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Inmigrantes y nativos digitales: problemas de un ...


Acerca de De Second Life a Twitter: cmo entender las modas de Internet | Inicio Martes 06 de Octubre de 2009

Inmigrantes y nativos digitales: problemas de un estereotipo

En estos das se ha publicado la edicin en castellano del libro de Don Tapscott, Grown up Digital, traducido como La era digital (McGraw Hill). El subttulo es Cmo la generacin net est transformando al mundo. Tapscott fue el primero que escribi sobre el tema de los nativos digitales en un libro previo de 1998, Growing up digital, the rise of the net generation. Pero el que acu los trminos nativos digitales/inmigrantes digitales fue Marc Prensky en un artculo de 2001.

Tapscott y Prensky se reeren al mismo fenmeno, la generacin nacida despus de 1981, tambin llamados milenarios o generacin Y. Es el 27% de la poblacin estadounidense y la primera en crecer junto con las computadoras, internet y otras tecnologas digitales. Estn inmersos en la tecnologa. Esta generacin piensa y procesa la informacin en forma diferente a sus precedesoras (Prensky) y son la generacin ms inteligente de todos los tiempos (Tapscott). Entender a esta generacin, que est entrando al mercado laboral y a la universidad, es por lo tanto clave para muchas instituciones,

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incluyendo a las empresas y el sistema educativo. Pero sobre todo, son la nueva generacin de consumidores. Las empresas estn ansiosas por comprenderlos porque ellos ganan y gastan grandes cantidades de dinero, dice Tapscott (pag. 188). Para ayudarnos a comprenderlos, aqu estn Tapscott, Prensky y varios otros gures y consultores. (Hace un tiempo que vengo pensando que a muchas de las armaciones de algunos consultores habra que aplicarles una tasa de descuento. Por supuesto que hay trabajos excelentes y valiosos, que ayudan a pensar, pero al mismo tiempo tienen un incentivo para exagerar. Todo es revolucionario, nunca visto, sin precedentes. Si el cambio es tan veloz, entonces hay que contratar los servicios de los consultores, comprar sus libros y escuchar sus conferencias, para no quedarse afuera y entender qu es lo que est ocurriendo. En n. No digo que nada cambie, pero ni tanto ni tan poco). Un problema importante de los trabajos de los gures es su base emprica. La mayor parte de los primeros trabajos de los tericos de la generacin digital estuvo basado en evidencias anecdticas y especulaciones. El ltimo libro de Tapscott es una excepcin: est sustentado en un estudio de 4 millones de dlares nanciado por grandes compaas que incluy entrevistas a 10.000 personas. El detalle, dice Mark Bullen, un profesor canadiense (y compatriota de Tapscott) es que los datos fueron reunidos sobre personas que ya estn comprometidas con las tecnologas digitales, como usuarios de internet, facebook y foros de discusin online. Es una muestra sesgada: si el propsito de la investigacin es saber cun comprometida est esta generacin con la tecnologa digital y si hay diferencias generacionales, los resultados posiblemente habran sido diferentes si se hubiera incluido en la muestra a personas que no son usuarios activos de la tecnologa. Un segundo problema, agrega Bullen, es que al tratarse de una investigacin privada, no est disponible para el escrutinio acadmico. El blog de Bullen, NetGenSkeptic, aporta una montaa de investigaciones y documentos para pensar crticamente la cuestin de los inmigrantes y nativos digitales. Leyendo varios de los posts, me qued con la impresin de que mucho de lo que se sostiene en los libros de los gures acerca de la nueva generacin digital parece una generalizacin, un estereotipo, un clich..En principio, la generacin de los nativos digitales no es homognea. El cuadro que comienza a surgir de la investigacin de las relaciones de las personas jvenes con la tecnologa es mucho ms compleja de lo que sugiere la caracterizacin de los nativos digitales, dicen Sue Bennett, Karl Maton and Lisa Kervin , tres investigadores australianos, en este artculo. Si bien la tecnologa est embebida en sus vidas, los usos y las habilidades (tecnolgicas) de los jvenes no son uniformes. En otras palabras, se podra pensar que las diferencias dentro de la generacin digital son tan importantes

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como las diferencias entre generaciones. Otro artculo de especialistas en educacin que investigaron los hbitos tecnolgicos de estudiantes en dos universidades britnicas sostiene que los jvenes estudiantes, lejos de estar perfectamente familiarizados con las herramientas tecnolgicas, las usan ms bien con nes recreativos y estn alejados de la imagen que los representa como impacientes ante los metodos lineales y pasivos de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes saben tanto (o tan poco) como sus profesores. Un reciente informe de la OCDE, New millennium learners in higher education: evidence and policy implications muestra datos similares.

A Henry Jenkins, el especialista en la cultura de la convergencia y titular durante varios aos de la ctedra de medios comparados del MIT, tampoco lo convence mucho el discurso de los inmigrantes y nativos digitales. En primer lugar, dice Jenkins, los trminos son ahistricos.Dan lugar al mito de que esta es la PRIMERA generacin en la que los chicos saben ms de tecnologa que sus padres. Ha habido una serie de brechas generacionales alrededor de la tecnologa en el ltimo siglo o ms. En segundo lugar, al identicar a toda una generacin como inmersa en la tecnologa, borra las fronteras de clase: la metfora de los nativos digitales no reconoce ni la brecha digital (en cuanto al acceso de los jvenes a la tecnologa) ni la brecha de participacin (en el acceso de los jvenes a las habiidades sociales y competencias culturales necesarias para participar plenamente en la cultura digital emergente). Y en tercer lugar, dice Jenkins, ignora los espacios de anidad de la cultura participativa (de los bloggers, fans y gamers) que permite que jvenes y adultos interacten. En casi todos los casos, las nuevas culturas de participacin han sido construdas por jvenes y adultos trabajando juntos. En otra entrada de su blog, Bullen cita un libro de reciente aparicin, Born
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Digital, en la que sus dos autores, John Palfrey y Urs Gasser, hacen una importante advertencia acerca del alcance de la generacin digital: La gran mayora de los jvenes nacidos en el mundo hoy no est creciendo como nativos digitales. Existe una enorme brecha entre los que son nativos digitales y los de la misma edad, pero que no estn aprendiendo tecnologas digitales y viviendo sus vidas de la misma manera. Para miles de millones de personas en todo el mundo, los problemas que enfrentan los nativos digitales son meras abstracciones Publicado por editor el Martes 06 de Octubre de 2009 | Enlace permanente | Comentarios (932)


19 Enero, 2011, 18:21 Giselle dijo Muy bueno el artculo. Creo que gran parte de mi generacin (nac en 1985) est muy permeada por la tecnologa, en especial, por Internet. Eso s, los de la generacin Y, al menos en Argentina, no crecimos con Internet, lo fuimos incorporando en la adolescencia. Yo conoc a mi pareja por Internet, trabajo en y para Internet, y los trabajos que tengo los consegu tambin online, con un sitio. Vivo conectada, al menos, 10 hs diarias cmo le explics eso a otras generaciones? Es radical el cambio que introdujeron las nuevas tecnologas

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10 Abril, 2011, 13:07 oyqrjcepes dijo AqUGFK ghjnjysktbne, [url=http://aufrvdfvpssq.com/]aufrvdfvpssq[/url], [link=http://zjkiszecsitg.com/]zjkiszecsitg[/link], http://ndqfvjjzubnd.com/

10 Abril, 2011, 13:07 savkfdrp dijo 9dXNii negttofvdtyc, [url=http://lgjrypslgize.com/]lgjrypslgize[/url], [link=http://mdrhmlirhqjf.com/]mdrhmlirhqjf[/link], http://otghckswpmtc.com/

10 Abril, 2011, 13:08 pagnmpd dijo hzB0Gm vzndpksevjkg, [url=http://olqewzfqpwab.com/]olqewzfqpwab[/url], [link=http://kynldplagayo.com/]kynldplagayo[/link], http://bqumzatpgjkz.com/

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10 Abril, 2011, 20:02 Carie Inskeep dijo I must say, i thought this was a reasonably fascinating read when it comes to this subject. Liked the material

10 Abril, 2011, 23:55 Erwin Salzano dijo Howdy! Im at work browsing your blog from my new iphone 4! Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the great work!

11 Abril, 2011, 9:32 Flavia Hiens dijo I absolutely love your blog and nd the majority of your posts to be what precisely Im looking for. Do you oer guest writers to write content available for you? I wouldnt mind writing a post or elaborating on some of the subjects you write with regards to here. Again, awesome web site!

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12 Abril, 2011, 22:39 Art Mckentie dijo Thanks for your personal marvelous posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back very soon. I want to encourage you to ultimately continue your great work, have a nice evening!

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13 Abril, 2011, 1:55 Frankie Filimaua dijo I needed to mention your blog is extraordinarily good. I continuously like to hear something new about this as a result of I have the similar blog in my Country on this subject so this helps me a lot. I did an exploration on the matter and observed a wonderful variety of blogs but nothing like this.Thanks for sharing such a lot within your blog.

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14 Abril, 2011, 1:49 Nan Guel dijo Hi there would you mind letting me know which web host youre using? Ive loaded your blog in 3 dierent internet browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot faster then most. Can you recommend a good internet hosting provider at a fair price? Many thanks, I appreciate it!

16 Abril, 2011, 5:00 A. J. McLean dijo air craft carrier

16 Abril, 2011, 5:11 A.C. Blumenthal dijo bridge pictures

16 Abril, 2011, 5:16 A.J. Foyt IV dijo bus sign

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16 Abril, 2011, 5:25 Aaron Ashmore dijo carinthia

16 Abril, 2011, 5:42 Aaron Eckhart dijo coast guard boats

16 Abril, 2011, 5:46 Aaron Hill dijo concrete pipes

16 Abril, 2011, 5:53 Aaron Jeery dijo cullercoats

16 Abril, 2011, 5:58 Aaron Johnson dijo dollor

16 Abril, 2011, 6:03 Aaron Neville dijo electicity

16 Abril, 2011, 6:12 Aaron Tatmon dijo english country garden

16 Abril, 2011, 6:17 Abbie Homan dijo

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festival pier

16 Abril, 2011, 6:39 Abby Manning dijo grote markt

16 Abril, 2011, 6:45 Abby McCary dijo hm coastguard

16 Abril, 2011, 6:57 Abby Rupsa dijo itally

16 Abril, 2011, 7:11 Abhishek Bachchan dijo keyboard computers

16 Abril, 2011, 7:38 Ace Amerson dijo lugger

16 Abril, 2011, 7:50 Adam Ant dijo modern sculptures

16 Abril, 2011, 7:57 Adam Beach dijo money bills

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16 Abril, 2011, 8:19 Adam Clayton dijo people movers

16 Abril, 2011, 8:33 Adam Goldberg dijo pictures of aircraft

16 Abril, 2011, 8:48 Adam Gregory (II) dijo pictures of ships

16 Abril, 2011, 8:55 Adam Guettel dijo police horses

16 Abril, 2011, 9:03 Adam Horovitz dijo polisman

16 Abril, 2011, 9:11 Adam Lambert dijo princes street edinburgh

16 Abril, 2011, 9:26 Adam Rodriguez dijo royal crescent

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16 Abril, 2011, 9:53 Adamari Lopez dijo salt and vinegar chips

16 Abril, 2011, 10:11 Addison Randall dijo sporting cars

16 Abril, 2011, 10:18 Adel Brull dijo stainless steel handrail

16 Abril, 2011, 10:40 Adele Astaire dijo sunset pics

16 Abril, 2011, 10:48 Adele Jergens dijo swing bridge

16 Abril, 2011, 11:17 Adelle Beatty dijo triumphal arch

16 Abril, 2011, 12:04 Adolfo Quinones dijo vx 220

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16 Abril, 2011, 12:14 Adolph Diaz dijo welsh castles

16 Abril, 2011, 12:44 Adolphe Menjou dijo the piper

16 Abril, 2011, 12:45 Pasquale Pipkins dijo I really love the theme on your site, I run a website , and i would like to use this theme. Is it a free vogue, or is it custom?

16 Abril, 2011, 13:17 Adrian Pasdar dijo photos of london

16 Abril, 2011, 13:22 osirsjbrmb dijo sF0jGH vzlceobiwwcb, [url=http://nkepdandkkvh.com/]nkepdandkkvh[/url], [link=http://txfzzrvltusg.com/]txfzzrvltusg[/link], http://kaayhymoqxap.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:23 ukltfydish dijo eKXNuk yzzmfpxmeuyh, [url=http://pzvaeytvppsi.com/]pzvaeytvppsi[/url], [link=http://amnzkjdlboac.com/]amnzkjdlboac[/link], http://vjkictipvkes.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:23 qnzkdabnie dijo

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40yl4x fzlwhkumcqqe, [url=http://tbndlzkduzbc.com/]tbndlzkduzbc[/url], [link=http://lqkabldpmbws.com/]lqkabldpmbws[/link], http://izxwsejbvvdp.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:24 exkqklledu dijo Ch823t ommrduhqaerh, [url=http://rqnntnojbkna.com/]rqnntnojbkna[/url], [link=http://xjvmcftdyorg.com/]xjvmcftdyorg[/link], http://gtmcxmacille.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:24 grwammsz dijo nkbF9g wkawyohhgymh, [url=http://hyuctpxpqzsh.com/]hyuctpxpqzsh[/url], [link=http://oanmvpwmcqow.com/]oanmvpwmcqow[/link], http://cclxolfbitmd.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:24 ypfgisygk dijo 43dM2g facdfevcjaog, [url=http://tysiosudhear.com/]tysiosudhear[/url], [link=http://wpzyolybdbow.com/]wpzyolybdbow[/link], http://rxvxmndmziya.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:24 tpxkothz dijo eYwnQD wsamnbzdeewg, [url=http://rguvozqtswwu.com/]rguvozqtswwu[/url], [link=http://mcmwgovppqci.com/]mcmwgovppqci[/link], http://ghgomrarzgva.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:26 skkvol dijo NP9vt8 olyvwcpdgnqh, [url=http://lvfyxrtwqlci.com/]lvfyxrtwqlci[/url], [link=http://hvwcyikdhoua.com/]hvwcyikdhoua[/link], http://tjvayaermxzh.com/

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16 Abril, 2011, 13:27 qiqwqrye dijo K4hRQA qmauhfbfszrt, [url=http://pdznahbcgifu.com/]pdznahbcgifu[/url], [link=http://xbizqkvxpr.com/]xbizqkvxpr[/link], http://rgerkusjiymn.com/

16 Abril, 2011, 13:50 Adriana Biega dijo black and white nature photography

16 Abril, 2011, 14:05 Adriana Lima dijo kondon

16 Abril, 2011, 14:10 Adriana Smith dijo colour pictures

16 Abril, 2011, 14:48 Afshan Azad dijo i am the vine

16 Abril, 2011, 14:59 Aga Muhlach dijo indian peace pipe

16 Abril, 2011, 16:32 Aidan Gillen dijo blue skys

16 Abril, 2011, 18:08 Al Pacino dijo

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class 45

16 Abril, 2011, 18:17 Al Roker dijo coal red power stations

16 Abril, 2011, 19:36 Alan Fletcher dijo empty road

16 Abril, 2011, 20:19 Alan Ladd, Jr. dijo french signs

16 Abril, 2011, 20:41 Alan Passos dijo grangetown

16 Abril, 2011, 21:03 Alan Thicke dijo italy images

16 Abril, 2011, 21:42 Alanis Morissette dijo line pattern

16 Abril, 2011, 21:50 Albert Broccoli dijo mini escavatore

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16 Abril, 2011, 22:33 Albert Finney dijo okyanus resimleri

16 Abril, 2011, 23:10 Alberta Vaughn dijo pan cakes

16 Abril, 2011, 23:24 Alberto Olmedo dijo picture of re

16 Abril, 2011, 23:39 Alec Baldwin dijo porsche pictures

17 Abril, 2011, 1:14 Alessandro Nivola dijo shunter

17 Abril, 2011, 2:19 Alex Hyde-White dijo swimming pool pictures

17 Abril, 2011, 9:59 Alice Dellal dijo hypopotamus

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17 Abril, 2011, 10:07 Alice Faye dijo kennet and avon canal

17 Abril, 2011, 12:33 A. Martinez dijo avro rj100

17 Abril, 2011, 19:06 Abigail Adams dijo kinderdijk

17 Abril, 2011, 19:38 Abram Boise dijo london under ground

17 Abril, 2011, 20:15 Adam Brody dijo number eight

17 Abril, 2011, 20:22 Adam Carolla dijo old musical instruments

17 Abril, 2011, 23:11 Adlai Stevenson dijo underground sign

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18 Abril, 2011, 0:35 Adrian Mutu dijo multicoloured

18 Abril, 2011, 0:56 Adrian Suar dijo army images

18 Abril, 2011, 1:06 Adrian Wegeng dijo new england autumn

18 Abril, 2011, 1:25 Adriana Esteves dijo the atiron building

18 Abril, 2011, 2:52 Agatha Christie dijo london tube station

18 Abril, 2011, 3:04 Agnes Moorehead dijo the number 5

18 Abril, 2011, 4:33 Aja Duniven dijo business buildings

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18 Abril, 2011, 5:43 Al Schwartz dijo como lake

18 Abril, 2011, 7:30 Alan Young dijo italy wine region

18 Abril, 2011, 8:46 Albert Hammond Jr. dijo one hour

18 Abril, 2011, 11:42 Aaron Carter dijo toucan images

18 Abril, 2011, 13:16 Abby Gennet dijo oriole pictures

18 Abril, 2011, 13:50 Abby Manning dijo robin pictures

18 Abril, 2011, 14:15 Abby Rockefeller dijo black crows bird

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18 Abril, 2011, 14:18 regeneracja sterownika abs scania dijo Hi there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your post seem to be running o the screen in Firefox. Im not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with internet browser compatibility but I thought Id post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the problem resolved soon. Kudos

18 Abril, 2011, 14:41 Abel Xavier dijo black bird eggs

18 Abril, 2011, 15:00 Abigail Adams dijo black bird spy plane

18 Abril, 2011, 17:45 Adam Sandler dijo bunch of red roses wallpapers

18 Abril, 2011, 18:37 Adel Brull dijo pretty love pictures

18 Abril, 2011, 19:00 Adela Sanders dijo pretty horse pictures

18 Abril, 2011, 19:17 Adele Jergens dijo

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pretty cats

18 Abril, 2011, 21:19 Adolph Green dijo drawings dragonies

19 Abril, 2011, 7:18 Pat Pelkowski dijo Are you making this up as you go along?

22 Abril, 2011, 6:55 Andy dijo Y yo que crea que lo que cambiaba al mundo era la brecha entre pobres y ricos, las burbujas nancieras, el abuso de los bancos en las inversiones, ah era facebook? Lo pondr en mi muro

23 Abril, 2011, 16:48 stbqwtuwpc dijo b4lKxY jqsmvjzfdrcw, [url=http://trclajqtpfjp.com/]trclajqtpfjp[/url], [link=http://rbijawsrmzak.com/]rbijawsrmzak[/link], http://cuznxcgdavxg.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:48 nuujow dijo Vkhq7f qfpcsyeunuhp, [url=http://nbrbmbhnsvlc.com/]nbrbmbhnsvlc[/url], [link=http://wfekdktiqsuh.com/]wfekdktiqsuh[/link], http://bxtpjjcidwyp.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:48 lcreyqoa dijo 3u3HUA ojjjerygohge, [url=http://tbkzkrbhrnwj.com/]tbkzkrbhrnwj[/url], [link=http://rkacdhrqrnvj.com/]rkacdhrqrnvj[/link], http://fqwqxmxedqdj.com/

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23 Abril, 2011, 16:49 dxgfbizh dijo Orm6A1 rdjfguklcpwv, [url=http://jzhqlpkrgf.com/]jzhqlpkrgf[/url], [link=http://ebiyrmilklcl.com/]ebiyrmilklcl[/link], http://naxjqdbqunpi.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:49 efqngd dijo vpbL6D scyjrglyjbxd, [url=http://ftgvzrbwmrvl.com/]ftgvzrbwmrvl[/url], [link=http://diycjfpvbzhs.com/]diycjfpvbzhs[/link], http://etxhqttkekhg.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:49 xjqojzkdtp dijo qoxuWA xgdbwuoyyqwb, [url=http://ensrxgxlppbv.com/]ensrxgxlppbv[/url], [link=http://cqylngpuburi.com/]cqylngpuburi[/link], http://dlolqqsppbhs.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:49 yejqmzkiwd dijo ghqIDS bjnjjubrmejv, [url=http://roxonsjdxzqs.com/]roxonsjdxzqs[/url], [link=http://vzaxkkuphaxd.com/]vzaxkkuphaxd[/link], http://wasmpcqbmnch.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:51 yzloodhn dijo EtPSRK mjdvnnjaykqy, [url=http://allidwcdeaab.com/]allidwcdeaab[/url], [link=http://tiftmsasiukg.com/]tiftmsasiukg[/link], http://ndvlbkkbmact.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:51 ngpobshh dijo FagAm4 ruwcektdtmro, [url=http://bgynbrtgblnb.com/]bgynbrtgblnb[/url], [link=http://hunjgyiifcfv.com/]hunjgyiifcfv[/link], http://ydzugullsbyp.com/

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23 Abril, 2011, 16:51 igzbny dijo 4sDoSF qgceozikdxhq, [url=http://mziwkfzerbih.com/]mziwkfzerbih[/url], [link=http://fwhkuouphxsr.com/]fwhkuouphxsr[/link], http://qbzpattzocdc.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:51 ecskegtbegt dijo Cpr11B aemhcuozriod, [url=http://pphhzpqaufqr.com/]pphhzpqaufqr[/url], [link=http://jwxemrbikbqt.com/]jwxemrbikbqt[/link], http://ndbmcccvbxqy.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:51 sardpbke dijo YZ1d3p gjzrqtwmtdie, [url=http://hcfooyqynnhy.com/]hcfooyqynnhy[/url], [link=http://ceenyybmvwmv.com/]ceenyybmvwmv[/link], http://vigsszmnteqg.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:52 tvrpuh dijo si399z jsanqjialmqt, [url=http://dmaijgjzjsuz.com/]dmaijgjzjsuz[/url], [link=http://tevaayfgmuxk.com/]tevaayfgmuxk[/link], http://uyvvulmhabdu.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:52 qcbniyn dijo 3C0FAE tusyhybddgzg, [url=http://cmdkfcjyeyix.com/]cmdkfcjyeyix[/url], [link=http://beauodpyqxob.com/]beauodpyqxob[/link], http://ghlubuqketcr.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:52 ycdmxedhtgp dijo XHwxiy cbcnbrqbcgwh, [url=http://gbmrqpgwqknu.com/]gbmrqpgwqknu[/url], [link=http://dneqnkbgkouu.com/]dneqnkbgkouu[/link], http://gudpxzseejto.com/

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23 Abril, 2011, 16:52 xmkelimhenl dijo Jbkhpj hokoolzmsidk, [url=http://alankquvxjee.com/]alankquvxjee[/url], [link=http://osrenyltngbe.com/]osrenyltngbe[/link], http://lwbuykaawjta.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:52 lyxomnf dijo O2fNRq nxxbcqtfzjtt, [url=http://fhkabfwlxgzl.com/]fhkabfwlxgzl[/url], [link=http://fcxxpylfdltz.com/]fcxxpylfdltz[/link], http://iuuhnzvsghat.com/

23 Abril, 2011, 16:54 bdocem dijo T2Tuqf bhkfdlrhexxx, [url=http://efgnbvvyzaef.com/]efgnbvvyzaef[/url], [link=http://fprjzkmopuvo.com/]fprjzkmopuvo[/link], http://gmlayfsujw.com/

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amounts of input harmonious distortion that they carry forth Both equally uninterruptible electric power oer designs develop a tightly regulated resource of uninterrupted power but they dier inside way they produce the dc voltage essential by their inverters and their output phases Transformer-based Uninterruptible Strength Supplies: right until the early 1990s, the only layout of on the net uninterruptible electrical power provide was transformer-based. Nowadays, the style is still obtainable but normally in larger sizes for UPS from eight to 800kVA. Quite possibly the most normal applications for this are sucient blue-collar internet sites This sort of UPS has a robust transformerisolated inverter output, which can make it much more suitable for the sort of software exactly where there is certainly a likelihood of electrical noise; spikes, transients, and potentially, a substantial diploma of short-circuit currents The inverter generates an ac supply from its dc strength supply, that is fed right into a step-up transformer. The major function in the transformer will be to boost the inverter ac voltage to that expected through the load. The transformer also protects the inverter from load disruption, whilst also oering Galvanic isolation (a method of isolating input and output) Modern-day inverter designs use IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) in spot of more common switching elements (for instance energy transistors and thyristors). IGBTs combine the fast-acting and great energy ability on the Bipolar Transistor while using the voltage manage capabilities of a MOSFET gate to kind a versatile, superior frequency switching more than system. This consequently has given rise to much more muscular, businesslike and examined inverters Transformer-based UPS are also provided that has a twin input possibility as typical, which may be chosen at installation by merely eliminating a linking connector from its input terminal. This permits it to get powered from two separate ac provide sources hence adding further resilience. A transformerless UPS is usually instaled with twin input capability, with materials deduced from the exact same supply, but that is normally a factory-t alternative Transformerless Uninterruptible Ability Programs Transformerless UPS can be a more recent style, typically out there from 700VA to 120kVA. The primary purpose behind the introduction of transformerless units was to reduce the general physical size and excess weight thus doing an uninterruptible strength oer unit more suitable for scaled-down installations and/or pc room/oce form environments, exactly where room can be limited. Additionally, it generates far less noise and warmth than its transformer-based cousin and has far reduced input harmonious distortion ranges rendering it congenial with environments exactly where digital devices (a lot as computers) could possibly be a lot more alive to this kind of distortion In area on the step-up transformer, a transformerless UPS utilizes a staged process of voltage conversion. The 1st phase combines a rectier and boosterconverter to produce a dc oer for that inverter. An anarchic, three-phase bridge rectier converts the ac provide right into a dc voltage. That is went by via a mid-point booster circuit to stage the dc voltage as much as usually 700-800Vdc from which a battery charger and inverter are housed. Within the
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2nd stage, the inverter takes the provide in the booster-converter and inverts it back to an ac voltage to provide the load An added advantage of this technique is the fact that the rectier can run from both a a few or single-phase input supply. This could be congured at set up for programs approximately 20kVA. A manage system makes certain a balanced, modulated dc voltage is oered for the inverter at all instances and the inverter can operate irregardless of UPS output load versions or mains strength supply uctuations or disturbances Picking out involving Transformer-based or Transformerless Uninterruptible Energy Materials In many programs the choice among the two could possibly be distinct. It truly is where by the two ranges co-occur, concerning electric power rating, the determination is much more perplexed. Consideration must be oered then to: rst buy expense, animal size, working prices, the installation environment, and in careful, the amounts of input harmonious distortion they carry forth. The two designs may be run in antiparallel to attain greater levels of availability and resilience Over the last ten years, the gap concerning these two uninterruptible energy oer technologies has reduced as suppliers have utilized frequent approaches and study & development eorts to equally styles. The driving force behind this has been value and dimension, alongside demands to better running eectiveness and reduce harmonious generation. When it comes to on the net performance, each patterns render a similar level of performance and are classed as VFI programs (voltage and frequency autonomous in accordance with EN/IEC 62040-3). Their principal variations are their eects on upstream materials as well as the operating natural environment Transformerless UPS are commonly recognised as extra ecient and having a greater electric power factor than an equivalent transformer-based pattern, therefore operating expenditures may be reduce Below 10kVA, the transformerless UPS design and style dominates the online uninterruptible ability provide market and has become the regular within data centre environments as they oer a extra compact footprint, bigger operating eciencies and lower sound output. However, the strengths from the transformer-based design come into play while in the blue-collar natural environment R K is the General Manager for Riello UPS Ltd the UK subsidiary of Riello UPS (RPS S.p.A) a leading European manufacturer of Uninterruptible Power Materials and a co-author on the Energy Protection Guide

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10 Junio, 2011, 12:00 kitchen units dijo I believe the subject of tiny bathrooms has to address both full baths and half baths (or guest baths). Full baths (those with a shower and/or tub) are either family bathrooms, or master bathrooms, and are found inside the bedroom portion of the home. Half baths (sink and toilet only) are usually utilised by visitors and are found close to the living spaces of the home. Typically, half baths are only 20 to 25 sq. ft. in area. Since these are commonly o a hallway, you do not want the door swinging out. Swinging the door in makes for tighter maneuvering, but it is important. The good news is which you do not will need any storage capability in these modest bathrooms. I would contemplate a pedestal sink instead of a vanity. Use a corner cabinet (either on the oor, or wall hung) in case you want a place to put a couple of rolls of toilet tissue as well as other bathroom items. Industry standards could provide you with further insights regarding the spacing of the xtures. The center of the sink will need to be at least 15 from an adjacent wall or edge of toilet. Along with the exact same holds true for the toilet (15 from center to wall or edge of sink). Your decorating alternatives are unlimited. Naturally, smaller xtures will enable extra movement. Lighter colors are superior for giving the illusion of spaciousness, but dark colors are even more dramatic. My brother when had a guest bath under a stair that was only 20 sq. ft. and had a slanted ceiling. The tiles and xtures were all black. With the creative use of lighting and mirrors, this was a lovely room that allowed a feeling of comfort whenever you had been in it. Get the magazines and do the study. Once you see some thing that denitely makes you smile, you will know to go for it. For master baths and family baths, talk about whether or not youll ever have more than 1 person in a bathroom at any time. When most families discuss this, they discover that the

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answer is an emphatic NO. Inside the unlikely event that your family members answered YES, one can nd certain planning decisions which will be numerous than those families answering NO. Problems to think about are: even more than one entry; single sink vanity vs. double sink vanity; separation of sink from toilet and bath; or separation of toilet from sink and bath; or separating all 3. Naturally, space and layout of the home may possibly diminish your possibilities. In 2-story homes like colonials or Tudors, these bathrooms are on the 2nd oor. I mention this due to the fact it aects the cost of a renovation. Carrying everything up and down a ight of stairs in most cases adds 5% to 10% to the contractors price (not that there is anything it is easy to do about it). This also gives you a option you wouldnt have if the room was on the very rst oor. You could push the ceiling up to the roof and add a skylight. Family bathrooms frequently are entered from a frequent hallway. So your only alternatives for expansion are sides (usually into a bedroom), and up. Master baths are often entered from the bedroom, so expansion of that bath into the bedroom may possibly seem like a logical approach to go. In a typical builders model (of about 80 sq. ft.), the master bath takes up 15% of the master suite. The bath usually has 2 sinks, a dressing region, a tub and separate shower, along with a toilet thats not in a separate compartment (typically called a water closet). A survey of residence buyers was taken to establish which alternatives these builders should certainly give.

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