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Where to find information

When looking for reference materials, the library is an excellent place to find resources. You may also have some of the reference sources at home.
Some reference source/sources of information are: Dictionaries Thesauruses Encyclopedias Newspapers Atlases Periodicals Biographies The internet Interviews Radio- news broadcasts Television- news broadcasts

Dictionary- used to find the find definition and pronunciations of words, suggestions of word usage. It lists words in alphabetical order and gives the correct spelling. The thesaurus- a reference book that writers use to find the exact words they need. Also used to find synonyms The encyclopedia- a reference book that contains articles on different topics. Newspapers- used to find information on current events, locally, regionally and internationally. Atlas- used to find maps and other information about geographical locations Periodical- published work that appears in a series. Newspapers and magazines are periodicals Biography- a non-fiction book that tell about the life of a person The internet- and electronic communications network that connects computer and organizational computer facilities around the world Interview-a meeting during which somebody is asked questions, e.g. by a prospective employer, a journalist, or a researcher.

How to use resource materials to find information quickly and efficiently

The dictionary There are two guide words at the top of every dictionary page. The word on the left is the first word on the page. All other words on the page are in alphabetical order between the guide words. The thesaurus The thesaurus, like the dictionary, lists its entry words alphabetically. Each entry word has a list of synonyms or words that can be used in its place The encyclopedia The articles are arranged alphabetically in volumes. Each volume is marked to show which articles are inside. Guide words are used to show the first topic on each page. Encyclopedias are usually in volumes with each representing another letter of the alphabet. First use the INDEX to find the subject- subject is arranged alphabetically. I A/B C/D E/F G/H I/J K/L M/N O/P Q/R S/T U/V W/X Y/Z N D E X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

The internet Begin your search with a web search engine, such as yahoo Or Google. Enter keywords and phrases related to the subject matter youre interested in, and click search. In the results list, click on a sites name to go to it. Even if the site does not have great information, check to see if it has links to other sites that might be more useful. Use the back button on your browser to return to the original results list. If the first list had too many or too few results, tinker with your keywords to produce more focused search results. Biography

Use the table of contents to guide you. The topics in the table of contents will guide you as to where to look for specific information on a persons life. Newspaper Contains different sections, for example, local news, editorial, view point, press release, regional news, international news, business news, entertainment, sports, and health. Determine under what section the information you are looking for would fall and scan through that section to get the information you seek. Magazines Most contain a table of content. Look through the table of content to locate the information you are seeking

Parts of a book
A title page tells the name of a book and its author. A copyright page tells who published the book, where it was published and when it was published. A table of contents lists the chapter or unit titles and the page numbers on which they begin. It is at the front of a book. A glossary is a list of words, with meanings, used in the book. And index gives a detailed list of the topics in a book and the page numbers on which each topic is found. It is at the back of a book

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