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S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs

1 ro[ecL SLaLemenL of Work (SCW) 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 ro[ecL CharLer (C)
2 8uslness Case (ls tbe Jocomeot tbot jostlfles wby tbe
ptoject sboolJ be occompllsbeJ)
o ltoject cbottet ls cteoteJ boseJ oo some oeeJ ooJ lt
sboolJ explolo tbot oeeJ
e lc sboolJ locloJe o blqblevel mllestooe vlew of tbe
ptoject scbeJole
ConLracL b lc ls slqoeJ by tbe petfotmloq otqoolzotloos 5eolot
f lc ls o blqblevel Jocomeot tbot Joes oot locloJe ptoject
Jetolls tbe speclflcs of ptoject octlvltles
4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors c lc oomes tbe lM ooJ qlves lM ootbotlty to moooqe wlll be JevelopeJ lotet
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs J lc sboolJ locloJe tbe blqblevel ptoj tepoltemeots blqb
level ltoject uesctlptloo blqblevel klsks
q lc locloJes o sommotylevel ptellm ptoject boJqet
b 5bow otqoolzotloool eovltoomeotol ooJ extetool
cON51kAlN15 ooJ A55uMl1lON5

1 ro[ecL CharLer 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan

2 CuLpuLs from lannlng rocesses
LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 uellverables

2 Approved Change 8equesLs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lnformaLlon SysLem MlS 2 Work erformance lnformaLlon
LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors (lt coo locloJe botb mooool ooJ ootomoteJ systems Change 8equesLs
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs oseJ toqetbet loteqtote ooJ Jlssemloote tbe ootpots of 4 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
tbe uevelop ltoject Moooqemeot lloo ltocess) 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 Change 8equesLs

2 erformance 8eporLs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 Change 8equesL SLaLus updaLes

2 Work erformance lnformaLlon 2 Change ConLrol MeeLlngs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
Change 8equesLs ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 llnal roducL Servlce or 8esulL 1ranslLlon
2 AccepLed uellverables 2 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
Mon|tor and Contro| ro[ect Work 1he process of Lracklng revlewlng and regulaLlng Lhe progress Lo meeL Lhe performance ob[ecLlves deflned ln Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan Any
necessary changes ln Lhe work or Lhe plan are ldenLlfled and made lnL hls process
# Mldro[ecL LvaluaLlons are conducLed whlle pro[ecL work ls sLlll ln progress 1he maln purpose of such evaluaLlons ls Lo deLermlne lf ob[ecLlves are sLlll relevanL and lf Lhese
ob[ecLlves are belng meL Lessons Learned should also be documenLed aL Lhls Llme lnsLead of walLlng for Lhe pro[ecL Lo be compleLed A Lhlrd parLy or people ouLslde Lhe Leam should
be used Lo conducL mldpro[ecL evaluaLlons
D|rect and Manage ro[ect Lxecut|on 1he process of perfomlng Lhe work deflned ln Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan Lo achleve Lhe pro[ecLs ob[ecLlves lL occurs any Llme we are
followlng Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan Lo creaLe pro[ecL dellverables MosL of Lhe pro[ecL resources and cosLs are expended ln Lhls process
Change 8equesLs
1CorrecLlve AcLlons uocumenLed dlrecLlon for execuLlng Lhe pro[ecL work Lo btloq expecteJ fotote petfotmooce of tbe ptoject wotk lo lloe wltb tbe ptoject moooqemeot ploo
2revenLlve AcLlons A documenLed dlrecLlon Lo perform an acLlvlLy LhaL coo teJoce tbe ptoboblllty of oeqotlve coosepoeoces ossocloteJ wltb ptoject tlsks
uefecL 8epalr 1he formally documenLed ldenLlflcaLlon of defecL ln Lhe pro[ecL componeneL wltb o tecommeoJotloo to eltbet tepolt tbe Jefect ot completely teploce tbe
4updaLes cbooqes to fotmolly coottolleJ Jocomeototloo ploos etc Lo reflecL modlfled or addlLlonal ldeas or conLenL
# CorrecLlve and revenLlve AcLlons do noL normally effecL Lhe ro[ecL 8asellnes only Lhe performance agalnsL Lhe basellnes
# Any lnformaLlon (Schedule/MllesLones/CosL/CuallLy/LLc) relaLed Lo Lhe dellverables belng produced here could be consldered Work erformance lnformaLlon
Deve|op ro[ect Charter 1he process of developlng a documenL LhaL formally auLhorlze a pro[ecL or a phase and documenLlng lnlLlal requlremenLs LhaL saLlsfy Lhe sLakeholders needs
and expecLaLlons 1he lnlLlaLors (sponsor) slgnaLure on Lhe CharLer auLhorlzes Lhe pro[ecL 1he approved ro[ecL CharLer formally lnlLlaLes Lhe pro[ecL
SCW 1he essenLlal elemenLs of Lhe SCW are 1 WPA1 ls Lo be done (roducL Scope uescrlpLlon) 2 Lhe buslness 8LASCn for dolng lL (8uslness need) and PCW Lhe pro[ecL
supporLs Lhe organlzaLlons sLraLegy (SLraLeglc lan) And lL ls a wrlLLen descrlpLlon of Lhe pro[ecLs producL servlce or resulL Ml calls a SCW for exLernal organlzaLlons a conLracL
sLaLemenL of work lor lnLernal ro[ecLs Lhe ro[ecL lnlLlaLor or Sponsor provldes lor LxLernal ro[ecLs Lhe CusLomer provldes as parL of a bld documenL
ro[ecL SelecLlon MeLhods 1 8eneflL MeasuremenL MeLhods a Lconomlc Models b Scorlng Models c ComparaLlve Approach d 8eneflL ConLrlbuLlon and e Murder 8oard
2 ConsLralned CpLlmlzaLlon MeLhods a Llnear b nonLlnear c uynamlc d lnLeger and e MulLlob[ecLlve algorlLhms
AddlLlonal MeLhods 1 8eneflL CosL 8aLlo (8C8) 2 Lconomlc value Add (LvA) lf a pro[ecL does noL make more moeny Lhan Lhose opporLunlLy cosLs lL has noL Lruly added
economlc value Lo Lhe organlzaLlon lnLernal 8aLe of 8eLurn (l88) 8lgger ls beLLer 4 CpporLunlLy CosL WhaL ls Lhe cosL of Lhe oLher opporLunlLles we mlssed by lnvesLlng our
money ln Lhls pro[ecL? 1he Smaller Lhe opporLunlLy cosL Lhe beLLer 4 ayback erlod a ShorLer payback perlod ls beLLer Lhan a longer one 3 resenL value (v) and neL resenL
value (nv) 8lgger v or nv makes a pro[ecL more aLLracLlve 6 8eLurn on lnvesLmenL (8Cl) 8lgger ls beLLer and 7 8eLun on lnvesLed CaplLal (8ClC) neL lncome (afLer Lax)
from ro[ecL / 1oLal CaplLal lnvesLed ln Lhe ro[ecL
Deve|op ro[ect Management |an 1he process of documenLlng Lhe acLlons necessary Lo deflne prepare lnLegraLe and coordlnaLe all subsldlary plans 1he ro[ecL lan ls o fotmol
opptoveJ Jocomeot tbot Jefloes nOw tbe ptoject ls execoteJ mooltoteJ ooJ coottolleJ ooJ closeJ lt moy be sommoty ot JetolleJ ooJ moy be composeJ of ooe ot mote sobslJloty
moooqemeot ploos ooJ otbet ploooloq Jocomeots lL would be approved by * 1he ro[ecL Manager * 1he ro[ecL Sponsor * 1he luncLlonal Manager who are provldlng resources
for Lhe pro[ecL (for Lhe exam we wlll do much beLLer Lo Lhlnk of Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL lan as always belng uL1AlLLu)

(1he SCCL mgmL plan Lhe SCPLuuLL mgmL plan Lhe CCS1
mgmL plan Lhe CPAnCL mgmL plan and Lhe
CCnllCu8A1lCn mgmL plan are creaLed rlghL here)
# ro[ecL CharLers key aspecLs are * urpose and pro[ecL ob[ecLlves * ro[ecL sponsor or auLhorlLy * ro[ecL descrlpLlon and requlremenLs * Success Cr|ter|a * Acceptance Cr|ter|a *
Ident|f|ed k|sks * lnlLlal W8S rellmlnary MllesLones and Summary 8udgeL and * ro[ect Manager Ass|gnment (wlLh responslblllLy and auLhorlLy level)
# Change ConLrol SysLem lL ls also a collecLlon of formal documenLed procedures LhaL deflne PCW pro[ecL change requesLs are submlLLed valldaLed recorded approved or re[ecLed
communlcaLed and worked wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL ln many areas Lhe Change ConLrol SysLem ls a subseL of Lhe ConflguraLlon ManagemenL SysLem
# ConflguraLlon conLrol ls focused on Lhe speclflcaLlon of boLh tbe Jellvetobles ooJ tbe ptocesses whlle change conLrol ls focused on lJeotlfyloq Jocomeotloq ooJ coottollloq cbooqes to
tbe ptoject ooJ tbe ptoJoct boselloes
C|ose ro[ect or hase 1he process of flnallzlng all acLlvlLles across all of Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL rocess Croups Lo formally compleLe Lhe pro[ecL or phase lL ls all abouL shuLLlng
Lhe pro[ecL down properly 1hls lncludes creaLlng Lhe necessary documenLaLlon and archlves capLurlng Lhe lessons learned ensurlng LhaL Lhe conLracL ls properly closed and updaLlng
all organlzaLlonal process asseLs # 1he 1ranslLlon lmplles LhaL Lhe producL has been accepLed and ls ready for Lhls handover
erform Integrated Change Contro| 1he process of revlewlng all change requesLs approvlng changes and managlng changes Lo 1 Lhe dellverables 2 organlzaLlonal process asseLs
pro[ecL documenLs and 4 Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan lL brlngs LogeLher (lnLegraLes) all of Lhe oLher MonlLorlng and ConLrolllng rocesses And lL evaluaLe Lhe lMAC1 of a
change across Lhe enLlre pro[ecL Changes may be requesLed by any sLakeholder lnvolved wlLh Lhe pro[ecL
# erform lnLegraLed Change ConLrol ls prlmarlly focused on MAnAClnC CPAnCL Lo Lhe pro[ecLs SCCL whlle MonlLor and ConLrol ro[ecL Work ls prlmarlly focused on MAnAClnC
1PL WA? LhaL SCCL ls LxLCu1Lu # Approved Change 8equesLs wlll be lmplemenLed by Lhe ulrecL and Manage ro[ecL LxecuLlon process
# CC8 ls responslble for revlewlng changes and change requesLs and lLs level of auLhorlLy should be spelled ouL ln Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL lan


S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL CharLer 1 lnLervlews 1 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon
2 SLakeholder 8eglsLer 2 locus Croups
3 laclllLaLed Workshops
4 Croup CreaLlvlLy 1echnlques 2 8equlremenLs ManagemenL lan (PCWs)
3 Croup ueclslon Maklng 1echnlques 3 8equlremenLs 1raceablllLy MaLrlx
6 CuesLlonnalres and Surveys
7 CbservaLlons (!ob Shadowlng by Cbsorver)
8 roLoLypes (provldlng a worklng model)
1 ro[ecL charLer 1 roducL analysls 1 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL
2 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 2 AlLernaLlves ldenLlflcaLlon8ralnsLormlng are used mosL 2 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 laclllLaLed Workshops
4 LxperL !udgmenL
1 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL 1 uecomposlLlon 1 W8S
2 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 2 W8S ulcLlonary
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 Scope 8asellne (Scope SLmL + W8S + W8S ulcL)
4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 lnspecLlon 1 AccepLed dellverables
2 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 2 Change 8equesLs
3 8equlremenLs 1raceablllLy MaLrlx 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 valldaLed uellverables
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 varlance analysls 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
2 Work erformance lnformaLlon 2 Change 8equesLs
3 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 8equlremenLs 1raceablllLy MaLrlx 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes

# A 8ase||ne (wheLher for Scope Schedule CosL or CuallLy) ls tbe Otlqlool lloo - All ApptoveJ cbooqes
(WPA1 needs Lo be performed and WP? each requlremenL
ls lmporLanL on Lhe pro[ecL)
vA can be used Lo measure dlfferences bLwn whaL was
deflned ln Lhe Scope 8asellne whaL was creaLed lL ls
useful ln Lhls process as a way Lo lnvesLlgaLe and undersLand
Lhe toot cooses behlnd Lhese dlfferences
(lL lnvolves a polnLbypolnL revlew of Lhe Scope and Lhe
assoclaLed uellverable) Lxamlne Lhe dellverables Measure
lL lnspecL lL and Welgh lL
Co||ect kequ|rements 1he process of deflnlng and documenLlng sLakeholders needs Lo meeL Lhe pro[ecL ob[ecLlves
# 111 ro[ecL Manager or 8uslness AnalysL wlll do Lhe lnLervlews wlLh Sub[ecL maLLer experL and lL ls CneLoone meeLlng
# 112 locus Croups (8rlngs LogeLher prequallfled sLakeholders and sub[ecL maLLer experLs wlLh Lralned Moderotor ) 1 1woway focus group 2 uual moderaLor focus group 3
uuellng moderaLor focus group 4 8espondenL moderaLor focus group 3 CllenL parLlclpanL focus group 6 Mlnl focus group 7 1eleconference focus group and 8 Cnllne locus
Croup # 113 laclllLaLed Workshops (Culck wlLh skllled loci/itotor ooJ key ctossfooctloool stokebolJets) !olnL AppllcaLlon uevelopmenL (!Au for SW lnd) and CuallLy luncLlon
ueploymenL (Clu for roducLlon lnd) # 114 Croup CreaLlvlLy 1echnlques 1 8ralnsLormlng 2 nomlnal Croup 1echnlque where bralnsLormed ldeas are voLed upon and sorLed by
prlorlLy 3 uelphl 1echnlque 4 ldea and Mlnd Mapplng and 3 AfflnlLy ulagram large numbers of ldeas Lo be sorLed lnLo groups
# 113 Croup ueclslon maklng Lechnlques - unanlmlLy everyone agrees on slngle course of acLlon - Ma[orlLy supporL from more Lhan 30 of Lhe members of Lhe group
- lurallLy Lhe largesL block ln a group decldes even lf a ma[orlLy ls noL achleved - ulcLaLorshlp one lndlvldual makes Lhe declslon for Lhe group
# 118 1ypes of roLoLypes 1roofofrlnclple roLoLype 2lorm SLudy roLoLype 3vlsual roLoLype and 4luncLlonal/Worklng roLoLype Modern roLoLyplng (CompuLerlzed)
# CaLegorles of 8equlremenLs ro[ect 1 8uslness 8equlremenLs 2 ro[ecL MgmL 8equlremenLs 3 uellvery 8equlremenLs and 4 ollLlcal 8equlremenLs
roduct 1 1echnlcal 8equlremenLs 2 SecurlLy 8equlremenLs 3 erformance 8equlremenLs 4 CosL 8equlremenLs and 3 CuallLy 8equlremenLs
Def|ne Scope 1he process of developlng a deLalled descrlpLlon of Lhe ro[ecL and roducL lL Lurns all requlremenLs lnLo a more deLalled pro[ecL scope sLaLemenL
ro[ecL Scope sLaLemenL lncludes 1 roducL scope descrlpLlon and ro[ecL goals 2 roducL accepLance crlLerla 3 ro[ecL uellverables
4 ro[ecL lncluslons and excluslons 3 ro[ecL consLralnLs and assumpLlons and 6 ldenLlfled rlsks relaLed Lo Lhe scope
112 roducL Analysls lncludes * roducL 8reakdown * SysLems Analysls * 8equlremenLs Analysls * SysLems Lnglneerlng * value Lnglneerlng and * value Analysls
Ml advocaLes ro[ecL Cb[ecLlves LhaL follow Lhe SMAk1 guldellne S Speclflc M Measurable A Asslgnable 8 8eallsLlc 1 1lmely
Create W8S 1he process of subdlvldlng pro[ecL dellverables and pro[ecL work lnLo smaller more manageable componenLs AfLer creaLlon lL becomes a Pu8 Cl lnlC8MA1lCn for Lhe
pro[ecL lL ls a prlmary Lool for verlfylng and conLrolllng Lhe pro[ecLs scope Lvery level ln W8S ls Lhe deLalled explanaLlon of Lhe level above lL W8S ls a graphlcal hlerachlcal charL
loglcally organlzed from Lop Lo boLLom
# Code of accounL ls used Lo name Lhe W8S (unlque ldenLlflcaLlon) # lannlng packages (SeL of work) are beLween ConLrol AccounLs and Work ackages # W8S lsn'L Llme based #
W8S does form Lhe Scope 8asellne # W8S ls a communlcaLlon Lool # CreaLed by Lhe enLlre ro[ecL 1eam
W8S ulcLlonaly mlghL lnclude 1 Lhe number of Lhe node 2 Lhe name of Lhe node 3 Lhe wrlLLen requlremenLs for Lhe node 4 Lo whom lL ls asslgned 3 Llme (uaLe Asslgned and
uaLe uue) 6 cosL and 7 accounLlng lnformaLlon # ManagemenL ConLrol olnLs (ConLrol AccounL) Where Lhe lnLegraLlon of scope schedule and cosL Lake place and where
performance ls measured AdvanLages 1 Lv CalculaLlon Lake place 2 lL ls Lhe bulldlng block of erformance MeasuremenL and 3 1he sum of Lhe conLrol accounLs wlll add up Lo Lhe
LoLal pro[ecL value (8ule of Lhumb ls 300 nours) ConLrol AccounL may lnclude one or more Work ackages each Work ackage represenLs only one ConLrol AccounL
Ver|fy Scope 1he process of formallzlng accepLance of Lhe compleLed pro[ecL dellverables lormal process Lo verlfy and obLaln sLakeholder accepLance of Lhe compleLed pro[ecL
scope and dellverables usually performed afLer erform CuallLy ConLrol
# verlfy Scope boppeos ot tbe eoJ of eocb pbose ooJ tbe ptoject and upon dellvery of roducL/Servlce/8esulL
# verlfy Scope ls concerned wlLh completeoess ooJ occeptooce and erform CuallLy ConLrol ls concerned wlLh cottectoess
# lf Lhe pro[ecL ls cancelled/LermlnaLed before compleLlon verlfy Scope ls performed Lo show where Lhe ro[ecL was ln relaLlon Lo Lhe Scope when lL ended
# verlfy Scope ls all abouL compotloq tbe uellvetobles wltb tbe JocomeoteJ 5cope Lo ensure LhaL everyLhlng was compleLed
# verlfy Scope ls Lyplcally petfotmeJ by tbe lM tbe 5poosot tbe costomet ooJ tbe looctloool Moooqets and Lhe resulL ls a fotmol wtltteo occeptooce by Lhe approprlaLe
sLakeholders # lf we donL recelve a flnal slgn off from our cusLomer we have Lo escalaLe Lhe lssue Lo our ManagemenL
# CharacLerlsLlcs of verlfy Scope 1 Slgnoff 8evlew lnspecLlon 2 uocumenLlng compleLed dellverables and 3 Lnsurlng LhaL Lhe dellverables conform Lo Lhe requlremenLs

Contro| Scope 1he process of monlLorlng Lhe sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL and producL scope and managlng changes Lo Lhe scope basellne Scope Creep wlll be ellmlnaLed
lnLegraLed Change ConLrol spans * ConLrol Scope * ConLrol Schedule * ConLrol CosL * CuallLy ConLrol * MonlLor and ConLrol 8lsk * AdmlnlsLer rocuremenLs
# CusLomers lnLeresLs should always be welghed heavlly and Jlspotes sboolJ be tesolveJ lo fovot of tbe costomet
(8equlremenLs and lLs source WPC CWnS and Lhe SLaLus)
MaLrlx deplcLs as 8equlremenLs (8ows) agalnsL uellverables
# Work erformance lnformaLlon lnformaLlon and daLa on Lhe sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL schedule acLlvlLles belng performed Lo accompllsh Lhe pro[ecL work collecLed as parL of Lhe dlrecL
and manage pro[ecL execuLlon processes # 1ask Work noL necessarlly llsLed ln Lhe W8S and ls Lhe lowesL level of efforL on Lhe pro[ecL
# Work erformance MeasuremenLs 8esulLs from measuremenLs when comparlng LAnnLu vs AC1uAL 1echnlcal erformance
# lf a varlance ls a 8eneflclal varlance * keep LhaL varlance * lssue a change requesL Lo updaLe Lhe Scope 8asellne Lo do Lhe changes ln characLerlsLlcs
# unconLrolled changes are ofLen referred Lo as pro[ect scope creep Scope Creep 8esulLs from * oor lnlLlal requlremenLs deflnlLlon * lallure Lo lnvolve users ln early sLages * A mlsslng
Scope 8asellne * oor Change ConLrol * ro[ecLs Lake long Lherefore requlremenLs also change * Weak ManagemenL and * lallure Lo manage user expecLaLlons



# SCCL MAnACLMLn1 ls a presenLaLlon of loglcal processes Lo undersLand requlremenLs deflne break down and conLrol Lhe scope of Lhe pro[ecL and verlfy LhaL Lhe pro[ecL was
compleLed correcLly 1he ro[ecL Manager should always be lo coottol of scope Lhrough rlgld managemenL of Lhe requlremenLs deLalls and processes and scope changes should be
handled ln a sLrucLured procedural and conLrolled manner Scope may refer Lo 1 roducL Scope (leaLures and luncLlons) and 2 ro[ecL Scope (Work need Lo be compleLed)
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 Scope 8asellne 1 uecomposlLlon 1 AcLlvlLy LlsL
2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 8olllng Wave lannlng 2 AcLlvlLy ALLrlbuLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 1emplaLes 3 MllesLone llsL
4 LxperL !udgmenL
1 AcLlvlLy LlsL 1 uM (recedence ulagrammlng MeLhod) 1 ro[ecL Schedule neLwork ulagrams
2 AcLlvlLy ALLrlbuLes 2 uependency ueLermlnaLlon 2 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 MllesLone LlsL 3 Applylng Leads and Lags
4 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL 4 Schedule neLwork 1emplaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 AcLlvlLy llsL 1 AlLernaLlves Analysls 1 AcLlvlLy 8esource 8equlremenLs
2 AcLlvlLy ALLrlbuLes 2 8oLLomup LsLlmaLlng 2 8esource 8reakdown SLrucLure
3 8esource Calendars 3 ubllshed LsLlmaLlng uaLa 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 4 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 LxperL !udgmenL
1 AcLlvlLy LlsL 1 Analogous LsLlmaLlng 1 AcLlvlLy uuraLlon LsLlmaLes
2 AcLlvlLy ALLrlbuLes 2 arameLrlc LsLlmaLlng
3 AcLlvlLy 8esource 8equlremenLs 3 1hreepolnL LsLlmaLes
4 8esource Calendars 2 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL
6 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 LxperL !udgmenL
1 AcLlvlLy LlsL 1 CrlLlcal aLh MeLhod
2 AcLlvlLy ALLrlbuLes 2 CrlLlcal Chaln MeLhod
3 AcLlvlLy 8esource 8equlremenLs 3 8esource Levellng 2 Schedule 8asellne
4 AcLlvlLy uuraLlon LsLlmaLes 4 WhaLlf Scenarlo Analysls 3 Schedule uaLa
3 ro[ecL Schedule neLwork ulagrams 3 Applylng Leads and Lags 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
6 8esource Calendars 6 Schedule Compresslon
7 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL 7 Schedullng 1ool
8 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 8 Schedule neLwork Analysls
9 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 erformance 8evlews 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs (Sv Sl values)
2 ro[ecL Schedule 2 varlance Analysls (Sv/Sl) 2 Change 8equesLs
3 Work erformance lnformaLlon 3 8esource Levellng 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 WhaLlf Scenarlo Analysls 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 Ad[usLlng Leads and Lags 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
6 Schedule Compresslon
7 Schedullng 1ool
8 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware
(lL doesnL lnclude LACS lL may lnclude some lndlcaLlon of
Lhe range of posslble resulLs)


4 8eserve Analysls (As more preclse lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
pro[ecL becomes avallable Lhe conLlngency reserve may be
used 8educed or LllmlnaLed)
# ath Convergence 1he merglng or [olnlng parallel schedule neLwork paLhs lnLo Lhe same node ln a pro[ecL schedule neLwork dlagram aLh convergence ls characLerlzed by a schedule
acLlvlLy wlLh more Lhan one predecessor acLlvlLy # ath D|vergence LxLendlng or generaLlng parallel schedule neLwork paLhs from Lhe same node ln a pro[ecL shedule neLwork dlagram
aLh devergence ls characLerlzed by a schedule acLlvlLy wlLh more Lhan one successor acLlvlLy

# nAMMCCk Act|v|ty lor conLrol and mangemenL communlcaLlon Lhe broader more comprehenslve summary acLlvlLy
1 ro[ecL Schedule (lormaLs 1 MllesLone CharLs 2 8ar
CharLs and 3 ro[ecL Schedule neLwork ulagrams)
Contro| Schedu|e 1he process of monlLorlng Lhe sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL Lo updaLe pro[ecL progress and managlng changes Lo Lhe schedule basellne
# Schedule 8asellne ls updaLed whenever Lhe CusLomer requesLs a slgnlflcanL change and when orlglnal esLlmaLes were wrong
Def|ne Act|v|t|es 1he process of ldenLlfylng Lhe speclflc acLlons Lo be performed Lo produce Lhe pro[ecL dellverables
# 8olllng wave plannlng LeL you plan as you go # lannlng ackage (placeholder puL beLween conLrol accounLs and work packages)
Sequence Act|v|t|es 1he process of ldenLlfylng and documenLlng relaLlonshlps among Lhe pro[ecL acLlvlLles
# MandaLory redecessors (Pard loglc) ulscreLlonary redecessors (referred loglc SofL loglc) and LxLernal redecessors
Lst|mat|ng Act|v|ty kesource 1he process of esLlmaLlng Lhe Lype and quanLlLles of maLerlal people equlpmenL or supplles requlred Lo perform each acLlvlLy
# 8esource Calendars speclfy WPLn and PCW LCnC ldenLlfled pro[ecL resource wlll be avallable durlng Lhe pro[ecL
Lst|mat|ng Act|v|ty Durat|on 1he process of approxlmaLlng Lhe number of work perlods needed Lo compleLe lndlvldual acLlvlLles wlLh esLlmLed resources
# Analogous (Lop down) ls when you look aL acLlvlLles from prevlous slmllar acLlvlLles 1he degree of slmllarlLy affecLs accuracy 1hls Lechnlque should be used early ln Lhe esLlmaLlng
cycle when Lhere ls noL much deLall known abouL Lhe acLlvlLy lL uses PlsLorlcal lnformaLlon and experL [udgemenL lL ls less cosLly less Llme consumlng Lhan oLhers and less accuraLe
lL can be applled Lo a LoLal pro[ecL or Lo segmenLs of a pro[ecL and may be used ln con[uncLlon wlLh oLher esLlmaLlng meLhods
# arameLrlc/CuanLlLaLely8ased LsLlmaLlng lL uses a sLaLlsLlcal relaLlonslp beLween PlS1C8lCAL uA1A and C1PL8 vA8lA8LLS (Lx Square fooLage ln consLrucLlon) Lo calculaLe an
esLlmaLe for acLlvlLy parameLers such as cosL budgeL and duraLlon lL can be applled Lo a LoLal pro[ecL or Lo segmenLs of a pro[ecL and may be used ln con[uncLlon wlLh oLher
esLlmaLlng meLhods CosL CLy ln unlLs x unlL 8aLe
# 1hreeolnL LsLlmaLe or 1rlangular ulsLrlbuLlon Come up wlLh Lhree polnLs CpLlmlsLlc esslmlsLlc and MosL Llkely (8eallsLlc) (+8+C)/3
# L81 (rogram LvaluaLlon and 8evlew 1echnlque)/8eLa/WelghLed 1hreeolnL LsLlmaLe (+48+C)/6 # SLandard uevlaLlon o (C)/6
LfforL 1he number of labour unlLs requlred Lo compleLe a schedule acLlvlLy or W8S componenL usually expressed as sLaff hours sLaff days or sLaff weeks (8equlremenLs for efforL
esLlmaLlon 1he LxperL !udgemenL 1ask ComplexlLy Slll Level and LxpecLaLlons)
uuraLlon 1he LoLal number of work perlods (noL lncludlng holldays and nonworklng perlods) requlred Lo compleLe a schedule acLlvlLy or W8S componenL usually expressed as
workdays or workweeks (8equlremenLs for uuraLlon esLlmaLlon 8esource AvallablllLy and 8esource CapablllLy) Llapsed 1lme WalLlng perlods
Deve|op Schedu|e 1he process of analyzlng acLlvlLy sequences duraLlons resource requlremenLs and schedule consLralnLs Lo creaLe Lhe pro[ecL schedule lL deLermlnes Lhe planned
sLarL and flnlsh daLes for pro[ecL acLlvlLles and mllesLones
# CrlLlcal aLh MeLhod lL calculaLes Lhe LheoreLlcal Larly SLarL and llnlsh uaLes and LaLe SLarL and llnlsh uaLes for all acLlvlLles wlLhouL regard for any resource llmlLaLlons by
performlng a lorward and 8ackward pass analysls Lhrough Lhe schedule neLwork CrlLlcal paLhs have elLher ZL8C or nLCA1lvL 1oLal lloaL
# CrlLlcal Chaln MeLhod 1he resourceconsLralned crlLlcal paLh ls known as Lhe CrlLlcal Chaln 1he longesL sequence of resourceleveled Lasks ls Lhe crlLlcal chaln lL Lrles Lo ad[usL for
problems ln esLlmaLlng and managlng Lasks LhaL resulL from 1 poor mulLlLasklng 2 esLlmaLes wlLh Loo much conLlngency for uncerLalnLy 3 work LhaL expands Lo flll Lhe avallable
Llme 4 walLlng unLll Lhe laLesL posslble Llme Lo sLarL and 3 lack of prlorlLlzaLlon CrlLlcal Chaln MeLhod focuses on managlng remalnlng buffer duraLlons agalnsL Lhe remalnlng
duraLlons of Lask chalns ln CCM buffers are Lwo Lypes 1 ro[ecL 8uffer (roLecLs Lhe LargeL flnlsh daLe from sllppage along Lhe CrlLlcal Chaln) and 2 leed 8uffer (roLecLs Lhe CrlLlcal
Chaln from sllppage along Lhe leedlng Chalns) # lloaL/Slak/1oLal lloaL amounL of Llme an acLlvlLy can sllp before lL causes delay ln pro[ecL * lloaL for acLlvlLles on C ls 0 C nexL
longesL paLh floaL # LLAu 1ask can be sLarLed before compleLlon of Lhe predecessor (Lx SLarL wrlLlng Lhe 1ralnlng MaLerlal before compleLlon of Lhe 1esLlng) # LAC llnlsh Lo llnlsh
1he successor cannoL be sLarLed before flnlshlng Lhe predecessor (Lx ourlng ConcreLe)
# Schedule Compresslon lncludes lasLLracklng and crashlng # Crashlng almosL always lncreases cosL Cver 1lme ls consldered as Crashlng CheapesL 1ask has Lo be crashed flrsL #
PeurlsLlcs 8ules for whlch no formula exlsLs usually derlved Lhrough Lrlal and error # lree lloaL how much Llme an acLlvlLy can be delayed wlLhouL affecLlng Lhe early sLarL daLe of
subsequenL dependenL acLlvlLles # 8esource Levellng can be used when shared or ctltlcol tepolteJ tesootces ote ooly ovolloble ot cettolo tlmes ote ooly ovolloble lo llmlteJ
poootltles ot to keep tesootce osoqe ot o coostoot level lL can ofLen cause Lhe orlglnal crlLlcal paLh Lo change



S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 Scope 8asellne 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 AcLlvlLy CosL LsLlmaLes
2 ro[ecL Schedule 2 Analogous LsLlmaLlng (Cross value LsLmLlng apprch) 2 8asls of LsLlmaLes
3 Puman 8esource lan 3 arameLrlc LsLlmaLlng (uses SLaLlsLlcal relaLlonshlp) 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 8lsk 8eglsLer 4 8oLLomup LsLlmaLlng
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 3 1hreeolnL LsLlmaLes
6 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 6 8eserve Analysls
7 CosL of CuallLy
8 vendor 8ld Analysls
9 ro[ecL ManagemenL LsLlmaLlng SofLware
1 AcLlvlLy CosL LsLlmaLes 1 CosL AggregaLlon 1 CosL erformance 8asellne (S curve)
2 8asls of LsLlmaLes 2 8eserve Analysls 2 ro[ecL lundlng 8equlremenLs (uoLLed SLeps)
3 Scope 8asellne 3 LxperL !udgmenL (LxpendlLures LlablllLles and 8eserves)
4 ro[ecL Schedule 4 PlsLorlcal 8elaLlonshlps 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 8esource Calendars 3 lundlng LlmlL 8econclllaLlon
6 ConLracLs
7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 Larned value ManagemenL (varlances and 1rends) 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
2 ro[ecL lundlng 8equlremenLs 2 lorecasLlng (LAC and L1C) 2 8udgeL lorecasLs
3 Work erformance lnformaLlon 3 1ocompleLe erformance lndex (1Cl) 3 Change 8equesLs
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 erformance 8evlews 4 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 varlance Analysls 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs upd
6 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
Lst|mate Costs 1he process of developlng an approxlmaLlon of Lhe moneLary resources needed Lo compleLe pro[ecL acLlvlLles lL ls performed afLer ueflne Scope CreaLe W8S ueflne
AcLlvlLles LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy 8esources and LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy uuraLlons
# CosL of quallLy CosL LhaL ls lncurred Lo achleve requlred quallLy
# SLranded/Sunk CosLs cosLs uncured LhaL cannoL be reversed lrrespecLlve Lo fuLure evenLs
# value Lnglneerlng/ Analysls uolng Lhe same work for less Lg ouLsourclng
# Marglnal analysls Spend Llme on lmprovemenL lf lL lmproves revenues or producLlvlLy
# Crder of MagnlLude LsLlmaLe 8ough Crder of MagnlLude (8CM) 30 Lo +30 (aL lnlLlaLlon) as Lhe pro[ecL moves esLlmaLes should become more accuraLe ConcepLual LsL 30
Lo + 30 rellmlnary LsL 20 Lo +30 ueflnlLlve LsL 13 Lo +20 ConLrol LsL 10 Lo +13 (for AcLlvlLles wlLh relaLlvely few unknowns)
Determ|ne 8udget (Cost erformance 8ase||ne) 1he process of aggregaLlng Lhe esLlmaLed cosLs of lndlvldual acLlvlLles or work packages Lo esLabllsh an auLhorlzed cosL basellne
8udgeL ls Llmephased (WPA1 cosLs wlll be lncurred and WPLn Lhey wlll be lncurred) 1he Cost 8ase||ne descrlbes a deLalled budgeL LhaL shows cosLs and Llmellnes for each work
package or acLlvlLy lL ls performed afLer ueflne AcLlvlLles LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy 8esources LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy uuraLlons uevelop Schedule and LsLlmaLe CosLs
# Larger pro[ecLs may be dlvlded lnLo mulLlple CosL 8asellnes
Contro| Costs 1he process of monlLorlng Lhe sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL Lo updaLe Lhe pro[ecL budgeL and managlng changes Lo Lhe cosL basellne
CumulaLlve Cl 1he raLe aL whlch Lhe pro[ecL performance ls meeLlng cosL expecLaLlons from Lhe beglnnlng up Lo a polnL ln Llme Also used Lo forecasL pro[ecL's cosL aL compleLlon
ClC (Cl CumulaLlve) LvC (Lv CumulaLlve)/ ACC (AC CumulaLlve) Whlch calculaLes Lhe pro[ecLs performance up Lo a polnL ln Llme
1oCompleLe erformance lndex (1Cl) performance needed ln order Lo achleve earned value LargeLs (elLher flnanclal or schedule) 1wo forms 1ClC and 1ClS
# 1Cl (8ased on 8AC) Work 8emalnlng le (8ACLv) / 8emalnlng lunds le (8ACAC) (lower Lhan 1 ls good)
# 1Cl (8ased on LAC) Work 8emalnlng le (8ACLv) / 8emalnlng lunds le (LACAC) (lower Lhan 1 ls good)
# 1Cl calculaLlon ls based on a speclfled managemenL goal lf Lhe cumulaLlve Cl falls below Lhe basellne plan all fuLure work of Lhe pro[ecL wlll beed Lo lmmedlaLely be performed ln
Lhe range of Lhe 1Cl (8AC) Lo sLay wlLhln Lhe auLhorlzed 8AC Cnce managemenL acknowledges LhaL Lhe 8AC ls no longer aLLalnable Lhe M wlll prepare a new LAC for Lhe work and
one approved Lhe pro[ecL wlll work Lo Lhe new LAC value and lL supersedes Lhe 8AC
# 1he LvM meLhod works well ln con[uncLlon wlLh manual forecasLs of Lhe requlred LAC cosLs 1he mosL common LAC forecasLlng approach ls a MAnuAL 8C11CMu SuMMA1lCn
by Lhe M and ro[ecL 1eam
# ro[ecL Manager monlLor Lv boLh lncremenLally Lo deLermlne Cu88Ln1 S1A1uS and cumulaLlvely Lo deLermlne longLerm L8lC8MAnCL 18LnuS


# 1he Scope Statement provldes Lhe roducL uescrlpLlon AccepLance CrlLerla key uellverables ro[ecL 8oundarles AssumpLlons and ConsLralnLs abouL Lhe ro[ecL
# ro[ect Cost Contro| lncludes
1) lnfluenclng Lhe facLors LhaL creaLe changes Lo Lhe auLhorlzed cosL basellne
2) Lnsurlng LhaL all change requesLs are acLed on ln a Llmely manner
3) Managlng Lhe acLual changes when and ass Lhey occur
4) Lnsurlng LhaL cosL expendlLures do noL exceed Lhe auLhorlzed fundlng by perlod and ln LoLal for Lhe pro[ecL
3) MonlLorlng cosL performance Lo lsolaLe and undersLand varlances from Lhe approved cosL basellne
6) MonlLorlng work performance agalnsL funds expended
7) revenLlng unapproved changes from belng lnfluded ln Lhe reporLed cosL or resource usage
8) lnformlng approprlaLe sLakeholders of all approved changes and assoclaLed cosL and
9) AcLlng Lo brlng expecLed cosL overruns wlLhln accepLable llmlLs

# 1he CosL ManagemenL rocesses and Lhelr assoclaLed Lools and Lechnlques are usually selecLed durlng Lhe pro[ecL llfe cycle deflnlLlon and are documenLed ln the Cost Management
|an (whlch has been produced by uevelop ro[ecL MgmL lan rocess) lor example Lhe CosL MgmL lan can esLabllsh Lhe followlng 1 Level of Accurary (8oundlng of Lhe daLa) 2 unlLs
of MeasuremenL (SLaff Pours SLaff uays Weeks or Lump Sum) 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocedures Llnks (1he W8S componenL used for Lhe ro[ecL CosL AccounLlng ls called Lhe ConLrol
AccounL (CA) Lach ConLrol AccounL ls asslgned a unlque code or accounL number LhaL llnks dlrecLly Lo Lhe performlng organlzaLlons AccounLlng SysLem) 4 ConLol 1hresholds (1hresholds
are Lyplcally expressed as percenLage devlaLlons from Lhe basellne plan) 3 8ules of erformance MeasuremenL (LvM rules of performance measuremenL are seL) 3 8eporLlng lormaLs
(lormaLs and frequency of varlous cosL reporLs are deflned) and 6 rocess uescrlpLlons (descrlpLlon of each of Lhe Lhree cosL mgmL processes are documenLed)
# AC AcLual CosL / AcLual CosL of Work erformed (ACW) SuM of Lhe CosLs for a glven perlod of Llme
# Llfe Cycle CosLlng lncludes AcqulslLlon CperaLlon MalnLenance and ulsposal CosLs
# ro[ecL CosL 8asellne ro[ecL LsLlmaLes + (CosL) ConLlngency 8eserves # ro[ecL CosL 8udgeL ro[ecL CosL 8asellne + ManagemenL 8eserves
# v lanned value / 8udgeLed CosL of Work Scheduled (8CWS) 8AC x lanned CompleLed
# Lv Larned value / 8udgeLed CosL of Work erformed (8CW) 8AC x AcLual CompleLed
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer 1 CosL8eneflL Analysls 1 CuallLy ManagemenL lan
2 Scope 8asellne 2 CosL of CuallLy 2 CuallLy MeLrlcs (ueflnes how C wlll be measured)
3 CosL erformance 8asellne 3 ConLrol CharLs 3 CuallLy CheckllsLs
4 Schedule 8asellne 4 llowcharLlng 4 rocess lmprovemenL lan
3 8lsk 8eglsLer 4 8enchmarklng 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
6 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 ueslgn of LxperlmenLs (uCL)
7 LnLerprlse envlronmenLal facLors 6 SLaLlsLlcal Sampllng
8 roprleLary CuallLy ManagemenL MeLhodologles
9 AddlLlonal CuallLy lannlng 1ools
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (C M l rocess lmp l) 1 CuallLy AudlLs (key 1ool) 1 Change 8equesLs (for rocedural Changes)
2 CuallLy MeLrlcs (ueflnes how C wlll be measured) 2 rocess Analysls 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 CuallLy ConLrol MeasuremenLs 3 lan CuallLy and erform CuallLy ConLrol 1ools 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 Work erformance lnformaLlon and 1echnlques 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (C M lan) 1 Cause and LffecL ulagram (lshlkawa/llshbone) 1 CuallLy ConLrol MeasuremenLs
2 CuallLy MeLrlcs 2 ConLrol CharLs 2 valldaLed Changes
3 CuallLy CheckllsLs 3 llowcharLlng 3 valldaLe uellverables
4 uellverables 4 PlsLogram 4 Change 8equesLs
3 Approved Change 8equesLs 3 areLo CharL 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
6 Work erformance MeasuremenLs 6 8un CharL 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 7 ScaLLer ulagram 7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
8 SLaLlsLlcal Sampllng
9 lnspecLlon
10 Approved Change 8equesLs 8evlew
# !usLln1lme (!l1) A manufacLurlng meLhod LhaL brlngs lnvenLory down Lo Zero (or near Zero) levels lL forces a focus on quallLy slnce Lhere ls no excess lnvenLory on hand Lo wasLe
# - 1o 6823 - 2o 9346 - 3o 9973 - 6o 9999966
# lSC 9000 Lnsures Companles documenL whaL Lhey do and do whaL Lhey documenL lL may be an lmporLanL componenL of erformance CuallLy Assurance slnce lL ensures LhaL an
organlzaLlon follows Lhelr processes # MuLually Lxcluslve one cholce excludes Lhe oLher # CMMl ueflnes Lhe essenLlal elemenLs of effecLlve processes
# SLaLlsLlcal lndependence When Lhe ouLcomes of Lwo processes are noL llnked LogeLher or dependenL upon each oLher Lhey are sLaLlsLlcally lndependenL
# Slx Slgma Slx slgma quallLy sLrlves Lo make Lhe overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of Lhe bell curve fall wlLhln cusLomer quallLy llmlLs Slx slgma ls a quallLy managemenL phllosophy LhaL seLs very
hlgh sLandards for quallLy and LhaL one slgman quallLy ls Lhe lowesL quallLy level allowlng 317300 defecLs per 1000000 ouLpuLs Lhree slgma quallLy ls hlgher allowlng 2700 defecLs per
1000000 and slx slgma ls Lhe hlghesL of Lhese allowlng only 34 defecLs per 1000000 harmaceuLlcal lndusLry Lhe Alrllne lndusLry and ower uLlllLles Lyplcally sLrlve for hlgher levels
of quallLy Lhan slx slgma would speclfy ln some areas of Lhelr operaLlons
# lan CuallLy erform CuallLy Assurane and erform CuallLy ConLrol map closely Lo Lhe |anDoCheckAct cycle as descrlbed by W Ldwards Dem|ng (Pe also developed 14 acLlvlLles for
lmplemenLlng quallLy) # hlllp Crosby slmllar Lo uemlng he Loo developed 14 SLeps Lo lmprovlng quallLy # !oseph Iuran llLnessforuse Iuran 1r||ogy (CuallLy of ueslgn CuallLy of
Conformance and CuallLy CharacLerlsLlcs) !uran 1rllogy approach |anImproveContro| # ur Cenlchl 1aguch| developed Lhe concepL of Loss Iunct|on
# lnvesLmenL ln CuallLy ls usually born by Lhe CrganlzaLlon (noL by Lhe pro[ecL) # |anDoCheckAct has been deflned by SnLWnAkD and modlfled by DLMING ln ASC Pandbook
# CuallLy ls the degree to wh|ch a set of |nherent character|st|cs fu|f||| requ|rements
# 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL (1CM) Lveryone ln Lhe company ls responslble for quallLy and ls able Lo make a dlfference ln Lhe ulLlmaLe quallLy of Lhe producL 1CM shlfLs Lhe prlmary
quallLy focus away from Lhe producL LhaL ls produced and looks lnsLead aL Lhe underlylng process of how lL was produced
# ConLlnuous lmprovemenL rocess (Cl)/kAlZLn A phllosophy LhaL sLresses consLanL process lmprovemenL ln Lhe form of small changes ln producLs or servlces

|an ua||ty 1he process of ldenLlfylng quallLy requlremenLs and/or sLandards for Lhe pro[ecL and producL and documenLlng how Lhe pro[ecL wlll demonsLraLe compllance
ueclslons made abouL quallLy can have a slgnlflcanL lmpacL on oLher declslons such as scope Llme cosL and rlsk MosL ro[ecL ManagemenL racLlLloners vlew SCCL and CuALl1? as
lnSLA8A8LL # lf CuallLy ollcy doesnL exlsL Lhe ro[ecL 1eam should wrlLe one for Lhls pro[ecL ueLermlne WPA1 Lhe quallLy sLandards for Lhe pro[ecL wlll be and documenL PCW
Lhe pro[ecL wlll be measured for compllance
# CosL beneflL Looklng aL how much your quallLy acLlvlLles wlll cosL # 8enchmarklng means uslng Lhe resulLs of quallLy plannlng on oLher pro[ecLs Lo seL goals for your own
# ueslgn of experlmenLs ls Lhe llsL of all Lhe klnds of LesLs you are golng Lo run on your producL
# ALLrlbuLe Sampllng ls blnary lL elLher conforms Lo quallLy or lL doesn'L (?LS or nC) # varlable Sampllng Measures how well someLhlng conforms Lo quallLy (8AnCLS)
# Speclal Causes consldered unusual and prevenLable by process lmprovemenL # Common Causes are generally accepLable
# 1olerances deal wlLh Lhe llmlLs your pro[ecL has seL for producL accepLance # ConLrol LlmlLs are seL aL Lhree sLandard devlaLlons above and below Lhe mean As long as your resulLs
fall wlLhln Lhe conLrol llmlLs your process ls consldered Lo be ln conLrol ## 1oleranes focus on wheLher Lhe producL ls accepLable whlle ConLrol LlmlLs focus on wheLher Lhe process
lLself ls accepLable
# ConLrol CharLs 1he upper and lower conLrol llmlLs are seL aL 1P8LL S1AnuA8u uLvlA1lCnS A8CvL and 8LLCW MLAn # 8ule of Seven lf seven or more consecuLlve daLa polnLs fall
on one slde of Lhe mean Lhey should be lnvesLlgaLed 1hls ls Lrue even lf Lhe seven daLa polnLs are wlLhln conLrol llmlLs
erform ua||ty Assurance 1he process of audlLlng Lhe quallLy requlremenLs and Lhe resulLs from quallLy conLrol measuremenLs Lo ensure approprlaLe quallLy sLandards and
operaLlonal deflnlLlons are used use Lhe measuremenLs Lo see lf Lhe quallLy sLandards wlll be ML1 vALluA1L Lhe sLandards
# lmp olnL erform CuallLy Assurance ls prlmarlly concerned wlLh overall 8CCLSS lM8CvLMLn1 lL ls noL abouL lnspecLlng Lhe producL for quallLy or measurlng defecLs lnsLead
erformance CuallLy Assurance ls focused on sLeadlly lmprovlng Lhe acLlvlLles and processes underLaken Lo achleve quallLy
# roacLlve sLeps Laken by M and Lhe mgmL Leam Lo lnsure Lhe quallLy sLandards are belng help and monlLored
erform ua||ty Contro| 1he process of monlLorlng and recordlng resulLs of execuLlng Lhe quallLy acLlvlLles Lo assess performance and recommend necessary changes 1hls process
uses Lhe Lool of lnSLC1lCn Lo make sure Lhe resulLs of Lhe work are whaL Lhey are supposed Lo be erform CuallLy ConLrol ls Lhe process where each dellverable ls lnSLC1Lu
MLASu8Lu and 1LS1Lu 1hls process makes sure LhaL everyLhlng produced meeLs quallLy sLandards erform Lhe MLASu8LMLn1S and CCMA8L Lo speclflc quallLy sLandards
luLn1ll? ways of ellmlnaLlng Lhe problem ln Lhe fuLure
# Cause and LffecL ulagram (lshlkawa/llshbone) used Lo show how dlfferenL facLors relaLe LogeLher and mlghL be Lled Lo poLenLlal problems lL lmporves quallLy by ldenLlfylng quallLy
problems and Lrylng Lo unCCvL8 1PL unuL8L?lnC CAuSL
# llow CharL Shows PCW 8CCLSSLS ln1L88LLA1L
# PlsLogram (Column CharL) lL shows PCW Cl1Ln someLhlng occurs or lLs l8LCuLnC? (no 8anklng)
# areLo CharLs (8020 rule) 1hls ls a PlsLogram showlng defecLs 8AnkLu from C8LA1LS1 Lo LLAS1 1hls rule sLaLes LhaL 80 of Lhe problems come from 20 of Lhe causes lL ls used
Lo help deLermlne Lhe lLW 8CC1 CAuSLS behlnd Lhe MA!C8l1? Cl 1PL 8C8LLMS on a pro[ecL
# 8un CharL Lell abouL 18LnuS ln Lhe pro[ecL Shows Lhe PlS1C8? and A11L8n
# ScaLLer ulagram lL ls powerful Lool for SC11lnC 18LnuS ln uaLa ScaLLer ulagrams are made uslng Lwo varlables (a dependenL varlable and an lndependenL varlable)
# SLaLlsLlcal Sampllng lL ls a powerful Lool where a 8AnuCM sample ls selecLed lnsLead of measurlng Lhe enLlre populaLlon

S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 AcLlvlLy 8esource 8equlremenL 1 CrganlzaLlon CharLs and oslLlon uescrlpLlons
2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 CrganlzaLlonal 1heory
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 neLworklng
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 reAsslgnmenL 1 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs
2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 negoLlaLlon (key 1echnlque of Lhls process) 2 8esource Calendars
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 AcqulslLlon 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 vlrLual 1eams
1 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs (wlll have llsL 1 1ralnlng 1 1eam erformance AssessmenLs
of all Leam members) 2 1eambulldlng AcLlvlLles 2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors upd
2 8esource Calendars 3 Cround 8ules
3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 4 ColocaLlon
3 8ecognlLlon and 8ewards
6 lnLerpersonal Skllls (SofL Skllls)
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 CbservaLlon and ConversaLlon 1 Change 8equesLs
2 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs 2 ro[ecL erformance Appralsals 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 1eam erformance AssessmenLs 3 ConfllcL ManagemenL 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
4 erformance 8eporLs 4 lssue Log 4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 lnLerpersonal Skllls
1 Puman 8esource lan lL has Lhree componeneLs
a 8oles and 8esponslblllLles b CrganlzaLlon CharLs and c
1he SLafflng ManagemenL lan
# 1ralnlng Lxpenses should be pald for by Lhe erformlng CrganlzaLlon or Lhe luncLlonal Manager and noL by Lhe CusLomer or Lhe ro[ecL
Deve|op numan kesource |an 1he process of ldenLlfylng and documenLlng ro[ecL 8ols 8esponslblllLles and 8equlred Skllls 8eporLlng 8elaLlonshlps and creaLlng a SLaff
ManagemenL lan 1he P8 lan documenLs pro[ecL 8oles and 8esponslblllLles or[ecL CrganlzaLlon CharLs and Lhe SLafflng ManagemenL lan lncludlng Lhe 1lmeLable for SLaff
AcqulslLlon and 8elease lL may also lnclude ldenLlflcaLlon of 1ralnlng needs 1eam8ulldlng SLraLegles lans for 8ecognlLlon and 8ewards rograms Compllance ConslderaLlons
SafeLy lssues and Lhe lmpacL of Lhe SLafflng ManagemenL lan on Lhe CrganlzaLlon
111 1hree rlmary lormaLs are 1 Plerachlcal 2 MaLrlx (8AM 8esponslblllLy AssslgnmenL MaLrlx whlch dlsplays work packages ln Lhe rows and roles ln Lhe columns opular 1ype
ls 8ACl charL 88esponslble AAccounLable CConsulL llnform lL ls lmporLanL when Leam conslsLs of lnLernal and LxLernal 8esources) and 3 1exL (!ob/oslLlon uescrlpLlons and
8ole8esponslblllLyAuLhorlLy lorms 1hls Lool ls prLlcularly useful ln 8ecrulLlng) 112 lor undersLandlng CrganlzaLlons and 1eams behavlor
113 neLworklng ls Lhe process of communlcaLlng wlLh oLhers wlLhln your neLwork of conLacLs 8y neLworklng wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon M can undersLand Lhe pollLlcal and
CrganlzaLlonal lorces LhaL wlll lnfluence Lhe pro[ecL P8 neLworklng acLlvlLles lnclude roacLlve Correspondance Luncheon MeeLlngs lnformal ConversaLlons lncludlng MeeLlng and
LvenLs 1rade Conferences and Symposla lL can be a useful Lechnlque aL Lhe beglnnlng of a pro[ecL
C1 8esource PlsLogram shows Lhe resource usage for a glven perlod of Llme lL lllusLraLes Lhe number of hours a person deparLmenL or enLlre pro[ecL Leam wlll be needed each
week or monLh over Lhe course of Lhe pro[ecL
Acqu|re ro[ect 1eam 1he process of conflrmlng human resource avallablllLy and obLalnlng Lhe Leam necessary Lo compleLe pro[ecL asslgnmenLs
111 reAsslgnmenL Cccaslonally speclflc resources wlll be reAsslgned Lo flll a role 1hls may occur before Lhe Puman 8esource lan has been creaaLed and even before Lhe
pro[ecL formally beglns 112 negoLlaLlon lL ls an lmporLanL slll for M Lo culLlvaLe 113 AqulslLlon lL refers Lo looklng ouLslde Lhe organlzaLlon for resources when Lhey cannoL be
provlded by your organlzaLlon 114 vlrLual Leams are when all Leam members don'L work ln Lhe same locaLlon
Deve|op ro[ect 1eam 1he process of lmprovlng Lhe compeLencles Leam lnLeracLlon and Lhe overall Leam envlronmenL Lo enhance pro[ecL performance ro[ecL ManagemenL
Skllls Leadershlp SLyles ower 1eam 8ulldlng and Lhe MoLlvaLlon of people are all concepLs LhaL fall lnLo Lhls process
llve klnds of powers 8eward power LxperL power 8eferenL power unlshmenL power (Coerclve) and leglLlmaLe power (lormal power) 8eward and LxperL as Lhe mosL effecLlve
forms of power and unlshmenL/Coerclve as Lhe leasL effecLlve
8ecognlLlon and 8eward (1heorles of MoLlvaLlon) Wlnwln rewards as Lhe besL cholces for Leam bulldlng
- Maslow's hlerarchy of needs ?ou can'L achleve hlgher needs unLll you're saLlsfled wlLh Lhe lower ones
Lower needs 1 hyslologlcal 2 SecurlLy 3 AccepLance Plgher needs 4 LsLeem 3 SelfAcLuallzaLlon
- Perzberg's MoLlvaLlonPyglene 1heory Pyglene facLors (Company ollcy Supervlslon Cood relaLlonshlp wlLh boss worklng condlLlons aycheck ersonal llfe SLaLus SecurlLy and
8elaLlonshlp wlLh coworkers) does noL make someone saLlsfled buL Lhelr absence wlll make someone unsaLlsfled Pyglene facLors do noL moLlvaLe by Lhemselves MoLlvaLlon facLors
(AchlevemenL 8ecognlLlon Work 8esponslblllLy AdvancemenL and CrowLh) wlll moLlvaLe buL Lhey wlll noL work wlLhouL Lhe Pyglene facLors ln place
- uouglas McCregor's 1heory x and 1heory ? 1heory x 1eam members are Selflsh unmoLlvaLed ulsllke work (consLanL supervlslon ls requlred auLhorlLarlan managemenL sLyle)
1heory ? naLurally moLlvaLed Lo do good work (manager LrusLs Leam members parLlclpaLlve managemenL sLyle)
- ur Wllllam Cuchl's 1heory of Z 1heory" roducLlvlLy can be lncreased by how well Lhe workers and managemenL geL along and LrusL each oLher !apanese sLyle of managemenL
- uavld McLelland's AchlevemenL 1heory(1heory of Lhree needs) says LhaL people need AchlevemenL (need of achlevemenL nAch Plgh 8lsk or Low 8lsk pro[ecLs may noL appeal Lo
Lhem) ower (need of power now lnsLlLuLlonal (Soclal) ower and ersonal ower lndlvlduals wlLh a deslre for Soclal ower are usually more effecLlve Leam members) and
AfflllaLlon (need for afflllaLlon (nAff) 1hey seek Lo malnLaln good relaLlonshlps and do well ln cusLomerfaclng Leam poslLlons) Lo be moLlvaLed
- vlcLor vroom's LxpecLancy 1heory lf workers belleve Lhelr efforLs are golng Lo be successful and rewarded Lhey wlll Lend Lo be hlghly moLlvaLed and producLlve
- ConLlngency 1heory (lred L lledler) ln sLressful Llmes a LaskorlenLed leader wlll be more effecLlve whlle ln relaLlvely calm Llmes a relaLlonshlporlenLed leader wlll funcLlon more
- Persey and 8lanchards Llfe Cycle 1heory Leadershlp sLyle musL change wlLh Lhe maLurlLy of lndlvldual employees 1he Ms sLyle should move from ulrecLlng Lo Coachlng Lo
SupporLlng 1hen Lo uelegaLlng as Lhe pro[ecL moves Lhrough lLs llfe cycle
# Cenerally only one person ls asslgned AccounLablllLy for a work package buL more Lhan one person may be responslble for performlng Lhe work on a work package
Manage ro[ect 1eam 1he process of Lracklng Leam member performance provldlng feedback resolvlng lssues and managlng changes Lo enhance Lhe pro[ecL performance
MeLhods of ConfllcL MgmL - roblem solvlng (ConfronLlng) lL's a WlnWln slLuaLlon (Plghly favoured way) - Compromlslng LoseLose meLhod
- WlLhdrawal LoseLeave meLhod (Ml does noL favour Lhls meLhod) - SmooLhlng Lose?leld meLhod (uoesnL produce a soluLlon)
- lorclng WlnLose meLhod (WorsL way)
Leadershlp sLyles - AuLocraLlc/AuLhorlLarlan/ulrecLlng SLrong sLyle 1he M seeks llLLle or no lnformaLlon from Lhe Leam and ls Lhe sole declslon maker
- 8ureaucraLlc/ersuadlng/ConsulLaLlve AuLocraLlc lnpuL ls recelved from selecLed Leam members buL Lhe M ls sLlll Lhe sole declslon maker
- uemocraLlc/arLlclpaLlve/Consensus ConsulLs Leam for open dlscusslon and lnformaLlon gaLherlng uses help from Leam Lo come up wlLh a declslon
- Lasslezfalre/uelegaLlng/lree 8elgn/Shareholder (oor Leadershlp SLyle) LlLLle or no lnformaLlon exchange Lakes place wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL group 1eam has ulLlmaLe auLhorlLy on
flnal declslon handsoff aLLlLude - 1ransacLlonal 1ransacLlonal leadershlp ls really [usL a way of managlng (mangemenL by excepLlon) raLher Lhan a Lrue leadershlp sLyle as Lhe focus
on Lhe shorLLerm Lasks - 1ransformaLlonal A person wlLh Lhls leadershlp sLyle ls a Lrue leader who lnsplres hls or her Leam consLanLly wlLh a shared vlslon of Lhe fuLure

# SLafflng MgmL lan lnclude 1SLaff acqulslLlons 28esource calendars/hlsLogram 3SLaff release plan 41ralnlng needs 38ecognlLlon 8ewards 6Compllance and 7SafeLy
# Ms SLyle of Leadershlp over ro[ecL 1lmellne l ulrecLlng Leader ll Coachlng Leader lll laclllLaLlng Leader and lv SupporLlng Leader
# Ml vlews Lhe process of managlng confllcL wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL Leam as lnlLlally belng Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe pro[ecL Leam memebers
# Cround 8ules lormal or lnformal rules LhaL deflne Lhe boundarles of behavlor on Lhe pro[ecL lL ls lmporLanL LhaL ground rules be deflned and communlcaLed Lo Lhe Leam members
# llve SLages of 1eam uevelopmenL are 1 lormlng 2 SLormlng 3 normlng 4 erformlng and 3 Ad[ournlng
# ConsLrucLlve 1eam 8oles lnlLlaLors lnformaLlon Seekers lnformaLlon Clvers Lncouragers Clarlflers Parmonlzers Summarlzers and CaLe keepers
# ulsLrucLlve 1eam 8oles Aggressors 8lockers WlLhdrawers 8ecognlLlon Seekers 1oplc !umpers uomlnaLors and uevlls AdvocaLes
# 1he greaLesL pro[ecL confllcL occurs beLween ro[ecL Managers and luncLlonal Managers MosL confllcL on a pro[ecL ls Lhe resulL of dlsagreemenL over Schedule rlorlLles and 8esource
# uellgaLlon ls compleLely opposlL Lo MlcromanagemenL (lL ls compleLely opposlLe Lo uellgaLlon)
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL CharLer 1 SLakeholder Analysls 1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer
2 rocuremenL uocumenLs (arLlclpaLlon Analysls) 2 SLakeholder ManagemenL SLraLegy
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 LxperL !udgmenL (SLakeholder Analysls MaLrlx)
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer 1 CommunlcaLlon 8equlremenL Analysls 1 CommunlcaLlons ManagemenL lan
2 SLakeholder ManagemenL SLraLegy 2 CommunlcaLlon 1echnology 2 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 3 CommunlcaLlon Models
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 CommunlcaLlon MeLhods
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 CommunlcaLlon MeLhods 1 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
2 erformance 8eporLs 2 lnformaLlon ulsLrlbuLlon 1ools
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer 1 CommunlcaLlons MeLhods 1 Change 8equesLs
2 SLakeholder ManagemenL SLraLegy (laceLoface ls Lhe besL) 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 2 lnLerpersonal Skllls 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 lssue Log (AcLlon lLem Log) (Lach lssues should be
asslgned Lo one Cwner)
3 ManagemenL Skllls 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs upd
3 Change Log
6 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan
(erformance MeasuremenL 8asellne lL lncludes CosL
Schedule Scope 1ech and CLher 8asellnes)
1 varlance Analysls
8ackward Looklng 1ool (lL ls an afLerLhefacL)
1 erformance reporLs
(lL shows how Lhe pro[ecL ls progresslng agalnsL Lhe
varlous basellnes (Scope 1lme CosL and CuallLy)
2 Work erformance lnformaLlon (uellverables SLaLus
Schedule rogress and CosLs lncurred)
2 lorecasLlng MeLhods
lorward Looklng 1ool (LAC L1C)
Common lormaLs 8ar CharLs Scurves PlsLograms and
1ables varlance Lv lorecasLlng
3 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
(Cv Sv Cl Clc Sl)
3 CommunlcaLlon MeLhods (M generally uses a uSP
Comm 1echnlque)
2 Change 8equesLs
4 8udgeL lorecasLs 4 8eporLlng SysLems (SLandard 1ool for M Lo CapLure 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs SLore and ulsLrlbuLe lnformaLlon)
Ident|fy Stakeho|ders ldenLlfy all people or organlzaLlons lmpacLed by Lhe pro[ecL and documenL Lhelr lnLeresLs lnvolvemenL and lmpacL on pro[ecL success SLakeholder Analysls
SLeps 1 ldenLlfy SLakeholders 2 Analyze Classlfy SLakeholders 3 uevelop SLraLegy
SLakeholders ClasslflcaLlon Models 1 ower/lnLeresL Crld (AuLhorlLy/Concern) 2 ower/lnfluence Crld (AuLhorlLy/lnvolvemenL)
3 lnfluence/lmpacL Crld (lnfluence/AblllLy Lo effecL lannlng LxecuLlon) 4 Sallence Model descrlblng classes of sLakeholders based on Lhelr ower urgency and LeglLlmacy
CaLegorles 1 Champlons oslLlve ALLlLude 2 neuLral no lnfluence expecLed 3 Challenger CuesLlons Lhe pro[ecL
4 ueclslon Makers Manage Challengers SupporL Champlons
SLraLegles lor lndlvlduals A AssessmenL MaLrlx 8 SLraLegy MaLrlx lor Croups A CommmunlcaLlon SLraLegy MaLrlx
|an Commun|cat|ons ueLermlnlng Lhe pro[ecL sLakeholder lnformaLlon needs and deflnlng a communlcaLlon approach
* lan CommunlcaLlon ls Llghly llnked wlLh LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors (Crg SLrucLure)
111 1oLal no of Comm Channels or aLhs n(n1)/2 Comm Channels # upward Comm Lo ManagemenL # LaLeral Comm Lo eers oLher luncLlonal Croups and CusLomers #
uownward Comm Lo SubordlnaLes
112 lacLors LhaL can effecL 1 urgency of Lhe need for lnformaLlon 2 AvallablllLy of 1echnology 3 LxpecLed ro[ecL SLafflng
4 uuraLlon of Lhe ro[ecL 3 ro[ecL LnvlronmenL
113 lL conslsLs of Lhe followlng componenLs a Sender a 8ecelver Lncode uecode a Medlum (Lhrough whlch messages are send and recelved) nolce and Message leedback
114 1 lnLeracLlve Comm A lormal verbal (resenLaLlons and Speeches) 8 lnformal verbal (MeeLlngs ConversaLlons Pumor and lnqulrles) 2 ush Comm A lormal WrlLLen (ro[
lans CharLer Comm over Long ulsLances Complex roblems Legal uocs and Long or 1ech slLuaLlons for a wlde and varled audlence) 8 lnformal WrlLLen (SLaLus updaLes
lnformaLlon updaLes and uayLoday Comm Lmall) 3 ull Comm for very large volumes of lnformaLlon or for very large audlences (lnLerneL SlLes Llearlnlng and knowledge
8eposlLorles And are more llkely Lo use lormal WrlLLen MeLhods)
D|str|bute Informat|on LxecuLlon of Comm ManagemenL lan as well as respondlng Lo unexpecLed requesLss for lnformaLlon lL ls Lhe process of maklng relevanL lnformaLlon
avallable Lo pro[ecL sLakeholders as planned lL ls performed accordlng Lo Comm ManagemenL lan lL ls where Lhe 8ulk of ro[ecL CommunlcaLlon Lakes place CommunlcaLlon
meLhods - lnformal WrlLLen Lmalls memos - lormal WrlLLen ConLracL legal noLlces pro[ecL documenLs
- lnformal verbal MeeLlngs dlscusslons phone calls - lormal verbal Speeches mass communlcaLlon presenLaLlons
111 lndlvldual and Croup MeeLlngs vldeo and Audlo Conferences CompuLer ChaLs and oLher remoLe comm meLhods
112 1 Pardcopy documenL dlsLrlbuLlon 2 LlecLronlc Comm and Conferenclng Lools (Lmall lax volce Mall 1elehpne vldeo and web Conferenclng WebslLes and Web ubllshlng) 3
LlecLronlc 1ools for ro[ecL ManagemenL (Schedullng ro[ MgmL SW MeeLlng and vlrLual Cfflce SupporL SW orLals and CollaboraLlve Work ManagemenL 1ools)


# CommunlcaLlon on Schedule sllppage CosL overrun and CLher ma[or ro[ecL SLaLuses should be lC8MAL and ln W8l1lnC
# Lessons Learned focus on varlance from Lhe lan and whaL would be done dlfferenLly ln Lhe fuLure ln order Lo avold Lhese
# Accordlng Lo kerzner 90 of Lhe ro[ecL Managers Llme ls spenL communlcaLlng
# ro[ecL Manager should be ln conLrol of ro[ecL CommunlcaLlon ManagemenL lan
Manage Stakeho|der Lxpectat|ons lL ls Lhe process of communlcaLlng and worklng wlLh sLakeholders Lo meeL Lhelr needs and addresslng lssues as Lhey occur lL works Lo ldenLlfy and
resolve sLakeholder concerns ln a proacLlve and Llmely manner lL wlll be performed LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL 1he ro[ecL Manger ls responslble for sLakeholder expecLaLlons
managemenL MgmL 1 AcLlvely managlng Lhe expecLaLlons 2 Addresslng concerns 3 Clarlfylng and 8esolvlng lssues
keport erformance lL lnvolves collecLlng and dlssemlnaLlng ro[ecL lnformaLlon CommunlcaLlng rogress uLlllzaLlon of 8esources and lorecasLlng luLure rogress and SLaLus lL
reporLs Lo Lhe sLakeholders how Lhe pro[ecL ls progresslng agalnsL Lhe plan lmporLanL noLe ln 8eporL erformance ls LhaL erformance 8eporLs are acLlvely pushed Lo sLakeholders
raLher Lhan walLlng for Lhem Lo pull Lhem down
112 lorecasLlng MeLhods 1 1lme Serles MeLhods use hlsLorlcal daLa as Lhe base (Lv Movlng Average LxLrapolaLlon Llnear redlcLlon 1rend LsLlmaLlon and CrowLh Curve) 2
Causal/LconomeLrlc MeLhods use AssumpLlons (8egresslon analysls uslng Llnear 8egresslon or nonllnear 8egresslon AuLoregresslve Movlng Average (A8MA) A8lMA and
LconomeLrlcs 3 !udgmenLal MeLhods lncorporaLe lnLulLlve [udgemenLs oplnlons and probablllLy esLlmaLes (ComposlLe forecasLs Surveys uelphl meLhod Scenarlo bulldlng
1echnology forecasLlng and lorecasL by analogy) 4 CLher MeLhods (SlmulaLlon robablllsLlc forecasLlng and Lnsemble forecasLlng)
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL 1 lannlng MeeLlngs and Analysls 1 8lsk ManagemenL lan (lL lncludes Lhe followlng
2 Schedule ManagemenL lan
3 CosL ManagemenL lan
4 CommunlcaLlons ManagemenL lan
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
6 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 8lsk ManagemenL lan 1 AssumpLlons Analysls 1 8lsk 8eglsLer
2 Scope 8asellne 2 CheckllsL Analysls (lL uses 88S) (LlsL of ldenLlfled 8lsks and LlsL of oLenLlal 8esponses)
3 Schedule ManagemenL lan 3 SWC1 Analysls lL ls a parL of ro[ecL uocumenLs
4 CosL ManagemenL lan 4 ulagrammlng 1echnlques 8ooL causes rlsk caLegorles
3 CuallLy ManagemenL lan 3 lnformaLlon CaLherlng 1echnlques 8esponses are documenLed here as well
6 AcLlvlLy uuraLlon LsLlmaLes 4 uocumenLaLlon 8evlews
7 AcLlvlLy CosL LsLlmaLes 7 LxperL !udgemenL
8 SLakeholder 8eglsLer
9 ro[ecL uocumenLs
10 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
11 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 8lsk 8eglsLer 1 8lsk robablllLy and lmparL AssessmenL 18lsk 8eglsLer updaLes (updaLes lnclude 1 8elaLlve
2 8lsk ManagemenL lan 2 robablllLy and lmpacL MaLrlx
3 ro[ecL Scope SLaLemenL 3 8lsk uaLa CuallLy AssessmenL
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 8lsk urgency AssessmenL
3 8lsk CaLegorlzaLlon
6 LxperL !udgmenL
1 8lsk 8eglsLer 1 uaLa CaLherlng and 8epresenLaLlon 1echnlques 1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes
2 8lsk ManagemenL lan 2 CuanLlLaLlve 8lsk Analysls and Modellng 1echnlques
3 CosL ManagemenL lan 3 LxperL !udgmenL
4 Schedule ManagemenL lan
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 8lsk 8eglsLer 1 SLraLegles for negaLlve 8lsks or 1hreaLs 1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes
2 8lsk ManagemenL lan 2 SLraLegles for oslLlve 8lsks or CpporLunlLles 2 8lskrelaLed ConLracL ueclslons
3 ConLlngenL 8esponse SLraLegles 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 LxperL !udgmenL 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
1 8lsk 8eglsLer 1 8lsk AudlLs 1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes
2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 2 8lsk 8eassessmenL 2 Change 8equesLs
3 erformance 8eporLs 3 8eserve Analysls 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 Work erformance lnformaLlon 4 SLaLus MeeLlngs (1eam MeeLlngs) 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 1echnlcal erformance MeasuremenL 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
6 varlance and 1rend Analysls
a) MeLhodology b) 8oles and 8esponslblllLles c) 8udgeLlng
d) 1lmlng e) 8lsk CaLegorles f) ueflnlLlons of rlsk
probablllLy and lmpacL g) robablllLy and lmpacL maLrlx h)
8evlsed sLakeholders Lolerances l) 8eporLlng formaLs and
[) 1racklng)
ranklng or prlorlLy llsL of pro[ecL rlsks 2 8lsks grouped by
caLegorles 3 Causes of rlsk or pro[ecL areas requlrlng
parLlcular aLLenLlon 4 LlsL of rlsks requlrlng response ln Lhe
nearLerm 3 LlsL of rlsks for addlLlonal analysls and
response 6 WaLchllsLs of lowprlorlLy rlsks and 7 1rends ln
quallLaLlve rlsk analysls resulLs)
|an k|sk Management 1he process of uLllnlnC PCW Lo conduct risk monoqement octivities for a pro[ecL ln lan 8lsk ManagemenL Lhe remalnlng llvL rlsk managemenL
processes are LAnnLu (creaLlng a road map for Lhem) and PCW Lhey wlll be conducLed ls documenLed Pere focus wlll be on PCW 8lSkS WlLL 8L A8CACPLu Cn 1PL 8C!LC1
# 8lsk ManagemenL lan deflnes WPA1 LLvLL of rlsk wlll be consldered Lolerable for Lhe pro[ecL PCW rlsk wlll be managed WPC wlll be responslble for rlsk acLlvlLles Lhe AMCun1S
Cl 1lML and CCS1 LhL wlll be alloLLed Lo rlsk acLlvlLles and PCW rlsk flndlngs wlll be CCMMunlCA1Lu
# 8lsk 8reakdown SLrucLure (88S) lL ls noL breaklng down Lhe acLlal rlsks lnsLead we are breaklng down Lhe CA1LCC8lLS of rlsks LhaL we wlll evaluaLe
Ident|fy k|sk 1he process of deLermlnlng WPlCP risks may affecL Lhe pro[ecL and documenLlng Lhelr characLerlsLlcs
# 111 uocumenLaLlon revlews ls when you look aL CA and any documenLs Lo squeeze any posslble rlsk ouL of Lhem
# 112 MosL common 1echnlques are 1 8ralnsLormlng 2 uelphl 1echnlque 3 LxperL lnLervlews and 4 8ooL Cause ldenLlflcaLlon
# 114 AssumpLlons analysls ls when we look as pro[ecL assumpLlons
# 113 ulagrammlng 1echnlques lshlkawa/CauseandeffecL/llshbone ulagram lnfluence ulagram and SysLem or rocess llow CharLs
# 116 SWC1 lL ls a Lool Lo measure each 8lSks SWC1 Lach rlsk ls ploLLed and Lhe quadranL where Lhe Weekness (usually lnLernal) and 1hreaLs (usually LxLernal) are PlCPLS1 and
Lhe quadranL where SLrenghLs (agaln usually lnLernal) and CpporLunlLles (usually LxLernal) are PlCPLS1 wlll presenL Lhe PlCPLS1 8lSk on Lhe pro[ecL
Mon|tor and Contro| k|sks 1he process of lMLLMLn1lnC risk response p/ons 18ACklnC identified risks MCnl1C8lnC residuo/ risks luLn1ll?lnC new risks and LvALuA1lnC
risk process effectiveness LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL #113 locuses on funcLlonallLy looklng aL PCW Lhe pro[ecL has meL lLs goals for dellverlng Lhe scope over Llme
1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes CuLcomes of 8lsk AudlLs and 8eassemenLs ldenLlflcaLlon of new 8lsks Closlng 8lsks LhaL no longer appllcable ueLalls whaL happened when 8lsks occurred
and Lessons Learned
|an k|sk kesponses 1he process of uLvLLClnC C1lCnS and AC1lCnS Lo enhonce opportunities ond to reduce threots Lo pro[ecL ob[ecLlves lL creaLs a plan for PCW each rlsk wlll
be handled lL asslgns speclflc Lasks and responslblllLes Lo speclflc Leam members Pere Lhe AC1lCn LAnS for PCW 8lsks should be handled are deLermlned
# 111 o|d undeslrable 8lsks 1ransfer]Def|ect Lo anoLher parLy (ConLracLual AgreemenLs and lnsurance) M|t|gate Lo make lL less ccept (negaLlve/oslLlve) besL sLraLegy
may noL be Lo Avold 1ransfer MlLlgaLe Share or Lnhance lL lnsLead Lhe besL sLraLegy may be slmply Lo AccepL lL and conLlnue wlLh Lhe pro[ecL lf Lhe cosL or lmpacL of Lhe oLher
sLraLegles ls Loo greaLer accepLance ls Lhe besL sLraLegy
# 112 Lxp|o|t Lrylng Lo remove any uncerLalnLy Share lmprove Lhelr chances of Lhe poslLlve rlsk occurrlng by worklng wlLh anoLher parLy Lnhance flrsL we have Lo undersLand Lhe
underlylng cause(s) of Lhe rlsk 8y lnfluenclng Lhe underlylng rlsk Lrlggers you can lncrease Lhe llkellhood of Lhe rlsk occurrlng
1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes 8esedual 8lsks Secondary 8lsks ConLlngency lan 8lsk 8esponse Cwners lallback lans 8eserves/ConLlngency and 8lsk 1rlggers
erform uant|tat|e k|sk na|ys|s 1he process of nuML8lCALL? AnAL?ZlnC Lhe effect of identified risks on overall pro[ecL ob[ecLlves lL relles on Lhe prlorlLlzed llsL of rlsks from
Lhe erform CuallLaLlve 8lsk Analysls process CCS1 and SCPLuuLL are easlly quanLlfled and Lhls process ls concerned wlLh quanLlfylng Lhe rlsks SCCL generally flLs beLLer lnLo Lhe
CuallLaLlve 8lsk Analysls
# 111 1 lnLervlewlng 2 robablllLy ulsLrlbuLlon (8eLa ulsLrlbuLlon 1rlangular ulsLrlbuLlon) unlform ulsLrlbuLlon can be used lf Lhere ls no obvlous value (early concepL sLage of
deslgn) robablllLy ulsLrlbuLlons are very useful for analyzlng rlsks
# 112 1 SenslLlvlLy Analysls (1ornado D|agram shows PCW SLnSl1lvL each analyzed area of Lhe pro[ecL ls Lo rlsk lL ranks Lhe bars from C8LA1LS1 Lo LLAS1 on Lhe pro[ecL so LhaL Lhe
charL Lakes on a 1ornadollke shape) 2 LxpecLed MoneLary value Analysls (LMV) 1he LMv of CC81unl1lLS wlll generally be expressed as CSl1lvL vALuLS whlle Lhose of
1P8LA1S wlll be nLCA1lvL LMv requlres a 8lskneuLral assumpLlon nelLher rlsk averse nor rlsk seeklng A common Lype ls ueclslon 1ree Analysls 3 Modellng and SlmulaLlon
Monte Car|o na|ys|s Lhrows large numbers of scenarlos aL Lhe schedule Lo see Lhe lmpacL of cerLaln rlsk evenLs
erform ua||tat|e k|sk na|ys|s 1he process of 8lC8l1lZlnC risks for further ono/ysis or oction by assesslng and comblnlng Lhelr probablllLy of occurance and lmpacL
# lL ls usually a 8Alu and CCS1LllLC1lvL means of esLabllshlng prlorlLles for lan 8lsk 8esponses and lays Lhe foundaLlon for erform CuAn1l1A1lvL 8lsk Analysls lf requlred 1hls
process can lead lnLo erform CuanLlLaLlve 8lsk Analysls or dlrecLly lnLo lan 8lsk 8esponses # CuallLaLlve rlsk analysls helps you prlorlLlze each rlsk and flgure ouL lLs probablllLy and




(updaLes lnclude 1 robablllsLlc analysls of Lhe pro[ecL 2

robablllLy of achlevlng cosL and Llme ob[ecLlves 3
rlorlLlzed llsL of quanLlfled rlsks and 4 1rends ln
quanLlLaLlve rlsk analysls resulLs)
-o C LLI
-o C LLI



S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 1 Makeor8uy Analysls 1 rocuremenL ManagemenL lan
2 1eamlng AgreemenLs 2 ConLracL 1ypes 2 rocuremenL SLaLemenL of Work
3 Scope 8asellne 3 LxperL !udgemenL (erformance/luncLlons/ueslgn)
4 ro[ecL Schedule 3 rocuremenL uocumenLs
3 AcLlvlLy CosL LsLlmaLes 4 Makeor8uy ueclslons
6 CosL erformance 8asellne (8udgeL) 3 Source SelecLlon CrlLerla
7 AcLlvlLy 8esource 8equlremenLs 6 Change 8equesLs
8 8lsk 8eglsLer
9 8lsk8elaLed ConLracL ueclslons
10LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
11 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (r M l) 1 AdverLlslng 1 SelecLed Sellers
2 ro[ecL uocumenLs 2 lnLerneL Search 2 rocuremenL ConLracL Award
4 rocuremenL uocumenLs 3 8ldder Conference (vendor/rebld/ConLracLor) 3 8esource Calendars
3 1eamlng AgreemenLs (MasLer Servlces AgreemenL) 4 roposal LvaluaLlon 1echnlques 4 Change 8equesLs
3 Makeor8uy ueclslons 3 lndependenL LsLlmaLes (ShouldCosL LsLlmaLe) 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
6 Source SelecLlon CrlLerla 6 rocuremenL negoLlaLlons 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
7 Cuallfled Sellers LlsL 7 LxperL !udgemenL
8 Seller roposal
9 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 lnspecLlons and AudlLs 1 rocuremenL uocumenLaLlon
2 rocuremenL uocumenLs 2 rocuremenL erformance 8evlews 2 Change 8equesLs
3 ConLracL 3 erformance 8eporLlng 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 Approved Change 8equesLs 4 ConLracL Change ConLrol SysLem 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
3 erformance 8eporLs 3 aymenL SysLem
6 Work erformance lnformaLlon 6 Clalms AdmlnlsLraLlon
7 8ecords ManagemenL SysLem (lndexlng Archlvlng and
lnformaLlon 8eLrleval SysLems)
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 rocuremenL AudlLs (8evlew of rocuremenL rocesses
for capLurlng Lessons Learned)
1 Closed rocuremenLs
2 rocuremenL uocumenLaLlon 2 negoLlaLed SeLLlemenLs 2 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
3 8ecords ManagemenL SysLem
|an rocurements 1he process of documenLlng pro[ecL purchaslng declslons speclfylng Lhe approach and ldenLlfylng poLenLlal sellers
(Pow WhaL Pow Much and When) * uocumenL Make/8uy declslons and deflne Lhe purchaslng approach
* 8uyers 8lsk (from PlghesL Lo LowesL) Cll 1M Cll lll ll * Commonly used referred 1ype ll
* ulrecL CosL or CuLofockeL CosL * 8ll 8equesL for lnformaLlon * ll8 lnvlLaLlon for 8ld * 8l8/ 8equesL for 8ld/roposal * 8lC 8equesL for CuoLaLlon (roc uocs)
* ll8 or 8l8/ used for 1 Slngle rlce 2Plgh $ value 3 SLandardlzed * 8lC used for 1 er lLem/Pour rlce 2 Lower $ value 3 May be used Lo develop lnfo ln 8l
# ll 8lsk ls enLlrely shlfLed Lo Lhe SLLLL8 lL ls very popular When Lhe Scope of work ls Lhroughly deflned compleLely known


# lLA lxled rlce wlLh Lconomlc rlce Ad[usLmenL lL ls popular where llucLuaLlons ln Lxchange 8aLes and lnLeresL 8aLes Lconomlc SLlpulaLlon may be based on Lhe lnLeresL 8aLes
Lhe Consumer rlce lndex CosL of Llvlng Ad[usLmenLs Currency Lxchange 8aLes or oLher lndlces
# 1M 1he 8uyer bears Lhe mosL rlsk of CosL overruns lL ls used when Lhe SCCL of work ls noL compleLely deflned
Conduct rocurements 1he process of boLalnlng seller responses selecLlng a seller and awardlng a conLracL
* 8ecelve responses from poLenLlal sellers and award Lhe conLracL Lo Lhe selecLed seller
* lL carrles ouL Lhe rocuremenL ManagemenL lan selecL one or more sellers and award Lhe procuremenL usually ln Lhe form of a ConLracL * lL ls Lhe process of obLalnlng Seller
8esponses SelecLlng a Seller/Sellers and Awardlng ConLracL
Adm|n|ster rocurements 1he process of managlng procuremenL relaLlonshlps monlLorlng conLracL performance and maklng changes and correcLlons as needed
* Manage Lhe relaLlonshlps monlLor performance and make changes as necessary * 1he buyer and seller revlew Lhe conLracL and Lhe work resulLs Lo ensure LhaL Lhe resulLs maLch
Lhe conLra conLracL * Manages any early LermlnaLlons of Lhe conLracL work (for Cause Convenlence or uefaulL) ln accordance wlLh Lhe 1ermlnaLlon Clause ln ConLracL
C|ose rocurements 1he process of compleLlng each pro[ecL procuremenL
* llnallze and Close each purchaslng conLracL * When Lhe conLracL ls CompleLed or 1ermlnaLed for any reason Lhls process ls performed
# lll olnL of 1oLal AssumpLlon (1A) ls a polnL ln Lhe conLracL where a subconLracLor assumes responslblllLy for all addlLlonal cosLs
1A 1argeL CosL + ((Celllng rlce 1argeL rlce + llxed lee (lf lL ls Lhere)) / 8uyers share of cosL overrun)
S|# o|nt to remember
1 LLl CA musL be Laken lnLo accounL for every process even lf Lhey are noL expllclLly llsLed as lnpuLs ln Lhe process speclflcaLlon
2 ro[ecL ManagemenL 1eam AcLlvlLles 1 Analyze and undersLand Lhe scope 1haL lncludes Lhe pro[ecL and producL requlremenLs crlLerla assumpLlons consLralnLs
and oLher lnfluences relaLed Lo a pro[ecL and how each wlll be managed or addressed wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL 2 undersLand how Lo Lake Lhe ldeLlfled lnformaLlon and
Lhen Lransform lL lnLo a pro[ecL managemenL plan uslng a sLrucLured approach 3 erform acLlvlLles Lo produce pro[ecL dellverables and 4 Measure and monlLor
all aspecLs of Lhe pro[ecLs progress and Lake approprlaLe acLlon Lo meeL pro[ecL ob[ecLlves
3 CfLen Lhe 5cope 5cbeJole ooJ cost 8oselloes wlll be comblned lnLo a letfotmooce Meosotemeot 8oselloe LhaL ls used as an ovetoll ltoject 8oselloe agalnsL whlch
lnLegraLed performance can be measured 1he erformance MeasuremenL 8asellne ls used for Larned value MeasuremenLs
4 # AcLlvlLles necessary for AdmlnlsLraLlve Closure of Lhe ro[ecL or hase lncludlng sLepbysLep meLhodologles LhaL address 1 AcLlons and acLlvlLles necessary Lo
saLlsfy compleLlon or exlL crlLerla for Lhe phase or pro[ecL 2 AcLlons and acLlvlLles necessary Lo Lransfer Lhe pro[ecLs producLs servlces or resulLs Lo Lhe nexL
phase or Lo producLlon and/or operaLlons and 3 AcLlvlLles needed Lo collecL pro[ecL or phase records audlL pro[ecL success of fallure gaLher lessorns learned and
archlve pro[ecL lnformaLlon for fuLure use by Lhe organlzaLlon
3 # onf|gurat|on Management System (MS) A CMS wlLh lnLegraLed Change ConLrol provldes a sLandardlzed effecLlve and efflclenL way Lo cenLrally manage
approved changes and basellnes wlLhln a pro[ecL CM ls a sysLemaLlc procedure LhaL refers Lo change managemenL CM proLecLs boLh Lhe cusLomer and Lhe pro[ecL
sLaff * CMS ls a collecLlon of formal documenLed procedures used Lo apply dlrecLlon and conLrol compllance of producLs and componeneLs wlLh pro[ecL
requlremenLs * ls a subsysLem of Lhe MlS * lncludes Lhe processes LhaL deflne how pro[ecL dellverables and documenLs are conLrolled changed and approved *
ln many areas lncludes Lhe Change ConLrol SysLem
ConflguraLlon ManagemenL AcLlvlLles 1 ConflguraLlon ldenLlflcaLlon 2 ConflguraLlon SLaLus AccounLlng and 3 ConflguraLlon verlflcaLlon and AudlL
6 # Ia|t accomp|| An accompllshed facL an acLlon whlch ls compleLed before Lhose affecLed by lL are ln a poslLlon Lo query or reverse lL 1he llLeral LranslaLlon lnLo
Lngllsh of Lhls lrench phrase ls a facL reallzed or accompllshed whaL mlghL Lhese days be called a done dea|
7 # W8S W8S a dellverableorlenLed hlerarchlcal decomposlLlon of Lhe work Lo be execuLed by Lhe pro[ecL Leam 1he W8S ls flnallzed by esLabllshlng ConLrol
AccounLs for Lhe work packagess and a unlque ldenLlfler from a code of accounLs 1he W8S represenLs all producL and pro[ecL worl lncludlng Lhe pro[ecL
managemenL work (1hls ls someLlmes called Lhe 100 ru|e)
# 1he W8S can be sLrucLured as an out||ne an organ|zat|ona| chart a f|shbone d|agram or other method
# ulfferenL dellverables can have dlfferenL levels of decomposlLlon
# Lxcesslve decomposlLlon can lead Lo nonproducLlve managemenL efforL lnefflclenL use of resources and decreased efflclency ln performlng Lhe work
# uecomposlLlon may noL be posslble for a dellverable or subpro[ecL LhaL wlll be accompllshed far lnLo Lhe fuLure
8 # Work erformance Informat|on locus on WnA1 has been done (provldeds lnformaLlon on Lhe SLaLus of a uellverables)
9 # erformance keports locus on nCW lL was done (locus on CosL 1lme and CuallLy performance) Pere AcLual 8esulLs are compared agalnsL Lhe 8asellnes Lo
show how Lhe pro[ecL ls performlng agalnsL Lhe lan
10 # ro[ecL CosL 8asellne ro[ecL LsLlmaLes + (CosL) ConLlngency 8eserves # ro[ecL CosL 8udgeL ro[ecL CosL 8asellne + ManagemenL 8eserves
11 # 8esldual 8lsks comprlse of klsk tbot temolo oftet opplyloq tlsk tespoose sttoteqles ooJ 2 klsks tbot we slmply Accl1 lf lt boppeos lt boppeos we bove o
ploo to Jeol wltb lt
12 # ConLlngency lans deal wlLh Lhe ouLcome of 8esldual 8lsks on pro[ecL # ConLlngency 8eslvers cover Lhe ouLcome of 8esldual 8lsk and accounL for Lhe known
13 # lallback lans are employed for 8esldual 8lsks when Lhe ConLlngency lans fall # Secondary 8lsks are new rlsks LhaL emerge as a resulL of 8lsk 8esponse lan
14 # WaLchllsL All noncrlLlcal/nonLop/low raLlng rlsks are puL on Lhe WaLchllsL and monlLored(WaLched) regularly lL ls creaLed aL erform CuallLaLlve 8lsk Analysls
rocess # ManagemenL 8eservers accounL for Lhe unknown unknowns
13 # Dt|||ty 1heory An approprlaLe meLhod for descrlblng 8lsk 1olerance * 8lsk Averse Where Lhere ls more money aL sLake Lhe 8lsk AverLers saLlsfacLlon
dlmlnlshes he or she prefers a more cerLaln ouLcome and demands a premlum Lo accepL pro[ecLs of hlgh rlsk * 8lsk neuLral 1olerance for rlsk remalns Lhe same
as Lhe money aL sake lncreases * 8lsk Seeker 1he hlgher Lhe sLakes Lhe beLLer as rlsk lncreases Lhe rlsk seekers saLlsfacLlon lncreases he or she ls even wllllng Lo
pay a penalLy Lo Lake on pro[ecLs of hlgh rlsks
16 # Iorce Ma[eure k|sks such as LarLhquakes lloods AcLs of 1errorlsm LLc should be covered under ulsasLer 8ecovery rocedures lnsLead of 8lsk ManagemenL
17 # Monte ar|o Ana|ys|s would show you ls WPL8L SCPLuuLL 8lSk LxlSl1S (olnLs of Schedule 8lsk) lL ls a CompuLerbased Analysls useful for reveallng Schedule
18 In accordance w|th the |ann|ng process group the order of processes are deve|op pro[ect management p|an co||ect requ|rements def|ne scope create W8S
def|ne act|v|t|es sequence act|v|t|es est|mate act|v|ty resources est|mate act|v|ty durat|ons deve|op schedu|e est|mate costs determ|ne budget p|an qua||ty
deve|op nk p|an p|an commun|cat|ons p|an r|sk management |dent|fy r|sks perform qua||tat|ve r|sk ana|ys|s perform quant|tat|ve r|sk ana|ys|s p|an r|sk
responses and p|an procurements
19 WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of a concepL called Lhe !ourney Lo Abllene?
CommlLLee declslons can have Lhe paradox ouLcome LhaL a [olnLly made or approved declslon ls noL deslred by any lndlvldual group member
20 WhaL ls a consLrucLlve change?
A dlrecLlon by Lhe buyer or an acLlon Laken by Lhe seller LhaL Lhe oLher parLy conslders an undocumenLed change Lo Lhe conLracL
21 LlquldaLed damages (Lus) are conLracLually agreed paymenLs ln order Lo
cover Lhe cusLomers cosLs caused by laLe compleLlon or fallure Lo meeL speclflcaLlons by Lhe conLracLor
S|# Introduct|on to ro[ect Management
1 A pro[ecL ls a Lemporary endeavor Lo creaLe a unlque producL or servlce CperaLlons are ongolng acLlvlLles
2 rogresslve elaboraLlon ls Lhe process of Laklng a pro[ecL concepL Lhrough Lo Lhe pro[ecL plan As Lhe plannlng and research acLlvlLles conLlnue Lhe more
deLalled and focused Lhe concepL becomes rogresslve elaboraLlon happens LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL lL ls Lhe process of elemenLs wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL
becomlng more and more exacL as addlLlonal lnformaLlon and deLalls become avallable
3 MllesLones are noL compleLed by Lhe pro[ecL manager buL by Lhe pro[ecL Leam ln addlLlon mllesLones are Lhe resulLs of acLlvlLles noL acLlvlLles
4 ro[ecL closure ls also known as Lhe pro[ecL posLmorLem
3 1he pro[ecL scope deflnes Lhe requlred work and only Lhe requlred work Lo compleLe Lhe pro[ecL
6 Scope verlflcaLlon ls Lhe proof LhaL Lhe pro[ecL manager has compleLed Lhe pro[ecL
7 Whenever you have access Lo hlsLorlcal lnformaLlon Lhls ls your besL source of lnpuL
8 CuallLy pollcy ls Lhe organlzaLlonwlde rules and requlremenLs for quallLy
9 1he pro[ecL manager should use approved rewards and lncenLlves Lo move Lhe pro[ecL Leam Lowards compleLlon
10 An lnformaLlon reLrleval sysLem ls paramounL for a pro[ecL wlLh so much documenLaLlon 1echnlcally all pro[ecLs should have an lnformaLlon reLrleval
11 1he conLracL beLween Lhe organlzaLlon and Lhe vendor supercedes all oLher workrelaLed documenLs
12 rograms are a collecLlon of pro[ecLs wlLh a common cause
13 ro[ecL orLfollo ManagemenL ls Lhe process of chooslng and prlorlLlzlng pro[ecLs wlLhln an organlzaLlon An excellenL pro[ecL ldea can sLlll be denled lf
Lhere are noL enough resources Lo compleLe Lhe pro[ecL work
14 8uslnesses exlsL Lo make money
13 CusLomers lnLernal or exLernal are Lhe mosL lmporLanL sLakeholders ln a pro[ecL
16 CeLLlng collecLlve acLlon from a group of people who may have qulLe dlfferenL lnLeresLs ls o||t|cs
17 Cenerally a dlfference ln requlremenLs resolved ln favor of Lhe cusLomer Powever lL ls Lhe pro[ecL managers responslblllLy Lo lnform Lhe cusLomer of
oLher opLlons
18 1he pro[ecL managemenL offlce can be esLabllshed Lo offer servlces ranglng from baslc supporL Lo LoLal managemenL of all pro[ecLs Cholce u covers Lhe
dlverse oplnlons of managemenL and wlll meeL all Lhelr needs
19 ?ou mlghL remember a slmllar quesLlon wlLh a dlfferenL answer CperaLlons and malnLenance acLlvlLles are noL parL of pro[ecLs 1he work Lo collecL daLa
meeL wlLh operaLlons and malnLenance Lo explaln Lhe pro[ecL and oLher such acLlvlLles should be lncluded ln Lhe pro[ecL
20 Management by ob[ect|ves Lrles Lo focus all acLlvlLles on meeLlng Lhe companys ob[ecLlves lf Lhe pro[ecLs ob[ecLlves are noL ln llne wlLh Lhe companys
ob[ecLlves Lhe pro[ecL may be lmpacLed or cancelled
21 1he pro[ecL coordlnaLor reporLs Lo a hlgherlevel manager and has auLhorlLy Lo make some declslons 1he pro[ecL expedlLer has no auLhorlLy Lo make
22 1he key word here ls crossdlsclpllnary Crossdlsclpllnary means LhaL Lhe pro[ecL covers more Lhan one deparLmenL or Lechnlcal area of experLlse ln
such a case a maLrlx organlzaLlon ls needed wlLh represenLaLlves from each deparLmenL or dlsclpllne
23 LffecLlve pro[ecL managemenL requlres a llfe cycle approach Lo runnlng Lhe pro[ecL
24 1he MC deLermlnes wheLher a pro[ecL supporLs Lhe organlzaLlons sLraLeglc plan and can auLhorlze excepLlons Lo pro[ecLs noL llnked Lo Lhe sLraLeglc plan
23 1he work of compleLlng Lhe product scope ls accompllshed durlng Lhe execuLlng process group
26 lL ls a responslblllLy of Lhe pro[ecL managemenL offlce Lo prlorlLlze Lhe companys pro[ecLs When prlorlLlzaLlon ls clear lL ls easler Lo allocaLe resources
among pro[ecLs
27 noLlce LhaL Lhls quesLlon asks abouL producL verlflcaLlon noL scope verlflcaLlon 1he Ver|fy Scope process occurs dur|ng pro[ect mon|tor|ng and
contro|||ng and product ver|f|cat|on |s done dur|ng pro[ect c|os|ng
28 uellverables are deLermlned ln parL by Lhe cusLomer buL noL Lhe sponsor
29 1he besL answer ls sLakeholders as Lhelr lnpuL ls crlLlcal for collecLlng all Lhe lessons learned on each pro[ecL 1he Lerm sLakeholders lncludes all Lhe
oLher groups
30 1he pro[ecL manager or Lhe pro[ecL managemenL Leam deLermlnes how besL Lo accompllsh Lhe pro[ecL
31 1he organlzaLlon has a dlrecL lnfluence on Lhe pro[ecL A parLlclpaLlve approach wlll probably noL be as effecLlve ln a hlerarchlcal organlzaLlon
32 uurlng Lhe monlLorlng and conLrolllng process group pro[ecL performance ls measured and needed changes are ldenLlfled and approved
33 1he pro[ect charter g|ves author|zat|on to beg|n a pro[ect or pro[ect phase 1he pro[ecL charLer ls approved ln Lhe lnlLlaLlng process group
S|# Lxam|n|ng the ro[ect Management Iramework
1 1he pro[ecL llfe cycle ls comprlsed of phases
2 1he compleLlon of a pro[ecL phase may also be known as a klll polnL or sLage gaLe klll polnLs are Lyplcally aL Lhe end of a pro[ecL phase A klll polnL does
noL mean Lhe pro[ecL ls kllled [usL LhaL Lhe poLenLlal for LermlnaLlon exlsLs
3 Managlng has Lo do wlLh conslsLenLly produclng key resulLs LhaL are expecLed by sLakeholders
4 Lmall ls noL a lormal CommunlcaLlon
3 ArblLraLlon ls a form of negoLlaLlon 1echnlcally lL ls a form of asslsLed negoLlaLlon
6 1o lnfluence an organlzaLlon (ln order Lo geL Lhlngs done) a pro[ecL manager musL undersLand Lhe expllclL and lmplled organlzaLlonal sLrucLures wlLhln an
7 8umors and gosslp can saboLage a pro[ecL 1hls ls an example of culLural achlevablllLy
8 LxlL crlLerlon are acLlvlLles or evldence LhaL allow a pro[ecL Lo move forward SLakeholder expecLaLlons are unlversal Lo Lhe enLlre pro[ecL noL [usL Lo one
pro[ecL phase
9 ro[ecLs Lyplcally have low cosLs and low demand for resources early ln Lhelr llfe cycle As Lhe pro[ecL moves closer Lo compleLlon Lhe llkellhood of rlsk
10 ro[ecLs wlLh much rlsk and reward are mosL llkely Lo be accepLed wlLhln an enLrepreneurlal organlzaLlon
S|# Lxam|n|ng the ro[ect Management rocesses
1 A process ls a serles of acLlons brlnglng abouL a resulL 8ecall LhaL processes exlsL ln pro[ecLs and ln pro[ecL phases
2 roducLorlenLaLed processes are unlque Lo Lhe producL Lhe pro[ecL ls creaLlng
3 8olllng wave plannlng ls a descrlpLlon of Lhe plannlng process ln mosL large pro[ecLs lL requlres Lhe pro[ecL manager and Lhe pro[ecL Leam Lo revlslL Lhe
plannlng process Lo address Lhe nexL phase lmplemenLaLlon or plece of Lhe pro[ecL
4 8y lnvolvlng Lhe sLakeholders aL dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe pro[ecL Lhelr requlremenLs are more llkely Lo be meL Speclflcally scope verlflcaLlon ensures LhaL
Lhe sLakeholders are seelng LhaL phase dellverables pro[ecL progress quallLy and expecLaLlons are belng meL
3 CrganlzaLlonal plannlng ls Lhe faclllLaLlng plannlng process whlch deflnes roles and responslblllLlesand Lhe reporLlng sLrucLure wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL
6 Cn a pro[ecL wlLh 43 key sLakeholders Lhe pro[ecL manager musL work Lo manage sLakeholder expecLaLlons Clven Lhe lmpacL of Lhe pro[ecL and Lhe
ldenLlfled conLroversy Lhe pro[ecL manager wlll need Lo proceed wlLh cauLlon Lo ensure Lhe pro[ecL dellverables meeL Lhe requlred expecLaLlons of Lhe
7 ro[ecLs fall aL Lhe beglnnlng noL Lhe end A poor requlremenLs documenL lnadequaLe needs assessmenLs unfulfllled plannlng and more early processes
can conLrlbuLe Lo pro[ecL fallure
S|# ro[ect IN1LGkA1ICN Management
1 ro[ecLs are selecLed based on buslness needs flrsL
2 Change requesLs do noL always requlre more money Approved changes may requlre more funds buL noL always 1he change requesL may be denled so
no addlLlonal funds are needed for Lhe pro[ecL
3 A formal documenLed change requesL ls Lhe besL course of acLlon for a change requesL sLemmlng from a law or regulaLlon lnLegraLed Change ConLrol
requlres deLall for lmplemenLlng Lhe change WlLhouL evldence of Lhe need for Lhe change Lhere ls no reason Lo lmplemenL lL
4 1he pro[ecL sponsor can help Lhe pro[ecL manager and Lhe sLakeholders resolve lssues durlng pro[ecL lnLegraLlon managemenL
3 lf managemenL has asslgned Lhe pro[ecL consLralnL of a flxed budgeL Lhe pro[ecL manager and Lhe pro[ecL Leam musL deLermlne how Lhe pro[ecL can
operaLe wlLhln Lhe consLralnL
6 ro[ecL plans communlcaLe Lo Lhe pro[ecL Leam Lhe pro[ecL sponsor and sLakeholders C 1he prlmary purpose of your pro[ecL plan ls A 1o provlde
accuraLe communlcaLlon for Lhe pro[ecL Leam pro[ecL sponsor and sLakeholders
7 A pro[ecL basellne serves as a conLrol Lool ro[ecL plan execuLlon and work resulLs are measured agalnsL Lhe pro[ecL basellnes
8 CanLL charLs are excellenL Lools Lo measure and predlcL Lhe pro[ecL progress buL are noL needed durlng Lhe pro[ecL plan developmenL process
9 A MlS can asslsL Lhe pro[ecL manager Lhe mosL durlng pro[ecL execuLlon lL does noL replace Lhe role of Lhe pro[ecL manager buL only serves as an
asslsLanL lL helps Lhe pro[ecL manager plan schedule monlLor and reporL flndlngs
10 1he pro[ecL plan serves as a gulde Lo all fuLure pro[ecL declslons
11 A conflguraLlon managemenL ls Lhe documenLaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL producL lLs aLLrlbuLes and changes Lo Lhe producL
12 lnLegraLed Change ConLrol ls a sysLem Lo documenL changes Lhelr lmpacL response Lo changes and performance deflclLs
13 1he pro[ecL plan ls Lhe formal documenL used Lo manage and conLrol pro[ecL execuLlon
14 Ceneral managemenL skllls sLaLus revlew meeLlngs and Work AuLhorlzaLlon SysLems are Lhe besL Lools descrlbed here LhaL serve as parL of Lhe pro[ecL
plan execuLlon
13 LvM earned value managemenL ls used LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL processes lL ls a plannlng and conLrol Lool used Lo measure performance
16 A pro[ecL manager musL manage a pro[ecL lf all acLlvlLles are delegaLed chaos ensues and Leam members wlll spend more Llme [ockeylng for poslLlon
Lhan compleLlng acLlvlLles
17 ConflguraLlon managemenL lnvolves maklng sure LhaL everyone ls worklng off Lhe same documenLs and verslon
18 1he schedule basellne ls Lhere for you Lo deLermlne how Lhe pro[ecL ls progresslng lollow your change managemenL process and conLlnue Lo Lrack
agalnsL your basellne
19 LffecLlve pro[ecL lnLegraLlon usually requlres an emphasls on LffecLlve CommunlcaLlons aL key lnLerface polnLs
20 WlLh everyLhlng golng well on Lhe pro[ecL Lhe only cholce LhaL makes sense ls Lo revlew Lhe managemenL plans for Lhe pro[ecL
21 1he change conLrol sysLem musL also lnclude procedures Lo handle changes LhaL may be approved wlLhouL prlor revlew for example as Lhe resulL of
22 Cnly wlLh forma| acceptance can Lhe pro[ecL manager be sure Lhe pro[ecL work ls really compleLe
23 All 1echn|ca| Work |s comp|eted (means you are |n C|os|ng rocess Group) on Lhe pro[ecL Lhe remalnlng Lhlng ls CompleLlng Lessons Learned
24 8ecause neL presenL value ls Lhe value ln Lodays dollars of dlfferenL cash flows Lhe pro[ecL wlLh Lhe hlghesL nv ls Lhe besL one 1he number of years ls
lncluded ln Lhe nv calculaLlon
23 Integrat|on can be done durlng lannlng and LxecuLlng buL lL ls mosL lmporLanL when you reach key |nterface po|nts ln Lhe pro[ecL ?ou musL orchesLraLe
Lhe comlng LogeLher of Lhe resulLs
26 1he sponsor lssues Lhe pro[ecL charLer and so he or she should help Lhe pro[ecL manager contro| changes to the charter 1he pr|mary respons|b|||ty ||es
w|th the sponsor
27 ConsLralned opLlmlzaLlon uses maLhemaLlcal models Llnear programmlng ls a maLhemaLlcal model
28 MosL ofLen pro[ecLs ouLsourced ouLslde of Lhe counLry encounLer communlcaLlon and Llme zone barrlers 1he procuremenL process should have assured
Lhe pro[ecL manager LhaL Lhe sellers were skllled
29 ulrecLlng (cholce A) occurs whlle Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan ls belng creaLed uurlng pro[ecL execuLlng Lhe pro[ecL manager should be focused on
lnLegraLlng Lhe work of oLhers lnLo a coheslve whole 1hls ls more lmporLanL Lhan [usL coordlnaLlng (cholce C) or leadlng (cholce u)
30 Whenever a large number of changes occur on a pro[ecL lL ls wlse Lo conflrm LhaL Lhe buslness case as sLaLed ln Lhe pro[ecL charLer ls sLlll valld
31 resenL value (v) We converL a fuLure cash flow lnLo a value Loday 1hls allows us Lo ul8LC1L? compare Lwo fuLure cash flows
32 1he larger Lhe 8C8 Sl and Cl Lhe beLLer A pro[ecL wlLh h|gh pr|or|ty normally holds more senlor commlLmenL
33 lnLegraLed change conLrol requlres coordlnaLlng changes across knowledge areas lor example a proposed schedule change wlll ofLen affecL cosL quallLy
rlsk and resources
34 8emember Lhe lnLernal raLe of reLurn ls slmllar Lo Lhe lnLeresL raLe you geL from Lhe bank 1he hlgher Lhe raLe ls Lhe beLLer Lhe reLurn
33 MeeLlng Lhe basellne ls one lndlcaLor of pro[ecL success
36 8ecollecLlons (of lnformaLlon) are less rellable Lhan oLher documenLed resulLs
37 Change ConLrol rocedure mlghL address how Lo handle changes buL does noL reflecL approved changes Changes made vla Lhe change conLrol sysLem wlll
be documented |n some part of the pro[ect management p|an and]or pro[ect documents
38 8emember pro[ecL lengLh ls lncorporaLed when compuLlng nv ?ou would choose Lhe pro[ecL LhaL provldes Lhe mosL value ln Lhls case Lhe pro[ecL wlLh
Lhe hlghesL nv
39 ?ou wanL Lo capLure daLa aL Lhe end of each phase of a pro[ecL lf you walL unLll Lhe end you may forgeL lmporLanL lnformaLlon
40 A work auLhorlzaLlon sysLem ls used Lo coordlnaLe when and ln whaL order Lhe work ls performed so LhaL work and people may properly lnLerface wlLh
oLher work and oLher people
41 C When should Lhe ro[ecL 8asellnes be changed? A lor all Approved Changes
SomeLlmes cerLaln classlflcaLlons of changes geL auLomaLlc approval on a pro[ecL and do noL need a change conLrol boards approval lor example ln an
emergency changes should be made by Lhe pro[ecL manager wlLhouL Lhe change conLrol board
Changes can be made Lo Lhe basellnes buL only when Lhey are offlclally approved
42 1he blggesL problem ls reLalnlng Leam members unLll closure of Lhe pro[ecL eople sLarL looklng for Lhelr nexL pro[ecL and leave before admlnlsLraLlve
closure ls compleLe
43 lL ls Lhe sponsors role Lo deLermlne ob[ecLlves 1hese ob[ecLlves are descrlbed ln Lhe pro[ecL charLer
44 1he pro[ecL charLer ls lssued by Lhe sponsor 1he pro[ecL manager may have a role ln lLs creaLlon
43 Cnce Lhe change has been made by Lhe ro[ecL Manager you need Lo updaLe Lhe documenLs affecLed by Lhe change Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan
and/or pro[ecL documenLs
46 A pro[ecL wlLhouL a charLer ls a pro[ecL wlLhouL supporL
47 A poor communlcaLlons managemenL plan ls noL llkely Lo cause Lhe volume of changes ln Lhls lnsLance
48 lL ls Lhe pro[ecL managers responslblllLy Lo manage Lhe pro[ecL scope compleLlon wlLhln budgeL and reserves
49 1he pro[ecL manager loses credlblllLy and performance by uslng overLlme
30 8efore anyone can be noLlfled Lhe change musL be flnlshed 1haL means looklng for Llme cosL quallLy rlsk resources and cusLomer saLlsfacLlon lmpacLs
31 A slngle hlghlevel execuLlve can end an enLlre pro[ecL lf he or she ls noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe resulLs even lf LhaL person has by cholce been only
LangenLlally lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL lL ls crlLlcal Lo ensure LhaL all of Lhe flnal declslon makers have been ldenLlfled early ln a pro[ecL ln order Lo ensure LhaL
Lhelr concerns are addressed
32 8efore you can do anyLhlng else you have Lo know whaL ?Cu are golng Lo do ueveloplng Lhe managemenL sLraLegy wlll provlde Lhe framework for all Lhe
resL of Lhe cholces presenLed and Lhe oLher acLlvlLles LhaL need Lo be done
33 1he change managemenL process should be formal so changes donL [usL happen ?ou manage Lhem ?ou wanL Lhem documenLed for hlsLorlcal purposes
so Lhere ls an audlL Lrall lndlcaLlng why you made Lhe changes
34 A pro[ecL ls compleLe when all work lncludlng all pro[ecL managemenL work ls compleLe and Lhe producL of Lhe pro[ecL noL [usL dellverables accepLed
1he lessons learned are pro[ecL managemenL dellverables
33 A change managemenL plan lncludes Lhe processes and procedures LhaL allow smooLh evaluaLlon and Lracklng of changes
36 Cnly a work auLhorlzaLlon sysLem helps wlLh lnLegraLlng work packages lnLo a whole A work auLhorlzaLlon sysLem helps ensure LhaL work ls done aL Lhe
rlghL Llme and ln Lhe rlghL sequence
37 rlmary 8esponslblllLy of Lhe ro[ecL Manager ls lnLeracL wlLh oLhers ln a rofesslonal Manner whlle compleLlng Lhe pro[ecL
38 1he change conLrol sysLem should already have meLhods of maklng changes descrlbed
39 Palf Lhe pro[ecL ls done and half Lhe cosL has been expended 1he answer ls slmple Cr ls lL? ln facL you do noL know whaL was planned so you cannoL
answer Lhls quesLlon
60 All Lypes of closure musL make sure LhaL Lhe acLual producL of Lhe pro[ecL meeLs Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe producL
61 1he ro[ecL Manager should offer your asslsLance wlLhouL dolng Lhe work of Lhe oLher ro[ecL Manager
62 uocumenLs LhaL serve as hlsLorlcal records for fuLure pro[ecLs are collecLed LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL buL are only archlved durlng Lhe Close ro[ecL or
hase process
63 CuLpuLs of Lhe Close ro[ecL or hase process lnclude archlves lessons learned and pro[ecL closure Powever some pro[ecL resources (people compuLers
Lelephones) musL be used Lo perform Lhese closlng acLlvlLles Cnce compleLed Lhe pro[ecL can release lLs resources
64 A pro[ecL manager should be looklng aL where changes are comlng from and dolng whaLever ls necessary Lo llmlL Lhe negaLlve effecLs of change on Lhe
pro[ecL Pe needs Lo flnd Lhe rooL cause so fuLure changes may be avolded
63 Cne of Lhe ways Lo check lf a change should be approved ls Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe work falls wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL charLer lf noL lL should be re[ecLed
asslgned Lo a more approprlaLe pro[ecL or addressed as a pro[ecL of lLs own
66 A work auLhorlzaLlon sysLem (cholce A) helps Lell Lhe Leam when work should begln on work packages A change conLrol sysLem (cholce 8) helps Lrack
approve or re[ecL and conLrol changes A pro[ecL managemenL lnformaLlon sysLem (MlS cholce u) helps Lhe pro[ecL manager know how Lhe pro[ecL ls
golng Cnly a conflguraLlon managemenL sysLem (cholce C) addresses conLrolllng documenLs
67 1he pro[ecL manager ls an lnLegraLor 1hls ls a quesLlon abouL your role as an lnLegraLor and communlcaLor
68 All Lhe pro[ecL documenLaLlon goes lnLo Lhe archlves 1herefore lL musL be compleLed 1he archlve ls Lhe lasL Lhlng Lo creaLe before releaslng Lhe Leam
S|# ro[ect SCCL Management
1 MosL change requesLs are a resulL of valueadded change value added change cenLers on addlng some elemenL LhaL was noL avallable Lo Lhe pro[ecL
scope Lo reduce cosLs aL scope creaLlon
2 1he pro[ecL Leam member dld noL follow Lhe change managemenL plans meLhod of lncorporaLlng changes lnLo Lhe scope
3 1he responslblllLy Lo ensure LhaL Lhe pro[ecL work ls auLhorlzed conLracLed and funded resLs wlLh Lhe pro[ecL manager
4 Scope sLaLemenLs musL aL leasL lnclude Lhe quanLlflable crlLerla of cosL schedule and quallLy meLrlcs 1he scope sLaLemenL serves as a polnL of reference
for all fuLure pro[ecL declslons
3 1he sLakeholders deLermlne Lhe pro[ecL requlremenLs and declde wheLher Lhe pro[ecL was a success
6 AfLer Lhe cusLomers lnpuL Lhe performlng organlzaLlons pro[ecL Leam ls responslble for scope basellne preparaLlon 1he scope basellne lncludes Lhe W8S
W8S dlcLlonary and pro[ecL scope sLaLemenL
7 1eam buyln ls a dlrecL resulL of Lhe W8S creaLlon process
8 1he heur|st|c (ru|e of thumb) we use ln pro[ecL decomposlLlon ls 80 hours lL doesnL maLLer how experlenced Lhe Leam members are ?ou need Lhls level
of reporLlng Lo manage Lhe pro[ecL effecLlvely
9 1he pro[ecL manager musL faclllLaLe a falr and equlLable soluLlon buL the customer |s the f|rst of equa|s
10 uecomposlng 1he lmporLanL words here are pro[ecL work packages 1hls lndlcaLes LhaL a W8S has already been creaLed lf lLhe quesLlon sald pro[ecL
dellverables Lhe answer would have been CreaLlng a W8S
11 1he number|ng system allows you Lo qulckly ldenLlfy Lhe level ln Lhe work breakdown sLrucLure where Lhe speclflc elemenL ls found lL also helps Lo locaLe
Lhe elemenL ln Lhe W8S dlrecLory
12 A change request ls Lhe mosL effecLlve way of handllng Lhe dlsconnecL beLween whaL users acLually wanL and whaL managemenL Lhlnks Lhey wanL
13 A Leam member should have flexlblllLy aL Lhe work package level Lo make some changes as long as Lhey are wlLhln Lhe overall scope of Lhe W8S dlcLlonary
14 Informa| changes to pro[ect scope and p|an are probably Lhe chlef cause of schedule sllppage cosL overruns and pro[ecL Leam member frusLraLlon
LffecLlve scope conLrol ls crlLlcal Lo Lhe success of a pro[ecL
13 1he pro[ecL manager should valldaLe wlLh Lhe cusLomer LhaL Lhe change wlll add value and Lhen follow Lhe change process
16 Much of Lhe work on Lhe pro[ecL ls dlcLaLed by Lhe pro[ecL scope sLaLemenL Any lmpreclslon ln such a key documenL wlll lead Lo dlfferlng lnLerpreLaLlons
17 1he scope managemenL plan descrlbes how requesLed scope changes wlll be managed
18 1he |eve| of uncerta|nty |n scope |ncreases based on Lhe scale of efforL requlred Lo ldenLlfy all Lhe scope Ior |arger pro[ects |t |s more d|ff|cu|t to catch
19 Work noL ln Lhe W8S ls ouLslde Lhe scope of Lhe pro[ecL
20 Scope ver|f|cat|on focuses on customer acceptance of a dellverable whlle product ver|f|cat|on ls focused on maklng sure all Lhe work |s comp|eted
21 1he verlfy Scope process ls done aL Lhe end of each phase of Lhe pro[ecL lf lL ls noL done you rlsk dellverlng someLhlng ln Lhe nexL phase LhaL ls noL
accepLable Lo Lhe cusLomer
22 ou need to f|rst understand the change before you can eva|uate |t ln Lhls lnsLance verbal communlcaLlon ls noL llkely Lo provlde enough lnformaLlon
Lo evaluaLe Cnce you undersLand Lhe change you can work wlLh Lhe Leam Lo deLermlne Lhe lmpacL and opLlons
23 A submlLLal LhaL does noL meeL Lhe requlremenLs should noL be accepLed
24 Customers do not genera||y approve the pro[ect scope (what you are go|ng to do to comp|ete the|r requ|rements) |nstead they approve the product
scope (the|r requ|rements)
23 Ia|t accomp|| Commonly used Lo descrlbe an acLlon whlch ls compleLed before Lhose affecLed by lL are ln a poslLlon Lo query or reverse lL
S|# ro[ect 1IML Management
1 CL81 Craphlcal LvaluaLlon and 8evlew 1echnlque allows for condlLlonal advancemenL CL81 allows for branchlng and loopbacks
2 Subnets are ofLen lncluded ln neLwork LemplaLes Lo summarlze common acLlvlLles ln a pro[ecL
3 SofL loglc allows Lhe pro[ecL manager Lo make declslons based on condlLlons ouLslde of Lhe pro[ecL besL pracLlces or guldellnes
4 Commerclal duraLlon esLlmaLlng daLabases are valld resources Lo conflrm or base Llme esLlmaLes upon
3 arklnsons Law sLaLes LhaL work wlll expand Lo fulflll Lhe Llme alloLLed Lo lL
6 8aLher Lhan bloaL acLlvlLles pro[ecLs should use conLlngency reserve ConLlngency reserve ls a porLlon of Lhe pro[ecL schedule alloLLed for Llme overruns
on acLlvlLles
7 A CanLL charL ls a bar charL LhaL represenLs Lhe duraLlon of acLlvlLles agalnsL a calendar 1he lengLh of Lhe bars represenL Lhe lengLh of acLlvlLles whlle Lhe
order of Lhe bars represenL Lhe order of acLlvlLles ln Lhe pro[ecL
8 MllesLone Schedule can also be called as MasLer Schedule
9 1he arrow dlagrammlng meLhod does noL supporL flnlshLoflnlsh of relaLlonshlps
10 ro[ecL plannlng (cholce A) would use boLh Lypes of charLs 1eam members (cholce 8) need Lo see deLalls and so Lhey need a bar charL raLher Lhan a
mllesLone charL 8lsk analysls (cholce u) CCuLu make use of boLh charLs A mllesLone charL ls used lnsLead of a bar charL for any slLuaLlon where you wanL
Lo reporL ln a less deLalled way (cholce C) 8ar charLs can scare people wlLh Lhelr complexlLy and ofLen show Loo much deLall Lo be worLhwhlle on a
managemenL level MllesLone charLs are more effecLlve for reporLlng Lo managemenL
11 1he crlLlcal paLh does noL change lf Lhe scope ls Lhe same A more aggresslve deadllne slmply means Lhe pro[ecL ls Lwo weeks behlnd
12 1he wlder Lhe range beLween Lhe opLlmlsLlc and pesslmlsLlc esLlmaLes ln a LhreepolnL esLlmaLe Lhe more uncerLalnLy Lhe esLlmaLor has
13 ln addlLlon Lo Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL lan Lhe pro[ecL Leam musL creaLe Management p|ans documenL how Lhe Leam wlll manage on a more deLalled
level Lxamples of managemenL plans lnclude pro[ecL scope schedule cosL quallLy and rlsk managemenL plans
14 A ulscreLlonary uependancy ln one LhaL base on Lxperlence (8ased on lessons we learned from pasL pro[ecLs or from our pasL experlence we prefer Lo do
acLlvlLles ln a cerLaln order)
13 Assumlng Lhe pro[ecL manager ls meeLlng Lhe pro[ecL ob[ecLlves and consLralnLs sponsor approval of a deLalled schedule (cholce A) ls noL as crlLlcal as LhaL
of funcLlonal managers 1he cusLomer (cholce u) does noL need Lo approve Lhe deLalled pro[ecL schedule [usL Lhe end daLe and any mllesLones Lhey mlghL
lmpose 1he Leam (cholce 8) would aL leasL have provlded Lhelr esLlmaLes CeLLlng funcLlonal managers Lo approve wlll also lndlrecLly geL Leam members
approval 8emember LhaL Lhe book M Lxam rep says Lo assume a maLrlx organlzaLlon lf funcLlonal managers knew whaL each of Lhelr people were
dolng Lhe Llmeframe and when Lhelr acLlvlLles were on Lhe crlLlcal paLh resource problems would noL be as frequenL Approval of Lhe schedule by
funcLlonal managers provldes Lhe mosL beneflLs
16 1he quesLlon ls really asklng WhaL ls done afLer LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy uuraLlons? Schedu|e compress|on occurs before f|na||z|ng the schedu|e
17 Many people forgeL Lo make use of Lhe Lools of pro[ecL managemenL plannlng whlle Lhe pro[ecL work ls ongolng uo noL make LhaL mlsLake A neLwork
dlagram does help you Lrack flow buL lL should be Lhe flow of Lhe work noL lnformaLlon (cholce A) 1he neLwork dlagram has noLhlng Lo do wlLh cosL
(cholce C) or reward sysLems (cholce u) 1he neLwork dlagram helps you know when work on Lhe pro[ecL should be done and ln whaL order
18 1hlnk of whaL you would do ln Lhe real world Many pro[ecL managers [usL ask for more resources or more Llme (cholces 8 and C) Asklng for an exLenslon
of Llme ls generally Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do only when scope ls added Lo Lhe pro[ecL Addlng resources wlll add cosL Cholce u should be Lhe lasL cholce
Compresslng Lhe schedule leLs you geL more done wlLh Lhe resources and Llme LhaL you already have on Lhe pro[ecL lL ls almosL always Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lo
do when Lhere ls a delay generaLed from wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL
19 ?ou musL change Lhe crlLlcal paLh lnorder Lo shorLen Lhe pro[ecL duraLlon ln Lhls case boLh acLlvlLy C and acLlvlLy P are on Lhe crlLlcal paLh lf you have a
cholce all Lhlngs belng equal choose the ear||er opt|on 1herefore acLlvlLy C ls Lhe besL answer
20 SLandard devlaLlon ls a range LhaL an esLlmaLe can vary +/ from Lhe mean 1he pro[ecL needs Lo be done ln 40 days and Lhe schedule calls for 38 days so
Lhe pro[ecL floaL ls 2 days WlLh a sLandard devlaLlon of Lwo days Lhe pro[ecL wlll Lake 38 +/ 2 days or 36 Lo 40 days 1herefore pro[ecL floaL could be 0 Lo
4 days
SLandard uevlaLlon Lells you how unsure Lhe esLlmaLe ls
21 Levellng resources generally exLends Lhe schedule 8esource levellng refers Lo keeplng Lhe number of resources Lhe same and leLLlng Llme and cosL be
22 CorrecLlve acLlon ls anyLhlng done Lo brlng expecLed fuLure schedule performance ln llne wlLh Lhe pro[ecL managemenL plan Such acLlon should always be
an ouLpuL
23 A mllesLone shows Lhe compleLlon of a serles of acLlvlLles or work packages 1herefore lL Lakes no Llme of lLs own
24 arameLrlc esLlmaLlng does noL make use of esLlmaLes from Lhe Leam
23 ro[ecL neLwork dlagrams are schemaLlc dlsplays of Lhe loglcal relaLlonshlps among acLlvlLles
26 ?ou do noL necessarlly need Lo change Lhe schedule unless of course Lhe delay ls more Lhan Lhe acLlvlLys floaL
27 1he only cerLaln lmpacL of a scope change ls a schedule change Lo shorLen or lengLhen subsequenL acLlvlLles
28 1here ls no reason Lo Lhlnk Lhe pro[ecL ls golng well or poorly based solely on floaL
29 ro[ecL managemenL sofLware ls noL deslgned Lo do a good [ob of creaLlng a W8S lL cannoL creaLe a compleLe pro[ecL managemenL plan nor can lL
manage a compleLe pro[ecL It |s des|gned to create and contro| schedu|es
30 More lnLerdependencles on a pro[ecL lncrease Lhe need for communlcaLlon
31 CL81 ls Lhe only dlagrammlng Lechnlque LhaL allows loops
32 A heurlsLlc ls a rule of Lhumb Lxamples are cosL per llne of code cosL per square fooL of floor space eLc
33 1he prlmary purpose of a neLwork dlagram ls Lo show loglcal relaLlonshlps
34 A MonLe Carlo analysls provldes Lhe ablllLy Lo compuLe Lhe probablllLy of compleLlng a pro[ecL on a speclflc day
33 When Lhe pro[ecL ls compleLed early Lhe pro[ecL manager should reporL LhaL Lhe pro[ecL came ln ahead of Llme and explaln WP? 1hls ls a success! lf Lhere
was proper pro[ecL plannlng Lhls should occur because an expecLed rlsk dld noL maLerlallze
S|# ro[ect CCS1 Management
1 1he learnlng curve allows Lhe cosL Lo decrease as a resulL of decreased lnsLallaLlon Llme as workers compleLe more of Lhe lnsLallaLlon procedure As Lhe
pro[ecL Leam compleLes more and more unlLs Lhe Llme Lo compleLe a hoLel room should Lake less and less Llme
2 value analysls/englneerlng ls a sysLemaLlc approach Lo flnd less cosLly ways Lo compleLe Lhe same work
3 1he cosL managemenL plan conLrols how cosL varlances wlll be managed
4 Iund|ng ||m|t reconc|||at|on mosL llkely wlll affecL Lhe pro[ecL schedule slnce work wlll need Lo be moved Lo when funds wlll be avallable
3 A Def|n|t|ve Lst|mate 1he mosL expenslve Lo creaLe (A greaL deal of work ls needed Lo flne Lune a pro[ecL so LhaL you can geL a deflnlLlve esLlmaLe)
6 1he ro[ecL 8udgeL and 8asellne wlll noL be flnallzed and accepLed unLll Lhe plannlng processes are compleLed
7 A CosL ManagemenL lan conLalns a descrlpLlon of 1he W8S level aL whlch Larned value wlll be calculaLed
8 1he var|ab|e and d|rect costs are mosL affecLed by Lhe slze and scope of Lhe pro[ecL lndlrecL cosLs are usually compuLed as a percenLage of dlrecL cosLs
9 Va|ue ana|ys|s ls a way of flndlng Lhe leasL expenslve way Lo do Lhe work
10 1he ||fe cyc|e cost w||| prov|de the p|cture of the tota| cost of the pro[ect lL lncludes pro[ecL cosLs and operaLlons and malnLenance cosLs
11 1ra|n|ng Costs ?ou are Lralnlng Lhe Leam on skllls requlred for Lhe pro[ecL 1he cosL ls dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe pro[ecL and Lhus a d|rect cost
12 Ir|nge benef|ts are lncluded ln overhead and are parL of |nd|rect costs
13 A fullLlme Leam member who compleLes her work sooner Lhan planned could be forced Lo walL for Lhe sLarL of her nexL acLlvlLy Slnce she ls full Llme she
would have Lo be pald for Llme noL worklng
S|# ro[ect UALI1 Management
1 1he pro[ecL Leam (Lhe lndlvlduals compleLlng Lhe pro[ecL work) ls responslble for Lhe quallLy of Lhe pro[ecL dellverables
2 lnLernal fallure cosL ls aLLrlbuLed Lo fallure LhaL resulLs ln rework lL ls an example of Lhe cosL of nonconformance Lo quallLy
3 CC requlres an lnspecLlon of Lhe work resulLs Whlle quallLy ls planned lnLo a pro[ecL lnspecLlons ensure lL exlsLs CA ls Lyplcally a managemenL process
4 lSC 9000 ls noL a quallLy managemenL sysLem buL a sysLem Lo ensure an organlzaLlon follows lLs own quallLy procedures
3 kalzen Lechnologles are small changes Lo processes and producLs on a sLeady conLlnuous basls Lo save cosLs and lmprove quallLy
6 CuallLy ln regard Lo Lhe pro[ecL scope ls abouL compleLlng Lhe work as promlsed
7 C CpLlmal quallLy ls reached aL whaL polnL? A When revenue from lmprovemenL equals Lhe lncremenLal cosLs Lo achleve Lhe quallLy L Marglnal analysls
provldes LhaL opLlmal quallLy ls reached when Lhe cosL of Lhe lmprovemenLs equals Lhe lncremenLal cosLs Lo achleve Lhe quallLy
8 ueslgn of experlmenLs uses experlmenLs and whaLlf scenarlos Lo deLermlne whaL varlables are affecLlng quallLy
9 CheckllsLs are slmple buL effecLlve quallLy managemenL Lools LhaL Lhe pro[ecL manager can use Lo ensure Lhe pro[ecL Leam ls compleLlng Lhe requlred
10 CuallLy aLLrlbuLes are Lhe measuremenLs LhaL deLermlne lf Lhe producL ls accepLable 1hey are based on Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe producL for whlch Lhey
were deslgned
11 erform CuallLy Assurance lnvolves deLermlnlng wheLher sLandards are belng followed 1hls would be Lhe leasL effecLlve slnce lL does noL address Lhe
speclflc problem descrlbed ln Lhe quesLlon
12 1he only cholce llsLed LhaL makes sense and ls an offlclal lnpuL Lo erform CuallLy Assurance ls cholce C 1hls quesLlon ls slmllar Lo oLhers ln Lhls program
buL noL exacLly Lhe same ?ou may also see Lhls occur on your exam Carefully read Lhe quesLlons!
13 uaLa polnLs ouLslde Lhe conLrol llmlLs lndlcaLe Lhe process ls ouL of conLrol and producLlon should be sLopped unLll a soluLlon ls found
14 nspecLlons may be conducLed aL any level lncludlng Lhe pro[ecL Leam and aL any Llme LhroughouL Lhe producL developmenL 1hey are used Lo prevenL
defecLs from belng dellvered Lo Lhe cusLomer
13 ueveloplng speclflcaLlons should come from a Lechnlcal experL 1he only cholce llsLed LhaL meeLs LhaL descrlpLlon ls englneerlng noL every quesLlon on
Lhe exam wlll requlre LhaL a pro[ecL manager do Lhe work
16 8enchmark|ng ls Lhe common Lerm for a performance measuremenL sLandard
17 1rend ana|ys|s examlnes pro[ecL resulLs over Llme Lo evaluaLe performance
18 1he erform CuallLy Assurance process ls Lhe process ln whlch we do quallLy audlLs Lo make sure we are uslng Lhe correcL processes
19 CuallLy managemenL should be performed regularly and ln parallel wlLh oLher plannlng processes LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL
20 A good pro[ecL manager wlll flnd Lhe rooL cause and deal wlLh LhaL even lf lL means aLLempLlng Lo lmprove Lhe companys pollcles and processes 1hls ls
conLlnuous lmprovemenL 8ecause Lhere are several acLlvlLles affecLed by Lhe pollcy lL would serve Lhe pro[ecL beLLer Lo geL Lo Lhe rooL cause of Lhe
problem and solve lL
21 uCL roper deslgn allows you Lo flnd Lhose facLors LhaL have Lhe mosL lmpacL on quallLy lL allows Lhe pro[ecL manager Lo focus aLLenLlon on Lhe facLors
LhaL are mosL lmporLanL
22 Lven Lhough lL ls occurrlng durlng Lhe execuLlon of Lhe pro[ecL deLermlnlng whaL sLandards Lo use ls parL of quallLy plannlng We someLlmes need Lo fall
back lnLo plannlng durlng oLher parLs of a pro[ecL ln plannlng we deLermlne whaL quallLy sLandards are appllcable Lo Lhe pro[ecL and how Lo lmplemenL
and conLrol Lhem
23 SLandard devlaLlon ls Lhe measuremenL of a range around Lhe mean
24 1he conLrol llmlLs are more consLralnlng Lhan Lhe speclflcaLlon llmlLs ConLrol llmlLs are how you measure your process quallLy SpeclflcaLlon llmlLs are
how Lhe cusLomer measures quallLy
23 1he f|shbone d|agram ls a Lool LhaL we use Lo help sLlmulaLe Lhlnklng (bralnsLormlng) Lo creaLe an aLmosphere conduclve Lo open sharlng of LhoughLs
and Lo gaLher our LhoughLs ln a coheslve way lL can be used durlng analysls Lo deLermlne Lhe cause of defecLs
26 1hls can be a Lrlcky quesLlon ln LhaL mosL pro[ecL managers dlsmlss Lhe need Lo focus on quallLy CuallLy cosL and schedule should be consldered of equal
lmporLance unless speclflc pro[ecL ob[ecLlves make any one of Lhem mosL lmporLanL CuallLy cosL schedule scope rlsk and oLher facLors may be
prlorlLlzed dlfferenLly on each pro[ecL
27 AlLhough quallLy plannlng usually occurs durlng pro[ecL plannlng someLlmes we need Lo go back Lo plannlng from oLher processes Lo make a declslon
28 As you lncrease quallLy Lhere wlll be assoclaLed beneflLs for Lhe pro[ecL Some of Lhese beneflLs are lncreased producLlvlLy lncreased cosL effecLlveness
decreased cosL rlsk and lmproved morale
29 A daLa polnL LhaL requlres you Lo deLermlne Lhe cause of Lhe problem calls for a speclal cause
30 1he conLrol llmlLs are seL based on Lhe companys quallLy sLandard and lndlcaLe Lhe accepLable range
31 ulscoverlng nonvalue acLlvlLles ls parL of process analysls lmplemenLlng Lhe process lmprovemenL plan Many people choose Lo perform a quallLy audlL
(cholce C) Powever performlng a quallLy audlL relaLes Lo deLermlnlng wheLher you are uslng Lhe rlghL processes and wheLher Lhose processes are
effecLlve raLher Lhan lmprovlng processes
32 1he group ls uslng organlzaLlonal process asseLs Lo lmprove Lhelr pro[ecL AlLhough Lhe lncldenL [usL occurred lL was on anoLher pro[ecL 1hey are ln Lhe
lan CuallLy process
33 ?ou can use Lhe W8S (cholce C) ln many ways Lo conLrol quallLy
34 lnconslsLency and nonpredlcLablllLy are lndlcaLlons LhaL Lhe process ls ouL of conLrol
33 Pavlng an a||owab|e defect rate |s an examp|e of the cost of nonqua||ty Any sysLem or process LhaL wlll accepL defecLs adds cosL Lo Lhe producL or
S|# ro[ect nk Management
1 When pro[ecLs are slmllar ln naLure Lhe pro[ecL manager can use Lhe roles and responslblllLles deflnlLlons of Lhe hlsLorlcal pro[ecL Lo gulde Lhe currenL
2 When pro[ecL managers or managers ln general are referred Lo as dlfferenL Lerms a [ob descrlpLlon ls needed so Lhe pro[ecL manager can successfully
compleLe Lhe requlred obllgaLlons
3 1he ha|o effect ls Lhe assumpLlon LhaL because Lhe person ls good aL a Lechnology Lhey'd also be good aL managlng a pro[ecL deallng wlLh sald Lechnology
4 C Susan ls Lhe pro[ecL manager for Lhe MC ro[ecL She makes all declslons on Lhe pro[ecL Leam regardless of Lhe pro[ecL Leam ob[ecLlons 1hls ls an
example of whlch of Lhe followlng managemenL sLyles? A Susan ls an auLocraLlc declslon maker
3 When Parold always has Lo wln an argumenL and Leam members begln Lo glve lnLo Parold's demands slmply Lo avold Lhe argumenL raLher Lhan Lo flnd an
accuraLe soluLlon Lhls ls a yleldlose slLuaLlon
6 1he LxpecLancy 1heory descrlbes how people wlll work based on whaL Lhey expecL because of Lhe work Lhey do lf people are rewarded because of Lhe
work Lhey compleLe and Lhey llke Lhe reward (paymenL) Lhey wlll conLlnue Lo work
7 lorclng happens when Lhe pro[ecL manager makes a declslon based on facLors noL relevanL Lo Lhe problem !usL because a Leam member has more
senlorlLy does noL mean Lhls lndlvldual ls correcL
8 A reward and recognlLlon sysLem lnvolves formal managemenL acLlon Lo promoLe deslred behavlor of lndlvlduals
9 8emember LhaL confronLlng means problem solvlng and problem solvlng ls Lhe besL way Lo resolve confllcL ? buL noL here 1he quesLlon asks whaL
confllcL resoluLlon Lechnlque would you lMMLulA1LL? use wlLh Lhe Leam members 1empers are Loo hoL and you have Lhe sponsor Lo deal wlLh 1he
besL lmmedlaLe cholce here ls avo|dance
10 1here ls always Lhe opLlon Lo slmply posLpone deallng wlLh Lhe lssue unLll laLer 1hls ls wlLhdrawlng
11 noLlce LhaL Lhls quesLlon Lalks abouL whaL Lhe Leam member should do? lL ls lmporLanL for Lhe pro[ecL manager Lo undersLand Lhe Leam members role
and posslbly even lnsLrucL Leam members on how Lo work on pro[ecLs and whaL ls expecLed of Lhem Cholces A 8 and C have one Lhlng ln common 1hey
lnvolve Lhe Leam member asklng Lhe pro[ecL manager Lo do someLhlng ln reallLy lL may very well be Lhe Leam member who wlll come up wlLh a soluLlon
(such as decreaslng Lhe scope of Lhe acLlvlLy fasL Lracklng or speclflc suggesLlons abouL changes Lo predecessor acLlvlLles) 1herefore cholce u ls Lhe besL
cholce 8uL ask yourself how you run your pro[ecLs Whlch ls beLLer your way or Lhls way? LasLly please noLe LhaL recommended correct|ve or prevent|ve
act|ons can come from the team or stakeho|ders |n add|t|on to the pro[ect manager
12 keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhe sLafflng managemenL plan ls creaLed as parL of uevelop Puman 8esource lan and updaLed as parL of Acqulre ro[ecL 1eam
13 A pro[ecL manager can rarely Lell or d|rect LhaL pro[ecL resources be asslgned MosL frequenLly on pro[ecLs Lhe funcLlonal manager owns Lhe resources
14 SLafflng ManagemenL lan WPLn and PCW resource wlll be AuuLu and 1AkLn Cll Lhe Leam
13 A pro[ecL charLer ls creaLed durlng pro[ecL lnlLlaLlng A pro[ecL manager ls asslgned durlng pro[ecL lnlLlaLlng not after |t
16 A h|stogram |s a bar chart where each bar represenLs Lhe percent of t|me the resource |s work|ng Lach bar shows one unlL of Llme (eg a week a
monLh eLc) lL does noL show usage for each acLlvlLy or area of experLlse 1he hlsLogram ls a seL of bars LhaL deplcL when a resource ls belng used and Lo
whaL level
17 A corner off|ce ls a perk whereas hea|th benef|ts are a fr|nge benef|t
18 1ra|n|ng 1he pro[ecL manager musL ensure LhaL Lhe necessary skllls are developed as parL of Lhe pro[ecL
19 1he Lools and Lechnlques of Lhe Manage ro[ect 1eam process are observaLlon and conversaLlon (waLch Lhe Leam and reporL on Leam members
performance) pro[ecL performance appralsals (do a 360degree feedback sesslon) confllcL managemenL (use approprlaLe confllcL resoluLlon Lechnlques)
and lssue log
20 SmooLhlng wlll emphaslze LhaL everyone agreed on a plan and LhaL Lhe Leam should have confldence ln LhaL plan
21 1he role of each sLakeholder ls deLermlned by 1he ro[ecL Manager and 1he SLakeholder
22 1op four sources of confllcL schedules pro[ecL prlorlLles resources and Lechnlcal oplnlons
23 ro[ect performance appra|sa|s deal wlLh how each team member |s perform|ng work raLher Lhan how well Lhe Leam ls worklng LogeLher
24 Mentor|ng ls Lhe work LhaL a pro[ecL manager may be frequenLly called on Lo perform
23 8esource levellng refers Lo malnLalnlng Lhe same number of resources on Lhe pro[ecL for each Llme perlod Levellng has noLhlng Lo do wlLh asslgnlng
acLlvlLles or managlng meeLlngs
26 AfLer a Leam member compleLes pro[ecL work lL ls Lhe pro[ecL managers [ob Lo provlde lnpuL Lo Lhe Leam members manager regardlng performance
27 erformance |ssues are senlor and funcLlonal managemenLs responslblllLy usually Lhe manager who supervlses Lhe resource
28 luncLlonal managemenL ls responslble for addresslng lndlvldual performance problems
29 ro[ects often need the|r own reward systems Lo affecL performance ro[ecL managers should creaLe such a sysLem for each pro[ecL
30 Cenerally Lhe besL forms of power are reward or expert 1he pro[ecL manager has noL had Llme Lo become a recognlzed expert ln Lhe company (cholce u)
and reward ls noL lncluded as a cholce here 1hls leaves forma| power (cholce A) as Lhe only loglcal answer
31 na|o Lffect lL refers Lo Lhe Lendency of Move people lnLo ro[ecL ManagemenL because Lhey are good ln Lhelr Lechnlcal fleld (!usL because a person ls
good ln hls Lechnlcal fleld does noL mean he wlll also be a good pro[ecL manager)
32 1echnlcal lssues of Lhe pro[ecL are managed by Lhe Leam members managers (luncLlonal Managers)
33 A pro[ect organ|zat|ona| chart shows resources and Lhelr responslblllLles
34 A reward needs Lo be speclflc Lo Lhe acLlvlLles aL hand Lo maxlmlze Lhe effecL AlLhough Lhe exlsLlng company reward sysLem (cholce A) may work one
created spec|f|ca||y for the pro[ect w||| address pro[ectspec|f|c ob[ect|ves and mot|vators
33 1he f|na| steps of prob|em so|v|ng |nc|ude lmplemenL a declslon revlew lL and conflrm LhaL Lhe declslon solved Lhe problem
S|# ro[ect CCMMUNICA1ICNS Management
1 CommunlcaLlons ManagemenL lan deLalls Lhe requlremenLs and expecLaLlons for communlcaLlng lnformaLlon among Lhe pro[ecL sLakeholders
2 A communlcaLlon maLrlx ls an excellenL Lool Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sLakeholders and Lhelr requlremenLs for communlcaLlon
3 1he flgure ls called a commun|cat|ons bu||'s eye and ls used Lo Lrlgger communlcaLlon needs Lo managemenL when LvM resulLs fall wlLhln Lhe ldenLlfled
4 ara||ngua| ls a Lerm used Lo descrlbe Lhe p|tch and tone of one's volce
3 An except|on report ls Lyplcally compleLed when varlances exceed a glven llmlL
6 Adm|n|strat|ve c|osure should Lake place aL Lhe compleLlon of each phase AdmlnlsLraLlve closure ls Lhe process of generaLlng gaLherlng and
dlssemlnaLlng pro[ecL lnformaLlon
7 ro[ect meet|ngs should have a set t|me ||m|t
8 Conf||ct ls noL a fllLer of communlcaLlonlL ls a communlcaLlon hlndrance
9 MuLual respecL and cooperaLlon ls Lhe envlronmenL needed for falr and balanced negot|at|ons CollaboraLlng ls Lhe ldeal meLhod when negoLlaLlng 1he
goal of negoLlaLlons ls Lo work LogeLher for Lhe good of Lhe pro[ecL
10 When lnformaLlon ls sent lL ls consldered Lo be transm|tted
11 1he Lransfer of knowledge ls evldence LhaL communlcaLlon has occurred
12 keport erfromance ls a monlLorlng and conLrolllng process and ls also done durlng closure Lo reporL Lhe performance of Lhe pro[ecL ln Lhe flnal reporL
13 Lxpectat|ons are unspoken requ|rements and are ofLen more crlLlcal Lo a pro[ecLs sLakeholders Lhan Lhe sLaLed ones unless Lhese expecLaLlons are
ldenLlfled and recorded Lhere ls llkely Lo be a hlgh level of dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe pro[ecL
14 1he work breakdown sLrucLure (W8S) a||ows commun|cat|on vert|ca||y and hor|zonta||y w|th|n the organ|zat|on as we|| as outs|de the pro[ect
13 A user of the pro[ects product |s a|ways a stakeho|der whlle Lhe oLhers may or may noL be
16 Worklng wlLh people from dlfferenL culLures wlLh dlfferenL culLural values and bellefs necesslLaLes an undersLandlng boLh baslc deflnlLlons and Lhe areas
of culLural lmpacL As pro[ecL managers we need Lo have good communlcaLlon skllls and a wllllngness Lo adapL Lo oLher culLures
17 Gather|ng Informat|on |s a part of Commun|cat|on |an WlLh proper plannlng you wlll be able Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely and accuraLely ln Lhls case
you are noL gaLherlng Lhe correcL lnformaLlon needed Lo reporL Lo Lhe cllenL
18 undersLandlng Lhe recelvers perspecLlve allows you Lo dlrecL Lhe communlcaLlon Lo meeL hls needs
19 ro[ecL Manager wanLs Lo more exLenslvely lnvolve Lhe SLakeholders on Lhe pro[ecL Pave Lhe SLakeholders perlodlcally revlew Lhe llsL of ro[ecL
20 1he overr|d|ng measurement of what |nformat|on to accumu|ate and commun|cate on a pro[ect |s whether that |nformat|on contr|butes to the
success of the pro[ect 1he requlred lnformaLlon would Lake Llme away from Lhe pro[ecL and noL provlde added value
21 A|d to so|ve comp|ex prob|ems wr|tten commun|cat|on |s the best WrlLLen communlcaLlon allows your words Lo be documenLed and Lhey wlll go Lo
everyone ln Lhe same form When Lhere are complex problems you wanL everyone Lo recelve Lhe same Lhlng
22 Nonverba| commun|cat|on carr|es SS percent of Lhe message you send WlLh Lhls much aL sLake nonverbal communlcaLlon ls of ma[or lmporLance
23 1he bar chart ls Lhe Lool LhaL shows Lhe schedule aL a deLalled enough level for dlscusslon wlLh the team
24 1o ensure clear conclse communlcaLlons Lhe pro[ecL manager musL manage communlcaLlons by decldlng what form of commun|cat|on |s best
23 8ecause of Lhe d|fferences |n cu|ture and the d|stance between team members forma| wr|tten commun|cat|on |s needed
26 rogress 8eporLs generally show problems afLer Lhey have occurred
27 SLakeholders can be ldenLlfled LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL managemenL process groups
28 Latera| Commun|cat|on lnformaLlon exchange beLween Lhe pro[ecL manager and hls/her peers funcLlonal managers sLaff personnel conLracLors oLher
pro[ecL managers eLc lnvolves negoLlaLlng resources schedules and budgeLs coordlnaLlng acLlvlLles beLween groups as well as developlng plans for
fuLure operaLlng perlods
S|# ro[ect kISk Management
1 An error value of seven percenL represenLs Lhe thresho|d Lhe pro[ecL ls allowed Lo operaLe under Should Lhe number of errors lncrease beyond seven
percenL Lhe currenL plasLlc wlll be subsLlLuLed
C A pro[ecL manager and Lhe pro[ecL Leam are acLlvely monlLorlng Lhe pressure gauge on a plece of equlpmenL Sarah Lhe englneer recommends a serles
of sLeps Lo be lmplemenLed should Lhe pressure rlse above 80 percenL 1he 80percenL mark represenLs whaL?
A 1he Lhreshold 1he 80percenL mark ls a Lhreshold
2 1he ut|||ty funct|on descrlbes a persons wllllngness Lo LoleraLe rlsk
3 When Lhe scope has been changed Lhe pro[ecL manager should requlre rlsk plannlng Lo analyze Lhe addlLlons for rlsks Lo Lhe pro[ecL success
4 MonLe Carlo slmulaLlons can reveal mulLlple scenarlos and examlne Lhe rlsks and probablllLy of lmpacL
3 # Iorce Ma[eure k|sks such as LarLhquakes lloods AcLs of 1errorlsm LLc should be covered under ulsasLer 8ecovery rocedures lnsLead of 8lsk
6 # Monte Car|o Ana|ys|s would show you ls WPL8L SCPLuuLL 8lSk LxlSl1S (olnLs of Schedule 8lsk) lL ls a CompuLerbased Analysls useful for reveallng
Schedule 8lsks
7 noLlce how many cholces are half rlghL? MonLe Carlo could help you know LhaL an esLlmaLe for an acLlvlLy needs Lo change buL noL whaL Lhe acLlvlLy
esLlmaLe should be (cholce 8) MonLe Carlo ls a slmulaLlon (cholce C) buL lL slmulaLes Llme noL order of acLlvlLles MonLe Carlo can be used Lo prove Lhlngs
Lo managemenL (cholce u) buL lLs maln focus deals wlLh Llme noL sLaff 8lsk can be assessed uslng MonLe Carlo analysls (cholce A) 8y conslderlng Lhe
lnpuLs Lo Lhe L81 esLlmaLes and Lhe neLwork dlagram you can obLaln a beLLer overvlew of Lhe overall pro[ecL rlsk
8 # Workaround ls whaL you do lf Lhe 8lSk CCCu8S buL lL does nC1 8LuuCL 1PL 8lSk
9 A declslon Lree allows you Lo make an lnformed declslon Loday based on probablllLy and lmpacL analysls ?ou can declde based on Lhe expecLed moneLary
value of each of your opLlons
10 1he range of esLlmaLes wlLh Lhe smallesL range ls Lhe leasL rlsky
11 A rlsk raLlng maLrlx ls developed by a deparLmenL or a company Lo provlde a sLandard meLhod for evaluaLlng rlsks 1hls lmproves Lhe quallLy of Lhe raLlng
for all pro[ecLs A rlsk raLlng maLrlx ls creaLed durlng Lhe erform CuallLaLlve 8lsk Analysls process
12 lf you cannoL deLermlne an exacL cosL lmpacL of Lhe evenL use quallLaLlve esLlmaLes such as Low Medlum Plgh eLc
13 rlorlLlzed rlsk raLlngsare an lnpuL Lo Lhe lan 8lsk 8esponses process
14 llrsL you should evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhe change nexL deLermlne opLlons 1hen go Lo managemenL and Lhe cusLomer
13 1he 8lsk Cwner should be looklng for Lrlggers and lmplemenLlng Lhe rlsk response sLraLegy
16 # LxpecLed moneLary value (LMv) ls compuLed by LMv robablllLy x lmpacL We need Lo compuLe boLh poslLlve and negaLlve values and Lhen add Lhem
06 x $100000 $60000 04 x ($100000) ($40000) LxpecLed MoneLary value $60000 $40000 $20000 proflL
# 1he expecLed moneLary value Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe probablllLy and Lhe lmpacL 1he calculaLlon ls (003 x 21) + (03 x 36) (03 x 28) 1he lasL parL ls
subLracLed because lL represenLs an opporLunlLy and should be balanced agalnsL Lhe LhreaL
17 1he rlsk response owner ls asslgned Lo carry ouL responses and musL keep Lhe pro[ecL manager lnformed of any changes
18 # Iorce ma[eure ls a powerful and unexpecLed evenL such as a hurrlcane or oLher dlsasLer
S|# ro[ect kCCUkLMLN1 Management
1 A falr conLracL shares a reasonable amounL of rlsk beLween Lhe buyer and Lhe seller
2 A bonus Lo compleLe Lhe work by AugusL 30 ls an lncenLlve
3 rlvlLy ls a confldenLlal agreemenL beLween Lhe buyer and seller
4 An SCW can be a conLracL lf boLh parLles agree Lo Lhe SCW and slgn Lhe documenL as a conLracL
3 A slngle source seller means Lhere ls only one seller Lhe company wanLs Lo do buslness wlLh
6 An ll8 ls Lyplcally a requesL for a sealed documenL LhaL llsLs Lhe seller's flrm prlce Lo compleLe Lhe deLalled work
7 rocuremenL documenLs deLall Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe work Lo ensure compleLe proposals from sellers
8 lor lmmedlaLe work a leLLer conLracL may sufflce 1he lnLenL of Lhe leLLer conLracL ls Lo allow Lhe vendor Lo geL Lo work lmmedlaLely Lo solve Lhe pro[ecL
9 A unllaLeral form of a conLracL ls slmply a purchase order
10 We decompose Lhe ro[ecL uslng a W8S
11 1he producL descrlpLlon deflnes Lhe deLalls and requlremenLs for accepLance of Lhe pro[ecL 1hls lnformaLlon also serves as a valuable lnpuL Lo Lhe process
of deLermlnlng whaL needs Lo be procured 1he producL descrlpLlon deflnes whaL Lhe end resulL of Lhe pro[ecL wlll be When deallng wlLh vendors Lo
procure a porLlon of Lhe pro[ecL Lhe work Lo be procured musL supporL Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe pro[ecL's cusLomer
12 ConLracLs are legal documenLs and Lherefore generally requlre more slgnoffs
13 ln a flxed prlce conLracL Lhe seller has Lhe cosL rlsk and Lherefore wanLs Lo compleLely undersLand Lhe conLracL sLaLemenL of work before blddlng
14 Look agaln aL Lhe quesLlon Ask yourself Pow many compuLers does Lhe conLracL say? uld you read lL as LwenLy (23)? 1hls ls an example of a confllcL ln
Lhe conLracL 1he lnLenL of Lhe conLracL can be deLermlned by rememberlng LhaL words are more blndlng Lhan numbers 1herefore you should reLurn Lhe
flve exLra compuLers
13 ?ou need Lo encourage Lhe cllenL Lo reallze LhaL Lhey have a problem and Lo flnallze Lhelr requlremenLs
16 As Lhe pro[ecL manager you know whaL Lhe pro[ecL rlsks are ?ou need Lo make sure LhaL provlslons are lncluded ln Lhe conLracL Lo address Lhese rlsks
17 1he requlremenL Lo provlde M cerLlfled pro[ecL managers ls a screenlng sysLem A sysLem Lo mlnlmlze personal pre[udlce ls a welghLlng sysLem
18 1hls ls an example of pr|v|ty 8ecause Companles A and C have no legal relaLlonshlp Company A cannoL dlrecL Company C 1he smarL Lhlng Lo do ls for Lhe
pro[ecL manager of Company A Lo call Lhe pro[ecL manager from Company 8 and have hlm communlcaLe Lhe dlrecLlve from Company A
19 1he pro[ecL manager should aLLend Lhe bldder conference
20 rocuremenL ls a very formal process Changes need Lo be fully documenLed and slgned by boLh parLles
21 8emember LhaL Mls deflnlLlon of an audlL ls dlfferenL Accordlng Lo Ml audlLs are used Lo lmprove Lhe processes
22 Changes ln resources used would generally noL be parL of a flxed prlce conLracL
23 lf Lhe seller compleLes Lhe work speclfled ln Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work Lhe conLracL ls consldered compleLe 1haL does noL mean Lhe same Lhlng
as Lhe procuremenL belng closed 1he Close rocuremenLs process musL sLlll occur Powever ln Lhls slLuaLlon Lhe conLracL work ls compleLed 1rlcky!
24 ConLracL LhaL llmlLs fees for large pro[ecLs wlLh llmlLed scope deflnlLlon ls cosL plus flxed fee
23 1here are cerLaln baslc Lhlngs LhaL should go lnLo all conLracLs an arb|trat|on (or dlspuLe resoluLlon) clause ls one of Lhem lmaglne a slLuaLlon where you
have a dlspuLe buL no plan already agreed Lo ln Lhe conLracL!
26 lf Lhe conLracL ls LermlnaLed Lhe pro[ecL needs Lo enLer closure ?ou need Lhose resulLs for hlsLorlcal purposes
27 lL ls noL common for a|ternat|ves Lo be dlscussed aL Lhe bldder conference 1hey may be lncluded ln blds or proposals and dlscussed laLer
28 A cusLomers meeLlng mlnuLes have no lmpacL on dlspuLes LhaL arlse Lherefore Lhey are noL requlred
29 A seller cannoL lssue a change order (alLhough he could requesL one) Cenerally only Lhe buyer can LermlnaLe a conLracL
30 1erms and condlLlons should be Lhe resulL of a rlsk analysls 1hls means Lhe pro[ecL manager has been asslgned and has compleLed Lhe rlsk managemenL
process before Lhe conLracL ls drafLed ConLracLs are rlsk mlLlgaLlon Lools!
31 1 M ConLracL roflL ls facLored lnLo Lhe hourly raLe 1herefore proflL ls lncreased for each hour worked lf many hours are used proflL can be hlgher
Lhan a flxed bld conLracL
32 1he Leam members should noL be requesLlng dellverables from Lhe seller Powever slnce Lhey dld you musL pay for Lhem and revlew Lhe procedures wlLh
Lhe Leam
33 Speclal provlslons Lake precedence over general provlslons
34 Any Llme LhaL a seller does noL perform accordlng Lo Lhe conLracL Lhe pro[ecL manager musL Lake acLlon 1he preferred cholce mlghL be Lo conLacL Lhe
seller and ask whaL ls golng on buL LhaL cholce ls noL avallable here 1herefore Lhe besL cholce ls Lo leL hlm know he ls ln defaulL (cholce C)
33 1he only way Lo change Lhe cosL plus flxed fee conLracL ls Lo negoLlaLe a change Lo Lhe conLracL normally ln Lhe form of change orders Change orders
should lnclude an addlLlonal fee lf addlLlonal work ls added Lo Lhe conLracL
36 Sellers are generally requlred under conLracL Lo keep worklng unless Lold oLherwlse
37 A procuremenL sLaLemenL of work may be revlsed and reflned as lL moves Lhrough procuremenL
38 uld you noLlce LhaL Lhe quesLlon descrlbed change requesLs noL changes from oLher sources? Lach of Lhese change requesLs should be welghed Lo
deLermlne Lhe beneflLs and Lhe lmpacL on Lhe pro[ecL 1he crlLerla should be lald ouL ln Lhe procuremenL and change managemenL plans 1he besL answer
ls Lo approve changes LhaL beneflL Lhe pro[ecL (cholce C) lor example a change mlghL cause a cosL lncrease or schedule change buL sLlll resulL ln an
overall beneflL Lo Lhe quallLy of Lhe pro[ecL
39 1hls ls a large efforL no procuremenL sLaLemenL of work can be developed and experLlse cannoL be found lnLernally Cll would be an lncenLlve Lo Lhe
vendor Lo perform on or ahead of schedule
40 1he conLracL change conLrol sysLem lncludes a meLhod for conLrolllng cosL on Lhe procuremenL
41 1hls slLuaLlon ls ouLslde ofyour auLhorlLy Lo conLrol ?ou should Lherefore brlng enough lnformaLlon Lo managemenL LhaL Lhey can make a deLermlnaLlon
as Lo whaL Lo do
42 Workers Str|ke 1he slLuaLlon descrlbed ls probably a force ma[eure 1he approprlaLe response to a force ma[eure |s to extend the contract
43 lf lL ls noL ln Lhe conLracL (whlch lncludes Lhe speclflcaLlons) a change order ls needed Lo acqulre lL
44 rocrasLlnaLlon or a lack of plannlng on Lhe parL of Lhe pro[ecL manager does noL creaLe an emergency slLuaLlon for Lhe procuremenL manager
43 1he pro[ecL manager musL be lnvolved Lo proLecL Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe company and Lhe seller
46 1he key Lo answerlng Lhls quesLlon ls Lo undersLand LhaL Lhls ls a severe slLuaLlon wlLh many problemsso many problems LhaL lL ls clear Lhe conLracL ls noL
servlng elLher parLy When a conLracL no longer serves Lhe needs lL was lnLended Lo serve lL can be renegoLlaLed lf Lhe approprlaLe parLles agree Lo Lhls
47 When Lhe seller has more experLlse Lhan Lhe buyer Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work should descrlbe performance or funcLlon raLher Lhan a compleLe
llsL of work ln any case Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work should be as deLalled as posslble
48 8ldder conferences are held Lo provlde all bldders a clear and common undersLandlng of Lhe work requlred
49 When you musL begln work lmmedlaLely wlLhouL a procuremenL sLaLemenL of work Lhe mosL approprlaLe cholce ls t|me and mater|a|
30 Seller has Lhe paLenL for an lLem lf Lhe seller goes bankrupL you wlll no longer have a source for LhaL maLerlal ?ou musL deal wlLh Lhls rlsk
31 1he buyer has Lhe rlghL Lo LermlnaLe Lhe conLracL for cause or lf Lhe seller breaches Lhe conLracL by noL performlng accordlngly 1herefore Lhe
procuremenL would enLer Lhe Close rocuremenLs process Any dlspuLed paymenLs or Lerms would be handled accordlng Lo Lhe dlspuLe resoluLlon
procedures ln Lhe conLracL
32 1he |ndependent est|mate ls mosL concerned wlLh cosL comparlng cosL esLlmaLes wlLh lnhouse esLlmaLes or wlLh ouLslde asslsLance
33 1he mosL lmporLanL lssue ls Lhe level of deLall ln Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work lf you have a deslgn conLracL sLaLemenL of work a flxed bld conLracL
ls posslble WlLhouL Lhls level of deLall Lhe rlsk ls hlgh for Lhe seller and Lhus Lhe prlce ls hlgher
34 8ecognlze LhaL Lhe procuremenL manager has power regardlng Lhe conLracL whlle Lhe pro[ecL manager needs Lo look ouL for Lhe speclflc needs of Lhe
pro[ecL 1hls wlll cause confllcL when Lhe pro[ecLs needs change and Lhe procuremenL manager doesnL wanL Lo make changes
33 hls quesLlon ls asklng for Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe procuremenL process as a whole noL an ouLpuL of Lhe pleces wlLhln Lhe process 1he procuremenL process
should lead Loward forma| acceptance (not the Contract) of Lhe producL of Lhe pro[ecL maklng cholce C Lhe besL cholce 8e careful Lo properly read
quesLlons on Lhe exam!
36 A procurement aud|t lncludes whaL wenL rlghL and wrong for Lhe purposes of creaLlng hlsLorlcal records and lmprovlng fuLure performance
37 Pere we are Lylng LogeLher Lhe concepLs of sLandard devlaLlon and conLracLs uslng Lhe concepL of sLandard devlaLlon we flnd LhaL Lhe cosL of Lhls pro[ecL
wlll vary aL one sLandard devlaLlon from $18M Lo $22M Slnce Lhls ls noL lnslgnlflcanL Lhere would appear Lo be some amblgulLy wlLh Lhe pro[ecL
deflnlLlon As we are noL LoLally sure of Lhe scope we would noL plck a flxed prlce opLlon (cholce A or C) Cf Lhe Lwo C8 opLlons you need Lo selecL Lhe
beLLer of Lhe Lwo CosL plus percenLage of cosLs (cholce u) ls probably Lhe worsL Lype of conLracL Lo use as Lhere ls no lncenLlve for Lhe seller Lo conLrol
cosLs 1hls leaves only cholce 8 a cosL plus flxed fee conLracL
38 A leLLer of lnLenL ls noL blndlng ln a courL of law lL does make Lhe seller feel more comforLable abouL expendlng funds before a conLracL ls slgned
39 1he Llme and maLerlal conLracL ls Lhe easlesL Lo negoLlaLe and allows for rapld Lurnaround lf you dldnL have Lhe Llme consLralnL you would selecL a flxed
prlce conLracL
60 Cenerally ln procuremenL slLuaLlons a change conLrol board mlghL revlew and approve or re[ecL a change buL only Lhe procuremenL manager has Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo slgn a change
61 CuallLy ls deflned as conformance Lo requlremenLs lf lnspecLlon work ls noL performed as requlred ln Lhe conLracL Lhe pro[ecLs quallLy sLandards are noL
belng meL
62 Cne facLor ln deLermlnlng Lhe conLracL Lype Lo use ls Lhe level of deLall ln Lhe scope ln Lhls case we have llLLle deLall A flxed prlce conLracL (cholce C) ls
noL Lhe besL due Lo Lhe hlgh rlsk Lo Lhe seller and probable hlgh cosL bld 1herefore a cosL plus flxed fee glves Lhe buyer Lhe freedom Lo deLermlne whaL
Lhey wanL whlle Lhe conLracL ls ln process wlLh no conLracL changes 1he rlsk resLs wlLh Lhe buyer
63 uue Lo Lhe lack of deLalled scope you should noL selecL a flxed prlce conLracL (cholce A) 8ecause Lhe buyer wanLs Lo be ln full conLrol Lhe Llme and
maLerlal conLracL (cholce 8) ls Lhe besL opLlon
64 ln a procuremenL slLuaLlon generally only Lhe procuremenL manager has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo slgn changes SomeLlmes Lhe pro[ecL manager has cerLaln
expanded auLhorlLy Lo slgn ln Lhe evenL of an emergency Powever an lncrease ln cosL ls generally noL consldered an emergency
63 Cnce slgned a conLracL ls blndlng Cenerally Lhe lnablllLy Lo perform geL flnanclng or one parLys bellef LhaL Lhe conLracL ls null and vold does noL change
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe conLracL ls blndlng lf however boLh sldes agree Lo LermlnaLe Lhe conLracL Lhe conLracL can move lnLo Lhe Close rocuremenL process
Cnce closure ls compleLed Lhe pro[ecL ls consldered compleLed
66 lncenLlves are meanL Lo brlng Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe seller ln llne wlLh Lhose of Lhe buyer 1haL way boLh are progresslng Loward Lhe same ob[ecLlve
67 ln a llxed rlce ConLracL Lhe fee or proflL ls unknown (1o Lhe seller lL ls known buL Lhls quesLlon ls from Lhe buyers perspecLlve ?ou do noL know whaL
proflL Lhe seller lncluded ln Lhe conLracL)
68 1he form of Lhe dellverables for a speclflc porLlon of Lhe pro[ecL should have been revlewed and clarlfled durlng Lhe lan rocuremenLs process
69 ?ou always need Lo follow Lhe change conLrol process ?ou cannoL arblLrarlly declde Lo refuse Lo pay clalms 8eserves should be used for ldenLlfled rlsks
and noL used arblLrarlly
70 1he flrsL Lhlng LhaL should come Lo mlnd ls wheLher Lhls ls an eLhlcal slLuaLlon and wheLher lL vlolaLes any company rules or laws lf lL does noL vlolaLe any
of Lhese lL would be besL Lo check quallflcaLlons
1 rofesslonal and soclal responslblllLy requlres Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of any lnsLance where Lhe leglLlmaLe lnLeresLs of Lhe cusLomer may be compromlsed lf
such a compromlse ls found acLlon musL be Laken
2 ulverslLy can enhance a pro[ecL lf planned and coordlnaLed LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL
3 Whenever you are uncerLaln of wheLher a paymenL ls a brlbe you should dlscuss Lhe slLuaLlon wlLh legal counsel
4 ?ou should offer your asslsLance Lo anoLher ro[ecL Manager wlLhouL dolng Lhe work
3 When Lhe pro[ecL ls compleLed early Lhe pro[ecL manager should reporL LhaL Lhe pro[ecL came ln ahead of Llme and explaln WP? 1hls ls a success! lf Lhere
was proper pro[ecL plannlng Lhls should occur because an expecLed rlsk dld noL maLerlallze
6 1he pro[ecL manager ls nelLher empowered nor compeLenL Lo deLermlne Lhe legallLy of company procedures nC1L 1here ls an lmporLanL dlsLlncLlon
beLween pracLlces and procedures All uneLhlcal pracLlces should be reporLed lor example a pro[ecL manager musL reporL an acL of fraud lraud ls noL a
company procedure (normally) Powever a pro[ecL manager ls noL ln a poslLlon Lo deLermlne wheLher company procedures comply wlLh exlsLlng law
7 1he pro[ecL managers responslblllLy ls Lo provlde LruLhful pro[ecL lnformaLlon Pe or she should LhereafLer dlscuss Lhe lmpacLs of Lhelr acLlons wlLh Lhe
Leam members lf LhaL does noL work Lhe nexL sLep ls Lo reporL lL Lo Lhelr funcLlonal managers
8 Cu|tures are LhoughL of as lnLegraLed wholes
9 Lffect|ve verba| commun|cat|on 1he ro[ecL Manager should always be as LxLlCl1 ul8LC1 and unAM8lCuCuS as posslble glven Lhe culLural
10 erformance Doma|ns |nc|ude lannlng LxecuLlng ConLrolllng and rofesslonal 8esponslblllLy
11 1he Code of LLhlcs and rofesslonal ConducL advocaLes Lransparency ln declslon maklng buL lL ls noL necessary for Lhe ro[ecL Manager Lo Lake
responslblllLy for all declslons
12 Ml does noL condone decelL or compeLlLlon wlLhouL conslderlng Lhe needs of Lhe organlzaLlon
13 As Lhe ro[ecL Manager you have an obllgaLlon Lo reporL any uneLhlcal behavlor ou may need to strateg|ze w|th your sponsor before confront|ng
14 ln a !apanese culLural conLexL ro[ecL Managers would do besL Lo focus on personal conLacL and relaLlonshlp bulldlng before geLLlng down Lo buslness
S|# o|nt to remember
1 A pro[ecL llfe cycle ls a collecLlon of generally sequenLlal and someLlmes overlapplng pro[ecL phases whose name and number are deLermlned by Lhe
managemenL and conLrol needs of Lhe organlzaLlon or organlzaLlons lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL Lhe naLure of Lhe pro[ecL lLself and lLs area of appllcaLlon
2 arameLrlc esLlmaLlng uses a sLaLlsLlcal relaLlonshlp beLween hlsLorlcal daLa and oLher varlables
3 1rlggers lndlcaLlons LhaL a rlsk has occurred or ls abouL Lo occur 1rlggers may be dlscovered ln Lhe rlsk ldenLlflcaLlon process and waLched ln Lhe rlsk
monlLorlng and conLrol process 1rlggers are someLlmes called rlsk sympLoms or warnlng slgns
4 lnfluence dlagrams 1hese are graphlcal represenLaLlons of slLuaLlons showlng causal lnfluences Llme orderlng of evenLs and oLher relaLlonshlps
among varlables and ouLcomes
3 When closlng Lhe pro[ecL Lhe pro[ecL manager wlll revlew all prlor lnformaLlon from Lhe prevlous phase closures Lo ensure LhaL all pro[ecL work ls
compleLe and LhaL Lhe pro[ecL has meL lLs ob[ecLlves
6 SlgnlflcanL dlfferences ln cosL esLlmaLes can be an lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work was deflclenL amblguous and/or LhaL Lhe
prospecLlve sellers elLher mlsundersLood or falled Lo respond fully Lo Lhe procuremenL sLaLemenL of work
7 Slnce all oLher facLors are kepL aL basellne values and only one elemenL (le currency raLe) ls changed we are uslng SenslLlvlLy Analysls 1hls can be
shown uslng a 1ornado dlagram
8 orLfollo refers Lo a collecLlon of pro[ecLs or programs and oLher work (le operaLlons) LhaL are grouped LogeLher Lo faclllLlaLe effecLlve managemenL
of LhaL work Lo meeL sLraLeglc buslness ob[ecLlves
9 1eam|ng agreement 1he efforL of Lhe buyer and Lhe seller ln Lhls process ls Lo collecLlvely prepare a procurement statement of work LhaL wlll
saLlsfy Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe pro[ecL 1he parLles wlll Lhen negoLlaLe a flnal contract for award
10 1o evaluaLe Lhe Leam`s effecLlveness we may lnclude lndlcaLors such as
Improvements |n sk|||s LhaL allow lndlvlduals Lo perform asslgnmenLs more effecLlvely lmprovemenLs ln compeLencles LhaL help Lhe Leam Lo
perform beLLer as a Leam
keduced staff turnover rate
Increased team cohes|veness whereby Leam members share lnformaLlon and experlences and help each oLher Lo lmprove Lhe overall pro[ecL
1o evaluaLe Lhe Leam`s effecLlveness we do noL conslder Lhe pro[ecL dellvery parameLers llke scope Llme or cosL
11 M||estone ls a slgnlflcanL polnL or evenL ln Lhe pro[ecL Slnce mllesLones only lndlcaLe when a parLlcular Lask ls golng Lo be sLarLed or compleLed Lhey
wlll noL have any duraLlon le Lhe duraLlon for mllesLone ls zero
12 uurlng Lhe pro[ecL llfe cycle Lhe pro[ecL Leam and key sLakeholders ldenLlfy lessons learned concernlng all aspecLs of Lhe pro[ecL 1he lessons learned
are complled documenLed and dlsLrlbuLed so LhaL Lhey become parL of Lhe hlsLorlcal daLabase Powever mosL of Lhe organlzaLlons prefer posL
lmplemenLaLlon meeLlngs and case sLudles Lo documenL lessons learned
13 ln some cu|tures where offer|ng g|fts |s a custom re[ecLlng or reLurnlng Lhe glfLs may be consldered rude and lnapproprlaLe behavlor AppreclaLlon of
culLural dlfferences ls Lhe way Lo wln Lhe LrusL of people from dlvergenL culLures
14 ayback er|od 1 number of years requlred for an organlzaLlon Lo recapLure an lnlLlal lnvesLmenL 2 ulscounL raLe ls noL Laken lnLo accounL ln
calculaLlons of ayback erlod and 3 ro[ecL SelecLlon CrlLerlon SelecL pro[ecL wlLh low ayback erlod
13 ln Lhe pro[ecL managemenL conLexL |ntegrat|on |nc|udes characLerlsLlcs of unlflcaLlon consolldaLlon arLlculaLlon and lnLegraLlve acLlons LhaL are
cruclal Lo pro[ecL compleLlon successfully managlng sLakeholder expecLaLlons and meeLlng requlremenLs
16 1he areas to be cons|dered |n the process |mprovement p|an lnclude process boundarles process conflguraLlon process meLrlcs and LargeLs for
lmproved performance
17 ln LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy uuraLlons process whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL an assumpLlon?
A Lxamples of assumpLlons lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo exlsLlng condlLlons avallablllLy of lnformaLlon and lengLh of Lhe reporLlng perlods
18 1he duraLlon of Lhe pro[ecL should be calculaLed afLer drawlng a neLwork dlagram and deLermlnlng Lhe crlLlcal paLh 1he durat|on of the pro[ect |s the
|ength of the cr|t|ca| path and not the sum of the durat|on of a|| the tasks |n the pro[ect
19 Slnce Lhe change requesL perLalns Lo a governmenL regulaLlon and Lhe pro[ecL ls belng managed as parL of a conLracL lL ls mandaLory Lo lmplemenL Lhe
change 1he flrsL sLep Lowards LhaL ls Lo acLlvaLe Lhe change conLrol mechanlsm
20 (ua||ty) Aff|n|ty d|agrams are used Lo vlsually ldenLlfy loglcal grouplngs based on naLural relaLlonshlps
21 (ua||ty) Iorce I|e|d Ana|ys|s Whlch are dlagrams of Lhe lC8CL lC8 and ACAlnS1 CPAnCL
22 A work author|zat|on system ls a collecLlon of formal documenLed procedures LhaL speclfles how pro[ecL work ls auLhorlzed Lo ensure LhaL work ls
done by Lhe ldenLlfled organlzaLlon aL Lhe rlghL Llme and ln Lhe proper sequence uependlng on Lhe slze of Lhe pro[ecL Lhe deslgn of a work
auLhorlzaLlon sysLem would vary lor example on many sma||er pro[ects verba| author|zat|ons w||| be adequate
23 Crgan|zat|ona| theory provldes lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe way ln whlch people Leams and organlzaLlonal unlLs behave LffecLlve use of Lhls
lnformaLlon can shorLen Lhe amounL of Llme cosL and efforL needed Lo creaLe Lhe human resource plannlng ouLpuLs and lmprove Lhe llkellhood LhaL
Lhe plannlng wlll be effecLlve
24 Ident|fy stakeho|ders ls Lhe process of ldenLlfylng all people or organlzaLlons lmpacLed by Lhe pro[ecL and documenLlng relevanL lnformaLlon
regardlng Lhelr lnLeresLs lnvolvemenL and lmpacL on pro[ecL success lL ls crlLlcal for Lhe pro[ecL success Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sLakeholders early ln Lhe
pro[ecL and Lo analyze Lhelr levels of lnLeresL expecLaLlons lmporLance and lnfluence ldenLlfy SLakeholders ls done as parL of In|t|at|ng rocess
23 1he ma[or dlfference beLween slngle source conLracLs and sole source conLracLs Lhough both are noncompet|t|ve forms of procurements ls LhaL
ln slngle source conLracLs conLracL ls awarded Lo a seller because he ls Lhe organlzaLlon's preferred seller where as ln sole source conLracLs conLracL ls
awarded Lo a seller because Lhere are no oLher sellers for Lhe organlzaLlon's requlred procuremenL lLem So|e source contracts he|p organ|zat|ons
save t|me
26 1here are mulLlple classlflcaLlon models(for sLakeholders) avallable lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
ower]|nterest gr|d grouplng Lhe sLakeholders based on Lhelr level of auLhorlLy (power) and Lhelr level or concern (lnLeresL) regardlng Lhe pro[ecL
ower]|nf|uence gr|d grouplng Lhe sLakeholders based on Lhelr level of auLhorlLy (power) and Lhelr acLlve lnvolvemenL (lnfluence) ln Lhe pro[ecL
Inf|uence]|mpact gr|d grouplng Lhe sLakeholders based on Lhelr acLlve lnvolvemenL (lnfluence) ln Lhe pro[ecL and Lhelr ablllLy Lo effecL changes Lo Lhe
pro[ecL`s plannlng or execuLlon (lmpacLr) and
Sa||ence mode| descrlblng classes of sLakeholders based on Lhelr power (ablllLy Lo lmpose Lhelr wlll) urgency (need for lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon) and
leglLlmacy (Lhelr lnvolvemenL ls approprlaLe)
27 A pro[ect ||fe cyc|e ls a collecLlon of generally sequenLlal and someLlmes overlapplng pro[ecL phases whose name and number are deLermlned by Lhe
managemenL and conLrol needs of Lhe organlzaLlon or organlzaLlons lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL Lhe naLure of Lhe pro[ecL lLself and lLs area of appllcaLlon
ro[ecL can be broken lnLo several phases whlch can be done by uslng a llfe cycle approach
28 Schedule varlance analysls along wlLh revlew of progress reporLs resulLs of performance measures and modlflcaLlons Lo Lhe pro[ecL schedule can resulL
ln change requesLs Lo the schedu|e base||ne and]or to other components of pro[ect p|an
29 1he ablllLy Lo lnfluence cosL ls greaLesL aL Lhe early sLages of Lhe pro[ecL maklng early scope deflnlLlon crlLlcal
30 Slnce Lhls ls a mlnor flaw buL recLlflcaLlon of LhaL flaw would Lake a long Llme lL ls beLLer Lo dlscuss wlLh Lhe sponsor and cusLomer and geL Lhelr
31 'revent|on costs' are cosLs lncurred by an organlzaLlon Lo creaLe hlgh quallLy producLs ln order Lo avold fallures 1hey lnclude cosL of Lralnlng cosL of
documenLlng processes cosL of equlpmenL eLc
32 SMAk1 Goa|s 1he performance goals should be SMA81 Speclflc Measurable Achlevable/ALLalnable 8elevanL and 1lmespeclflc
33 revent|ve act|on A documenLed dlrecLlon Lo perform an acLlvlLy LhaL can reduce Lhe probablllLy of negaLlve consequences assoclaLed wlLh pro[ecL
34 1rend ana|ys|s ls performed uslng run charLs and lnvolves maLhemaLlcal Lechnlques Lo forecasL fuLure ouLcomes based on hlsLorlcal resulLs 1rend
analysls ls ofLen used Lo monlLor Lechnlcal performance le how many errors or defecLs have been ldenLlfled and how many remaln uncorrecLed and
cosL and schedule performance le how many acLlvlLles per perlod were compleLed wlLh slgnlflcanL varlances
33 Iar|ance ana|ys|s ls used Lo deLermlne Lhe cause and degree of varlance relaLlve Lo Lhe schedule basellne and declde wheLher correcLlve or prevenLlve
acLlon ls requlred
36 Sequence AcLlvlLles ls Lhe process of ldenLlfylng and documenLlng Lhe relaLlonshlps among Lhe pro[ecL acLlvlLles Schedule neLwork LemplaLes are Lhe
Lools used ln Lhls process (Schedullng Lool) ls used for uevelop Schedule (uecomposlLlon) ls used for ueflne AcLlvlLles (Schedule compresslon) ls used
for uevelop Schedule
37 rec|s|on and accuracy are noL equlvalenL reclslon means Lhe values of repeaLed measuremenLs are clusLered and have llLLle scaLLer Accuracy
means LhaL Lhe measured value ls very close Lo Lhe Lrue value reclse measuremenLs are noL necessarlly accuraLe A very accuraLe measuremenL ls
noL necessarlly preclse
38 Inspect|ons are someLlmes called rev|ews product rev|ews aud|ts or wa|kthroughs Stage gates are also referred Lo as phaseend rev|ews or k|||
po|nts 1hey are dlfferenL from lnspecLlon
39 Some of Lhe conf|gurat|on management act|v|t|es lncluded ln Lhe lnLegraLed change conLrol process are conflguraLlon ldenLlflcaLlon conflguraLlon
sLaLus accounLlng and conflguraLlon verlflcaLlon and audlL
40 WelghL ls Lhe only varlable here All Lhe oLher opLlons refer Lo unlLs of currency (uollor ound) and measuremenL (MeLers)
41 LnLerprlse envlronmenLal facLors may enhance or consLraln pro[ecL managemenL opLlons and may have a poslLlve or negaLlve lnfluence on Lhe
42 8equesLs for change can be dlrecL or lndlrecL exLernally or lnLernally lnlLlaLed and can be opLlonal or legally/conLracLually mandaLed 8equesL for
change ls always a formal process
43 CancellaLlon of Lhe conLracL has Lo be done by boLh Lhe seller and Lhe buyer (le Lhe buyer cannoL unllaLerally cancel Lhe conLracL)
44 ueflnlLlve 3 Lo +10 accuracy
8udgeLary 13 Lo +23 accuracy
Crder of magnlLude 30 Lo +30 accuracy
43 ro[ect Management System 1he aggregaLlon of Lhe processes Lools Lechnlques meLhodologles resources and procedures Lo manage a pro[ecL
46 Any Llme Lhe cusLomer requesLs for a change you should
1 undersLand whaL klnd of change ls requesLed and Lalk wlLh Leam members Lo assess Lhe lmpllcaLlon of Lhe change
2 Cpen up a change conLrol lf Lhere ls a formal change conLrol mechanlsm
3 CommunlcaLe Lhe change Lo Lhe managemenL and lnform Lhe cusLomer abouL Lhe lmpacL of Lhe change (eg lncrease ln slzlng schedule eLc)
4 lmplemenL Lhe change lf lL ls accepLed
47 1he mosL preferred confllcL resoluLlon Lechnlques adopLed by pro[ecL managers (ln descendlng order of preference) are as follows
1 ConfronLaLlon
2 Compromlse
3 SmooLhlng
4 lorclng
3 WlLhdrawal
48 1erms such as b|d tender or quotat|on are generally used when Lhe seller selecLlon declslon wlll be based on pr|ce (as when buylng commerclal or
sLandard lLems) whlle a Lerm such as proposa| ls generally used when oLher conslderaLlons such as techn|ca| capab|||ty or techn|ca| approach are
49 A m||estone ||st ldenLlfles all mllesLones and lndlcaLes wheLher Lhe mllesLone ls mandaLory such as Lhose speclfled by conLracL or opLlonal such as
Lhose based upon hlsLorlcal lnformaLlon
30 uue Lo varylng organlzaLlonal sLrucLures many organlzaLlons LreaL contract adm|n|strat|on as an adm|n|strat|ve funct|on separate from the pro[ect
31 eople exhlblL greaLesL reslsLance Lo change
S|# o|nt to remember
1 rograms may ofLen lnclude CperaLlons
2 Sponsor ro[ecL Champlon
3 SMLs Sub[ecL MaLLer LxperLs
4 Change ConLrol SysLem ls a parL of CA (CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs)
3 CuLpuLs of all 42 rocesses wlll be sLored ln MlS
6 M C ro[ecL Work AcLlvlLles Measurlng CollecLlng lnspecLlng CuesLlonlng and Assesslng
7 M C rocesses lnpuLs are elLher LAn or AC1uAL
8 All 10 M C rocesses have Change 8equesLs as an ouLpuL
9 erform lnLegraLed Change ConLrol acLs as Clearlnghouse
10 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware ls a Means noL Lhe Lnd
11 Plgh SLandard uevlaLlon ls Plgh 8lsk
12 CM lLCA1 usage CCM 8uffer usage
13 Mls 100 8ule CompleLe SCCL should be avallable ln W8S
14 W8S Craphlcal/Plerachlcal/numerlcal
13 ConLrol AccounLs erformance Check olnLs/ManagemenL Check olnLs
16 8equlremenLs CaLegorles 1 roducL 8equlremenLs (1echnlcal SpeclflcaLlons) 2 ro[ecL 8equlremenLs (CperaLlonal SpeclflcaLlons)
17 ConLrol CharLs also called Shrewhart Charts
18 ro[ect Murder 8oard whlch ls deflned as a panel of people who Lry Lo shooL down a new pro[ecL ldea 1he oLher answers are also pro[ecL selecLlon
meLhods buL Lhey don'L explaln why Lhere ls a panel of people LhaL asks all of Lhese quesLlons
19 CbservaLlon and ConversaLlon 1hls ls also known as M8WA or ManagemenL 8y Walklng Around
20 1he confllcL ls of a Lechnlcal naLure so Lhe besL way Lhe pro[ecL manager could solve Lhe problem ls by uslng hls or her Lechnlcal experLlse
21 Iorc|ng does do away wlLh Lhe confllcL buL only Lemporarlly lL ls when Lhe manager says LhaL lL ls hls pro[ecL and you wlll do Lhlngs hls way erlod end of
dlscusslon 1he rooL of Lhe problem ls noL addressed by Lhls approach Lhus Lhe soluLlon ls only Lemporary
22 ln MaLrlx CrganlzaLlon Lhe pro[ecL manager ls responslble for Manage ro[ecL 1eam
23 1he standard dev|at|on measures how dlverse Lhe populaLlon ls lL does Lhls by averaglng all of Lhe daLa polnLs Lo flnd Lhe mean Lhen calculaLlng Lhe
average of how far each lndlvldual polnL ls from LhaL mean lor a very dlverse populaLlon you wlll have a hlgh sLandard devlaLlon lor a hlghly slmllar
populaLlon your sLandard devlaLlon wlll be low
24 !ob shadowlng ls also known as CbservaLlon ua||ty Iunct|on Dep|oyment ls a faclllLaLed workshop and comblned wlLh surveys Lhese are all Lools of Lhe
CollecL 8equlremenLs process
23 Cause LffecL/lshlkawa/llshbone ulagram or 3 WP? 1echnlque
26 CuallLy 8eneflLs musL ouLwelgh Lhe CosL
27 LCW SLandard uevlaLlon means LCW llucLuaLlon PlCP SLandard uevlaLlon means PlCP varlaLlon
28 Average 8esponse 1lme should be less Lhan 1WC Pours
29 erform CuallLy ConLrol lnspecLlng Measurlng 1esLlng CharLlng Analyzlng
30 ALLrlbuLe Sampllng ls 8lnary (?es/no) varlable Sampllng ls uegree of ConformlLy
31 Inspect|on keeplng errors ouL of Lhe hands of Lhe cusLomer revent|on keeplng errors ouL of Lhe process
32 Work erformance MeasuremenLs reveal acLual resulLs * CondlLlon of uellverables * SLaLus of Schedule * SLaLus of 8udgeL * erformance 8eporLs *
1echnlcal SpeclflcaLlons And lL ls a subseL of Wl
33 1he 8lC lour 1 lshlkawa 2 uemlng 3 !uran and 4 Crosby
34 1he deflnlLlon of the work author|zat|on system ls Lhe sysLem used Lo ensure LhaL resources are formally belng released Lo perform work aL Lhe rlghL Llme
and ln Lhe rlghL sequence ln Lhls case a meeLlng wlLh Lhe resources' funcLlonal manager would quallfy as belng a sysLem
33 Leads and lags are ALlLu as parL of Lhe uevelop Schedule process buL Lhen Lhey are Au!uS1Lu ln Lhe process of ConLrol Schedule
36 ln verlfy Scope Lhe M sponsor and cusLomer lnspecL Lhe producL and verlfy LhaL lL meeLs Lhe deflned scope ALL sLakeholders are noL lnvolved ln Lhls
process Why noL? 1here are Loo many sLakeholders Lo seek accepLance from all some sLakeholders may be opposed Lo Lhe pro[ecL and never accepL lL!
uonL confuse sLakeholders wlLh key sLakeholders
37 1he stakeho|der reg|ster ls used as an lnpuL ln Lhe followlng flve processes CollecL 8equlremenLs (Scope) lan CommunlcaLlons (CommunlcaLlons) lan
CuallLy (CuallLy) and ldenLlfy 8lsks (8lsk) 8 ls Lhe correcL answer 1hls ls an lMC81An1 lnpuL!
38 A successful pro[ecL manager wlll learn Lhe arL of delegaLlon whaL Lo delegaLe Lo oLhers and whaL Lo noL delegaLe So leLs look aL Lhls llsL A rouLlne
acLlvlLles can be delegaLed sure 1he Leam wlll have regular responslblllLles (rouLlne Lasks) LhaL Lhey are accounLable for 8 Lechnlcal specs should be
developed by Lhe persons LhaL have Lhe experLlse 1haL ls probably noL Lhe M C plcklng Lhe Leambulldlng acLlvlLy for Lhe nexL meeLlng no problem
1hese flrsL 3 can be delegaLed Lo Lhe Leam u however should noL be 1he pro[ecL manager ls responslble for evaluaLlons of Leam members 1he M should
be provldlng feedback Lo Lhe funcLlonal manager on Lhe performance of sLaff So u should noL be delegaLed
39 ?ou wanL Lo slmulaLe Lhe rlsk evenL (Lhe server crashes and musL be rebullL) and deLermlne Lhe lmpacL lL has on Lhe pro[ecL 1hlnk of Lhls Lool of erform
CuanLlLaLlve 8lsk Analysls as you would a mlllLary drlll or emergency drlll 1he Leam ls Lhrown lnLo a slmulaLed precarlous slLuaLlon and learns how Lo besL
respond A and C are boLh Lools of erform CuanLlLaLlve 8lsk Analysls buL are noL Lhe correcL cholces here
40 Sens|t|v|ty ana|ys|s ls Lhe Lool used when you wanL Lo eva|uate how one change w||| affect the overa|| pro[ect lL works by keeplng Lhe oLher varlables sLable
(LhaL ls held aL a basellne) and analyzlng Lhe lmpacL of a change Llke senslLlvlLy analysls A and 8 are boLh Lools of erform CuanLlLaLlve 8lsk Analysls
however Lhey are noL a good maLch for Lhe scenarlo provlded C ls a madeup Lerm
41 1hls ls a very reallsLlc slLuaLlon for mosL Ms ?ou should remember LhaL faceLoface communlcaLlon ls always besL and LhaL Leam developmenL should sLarL
early ln Lhe pro[ecL as soon as you have Leam members 1hls makes A Lhe besL answer C lncludes lncorrecL lnformaLlon vlrLual Leams are a Lool of
Acqulre ro[ecL 1eam noL of uevelop ro[ecL 1eam 8 ls noL Lhe rlghL answer because Lhe pollcy doesnL sLaLe LhaL no Lravel ls allowed 1ravelllng Lo meeL
Leam members as well as oLher sLakeholders ls a reallsLlc expense and noL an exLravagance
42 1he Close ro[ecL or hase process should be performed aL Lhe end of each phase or aL Lhe end of Lhe pro[ecL It shou|d a|so be observed ear|y |n the
pro[ect to understand c|osure cr|ter|a from the very beg|nn|ng of pro[ect p|ann|ng lL ls Lhe process where Lhe pro[ecL ls formally accepLed and Lhe pro[ecL
records are creaLed lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand LhaL Close ro[ecL or hase may happen several Llmes LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL
43 1eam 8ulldlng ls very ulfflculL ln MA18lx very Lasy ln lunC1lCnAL and nexL LslesL ln 8C!LC1lZLu
44 8lsk SCC8L wlll help gulde 8lsk 8LSCnLS
43 Zero Schedule varlence (Sv) means Lhe Laks ls compleLed
46 1he more channe|s of commun|cat|on on a pro[ecL the more d|ff|cu|t |t |s to contro| commun|cat|ons
47 1he 1oCompleLeerformancelndex (1CI) ls 1he cosL performance lndex (CI) requlred ln Lhe remalnder of a pro[ecL Lo meeL flnanclal goals
48 MI prefers co||aborat|on when lL comes Lo resolvlng lssues or confllcLs Some of Lhe oLher answers are very LempLlng buL for Lhe exam focus on
co||aborat|on or e|ther prob|emso|v|ng confrontat|on as the best methods!
49 lL ls Lhe role of sen|or management Lo resolve organlzaLlonal confllcLs and Lo prlorlLlze pro[ecLs
30 1hroughouL Lhe llfe of a pro[ecL a pro[ecL manager should generally move Lhrough four phases of leadershlp D|rect|ng coach|ng fac|||tat|ng and
31 1he 8udgeL aL CompleLlon (8AC) and lanned value (v) can boLh be calculaLed before work beglns
32 Conf|gurat|on management |s A procedure Lo ldenLlfy and documenL Lhe funcLlonal and physlcal characLerlsLlcs of an lLem or sysLem
33 As parL of |ntegrated change contro| Lhe pro[ecL manager wlll need Lo know when change has occurred manage the changes and |nf|uence the factors
that cause change buL Lhe pro[ecL manager should noL Lake on Lhe aLLlLude of denylng change whenever posslble Some change ls lnevlLable and all change
requesLs should be evaluaLed and noL auLomaLlcally re[ecLed
34 1he M8Ck Culde emphaslzes Lhe use of the conf|gurat|on management system as lL relaLes Lo manag|ng and contro|||ng change requests spec|f|ca||y |n
the process of erform Integrated Change Contro|
33 rlorlLlzlng Lhe changes ls Lhe [ob of Lhe pro[ecL manager
36 1he S curve ls Lhe cosL performance basellne 1he cosL performance basellne ls used Lo Lrack cosL performance based on Lhe orlglnal plan plus approved
37 An acLlvlLys laLe flnlsh daLe ls Lhe laLesL an acLlvlLy can flnlsh wlLhouL delaylng Lhe pro[ecL lf lL exceeds Lhe laLe flnlsh daLe Lhe crlLlcal paLh wlll change
ulLlmaLely resulLlng ln Lhe flnlsh daLe sllpplng Cholce A ls close Lo Lhe deflnlLlon of free floaL
38 1he conLracL change conLrol sysLem ls deflned ln Lhe conLracL whlch ls creaLed as an ouLpuL of Lhe ConducL rocuremenLs process whlch ls an execuLlng
39 1he lssue log ls a Lool used ln Manage ro[ecL 1eam ln Lhe Puman 8esource ManagemenL knowledge area
60 1here ls a dlfference beLween presenL value and neL presenL value resenL value Lells Lhe expecLed fuLure beneflLs of Lhe pro[ecL ln Lodays dollars neL
presenL value ls very slmllar buL lL also lncludes (or neLs ouL) Lhe expecLed fuLure cosLs ln Lodays dollars
61 rocuremenL performance revlews are a Lool of AdmlnlsLer rocuremenLs where Lhe buyer arranges a meeLlng wlLh Lhe seller Lo revlew Lhe sellers
performance agalnsL Lhe plan 1hls quesLlon presenLs a nearLexLbook case of Lhls
62 lf Lwo evenLs have no bearlng on each oLher Lhey are stat|st|ca||y |ndependent
Mutua||y Lxc|us|ve ls when Lwo evenLs cannoL boLh happen aL Lhe same Llme
63 A documenL managemenL sysLem ls a conflguraLlon managemenL Lool useful ln Lhe pro[ecL managemenL lnformaLlon sysLem ConflguraLlon lnformaLlon ln
parLlcular wlll asslsL wlLh Lhe Lool of varlance Analysls ln Lhe process of ConLrol Scope
64 8esolvlng conLracL dlspuLes ls performed ln AdmlnlsLer rocuremenLs Powever when closlng Lhe conLracL as ln Lhls case Lhe Lool of negoLlaLed SeLLlemenLs
ls used Lo seLLle any open clalms even lf AlLernaLe ulspuLe 8esoluLlon forms are lnvoked
63 1he 1o CompleLe erformance lndex ls deflned as Lhe spendlng efflclency LhaL ls needed for Lhe remalnder of a pro[ecL ln order Lo meeL a flnanclal LargeL or
goal lf Lhe goal ls Lo compleLe Lhe pro[ecL on budgeL and Lhe Cl ls 90 Lhen Lhe 1Cl wlll need Lo be greaLer Lhan 100 Lo compensaLe for Lhe prevlous
overruns Powever lf Lhe goal ls amended Lo be Lhe forecasLed compleLlon (LAC whlch ls derlved from Lhe Cl) Lhen Lhe currenL Cl wlll achleve Lhe goal
1herefore Lhe 1Cl equals Lhe Cl for a LargeL of LAC
66 8oLh Lhe buyer and Lhe seller perform AdmlnlsLer rocuremenLs Lo ensure LhaL all of Lhe legal Lerms of Lhe conLracL are belng meL by boLh parLles
67 unLll Lhe scope has been deflned and documenLed ln Lhe approved Scope SLaLemenL W8S and W8S ulcLlonary whlch make up Lhe scope basellne lL ls noL
sLable enough Lo be puL under conLrol
68 1he Lool belng descrlbed ls alLernaLlves ldenLlflcaLlon used ln Lhe process of ueflne Scope SMLs can help Lhe pro[ecL Leam bralnsLorm abouL Lhe varlous
creaLlve ways LhaL Lhe pro[ecL requlremenLs mlghL be accompllshed
69 1here ls a dlfference beLween Lhe producL scope and Lhe pro[ecL scope 1he scope of Lhe pro[ecL may be much larger Lhan Lhe scope of Lhe producL!
1he feaLures and aLLrlbuLes LhaL characLerlze a pro[ecL dellverable or resulL descrlbe whlch of Lhe followlng? 1he product scope
70 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe besL descrlpLlon of a conflguraLlon managemenL sysLem?
lL provldes a sLandard efflclenL meLhod Lo manage approved changes Lo basellnes ln a pro[ecL
71 1he deflnlLlon of Lhe work author|zat|on system ls Lhe sysLem used Lo ensure LhaL resources are formally belng released Lo perform work aL Lhe rlghL Llme
and ln Lhe rlghL sequence ln Lhls case a meeLlng wlLh Lhe resources' funcLlonal manager would quallfy as belng a sysLem
72 1Cl 1he compleLlon of Lhe remalnlng work aL an acLual cosL noL Lo exceed Lhe remalnlng funds
73 Clalms agalnsL Lhe conLracLed parLles should be flled as a resulL of a dlspuLe and resolvlng such clalms ls done ln Lhe process of AdmlnlsLer rocuremenLs
74 1he key phrase ln Lhls quesLlon ls Lhe sponsors sLaLemenL abouL achlevlng Lhe budgeL goal 1hls should lead you Lo Lhlnk of Lhe 1oCompleLeerformance
lndex 1hls lndex ls Lhe spendlng efflclency LhaL you musL malnLaln Lo achleve Lhe sLaLed goal ln Lhls case flnlshlng Lhe pro[ecL on budgeL 1Cl8emalnlng
Work dlvlded by 8emalnlng lunds 8emalnlng Work ls 8ACLv whlle 8emalnlng lunds (wlLh 8AC as Lhe goal) ls 8ACAC ?ou are glven AC and Cv LvCv+AC
so Lv$813k Slnce you are 30 compleLe wlLh Lhe pro[ecL Lhen 8AC ls Lwlce Lhe Lv or $1630k ulvldlng remalnlng work ($813k) by 8emalnlng lunds
($910k) glves you 896 whlch shows LhaL Answer 8 aL 90 ls Lhe besL answer
73 ln Lhe CommunlcaLlons process of ldenLlfy SLakeholders Lhe M leads Lhe Leam Lo ldenLlfy Lhe pro[ecLs sLakeholders and Lhe needs of Lhe sLakeholders
SLakeholder analysls ls a Lool of Lhe ldenLlfy SLakeholders process
76 SofL skllls such as lnLerpersonal and managemenL skllls are lmporLanL ln relaLlng Lo lndlvlduals bulldlng LrusL and dellverlng a clear message
77 MeeLlngs are classlfled as lnformal verbal even when Lhe sub[ecL maLLer ls lmporLanL!
78 LsLlmaLe AcLlvlLy 8esources ouLpuLs (prlmarlly Lhe acLlvlLy resource esLlmaLes and Lhe resource breakdown sLrucLure) are ldeally creaLed by Lhe person dolng
Lhe work ?ou would noL necessarlly need someone exLernal Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lo revlew Lhem
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL SLaLemenL of Work (SCW) 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 ro[ecL CharLer (C)
2 8uslness Case (ls tbe Jocomeot tbot jostlfles wby tbe
ptoject sboolJ be occompllsbeJ)
o ltoject cbottet ls cteoteJ boseJ oo some oeeJ ooJ lt
sboolJ explolo tbot oeeJ
e lc sboolJ locloJe o blqblevel mllestooe vlew of tbe
ptoject scbeJole
ConLracL b lc ls slqoeJ by tbe petfotmloq otqoolzotloos 5eolot
f lc ls o blqblevel Jocomeot tbot Joes oot locloJe ptoject
Jetolls tbe speclflcs of ptoject octlvltles
4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors c lc oomes tbe lM ooJ qlves lM ootbotlty to moooqe wlll be JevelopeJ lotet
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs J lc sboolJ locloJe tbe blqblevel ptoj tepoltemeots blqb
level ltoject uesctlptloo blqblevel klsks
q lc locloJes o sommotylevel ptellm ptoject boJqet
b 5bow otqoolzotloool eovltoomeotol ooJ extetool
cON51kAlN15 ooJ A55uMl1lON5

1 ro[ecL CharLer 1 SLakeholder Analysls 1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer

2 rocuremenL uocumenLs (arLlclpaLlon Analysls) 2 SLakeholder ManagemenL SLraLegy
LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 LxperL !udgmenL (SLakeholder Analysls MaLrlx)
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 llnal roducL Servlce or 8esulL 1ranslLlon
2 AccepLed uellverables 2 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs

1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 rocuremenL AudlLs (8evlew of rocuremenL rocesses

for capLurlng Lessons Learned)
1 Closed rocuremenLs
2 rocuremenL uocumenLaLlon 2 negoLlaLed SeLLlemenLs 2 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
8ecords ManagemenL SysLem
Ident|fy Stakeho|ders

Deve|op ro[ect harter

|ose rocurements 1he process of compleLlng each pro[ecL procuremenL
* llnallze and Close each purchaslng conLracL * When Lhe conLracL ls CompleLed or 1ermlnaLed for any reason Lhls process ls performed


|ose ro[ect or hase
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 uellverables
2 Approved Change 8equesLs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lnformaLlon SysLem MlS 2 Work erformance lnformaLlon (Wl)
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 3 Change 8equesLs
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (C M l rocess lmp l) 1 CuallLy AudlLs (key 1ool) 1 Change 8equesLs (for rocedural Changes)
2 CuallLy MeLrlcs (ueflnes how C wlll be measured) 2 rocess Analysls 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 CuallLy ConLrol MeasuremenLs 3 lan CuallLy and erform CuallLy ConLrol 1ools 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 Work erformance lnformaLlon and 1echnlques 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 reAsslgnmenL 1 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs
2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 2 negoLlaLlon (key 1echnlque of Lhls process) 2 8esource Calendars
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 AcqulslLlon 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 vlrLual 1eams
1 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs (wlll have llsL 1 1ralnlng 1 1eam erformance AssessmenLs
of all Leam members) 2 1eambulldlng AcLlvlLles 2 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors upd
2 8esource Calendars 3 Cround 8ules
3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 4 ColocaLlon
3 8ecognlLlon and 8ewards
6 lnLerpersonal Skllls (SofL Skllls)
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 CbservaLlon and ConversaLlon 1 Change 8equesLs
2 ro[ecL SLaff AsslgnmenLs 2 ro[ecL erformance Appralsals 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 1eam erformance AssessmenLs 3 ConfllcL ManagemenL 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
4 erformance 8eporLs 4 lssue Log 4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 lnLerpersonal Skllls
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 CommunlcaLlon MeLhods 1 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
2 erformance 8eporLs 2 lnformaLlon ulsLrlbuLlon 1ools
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 SLakeholder 8eglsLer 1 CommunlcaLlons MeLhods 1 Change 8equesLs
2 SLakeholder ManagemenL SLraLegy (laceLoface ls Lhe besL) 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 2 lnLerpersonal Skllls 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 lssue Log (AcLlon lLem Log) (Lach lssues should be
asslgned Lo one Cwner)
3 ManagemenL Skllls 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs upd
3 Change Log
6 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (r M l) 1 AdverLlslng 1 SelecLed Sellers
2 ro[ecL uocumenLs 2 lnLerneL Search 2 rocuremenL ConLracL Award
4 rocuremenL uocumenLs 3 8ldder Conference 3 8esource Calendars
3 1eamlng AgreemenLs 4 roposal LvaluaLlon 1echnlques 4 Change 8equesLs
3 Makeor8uy ueclslons 3 lndependenL LsLlmaLes (ShouldCosL LsLlmaLe) 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
6 Source SelecLlon CrlLerla 6 rocuremenL negoLlaLlons 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
7 Cuallfled Sellers LlsL 7 LxperL !udgemenL
8 Seller roposal
9 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
Manage Stakeho|der Lxpectat|ons
erform ua||ty Assurance
D|str|bute Informat|on
Conduct rocurements
Acqu|re ro[ect 1eam
Manage ro[ect 1eam
D|rect and Manage ro[ect Lxecut|on
Deve|op ro[ect 1eam
S|# Inputs 1oo|s 1echn|ques Cutputs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 Change 8equesLs
2 erformance 8eporLs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 LxperL !udgmenL 1 Change 8equesL SLaLus updaLes
2 Work erformance lnformaLlon 2 Change ConLrol MeeLlngs 2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 Change 8equesLs 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 LnLerprlse LnvlronmenLal lacLors
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 lnspecLlon 1 AccepLed dellverables
2 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 2 Change 8equesLs
3 8equlremenLs 1raceablllLy MaLrlx 3 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
4 valldaLed uellverables
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 varlance analysls 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
2 Work erformance lnformaLlon 2 Change 8equesLs
3 8equlremenLs uocumenLaLlon 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 8equlremenLs 1raceablllLy MaLrlx 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 erformance 8evlews 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs (Sv Sl values)
2 ro[ecL Schedule 2 varlance Analysls (Sv/Sl) 2 Change 8equesLs
3 Work erformance lnformaLlon 3 8esource Levellng 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 WhaLlf Scenarlo Analysls 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 Ad[usLlng Leads and Lags 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
6 Schedule Compresslon
7 Schedullng 1ool
8 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 Larned value ManagemenL (varlances and 1rends) 1 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
2 ro[ecL lundlng 8equlremenLs 2 lorecasLlng (LAC and L1C) 2 8udgeL lorecasLs
3 Work erformance lnformaLlon 3 1ocompleLe erformance lndex (1Cl) 3 Change 8equesLs
4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 4 erformance 8evlews 4 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
3 varlance Analysls 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs upd
6 ro[ecL ManagemenL SofLware 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan (C M lan) 1 Cause and LffecL ulagram (lshlkawa/llshbone) 1 CuallLy ConLrol MeasuremenLs
2 CuallLy MeLrlcs 2 ConLrol CharLs 2 valldaLed Changes
3 CuallLy CheckllsLs 3 llowcharLlng 3 valldaLe uellverables
4 uellverables 4 PlsLogram 4 Change 8equesLs
3 Approved Change 8equesLs 3 areLo CharL 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
6 Work erformance MeasuremenLs 6 8un CharL 6 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs 7 ScaLLer ulagram 7 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
8 SLaLlsLlcal Sampllng
9 lnspecLlon
10 Approved Change 8equesLs 8evlew
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan
(erformance MeasuremenL 8asellne lL lncludes CosL
Schedule Scope 1ech and CLher 8asellnes)
1 varlance Analysls
8ackward Looklng 1ool (lL ls an afLerLhefacL)
1 erformance reporLs
(lL shows how Lhe pro[ecL ls progresslng agalnsL Lhe
varlous basellnes (Scope 1lme CosL and CuallLy)
2 Work erformance lnformaLlon (uellverables SLaLus
Schedule rogress and CosLs lncurred)
2 lorecasLlng MeLhods
lorward Looklng 1ool (LAC L1C)
Common lormaLs 8ar CharLs Scurves PlsLograms and
1ables varlance Lv lorecasLlng
3 Work erformance MeasuremenLs
(Cv Sv Cl Clc Sl)
3 CommunlcaLlon MeLhods (M generally uses a uSP
Comm 1echnlque)
2 Change 8equesLs
4 8udgeL lorecasLs 4 8eporLlng SysLems (SLandard 1ool for M Lo CapLure 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs SLore and ulsLrlbuLe lnformaLlon)
1 8lsk 8eglsLer 1 8lsk AudlLs 1 8lsk 8eglsLer updaLes
2 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 2 8eserve Analysls 2 Change 8equesLs
3 erformance 8eporLs 3 8lsk 8eassessmenL 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 Work erformance lnformaLlon 4 SLaLus MeeLlngs 4 ro[ecL uocumenL updaLes
3 1echnlcal erformance MeasuremenL 3 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
6 varlance and 1rend Analysls
1 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan 1 lnspecLlons and AudlLs 1 rocuremenL uocumenLaLlon
2 rocuremenL uocumenLs 2 rocuremenL erformance 8evlews 2 Change 8equesLs
3 ConLracL 3 erformance 8eporLlng 3 ro[ecL ManagemenL lan updaLes
4 Approved Change 8equesLs 4 ConLracL Change ConLrol SysLem 4 CrganlzaLlonal rocess AsseLs updaLes
3 erformance 8eporLs 3 aymenL SysLem
6 Work erformance lnformaLlon 6 Clalms AdmlnlsLraLlon
7 8ecords ManagemenL SysLem
Adm|n|ster rocurements

erform ua||ty Contro|
Contro| Schedu|e


keport erformance

Mon|tor and Contro| k|sks


(lL lnvolves a polnLbypolnL revlew of Lhe Scope and Lhe
assoclaLed uellverable) Lxamlne Lhe dellverables Measure lL
lnspecL lL and Welgh lL

vA can be used Lo measure dlfferences bLwn whaL was
deflned ln Lhe Scope 8asellne whaL was creaLed lL ls useful
ln Lhls process as a way Lo lnvesLlgaLe and undersLand Lhe
toot cooses behlnd Lhese dlfferences
Ver|fy Scope

Contro| Costs
Mon|tor and Contro| ro[ect Work

Contro| Scope
erform Integrated Change Contro|

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