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Authonly NH.Q r nM;.J I

Ry , NARA. oa;;1; A I
- U' .-.:::
Evaluation of
Photographic Intelligence
in the Japanese Homeland
Evaluation of
Photographic Intelligence
in the Japanese Homeland
0._of Sun.,:
1 19tt> t1uoaI'lII6 MardI I"
II I" _ ..,.. _
-.ti __.'11 _
cot -...-1., ___..
It _ .... _ .. _ .-.., __
ltaliltlco .. ""'-". -,..
-II... "ul IIr .1..1 , .t:'" ..
'_d". I. _It -.IoItIII
II ._'1 _ 11 It.at ,_....
.-.-f "I" I bI _. U.
111_1 .1_ , ...
.... acc..t_f _.U ,-.......
n. COO'" of lIMit. OIl' io -. 11I1
.'.111.. ""I.ti... I" -'f.lI_If
th J ........ I.il' .. ..,..........'_...
_ til ffoodf till ._i. --. a-ooto
reM'to .. ", .. , ......_'" _ ......
f till ....,.
Th. SlItIlSI.It.. IC .....,
.... 'UUIl'hl., th IlCrfl ..,.f.., .
11111. ..nt to Olroetl f,.
l.te ',u".. t IoIU"". Itl .1111..
"II tl c""O""t In los..rtl.1 _ ,.rt It...,
of flo.to of ... ".ial Ulle...
1. to .... in CO""lCtlOII .," '1
tt.C on JII.n 'no to eol16ll ......1.
'or .... I ..tl"g tho 1'1tUU Ud ..t ..ll
,ltl .. 0' .i, I." t Of
.l1lt .., It.ltttr. for .1"'''1... n. '-h
..... lou.n' .f 'h. United Slltn .......
f.'COI, .". fo' t ...I"i"lt f.h.. _Ie
... 1.lu .. Ith 'Upoct to n tl f .....
A .u...., ., t 'u U'O O.tl..
...o.t. contalni"g the fl.dl"g. of U.
I. 60 , II".d.
I Jlhe.
D'DI'er, e... , ......
On IS hgOlt It.S. ""'_t T...... ,..
..uteo thot the 50,...., .... hct I ".11..
.h.,.f the offocl. of III I" f .,.
1111<:1< 'n ,he _. ',llnft J ittl..
.....1$ ,. dUlicau to 'Ill h., .f .
ut.tu S... 'et .,.ftawy. n fflc ..
.f th.$o , "'.'n, 'to J _ ..:
J. I. 6albra'U.
fre. SoUls, J ...
Th 10,..., IU'.h.... til 1"
d.".".....lIlto", _t _ l_ot.,.1
otfki"L 11.'" ' " _ 1""ItM
&In, e nll .. t , ....
...1., 10 lao " ,. ..III ., .. f 101l
1111 ... l .. II"I.L '&' __11
ar. teln, t. 10 ....... n. 50 ,
Ifl .. t t ,,"_1 '.-c, ..
.111 to lIn f fotill.. ".,.
".tio" In" .,.I.11Iot .....

Ll-.t. 'Icel '1...",

II!JM' .... ..-.
L 'LLe-t _
L L _
'"L''' Po AI. _
I.. U........
...1 _
1...",1 "Irl.
-, ...
--""IC 11T8.l1 __
9''', If ""..
Lt. c.l. CUrl. L c.. _
U. '-*. L .. '-1-. _
lot... So C"'INII, llSI" c..-,
u.ort ... II:, .,.... us-.
C.pt. ". I. Gr.I, .,
lI.ort. M. C. IIont...-". u
lit L1.ot. L. .....41 ,
lot LI t. J. lI. Slo.,h ,
LI"'t. Uti L A1,-.
""J,. So u"".tt, AUSo Cloi.,
lI'jor t. D. Cl.t'ft!, AlIS
Clpt. Co N. II.tng. AUS
lit Unt. U, I rlll." AUS
"Stt. J. L P...., 'US
"Sit. 0. AUS
U.Hoo AT_ ""n',
Lltd. ll. 1" .,_, ...
eo..!t .. ".tt I.,
"'J.. L c. ,
"';0' L L ..It ,
In LI-.t. Co .. Ie_ ,
In LI!!t. to. III
Tlltt... L ,Itc'S
lISpt. L .. St.I S
C<lUI ""I "'ti-"I", II ',UIl.'1
U..t. ,... flnc"". I.a
liul.(jg) J. T. '111, U
Belch tnl,tli,.ne.


'OkIUkO ..... 1 Ai. Hotlo. hd..' ....d I ..tallll'",


... I .... Oil StO")1

2. fl ..t r.cllnicol .....1 .1. -.1. , ......
:s. ,11... ,."1.... 10 S-rl ...
e.-fl... ,.11iIt

... .,
Sta....on! SGd.e-... ,1__1 .1......

.-, ..to, iI,.lolIl....................

of 10t... 1 Fo.h....... ,,.1.
CDllCUUtUl .
" DECU'flOl
W. h. IIC"' llc, U:!iIl
ll,.ot ond Dranll'
Unt. 0,1 M. I.uk, USIlI
Go D. 6ofl. Y2c. USIIli
,.._1 f ... tho II, S. ...11 I'loot"'''ohk 10telll,etIu t,,,tt. , 01
.00i.u.o.. to USUS ....01..1 '0 thl It.tlOI ...O ... of Fhoto, ..,hk
I.tlllll_" Soctl.1 '1lI0,t
!oou .. llw.'
lh.t. 0,1 L II. ..... USIIli
C_.Il ..I, {;olcHI ....! o.cl,tlol
Llt.t. (jl) L C. Choff.., USIIli
Unt. torlltl, USli. Ciliol
lI ..t. U,l .. ""'1', USIII
LInt. It. ,. {;o USIII
Cilril , ,101._, CT, USIII. Cklo!
I. L 1IOtio,. lk, USIII

Follt TOk,. h, hrlrd 011 1t."'1

U .. lidiol. li,croft ....... , filii
JUlie.. Ii .Ctlft C... ltt ..t ....'i .
I. ClJd"II"oot of ..,'10 \1' II th ..
jl.'o of cotlcul .... t. lUll""
"orl II ."de'II"'.n. conttf\l.tlon) .. r,..
"",tI,," (thl un ,,1 I<cO, _iu) .1"
"0\ """ei" 11,1 of phet", hl. i_h,..
r.\&tlon, Inll". Ihll "",e I.u,.. In I
"'uti", "Mer II , .., OCC1lrrl( in lttl...
to .hnUrd IOIb)oct. ,,' '."o'tl",. I .
Il,fl.,o., .hlulnll. in o,.,. _te., .
",rt nol "", ...lol.,e.. '''11",,10'1, t_U._.
"r 11,0Ifl.on'. "o.'.e., ....... Ih ...<1.1
_b......"l 01 JOII" !o'Cf4 th 10
011 ;111 .ll,t.., .... ''''''''ill ,.
dIIU... t80 ".ti"" of ,flo,to
c-.oufhl1 coM: ..1""1 MU... " he
i.IlO,llnl. lb e"aU hful J ..........
111_.1110 hl ti.l 11',ell "$Olio"
1t'I, 9'''' .....11101111 lig.Ii!i.Wlte, hI Ih
I".ut lnpliedto the .ffrcti of ,hote>-
"lphi. 'ftUrp.eU!i"n eo' _ .... 1.
lion on th I.t... 1..,1"1,,,.. of ,ooto,h
..... 1O"'Ce.
'l. In o'Ce' to ......" the 'l"utioo: U"..
..ile<! 'OOtoli,.hic interpreterUlldlt. to
Iht SUtes Strategic todiftg s.",.,
.hciu J" .. uee_"fl a;e..... eul.... t ...c
cece,liao in tu ficl ... ""e 10 the 10 01
.. , .,.d.l .t;)orting p.ocecore for this
Itpeofiot ."d.tion. "'"1 litlle ,.ali-".o
ioUll igttlee te,; ,I ...,d
otl e for eJloiov, ... CDose...... tl, til. folio..
io. ev.I".tioo ,. l ..gel, oul i tlti .. '0
0.10 ...
3. All conti tio of J ....u tllcd.
in Ini. r""".1 'ce .lrieUr 00 lJIe aui.
of Ihei. eff.elivltflu. '0 eoohlloll Ih.
,""IOllr.,hic interpret full. tedln''''u of
c..... II.l C<ooeulottll c Ofeootioo ""I do
"i. not ,rull, CDof" .. tho 10IeJ1l"U".0J'
h.... U ...ffecti .. e'n CDol"'ioll" .tUCleio,
pil"l or ..oi ...
......U, ,
,1)10 foe ",,,I..
th '.I' ., , ..
tttu ,_ til ..
.... ,tt. c_.f1 "'1.
_e 1...It.111 ta __
,I_oel hN.. "_IM, .
to _ 11 .1_. '_n .
, .... , tI lII' , .
011 I uti to., f
c.... n .-oto 'e lot ..
.. In It... 01 .... _u.....
".1,., ..,.U "', U1o,._...1_.....
or t ....... _ Itt t _I, o_
J ," ,_01 Il I11 of till
..... , ' 1 .1_, o"flel.
......." IC, ...... _ tI, .ell ...
_ ... 1, f", tOo ._n of f... litU
..... nco t,t.f
1 e.I It_ o' .....11 oct,
f u,e. _'C," toco_,I, ..
'utl .. "'01 lit I_U to 1,1
tU ,.11 01 , _I.,.., ..
O' to 'OJ".'" flell,t .... htto.,
""lloiOfl. 0" I .. /, .... to I). "",elo
rMI,.JI, o.iolto f.fO 0'" lorl.
5. 01
h". "\-'$1_1, ",I".,.. I" III.
hOI 01 I " ... (I'fIoI. 11. "'-"_1,
tool< .1... , Ile. I\",<:t."f tu .
I,.... t .. "joe"l to I h,t , .
,. hIWHlI IO' .. to IU " !
11. I, ' 1 .
.. i.w.f IU.I .. t .. it , .. f_ U.
It'. he , .." "1 1, n ...
tocel , 1\ , ..1 .. " u.
.. t , ,_<t ' .
l ..il,lI .

t. ,n.t'9'1Ph' ;_8 of ... II 'Otlft
IIIMbl, p11nt I.clt.d n." At.og' O/f
111"Urol. I ItplOOI .u.f ..._o.u,..d
ot \hi. ol .. t .I;n .....tl'
oPOtlU.nl"",,, c"tI.d.n in. ", f
1'9' olt"oll, hldd... 10 Ih" t,,,.. It Ih.
"II ...., 1"'lo,t.I._ In ..... of
.hot.. ..h, 'be,.f Ihu I .. to ...".
detl ....... t th.l, fo.e1i"" ....11, w.. nol
OI"'lCtl, lotltpr"ted lh", w",,, g",,,,,ll,
' .....110 01 ... 1, .. OIloo l ..tioo f w.......
hog 0""
r torlll' In .. / ..... \ Ik.l. effo.t.
w., eII .... '. ''''011'''0 In o_fl .. ln,
01 .-.11 dl."., ..o .1.,10 ""not",o!" "''''S
Ih. wor. Th1.,0"0 di"""'d!'0I0f .I.,t
(.110.'1 .. '11, I. the oi'otlft
con.ln.d 01. nt" 01 I ",ohIO _
b.i1ding 1 ""')'ing .1 o. I. !>O. 15 IH'I
.hlell ..... t. t"" ....... 'OOl f t."1
coneul.'fl!. h.qu"II, i. Ih. 1...1 hill.
,Io.g ."'OW '"'0010 .... 11., .. , 1. oolor
... u. wllh 'h. "''''"nlin9 t.".I...0 In
.... t i ..t ..on th.i, ..... 10 Wor. 00. co.., ....
Alt""oOJh .1 ..llof thl. 1, ".11 _
to ';'e"ft. th" "'"I, ..
In o.Iro....o , , It",w ..
flnll ..... t1, 0\111; A/f.
" J 1 -'
.. ..rJ.
" ,
3. Un of St .. " SoIl-CoHre' &lloerlll
lad tnn ... all... ! 1 bqn to c"""-
111ge 1 !II 101", 0'" in.I.llltion Indicde<!
tnU Ih ....., conli .... d It 'o,.<lanl.
.. Itil\>Ouiblo Ihl\ "' J ........
ruli the 1 "00 coot ..... llltl.'
1011111, of IH tinl to c"ou fl 'II" 1"9'
DI .... .... '"<o .. .,... fok... Se... I ... Rue.
tl..11 ..."tl' ......, .. Ollw, ",r.
lo.dille. n. blllo'''11
('.oto 3), ... lUll l".lvloo.l ..
{'.oto Ij "'r. ol tlul, Ulnlll, but
ill nOflulth u Utdlu hOI t ....lnli"l1
toeM'''' cao .... UIO.l>olc;'&jIhlc I"hrell'
..dl oiff".. lt,. In foct I" _. C...., 011<11
.. to. ....I...lntl"1I of ",,,,,.,. U Ota",
li,fi,lo (1'11010 \l ...lntln9 U'I outllon
.., "<tlne! tn .. il u Un'.1 hU
Ulela <_It>;. t .... Silllo.I,. t "'1'
A.,c ft 9, ... , .., ,..t.,uh A,rcrlft Co. (;.df' bulla,,,, Ibe .. in Photo 9.
II.d to II 10". II ..,u
...oullog.e It r.'n .illto., .0.lIo'
In'",lIdol ...... i" ", I.,t..e..
"'; .Hoetl 'nl, .If.elh "ttII,
..I ....llh Ih. oitt 0' tn. l"ot.l1u.....
....."'111' ...... "Itn "'"C"ot"'.ln,.1
In, d'r.et'n, """.
l. Th. 11<>1\ ..t ,,1 ,or.
n,ohU I" het tnl " <rl<noi
e_",III,. Ilfort of In, ......
to"o th. hi"i", of 'nol ",ni to in
tho I .... ""'.r n of the c.rri 0
e",lo on" 0 Ie '0""'." "0" oru
{",io.r ion. nUr rer ..
01 r.ts. 311"i In' FllU
St ",clll r
.. .. 01 ...11 .ircralt ois-
rnl ."", (Photo 13) ..... l.oth SI><-
on in di ... lttm",
l",1 he,,,,," 01 t,. n.il, utech. l .. i ..a,.
..,io<> l to Ih.i, ..,t,InCel. n", diffiCUlt,
....pe.i ...c.c in i dent; I,i", lh ....
a. UU 01 H, I .....C
c""".'lage".'il 01 fol tr",Ghrn Ine
nolo or I ... eo, not
Il.dl f.",,-uo<. Iu sl ....rG ...
rool.., bnra(.icS ill-
lral.G ,n 12 ".r. eonsi.lenll,
._rIU CQHecU, as bar'utel bee.... Iheir
I...ello...e ..,1O..... e. hac bet., dcf.",.""
f_ ,_no .noOfloffaeilili .. al ca.l.rOll
J .....se o.t.on
:\0. oov.ru tarraC\<. ccnlt",tt,on "'n
of U"u"'i.
Il,. The clfl'Qlltt 1ft ._tli", tho
...el f,.clioo of H.n-roofed leI ... eo
II iuluUd b, 'bOlO II .... Ieh
_ t", I .., b''''(:lI1 11.111. ,<I
.. <;tl'" 10 1110 .. lUG It U .... ,
,,'craft ...... 1, olonu. U.IIIl, th chI
, of roa 1116 OU I ".1". to .uch
, .... I cl conce,nio, thol.
' ctoon, loot the ap.",.,ce of 1111 11",,1.,"
c. 411.,h.....1.01
......""y kl' '.,<1" i I j ll .. 0, 'IIatOI
;, r< " ,.' I .. Fooks.,... Sl loorl<l
<;I '" "f",/I. AI "'taft Coot", U U '011. 1'01"
"'''co.nrc kilcln,."....ltu n..........ecI
...... ae Iv"",I. "0" blln,., Into to.
,urlf, Thil .n.lo ' "U d(Uclt<i
'wI i, """" ._.uo boc ; II f ....li ...
... '':-In_ "cr. nol
'. ""1 t hit t_I_"_
I, th J ...." t. lUI ref aI_
1 1.. ' .. 1&1101,000 III _ n_
01 tt .. uo ea .It, 10 .
t,,'n ., ...' ...... , 1 .......t I ...

(l) Ih.nru fo. ft "o.... enl of _ ....In,
II 'in9 rtUrI.l,ct 0""'1119' I,... to fr_'nl
Ihll ..... lel b. 1lI1d<ly ._v...... le) ......
f lnl"1f '_o_u 10. lirlnl. I"n, ",
Inrl! .... hi. "n 10'" ."I'ly
<l. SUtehl,ghl' tile",. , ....tII ..t ..
anel ">lei ,aaar intlallatl"n, "I Ih. -'00
"odng" lyp, W "'etl.aril, ."Ito lly
"n ph"lol.lph .. P"'ht, lIIet
ano nOn .. ali .. I, 0'
I, ora <&01'. hoolve "H" "," olt "
p.,tl, o_"lla,u 11 "t
.1,,",. eI.ue..... b! oh"I"9"phl 0i.Ie'p.It .
U ,Il"u.ueo the ,,110" lO.et ..u
.........t Ih. JIp.......n """111'"9 ....t.
l.la ..... 'nobllat'onl. Ira.... ut" "
iami "'U
.... 1
Into';o,ol _nllon t.ao<, !>oW; Izct Lott'",.
.. ,.
F.jiu_a 4/F. I;i l,.
.'10 10 17.
f'9"t ........ .. I. _in ...:unil ..
It.., .... I.jiu_ ..!r.
to, Ie lUle_
u .,eo "...,
lou' I. tHO I ....
", 1 r.ftl .. "'t .,,'" _
t, "",,to. I t n _ ' ....
01 I" " fO" t
.......t", 1 ,0 ,.....
;10011, ... "",. lor,< _. ,. , ......
JJ). t'<f ' ".11, loc,,", _
f to '''0.
, ...11".....
d I. tilt..
...11 -.11111" ..'
It_I; III _
, .. _.1 fl_
'U..lllI' , 1. O{o,.( ,. u' ........ '
A'<CUft 100 .... II U,., ...... A f.
.. 01 Ih .o.t .u"" ....I.1 ...
lult. of J.,.. uo Iffo.tI hldl in'hll ..
tlon I.ulporlnt, Ind ... te'lol. 1'0' II
lod 01 obtll",o ty u" 01 nlbo ..l
terrlln flltu.es .uch .. "'"11 g'ow,," of
\ ..... Wlto.11 lutu'" ...."Iaun OOOIt
..ten:I .... 11 ,n th, ....1 of Ilre'.ft ...
,n Ih, .lllng a' ll,tooo 01 _"I ., ..
'g.....0... In g I Ut.....fIOo'I'KI
..0" locoteo. bul It 001_ "'U'blo to
toll tII 0' not Ihey COnhin", II ", ..tt.
II In. CIc..,llon wII.n Ha"ic
it"" ,n .. 1'"....... e"I<<:t ... ,,,
1,111 H< (I) " "'.'11, ..oil
... , "or. ott u.. for ....11 it............
'.1. 01 Olu.<I lUlu ... &>0 f .....
.. :"0\.0.
D. ucrOlI h..Hlonn.
AI ql AI f.
not thC 'l"Oul .. 01
c ..oufl'Qo I. .., In 11.29. In
27 th. ndllng ongln,
tUI ulls 01 Ino ... ojl.o C'''/I Phnt n...."
ItIU'" netc ....,1 10 I.
focI ,l .. nol no 1..11_
oble le<ill ,,""Iog.nuno. Alt""oQh Ih. t ..toe
co'" .no... in 2t thl loto_
""len II ,If uoo ab.'oo.
f ..... tho t.ldr. Ito Inlo o.lther ......
.... 1t1... ,,1 10 b.colc op Ih. ootl,no 01 Ih.
l:o se... l. .. ""'.,,1.1.11 un .. ten..
fol .... eoooluti"" of Photo 29 .. III .....1.
O;>Y".O ... gino
A,.et.n <0.,., ;;'"" ..
U '0'11'00 .... ubl' 1100'0,
fa... l "Ulnu, I .... 01.01. I ',<cuft
E.,ln, P1 I
. ""..
1, 1
"tr"e,.' r....,.
M,oh,n, '"
.f 1.....1
10"'" U I "I
I. :>'''"1)' Ouedotion of Jlo""le
ground eo.ltruotlon
&. t, lor ....t eff""li loct,..
nl",. lot'.lt, 1_ Ih
u,lll 1.( ootentl.ll, lho i'ut'"1
..1 10 inhllii"'u w..
o,.ol,oe of con< .. i',o'lI.t oillto,..,
..... d lndO.ItI.1 hoil,Un i ,It.,.. of
oo(e.,."" to.. ,l .. tho ... , of I "",
0.1, I 1"'10 ...
0Iu"ll, 'n .De,"tion, 0..,11 ..011... 01
10""<1-11 helorin for lho dllde' ..l of
ol .. looih>;o" 1'lIht ucol.,ni"O 8l\IIj
t ... 10 '"""e ujo. '.oo,t .
h. IIOr....nlh .. iuorl..t u,.
e... lIg' of J ....' I wl'ol ... to.'gbl
hI"e b.... o.. ..c......... c. Th It .
tow.,d .. H ......... Ii .. ersal of ,."".t., ..
rti""I I, ' .. I.",t,. lie ",,,,"It ,....t.,
,. totll of H ..... ",to
.1 .. " ...', eith. ,",,011, u_
i""'." at en f u. "IF.
b. _ few of th .....1.
oo.ull HU... I i. J ........e io... t,""
f ......1Io1o.. uolI' .. ".,eas of 1 tI 101.._
It,", tot 001, .,a 0' I"" were '''0,,1 ,
bli ..... ' 'ooort ........0..... ,ulli/liu,
fo' ,to t .... f.oCl,o t.OO.I, w,ro
.Iul, usoe .. Ii. raio &.
lI.atel" """.,... , ' liUI. iaciull...
Oft 'e,i.1 .""1... ' OS 10 "".Ib t 1
.. I,..,e. ooen into. ,.oIh' 0' was ..
ent'''oe to .. f...:-to.,. ;.,. e....
o in.dl, .'n... : ae",r.,n. I Iue.,.
tnlnloi doot'ine, 0....1, a"t of u.11
' ..ac fconl' 10 L. J ......ll,
"" ,<t.t to fooolio. 01 I". , ..,<1.
c. The 111"0.1 ... troneo oort .., ... ,.
PI>oI. .... d;.tincli toel it I.
;n.ieU. tlllt II e...... i"lo do, "".110
SI.n.rI,. allh.".. :h 11 ..Ibl. In
'h.lo.3S .... 37 de.t.. e.I ....; 1'.nll-
,ni ","fIIII11 t Inh"ded 10' .i, ,.,d
Ih.1 to," tnere I. nO 01 .. 10 ..g; ..1 lUI
IU"n;I.;" P.olo 3S ... ol",.eo f......
, ft "".,onu,1 .'<1>'.0'1, 0' Ih.: Iho .. ,a
37 bOl09 'oill to 11<1." ,n ,o'
".i11 ef WI... I ...",.1
rOI. "",ell .....,eo Iho f.ole arn to H
to til. le...cl of tho "'."., Ioee bot
..tl;nt'll to cruh .u.otio._ Alon; on' .Ot"
01 th fl.lr pOdoi .. W.,I .ru.c. out \0
.....i clleh IlIi." Into wIlleb ..,t I",.
I.c ",.w., could .r"n. Ind li,fl.,ln loci I
Iii ...... t. to be ".".ro,,,,,nCl. 0 ,1.
.11 of tn.,. cffort> Ie ...Id ttt l.o....
Iluid .,et.l, it .... ('l'd'oo. uri.l .hole-
""'01 _. IfI" con,t'.ctian ,1 11.0
C. <0010.0 ('hoto 3').
to t Jaun...... .. f,eld,
,IhntOl .. ., aooltioul o.c.f ""h l
te.roi" fot <_.'1191 0.''''''.'. Allh ""
.or '-.10100, this I ld " .. belni built
b, dnlnln, ,icc U I.. In" IOt.;.9 Ih ..
."'. It ...t, 91.1011. 101, .. Ih.r 'od
........, to ... I b '" "Itlm
f i .....' ....1 .uIU .. teo PlUI to

...ore, .....u of I, ....11
.. hClor onl, Ourin, tl ..t ..!
.truch"n .... no\ 10M, for c t.1
..... 11 oj ",,0$01 .1 i.,nltu tell_tol , ."c
In lIlert... Ihe IU.do, On I". J ... "' ..
.... tl , In. COO't,n'h"" 01 0'0..,< '.1 ...
\.on ",".109""hle 'ntoll','ne< ,ro>,",.
I"eonl, In Io
t."..... Co ,,<rul of 'o(uo\".
2. f''I1 loenoie.l ..l " ..".1
.. Cn, 01 \:" \'"1 ".pl .. of.
J."....... li'erlft claol, lOt
""" of the Ie" tnu "He lell , tn 0.""
loOll eu ,i,," Ih r "a fi ttl T.a..'CIl
,,'1 At' 1 U To.o ...... [hi. .. t
;.o ... uo toUI lu"n'l floor '.Iet of
J50.(:It'n ..... r. fe.t fl'bDto UJ ... "U Qlo-
,Id, ",tk ,dhee', I'.oroto<;<o, Ue-'H
"",,0' (fllOtH;J<j .. 1lI'). SoI I,....
to"'< h.,IIUn /r...,to .'1. I.
un.," HOu"4 loko ...k. wu :;<0'1. '"Ho<.
.1.<.> '0" bills 1tI. u.to" ".IIe, ...1
..u ,u.ll, ... ilro Ib< .......I ... el''''' 01.
,1:..1 of Ibi. It' ...iolin_eeol...... I.
Ib, .. "'I'ltIcn 10 u ....l "'<
tu" cui It to 0'''' iu.. ,'eo-w" .,gbH,
tv""., ... f "'icn th ... "orr. 'I'CI! .".t.,
i .. Ibr
L '''otol,...,''i. inl.'1>'OIl .. ",,..
... lu lc.l< , 1 h.I ..... 'lqrr of
I.I",.rof of Ibr 1.",,,1 ",I,,,,,",,
4 nolU iofil.lI .. f ."il..... b...
,n.Hro i",I "".rr '0'0' ho., 'KIl,
inf.. h'll Thr "u no i.o'elll .... of
lbe ""t of IIlI t."n,1 S, Ioo_UI< I _II
tb. H ....,II"l IU, Ib" C<><IlI,n'O
.torrs. Th I"t"'l f."(1,,,,, of toe ooff_
...... I t.""rh "Crr ",1 , ..Ii ..o nO' il
.......1..... Ih.t .11 ... '. co""oetocl t<I fa .
... yh I'.t ....
Co Itth.'.... ....1 "', Stll'OO
If.hobil ""iell un ujac,.. t to Ih. Fi ..1
TPCh",c.1 q.11 Ii. 1"",.1. ftonU" (I'!loto'
'1-_0>. 110"9. "..,Its (Photos oJJ.
'_.Ii, hci'itiOl. school 'n'
"<to .11 h HO In 10"".1 .. Ai in tn. COli
of Ibr 'i, ",.1 1'1. p "," of "'".,c.s
"'0,"11 on ohotoY''''''t of In" .i,
"oHo ""roo .... f InGiviOll'1 t.nn.IS
COIIIG not bl o.t.,.'"oo. CO....... "'Uy. tkr..
t.rl 1111 u.....u "'"0 ,tad on II IS "1c",co of
.. u..e let i.Hl".
" , '''01 1.1 ....... ,n'OI h 'II .1
."... ,.
StO'111 t.n 1 1"1"_. 1st T.... <, 1 ."
5 . 5
I ..tte,.. of lOT.. ,''" Jo.
... 11""011 .u...",1..,1'.', lilt
t. " l.... g U
01 til. Ill ... :..utA.." u ....O$ 1",1.. to
_111_IUII \,ul., Ito uist... v "".01
UI.ct.-=. l"t< IUle o.li """ te
iI1ll.10, hoo'''eve r, otu..... ti ... of .I'G;e\
$dIAl".' ,n tne ne:' toe nfMi ... 11 ,.1
10 c,_.'", of tH .... ; Isel I. no II ...
u ..t "'1 COftC"'UOft 01
ol ..
J. MI P.. ,...I. "ld,I'
.. In hill. of '''u'' '''''''.1
north of .... i tke ... h ""'It..
I C<IOlpleh .1"9" ...,tAod,"
""ie" con.lstoo of "., 'Utur'" ....,'."
(,,"010 on. loruClo lot, -to'lil,
CIII'Q'"i ohl , "'0 ' ..., ........
shool. laei i I, .. In ""'nf"
vol" the -"0;>\'01 of <;UHtl" """<:10 ""0 '"
urth_coye .., I platn"
Inc ......
tcu"u cout od '....il' 1
c......t o ...
II C ,., "HI Ie. Of 1.110'0 ueo-e. tl
blo ... 10COI" I.,... olln_
"10'00<1 0' i ell lui II .IIotO<j ..
I' ","e., bo....'.
.... 00< VUltCC d ClIIH 0., ..... ..i .. 1ft
SO.lo .... Lto",,_ ""He iO<eltnt offo'l '"
lout, Ibe ,"". 1.I.,e. u,
...... &e<.. l,t ill,.unnlk.<:tol..cto.
of c .. ..,lln .. tiol. 100 ..
oiff,,,,lt} 01 leclift. lb. locni"" 01 ....
ticll .holog .. 10 u ,al
'oU""C" cn...I uu. 10, 1.0",1.
-"IHU Oft "t.;c.ol ill. \lot
,. truc. 0' no.lac.., ... ' .
<.rv'd ..... ' of clilfs, it i ",tiltlt '
10 oi ."', or ","'rI. on obi j ... onol09''''''
.. 1ft_ ."I;eal. HI.
" ,1'0. storl)l. fokoo 1
IIUtI., of Ioo'l". '".oouh
... '1, c.... ,.t.J .,j.r,",uR<l .,","<,
10k' .,dill0.
., II II 1, 1, tott _ .... n'l
' __1... 1 '''00".1 "" 4. I'll .....
'11,,".. of "oc.....n Jr_
.t.. .... f, ....... ral'O 1'0 to
.Uort 10 '-11. 1-' U. faoCt _'01 100t
l'.eI,ull,._.f to, ...... 001 ... 11'1
... .. HloclH ., .-..tot IIt.II,.
"*..., U.... "0"11, t'.... ....
... 10 .....,11 .' ... of ".0' to" h' .
AI.,. 1.lou.
'. At St"oo 10 ...., of I,,"HO"to
covor.go ueelhot ""Od,
tlo.' of ,.d I.'hilitiona ..... "'ctoo.
50_ of th oun -hlntI.,t.d. At
Alld' 1.11"<1, Jt .11.. f.OII Illt Otlkl 011
d,.o, tl.k f o hU .on.
II",.IU ('hoto 5'1). n."t"kl.""k.lltol
....000 001 .. lod .I.ts, 001 .o d 0,
.10.llt.d ti ... 0' ..It.II fi ..
1111. hll I t.ll.tioo WII
b, 1.ltllit..",. U I
to.k h "'..... of c.,.h.. o, .. raU
1""0 b.ca 01 ,., lneOilit, to "."oh.
It II d'.oy. I'llolog'uh. 1
, to
thol ,nd of tilt ..Ir ..er" ' h ""0 it
.11 foUd IlIIt tile, 1.ft 00 d"t .. to tilt
..... iflcatIO. of this Instolhll
d'.OI. H).
Qr>e fl .... 1 I'ti 01 tilt J ......
... which, .1tllo'9h urlltu eol '.t..... Od to
.'"10 ".CUtl onf..", tOe
t lhe J'"'''''' n. of ..... 11
!. OhlHl,"1 01 lb. "'dt'l 10 "Orlt..
A I,oicat J i.crtll d , 1'
101., t.d 01 Ihot09... int,,11111l"
$0\011 01"0' i. f ... 111.,tral.' ,..11
..d. cion.., of llIe Iro. .0.ld ,,,Id,,
dllt on f .....eol 01'0"'.
I. 'd.....11 Ju...... of D._I..
... I. lile t",", ......0
.ilotoi'lOhl. loh t .... JU"".... ho",
Isttollatio w cood onl, to .nd-
j'''': iutoll.tiost. Ih two t, ... 01
.o.i ..... t ... t ofhn ".lated 0' d._i ..
u. A. wnoo.' d .1 .... It. /llkUili/t
f ......tl .... (Pllolo wo 011 d.t.ct.d,
..t .. wlll.h ""d h co f.ll, cO\>I.:I
"'" .. 110 f ......U, .. 1,I.touted IS ... 1
(''''1053). Tn. identlfic.tion of .i uU
wit ft.tlot ""fu..d 0' I"" Ju.,"" of
l.ouliv. ...... d.co," II I ti
....to:l 11111 tog.tlle. do,1 .nd d.... I d.
.. lOoot .er ct of tile 10111 13 1
11 .... ft.tJu...... li.ldl. lllt _t 1"0'-
lint It.h.i.o. p"'tojruhl. Intor... I..' .n
Ol' 10 w.11 ...d. d..., I.
.....f.l ,t.dl of t .. l ,lti 1 o. ,w.
.,I.lv. t09'"ohic <0.""0.1. '1'."
.. hlcil ere in tile ..... 10,ltion .... k .fter
.... k ... llkel, to be d... I... 1\
I, obvlow. thll one. tllt , ond.rotand.
till, .... tho:l of I.te'p hllon "" CIO u.il,
0"ll1f, H H.ctlv.n.... lo.illon,
.. hlch ..... k .fto...... ,110.. II<> trad .<11.11,
0' no ld.oc. 01 firin, or, .ho Ilkol, 10
b. :1"",,1 ...
. : l.,k: " t"n,b. fo,ftt ....
T". ... t., q "" loinl 11.,1.
"I ("rI" 011 tculr. H II,. loution
....... II"". t.u t_ ... ih
""....... 'Ill' v 0>"1".11"" """0
5C). -oto til. I 10",,_ an" tb. took.
UH' ......1...\' "ttl 'Kotl.C co"Kt1"
... 1 0""'" 010'" 1ft '."MII II tile LI..
.. I bIll ..... NIt __ 'IN.
c. , , ot t .. T".loh hulon,
SUtlon (,bet .. ... ".,rel In n.. ,irontol
IUkS .""...." or In'o.",.. <OftCto ' f
.... iell v" Ib", ...011 .. .,ut., for toll t ....
,lie d l00kU 1 Ikl I hl,hl, ...
t""l .... lbe luor. cOr_
rtl, identlll'd on t"- bUlt of 101-
le.l 10cotlo t"" ........ 01 ' vl._
In, " ...d ntl.j tl.- S... IIOI
51! le'o" IoI"U pt oil 1(0.111.
I ..U h fo ,<oo"",
.. I. uul, Ill". lh'cUU "".."..,
1ft JOI;"" .... f'Ch.' , ..... u ... co ...,ttl,
.... , ...11 _ ... 'oil " ...., '>Ownl',n.... tc
III CONCIALMINT IV DIC."'.ONI------------------------
l. alb., un. of ...
'. To , ..... Iloot
'.t.II,....... .11 1
...t ....,. C.MofI.,. 1
"" t,..
'K_ I .., .. " .... It '.
llot ....t ,_""" .. tI_ OIl
1.1011,1..... "1 .. 1
.....t, .. II , ' ..
I .. _","._It 1_ (II
... 01 of __01_",
oofl t , UJ to --
I. I... .tI.IIM .to..... of
.. l"tl.. """'01" .. IU " 1".1 .1_
i. n. "ff..." c t , t 1.
100.10" J l.cd'II.. , t
....... 1, .Ic.) 10 ..t _ .., tl .
.,11 l"'ut. lilt of I.ot
.. it ' _ ..1 , Ul to.
1 ,"1 t ,.f ."'fo" 01 ..... 01
.<IIl .." el,..t, , of '''''''''-1.1
...... , ,oot.ll.t,o"
If '", 10."" ........ of ift
lile l.te.,..lIli.... .."" '.Il il"
Ind d....., in.ll11lt io.. i. to H
I .. 1.1"". rei.'''. ""1 it,
.1'."" of I: IO.OGIl 0' I." .. i. Doliu
.....,t III.
S. In IddiUon I" tb. need for "1110,
,""t"J ..,h, t ....tb.. ,"co_.nd.tl""...bic.
h n i a.hot ... dn, ... 1100 .d.. OIc
.f i. the hto...bld.:
.. 1 i"n.:I.
c. 01 I".. 01 "od"!I.od i._
.hll.lioo...ch idi.ld "'.9.....1"....
i ....... ockel 1o".ehl'9 .i1.. , In:l .01S1
d"an.. ' .. itl ...... oc... I.... ll,
tected. b,,1 i' clov I, ." I'o.IU. 11>01
co.1d b, co"".. I.d. T. I , ... 1 ..11.1 th.
."cc... 0< loll ... 0' onotol .. I.toll-
I!lonc. io ,uoect .... ld d..""d 0. Ih.
01 "hot"PUhl. 00"'''.1' 1 11>0
H"..tn.l.n.... In....h.
uillt, f it iu" .t.M.oi.t ,,1 .".-
culi", te "uo .... ,I,.to. ,I ......
..Ilk.', t!>al .'1 hte 1....1., ....n'i.1
t" ......oteet io ill !>o ob.d .""..
olor'd IIDSt loJ ..lrl .. ",ih'
.... ... " .11'"_ i orlonl in t"
.I.ce I"". IndI,i.. .<IIl""OO"J "0."
,,,.tl, c.....OI'I .. tlool ti ffle_
i ,. 10011oo,.or.It i'' t 1,
ilo beill 00<1..
l,ound i" l.i ret.ll",ol, il,
.dl.d to ..oJ..li 1000 trl ..
...... If""''''' .1..1, .h.i. 0<1 .
'" not fitle" lor "."1'0'""-
II"" Deco of O.i, t ",Uti ..
of .... ulerill, ... n nOli" Iu....
"' .. uII. I lthoo,h un,
11 .....1o.1t of toe lot ....., I f
uloq'OU.', it h 1 Ib.1 j.rlt,
01 IlIIl".I,y, .... ledi"J bule ioO I,i ...
..bl ..... ,llnto ... d....dt, .. i" '0011."
10 i. on 1110 .. ,h
.. h.1I ...c",led .,.,,,. of .....,_
" J I.ct , .oo.t clloo i. Ih. I.t."
,,,.'d ...tl, rod.., lbe .II II"'.'U."I
... ' '" 01 Intelllwc
, .... 1.1.. 10 co t cl.". o"llc.l .. l, if
J. I' ..... of U II tol'''.'
_a, .0.....I ti"". of I ,. d.leel.J
t t" I", 110 I '''0.11
..." u i'"lfl f Ih II ... it,
...t" 'U....I; .. ....n n.l .. t 1ft)
UO .11o.1i ",,, 01 '1 .0 .....q "
iulo".li.". iI 1Il0.ld" _ d I t
... o""ut,,tu .1f,,1 U I. 1 te
",j IlIO ';101111 .eeh .el-
1",lt,. _I '"'''' ... 1110 J ........ .. 1...
.... nee "I, ".",ot to 1110 .f 1_
i.j ,f, q.... 10 '0' 10'0 11 on
idi.I,. i ..i.i1. I t.', d,
1.. '.qUil' U. '0' If le
1010 ... ud"1ro"d oel;",II,. " h ..
.hul, toll ....1, ...... , .Itonlio.
... I. tol.
2. J.;.o oe ....1 J I'IIOI t ....
fr It,. 1100 ,. , tt 11
to ."""".1 10". ;",Ioll.tl ,I. u,.lohd
..1..1.1. eo:l .11_,_ 11 1",1.111'
Ii""...... YO" 11 _fl. loot ., ... to IlIIl
, .."' ".., In"".....t.',
s... !I'-.. i"'. 'OY"," 'MII 11011.1100".
.........., ..I_tl....1"'" ,"ultl ,
.... '010" ..1011000 ,lffiII t q II,
ooto ..i ) I,.. 1 -
....hl i ........ 1 1.
V CONCLUSIONS AND ...."-,.-", .", , .. -,-, -._' IU....
Y CONCUfIIONI AND t .. leeraln .... 10'0"018 for hnnel, _. ....
IIICOMMINDATtOHI oM conc.. the" Int'anc.s. In luch ,l,"ctlo
I. 'nl co.outlot_ ... 1 .. eu" It I. "cubl'e! thel the
.'oJ b, J In I.' of CO'II- Interprel.' wou'J U 1. to detlct ""'0
eritJ....... ,nt. h of thh i.tlnj 1M.' .... 11 oerClnhjl of the Inl"""" to
.... ou.,t1, 0' t ... co...,.- "n... ol,nt . hI. whl" h. did note
fl 1\0 :1 little It<:MluI or Intr.nc... ,,011. Ino .etlolt!. hi
c r "' ""... of It I ... liU- could Mt be su'. IMt lhe, the
tion Cono "tl,. ,".. H., cl.ll' on ..... nc. of on .. Ilctor,. nO'
hrge ;n.lollot,onl, .,"ofte" ."" he "0" Ik I .... of
i....... l .0.:1 c....J onl... f.clO.,.i "" I."",tlon. In feci 111101"
ote .. "' , 11111. dlffl It,. It I. u- It i. ooulDI. Iltet Iko'" .... ' l>t '."'0'0..:1
10.....0 In ,"'" fo'e......n.......te..... for d.te.II., <).o.n1 ,1Inlo , .... I"'"
.... lc 00.,.1 I. of In.ull_ 10COI ,on of "" i ,.c I I i \, U I.Ck
Hi .... c._f1'l.J .. II. ul.l eI_, 0.1... h, u,l.in.d hou.lnq for .... h."
..... 1.1 _ ... 1.1 .._.Ilot.ro Jo loud. IIte t, ll I, ... i.u"". tM .hot"'l.uhl.
1,111, .,ffl.elt, 1. i.Ierolotl ill.. I.t t .. co- oro... id. in Ikls fl.I:I.1
...., .. ,."1 i. the .0nli""lio. of
.oJ.'I e.J .1 10 .no.ted ho.. 01""'.
5" 18
f '101. , .... '1.
10 , ..t pit
[."Ibll B In "".oIOPI SI' ,.clograph
f thh report.
ro'OSllU ....l "" STATlO'O
- H&,r,;&1l$
I - .uI'lO STOR4C(
II - " R ~ ' C ' S
{ - >Ie ~ U T S SIOllOC

Utlcheo to lut Hg_ II

loclol'"'' hhibll C I. e.... lou IIUche. to lut pl," of H,I. repon.


e"'" oil at luhlU '.Iftt "" 1"",,, h, .'

Iyriul eo_ll.f tori ... oil 1t0'1,1. Uil tIle 01 __.f1.'l.
Iffo,1 eioltQl Ideet;"" bJ tu inu",.I
I ..,ot cuen" .en, .... 11 ..... of oi 1 dr... oi. eoceu
1\ th II lout Ion ...eo lorll tonka hU be.. co lolo., _MI.
ol .. e" uour c.""t.ueilln. III
'1. 011 or... II.". I. '"o"el. It tht b.u of tho hili
.... nol ...... t.d.
&- Gill.,.
1_ (IlIOI'lIIlO ''''$
G-!fOOn .... suIt
D- , ..n .fe
(."If C
""1"-TIlnO ....
.... to

s . zz

oeeto"uh hhlbit C I. e.Hlou otllchu to 11ft Pl' I of till. rooort.
. as
.. oil unka It loall;" hl.t 011 01<10 Bay.".
lrrlcil of b"r1to 011 ItO"i"' lhh t,II of ulIOufh]o
.ffo,t ,Idnol ...... t olt""tlonb, Ihe phologrullic intl,p'IU.
i ..,.t CU". 11.1.1.", ....'1 o.o.oofoll .,,, 010 uco
lecIIO/l, ""
It this 10Cl\'OO ">If<! 11'11 beet! cOloletod, ..hi 1
othe.' ..... 0111' ur c.... 'I ,"ct 10._ III .e" report e' co 'ftct_
'" ut oil olor.O 1. Unol" ,t Ihe bU' of the 11,'1
r, .ot ,Ied.
_ Glllu'. Pl<CTIl
__PUll. " ..OS
(_ ,.U UU$ .at
0- Lol(;( , ..1$ ole
( .... ,,, C
IOSl<IU l'O,or_TOC'IO 101
...., II OIL ,TOROGe
5 .22


~ ~ , 110" COM M,SSION '"
1 JU"Ir 1 9 . ~
u- .'....
~ _ N E ... IMM.GE
__0\.0 o....GE
_____,..C["O'.lIl Z
I'?!'i'----..),--'... . . .
~ PTU 7- 60-

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