Romeo Et Juliette

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248 N@ 22. Scene and Duet. Allegro moderato. ‘Allegro,moderato.(J= 108), Andante. (with an expression of awe.) Sa tut!” On tombi_ eau —_sdmbrégt bi-lon-el - ouxt frown darkly my gazede- fies !_ a tempo ‘beaut non ——-mon!_ 6 de-meu-re plus bel - le tomb! No, nol— On yet love-lier dwell - ing a tenpo | ——~ _—-; P Que le sé-jour mé-me des cleux! ‘Thanyon fair a-bode in the skies! —_————"# 2 # @@ Recit. aide et ra-di- eux! “Ah! Iavoi- 1a! Gest el - pal- ace it out- vies! An, she is there, my dar- 280 Viens, fu-n8-bre clar-té!_ viens Ioffrir thes Come, fu-ne-re-al light! Showherface tomine 18208 Andante.(d = 66) © ma fem-me! Oh be- lov- ed! S63 — mabien ai-mé-e! La mort en as-pi- rant (on ha-leine em-bau- Wie too soon for - sak-en! Een Death, who so un- timely thy swoet life hath 2 oa =— dim. Ot cet-tebeauté que ja-do - re Surtonfront calme et pur semble régner en- ‘This tender beauty I cher - ish, Onthy brow_caim and pure inseem-ing ne'er shall sa dim, p—_ 5 _ 4 aot Et sou- rire. & V6-ter- ni - téu Like_a smile. on e- ter- ni - ty!— F ee Freee. Pourquot_me la rends-tu si belle, 6 mort Why give her me a-gain s0 lovely, thoupale_de- ML Est-co pour me je - ter plus vi - te dans ses bras? Is it to draw me earlier yet_ to her em - brace? vy 8b (portamento) ‘Val cest le seul bon-heur ddnt mon cour soit a - vi- det... ta proie dajourd- An! it is on-ly thus that my heartcan en- joy her! And thy prey shall to- be hui net - chap- pe night here meet thee face to r sse08 252 ‘Ahl—_je te con-tem-ple sans crainte, Tombe oi Je vais en-fin — pres Aht— Less have I dread-ed thee nev-er, Tomb where I shall at last_ re- "EF oven. | fF Tui vo- tre dernidre &- trein-te! Mes lb-vres, ddn-nez-Iui vo-tre der- ‘brace shall be your last for ev-erl My lip take ye now a long fare- ST» ___ Andante. (ho embraces Juliet deliriously ) nier — bai - sert. well to —_lovel co * Ga #oa # Sa * (with frenzy.) (ito empties the vial at one A toi, ma Ju-li - et - tet To thee, 0, my be-lov- ed! 19203 253 aught, and casts it on the g-ound; then reels,and sinks gradually on thy steps of the monument. At f # ‘this moment Juliet begins to shake off her lethargy; she rises slowly. and gazes about her with a be. PX ry ie aH wildered air.) Romeo. (listening.) i; gel Est-cgun re = ve? maze__ ment! Am I dream — ing? eS no fet ‘Sa bouche a mur-mu-r6 ‘Twas sure-ly she who spoke! —p —~ poco ore. ‘sant Ont sen-ti dans les siens! leur fe fon mp All trom-ho have felt ater blood yet is fo, Taligt. (gentry) —_ RaweiPfnan outburst) [o-md- 0! Sei-gneur Diew tout puls-gant! Ro = meol—— On, CA mighty. on high! ff, 2 vit! —‘Kl-le vit Ja-li-ette est vi - van- te! ive! She's a -livel__ ‘My Ju-liet is liv- ing! y D8 Moderato. Juliet. Dient quelle est cet-te Ah! what voice do I yobg————dont fa dou - “beur- hear call - ing_so swe ooo fe, — & _——_ poco animate de ton- heur Em- bras se {6 ge - ‘at thy feet who here __be - fore thee i rf- mone Eton cour Th Iu- miere on-i = re-calls to thy heart the Tight and the — vran- fe, 1a lu- miore, gi = vran - fe De Joys. all the light, and the joys _________0f our Si 256 Juliet. Animando. et des cieux!__ and of day! aN Sf Aninando, viens! fu - yons tous Come! Let “us ae oY EN Moderato, e molto appassionato. heur light Moderato, e molto appassionato, s208 asr Viens! fu-yons u bout Come! the world is all ‘Viens!’ fu-yons du bout du mon- de Come! the World is all be - fore us! > a ar ee a Aninando. rit. Fu-yons tous deux! parts, for woe de - parts! Come! Fu-yons tous deux! parts, for woe de - parts! 7 15208, ente. Dieu de bon - tél. Fa. ther of ~ love, Diew de bon - 61 men - bend - ing, ~~ sols b6- mh, blest__ be sols b6 bles=___be eux! hearts? Allegro molto. Juliet. 280 Qe Gis. Gospairingly) Why is les pa-rents ont tous des en-trail-les de pier - rel Why are all, ay, all «=o our ‘kin. ston-y-heart - ed? Allegro molto. Sy Sf, Romeo. Ni lar- mes, Nor weep-ing, Sy — Rien, — rien ne peut les at-ten- drivt Naught,— naught can move them to com ply! A la por - te des oieux, At the por = tal of heav’a, Pp —— te des cieux! tal of — heavh! 13208 260 = — Juliet. et omou- rir! Mou - and to die! To i fie-vre fe - ga - rel De toi quel dé-li - re sem- & fe - verdoth gelze thee! What aw - ful il- tn sions dis pu. re? Monbien-ai- mé!——rap-pel- le fa fai - son. ease thee? My on-ly love, re-mem-ber wherethou art! a Romeo, W6- las! de te croy~ ais. mor - Ah” mel —T had thought theo dead, Jl Ce poi- soni! ‘This. pol - son? ee poi - son! this poi- son! nm 19208 Larghetto. set Romeo. _(d: 58.) Con- S0- fe- toi, pauvre a Fail not, poor heart, in ==" A me, Le rive 6-tait tFop beaut row, Our _ dream was all too fair! — ‘mour, eé- les - fe flam - Sur - vit méme love there dawns a = mor - ‘That ends not ret Fe — beau! — i sou-le = ve Ia pier - re, spair!_— From the tombs lowking por - Yo gp eae? SS even. P Et des an - ges bé- ni, ‘Cdmmeun fot ‘de tu- Now the stone falls. a - way, Borne by an - _gels_im = RA erexe. = ing08 262 dans tin- fi- hie - eth to ‘Moderato.(d = 60.) Romeo. ~eoute, 6 Ju-fi- ot - te! vh-ia- et - fe fe But hark, Ju-liet, my dar ling! Tis the lark. yon-der _ Andante. 92% * Ja nous &n-non - ce Jourtt_ Nonl_ non, ceriest pas calls, to re-mind us of day! No. no! it is not the Go nest pas Ya- lou- ct - tel nor the lark’ ear- ly call - ing! i083 ga, * Oe a Se * 208 Gest le doux ros- si - gnoly— con- fi-dent de Ta- "Tis the sweet night-in - gale that of love sings a ‘Ra, * Sa. # Ra. Allegro. (J = 6s.) Juliot. => ‘mourt— lay! do se poi-son fu- Why hast thou 50. be nes-fe Tu nemias pas lais-sé ina part!_ reft_me? There is no poi- son here for mel — Ss 264 Romeo (terri stricken.) (Ghe stabs herself.) ——~ ton se- cours ine res 1 For « poignard is left___ me! vs! What hast thou > Anqante.(d = 60.) fait? co mo~ ment est done? thine ure vain a - Tempo I. we tn in-fi-nio et da-pré- imo ‘tis delight 0-ver-flow-ing 0 in thy arms! wun bai-seril! yet kis 13208 00 ritard, (with effort) Sei - gneur, Sei = 0 Lord, ° (with effort.) Sei - gneur, Sel - 0 ‘Lord, 0 aw aN reso. - 7 by gneur, — Lord, ord, ~~ \d“of Opera.

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