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Learning plan for English III (second unit, Third quarter)

Time frame: 2 weeks and 3 days

UbD Unit Plan

Title: Graphic Sentences Diagramming Topic: Sentences Ye ar: 3 Subject/Cou rse: English Arnold Arceo, Ericson Designe Cabrera rs: Rhoe Castro

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: To categorize words base on their use or function in a sentence by using a diagram. To show the relationships of words in a sentence through a diagram.

Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that Each word in a sentence has a Are all the words in a sentence specific function. important? The functions of words and their How can the functions and relationships can be shown through a relationships of words be shown graphical way. without labeling? Errors in grammar can be detected What is the practical use of through diagramming. diagramming? Students will know. That different words have different uses in a sentence. A words position on the diagram will indicate its function. Relationships of words can be indicated through lines and the words position on the diagram. Students will be able to. Tell the function of each word in a sentence Show the relationships of words in a sentence through a diagram

2 weeks and 3 days

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

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Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Goal(s): The students are tasked to make a design for a bulletin board advertising their chosen topic. Role: The students will take the role of an advertisement designer. Audience: The client who will be the teacher. Situation: Each student will create his own design for an ad. Performance: The students will create a design showing their message through a statement which is diagrammed. Standards: The students must creatively present their diagrammed sentences. Key Criteria: to reflect Performance Tasks: Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc. See rubric

Other Evidence Boardwork Seatwork Games Quizzes

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

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Stage 3 Learning Plan

Basic diagramming 1. Present the enduring understandings and essential questions. 2. Hook students interests by asking the following questions: Who is interested with psychology? Is there a way to tell a mans character through his sentences? Can we tell if a man is sane or not through his sentences? Can we draw sentences? What figures do you think we will see? 3. Discuss the background information about diagramming. 4. Review basic sentence patterns 5. Discuss the basic patterns in diagramming. 6. Ask the students to diagram some sentences on their own. 7. Let students give their opinion about diagramming. 8. Revisit the enduring understandings and essential questions. 9. Do the diagramming ads design activity.

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

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Learning plan for English III (second unit, fourth quarter) Title: Graphic Sentences

Time frame: 2 weeks and 3 days

Stage 1: Desired Results

Transfer Goal To categorize words base on their use or function in a sentence by using a diagram. To show the relationships of words in a sentence through a diagram. Enduring and Understandings Essential Questions Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that Each word in a sentence has a Are all the words in a sentence specific function. important? The functions of words and How can the functions and their relationships can be relationships of words be shown through a graphical way. shown without labeling? Errors in grammar can be What is the practical use of detected through diagramming. diagramming? Knowledge Students will know. That different words have different uses in a sentence. A words position on the diagram will indicate its function. Relationships of words can be indicated through lines and the words position on the diagram. Skill Students will be able to. Tell the function of each word in a sentence Show the relationships of words in a sentence through a diagram

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task : GRASP Goal(s): The students are tasked to make a design for a bulletin board advertising their chosen topic. Role: The students will take the role of an advertisement designer. Audience: The client who will be the teacher. Situation: Each student will create his own design for an ad. Performance: The students will create a design showing their message through a statement which is diagrammed. Standards: The students must creatively present their diagrammed sentences. Page 4 Rubric Titles Diagramming Sentences

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe


Other Evidence, Summarized Oral responses Drills Boardwork Quizzes

Stage 3: Learning Activities

Introduction to Literature H: How do we solve complex problems in math and in real life? W: Ask the students to share their opinion about the two. E: Ask the students to give their definition of what complex is. R: Based on their definitions, ask them to evaluate if a given sentence is complex or not. E: Discuss: Compound and complex sentences Definition Telling points Diagramming the sentences E-2: Students will write their own sentences and another will diagram it.

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

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Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

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