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There is no better illustration of courage than what Jesus did on the cross.

His courage came from His faith on the will of God the Father. Peter tried to "protect" Jesus but Jesus rebuked him by saying: Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.

God calls each of us to carry our own cross. Each cross will require much courage. Our family is called by God to pastor CAFE church and help disciple married couples. After about ten years of tentmaking and four months into fulltime ministry, I would say that the need for courage increases along with our years in ministry. Please pray with us for the following challenges in ministry. How do we brew passionate disciples? Our main calling in CAFE is to develop passionate disciples for Christ. For August to September, we got them involved in 3 major projects: Feeding Session, Team Building Camp, and CAFE JAM. On August 21, we led CAFE to involve in a feeding program for the street people along Roxas Blvd. CCP area. On that Sunday, we wanted them to see that worshipping God is not just about singing or attending the normal worship service. We worshipped God by loving the people He loves. On August 29-30, we had a Team Building Camp which was aimed at rallying the core leaders to work as a team. The first CAFE JAM session was on September 22. This is a weekly event designed to connect with students from DLSU and CSB. After a few sessions where we build relationships with the new students, we will share the gospel to them and begin discipling the students. For more updates, please visit http://christianagapefellowship.com. How do we rally Christian couples to honor God with their marriages?

The first hurdle was to promote the ministry so that couples with marital problems will know that the Maximizing Marriage ministry is available to help them. For the last two months, we focused on becoming visible online. To date, praise God we already have 260 fans on Facebook. We have posted ten marriage articles on http://maximizingmarriage.com and we update http://www.facebook.com/MaximizingMarriages regularly with marriage help resources. The next step was to offer the marriage help resources to the churches around us. As a start, we challenged the lead pastor of Palico Unida Church and his wife to find accountability partners for their marriage and leadership. During the meeting, they also opened the possibility to hold marriage seminars for Unida churches in Imus, Cavite. They also invited us to partner with the head of couples ministry in Palico Unida Church.

Heart of the Matter Courage will come from your belief in who God is. If you believe in His goodness, His faithfulness and His sovereignity, you will not lack the courage to pursue your calling, regardless of the costs and trials. At the end of it all, your courage will glorify God. Because you know that courage does not come from your own human strength but from the ever faithful and unfailing grace of God. May you and me find enough courage to carry our cross and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ! Praise Items and Prayer Concerns 1. Praise God for the students who came to the CAFE JAM sessions. Please pray for the evangelism and discipleship of these students. 2. Please pray for our upcoming project What Women Want for reaching out to the young ladies in DLSU / CSB / St.Scholastica's College. 3. Please pray for the marriage seminar in Palico Unida Church to push thru within the next two months. 4. Please pray that God may send us mentors as we lead CAFE and work on the Maximizing Marriage ministry. 5. Please pray for workers who can work with us in the MaximizingMarriage.com ministry. 6. Please pray for Sebs as he teaches Beyond Reasonable Doubt this coming November in the annual Grace Christian Education Convention. 7. Praise God for how He has provided for our needs in the past three months! Please pray that God continually provides for our family as we trust Him for our monthly and future needs. Family Update At this time, God is teaching us that life is more than just pursuing success in career and raising good children. Instead of working in the corporate world to provide for our family, God asked us to seek His righteousness and trust that all those things will be added unto us, as well. For me and Grace, it is like offering our Isaac's (Ethan and Gabriel) to God. We are literally trusting God for their future as we invest our time and energies into God's harvest field. That requires much courage for us. But God always proves Himself faithful through your help! Thank you for obeying God thru your prayers and financial support for our family.
Contact Info: Eusebio Yu 09235042357 Sebs@MaximizingMarriage.com http://MaximizingMarriage.com/ Bank Account Info: Bank of the Philippine Islands Acct. Name: Eusebio Yu Acct. #: 0019-0884-56

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