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SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 introduces three new client APIs for interacting with SharePoint sites: from a .NET managed application (not earlier than Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5), from a Microsoft Silverlight application (not earlier than Silverlight 2.0), or from ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) that executes in the browser. These new APIs provide access to a subset of the types and members that are contained in the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace of the server-side object model. Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 introduces three new client APIs for interacting with SharePoint sites: from a .NET managed application (not earlier than Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5), from a Microsoft Silverlight application (not earlier than Silverlight 2.0), or from ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) that executes in the browser. These new APIs provide access to a subset of the types and members that are contained in the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace of the serverside object model. The new client object models provide an object-oriented system for interoperating with SharePoint data from a remote computer, and they are in many respects easier to use than the already existing SharePoint Foundation Web services. You start by retrieving a client context object that represents the current request context, and through this context, you can obtain access to client objects at site-collection level or lower in the SharePoint Foundation hierarchy. Client objects inherit from the ClientObject class (ECMAScript: ClientObject), and you can use them to retrieve properties for a specific SharePoint object, to retrieve child objects and their properties, or to retrieve child items from a collection.

Namespaces of the Microsoft .NET managed and Microsoft Silverlight managed client object models .
These two object models generally overlap and are described together, but the reference indicates where a specific type or member applies to only one API. Name Microsoft.SharePoint.Client Description Core namespace that provides types and members for working with SharePoint Foundation Web sites, list data, and users within a site collection. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities Provides types and members for encoding strings, for working with security principals, and for performing specific utilities tasks. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WebParts Provides types and members for managing Web Parts within Web Parts

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

pages. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Workflow Provides types and members for managing workflow templates and workflow associations.

The members of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Application namespace are reserved for internal use and not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespaces of the ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) object model.

CUI Namespace CUI.Controls Namespace CUI.Page Namespace SP Namespace SP.ListOperation Namespace SP.Ribbon Namespace SP.Ribbon.PageState Namespace SP.UI Namespace SP.Utilities Namespace SP.WebParts Namespace SP.Workflow Namespace

ECMAScript File
CUI.js, SP.UI.Rte.js CUI.js CUI.js, SP.UI.Rte.js SP.Core.js, SP.js, SP.Ribbon.js, SP.Runtime.js SP.Core.js SP.Ribbon.js SP.Ribbon.js SP.Core.js, SP.js, SP.UI.Dialog.js SP.Core.js, SP.js, SP.Exp.js SP.js SP.js

Examples on

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

namespace SP2010_Managed_ClientOM { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { LoadSiteData(); }

private static void LoadSiteData() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; //Loads all web properties. context.Load(web); //Execute the query and load the object into the response given in load() method. context.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine(web.Title); Console.ReadLine(); } } }

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

2. string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Images"); //Loads all List properties. context.Load(list); context.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine("List Title" + list.Title + "List ID" + list.Id); Console.ReadLine();

3. Load Quey example

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Managed_ClientOM_LoadQuery { class Program { static void Main(string[] args)

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

{ LoadQueryUsage(); }

private static void LoadQueryUsage() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; ListCollection lists = web.Lists; IEnumerable<List> listCollection = context.LoadQuery(lists.Include(list => list.Title, list => list.Id, list => list.Fields.Include(field=>field.Title, field => field.InternalName))); context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (List list in listCollection.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine("Title is " + list.Title + ", ID is " + list.Id); foreach (Field field in list.Fields) { Console.WriteLine("Field Title "+ field.Title + " Internal Name " + field.InternalName); } } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

4. Create Site

private static void CreateSite() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web oWebsite = clientContext.Web;

WebCreationInformation webCreateInfo = new WebCreationInformation(); webCreateInfo.Title = "Rare Solutions Blog"; webCreateInfo.Description = "Blog is about the Rare solutions."; webCreateInfo.Url = "RareSolutions"; webCreateInfo.UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite = true; webCreateInfo.WebTemplate = "BLOG#0";

Web oNewWebsite = oWebsite.Webs.Add(webCreateInfo);

clientContext.Load( oNewWebsite, website => website.ServerRelativeUrl, website => website.Created);


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Console.WriteLine("Server-relative Url: {0} Created: {1}", oNewWebsite.ServerRelativeUrl, oNewWebsite.Created); Console.ReadLine(); }

5. Create a List

static void Main(string[] args) { CreateList(); }

private static void CreateList() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; //Add list to the site ListCreationInformation listCreation = new ListCreationInformation(); listCreation.Title = "My List"; listCreation.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList; listCreation.Description = "My custom test list"; List list = web.Lists.Add(listCreation); //Add fields to the list Field firstName = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Text' DisplayName='FirstName' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue);

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Field lastName = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Text' DisplayName='LastName' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field branchID = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Number' DisplayName='BranchID' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); //Add listitems to the list. ListItemCreationInformation listItemCreation = new ListItemCreationInformation(); ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Venkat"; listItem["LastName"] = "Ramavath"; listItem["BranchID"] = 1; listItem["Title"] = "Venkat Ramavath"; listItem.Update(); listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Rare"; listItem["LastName"] = "Solutions"; listItem["BranchID"] = 2; listItem["Title"] = "Rare Solutions"; listItem.Update(); context.ExecuteQuery(); } } } 6. Retreving items from the List private static void LoadListItems() { string webUrl = "http://nb16";

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Pages"); CamlQuery caml = new CamlQuery(); caml.ViewXml = "<View />"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(caml); //Load all list items and all properties in the list item. context.Load(listItems); context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems) { Console.WriteLine("Title is " + listItem["Title"]+ ", ID is" +listItem.Id); } Console.ReadLine(); }

7. CAML and LINQ

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Managed_ClientOM_CAMLAndLINQ

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

{ class Program { static string webUrl = "http://nb16"; static void Main(string[] args) { LoadDataUsingCAMLQuery(); LoadDataUsingLINQ(); }

private static void LoadDataUsingLINQ() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("My List"); CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery(); query.ViewXml = "<View />"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(query); context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(item => item["Title"], item => item["FirstName"], item => item["LastName"], item => item["BranchID"]).Where( item => item.Id != 1)); context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems) { Console.WriteLine("Title is " + listItem["Title"] + ", Branch ID is " + listItem["BranchID"]);


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

} Console.ReadLine(); }

private static void LoadDataUsingCAMLQuery() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("My List"); CamlQuery caml = new CamlQuery(); caml.ViewXml = @"<View> <Query> <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='FirstName'/> <Value Type='Text'>Venkat</Value> </Eq> </Where> </Query> <RowLimit>10</RowLimit> </View>"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(caml); //Load only properties you need. context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(item => item["Title"], item => item["FirstName"], item => item["LastName"], item => item["BranchID"]));


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems) { Console.WriteLine("Title is " + listItem["Title"]+ ", Branch ID is " +listItem["BranchID"]); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

8. private static void LoadOnlyResultsYouNeed() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; //Loads only two properties instead of all default properties from server. context.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Description); context.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Title is " + web.Title + ", Description is "+ web.Description); Console.ReadLine(); } 9. List Manipulations using System; using System.Collections.Generic;


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Managed_ClientOM_Manipulate_ClientObjects { class Program { static string webUrl = "http://nb16"; static void Main(string[] args) { CreateList(); UpdateList(); CreateListItem(); UpdateListItem(); DeleteListItem(); DeleteList(); }

private static void CreateList() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; //Add list to the site ListCreationInformation listCreation = new ListCreationInformation();


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

listCreation.Title = "Test List"; listCreation.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList; listCreation.Description = "My custom test list"; List list = web.Lists.Add(listCreation); //Add fields to the list Field firstName = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Text' DisplayName='FirstName' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field lastName = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Text' DisplayName='LastName' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); Field branchID = list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Number' DisplayName='BranchID' />", true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue); //Add listitems to the list. ListItemCreationInformation listItemCreation = new ListItemCreationInformation(); ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Venkat"; listItem["LastName"] = "Ramavath"; listItem["BranchID"] = 1; listItem["Title"] = "Venkat Ramavath"; listItem.Update(); listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Rare"; listItem["LastName"] = "Solutions"; listItem["BranchID"] = 2; listItem["Title"] = "Rare Solutions"; listItem.Update(); listItem["FirstName"] = "Venkat"; listItem["LastName"] = "B";


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

listItem["BranchID"] = 3; listItem["Title"] = "Venkat B"; listItem.Update(); listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Venkat"; listItem["LastName"] = "Kumar"; listItem["BranchID"] = 4; listItem["Title"] = "Venkat Kumar"; listItem.Update();

context.ExecuteQuery(); }

private static void UpdateList() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List"); context.Load(list); list.Description = "Test list description"; list.Update(); context.ExecuteQuery(); }

private static void DeleteList()


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

{ ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List"); context.Load(list); list.DeleteObject(); context.ExecuteQuery(); }

private static void CreateListItem() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List"); ListItemCreationInformation listItemCreation = new ListItemCreationInformation(); ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(listItemCreation); listItem["FirstName"] = "Hello"; listItem["LastName"] = "World"; listItem["BranchID"] = 99; listItem["Title"] = "Hello World"; listItem.Update();

context.ExecuteQuery(); }


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

private static void UpdateListItem() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List"); CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery(); camlQuery.ViewXml = @"<View> <Query> <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='BranchID'/> <Value Type='Text'>99</Value> </Eq> </Where> </Query> <RowLimit>1</RowLimit> </View>"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery); context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(item => item["FirstName"], item => item["LastName"], item => item["BranchID"], item => item["Title"])); context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems.ToList()) { if (listItem != null) {


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

listItem["FirstName"] = "Hello !!!"; listItem["LastName"] = "World !!!"; listItem["BranchID"] = 99; listItem["Title"] = "Hello !!!"; listItem.Update(); } } context.ExecuteQuery(); }

private static void DeleteListItem() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List"); CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery(); camlQuery.ViewXml = @"<View> <Query> <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='BranchID'/> <Value Type='Text'>99</Value> </Eq> </Where> </Query>


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

<RowLimit>1</RowLimit> </View>"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery); context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(item => item["FirstName"], item => item["LastName"], item => item["BranchID"], item => item["Title"])); context.ExecuteQuery(); ListItem listItem = listItems[0]; if (listItem != null) { listItem.DeleteObject(); } context.ExecuteQuery(); } } }

10. Paging For Large Lists

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Managed_ClientOM_Paging_ForLarge_Lists


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { LoadDataByPaging(); }

private static void LoadDataByPaging() { string webUrl = "http://nb16"; ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Test List");

// First, add 20 items to Client API Test List so that there are // enough records to show paging. ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo); listItem["Title"] = String.Format("Venkat {0}", i); listItem["FirstName"] = String.Format("FirstName {0}", i); listItem["LastName"] = String.Format("LastName {0}", i); listItem["BranchID"] = i; listItem.Update();


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

} context.ExecuteQuery();

// This example shows paging through the list ten items at a time. // In a real-world scenario, you would want to limit a page to 2000 items. ListItemCollectionPosition itemPosition = null; while (true) { CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery(); camlQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = itemPosition; camlQuery.ViewXml = @"<View> <ViewFields> <FieldRef Name='Title'/> <FieldRef Name='FirstName'/> <FieldRef Name='LastName'/> <FieldRef Name='BranchID'/> </ViewFields> <RowLimit>5</RowLimit> </View>"; ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery); context.Load(listItems); context.ExecuteQuery(); itemPosition = listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition; foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems)


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Console.WriteLine(" Item Title: {0}", listItem["Title"]); if (itemPosition == null) break; Console.WriteLine(itemPosition.PagingInfo); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

11. Manipulating Site using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Managed_ClientOM_Manipulate_Site { class Program { static string webUrl = "http://nb16"; static void Main(string[] args) {


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

UpdateSite(); //Uncomment the belo line to delete a specific web site. //DeleteSite(); }

private static void UpdateSite() { ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; var query = from w in web.Webs where w.Title == "Rare Solutions" select w; IEnumerable<Web> result = context.LoadQuery(query.Include(w => w.Title, w => w.Id)); context.ExecuteQuery(); Web website = result.ElementAt(0); if (website != null) { website.Title = "Rare Solutions"; website.Update(); } context.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Web site title updated" + website.Title); Console.ReadLine(); }

private static void DeleteSite() {


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

ClientContext context = new ClientContext(webUrl); Web web = context.Web; var query = from w in web.Webs where w.Title == "Rare Solutions" select w; IEnumerable<Web> result = context.LoadQuery(query.Include(w => w.Title, w => w.Id)); context.ExecuteQuery(); Web website = result.ElementAt(0); if (website != null) { website.DeleteObject(); } context.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Web site deleted"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }

12. Client Object Model Example Using Silverlight

using using using using using using using

System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Net; System.Windows; System.Windows.Controls; System.Windows.Documents;


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

using using using using using

System.Windows.Input; System.Windows.Media; System.Windows.Media.Animation; System.Windows.Shapes; Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Guardian.SharePoint2010 { public partial class MainPage : UserControl { ListItemCollection _projectItems; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); var context = new ClientContext(@http://SharePoint2010.Guardian.com/); context.Load(context.Web); var projects = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Projects"); var query = new Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery(); query.ViewXml = @"<View> <ViewFields> <FieldRef Name='Title' /> <FieldRef Name='Target' /> <FieldRef Name='Current' /> </ViewFields> </View>"; _projectItems = projects.GetItems(query); context.Load(_projectItems); context.ExecuteQueryAsync(Succeeded, Failed); } void Succeeded(object s, ClientRequestSucceededEventArgs c) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(BindData); } void Failed(object s, ClientRequestFailedEventArgs c) { } private void BindData() { var list = new List<Project>(); foreach (ListItem li in _projectItems) { list.Add(new Project { Title = li["Title"].ToString(), Target = Convert.ToInt32(li["Target"]),


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Current = Convert.ToInt32(li["Current"]) }); } dataGrid1.DataContext = _projectItems; } public class Project { public String Title { get; set; } public Int32 Target { get; set; } public Int32 Current { get; set; } } } }

Client Object Model for JavaScript (ECMAScript) At first use Visual Studio 2010 to create a SharePoint web part project. As a result, VS2010 will open a ascx control for you on the designer.
1. Add reference to js file:

To use Client OM, add an entry like below in your web part ascx control. For your information, theres an debug version of the sp.js called sp.debug.js which you can use for debugging but should not be used in production.
<SharePoint:ScriptLink Name="SP.js" runat="server" OnDemand="true" Localizable="false" />

Here, OnDemand means whether the sp.js file need to be loaded on demand (not in page load) or not.
2. Add FormDigest tag:

If your code modifies SharePoint content add a FormDigest control inside your page. The FormDigest add a security token inside your page based on user, site and time. Once the page is posted back the security token is validated. Once the security token is generated its valid for a configurable amount of time. Add the FormDigest inside <form></form> tag, as shown below:
<SharePoint:FormDigest runat="server" />
3. Use Client OM to retrieve data:


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

Now you can use SharePoint ECMAScript library. Lets dissect the code snippet below. The first thing in using this library is that you need to get the ClientContext (just like SPContext). Then the context.get_web returns the current web (just like SPContext.Current.Web). Then client contexts load method is invoked passing the web object. Then the executequery method is invoked asynchronously passing two functions: onSuccess and OnFailed which will be called on success and fail correspondingly.
<script type="text/Javascript"> function getWebProperties() { var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); this.web = ctx.get_web(); ctx.load(this.web); ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onSuccess), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail)); } function onSuccess(sender, args) { alert('web title:' + this.web.get_title() + '\n ID:' + this.web.get_id() + '\n Created Date:' + this.web.get_created()); } function onFail(sender, args) { alert('failed to get list. Error:'+args.get_message()); } </script>

By calling getWebProperties method from any web part, you can get the current webs title, id and creation date.
4. Load minimal data you need: In the above code snippet, the Ctx.load method is invoked with only one parameter (web). The load method will load all properties of the web object. But we are only using Id, Title and Created Date properties. If you know which properties you are interested in, you can pass the properties names in the load method and only those properties will be loaded. For example the following load method will return only ID, Title and Created Date. Collapse | Copy Code


Remember, here the properties names are properties of SPWeb. You need to pass Title instead of title. The properties name uses CAML casing. You can get the full lists of ECMAScript namespaces, object , properties following the link on MSDN. The document is not final yet and


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

may be changed. You can also look into the sp.debug.js file in the folder Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS, to get an idea of objects, properties and methods of ECMAScript Client OM.
5. Execute your Javascript function after sp.js is loaded:

Sometimes you may need to execute your Javascript (that uses ECMAScript Client OM) on page load in the browser. But since your Javascript is using sp.js file and if the sp.js file is not loaded yet (since to lazy loading nature of sp.js), when your custom Javascript will be executing, youll get your Javascript function not executed. In this case you need to make sure your Javascript code runs after sp.js finishes loading. You can do so by putting your Javascript method call inside a js function as shown below:
Collapse | Copy Code

ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(myjsfucntion, "sp.js");

Putting your Javascript function (i.e., myjsfunction) inside the ExecuteOrDelyUntilScriptLoaded method delays your method call until the sp.js file is loaded.
6. Update with ECMAScript Library:

You can use the Client OM to update SharePoint contents. The following code snippet shows how to update web title.

type="text/ Javascript "> function updateTitle() { var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); this.web = ctx.get_web(); web.set_title('UpdatedTitle'); this.web.update(); ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onUpdate), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail)); } function onUpdate(sender, args) { alert('title updated'); } function onFail(sender, args) { alert('failed to update title. Error:'+args.get_message()); } </script>


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

By calling the updateTitle method from any web part or SharePoint application pages, you can change the title of current web site (where the web part or application page is deployed). For your information, in ECMAScript Client OM, to get an property use get_propertyName and to set a property use set_propertyName. To update list with ECMAScript library you need to add FormDigest tag.

Use JQuery with ECMAScript

You can use JQuery with ECMAScript without any conflict. As usual, you need to add jquery.js file reference to your page/web part or in master page. Then you can use JQuery as like normal asp.net applications. But make sure that if you need to execute any Javascript function on page load event, you put this inside ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded function.

Deployment Consideration
SharePoint provides two sets of Javascript file: minified and unminified/debug version. For example sp.js file is minified and sp.debug is minified and debug version. The default master page in SharePoint has a scriptmanager in the page and whose ScriptMode is set to auto, as a result the minified version of js file loaded. If you want to use debug version you can add the <deployment retail="false" /> in the <system.web> section of the web.config. In the production you need to remove this entry to make sure minified version is used. The ECMAScript supported in the following browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or greater. Firefox 3.5 or greater Safari 4.0 or greater


SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model

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