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ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011

Teste de Ingls 11 ano

November 15th

O teste consiste, no seu conjunto, na realizao de uma tarefa Actividade C , que se desenvolve atravs de uma sequncia de actividades Actividades A e B recobrindo a demonstrao de competncias integradas da leitura e da escrita relativamente s quais cada item, no entanto, avaliado de modo independente. Sugere-se que os itens sejam realizados pela ordem em que se apresentam, dado que cada um se integra numa sequncia lgica que prepara e contribui para a realizao da actividade final.

Actividade A TOTAL: Actividade 10).....202).14 PONTOS 2. (2 x B4.(10+15+15).....40PONTOS 30 5. __________________________ (4 x____________________________ 1. (7xx2). 16 PONTOS 2. (8 PONTOS PONTOS 1.5).........6 3. (3 x 8)...............24 PONTOS PONTOS 110 ActividadePONTOS C ..................................60 1. (4 x 5).......20 PONTOS __________________________ ........................ 200 PONTOS


ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011

The end task you are expected to do is to write a text on environmental issues. Activities A and B will provide you input for Activity C.

1. Below are a series of statements and a list of words associated with the Environment. Match each definition with the right word (TWO OF THE DEFINITIONS DO NOT APPLY). Refer only to the 1. Lots of species have become extinct at mans hands. a. resources 2. We buy what we dont need and we throw away what we still could use. 3. Water will be scarce in some years if we do not care about the future of our rivers. 4. Cities are filled with cars and their exhaust fumes. 5. Earthquakes can be caused by sudden changes in the Earths surface. 6. People live in a virtual, plastic environment and seem to have forgotten the wonderful world outside. letters and the numbers. b. acid rain c. endangered species d. e. consumerism f. hazards g. recycling

2. Choose from the box the words to complete the text below. Refer only to the numbers


ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011

_____1_____its creation, Esporo has always been concerned with ____2___the environment and____3____. This concern is reflected in Esporos philosophy and all those working with the company, ___4___ care about preserving nature and its____5_____. Reducing the ____6_______impact of the companys activities on biodiversity levels is one of Esporos_____7_____. As a Countdown 2010 partner, Esporo is committed to: - Defining a ____8_____of best practices for_____9_____, olive growing and ____10_____. - Initiating a biodiversity ____11____and monitoring process, which has already _____12_____ the native/indigenous fauna and flora species. - planting of a ____13_____ that includes some of the traditional Alentejo grape varieties that are in danger of becoming ____14_____; - Developing strategies and services of rural _____15_____ and preserving the cultural _____16____ (ex: the medieval tower).

ACTIVITY B Read the following text:

Reviving the spirit of Rio

VIEWPOINT Maurice Strong and Felix Dodds Following the near collapse of the UN climate negotiations in December, the whole idea of solving the world's environmental problems through multilateral negotiations seems to be at stake. In two years' time, Rio de Janeiro will host another Earth Summit - 20 years after the first. The idea was proposed in 2007 by Brazil's President Lula da Silva at the UN General Assembly. Rio 2012 could provide much-needed new momentum to international co-operation, not only on environment and sustainable development, but also on the problems that underpin the global financial crisis.

____________1___________? Most of the problems the world now faces have been on


ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011
the international agenda for decades. For more than 40 years, earth has been sending out distress signals. At first they were subtle, like the thin shells of bald-eagle eggs that cracked because they were laced with DDT. Then the signs were unmistakable, like the pall of smoke over the Amazon rain forest, where farmers and ranchers set fires to clear land. Finally, as the new millennium drew near, it was obvious that Earth's pain had become humanity's pain. As a result, we now face challenges on a number of fronts: human societies are living beyond the carrying capacity of the planet; climate change has emerged as an out-of-control driver of many of the world's environmental and economic crises. ____________2___________? We've staged a procession of Earth Days, formed Green parties, passed environmental laws, forged a few international treaties and organized global gabfests and photo ops like the 1992 first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. All the while, the decline of Earth's ecosystems has continued unabated. On the other hand, governments have done little to carry out their commitments, particularly as to helping finance developing countries' movement towards sustainability. This failure has only added to the anger of most developing countries at the continued broken promises, and has undermined their ability to make commitments of their own. ____________3___________? How can we understand that Earth is one big natural system and that torching tropical rain forests and destroying coral reefs will eventually threaten the well-being of towns and cities everywhere? One crucial step is a true accounting of the state of the planet, a thorough assessment of the health of all Earth's major ecosystems, from oceans to forests. Only a comprehensive global survey can show how damage to one system is affecting other systems and can determine whether Earth as a whole is losing its ability to nurture the full diversity of life and the economies of nations. ____________ 4__________? Climate change is the biggest single challenge humans have ever faced. It is the greatest security risk we have ever faced; and as a global phenomenon, we face it together. Earth Summit 2012 can provide a high-profile forum to complete and sign the comprehensive climate change agreement that must emerge from the wreckage of Copenhagen. Since 1992, awareness of the Earth's environmental challenges has become universal. What is lacking is the will of governments to act. Earth Summit 2012 presents a unique platform for negotiating the co-operation needed to achieve a new deal between North and South, between rich and poor and between


ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011
present and future generations. A co-operation that is critical to the future of all people on the planet; and a co-operation that we must achieve. People believe the developed countries have the obligation to give the example!

1. Bearing in mind the text, match paragraphs 2-4 with the corresponding question. a. What should our answer be? b. What else should we expect from Earth Summit 2012? c. And how have we responded to ever louder distress signals? d. Were promises broken? 2.Now complete the sentences below according to the whole text. (USE YOUR OWN WORDS) a. In 2009 Rio Summits outcome was frustrated. However,

. b. In the last decades, in spite of , wrong choices have been made. c.In two years time all nations should work together so

that. . 3.Answer the questions USING YOUR OWN WORDS. a)Point out four of the environmental problems referred to in the text. b)Calamities have struck Earth more and more violently. What has been humans response? c)1.Sum up the ideas conveyed in the last paragraph. 2. Do you agree with that message? Account for your answer. 4. Find out in the text synonyms of the following words/expressions a. in risk b. almost invisible


ANO LECTIVO 2010 / 2011
c. assessment 5. Rewrite as asked: a) The idea was proposed in 2007 by Brazil's President Lula da Silva at the UN
General Assembly.

Brazils President b) For more than 40 years, earth has been sending out distress signals. Earth c) People believe the developed countries have the obligation to give the

The developed countries

ACTIVITY C Write at least 120 words on ONE of the following topics:

a)Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.

(William Ruckelshaus) Comment on the above statement and expand on the topic focussed. b) Our planet is bleeding! Sustainability is at stake! - Comment on both the statement and the cartoon (Dont forget to mention real facts/examples and how we can intervene.)

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