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Family Contents

1. marriages
a. 2 systems
b. legislation
c. Women’s Charter
i. Applicability
ii. Marriage definition
d. Valid marriage reqts
i. Conflict of laws
1. Concept of domicile
ii. Void marriage
1. capacity
2. Solemnization s22
3. Monogamy
4. Min age
5. Prohibited degrees
6. Muslim marrying non muslim
7. Male and females
8. Notice of marriage s14-18
iii. Voidable (Vs Void)
1. Petition for nullity
2. effect
3. legitimacy of children
4. grds for voidability s106
a. non consummation
b. lack of consent
c. mental disorder
d. venereal disease
e. pregnant by someone else
5. bars

2. divorce –
a. emotional problems of divorce
b. jurisdiction
c. time bar
d. grounds s95
i. adultery
ii. unreasonable behaviour
iii. desertion
iv. living apart
v. just and reasonable
e. judicial separation
f. proceedings
i. documents
ii. stages
g. ancillary matters
i. children
1. application for custody
2. defn of custody and types of orders
3. care and control; access
4. principles applied –
a. welfare principle
b. case law
c. counseling
d. mediation
e. examinations/reports
5. enforcement of orders
6. appeal/change of order
7. Adopted children
ii. Maintenance
1. child
2. wife
a. during marriage
i. procedure
ii. maintenance order(s)
iii. considerations
iv. variations
v. enforcement
b. termination of marriage
i. principles
ii. process
iii. division of assets
1. court juris
2. what constit matrimonial assets
3. types of orders
4. principles
5. other matters – CPF and HDB and section 132
6. variation of order
7. broad steps for practical consideration
8. procedural matters
a. property plan
b. manner of application
c. disclosure

3. Family and juvenile justice

a. Jurisdictional issues
i. Divorce, JS and nullity cases
ii. Guardianship and s59 cases
1. OS procedure
iii. Family violence and maintenance cases
b. Status conferences, pretrial conferences and ancillary pre trial conferences
c. Mediation and counselling
d. Summary of procedure
e. EFS

4. family violence
a. 2 options, pros and cons
b. definition family violence
c. who can apply
d. where to apply
e. procedure
f. types of orders
g. breach of order
h. duration of order
i. appeal from order

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