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1PL lnulAn LnAL CCuL

(AcL no 43 of ?ear 1860)1

1PL lnulAn LnAL CCuL
CPA1L8 l ln18CuuC1lCn

1 1lLle and exLenL of operaLlon of Lhe Code

2 unlshmenL of offences commlLLed wlLhln lndla

3 unlshmenL of offences commlLLed beyond buL whlch by law may be Lrled wlLhln lndla

94 LxLenslon of Code Lo exLraLerrlLorlal offences

163 CerLaln laws noL Lo be affecLed by Lhls AcL


6 ueflnlLlons ln Lhe Code Lo be undersLood sub[ecL Lo excepLlons

7 Sense of expresslon once explalned

8 Cender


10 Man Woman

11 erson


SecLlon 13 LlLled Cueen repealed by Lhe CovL of lndla (AdapLaLlon of lndlan Laws) Crder 1930

1614 ServanL of CovernmenL

SecLlon 13 LlLled 8rlLlsh lndla repealed by Lhe CovL of lndla (AdapLaLlon of lndlan Laws) Crder 1937

SecLlon 16 LlLled CovernmenL of lndla repealed by Lhe CovL of lndla (AdapLaLlon of lndlan Laws)
Crder 1937

1617 CovernmenL

1818 lndla

19 !udge

20 CourL of !usLlce

21 ubllc ServanL

22 Movable properLy

23 Wrongful galn

24 ulshonesLly

23 lraudulenLly

26 8eason Lo belleve

27 roperLy ln possesslon of wlfe clerk or servanL

28 CounLerfelL

29 uocumenL

30 valuable securlLy

31 A wlll

32 Words referrlng Lo acLs lnclude lllegal omlsslons

33 AcL Cmlsslon

3034 AcLs done by several persons ln furLherance of common lnLenLlon

33 When such an acL ls crlmlnal by reason of lLs belng done wlLh a crlmlnal knowledge or lnLenLlon

36 LffecL caused parLly by acL and parLly by omlsslon

37 CooperaLlon by dolng one of several acLs consLlLuLlng an offence

38 ersons concerned ln crlmlnal acL may be gullLy of dlfferenL offences

39 volunLarlly

3040 Cffence

41 Speclal law

42 Local law

43 lllegal Legally bound Lo do

44 ln[ury

43 Llfe

46 ueaLh

47 Anlmal

48 vessel

49 ?ear MonLh

30 SecLlon

31 CaLh

32 Cood falLh

3832A Parbour

CPA1L8 lll Cl unlSPMLn1S

33 unlshmenL

4133A ConsLrucLlon of reference Lo LransporLaLlon

34 CommuLaLlon of senLence of deaLh

33 CommuLaLlon of senLence of lmprlsonmenL for llfe

4633A ueflnlLlon of approprlaLe CovernmenL

SecLlon 36 LlLled SenLence of Luropeans and Amerlcans Lo penal servlLude provlso as Lo senLence for
Lerm exceedlng Len years buL noL for llfe repealed by Lhe Crlmlnal Law (8emoval of 8aclal
ulscrlmlnaLlons) AcL 1949 wef 6Lh Aprll 1949

37 lracLlons of Lerms of punlshmenL

SecLlon 38 LlLled Cffenders senLenced Lo LransporLaLlon how dealL wlLh unLll LransporLed repealed by
Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure (AmendmenL) AcL 1933 wef 1sL !anuary 1936

SecLlon 39 LlLled 1ransporLaLlon lnsLead of lmprlsonmenL repealed by Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure
(AmendmenL) AcL 1933 wef 1sL !anuary 1936

60 SenLence may be (ln cerLaln cases of lmprlsonmenL) wholly or parLly rlgorous or slmple

SecLlon 61 LlLled SenLence of forfelLure of properLy repealed by Lhe lndlan enal Code (AmendmenL)
AcL 1921

SecLlon 62 LlLled lorfelLure of properLy ln respecL of offenders punlshable wlLh deaLh LransporLaLlon
or lmprlsonmenL repealed by Lhe lndlan enal Code (AmendmenL) AcL 1921

63 AmounL of flne

64 SenLence of lmprlsonmenL for nonpaymenL of flne

63 LlmlL Lo lmprlsonmenL for nonpaymenL of flne when lmprlsonmenL and flne awardable

66 uescrlpLlon of lmprlsonmenL for nonpaymenL of flne

67 lmprlsonmenL for nonpaymenL of flne when offence punlshable wlLh flne only

68 lmprlsonmenL Lo LermlnaLe on paymenL of flne

69 1ermlnaLlon of lmprlsonmenL on paymenL of proporLlonal parL of flne

70 llne levlable wlLhln slx years or durlng lmprlsonmenLueaLh noL Lo dlscharge properLy from llablllLy

71 LlmlL of punlshmenL of offence made up of several offences

72 unlshmenL of person gullLy of one of several offences Lhe [udgmenL sLaLlng LhaL lL ls doubLful of

73 SollLary conflnemenL

74 LlmlL of sollLary conflnemenL

48A73 Lnhanced punlshmenL for cerLaln offences under ChapLer xll or ChapLer xvll afLer prevlous


76 AcL done by a person bound or by mlsLake of facL bellevlng hlmself bound by law

77 AcL of !udge when acLlng [udlclally

78 AcL done pursuanL Lo Lhe [udgmenL or order of CourL

79 AcL done by a person [usLlfled or by mlsLake of facL bellevlng hlmself [usLlfled by law

80 AccldenL ln dolng a lawful acL

81 AcL llkely Lo cause harm buL done wlLhouL crlmlnal lnLenL and Lo prevenL oLher harm

82 AcL of a chlld under seven years of age

83 AcL of a chlld above seven and under Lwelve of lmmaLure undersLandlng

84 AcL of a person ofunsound mlnd

83 AcL of a person lncapable of [udgmenL by reason of lnLoxlcaLlon caused agalnsL hls wlll

86 Cffence requlrlng a parLlcular lnLenL or knowledge commlLLed by one who ls lnLoxlcaLed

87 AcL noL lnLended and noL known Lo be llkely Lo cause deaLh or grlevous hurL done by consenL

88 AcL noL lnLended Lo cause deaLh done by consenL ln good falLh for persons beneflL

89 AcL done ln good falLh for beneflL of chlld or lnsane person by or by consenL of guardlan

90 ConsenL known Lo be glven under fear or mlsconcepLlon

91 Lxcluslon of acLs whlch are offences lndependenLly of harm caused

92 AcL done ln good falLh for beneflL of a person wlLhouL consenL

93 CommunlcaLlon made ln good falLh

94 AcL Lo whlch a person ls compelled by LhreaLs

93 AcL causlng sllghL harm

96 1hlngs done ln prlvaLe defence

97 8lghL of prlvaLe defence of Lhe body and of properLy

98 8lghL of prlvaLe defence agalnsL Lhe acL of a person of unsound mlnd eLc

99 AcLs agalnsL whlch Lhere ls no rlghL of prlvaLe defence

100 When Lhe rlghL of prlvaLe defence of Lhe body exLends Lo causlng deaLh

101 When such rlghL exLends Lo causlng any harm oLher Lhan deaLh

102 CommencemenL and conLlnuance of Lhe rlghL of prlvaLe defence of Lhe body

103 When Lhe rlghL of prlvaLe defence of properLy exLends Lo causlng deaLh

104 When such rlghL exLends Lo causlng any harm oLher Lhan deaLh

103 CommencemenL and conLlnuance of Lhe rlghL of prlvaLe defence of properLy

106 8lghL of prlvaLe defence agalnsL deadly assaulL when Lhere ls rlsk of harm Lo lnnocenL person

CPA1L8 v Cl A8L1MLn1

107 AbeLmenL of a Lhlng

108 AbeLLor

32108A AbeLmenL ln lndla of offences ouLslde lndla

109 unlshmenL of abeLmenL lf Lhe acL abeLLed ls commlLLed ln consequence and where no express
provlslon ls made for lLs punlshmenL

110 unlshmenL of abeLmenL lf person abeLLed does acL wlLh dlfferenL lnLenLlon from LhaL of abeLLor

111 LlablllLy of abeLLor when one acL abeLLed and dlfferenL acL done

112 AbeLLor when llable Lo cumulaLlve punlshmenL for acL abeLLed and for acL done

113 LlablllLy of abeLLor for an effecL caused by Lhe acL abeLLed dlfferenL from LhaL lnLended by Lhe

114 AbeLLor presenL when offence ls commlLLed

113 AbeLmenL of offence punlshable wlLh deaLh or lmprlsonmenL for llfelf offence noL commlLLed

116 AbeLmenL of offence punlshable wlLh lmprlsonmenLlf offence be noL commlLLed

117 AbeLLlng commlsslon of offence by Lhe publlc or by more Lhan Len persons

118 Conceallng deslgn Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh deaLh or lmprlsonmenL for llfe

119 ubllc servanL conceallng deslgn Lo commlL offence whlch lL ls hls duLy Lo prevenL

120 Conceallng deslgn Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh lmprlsonmenL

32CPA1L8 vA C8lMlnAL CCnSl8AC?

120A ueflnlLlon of crlmlnal consplracy

321208 unlshmenL of crlmlnal consplracy

CPA1L8 vl Cl CllLnCLS ACAlnS1 1PL S1A1L

121 Waglng or aLLempLlng Lo wage war or abeLLlng waglng of war agalnsL Lhe CovernmenL of lndla

36121A Consplracy Lo commlL offences punlshable by secLlon 121

122 CollecLlng arms eLc wlLh lnLenLlon of waglng war agalnsL Lhe CovernmenL of lndla

123 Conceallng wlLh lnLenL Lo faclllLaLe deslgn Lo wage war

124 AssaulLlng resldenL Covernor eLc wlLh lnLenL Lo compel or resLraln Lhe exerclse of any lawful

71124A SedlLlon

123 Waglng war agalnsL any AslaLlc ower ln alllance wlLh Lhe CovernmenL of lndla

126 CommlLLlng depredaLlon on LerrlLorles of ower aL peace wlLh Lhe CovernmenL of lndla

127 8ecelvlng properLy Laken by war on depredaLlon menLloned ln secLlons 123 and 126

128 ubllc servanL volunLarlly allowlng prlsoner of SLaLe or war Lo escape

129 ubllc servanL negllgenLly sufferlng such prlsoner Lo escape

130 Aldlng escape of resculng or harbourlng such prlsoner

CPA1L8 vll Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C 1PL A8M? 74nAv? Anu Al8 lC8CL

131 AbeLLlng muLlny or aLLempLlng Lo seduce a soldler sallor or alrman from hls duLy

132 AbeLmenL of muLlny lf muLlny ls commlLLed ln consequence Lhereof

133 AbeLmenL of assaulL by soldler sallor or alrman on hls superlor offlcer when ln execuLlon of hls

134 AbeLmenL of such assaulL lf Lhe assaulL ls commlLLed

133 AbeLmenL of deserLlon of soldler sallor or alrman

136 Parbourlng deserLer

137 ueserLer concealed on board merchanL vessel Lhrough negllgence of masLer

138 AbeLmenL of acL of lnsubordlnaLlon by soldler sallor or alrman

SecLlon 138A LlLled AppllcaLlon of foregolng secLlons Lo Lhe lndlan Marlne Servlce repealed by Lhe
Amendlng AcL 1934 (33 of 1934)

139 ersons sub[ecL Lo cerLaln AcLs

140 Wearlng garb or carrylng Loken used by soldler sallor or alrman

CPA1L8 vlll Cl CllLnCLS ACAlnS1 1PL u8LlC 18AnCulLLl1?

141unlawful assembly

142 8elng member of unlawful assembly

143 unlshmenL

144 !olnlng unlawful assembly armed wlLh deadly weapon

143 !olnlng or conLlnulng ln unlawful assembly knowlng lL has been commanded Lo dlsperse

146 8loLlng

147 unlshmenL for rloLlng

148 8loLlng armed wlLh deadly weapon

149 Lvery member of unlawful assembly gullLy of offence commlLLed ln prosecuLlon of common ob[ecL

130 Plrlng or connlvlng aL hlrlng of persons Lo [oln unlawful assembly

131 knowlngly [olnlng or conLlnulng ln assembly of flve or more persons afLer lL has been commanded
Lo dlsperse

132 AssaulLlng or obsLrucLlng publlc servanL when suppresslng rloL eLc

133 WanLonly glvlng provocaLlon wlLh lnLenL Lo cause rloLlf rloLlng be commlLLedlf noL commlLLed

88133A romoLlng enmlLy beLween dlfferenL groups on grounds of rellglon race place of blrLh
resldence language eLc and dolng acLs pre[udlclal Lo malnLenance of harmony

891338 lmpuLaLlons asserLlons pre[udlclal Lo naLlonallnLegraLlon

134 Cwner or occupler of land on whlch an unlawful assembly ls held

133 LlablllLy of person for whose beneflL rloL ls commlLLed

136 LlablllLy of agenL of owner or occupler for whose beneflL rloL ls commlLLed

137 Parbourlng persons hlred for an unlawful assembly

138 8elng hlred Lo Lake parL ln an unlawful assembly or rloL

139 Affray

160 unlshmenL for commlLLlng affray

CPA1L8 lx Cl CllLnCLS 8? C8 8LLA1lnC 1C u8LlC SL8vAn1S

SecLlons 161 1o 163A repealed by Lhe revenLlon of CorrupLlon AcL 1988 (49 of 1988)

166 ubllc servanL dlsobeylng law wlLh lnLenL Lo cause ln[ury Lo any person

167 ubllc servanL framlng an lncorrecL documenL wlLh lnLenL Lo cause ln[ury

168 ubllc servanL unlawfully engaglng ln Lrade

169 ubllc servanL unlawfully buylng or blddlng for properLy

170 ersonaLlng a publlc servanL

171 Wearlng garb or carrylng Loken used by publlc servanL wlLh fraudulenL lnLenL

90CPA1L8 lxA Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C LLLC1lCnS

171A CandldaLe LlecLoral rlghL deflned

1718 8rlbery

171C undue lnfluence aL elecLlons

171u ersonaLlon aL elecLlons

171L unlshmenL for brlbery

171l unlshmenL for undue lnfluence or personaLlon aL an elecLlon

171C lalse sLaLemenL ln connecLlon wlLh an elecLlon

171P lllegal paymenLs ln connecLlon wlLh an elecLlon

171l lallure Lo keep elecLlon accounLs

CPA1L8 x Cl CCn1LM1S Cl 1PL LAWluL Au1PC8l1? Cl u8LlC SL8vAn1S

172 Abscondlng Lo avold servlce of summons or oLher proceedlng

173 revenLlng servlce of summons or oLher proceedlng or prevenLlng publlcaLlon Lhereof

174 nonaLLendance ln obedlence Lo an order from publlc servanL

173 Cmlsslon Lo produce documenL Lo publlc servanL by person legally bound Lo produce lL

176 Cmlsslon Lo glve noLlce or lnformaLlon Lo publlc servanL by person legally bound Lo glve lL

177 lurnlshlng false lnformaLlon

178 8efuslng oaLh or afflrmaLlon when duly requlred by publlc servanL Lo make lL

1798efuslng Lo answer publlc servanL auLhorlsed Lo quesLlon

180 8efuslng Lo slgn sLaLemenL

181 lalse sLaLemenL on oaLh or afflrmaLlon Lo publlc servanL or person auLhorlsed Lo admlnlsLer an oaLh
or afflrmaLlon

100182 lalse lnformaLlon wlLh lnLenL Lo cause publlc servanL Lo use hls lawful power Lo Lhe ln[ury of
anoLher person

183 8eslsLance Lo Lhe Laklng of properLy by Lhe lawful auLhorlLy of a publlc servanL

184 CbsLrucLlng sale of properLy offered for sale by auLhorlLy of publlc servanL

183 lllegal purchase or bld for properLy offered for sale by auLhorlLy of publlc servanL

186 CbsLrucLlng publlc servanL ln dlscharge of publlc funcLlons

187 Cmlsslon Lo asslsL publlc servanL when bound by law Lo glve asslsLance

188 ulsobedlence Lo order duly promulgaLed by publlc servanL

189 1hreaL of ln[ury Lo publlc servanL

190 1hreaL of ln[ury Lo lnduce person Lo refraln from applylng for proLecLlon Lo publlc servanL

CPA1L8 xl Cl lALSL LvluLnCL Anu CllLnCLS ACAlnS1 u8LlC !uS1lCL

191 Clvlng false evldence

192 labrlcaLlng false evldence

193 unlshmenL for false evldence

194 Clvlng or fabrlcaLlng false evldence wlLh lnLenL Lo procure convlcLlon of caplLal offence

193 Clvlng or fabrlcaLlng false evldence wlLh lnLenL Lo procure convlcLlon of offence punlshable wlLh
lmprlsonmenL for llfe or lmprlsonmenL

196 uslng evldence known Lo be false

197 lssulng or slgnlng false cerLlflcaLe

198 uslng as Lrue a cerLlflcaLe known Lo be false

199 lalse sLaLemenL made ln declaraLlon whlch ls by law recelvable as evldence

200 uslng as Lrue such declaraLlon knowlng lL Lo be false

201 Causlng dlsappearance of evldence of offence or glvlng false lnformaLlon Lo screen offender

202 lnLenLlonal omlsslon Lo glve lnformaLlon of offence by person bound Lo lnform

203 Clvlng false lnformaLlon respecLlng an offence commlLLed

204 uesLrucLlon of documenL Lo prevenL lLs producLlon as evldence

203 lalse personaLlon for purpose of acL or proceedlng ln sulL or prosecuLlon

206 lraudulenL removal or concealmenL of properLy Lo prevenL lLs selzure as forfelLed or ln execuLlon

207 lraudulenL clalm Lo properLy Lo prevenL lLs selzure as forfelLed or ln execuLlon

208 lraudulenLly sufferlng decree for sum noL due

209 ulshonesLly maklng false clalm ln CourL

210 lraudulenLly obLalnlng decree for sum noL due

211 lalse charge of offence made wlLh lnLenL Lo ln[ure

212 Parbourlng offender

213 1aklng glfL eLc Lo screen an offender from punlshmenL

214 Cfferlng glfL or resLoraLlon of properLy ln conslderaLlon of screenlng offender

213 1aklng glfL Lo help Lo recover sLolen properLy eLc

216 Parbourlng offender who has escaped from cusLody or whose apprehenslon has been ordered

108216A enalLy for harbourlng robbers or dacolLs

2168 ueflnlLlon of harbour ln secLlons 212 216 and 216A 8epealed by Lhe lndlan enal Code
(AmendmenL) AcL 1942 (8 of 1942)

217 ubllc servanL dlsobeylng dlrecLlon of law wlLh lnLenL Lo save person from punlshmenL or properLy
from forfelLure

218 ubllc servanL framlng lncorrecL record or wrlLlng wlLh lnLenL Lo save person from punlshmenL or
properLy from forfelLure

219 ubllc servanL ln [udlclal proceedlng corrupLly maklng reporL eLc conLrary Lo law

220 CommlLmenL for Lrlal or conflnemenL by person havlng auLhorlLy who knows LhaL he ls acLlng
conLrary Lo law

221 lnLenLlonal omlsslon Lo apprehend on Lhe parL of publlc servanL bound Lo apprehend

222 lnLenLlonal omlsslon Lo apprehend on Lhe parL of publlc servanL bound Lo apprehend person under
senLence or lawfully commlLLed

223 Lscape from conflnemenL or cusLody negllgenLly suffered by publlc servanL

224 8eslsLance or obsLrucLlon by a person Lo hls lawful apprehenslon

223 8eslsLance or obsLrucLlon Lo lawful apprehenslon of anoLher person

122223A Cmlsslon Lo apprehend or sufferance of escape on parL of publlc servanL ln cases noL
oLherwlse provlded for

2238 8eslsLance or obsLrucLlon Lo lawful apprehenslon or escape or rescue ln cases noL oLherwlse
provlded for

226 unlawful reLurn from LransporLaLlon 8epealed by Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure (AmendmenL)
AcL 1993 wef 1sL !anuary 1936

227 vlolaLlon of condlLlon of remlsslon of punlshmenL

228 lnLenLlonal lnsulL or lnLerrupLlon Lo publlc servanL slLLlng ln [udlclal proceedlng

123228A ulsclosure of ldenLlLy of Lhe vlcLlm of cerLaln offences eLc

229 ersonaLlon of a [uror or assessor

CPA1L8 xll Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C CCln Anu CCvL8nMLn1 S1AMS

230 Coln deflned

231 CounLerfelLlng coln

232 CounLerfelLlng lndlan coln

233 Maklng or selllng lnsLrumenL for counLerfelLlng coln

234 Maklng or selllng lnsLrumenL for counLerfelLlng lndlan coln

233 ossesslon of lnsLrumenL or maLerlal for Lhe purpose of uslng Lhe same for counLerfelLlng coln

236 AbeLLlng ln lndla Lhe counLerfelLlng ouL of lndla of coln

237 lmporL or exporL of counLerfelL coln

238 lmporL or exporL of counLerfelLs of Lhe lndla coln

239 uellvery of coln possessed wlLh knowledge LhaL lL ls counLerfelL

240 uellvery of lndlan coln possessed wlLh knowledge LhaL lL ls counLerfelL

241 uellvery of coln as genulne whlch when flrsL possessed Lhe dellverer dld noL know Lo be

242 ossesslon of counLerfelL coln by person who knew lL Lo be counLerfelL when he became possessed

243 ossesslon of lndlan coln by person who knew lL Lo be counLerfelL when he became possessed

244 erson employed ln mlnL causlng coln Lo be of dlfferenL welghL or composlLlon from LhaL flxed by

243 unlawfully Laklng colnlng lnsLrumenL from mlnL

246 lraudulenLly or dlshonesLly dlmlnlshlng welghL or alLerlng composlLlon of coln

247 lraudulenLly or dlshonesLly dlmlnlshlng welghL or alLerlng composlLlon of lndlan coln

248 AlLerlng appearance of coln wlLh lnLenL LhaL lL shall pass as coln of dlfferenL descrlpLlon

249 AlLerlng appearance of lndlan coln wlLh lnLenL LhaL lL shall pass as coln of dlfferenL descrlpLlon

230 uellvery of coln possessed wlLh knowledge LhaL lL ls alLered

231 uellvery of lndlan coln possessed wlLh knowledge LhaL lL ls alLered

232 ossesslon of coln by person who knew lL Lo be alLered when he became possessed Lhereof

233 ossesslon of lndlan coln by person who knew lL Lo be alLered when he became possessed Lhereof

234 uellvery of coln as genulne whlch when flrsL possessed Lhe dellverer dld noL know Lo be alLered

233 CounLerfelLlng CovernmenL sLamp

236 Pavlng possesslon of lnsLrumenL or maLerlal for counLerfelLlng CovernmenL sLamp

237 Maklng or selllng lnsLrumenL for counLerfelLlng CovernmenL sLamp

238 Sale of counLerfelL CovernmenL sLamp

239 Pavlng possesslon of counLerfelL CovernmenL sLamp

260 uslng as genulne a CovernmenL sLamp known Lo be a counLerfelL

261 Lffaclng wrlLlng from subsLance bearlng CovernmenL sLamp or removlng from documenL a sLamp
used for lL wlLh lnLenL Lo cause loss Lo CovernmenL

262 uslng CovernmenL sLamp known Lo have been before used

263 Lrasure of mark denoLlng LhaL sLamp has been used

131263A rohlblLlon of flcLlLlous sLamps

CPA1L8 xlll Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C WLlCP1S Anu MLASu8LS

264 lraudulenL use of false lnsLrumenL for welghlng

263 lraudulenL use of false welghL or measure

266 8elng ln possesslon of false welghL or measure

267 Maklng or selllng false welghL or measure

CPA1L8 xlv Cl CllLnCLS AllLC1lnC 1PL u8LlC PLAL1P SAlL1? CCnvLnlLnCL uLCLnC? Anu

268 ubllc nulsance

269 negllgenL acL llkely Lo spread lnfecLlon of dlsease dangerous Lo llfe

270 MallgnanL acL llkely Lo spread lnfecLlon of dlsease dangerous Lo llfe

271 ulsobedlence Lo quaranLlne rule

272 AdulLeraLlon of food or drlnk lnLended for sale

273 Sale of noxlous food or drlnk

274 AdulLeraLlon of drugs

273 Sale of adulLeraLed drugs

276 Sale of drug as a dlfferenL drug or preparaLlon

277 loullng waLer of publlc sprlng or reservolr

278 Maklng aLmosphere noxlous Lo healLh

279 8ash drlvlng or rldlng on a publlc way

280 8ash navlgaLlon of vessel

281 LxhlblLlon of false llghL mark or buoy

282 Conveylng person by waLer for hlre ln unsafe or overloaded vessel

283 uanger or obsLrucLlon ln publlc way or llne of navlgaLlon

284 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo polsonous subsLance

283 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo flre or combusLlble maLLer

286 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo exploslve subsLance

287 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo machlnery

288 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo pulllng down or repalrlng bulldlngs

289 negllgenL conducL wlLh respecL Lo anlmal

290 unlshmenL for publlc nulsance ln cases noL oLherwlse provlded for

291 ConLlnuance of nulsance afLer ln[uncLlon Lo dlsconLlnue

137292 Sale eLc of obscene books eLc _

292A rlnLlng eLc of grossly lndecenL or scurrllous maLLer or maLLer lnLended for blackmall

137293 Sale eLc of obscene ob[ecLs Lo young person

141294 Cbscene acLs and songs

120294A keeplng loLLery offlce

CPA1L8 xv Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C 8LLlClCn

293 ln[urlng or deflllng place of worshlp wlLh lnLenL Lo lnsulL Lhe rellglon of any class

143293A uellberaLe and mallclous acLs lnLended Lo ouLrage rellglous feellngs of any class by lnsulLlng
lLs rellglon or rellglous bellefs

296 ulsLurblng rellglous assembly

297 1respasslng on burlal places eLc

298 uLLerlng words eLc wlLh dellberaLe lnLenL Lo wound Lhe rellglous feellngs of any person

CPA1L8 xvl Cl CllLnCLS AllLC1lnC 1PL PuMAn 8Cu?

299 Culpable homlclde

300 Murder

301 Culpable homlclde by causlng deaLh of person oLher Lhan person whose deaLh was lnLended

302 unlshmenL for murder

303 unlshmenL for murder by llfeconvlcL

304 unlshmenL for culpable homlclde noL amounLlng Lo murder

120304A Causlng deaLh by negllgence

1493048 uowry deaLh

303 AbeLmenL of sulclde of chlld or lnsane person

306 AbeLmenL of sulclde

307 ALLempL Lo murder

308 ALLempL Lo commlL culpable homlclde

309 ALLempL Lo commlL sulclde

310 1hug

311 unlshmenL

312 Causlng mlscarrlage

313 Causlng mlscarrlage wlLhouL womans consenL

314 ueaLh caused by acL done wlLh lnLenL Lo cause mlscarrlage

313 AcL done wlLh lnLenL Lo prevenL chlld belng born allve or Lo cause lL Lo dle afLer blrLh

316 Causlng deaLh of qulck unborn chlld by acL amounLlng Lo culpable homlclde

317 Lxposure and abandonmenL of chlld under Lwelve years by parenL or person havlng care of lL

318 ConcealmenL of blrLh by secreL dlsposal of dead body

319 PurL

320 Crlevous hurL

321 volunLarlly causlng hurL

322 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL

323 unlshmenL for volunLarlly causlng hurL

324 volunLarlly causlng hurL by dangerous weapons or means

323 unlshmenL for volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL

326 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL by dangerous weapons or means

327 volunLarlly causlng hurL Lo exLorL properLy or Lo consLraln Lo an lllegal acL

328 Causlng hurL by means of polson eLc wlLh lnLenL Lo commlL an offence

329 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL Lo exLorL properLy or Lo consLraln Lo an lllegal acL

330 volunLarlly causlng hurL Lo exLorL confesslon or Lo compel resLoraLlon of properLy

331 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL Lo exLorL confesslon or Lo compel resLoraLlon of properLy

332 volunLarlly causlng hurL Lo deLer publlc servanL from hls duLy

333 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL Lo deLer publlc servanL from hls duLy

334 volunLarlly causlng hurL on provocaLlon

333 volunLarlly causlng grlevous hurL on provocaLlon

336 AcL endangerlng llfe or personal safeLy of oLhers

337 Causlng hurL by acL endangerlng llfe or personal safeLy of oLhers

338 Causlng grlevous hurL by acL endangerlng llfe or personal safeLy of oLhers

339 Wrongful resLralnL

340 Wrongful conflnemenL

341 unlshmenL for wrongful resLralnL

342 unlshmenL for wrongful conflnemenL

343 Wrongful conflnemenL for Lhree or more days

344 Wrongful conflnemenL for Len or more days

343 Wrongful conflnemenL of person for whose llberaLlon wrlL has been lssued

346 Wrongful conflnemenL ln secreL

347 Wrongful conflnemenL Lo exLorL properLy or consLraln Lo lllegal acL

348 Wrongful conflnemenL Lo exLorL confesslon or compel resLoraLlon of properLy

349 lorce

330 Crlmlnal force

331 AssaulL

332 unlshmenL for assaulL or crlmlnal force oLherwlse Lhan on grave provocaLlon

333 AssaulL or crlmlnal force Lo deLer publlc servanL from dlscharge of hls duLy

334 AssaulL or crlmlnal force Lo woman wlLh lnLenL Lo ouLrage her modesLy

333 AssaulL or crlmlnal force wlLh lnLenL Lo dlshonour person oLherwlse Lhan on grave provocaLlon

336 AssaulL or crlmlnal force ln aLLempL Lo commlL LhefL of properLy carrled by a person

337 AssaulL or crlmlnal force ln aLLempL wrongfully Lo conflne a person

338 AssaulL or crlmlnal force on grave provocaLlon

339 kldnapplng

360kldnapplng from lndla

361 kldnapplng from lawful guardlanshlp

362 AbducLlon

363 unlshmenL for kldnapplng

137363A kldnapplng or malmlng a mlnor for purposes of begglng

364 kldnapplng or abducLlng ln order Lo murder

138364A kldnapplng for ransom eLc

363 kldnapplng or abducLlng wlLh lnLenL secreLly and wrongfully Lo conflne person

366 kldnapplng abducLlng or lnduclng woman Lo compel her marrlage eLc

160366A rocuraLlon of mlnor glrl

1603668 lmporLaLlon of glrl from forelgn counLry

367 kldnapplng or abducLlng ln order Lo sub[ecL person Lo grlevous hurL slavery eLc

368 Wrongfully conceallng or keeplng ln conflnemenL kldnapped or abducLed person

369 kldnapplng or abducLlng chlld under Len years wlLh lnLenL Lo sLeal from lLs person

370 8uylng or dlsposlng of any person as a slave

371 PablLual deallng ln slaves

372 Selllng mlnor for purposes of prosLlLuLlon eLc

373 8uylng mlnor for purposes of prosLlLuLlon eLc

374 unlawful compulsory labour

167373 8ape

167376 unlshmenL for rape

167376A lnLercourse by a man wlLh hls wlfe durlng separaLlon

3768 lnLercourse by publlc servanL wlLh woman ln hls cusLody

167376C lnLercourse by superlnLendenL of [all remand home eLc

167376u lnLercourse by any member of Lhe managemenL or sLaff of a hosplLal wlLh any woman ln LhaL

377 unnaLural offences

CPA1L8 xvll Cl CllLnCLS ACAlnS1 8CL81?

378 1hefL

379 unlshmenL for LhefL

380 1hefL ln dwelllng house eLc

381 1hefL by clerk or servanL of properLy ln possesslon of masLer

382 1hefL afLer preparaLlon made for causlng deaLh hurL or resLralnL ln order Lo Lhe commlLLlng of Lhe

383 LxLorLlon

384 unlshmenL for exLorLlon

383 uLLlng person ln fear of ln[ury ln order Lo commlL exLorLlon

386 LxLorLlon by puLLlng a person ln fear of deaLh or grlevous hurL Lo

387 uLLlng person ln fear of deaLh or of grlevous hurL ln order Lo commlL exLorLlon

388 LxLorLlon by LhreaL of accusaLlon of an offence punlshable wlLh deaLh or lmprlsonmenL for llfe eLc

389 uLLlng person ln fear of accusaLlon of offence ln order Lo commlL exLorLlon

390 8obbery

391 uacolLy

392 unlshmenL for robbery

393 ALLempL Lo commlL robbery

394 volunLarlly causlng hurL ln commlLLlng robbery

393 unlshmenL for dacolLy

396 uacolLy wlLh murder

397 8obbery or dacolLy wlLh aLLempL Lo cause deaLh or grlevous hurL

398 ALLempL Lo commlL robbery or dacolLy when armed wlLh deadly weapon

399 Maklng preparaLlon Lo commlL dacolLy

400 unlshmenL for belonglng Lo gang of dacolLs

401 unlshmenL for belonglng Lo gang of Lhleves

402 Assembllng for purpose of commlLLlng dacolLy

403 ulshonesL mlsapproprlaLlon of properLy

404 ulshonesL mlsapproprlaLlon of properLy possessed by deceased person aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh

403 Crlmlnal breach of LrusL

406 unlshmenL for crlmlnal breach of LrusL

407 Crlmlnal breach of LrusL by carrler eLc

408 Crlmlnal breach of LrusL by clerk or servanL

409 Crlmlnal breach of LrusL by publlc servanL or by banker merchanL or agenL

410 SLolen roperLy

411 ulshonesLly recelvlng sLolen properLy

412 ulshonesLly recelvlng properLy sLolen ln Lhe commlsslon of a dacolLy

413 PablLually deallng ln sLolen properLy

414 AsslsLlng ln concealmenL of sLolen properLy

413 CheaLlng

416 CheaLlng by personaLlon

417 unlshmenL for cheaLlng

418 CheaLlng wlLh knowledge LhaL wrongful loss may ensue Lo person whose lnLeresL offender ls bound
Lo proLecL

419 unlshmenL for cheaLlng by personaLlon

420 CheaLlng and dlshonesLly lnduclng dellvery of properLy

421 ulshonesL or fraudulenL removal or concealmenL of properLy Lo prevenL dlsLrlbuLlon among

422 ulshonesLly or fraudulenLly prevenLlng debL belng avallable for credlLors

423 ulshonesL or fraudulenL execuLlon of deed of Lransfer conLalnlng false sLaLemenL of conslderaLlon

424 ulshonesL or fraudulenL removal or concealmenL of properLy

423 Mlschlef

426 unlshmenL for mlschlef

427 Mlschlef causlng damage Lo Lhe amounL of flfLy rupees

428 Mlschlef by kllllng or malmlng anlmal of Lhe value of Len rupees

429 Mlschlef by kllllng or malmlng caLLle eLc of any value or any anlmal of Lhe value of flfLy rupees

430 Mlschlef by ln[ury Lo works of lrrlgaLlon or by wrongfully dlverLlng waLer

431 Mlschlef by ln[ury Lo publlc road brldge rlver or channel

432 Mlschlef by causlng lnundaLlon or obsLrucLlon Lo publlc dralnage aLLended wlLh damage

433 Mlschlef by desLroylng movlng or renderlng less useful a llghLhouse or seamark

434 Mlschlef by desLroylng or movlng eLc a landmark flxed by publlc auLhorlLy

433 Mlschlef by flre or exploslve subsLance wlLh lnLenL Lo cause damage Lo amounL of one hundred or
(ln case of agrlculLural produce) Len rupees

436 Mlschlef by flre or exploslve subsLance wlLh lnLenL Lo desLroy house eLc

437 Mlschlef wlLh lnLenL Lo desLroy or make unsafe a decked vessel or one of LwenLy Lons burden

438 unlshmenL for Lhe mlschlef descrlbed ln secLlon 437 commlLLed by flre or exploslve subsLance

439 unlshmenL for lnLenLlonally runnlng vessel aground or ashore wlLh lnLenL Lo commlL LhefL eLc

440 Mlschlef commlLLed afLer preparaLlon made for causlng deaLh or hurL

441 Crlmlnal Lrespass

442 Pouse Lrespass

443 Lurklng houseLrespass

444 Lurklng houseLrespass by nlghL

443 Pouse breaklng

446 Pousebreaklng by nlghL

447 unlshmenL for crlmlnal Lrespass

448 unlshmenL for houseLrespass

449 PouseLrespass ln order Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh deaLh

430 PouseLrespass ln order Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh lmprlsonmenL for llfe

431 PouseLrespass ln order Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh lmprlsonmenL

432 PouseLrespass afLer preparaLlon for hurL assaulL or wrongful resLralnL

433 unlshmenL for lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng

434 Lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng ln order Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh

433 Lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng afLer preparaLlon for hurL assaulL or wrongful resLralnL

436 unlshmenL for lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng by nlghL

437 Lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng by nlghL ln order Lo commlL offence punlshable wlLh

438 Lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng by nlghL afLer preparaLlon for hurL assaulL or wrongful

439 Crlevous hurL caused whllsL commlLLlng lurklng house Lrespass or housebreaklng

460 All persons [olnLly concerned ln lurklng houseLrespass or housebreaklng by nlghL punlshable
where deaLh or grlevous hurL caused by one of Lhem

461 ulshonesLly breaklng open recepLacle conLalnlng properLy

462 unlshmenL for same offence when commlLLed by person enLrusLed wlLh cusLody

CPA1L8 xvlll Cl CllLnCLS 8LLA1lnC 1C uCCuMLn1S Anu 1C 173*** 8CL81? MA8kS

463 lorgery

464 Maklng a false documenL

463 unlshmenL for forgery

466 lorgery of record of courL or of publlc reglsLer eLc

467 lorgery of valuable securlLy wlll eLc

468 lorgery for purpose of cheaLlng

469 lorgery for purpose of harmlng repuLaLlon

470 lorged documenL

471 uslng as genulne a forged documenL

472 Maklng or possesslng counLerfelL seal eLc wlLh lnLenL Lo commlL forgery punlshable under secLlon

473 Maklng or possesslng counLerfelL seal eLc wlLh lnLenL Lo commlL forgery punlshable oLherwlse

474 Pavlng possesslon of documenL descrlbed ln secLlon 466 or 467 knowlng lL Lo be forged and
lnLendlng Lo use lL as genulne

473 CounLerfelLlng devlce or mark used for auLhenLlcaLlng documenLs descrlbed ln secLlon 467 or
possesslng counLerfelL marked maLerlal

476 CounLerfelLlng devlce or mark used for auLhenLlcaLlng documenLs oLher Lhan Lhose descrlbed ln
secLlon 467 or possesslng counLerfelL marked maLerlal

477 lraudulenL cancellaLlon desLrucLlon eLc of wlll auLhorlLy Lo adopL or valuable securlLy

174477A lalslflcaLlon of accounLs

478 1rade marks 8epealed by Lhe 1rade and Merchandlse Marks AcL 1938 wef 23Lh november

479 roperLy mark

480 uslng a false Lrade mark 8epealed by Lhe 1rade and Merchandlse Marks AcL 1938 wef 23Lh
november 1939

481 uslng a false properLy mark

482 unlshmenL for uslng a false properLy mark

483 CounLerfelLlng a properLy mark used by anoLher

179484 CounLerfelLlng a mark used by a publlc servanL

180483 Maklng or possesslon of any lnsLrumenL for counLerfelLlng a properLy mark

181486 Selllng goods marked wlLh a counLerfelL properLy mark

182487 Maklng a false mark upon any recepLacle conLalnlng goods

182488 unlshmenL for maklng use of any such false mark

182489 1amperlng wlLh properLy mark wlLh lnLenL Lo cause ln[ury

183489A CounLerfelLlng currencynoLes or banknoLes

1834898 uslng as genulne forged or counLerfelL currencynoLes or bank noLes

183489C ossesslon of forged or counLerfelL currencynoLes or banknoLes

183489u Maklng or possesslng lnsLrumenLs or maLerlals for forglng or counLerfelLlng currencynoLes or

183489L Maklng or uslng documenLs resembllng currencynoLes or banknoLes

CPA1L8 xlx Cl 1PL C8lMlnAL 88LACP Cl CCn18AC1S Cl SL8vlCL

490 8reach of conLracL of servlce durlng voyage or [ourney 8epealed by Lhe Workmens 8reach of
ConLracL (8epeallng) AcL 1923

491 8reach of conLracL Lo aLLend on and supply wanLs of helpless person

492 8reach of conLracL Lo serve aL dlsLanL place Lo whlch servanL ls conveyed aL masLers expense
8epealed by Lhe Workmens 8reach of ConLracL (8epeallng) AcL 1923 (3 of 1923)


493 CohablLaLlon caused by a man decelLfully lnduclng a bellef of lawful marrlage

494 Marrylng agaln durlng llfeLlme of husband or wlfe

493 Same offence wlLh concealmenL of former marrlage from person wlLh whom subsequenL marrlage
ls conLracLed

496 Marrlage ceremony fraudulenLly gone Lhrough wlLhouL lawful marrlage

497 AdulLery

498 LnLlclng or Laklng away or deLalnlng wlLh crlmlnal lnLenL a marrled woman

186CPA1L8A Cl C8uLL1? 8? PuS8Anu C8 8LLA1lvLS Cl PuS8Anu

498A Pusband or relaLlve of husband of a woman sub[ecLlng her Lo cruelLy

CPA1L8l Cl uLlAMA1lCn

499 uefamaLlon

300 unlshmenL for defamaLlon

301 rlnLlng or engravlng maLLer known Lo be defamaLory

302 Sale of prlnLed or engraved subsLance conLalnlng defamaLory maLLer

CPA1L8ll Cl C8lMlnAL ln1lMluA1lCn lnSuL1 Anu AnnC?AnCL

303 Crlmlnal lnLlmldaLlon

304 lnLenLlonal lnsulL wlLh lnLenL Lo provoke breach of Lhe peace

187303 SLaLemenLs conducLlng Lo publlc mlschlef

306 unlshmenL for crlmlnal lnLlmldaLlon

307 Crlmlnal lnLlmldaLlon by an anonymous communlcaLlon

308 AcL caused by lnduclng person Lo belleve LhaL he wlll be rendered an ob[ecL of Lhe ulvlne

309 Word gesLure or acL lnLended Lo lnsulL Lhe modesLy of a woman

310 MlsconducL ln publlc by a drunken person

CPA1L8lll Cl A11LM1S 1C CCMMl1 CllLnCLS

311 unlshmenL for aLLempLlng Lo commlL offences punlshable wlLh lmprlsonmenL for llfe or oLher

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