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Vasil Penchev, Assoc. Prof.

Institute for philosophical research
of the Bulgarian Academy of
Time & Fractal Sciences
Forthcoming publication (where this
report is posted):

Five theses: And the rest three theses:

1. According quantum information, a 3. Ψ-function represents such a concrete asym-
physical meaning has not only |Ψ|2, metry of a fractal structure in space-time.
but the ψ-function itself. 4. Physical quantity representing a linear and
2. Two ways to describe a physical Hermitian operator in Hilbert space (i.e.
object exist: from the object to the Ψ1→Ψ2 transformation) means some move-
whole (i.e. as moving object in space ment of an object in space-time expressed by
time, from the whole to the object (i.e. means of a change of its definitive asymmetry
as a concrete asymmetry of a fractal with regards to the whole.
structure representing the whole). 5. Being of the physical quantity is information.

The meaning of the report For example, compatibility of:

• Relativity: • Quantum mechanics:

One of the most difficult problems World line Ψ-function
of the philosophy of physics:
Time ? Fractal structure?
ontological compatibilty of From a part to From the whole to a
relativity and quantum mechanics the whole part
The first one is a local theory, the Constancy Probability
second is a global one. Actuality Virtuality

Building Up of: Meaning of:
• Function of time • Fractal structure
World line: Ψ-function:
Time – t Frequency ν = t-1
point by point level by level
E = m.c2 E = «.ν ν
- any point is a - any level is a level
moment of time of fractal structure dσσ = icδδt + δr dΕΕ = iδδE+cδδp
from a part (here from the whole (here ?
dA = ds.dE = 0, i.e ‘time “ ” fractal’ (1)
and now) to the and now), the 1st le-
whole as deve- vel, to the part as
2. dA = ds.dE = 0, i.e. ‘time “G”fractal’
lopment in time ∞th’ level

What may it mean for About †

a part not to be ‘?’ to the whole?
• a part ‰ • the whole
an element Š the set • Constancy:‰ Š • Probability: †
† So constancy converts
into a special case of So probability is
‰ p a: a ‚ {a} = a the relation of
a relation
Š p a: a ‚ {a} =  probability, i.e
the relation of between ‘part’
†p a: : β‰(0,1), β=:0,1 ” ‘Š’, ‘‰’
‘part’ and ‘whole” and ‘whole’

Any element: So any motion as a relation between

two elements may be represented by:
• represents the • represents it it- • change of the ba- • change of the ele-
whole as identity self as differen- sis of the vector ment of the vector
of the levels of ce (deflection) space (i.e. covari- space (i.e. contra-
fractal similarity between the ant change) variant change)
• This is the basis levels
of a vector space This is an Relativity: no experience might differ
(for example Hil- element of a anyway change of the basis from chan-
bert space) ge of the element
vector space

From “special” to “general” relativity: More about that simplest special case:

Any motion “by itself” represents

Any part is independent of the
a change of a vector space. whole, to which ‘belongs’. We may
The simplest special case is then also say that the whole is always
when the vector space is “flat”: the the same. That’s way the relation
vector space coincides with its between ‘whole’ and ‘part’ is equal
conjugate space (for example Riesz to some property of the part

The simplest special case about Present is curvature of time!

subjective and objective probability
• subjective proba- • objective proba-
• Subjective • Objective bility bility
probability: probability:
• waiting • experiencing
waiting for the experiencing the
future past
The “length” of present is the measure
They are ? if and only if : 1) any future of time curvature! This time length is
event is independent of any past event; period of de Broglie’s wave, so it is
2) present is but a point inversely of mass: the macro-world is
already “timely flat”!

Now about: whether any future event Get started a new comprehension of
is independent of any past one? causality!
• The future event • The future event • Fractal • Absolute indepen-
repeats merely is absolutely repetition dence of future from
the preceding independent of past (Markov chain)
any past one Causality represented by implication
The future event may be causally Cause ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’
conditioned by any past one! Effect ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’
Causality ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’

AlB w (A”B) “ (9A) Probabilistic causality means:

Cause causes effect with

• a fractal part: • a Markov part:
some probability ‘p’: Al#
effect repeats effect is absolutely If cause is available, then
‘fractally’ cause independent of effect is available with
cause probability p. If p = 1:
classical causality; if p=0:A, B
are absolutely independent

Which would the difference ms

between correlation and g b y Venn diag
Explain in
probabilistic causality be?
• A correlates with B• A causes B
• Correlation pre- • Probabilistic ‘probabilistically’
suposes that there causality excludes It means for us
is a real ‘true’
such a real ‘true” to reject:
cause which is a
hidden (compare cause
with ‘hidden " #"ƒ#

Then ‘probabilistic causality’ Returning to classic causality…

means the following:
• The universal set • We may also think • The whole is the
being common for that the universal same
both A, B doesn’t set changes: t1lt2 • Time is Newton one • All
exist. We may (A‡Ut1 ) l (B‡Ut2 ) • Energy is conserved are
think that they equal
belong to two So some elements • Correlation requires
different univer- of A may disappear, for a hidden cause to
sal sets but new elements exist
may appear in B

Returning back to probabilistic Probabilistic causality
causality… generalizes per se… relativity
• The whole is not the Now: no diffe-
same This is the
rence whether
• Time is not Newton Realm of any part or
one quantum the whole Probabilistic
• Energy is not con- mechanics
served changes
and infor-
infor- causality means
• There are correla-
tions, but there aren’t mation relativity of
hidden parameters whole and part

We know much • On the one hand, • On the other hand,
about the
motion of It means change of a frac- we may think better to think for
tal structure into ‘history of being’ ‘history of being’ to
part. What
about the
another. That is not a as Plato’s eons be as Braudel’s
motion of change in time. changing each other long run [la longue
whole? Heidegger has spoken of in millenniums duré
history of being

I=¨f(t) ln φ(t) .dt
f(t)– a slow change, long run
φ(t) – an usual run of time
ln – slows down φ(t) to f(t)
And now: an unexpected comparison
… with the math definition of info: I=¨f(t) ln φ(t) .dt – a measure
I=¨f(t) ln φ(t) .dt of slow change, of long run

Sat sapienti (a hint in future) 7ZRSRLQWVRIYLHZ
1. From the whole - 2. From the part:
• The function of • The function of the motion is the motion is
ln transforms ln transforms an PRWLRQRIZKROH. PRWLRQRISDUW.
multiplicative axis of Hilbert So any physical So any physical
(fast) groups space into an quantity is a li- quantity is a
into additive inertial reference near (Hermitian) linear
(slow) groups, so frame, so a point WUDQVIRUPDWLRQRI WUDQVIRUPDWLRQRI
a field into a of it into a world
quantum – in relativity
(double) group line mechanics

0RUHDERXW: I=¨ W (t).ln ψ(t).dt
A=¨ ψ(x) F [ψ
ψ*(x)] .dx Granted F: ln ψ(t) = Force{W (-t)}
Any physical quantity in QM Full analogy:
F: ψ(x) l F [ψ
ψ*(x)] is a trans- Operator Classical force
formation of the whole – in QM, F acting ‘now’, F
the measuring instrument ¨ ψ(x) F [ψ
ψ*(x)] .dx ¨ W (t). F{W(-t)}.dt
Physical quantity Information of
I=¨ World line (t).ln ψ(t).dt A
motion I

• Expressed by the • Expressed by the
motion of whole: motion of part:
Quantum Relativity
mechanics No Already Boundary –
Operator Force
since 1989’s falling the wall!
Physical quantity Motion information
Reality as Reality as
virtuality actuality

Ψ-function represents such a
concrete asymmetry of a fractal
structure in space-time
••Two ways to describe a physical
object exist:

A way is: from the

object to the whole
– as a moving object
in space-time
Another way is:
from the whole to
the object – as a
concrete asymmetry
of a fractal
representing the

Physical quantity means some

motion of an object in space-time
expressed by means of a change of its
definitive asymmetry with regards to
the whole

Being of the physical quantity is


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