKE A HIKE De quel moyen de transport s‘agit-il ? Ecris le nom en anglais. Q1 3 1. Ecoute attentivement la facon dont les mots suivants sont prononcés et place-les dans ME rvtz la colonne adéquate. north ~ path - without ~ think ~ authority ~ other ~ them - birthday their - earth - thank you - thirteen Thiel Tha) 2. Ecoute la correction et répéte chaque mot. 3. Tu vas entendre dix séries de deux mots. Certaines séries se composent de deux mots identiques, d'autres de deux mots différents. A toi de dire si les deux mots sont semblables ou différents. Ecris S ou Dselon le cas. Noweun 10. 4, Pour les champions ! Ecoute et répéte en prétant spécialement attention a la prononciation du [th] et a aspiration du [hl He's Harold Smith, Queen Elizabeth Il (the second) His name's Arthur Froth, Her house is in the south of the country. His three brothers work very hard Her birthday is on the third of this month, Unit 1 - Back to school! PRACTICE Les déterminants articles indéfinis A/AN Les déterminants article inviefinis « un, une » se traduisent par A ou AN. + On utilise “A” devant un nom commengant par une consonne ex a book, a boy, a chair, a girl, + Onutilise “AN” devant un nom commencant par une voyelle ex an apple, an orange, an umbrella, Dyn nour carte nest muet Le déterminant article défini THE Les déterminants articles definis « le, la, les » se traduisent par THE. + “THE” se prononce [03 devant un nom commencant par une consonne ex: the student + “THE” se prononce [01) devant un nom commengant par une voyelle : ex: the evening 1. Utilise Varticle correct : a, an ou the. 1. She has got . cat and dog, cat is called (= appele) Pussy and dog is called Abbot 2. My sister has Ot ....nnn NeW computer. 3. Ihave new friend. He lives near school, A, My father iS easosumn teacher and my mother is, von. engineer. 2, Utilise a ou an. .. binder ruler pen a apple rucksack pencil case Vp a ioe marker book Les déterminants/adjectifs possessifs MY mon, ma, mes YOUR ton, ta,tes HIS ‘son, $a, Ses (possesseur masculin) HER son, sa, ses (possesseur féminin) ITs son, $a, ses (si le possesseur est une chose ou un animal) OUR notre, nos YOUR votre, vos THEIR leur, leurs Mon pereest au travail > MY father’s at work Ma sceursappelle Karen. > —-MYssister's Karen Mes livres sont neufs. > MY books are new. A Ala troisieme personne, le déterminant possessif se choisit en fonction du Possesseur Sa sceur(Selle)aiSans, > HER sisters fifteen Sa soeur (8 lui) a9 ans, > HIS sister is nine. GRAMMAR 4. Complete les phrases avec “his’, "her" ou “their PRACTICE 1. Lindsay and... brother Mike. 2. Steve and... sister Carrie. 3. Linda and sister Lucy. 4, Mark and sisters Kelly and Jane. 8 5. Jenny and brothers 6. Karim and Fouad and sisters Philip and Kevin, Muna and Anida 2. Complete le dialogue avec le déterminant possessif adéquat. ~ Hil What's name? - name is Peter. Nice to meet you, Peter: name's James. - Have you got any brothers and sisters? ~ Yes. 've got one sister. name's Pam. - Ive got one brother. name's Brian eK acne 39 Complete les phrases avec le déterminant possessif adéquat. 1. John is getting married in April fiancée is very pretty. 2. — What's name? - name is Bob, 3 Parents are divorced. She lives With co. father and girlfriend. 4. The dog is in 5: father is very angry because you are late, Notes It’s my party! oiacocue A QR {ts lunchtime. Kelly and her friends are in the canteen. Its her birthday. \e nes Brian; How old are you? ely: —_Imthiteen, When is your birthday, Ban? Brian: In March... on St Patrick's Day. Samantha: On the 17th! That's good to know. Brian: What about you, guys? Nipun: My birthday is on the 1st of August and Sams is on the 5th. Brian: Hard luck! During the holiday Samantha: No, it rocks! Kell: Anpway. t's my birthday party today Remember, 5 pr at my place » Check your comprehension. Attribue la date d‘anniversaire 4 la bonne personne. BRIAN « = Sth August KELLY « + 17th March SAMANTHA « Ist August NIPUN « + 3rd October Al 1. usteninc Numbers an 22 23 24 25 26 a 28 29 a4 41 63 2. usteninc Bingo game Circle on the Bingo the numbers you hear. ME neis Sensis ln rian et ened Listen and count. Numbers from 21 to 100 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven ‘twenty-eight twenty-nine eighty-four forty-one sixty-three 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 2 }urced dp - Dates and ordinal numbers My birthday is, con the 1st On the 17th! Sam's birthday is on Sth August. of August. 3. speaxine A birthday calendar Speak with your partner and ask questions like these: When's Timmy's birthday? W's on 23rd June. (Remember, we say: I's on the twenty-third of June!) When's Sam's birthday? When's your birthday? It’s on Sth August When's your best friend's birthday? When's your mother’s birthday? Now, make a birthday calendar for you, your friends, family or your classmates. HE. 43 piatocue B QR At Kellys s AE wis Good evening, fm Bran Shirley Hi, 'm Kelly's sister. Come in! Your friends are here already Samanthe: Youre late, Brian! Kelly: That’s OK : I've got a present for you. Here you are Kelly: A teddy bear! Thank you so much! 8 Youre welcome. ®» Remets les lettres dans le bon ordre GENNVIE = " (Good morning >< good...) TSERIS = (Shirley) NREPTSE = 7 (synonym of gift) EBYDATEDR = (Brian's gift) IDFESNR = 2 (Brian, Nipun, Samantha and Kelly are...) Ihave got two stepsisters. gs a Have you got any ee brothers and sisters? tz 4. speaxinc Let's party! Your class organizes a party for Halloween. Let’ see what you have got at home to bring to the party. Ask your friends about what they have got crisps poster music sodas plastic cups napkins . x - bowls: sandwiches Paper plates 5. usteNING atthe shop. > Kelly meets Irene. She's her mother's best friend. E n17 ®D Tu vas entendre une conversation entre Kelly et irene dans un magasin. Irene est la mmelieure amie de a maman ce Kelly Note en francais quatre informations que tu comprends & propos de Kell, ce s= maman etdiréne x 2 3 4 ¢ ) Question words How old are you? Where are your parents? When is your birthday? tz 6. weinine Physical appearance Describe the following people. What hair style have they got? What colour eyes have they got? » Décris les personnes ci-dessus Personne 1 Personne 2 Personne 3 Personne 4 Personne 5 Personne 6 : B. 2 ‘ a7 7. READING Peter's family tree Read the information and fill in Peter's family tree. My name's Peter. My grandma's called Kate and my grandpa’s called Ray. My grandparents have got three sons and one daughter called Susan. My uncles’ names are John, Luke and Tom John is Susan’s husband. They've got two sons. Luke is married to Chelsea. Tom is not married My father’s name is Jerry and my mother’s name is Marilyn. I've got a brother and a sister. My cousins are called Lucy, Eric and Jason, Jerry's sons are called Peter and Jonathan Lucy's cousin is called Mary. » Lis es informations et compléte larbre généalogique de Peter. ty el piatocue C QR Later in the evening. En & nets a : Where are your parents, Kelly? Kelly: _Dadis at work and Mur is upstairs. Have you gat ary brothers and sisters? Briar No, 1am an only chile Samantha: You're lucky. | have got two stepsisters and a little brother. Wall, that’s not that many! I've got a large family, with a lot of cousins but they live in Incia. » Réponds aux questions. 4) Who has got a big family? 2) Who is an only child? 3) Where is Kelly's dad? 4) Where is Nipun’s farnily from? 5) How many brothers and sisters has Samantha got? 49 8. speaKine 9. speaKine An invitation Here is Kelly's invitation card > WA ‘B pintupay party: for her birthday party: Act out: What time? 5 pm Kelly asks you to help her organize . hea a birthday party. Can you call her friends? YOu: Hello Rachel. It's Kelly's birthday, can you come? Rachel. When isi? Fe? Kelly's house YOU: —It’son. Rachel: Oh, wonderfull I'm free! What time? You: At. Rachel: It's at Kelly's house, isnt it? YOU: Yes. itis! ‘There are sandwiches and drinks! Rachel’ Thank you, see you there! Now, adapt this conversation with the different situations! ~"a}th November “Warwick castle =" pm Preto pa eet 10. reaoine The cousins Mary is Samantha's cousin. She S . She is America Read this email carefully. Answer the cuNsuohe te pour nese Hi Mary, How are things? Are you fine? How's your family? 'm really fine! | have exciting news: we have a new studentin our class. His name's Brian, He's twelve. He's tall he’s got flr hair and grey oyes. He fas 2 lovely smile Dut he is a litle bit shy. He is from Ireland. His sumame is Calerney. Guess what? His birthday is of 47th March. Really Irish, isn’t io Hiei an only child and he lives near the school, not so far from my house... Irs Fontaine, our French teacher, is really pleased because Brians good at French. By the wey My favourite subjects maths. But Bran is bad at maths. 's 0 ‘good reason to help him, then! What's your favourite subject, Mary? Isn't PE? I remember you 28 the perfect pupil and a nice and funny cousin! Let's chat next week! I'm free on Saturday afternoon. must go, | nave to walk Bone, my dog. miss you sam pS: Are you stil in love with that guy in your class? What's his name again? Isn't it Michael? » 1. Réponds aux questions en anglais. Who is Mary? ... Where is she? What is Brian like? Describe him! .. Who is Mrs Fontaine? When is Sam free? What is Bone? Who is Michael? ace er? i BarmeerNeommett doe ue hers Brian Irish/English/Scottish Mary funny / pretty / nice Sam in love with Michael / in love with Brian Brian not so far from the school / far from Sams house /not so far from Sam's house Sam good at maths / bad at maths Bone Sam's dog / Mary's dog / Brian's dog Brian shy / nice / happy Mrs Fontaine pleased because Sam is good at maths / pleased because Brian is good at maths / pleased because Brian is good at French. ¢ d Possessive case I'm Kelly's sister. Sam's birthday is on the 5th August Whose birthday is it? I]. speakinc Mrs Jody Nelson's family tree Brian's teacher is introducing her family! Look at Mrs Nelson's family tree and answer questions like these. Who's Julia? She's Luke's daughter. Who's Richard? He's Jake's grandfather. Who's Nataly? Who's Robert? Who's Jenson? Who's Jane? Who's Jody's husband? It's Luke. Who's Vivien's daughter? It's Hannah. Who's Jenson's sister? 10. Who's Julia's cousin? LL. Who's Jake's uncle? 12. Who's Emily's aunt? VESHON Nv. CONaneune 52 YES, 1 can: Naa = aba a petite escheat COMPETENCES Ecrire Oo oO Oo a oO a) JE SAI Parter JE SAIS, Ecrire la date. Me décrire ou décrire quelqu'un physiquement. Donner des informations sur ma famille. Ecrire tes nombres jusque cent JE SAIS, Dire les jours et les dates. Poser des questions et y répondre Parler de ma famille Décrire quetquiun ou moi-méme. Décrire une féte. Ecouter JE SAIS. Comprendre une description de personne. Comprendre des informations concernant la famille, Comprendre les jours et les dates JE SAIS. Comprendre un texte concernant la description physique d'une personne. Comprendre un texte traitant de la famille CODE S Conjuguer « have got » au présent. Compter jusque 100. Utliser le cas possessit Poser des questions 8 aide de mots interrogatits Ecrire une date. Education in England proto. Pastore —— L- Stratford-Upon-Avon school School is compulsory from 5 to 16. > Before 5: Nursery School > 5-1: Primary School + 5-7: Infant School + 7-11: Junior School Secondary School or High School (Grammar or Comprehensive School) Ifthe school has a “sixth form” the students can stay till 18 years, > 11-16: Sixth Form at a Secondary School or Further Education / > 16-18: Sixth Form College to prepare them to Higher Education > After 18: University The order number of the forms/years increases: 1st form, 2nd form QD) 101m = class 2 classroom My cousin is in the 3rd form. Sarah goes to dance classes on Saturdays, Our classroom isn't very big. x Shiarter™@ ao Take ahike §3) Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is an old castle built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705. Today, itis the ‘Queen's official residence and itis also used for many official events and ceremonies. You can visit some parts of it during August and September when the Queen or Royal family isn't there. Buckingham palace is quite big, it has 775 rooms! If the flag is up, it means that somebody from the Royal family is in the Palace. Every day during summer, the “Changing the Guard” ceremony, also known as the ‘Guard Mounting’, takes place at 11.30 and lasts for 45 minutes, The Queen's guards wear a uniform black pants, red tunics and a huge hat made of bear fur. The big statue in front of Buckingham Palace's entrance is the Victoria Memorial. Itis a golden statue of Queen Victoria The parks Three parks circle Buckingham Palace: Hyde Park, Green Park and Saint James's Park. Green Park is triangle-shaped. It isn't very big but well situated between St James's and Hyde Park In the middle of Saint James's Park, there is 2 big lake with pelicans. They eat everyday at 3pm. Pelicans have been living there since the 7th century. They were a gift from the Russian ‘Ambassador to King Charles I The bridge crossing the lake gives marvellous views of Buckingham Palace. Hyde Park is a very large park with its 1.5 miles ong and 1 mile wide. It has the oldest boating lake, home to ducks, coots and swans. Itis also popular with skaters, bike and horse riders. A lot of concerts and festivals take place in that park every year. TAKE A HIKE SB, page 33 Grace 4 Sam, Nipun, Kelly et Brian, tu as pu visiter Buckingham Palace et the Changing the Guard ceremony. Ecris une petite carte postale en francais qui décrit ce que tu as. retenu de la visite. THIS SPACE FOR WRITING MESSAGES POST CARD [ ua THIS SPACE FoR ADORESS OnLy. aan HERE VOCABULARY Lunchtime is between 12 and 1.30 pm piatocur A Sam is Kelly's best friend WORDS | have lunchtime in the school canteen. Brian's birthday is on 17th March When's your birthday? In September. March is the 3rd month of the year. His birthday is in March, My birthday is on 9th September. Itis a. good night! During the month of July, m in Italy, My holiday is in July and August It’s late, but you can come anyway. 1 go to Kelly's party on Saturday evening It’s my birthday party tonight. Try to remember my birthday! EXPRESSIONS When is your birthday? That's good to know. What about you? Hard luck! It rocks! At my place. BIRTHDAY Monday lund CALENDAR Tuesday mardi Wednesday _-mercreai Thursday jeudi Friday vendredi Saturday samedi Sunday dimanche spring printemps summer ete autumn automne winter hiver pacocue B hear the doorbell WORDS The movie is in the evening! This is my sister Please, come in and close the door. The party is already over. Come on, youre late! Ihave got a stepbrother. Here is a present for you. Ive got a surprise for you A teddy bear... How lovely! lunchtime temps de midi friend amile) canteen réfectoire birthday anniversaire when quand March mars in + mois/année en + mois/année on +jourldate le + jour/date good bon during pendant holiday vacances anyway de toute maniere party f8te, soirée tonight ce soir to remember se rappeler Quand as-tu ton anniversaire ? Crest bon & savoir. Et toi/vous ? Pas de chance ! Cest génial! Chez moi. January Janvier February février March mars Apri avril May mai dune juin duly juillet August aoat September septembre October octobre November novembre December décembre doorbell sonnette evening soir, soirée sister soeur to. come in entrer already dea to be late étre en retard to have got avoir present cadeau for pour teddy bear ours en peluche EXPRESSIONS: ATTHE SHOP. worps EXPRESSIONS PHYSICAL ‘APPEARANCE piatocue C woRrDs At Kelly's Good evening! Come in. It's OK Here you are, Thank you so much! Youre welcome. ‘She's got a new mobile phone Look at my new dress! I've got a lot of cousins I hate maths because we have a lot of work. You look so nice Have a nice time! Congratulations. hair eyes style colour short medium length long straight wavy curly fair dark white grey blondie) brown black red blue green light brown dark brown I can't come at 6 but later, at 7. ‘My parents are divorced, lonly see my Dad at the weekend. Hive with my Mum, My parents are at work, The bathroom Is upstairs. My little brother is five years old, Ee t™*S Chez Kelly. Bonsoir! Entre, Ce nest rien, Voici. (pour donner) Merci beaucoup ! De rien, avec plaisir. new nouveau, nouvelle dress robe alot of beaucoup de work travail Tues sijolie Passe un bon moment ! Felicitations cheveux yeux style couleur court mi-long long lisse, raide ondulé boucié clair fonce blanc gris blond brun noir roux bleu vert brun clair, chatain brun fonce later plus tard. parents parents Dad papa Mum. maman at work upstairs brother frere au travail en haut EXPRESSIONS THE COUSINS 'No is the opposite of ‘yes: She is an only child Samantha is always lucky. | see my stepsister at the weekend My little brother is five years old Have you got many friends? We have got a large family. Nipun’s family is from India often go to the cinema with my friend, We've got a lot of work for school My cousin is very friendly. We tive in a small village. Alot of clothes are made in India, Have you got any brothers and sisters? Lam an only child, You're lucky, Maria lives in Italy but we keep in touch | don't understand your question. He is 1m95. He's tall! Look at her wonderful fair hair! My father has got blue eyes What a lovely day! I never see a smile on her face My sister is shy. Brian is Irish She really likes pop music. \'m pleased to be in your class She is good at maths. She is bad at French It's not a reason to worry Help me please! | don't remember your name. ‘The pupils in my class are great This game is funny Brian is so nice with me. We chat on the internet. See you next week! She's free this afternoon Let's walk in the park! She is in love with Peter. Physical Education is my favourite subject | hate maths. no non child enfant to be lucky avoir de la chance stepsister demi-sceur little petit many beaucoup large grand family famille with avec alot of beaucoup de cousin cousin‘e) tollive vivre India inde As-lu des fréres et soeurs ? Je suis enfant unique. Tuas de la chance tokeep in touch ester en contact tounderstand —_ comprendre tall grand (taille) fair lair eyes yeux lovely agréable, beau smile sourire shy timide Irish irlandais really vraiment pleased content tobegoodat _—_étre bon en to be bad at étre mauvais en reason raison tohelp aider toremember _se souvenir pupil aleve funny marrant, amusant nice chouette, sympa tochat chatter next prochain free libre towalk se promener tobeinlove with —étre amoureux de Physical éducation Education physique Maths mathématiques Be cess mes La date et les nombres ordinaux Tu écris Tudis the isthof August} the iteenth of August 15th August August 15th August the fifteenth i: frst > ast 48: fourth => ath 2%: second > 2nd 15°: fifteenth > 15th 3°: third = > 3rd Se: fifth > 5th 9 ninth > oth 12: twelfth > 2th 21°: twenty-first = > 21st 22*: twenty-second > 22nd 23°: twenty-third > 23rd 30": thirtiath > 30th On utilise ta préposition on devant la date : My birthday is on 15th August. > Mon anniversaire est |e 15 acct. comune Bp La date PRACTICE Ecris la date des événements suivants New Year's Day Valentine's day: St. Patrick’s day: St. George's Day: Summer: Back to school Halloween’ Armistice Christmas: Your birthday: be eral To have got = avoir (posséder) Affirmatit Ihave got I've got You've got You have got He/shesit has got We have got You have got They have got We've got You've got They've got Interrogatif Have | got? Have you got? Has he/she/it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got? x.: I've got a beautiful Christmas tree. My sister's got a little dog, Have you got a computer? Yes, | have. GRAMMAR PRACTICE — How many brothers and sisters =! inci two brothers, but | = Well, Joe ? =I think he one stepsister, Négatit Thaven't got You haven't got He/she/it hasn't got We haven't got You haven't got They haven't got Short answers (réponses courtes) Yes, | have. No, I haven't Yes, you have, No, you haven't, Yes, he/she/it has. No, he hasn't Yes, we have Yes, you have. Yes, they have. No, we haven't, No, you haven't, No, they haven't > Pas de « got » dans les réponses courtes > Forme entiére pour les reponses positives Ji un magnifique sapin de Noél. ‘Ma soeur 2 un petit chien, As-tu un ordinateur ? Qui. Compléte le dialogue avec une forme de « have got ». you 2 any sisters, two sisters. How many brothers and sisters ‘one brother and one sister. And they am NOTE Mots interrogatifs WHAT => que, qu’, quel ‘2x, What's your name? Quel est ton nom ? WHO > qui ex: Who are you? Quies-tu? HOWOLD > quelage 2x, How old is your siste? Quel age a ta sceur ? WHERE > ou x: Where do you live? Ou habites-tu ? WHEN = > quand 2x. When is your birthday? Quand as-tu ton anniversaire ? GRAMMAR Complete cette interview dont les mots interrogatifs manquent. PRACTICE v- are you? I'm Maria Lopez, are you? {Im 16 years old . is your birthday? I's on 7th October. do you live? Ive in Madrid. ® ox omer Cas possessif ('s) On écrit d'abord le possesseur, auquel on ajoute ’s , et ensuite ce qui lui « appartient ». ieee ase ion MAGE ae tat ai sation Kelly's Dave's sister. Remarques * Le cas possessif ne s'applique pas pour des objets Le pied de la table. > The leg of the table. + On ne traduit pas le déterminant Kelly est la soeur de Dave. > _ Kelly is the Dave's sister. + Pour demander a qui appartient un objet, on utilise le mot interrogatif WHOSE suivi de objet : Whose bag is this? > Aquiest ce sac? crane Pop, A qui appartiennent ces objets ? PRACTICE Aina - A Lucy Net Ne2 NS nea NPS Recap1 Units1and2 Lers PLAY » fea iblees wae hetiahc werd wit WoRDS! MARKERS - CANTEEN - BIRTHDAY - LARGE - ENGLISH - FUNNY CHILD - GIRL - LATER - BEST FRIEND 1. This is Emily. She is my 2 Let's goto the im hungry 3.Isityour today? No. its Paul's 4 love It's my favourite subject at school! 5. | like her jokes. They're so 6. Amy isthe next door 7. Have you got a sister? No, I'm an only 8. She's got a family. What about you? 9. See you ' 10. How many have you got in your pencil case? Multiple choice 1. MARCH is 4 DADs OQ Ayear O Mother OQ Aday O Father oO Amonth oO Brother 2. MANY is 5, SCHOOLSUPPLIES O — Abotot O Teddy bears ° All ° Markers, O Everybody O Pupils 3. NICE is ° New O Lovely Oo od Jumbled words UPUP = GLAF = TEUC = TOLNASCD = AOYDT = TERSIS = LEEWMOC = GRAYPLOUND = DOONNI = BOVEDYRYE = RAUNMES = SARSOOCLM = DHBANGA = EAPLES = A... ters speak! 66 ME nto & ME n°z0 DIALOGUE 1 Greeting someone ‘A. Good morning Mi! Mrs/ Miss Nelson. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too. How are you? A I'mfine, thanks B- Welcome to Great Britain! Prépare ton oral en écrivant la conversation. En fonction de la situation, donne des réponses personnelles si nécessaire. Saluer quelqu’un ‘Adit bonjour 4 B. Adit quilest enchanté de le rencontrer Bait quillest enchanté aussi Bdemande aA comment ilva Arépond B souhaite la bienvenue 8 A dans son pays DIALOGUE 2 Introducing yourself ‘A Hello, what's your first name? ‘A What's your phone number? B Hi, my first name's Brad B 003914 36578091 ‘A What's your surname? ‘A: When's your birthday? B _Mysurname’s Peterson. B: _It’s.on 19th March ‘A Pardon? B Peterson, p- son A: Where are you from? Bm from San Francisco, in the USA A Howold are you? 8 Imfiteen. Recap 1 Units 1and 2 » Se présenter Donne des réponses personnelles et alterne les réles A et B afin de maitriser ensemble de la conversation. A salue B et lui demande son prénom Bsalue A et donne son prénom. A demande a B son nom de famille B donne son nom de famile. A signale quill na pas bien compris. B répéte son nom et épelle. Ademande a8 dou ilest B répond en donnant sa ville dorigine et le pays Ademande a8 son age B donne son age 2 MS wear DIALOGUE 3 About your family ‘A: Have you got any brothers and sisters? B: Yes, Ive got one brother and two sisters/ No, | haven't ‘A: What are their names? 8 My brothers called Harry and my sisters are called Alice and Lucy, A: How oldare they? B: Harry is fourteen, Alice is eight and Lucy is four. What colour eyes have they got? Harry and Lucy have got brown eyes and Alice has got green eyes, What sort of hair have they got? Harry and Lucy have got short curly brown hair and Alice has got long blonde hair. ®» Parler de la famille Ademande a B sila des fréres et soeurs, oro B répond ‘A demande a 8 teur prénom. B donne leur prénom ‘A demande a B leur age 8 répond en donnant leur age Ademande a Bla couleur de leurs yeux. B répond et donne la couleur des yeux. Ademande a B comment sont leurs cheveux, Bindique comment sont les cheveux ME neze DIALOGUE 4 Personal details ‘A. What's your nationality? B. I'mltalian. A. Where are you from in Italy? 68 Recap 1 Units1and2 I'm from Milan What's your address? It’s Via delle rose, 38 What's your postcode? 20100 erere Détails personnels Ademande a B quelle est sa nationalité Bdonne sa nationalité A demande a 8 d'ou il est dans ce pays B répond dot il est. Ademande a B quelle est son adresse. B donne son adresse. Ademande a B son code postal B répond en donnant son code postal ‘A demande a 8 quel est son numéro de téléphone. B donne son numéro de teléphone. ‘A demande 4 8. quelle est sa date de naissance B donne sa date Glanniversaire. B.ters were! New pen friends Here are Caroline's and John’s presentations. Read the information. my name is Caroune hy ‘name's John j amn 13 years O18 182 years old Ym fromthe UK 'm from Boston, im British. in America ol Im American sc ape de D> Présente-toi! Compléte la fiche ci-dessous pour ton professeur d‘anglais. Il va relever toutes les fiches des éléves de ta classe afin de les envoyer 4 vos correspondants anglais. Celles-ci permettront un premier contact entre tous les éléves. Rédige ta fiche et colle ta photo. C.ers speaxi introduce your pen pal Introduce your new pen pal to your teacher and your classmates. His/ Her name's He/She is He/ She's from He/ She's 7O Reces 1 tinker and 2 D..rrsusten! Describing people - Bernie Look at the strange little men. Listen to Bernie and try to find him. Be careful because they all look like each other! E. urs Invitation a une féte WRITE Ecris une invitation pour ta féte d anniversaire. AGAIN! Would you tke where? When? what time? My number: 478966 HE > Dear Barbara ee eters co ent hureuse; les vacances prochaines Iason une amie queen lus we depuls longtemps eee n attendant, ele ier pour ui deriv cette nouvelle maison Lisa etre islaletre Emi note 10 choses qu’elle et sa famille possédent. Reléve ensuite 5 és que irra Pe léve en: activite lle pour Dear Barbara, Tam very pleased that you may come for the next holiday. ‘Tm lucky my family ves ina nice house. Tt has got ten roams and.a big Jen too because we have got o dog and two cats. ‘Our house is in the countryside, so both my parents have got a cor to go My bedroom is upstairs, it’s not very big but it's ok. I have got T need, I have a white notebook, an old television end a lot of. books. There are many shelves on the walls because I have got a nice collection, of butterflies. I have got 75 different specimens. My brother and my sister have got their own bedroom but they often come to mine. In fact my room has got anice view on the neighbours'house and its large pond. My brother likes nature very much ‘and so does my sister but I think she is in love with the boy next door. He is often in the garden with his pets. He has got blue eyes and curly brown hair. His name is Alain: he has got ‘a French name because his mother comes from Bordeaux! Tn our garage, we have got several bicycles. So when you come, we con cycle to the next village. Tt has a lovely small souvenin shop, next to the Tralian ice-cream maker! Yummy, we. can have one together! uring our holiday, my parents are stil at work, so I have to cock for fou, I'm not bad at it! Wait and see! for naw, I hear the doorbell... It must be daddy: he doesn't work Have a nice week! 72 Recap 1 Units1 and 2 ®» Note ci-dessous 10 éléments qu‘Emily et sa famille possédent. Note maintenant 5 activités qu’Emily pourra faire avec son amie. TRAIN GRAMMAR! 1. Compléte les phrases suivantes en choisissant une forme correcte de BE ou HAVE GOT. He any sisters or brothers. She my best friend 1 a large family. They members of my family a nice house in the country, you any brothers or sisters? she the new pupil? they good at maths? her surname Mc Calerney? ees) once ee = 10. My mother at work because it's Saturday today 2. Réponds aux questions par le jour correct. 1, When does the school start in your country? 2. When's Kelly's birthday? 3. When's pancake day in Belgiurn? 4, When is your mother's birthday? 5. When's April Fool? 3. Trouve le mot interrogatif qui complete ces questions. ‘book is this? It's John's are you from? I'm from Brighton. is Philip's birthday? On 2nd December. 1s he? He is nice! is she? She's 19, After school © pratocue A QR Brian, Samantha and Kelly are in the park close to their school "24 Eo Brian) Whereis Nipun? Samantha: He is at hs tennis practice. Brian’ —_Nipun plays tennis, how fun! | can't. | play basketball I practise twice a week with the team and we have matches on Sundays during the basketball season. Kelly: I don't tke sports Brian: What about you, Sam? Samantha: lke sking, swimming, running and | love dancing, Brian’ Wow, you're quite athletic! Kelly: goto the gym once a month! Samantha: Yes, once a month, Brian: Just kidding Kelly. 'm sure you can do many other things. Kelly | like shopping! Nipun arrives. Nipun’ Hi guys! What's so funny? Kelly: Nothing! D> Check your comprehension. Quels sports pratiquent-ils ? Qu’aiment-ils faire ? Quels sports n’aiment-ils pas ? Complete le tableau d'aprés le dialogue A. poeces Prepositions : in, at, on A He is at his z tennis practice. Brian, Samantha and Kelly are in the park, We haveimetches 1 lke skiing, _ swimming, | tke shopping. running and Hove dancing, 1. speakine Likes and dislikes Talk about your interests. What do you like, dislike, hate or love doing? i e play 6 play aaa football & ey @ play rugby dance tennis play ‘ the guitar ‘do karate 9 play baseball ride a horse play cricket ski ride a bike" do gymnastics idea < ‘swim snowboard Play run S EES do ) 6 fence listen cede to music box go online Useful words and expressions 9 mK Hike I don't like Nove hate I'm erazy about I can't stand I quite tke don't like... at all Hike... very much I don't like .... very much Examples: | ike tennis I hate football ike playing cricket don't ike R6B I quite lke diving | dislike boxing I'm crazy about dancing | don't like chocolate very much ®» Your turn Now, tell your friend what you like or don't like, what you love doing, etc... Try to use as many words and expressions as possible. Find new ideas! Or ask your teacher about other activities.. a) Complete le tableau avec tes réponses. b) Interroge ton ami(e) sur ses goats et écris ses réponses dans la colonne qui correspond. Pree niicaed oo Sotacca) ‘Computer games Cupcakes Snakes Big cities Homework Fast cars, Sports ‘Smartphones Een tt—t=é 77 Restarts Holays eas Crisps studying soft rinks Vegeabies aay oiLocusB samantha: Why dont we go othe gym togethe? AE ves fay’ Yeslombuttcontinesporsacal Ree Nipun: What about you Brian? Bran: Yes grea, coming, Uke gong tothe gym | practise a lot. | am very good at it Aren't you a bit lazy, Kelly? Kelly: (Oh, Brian, | am not! But those exercises are really boring. | can come with you anyway. Samantha: Let's go tomorrow at 10 a.m.! » Check your comprehension. Vrai ou faux ? 1. Nipun propose aller tous ensemble 3 la salle. 2. Kelly rvaime pas du tout le sport. 3. Brian est daccord dy aller. 4. Brian trouve Kelly trés sportive. 5. Brian aime aller a la salle de fitness. 6. Brian s‘entraine beaucoup. 7. Samantha trouve les exercices ennuyeux. 8. Kelly ne veut pas les accompagner. 9, Samantha propose diy aller le lendemain OQ The hours Let's go at 10 a.m.! School starts at 8 o'clock What time is it? DQ Simple present Nipun plays tennis. | practise a lot We have matches on Sundays. y 79 2. usreninc AE wr26 » What time is it? Listen carefully to the different sentences and choose the right clock. Ecoute et repére l'horloge indiquant Uheure entendue. F) o) K) vb piatocue C ME 27 Kelly: Samantha: Nipun: Samantha: Kelly: SOUNDBOX SH-CH Samantha: Brian: Kelly: HR At the gym. Wow, what 2 wonderful place! And plenty of very good-looking boys! Hey, hey, Kelly will love sports! Tell me Sam, can you show us how to use those machines? Yes, | can! What do you want to try first, Kelly? Exercise bikes, running machines or weights? Let's try the running machine, but not too fast, please. Don't worry! I can't run very fast for a tong time! And you Brian? What do you usually start with? | always run before using other things. I'm very good at it, and so I can help Kelly if she is in trouble! Let's do it! Only fools don’t change their minds. a WA aaa AE, R1 > Check your comprehension. Réponds aux questions en frangais. 1. Pourquoi Samantha dit-elle en entrant que Kelly va adorer le sport ? 2. Quelle machine Kelly veut-elle essayer d'abord ? 3. Samantha sait-elle courir vite pendant longtemps ? 4, Par quoi Brian commence- il d’habitude ? 5. Que dit Kelly avant de commencer son exercice ? | can't run very fast. Can you show us: how to use those machines? Yes, I can! | can help Kelly if she is in trouble 3. READING Nipun's family Dear classmates, ‘This isa photo of my family. Do you recognise me in te, picture? nis i re middle, I've got short black hair and a red t-shirt. {Wve got a very large family. There area tot of people ny family, but a lot of them live in India. Ie ge tan ve with my parents and five brothers and sisters My oldest brother, Saar is maried and lives in France with NS wife and his two sons. My nephews are Adi and Kamal. fy ite brother, Nain, is standing next to mum Ne's Oot short biack hair and a big smile. The tall ash the lets my father, Udar. He's got a moustache Mrarhotner is very prety: she's got long dark ian she always wears earrings. She likes colourful clothes. My three sisters are fashion victims, They are realy but a bit shy. Their names are Adit, Vanant and Panna, They are lucky, they don't have to et glasses. vant ast one is Sadiva, my favourite brother. We often play together and have the same hobbies but he's more nervous. {don't ike his girfriend Paris, she's too haughty!t o, you know a bit more about my relatives. My granderertt tive in India with the rest of the fear but they often come to London. They ike the Bris ‘weather because i's too hot in their (arabs. often chat with my cousins. They're really funny and they give me news about our country. Well, that’s my family, what about yours? NIPUN _— Eee R2 Nipun a trouvé une facon originale de te faire découvrir sa grande famille. Lis sa lettre et note sur limage ci-dessous les prénoms des différents membres de sa famille. 4. sPEAKING What can you do? Tell your friends what you can or can't do. Drive fast cars ‘Swim Sethe ome, 1 t Cp Juggle Play football B . Knit Speak Chinese Lift weights Read Dutch e z i Learn tanguages ad Fly Dive Watch TV = Dance * Chat online Say if the following people can or can't do these activities: Your grandmother, your French teacher, your best friend, your neighbour, Nipun, Kelly, your brother/sister, your mother/father, ete. Examples: My grandmother ean cook but she can't drive fast cars, Nipun ean play football and juggle | can use a computer but | can't fy. 5. reavinc ——_—Nipun’s email Hello my friend, How are you? | hope everything is well on your side of the North Sea! my chest club. I need another activity for lays volleyball in a girl team. eee ‘with nothing to do. mm now too old for Lis great here except for one thing; I'm now ‘Noaresday afternoons because all my fiends are busy, Germans Dov Kelly goes shopping and my new fiend Brian plays Pasket?e! it i but! | tke sports but we have gym at school. I Tove music but don't play any instrument. | love food i don't like cooking. What can 140? : Prease help me. What do you do during your free time? S Write back soon. Nipun » Aprés avoir lu 'e-mail de Nipun,réponds aux questions ci-dessous, en francais 1 Quel est le probleme de Nipun ? 2 Que font ses amis le mercredi aprés-midi ? sam Kelly Brian 3 Nipun aime: Nipun niaime pas 6. wenne Answer Nipun’s email. Rp sieeve nantes remade Npunectesuice que tu faire ton temps te 7. ustENING Sam's interview AE wee Sam works for the school paper. She writes the sports section. Today, she's interviewing aly the captain of the school cricket team: Jason Duncan. Sam's article 87 8. spearinc It’s your turn to be a reporter. Interview a friend about his/her likes and dislikes. » inipnegiatipenniponilioan Note ses réponses dans le tableau ci-dessous 9. weinc Now, like Samantha, you can write an article for the school paper. > Maintenant, & aide des notes que tu as prises, écris un article sur ton ami Qe Object pronouns am very good at it Iican come with you anyway, ta 10. reavinc — Music Read the articles and complete the chart in your workbook \like French pop very much. I'm a fan of Christophe Mag. | think he's fantastic! My favourite band is Suarez. Like Mika, | also like Enrique Iglesias, but | don’t like Britney Spears at all My favourite kind of music is R&B, Hike dance and reggae too, but | hate heavy metal. Like Rihanna and Stromae, but | don't like Lady Gaga very much, love rap. 'm crazy about 50 Cent. like pop and rock too. |like Coldplay, but | prefer the Black Eyed Peas, My sister loves Justin Bieber... | think he's rubbish! a i a a gS Jessica Jonathan lk | | Younes Ra 11. wamne Write an article about you for the magazine. » Ecris un article sur tes goats musicaux pour le magazine. 12. speakinc — Music styles R&B pop heavy metal reggae classical rock dance French pop What kind of music do you like? What's your favourite kind of music? Who do you like? Who's your favourite singer? What's your favourite band? Hobbies a chat draw i play videogames watch TV t send texts read m. sing go shopping n dance a) 3 goto moves ° steep ate Kner Kf 13. speaxinc In your free time Speak about your free time. | like listening to music. Examples: What's your hobiy? ” el | like chatting and singing. What sre your hobbies? Hove sleeping late but | hate dancing What do you I ike goins like doing? oe to movies, 14. usteninc what's your hobby? ME ws0 Listen to the interview of three teenagers. Eo Pam, Roy and Duncan talking about their hobbies. Ecoute attentivement les interviews de Pam, Roy et Duncan. Pour chacun d'eux, établis une liste de ce quills aiment faire durant leur temps libre et de la musique qu'ils apprécient. YES, ican: SY 7 Now you am - r - te Gat avo “@ YES, 1 cant ND ieitcciwpav am anmane come a paetrme Conjuguer les verbes au « present simple » (forme affirmative) SS Utiliser les prépositions vues dans cette unit lin/on/at), f Utiliser le verbe « to like » suivi d'une forme verbale avec Meo ing (gerund), Utiiser auniliaire « can » et le conjuguer. oo Utiliser les pronoms personnels compléments (CDV). Utiiser 'heure. COMPETENCES Ecrire JE SAIS, écrire un petit mail dans lequel je parle de mes hobbies, des sports que jaime faire, de la musique que jaime écouter. Parler JE SAIS. rmiexprimer oralement en ce qui concerne mes goats en matigre de musique, de sports, dire mes hobbies poser des questions a unte) amife) en ce qui concemne ses gouits en matiere de musique, de sports, de hobbies. dire 'heure. Ecouter JE SAIS, ‘comprendre un interlocuteur qui me parle de ses goats en matiére de musique, de sports, de hobbies. comprendre un interlocuteur qui me donne l'heure. Lire JE SAIS. comprendre un message écrit dans lequel quelqu'un parle de ses gouts en matiere de musique, de sports, de hobbies a2 Siiarter™@ Sport Sport is very important in Britain and is a very large form of entertainment. Lots of British spend a lot of time attending sport events, reading newspapers or magazines dedicated to sports or watching TV-programmes related to sports. Here are the most common sports. — | ‘* Football is the most popular and played sport. Men mostly attend football matches. Football = soccer in the USA == «© Cricket played in summer by two teams of eleven players on an oval- shaped grass field. I's a bat-and-ball, game and each game can last a very long time: up to five days of six hours each! # Rugby is very quick and aggressive. Each game lasts for eighty minutes. Two teams of thirteen or fifteen players carry ‘an egg-shaped ball over the opposing team’s line, * Horse-racing Lots of English people like betting money on horses. Even the Royal Family is present at some great meetings (Ascot, Epsom), | | : x ‘¢ Tennis and particularly lawn tennis, on ‘a grass court, is the British game par excellence, Take ahike £3) Trafalgar Square is a famous public space and tourist attraction in central London. ‘The name “Trafalgar” is in memory of the Battle of Trafalgar against Napoleon in 1805. The famous National Gallery, one of the most important museums of London The statues of James Il, George IV, George Washington, ‘Two huge fountains in the centre\ of the square, lit by different colours Nelson’s column (44m high) with the statue of Horatio Nelson (4,50m highl. the admiral who died after winning the Battle of Trafalgar Four lions around the monument protecting the statue of the officer a ae & tit Ol \ Pett | = TROT Piccadilly Circus is a well-known public place in London, built in 1819. It’s called ‘Piccadilly’ like one of the five streets of the roundabout Piccadilly Circus is famous for its video display and neon signs. The Shaftesbury memorial fountain and statue of an archer called Eros Take ahike £3) a Acireus is a round open space at a street junction Ex: Oxford Circus, Holborn Circus, Finsbury Circus. A square is 2 more important public place. x: Grosvenor Square, St James's Square, ‘The London Trocadero, an entertainment Berkeley Square. complex and shopping centre TAKE A HIKE 1. Sur quel site peut-on voir les curiosités suivantes ? Note les numéros. Trafalgar Square: Piccaailly Circus: 2. Complete la phrase avec les mots « rond-point » et « place » En Angleterre, on appelle « circus » unle] ‘et on appelle « square » unte) VOCABULARY oiatocue A, worDs EXPRESSIONS viacocue B worps EXPRESSIONS Brian, Samantha and Kelly are in the park. The park is close to their school, Brian is at his tennis practice | practise twice a week, ‘What's your favourite team? We have matches on Sundays During the basketball season, The summer is my favourite season. You're quite athleti |1g0 to the gym once a month, |'m sure you can do many other things. | like shopping. There's nothing new | don't like sports. How fun! | practise twice a week. What about you? | go to the aym once a month. Just kidding Hi guys! What's so funny? We go to the gym together. That's a good idea. | don't lke sports at all Im coming with you Sam isa bit lazy. Those exercises are really boring. Let's go tomorrow at 10 am! Kelly, are you ok? Lam very good at sport. park pare close to tout prés de practice entrainement to practise Sentrainer team équipe match match during durant season saison athletic sporti, athlétique ‘gym salle de fitness sure sar, certain other autre(s) thing chose shopping faire les magasins nothing rien sport sport tennis tennis basketball basketball ski ski swimming natation running course & pied dancing danse Cest genial! Je mentraine deux fois par semaine Ettoi? Je vais & la salle de fitness une fois par mois. Crest pour rire Salut les gars ! Quy a-til de si dréte ? together ensemble idea idée not at all pas du tout tocome venir lazy paresseux exercise exercice boring ennuyeux: tomorrow demain Tues daccord, Kelly ? Je suis trés bon en sport viatocue C worDs EXPRESSIONS Music CORNUCOPIA HOBBIES What a wonderful place! {nd plenty of very good-looking boys! Tell me your name Can you show us how to use the machine? What do you want to try first? Exercise bikes or weights? Not too fast. please Don't worry! | can't run very fast for a long time! What do you usually start: | always run before using other things | can help Kelly if she is in trouble! Let's do it! Only fools don't change their minds! music music style classical music French pop singer (music) band hobby to chat to draw to listen to music to watch TV toread to go shopping to go to movies to hang out with friends to sport to play video games to play the guitar to send texts to sing to dance to sleep late Eee... wonderful merveilleux place endroit plenty of plein de good-looking beau, charmant to tell dire to show ‘montrer touse utiliser machine engin, machine totry essayer first dabord bike vélo weights halteres fast vite to worry se tracasser torun courir foralongtime pendant longtemps usually habituellement to start with commencer par before avant tohelp aider tobeintrouble avoir des difficultés Allons-y ! Seuls les fous ne changent pas davis ! musique genre musicat musique classique chanson frangaise chanteur / chanteuse groupe (musical) hobby chatter dessiner écouter de la musique regarder la télévision lire aller faire les magasins aller au cinéma trainer avec des amis faire du sport jouer a des jeux vidéo jouer de la guitare envoyer des sms chanter danser dormir tard a9 NIPUN'S FAMILY to surf the Internet tocycle My classmates are very friendly Do you recognise me? There are pictures on the wall. {im on the right in this picture But she's on the left! My oldest sister is 22 She is not married. The teacher's coming, stand up, please! ‘The school is next to the library, My father is very tall: 1£m98 My grandfather has got a moustache but no beara! He is really happy to be here! This English teacher is very pretty. ‘My mother never wears earrings. She likes colourful clothes There are too many clothes in my wardrobe! We like buying clothes, we're fashion victims. My little sister is a bit shy. My grandmother has got new glasses. Come together to my house! We have the same car. Mother is too nervous! This woman is haughty, too proud! These are my relatives! Can you show me the rest of your family? | go to school every day! Last summer, the weather wasn't hot She is a nice girl too. | can't come because I'm ill She's watching the news on ty. I give you a present for your birthday. surfer sur Internet faire du vélo classmate to recognise picture on the right on the left oldest married to stand up next to tall moustache really pretty towear earrings colourful clothes fashion victims abit shy glasses together the same nervous haughty relatives the rest every weather too because news to give compagnon de classe reconnaltre photo, image a droite a gauche la plus vieille, ainée marié se lever acété de grand moustache vraiment jolie porter (vétements) boucles doreilles coloré vétements victimes de la mode un peu timide lunettes ensemble le, la, les méme(s) nerveuse hautaine parents (famille) lereste chaque temps, météo aussi Parce que nouvelles donner Be coms NOTE Prépositions : in, at, on IN dans ex.: The DVDs in the box en + mois, année ex.: My birthday is in May. He was born in 1988. a, en + ville, pays ex.: [live in London She lives in Belgium, Le DVD est dans le bottier. Mon anniversaire est en mai Mest né en 1988, Thabite a Londres. Elle habite en Belgique. ON sur ex.: My book is on the desk. Mon livre est sur le bane. le + date, jour ex: My birthday is on 14th May. Mon anniversaire est le 14 mai. 1 go to the gym on Mondays. Je vais a la salle de fitness lc lundi AT a, au (situation) ex. Mrs Freeman is at work / at home / at school. Mme Freeman est au travail / 8 la maison / a ecole. commune Sp FEAGIGE 1. We live Oxford, a very big town 2 four 3. Samantha was born th March. 4, Where's my book? your schoolbag, 5. There's no more lemonade the glass, 6.'m playing football Saturday, 7. The teacher is school. He's with the pupils He's writing the blackboard. 8, They serve very good food this restaurant. 9. The cat is the bed 10. There's a very nice picture this book. 11. My grandfather lives 12. sooo Britain, many people like drinking tea 13, My father's, the office, 14. The newspaper is the table. ER t™*~*S the first floor of an old house A. Compléte en utilisant une des prépositions suivantes : in ~ at ~ on. England, Wednesdays, | usually go to the swimming pool with my friends, the classroom Birmingham, five pm. 4n1 B. Complete le tableau en placant les expressions dans la colonne adéquate. Friday ~ two o'clock ~ the church ~ February ~ school ~ 2 May ~ the moon ~ the garden ~ the market La forme en -ING Siles verbes de sentiment (love, like, hate...) sont suivis d'un verbe, celui-ci prend la terminaison ~ING. Hove singing. Tadore chanter. ‘My brother hates dancing! Mon frére déteste danser ! Do you like watching tv? ——Aimes-tu regarder la tv? She doesn't Compléte avec la forme verbale correcte. ike studying. _Elle nvaime pas étudier. Lions hate (swim) Children like (€2) on .. sweets. You love (play) (on your computer, ike (read) novels. She hates (study) mathematics. Uheure orclock Pour donner U'heure en anglais, To PAST ‘on commence par les minutes : «x minutes avant/aprés heure > (a) quarter to (2) quarter past half past Ra OC 1. Les heures pile On utilise O'CLOCK uniquement pour les heures pile, 03.00 three o'clock 2. TO et PAST On utilise TO pour les minutes avant (heure. 03.55 five to four On utilise PAST pour les minutes apres Uheure, 03.10 ten past three 5. Les heures 15 et 45 On utilise (A) QUARTER TO pour le quart d’heure avant 'heure. 03.45 (a) quarter to four On utilise (A) QUARTER PAST pour le quart d’heure aprés (‘heure. 03.15 (a) quarter past three < 4. La demi-heure PS On utilise HALF PAST pourla demi-heure 03.30 half past three Remarque : ('heure peut se dire de fagon numérique. 10.30 ten thirty 8.15 — eight fifteen 19.42 seven forty-two 5. Expressions Quelle heure est-il ? What time is it? What's the time? A quelle heure commence le film ? What time does the film start? lest 9h It’s 9 otlock 20h AcBpm De 18h 20h From 6 to 8 o'clock. 8h Bam 20h 8pm Remarque : les abréviations AM et PM viennent du latin. AM = ante meridiem > —— avant-midi PM = post meridiem > — aprés-midi 102 C. Ton professeur est hyper méthodique et déteste le changement. Elle prévoit chaque semaine certaines activités aux mémes heures ! Regarde son agenda et rédige une phrase complete décrivant ce qu'elle fait et 4 quelle heure. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10.15 pm 5.35pm 2.00 pm 12.30 am 7.25pm 08.50 am 4.20 pm Cinema Dentist ‘Swimming poot Lunch with sister Run with best friend Shopping Correct tests and homework Ex.: On Mondays, at ..., she = pouvoir (capacité, possibilité) ou savoir (capacité), can est un auxiliaire de mode > INVARIABLE Affirmatif | Négatif Interrogatif I H You you He/She/it CAN CANT CAN | he/shesit ? fou o CANNOT) ae You you ‘They they Reponses courtes 1 i you you Yes, |he/shesit CAN No, |he/shesit, | CAN'T we we you you they they Apres can, on utilise un inf Ex. lean drive a car. Je sais conduire une voiture. They can't play the piano, Ils ne savent pas jouer du piano. Can he swim? No, he can’t Sait-il nager? Non, Can you repeat, please? Yes, can. Pouvez-vous répeier, sil vous plait ? Oui. GRAMMAR A. Ecris cing phrases 4 propos de toi. Précise si tu sais ou ne sais pas faire les choses, PRACTICE suivantes : 1. Make a cake 2. Build a house: . 3, Swim 6 kilometres: 4, Count to 100: 5. Use a computer: B. Regarde l'exemple donné et rédige une petite phrase qui exprime ce que chaque personne est capable ou n’est pas capable de faire. Ex. Arthur :speak Chinese (-) speak French (+), > Arthur can’t speak Chinese but he can speak French. 1. You run a mite run a marathon 2. Your parents: flya plane drive a car 5.A baby at meat drink mit 4. Ation Tunvery quickly flyin the sky Be crane 14 Pronoms personnels compléments Pronom | Pronom personnel | personnel sujet | Complement T me. you you he him Elle est folle de lui. > She's crazy about him. she her it it we us Que sais-tude nous? > What do you know about us? you you they them Eee 107 Recopie ces phrases en remplacant les mots soulignés par un pronom personnel. 1. My sister likes buying a lot of clothes, 2. He knows your new teacher. 3. | like chocolate very much 4. Myparents are angry with our new neighbours. 5. You can come with my friend and | it you are ready. 6. offer a present to my sister every year on her birthday. 7 can't possibly help Peter! Have a nice day onicourA — BR seneper ox a ee Samantha: After working up a good sweat, a nice glass of juice will be great! Nipun: fits on you, 'm having carrot juice with a slice of lemon, Kell: I mhaving some celery sticks with peanut butter and some orange juice. Brian: Have you got any strawberry-mango smoothies? Barmaid: — We usually have some, but today we're out of mango... Sorty! Look at the list on the screen. Brian: (Ok. I'¢ like a banana-kiwi-pineapple with a slice of watermelon, Barmaid: And for you? What would you like to drink? Samantha: & tomato juice. And | would like a granola bar, please. Nipun: So healthy! Tt coo Stress D> Check your comprehension. Note ce que chacun prend au bar. Nipun kelly Brian sam 1na Have you got any I'm having some strawberry-mango celery sticks and smoothies? some orange juice. We usually have some. Q Countables and uncountables I'm having carrot juice with a slice of lemon. I'm having some celery sticks with peanut butter, and some orange juice. Have you got any strawberry-mango smoothies? ins about the lack of healthy food at school. 1. wane Sam's school menu 's weekly menu on her online blog. Samantha often com) She posts the cafeteri OMG! Look what's on the menu this week! The only day | Uke is Friday! We need More vegetables! an You soa pl [ee ish & chips iF Thursday Ice-cream ®D Laisse un commentaire sur la page web de Samantha ol tu parles du menu de la cafétéria de ton école. Ensuite, donne ton avis. explain what you eat at your school, Comment: 111 oiatocue B KR At the table AE nese Nipun: Brian: Kely: Brian: kelly: Samantha: Nipun: Samantha: kelly: Samantha: Brian, what do you do during your free time? | ke playing and chatting on my computer and also listening to the radio. What kind of music do you listen to? | ike pop music, but | prefer REB, And you? Hove pop, but | hate classical ‘Me too, | can't stand elevator music! I'm crazy about rock! Of course, you play the electric guitar! You know me too well Hey, I'm your BFF! | know. We talk on the phone every night and today we are having a sleepover at your house! >» Check your comprehension. 1, Brian aime chatter sur son ordinateur. ou FAUX NON DIT am ne supporte pas la musique cla: 3. Kelly riaime pas la musique pop 4. Nipun aime écouter la radic Sam adore le rock 6. Brian naime pas le RB. Nipun connait trés bien Sam. 8. Kelly est la meilleure amie de Brian 9, Sam aime la musique pop. 10, Kelly joue de la guitare {am va aller loger chez Kelly 12, Brian aime jouer sur son ordinateur Brian niaime pas la musique classique. Che Simple present What do you do during your free time? What kind of music do you listen to? | don't like butter on my pancakes, Yes, Ido. tz 113

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