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!ob analysls lnvolves a sysLemaLlc lnvesLlgaLlon of [obs uslng a varleLy of meLhods Lo deLermlne
essenLlal duLles Lasks and responslblllLles
!ob analysls ls cruclal Lo Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of relevanL skllls and compeLencles lL lnvolves obLalnlng
ob[ecLlve and verlflable lnformaLlon abouL Lhe acLual requlremenLs of a [ob and Lhe skllls and
compeLencles requlred Lo meeL Lhe local area and unlverslLy's needs
!ob analysls faclllLaLes accuraLe recrulLmenL and selecLlon pracLlces seLs sLandards for performance
appralsals and allows approprlaLe classlflcaLlon/reclasslflcaLlon of poslLlons
Comparlng Lhe skllls possessed by employees wlLh Lhe resulLs of [ob analysls can greaLly asslsL ln
workforce plannlng sLraLegles and resLrucLurlng or redeslgnlng [obs Lo reflecL Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe
local area and/or unlverslLywlde changes
key Iactors |n Iob Ana|ys|s
1ask |dent|ty
Lmployees recelve more saLlsfacLlon from dolng a 'whole' plece of work 1hls ls llkely Lo happen when
Lhe [ob has a dlsLlncL beglnnlng and end whlch ls clearly vlslble Lo Lhe employee and oLhers lL ls
lmporLanL LhaL employees see Lhe end resulLs of Lhe work Lhey have produced elLher on Lhelr own or as
a parL of a Leam
Lmployees who perform repeLlLlve Lasks whlch offer no challenge may lose lnLeresL and become bored
and dlssaLlsfled CreaLer varleLy can lmprove lnLeresL challenge and commlLmenL Lo Lhe Lask
varleLy means more Lhan slmply addlng an exLra buL slmllar Lask lor example processlng dlfferenL
forms would noL make Lhe work more meanlngful as Lhere would be no exLra challenge
1oo much varleLy can also be frusLraLlng and a source of confllcL and dlssaLlsfacLlon 1he opLlmum
amounL of varleLy wlll dlffer from person Lo person and could depend on Lhe level of Lhe poslLlon
Lmployees need Lo feel responslble for a slgnlflcanL parL of Lhe work Lhey perform elLher lndlvldually or
as parL of a Leam Work should be clearly ldenLlfled enabllng employees Lo see LhaL Lhey are personally
responslble for Lhe successes and fallures LhaL occur as a resulL of Lhelr own acLlons 1he employee
should undersLand Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe work and where lL flLs lnLo Lhe purpose of Lhe local area and
wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy
1hls goes hand ln hand wlLh responslblllLy Lmployees should have some areas of declslon maklng wlLhln
Lhe framework of Lhelr [ob AuLonomy means glvlng more scope Lo employees Lo regulaLe and conLrol
Lhelr own work
Work|ng env|ronment
A [ob should provlde a safe and healLhy worklng envlronmenL LhaL ls free from dlscrlmlnaLlon and
harassmenL lL ls also lmporLanL Lo conslder Lhe Lypes of work alds and equlpmenL requlred Lo perform
Lhe role
Lmployees need Lo undersLand Lhelr reporLlng relaLlonshlps lor example who does Lhe poslLlon reporL
Lo does Lhe role have any dlrecL reporLs Lhe locaLlon of Lhe poslLlon and whaL hours are requlred
lL ls lmporLanL Lo ldenLlfy who and Lhe level of lnLeracLlon LhaL ls requlred wlLh key lnLernal and exLernal
kecogn|t|on and support
Lmployees need [obs LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo selfrespecL parLlcularly Lhrough accepLance and recognlLlon by
fellow workers and supervlsors !obs should permlL relaLlonshlps beLween lndlvlduals and encourage
Leam work oLherwlse Lhe employee can feel lsolaLed whlch may resulL ln negaLlve feellngs abouL Lhelr
work and Lhelr work envlronmenL

Cutcomes performance measures
Lmployees need Lo know whaL Lhelr parLlcular LargeLs are and how Lhey relaLe Lo Lhe overall operaLlon
of Lhe local area Lhe wlder ulvlslon/orLfollo/unlL/ 8esearch lnsLlLuLe and Lhe unlverslLy 1hls wlll
lnvolve ldenLlfylng Lhe ouLcomes requlred of Lhe poslLlon
1he sLandard of performance also needs Lo be ldenLlfled along wlLh performance measures 1hls
feedback wlll provlde employees wlLh an equlLable capaclLy for ongolng learnlng and advancemenL
L|ements of Iob Ana|ys|s rocess (word 34kb)
!ob Analysls / ueslgn rocess
lnformaLlon can be soughL from a number of sources and Lhe process LhaL ls underLaken can vary
dependlng on Lhe complexlLy of Lhe role A new poslLlon ln a sLrucLure wlll requlre a more deLalled
analysls whereas an esLabllshed poslLlon may only need a revlew of Lhe duLles and acLlvlLles
!obs should noL be deslgned ln lsolaLlon from oLher [obs wlLhln Lhe work area 1he local area sLrucLure
and ob[ecLlve of Lhe work area should be Laken lnLo accounL
Sources of uaLa
lnformaLlon assoclaLed wlLh a [ob analysls can be galned from Lhe followlng sources
supervlsor/manager of Lhe proposed/esLabllshed poslLlon
Lhe currenL lncumbenL (or a sLaff member who has underLaken Lhe duLles ln Lhe pasL)
Leam members of Lhe proposed/esLabllshed poslLlon
a sLaff member from anoLher work area wlLh a slmllar poslLlon
managers who employ slmllar poslLlons
performance plans and key performance lndlcaLors of currenL lncumbenL
workforce plans
program LlmeLables or cusLomer feedback forms
sLudenL evaluaLlons and
P8 sLaff
uaLa CaLherlng
ln Lhls sLage Lhe followlng quesLlons should be asked
WhaL are Lhe fuLure dlrecLlons/ob[ecLlves of Lhe local area?
WhaL are Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe poslLlon?
ls Lhe poslLlon academlc or professlonal/general (does Lhe role requlre knowledge of Lhe Leachlng and
learnlng envlronmenL)?
WhaL ls Lhe lengLh of appolnLmenL and/or servlce fracLlon?
WhaL are Lhe speclflc Lasks and how wlll Lhey be done?
Why do Lhey need Lo be done?
WhaL lmpacL wlll Lhere be on oLher poslLlons ln Lhe area?
Where wlll Lhe work be done? (physlcal locaLlon)
Who are Lhe cllenLs and whaL are Lhelr needs?
Pow Lhe work ls currenLly organlsed?
Who wlll Lhe poslLlon reporL Lo?
Wlll any poslLlons reporL Lo Lhls poslLlon?
WhaL ls Lhe mlnlmum knowledge and skllls requlred Lo do Lhe poslLlon?
WhaL equlpmenL or worklng alds are requlred?
1hls lnformaLlon ls ofLen known buL can also be obLalned Lhrough research such as observaLlon
lnLervlews quesLlonnalres group dlscusslon and cllenL feedback
MosL employees wanL Lo Lake parL ln declslon maklng abouL maLLers LhaL affecL Lhelr work 1hey also
have valuable lnformaLlon Lo conLrlbuLe Lmployees are also far more llkely Lo acL on declslons LhaL Lhey
have had a parL ln maklng An lnLerchange of ldeas wlll allow for effecLlve lnvolvemenL and moLlvaLlon
uaLa Analysls
uurlng Lhe analysls phase Lhe followlng should be lncluded
Croup Lhe Lasks lnLo funcLlonal areas eg rocess enrolmenL forms and respond Lo sLudenL enqulrles
should be under Lhe funcLlonal headlng of SLudenL AdmlnlsLraLlon
LllmlnaLe all unnecessary and wasLeful acLlvlLles
Slmpllfy unnecessarlly complex acLlvlLles or procedures
LlsL Lhe funcLlonal areas ln order of lmporLance
now LhaL Lhere ls a descrlpLlon of whaL Lhe [ob ls requlred Lo do conslderaLlon should also be glven Lo
Lhe key facLors descrlbed earller under !ob Analysls
1ask ldenLlLy
8esponslblllLy AuLonomy
Worklng LnvlronmenL
8ecognlLlon SupporL
CuLcomes erformances Measures
lormally uocumenL and Ad[usL
1he [ob ls now ready Lo be formally documenLed
As all new processes requlre flneLunlng and ad[usLmenL lL wlll be necessary Lo revlew Lhe [ob dlscuss
Lhe progress and address any problemaLlc areas LhaL have occurred 1hls mlghL besL be done by sLaff ln
regular meeLlngs where addlLlonal Lralnlng requlremenLs can be ldenLlfled and suggesLlons for
lmproved lnformaLlon flows can be made
!ob uocumenLaLlon
1he documenLaLlon of a [ob ls called Lhe poslLlon descrlpLlon 1he producLlon of a poslLlon descrlpLlon
should be Lhe culmlnaLlon of Lhe [ob analysls process
1he poslLlon descrlpLlon should provlde appllcanLs wlLh a clear lndlcaLlon of Lhe duLles accounLablllLles
and ouLcomes expecLed of Lhe poslLlon 1he poslLlon descrlpLlon ls Lhe base documenL used ln Lhe
managemenL of Lhe employee's performance as ouLllned ln Lhe unlverslLy's performance managemenL
A poslLlon descrlpLlon provldes lnformaLlon relaLlng Lo a role aL a glven polnL of Llme however few
poslLlons remaln Lhe same over a long perlod of Llme
unlSA has a sLandard formaL for poslLlon descrlpLlons Culdellnes for creaLlng a poslLlon descrlpLlon are
belng developed
!ob 1lLle
1he selecLlon of a [ob LlLle ls lmporLanL as lL provldes an lndlcaLlon of Lhe duLles of Lhe [ob lL lndlcaLes
Lhe relaLlve level of Lhe [ob wlLhln Lhe local area hlerarchy and provldes sLaLus for Lhe employee
!ob LlLles should be slmple and free of Lechnlcal [argon 1he LlLle should be descrlpLlve Lo enable Lhe
poslLlon Lo be qulckly ldenLlfled for example use AdmlnlsLraLlve Cfflcer (osL CraduaLe) raLher Lhan [usL
AdmlnlsLraLlve Cfflcer
Cenerlc [ob LlLles should only be used for generlc poslLlons (LxecuLlve Cfflcer Pead of School)
ln accordance wlLh LLC leglslaLlon lL ls necessary Lo avold sexlsL or dlscrlmlnaLory expresslons ln
poslLlon LlLles 1herefore LlLles conLalnlng man or woman cannoL be used

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