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The full wave function of many-electron atoms. 1. Full wave function must include spin state designation. e.g., Helium, a 2 e- system

(1,2) = (1,2)( ) spatial spin part part spin wave functions are combinations of (i) or (i) which are one electron spin functions. (1,2) = (1)(2)( ) orbital 4 tentative possibilities approx for 2 spins
(1)(2) (1)(2) (2)(1)


In last two combinations [(1)(2) or (2)(1)], due to the indistinguishability condition of two electrons, you have to express these as linear combinations and there are two ways to do that:

1 ((1)(2) + (1)(2)) 2 12 1 (1,2) = ((1)(2) (1)(2)) 2 12 + (1,2) =

2. So four possible spin arrangements of 2 electrons: (1)(2) (1)(2) +(1,2) (1,2)

Now comes Pauli principle: when the labels (e.g. 1 and 2) of any two identical fermions are exchanged, the total wavefunction must change sign. (antisymmetric wavefunction requirement)

(1,2) = (2,1)
If just look at spatial wavefunctions alone & if both e- in same orbital:

(1) (2) = + (2) (1)

(not antisymmetric)

Therefore the spin portion of total must be the antisymmetric part.


Of the four possible arrangements only (1,2) is antisymmetric so:

(1,2) = (1) (2) (1,2) 1 (1) (1) (2) (2) 2 1 2 (1) (1) (2) (2)

Slater determinant

Therefore: if 2 e- in same spatial atomic orbital, only one spin state available (1,2) which is sins paired But when 2 e- are in different orbitals, all 4 of the spin combinations are possible. (1)(2) (1)(2) +(1,2) (1,2)

The first three are parallel (triplet), the last is paired (singlet) all three combos possess spin no spin angular angular momentum momentum (lower in energy) L=1 ML = -1, 0, +1 L=0


III. Spectra of Complex Atoms. A. General. More complicated than hydrogenic spectra. Still


hc = E differences between atomic energy levels

The problem is E difference between orbital energies

E.g. He He* (electronically excited Helium) 2s x 1s






triplet singlet (paired spins) (parallel spins) zero total spin non-zero total spin

Difference in energy is two effects: 1. Coulombic e- -- e2. Spin correlation Triplet state is generally lower in energy than the singlet.


Selection Rules for allowed transitions in many-electron atoms 1. No change of overall spin. Implies singletsinglet is allowed But singlet triplet is not allowed



Here are the allowed transitions in Helium (no singlet to triplet)


Sodiums bright doublet emission:



Term symbols as labels of electronic states: e.g, what is meant by symbolism 2 P3 / 2

S, P, D gives the total orbital angular momentum L=0, 1, 2, etc Upper left superscript 2=doublet, 3=triplet gives the spin multiplicity 1=singlet,

Lower right subscript gives the total angular momentum J Optional: See text if you desire a deeper understanding.


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