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Large Posters

In 2009, I was in co-charge of a recruitment event. I pulled three of the panels I created and theyve been updated to make them more generic and less recruitment. Each of the attached PDFs are 46.75" wide x 36" high. This ts a standard presentation / science board. You can choose to print them smaller, but the dimensions might be off. The three Ive attached are: Girl Scout Leadership Experience How Girls Participate in Girl Scouts (very generic) Volunteer Hats The Girl Scout Leadership Experience shows the processes, keys and outcomes, all in the Transforming Leadership colors. I adjusted the design a little, but it still has the same look and feel. The participation sheet shows the levels, grades and a very brief list of things the girls can do. I set this up for parents to start a conversation about the badges, Journeys, etc. Lastly, the hats show demonstrate the variety of tasks a Girl Scout volunteer might do. It also highlights fourteen different excuses why adults don't volunteer that I found online and incorporated.

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