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#AMRFILES=Axife Mouse Recorder Files #EXEFILES=Executable Files #TXTFILES=Text Files #ALLFILES=All Files #DEF_FN=Script%lu #SHELL_OPEN=Open with Mouse Recorder

#SHELL_RUN=Run with Mouse Recorder #SHELL_TYPE=Axife Mouse Recorder Script #BTN_OK=OK #BTN_CANCEL=Cancel #BTN_HELP=Help #BTN_BROWSE=&Browse... #BTN_ACTIVATE=&Activate #BTN_SAVE=&Save #BTN_CLOSE=&Close #BTN_OPTIONS=&Options... #BTN_SELECTALL=Select &all #BTN_DESELECTALL=&Deselect all #BTN_DONTSAVE=D&on't save #BTN_QUIT=&Quit #BTN_READMORE=&Read more... #TMENU_OPEN=&Open #TMENU_OPTIONS=Op&tions... #TMENU_RECORD=&Record #TMENU_PLAY=&Play #TMENU_STOP=&Stop #TMENU_HELP=&Help Topics #TMENU_ABOUT=&About... #TMENU_EXIT=&Exit #TOOLBAR_NEW=New #TOOLBAR_OPEN=Open #TOOLBAR_SAVE=Save #TOOLBAR_CLOSE=Close #TOOLBAR_RECORD=Record #TOOLBAR_PLAY=Play #TOOLBAR_STOP=Stop #TOOLBAR_OPTIONS=Options #TOOLBAR_HELP=Help #TOOLBAR_UNDO=Undo #TOOLBAR_REDO=Redo #TOOLBAR_CUT=Cut #TOOLBAR_COPY=Copy #TOOLBAR_PASTE=Paste #TOOLBAR_DELETE=Delete #TOOLBAR_EDIT=Edit #TOOLBAR_INSERT=Insert #TOOLTIP_NEW=Create a new script #TOOLTIP_OPEN=Open a previously saved script #TOOLTIP_SAVE=Save the current script #TOOLTIP_CLOSE=Close the current script

#TOOLTIP_RECORD=Start recording #TOOLTIP_PLAY=Start playing #TOOLTIP_STOP=Stop recording and playing #TOOLTIP_OPTIONS=Open Axife Mouse Recorder Options #TOOLTIP_HELP=Open Axife Mouse Recorder Help #TOOLTIP_UNDO=Undo the latest change #TOOLTIP_REDO=Redo the cancelled change #TOOLTIP_CUT=Cut the selected actions #TOOLTIP_COPY=Copy the selected actions #TOOLTIP_PASTE=Paste actions from the clipboard #TOOLTIP_DELETE=Delete the selected actions #TOOLTIP_EDIT=Edit the selected actions #TOOLTIP_INSERT=Insert a new action #OPTBAR_FOREVER=Forever #OPTBAR_REPEATS=Number of repeats #OPTBAR_ACCELKEYS=Accelerate keystrokes #OPTBAR_ACCELMOUSE=Accelerate mouse #OPTBAR_SPEED=Playback speed #OPTBAR_DELETEFINAL=Delete final actions #OPTBAR_NOPASSWORDS=Skip passwords #OPTBAR_DETECTDIGITS=Detect numbers #OPTBAR_DETECTTEXT=Detect text #OPTBAR_PLAYSOUND=Play sound #TOOLTIP_REPEATS=Playback option: Number of repeats #TOOLTIP_ACCELKEYS=Playback option: Accelerate keystrokes #TOOLTIP_ACCELMOUSE=Playback option: Accelerate mouse movements #TOOLTIP_SPEED=Playback option: Speed #TOOLTIP_DELETEFINAL=Recording option: Delete final actions that are used to sto p recording #TOOLTIP_NOPASSWORDS=Recording option: Do not record passwords #TOOLTIP_DETECTDIGITS=Recording option: Detect sequences of digits and replace w ith a single action #TOOLTIP_DETECTTEXT=Recording option: Detect sequences of letters and replace wi th a single action #TOOLTIP_PLAYSOUND=Playback option: Play sound at the end of playback #CUSTOMTB_MODE=Text and icon options: #CUSTOMTB_LARGETEXT=Large icons and text labels #CUSTOMTB_LARGE=Large icons #CUSTOMTB_SMALL=Small icons #MENU_FILE=&File #MENU_EDIT=&Edit #MENU_VIEW=&View #MENU_OPTIONS=&Options #MENU_SCRIPT=&Script #MENU_HELP=&Help #MENU_NEW=&New #MENU_OPEN=&Open... #MENU_APPEND=Appen&d... #MENU_CLOSE=&Close #MENU_SAVE=&Save #MENU_SAVEAS=Save &As... #MENU_SAVEALL=Save A&ll #MENU_PROPERTIES=&Properties... #MENU_EXIT=&Exit


#NUMBER=Number #ACTION=Action #PARAMETERS=Parameters #DELAY=Delay #TIME=Time #LSTMASK_MOUSEPOS=x:%lu y:%lu #LSTMASK_MOUSEPOSMULTI=x:%lu y:%lu - x:%lu y:%lu #LSTMASK_WHEELFWD=x:%lu y:%lu forward:%lu #LSTMASK_WHEELBWD=x:%lu y:%lu backward:%lu #LSTMASK_SCAN=code:%lu #LSTMASK_SCANEXT=code:%lu extended #LSTMASK_NUMBER=value:%s #LSTMASK_NUMBERMINUS=value:%s change:%s period:%lu group:%s #LSTMASK_NUMBERPLUS=value:%s change:+%s period:%lu group:%s #LSTMASK_NUMBERWIDTH= width:%lu #LSTMASK_GROUPNAME=repeats:%lu %s #LSTMASK_GROUP=repeats:%lu #STATUS_READY=Ready #STATUS_RECORDING=Recording #STATUS_PLAYING=Playing #TITLE_OPTIONS=Axife Mouse Recorder Options #OPT_GENERAL=General #OPT_START=Startup Options #OPT_AUTOSTART=Start Axife Mouse Recorder automatically each time Windows starts #OPT_STARTRECORD=Automatically start recording at startup #OPT_STARTPLAY=Automatically start playing this file at startup: #OPT_FILES=Associate Axife Mouse Recorder with: #OPT_DONTSAVEEXIT=Do not prompt to save changed scripts on exit #OPT_VIEW=View #OPT_MERGEMOVE=Merge mouse movements in the list #OPT_COLUMNS=Columns: #OPT_TASKBAR=Taskbar Options #OPT_TB_TRAY=Show an icon in the taskbar notification area #OPT_TB_BUTTON=Show a button in the taskbar #OPT_MRU=Number of most recently used files\nin the File menu: #OPT_MRU_LITE=Number of most recently used files in the File menu: #OPT_SCRIPTS=Number of items in the Script menu: #OPT_CLOSE=The Close button in the Compact mode: #OPT_CLOSE_ASK=Opens a dialog box to choose #OPT_CLOSE_MINIMIZE=Minimizes the window #OPT_CLOSE_CLOSE=Closes the application #OPT_PLAY=Playback #OPT_REPEATS=Number of repeats: #OPT_FOREVER=Repeat forever #OPT_SPEED=Playback speed (0.1-3): #OPT_PLAYHIDE=Hide Axife Mouse Recorder during playback #OPT_PLAYRELEASE=Release keys and mouse buttons that are down at the end of play back #OPT_CHANGEKEYDELAYS=Override delays of successive keyboard actions with this va lue: #OPT_SKIPMOVE=Skip unnecessary mouse movements #OPT_PLAYSOUND=Play sound at the end:

#SOUND_DEFAULT=<Default Windows sound> #OPT_ACCELKEYS=Accelerate keystrokes #OPT_ACCELMOUSE=Accelerate mouse movements #OPT_PLAYFROM=Play from: #OPT_PLAYF_START=Play from the beginning #OPT_PLAYF_CONTINUE=Play from the current action #OPT_PLAYF_ASK=Open a dialog box to choose #OPT_PLAYTYPES=Types of actions to play: #OPT_RECTYPES=Types of actions to record: #OPT_TYPE_CLICKS=Mouse clicks #OPT_TYPE_MOVE=Mouse movement #OPT_TYPE_WHEEL=Mouse wheel rotation #OPT_TYPE_KEYBOARD=Keystrokes #OPT_RECSCRIPT=Record to: #OPT_REC_NEW=Create a new script #OPT_REC_OVERWRITE=Overwrite the current script #OPT_REC_APPEND=Append to the current script #OPT_REC_ASK=Open a dialog box to choose #OPT_RECORD=Recording #OPT_DISCARD=Automatically discard actions that are older than the specified num ber of minutes: #OPT_RECHIDE=Hide Axife Mouse Recorder during recording #OPT_RECEND=Automatically delete final actions that are used to stop recording #OPT_DONTRECPASS=Do not record keystrokes when a password field is active #OPT_RECMETHOD=Recording method: #OPT_RECHOTKEYS=Record hot keys registered by other applications #OPT_RECDIGITS=Automatically detect sequences of digits #OPT_RECLETTERS=Automatically detect sequences of letters #OPT_RECM_DEFAULT=Select automatically #OPT_RECM_SYSTEM=Read the system message queue #OPT_RECM_APP=Read message queues of every application #OPT_RECM_RAW=Read raw input (recommended) #OPT_QUICKLAUNCH=Panels #OPT_PANELS=Panels #OPT_ADDPANEL=Add panel #OPT_DELPANEL=Delete panel #OPT_PANELNAME=Name: #OPT_TRANSPARENCY=Transparency (0-90 %): #OPT_PANELSKIN=Skin: #OPT_PANELONRELEASE=Close the panel if the keys are released #OPT_PANELONLAUNCH=Close the panel after an item is clicked #OPT_PANELBOLDITEMS=Highlight frequently used items #OPT_PANELITEMS=Manage items of this panel... #SKIN_DEFAULT=<Default> #NEW_PANEL=New panel #TITLE_PANELITEMS=Items of '%s' #PANITEMS_ITEMS=Items #PANITEMS_UP=Move up #PANITEMS_DOWN=Move down #PANITEMS_NEW=New #PANITEMS_DELETE=Delete

#PANITEMS_COPY=Copy... #PANITEMS_NAME=Item name: #PANITEMS_PATH=Path: #PANITEMS_CMDLINE=Parameters: #PANITEMS_ACTION=Action: #PANITEMS_SEPARATOR=Separator #PANITEMS_COLUMN=New column #PANITEMS_TEXT=Text: #PANITEMS_CLIPBOARD=Paste the text by using the clipboard #PANITEMS_KEYSTROKES=Type in the text by generating keystrokes #PANITEMS_WEBPAGE=Internet address: #PANEL_SEPARATOR=Separator #PANEL_COLUMN=New column #TITLE_COPYITEMS=Copy Items #COPYITEMS_TEXT=Please place checkmarks next to the items you would like to copy and click OK.\n\nYou can select or deselect all items of a panel by a single cl ick on the checkbox next to the panel name. #COMMAND_APPLICATION=Application #COMMAND_DOCUMENT=Document #COMMAND_FOLDER=Folder #COMMAND_WEBPAGE=Web page #COMMAND_RECORD=Record #COMMAND_PLAY=Play #COMMAND_STOP=Stop #COMMAND_SHOWDESKTOP=Desktop #COMMAND_SHUTDOWN=Shutdown #COMMAND_REBOOT=Reboot #COMMAND_LOGOFF=Log off #COMMAND_LOCK=Lock #COMMAND_TEXT=Text #COMMANDLONG_APPLICATION=Launch application #COMMANDLONG_DOCUMENT=Open document #COMMANDLONG_FOLDER=Open folder #COMMANDLONG_WEBPAGE=Open Internet page #COMMANDLONG_RECORD=Start or stop recording #COMMANDLONG_PLAY=Start or stop playing #COMMANDLONG_STOP=Stop recording or playing #COMMANDLONG_SHOWDESKTOP=Show desktop #COMMANDLONG_SHUTDOWN=Turn off computer #COMMANDLONG_REBOOT=Restart Windows #COMMANDLONG_LOGOFF=Log off Windows #COMMANDLONG_LOCK=Lock workstation (switch user) #COMMANDLONG_TEXT=Paste text #OPT_HOTKEY=Quick Launch #OPT_HOTKEYLITE=Hot Keys #OPT_HKHOTKEY=Key combination: #OPT_HKHOTKEYS=Actions #OPT_HKNAME=Name: #OPT_HKACTIVATION=How to activate... #OPT_HKADD=Add #OPT_HKDELETE=Delete #OPT_HKACTION=Action type: #OPT_HKPATH=Path:

#OPT_HKCMDLINE=Parameters: #OPT_HKTEXT=Text: #OPT_HKCLIPBOARD=Paste the text by using the clipboard #OPT_HKKEYSTROKES=Type in the text by generating keystrokes #OPT_HKWEBPAGE=Internet address: #PROP_TITLE=Script Properties #PROP_GENERAL=General #PROP_EXE=Self-playing #PROP_NAME=Name: #PROP_PATH=Path: #PROP_LENGTH=Length (min:sec): #PROP_NUMBER=Number of actions: #PROP_LIST_ACTIONS=Actions #PROP_LIST_NUMBER=Number of actions #PROP_MESSAGE=Startup message: #PROP_REPEATS=Number of repeats: #PROP_SPEED=Playback speed: #PROP_RELEASE=Release buttons at the end: #PROP_HOTKEY=Stop by hotkey: #PROP_EDIT=&Edit... #PROP_MESSAGE_DISABLED=Message is disabled #PROP_REPEAT_FOREVER=Forever #PROP_SPEED_ORIGINAL=Original #PROP_RELEASE_YES=Yes #PROP_RELEASE_NO=No #HOTKEY_NONE=Not defined #EXEINFO_TITLE=Self-playing Script Properties #EXEINFO_START=Message #EXEINFO_PLAYBACK=Playback #EXEINFO_END=Termination #EXEINFO_ENABLE=Open a dialog box at startup of the self-playing script #EXEINFO_MESSAGE=Display this message in the dialog box: #EXEINFO_REPEATS=Play the script the specified number of times: #EXEINFO_FOREVER=Repeat the script forever until it is stopped manually #EXEINFO_SPEED=Playback speed (from 0.1 to 3.0, 1.0 is the original speed): #EXEINFO_RELEASE=Release keys and mouse buttons that are down at the end of play back #EXEINFO_HOTKEY=Stop playback when this key combination is pressed: #ACTION_MOUSEMOVE=Mouse movement #ACTION_MOUSEWHEEL=Mouse wheel rotation #ACTION_LBUTTONDOWN=Left button down #ACTION_LBUTTONUP=Left button up #ACTION_RBUTTONDOWN=Right button down #ACTION_RBUTTONUP=Right button up #ACTION_MBUTTONDOWN=Middle button down #ACTION_MBUTTONUP=Middle button up #ACTION_KEYDOWN=Key down #ACTION_KEYUP=Key up

#ACTION_NUMBER=Sequence of digits #ACTION_GROUPSTART=Group start #ACTION_GROUPEND=Group end #ACTION_STOP=Stop playback #ACTION_INCLUDE=Include script #ACTION_APPDOCFOLDER=Open document #ACTION_TEXT=Paste text #ACTION_PROPERTIES=Action Properties #ACTION_PROPERTIES_MULTIPLE=Action Properties - Multiple Actions Are Selected #ACTION_PROPERTIES_NEW=Action Properties - New Action #ACTION_TYPE=Action type: #ACTION_DELAY=Delay before the action (msec): #COORD_X=X coordinate: #COORD_Y=Y coordinate: #COORD_SHOW=Show the specified point #CURRENT_COORDS=Press Shift to copy the current coordinates of the mouse: #WHEEL_DISTANCE=Distance : #KEY_NAME=Key name: #SCAN_CODE=Scan code: #EXTENDED_KEY=Extended #CAPTURE_KEY=Capture a keystroke... #PRESS_KEY=Please press the key that you want to enter. #START_VAL=Starting value (negative and fractional numbers are allowed): #INCREMENT=Add the value every specified number of repeats of the specified grou p #INCREMENT_VAL=Value: #NUM_REPEATS=Number of repeats: #GROUP=Group: #WIDTH=Width: #SYMBOL=Symbol: #INSERT_PAIR=Insert also '%s' #GROUP_NAME=Name of group: #INCLUDE_PATH=Path to Axife Mouse Recorder script: #APPDOC_PATH=Path to application, document, or folder: #APPDOC_PARAMETERS=Parameters (for applications only): #APPDOC_WAIT=Wait until the application is closed #TEXT_TEXT=Text: #TEXT_KEYSTROKES=Type in the text by generating keystrokes #TEXT_CLIPBOARD=Paste the text by using the clipboard #MOUSEPOS_MASK=(x:%lu y:%lu) #WHEEL_FORWARD=Rotate forward #WHEEL_BACKWARD=Rotate backward #PADDING_NO=Padding is disabled #PADDING_LEFT=Pad at the beginning #PADDING_RIGHT=Pad at the end #GROUP_NEAREST=[Nearest] #GROUP_SCRIPT=[Entire script] #TITLE_SCRIPTS=Scripts #NAME=Name #PATH=Path #ACTIVE_SCRIPT=[active] #SAVE_MANY=One or more scripts have been changed. Please place checkmarks next t o the scripts you would like to save.

#TITLE_ACTIVATION=Activation Settings #ACTIV_HOTKEY=Activate by using the specified key combination: #ACTIV_MOUSE=Activate by using mouse (Axife Click-free Activation Technology) #ACTIV_REGION=Sensing Region of the Screen #ACTIV_REGION_HELP=Please hold the Shift key and move the mouse within the desir ed region of your screen to automatically enter coordinates. #ACTIV_X=X: #ACTIV_Y=Y: #ACTIV_WIDTH=Width: #ACTIV_HEIGHT=Height: #ACTIV_HOW=How to Activate #ACTIV_IMMEDIATELY=Activate immediately when the mouse hovers over the region #ACTIV_MOTIONLESS=Activate when the mouse is motionless in the region during the specified time #ACTIV_MOVE=Activate when the mouse is moved within the region in the specified path #ACTIV_SECONDS=Number of seconds: #ACTIV_SPECIFY=Specify path #ACTIV_ADJUST=Starting point #PATH_WINDOW_TEXT=Move the mouse within the sensing region in the path that you want to use for activation.\n\nStop the mouse for a second to indicate that the path is finished.\n\nDo not stop the mouse and move it out of the region if you want to cancel the path and draw it anew.\n\nClick at any point or press any key if you want to cancel the path and close this window. #ABOUT_DEMO=This is a demonstration version.\nYou can purchase a full-function v ersion online\nat http://www.axife.com. #ABOUT_LICENSED=This product is licensed to: #DEMOST_TOP=This is a demonstration version. It has a number of functionality li mitations.\nYou can purchase a full function version online at #DEMOST_SELECT=Please click the version you would like to evaluate. #DEMOST_LITE=Axife Mouse Recorder #DEMOST_LITE_ABOUT=Extremely easy to use. #DEMOST_EXPERT=Axife Mouse Recorder Expert #DEMOST_EXPERT_ABOUT=Includes advanced features that allow experienced users to automate\na wide range of tasks. #DEMOST_DELUXE=Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe #DEMOST_DELUXE_ABOUT=In addition to the Expert features, includes quick launch c apabilities such as\nAxife click-free activation technology, quick launch panels and hot keys. #REG_TEXT=Please enter te the data instead of #REG_NAME=Registration #REG_CODE=Registration your registration data. It is recommended to copy and pas typing them in manually to avoid a misprint. name (case-sensitive): code (case-sensitive):

#MSG_AUTOPLAY_FNAME=Please specify the file to be played at startup or turn the automatic playback off. #MSG_DELETE_PANEL=This panel is not empty. Please confirm that you want to delet e the panel and its items. #MSG_HOTKEYFAILED=Failed to register the hotkey '%s'.\nIt is probably used by an other application. #MSG_RECFAILED=Failed to start recording.

#MSG_PLAYFAILED=Failed to start playing. #MSG_CANT_CREATE=%s\n\nAn error has occured while trying to create the file. #MSG_CANT_WRITE=%s\n\nAn error has occured while trying to write data to the fil e. #MSG_NO_MEMORY_WRITE=%s\n\nThere are not enough system resources available to sa ve this file. Please close other applications and try again. #MSG_EXE_INCLUDE=Self-playing scripts do not support the 'Include script' action . #MSG_CANT_OPEN=%s\n\nAn error has occured while trying to open the file. #MSG_CANT_READ=%s\n\nAn error has occured while trying to read the file. #MSG_CORRUPTED_FILE=%s\n\nThe file is corrupted or it is not an Axife Mouse Reco rder script. #MSG_INVALID_VERSION=%s\n\nThe file is corrupted or it was created by a newer ve rsion of Axife Mouse Recorder. #MSG_NO_MEMORY_READ=%s\n\nThere are not enough system resources available to ope n this file. Please close other applications and try again. #MSG_DUPLICATED_GROUP=The script already contains a group that uses this name. P lease confirm that you would like to create one more group using the same name. #MSG_PANEL_SCREENCY=The quick launch panel cannot be displayed because its heigh t is greater than the screen size. Please split items of this panel into several columns. #MSG_PANEL_SCREENCX=The quick launch panel cannot be displayed because its width is greater than the screen size. Please decrease the number of columns in this panel. #MSG_REGION_SMALL=The specified sensing region is too small.\nPlease increase th e region. #MSG_SINGLE_HOTKEY=If the key combination consists of a single key, you will not be able to use that key in any other application. That's why Axife Mouse Record er does not allow using the keys A-Z and 0-9 singly.\n\nPlease consider using do uble or triple combinations, such as Alt+1 or Ctrl+Shift+A. #MSG_PATH_TOOSIMPLE=The specified path is too simple. Activation may not work st ably.\n\nPlease specify a more complex path. #MSG_PATH_SIMPLE=The specified path is too simple. Activation may not work stabl y. It is recommended to use more complex paths.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this path? #MSG_PATH_COMPLEX=The specified path is too complex. Activation may not work sta bly. It is recommended to use simpler paths.\n\nAre you sure you want to use thi s path? #MSG_DEMO_PANELS=This demo version does not allow changing the default items of quick launch panels.\n\nThe full function version does not have such a limitatio n. #MSG_DEMO_SAVING=This demo version does not allow saving scripts to disk.\n\nThe full function versions do not have such a limitation. #MSG_DEMO_CLICKFREE=This demo version supports click-free activation only for qu ick launch panels.\n\nThe full function version does not have such a limitation. #MSG_REG_SUCCESS=The product has been successfully registered.\nThank you for us ing Axife Mouse Recorder! #MSG_REG_FAILED=Sorry,\nThe name or code is invalid.\n\nPlease enter the data mo re carefully.\nThe name and code are case-sensitive. #MSG_SAVEREG_FAILED=An error occured while trying to save your registration data .\n\nPlease make sure you have access to the Axife Mouse Recorder folder and the

folder is not write-protected. #MSG_UNINSTALL_DEMO=Axife Mouse Recorder Demo is detected.\nIt is recommended to uninstall the demo version before installing the full function version.\n\nWoul d you like to uninstall Axife Mouse Recorder Demo?

#TITLE_CTXTIPS=Context Tips #CTXTIPS_DISABLE=In the future, do not show this tip #CTXTIPS_ENABLEALL=Re-enable all #CTXTIPS_ALL=All Context Tips #TITLE_TIPS=Tip of the Day #TIPS_SHOW=Show tips at startup #TIPS_NEXT=Next tip #TIPS_ALL=All Tips #TIPS_QUICKLAUNCH=Quick Launch #TIPS_BESTPRACTICES=Best Practices #TIPS_SCRIPTS=Scripts #TIPS_MISCELLANEOUS=Miscellaneous #CTXTIPS_SHORT_CTXTIPS=Context Tips #CTXTIPS_TEXT_CTXTIPS=Context tips are displayed in specific situations. It is n ot recommended to read through all of them, because some of the situations may n ever occur on your system. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_EXEINFO=Self-playing Scripts #CTXTIPS_TEXT_EXEINFO=You have opened a self-playing script.\n\nYou can view or change settings of this script by clicking the 'Properties...' item in the 'File ' menu. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_SAVEOPTIONS=Self-playing Scripts #CTXTIPS_TEXT_SAVEOPTIONS=In order to create a self-playing script,\n\n1. Select 'Executable Files' in the 'Save as type:' drop down list,\n2. Click 'Options... ' to specify the desired parameters of the script. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_RECJOURNALMAIN=Recording Method #CTXTIPS_TEXT_RECJOURNALMAIN=In rare cases depending on concurrently running sof tware the system may lock up when you start recording. If this does happen on yo ur system, please\n\n1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to unlock the system.\n2. Select anot her recording method in the Recording Options. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_RECJOURNALSETTINGS=Recording Method #CTXTIPS_TEXT_RECJOURNALSETTINGS=In rare cases depending on concurrently running software the system may lock up when you start recording by using this method. If this does happen on your system, please\n\n1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to unlock th e system.\n2. Select another recording method.\n\nThis method does not allow rec ording mouse wheel rotation. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_RECGETMESSAGESETTINGS=Recording Method #CTXTIPS_TEXT_RECGETMESSAGESETTINGS=This method does not allow recording keystro kes and mouse actions in some special applications, e.g. in the Command Prompt. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_PANELDROPFILES=Quick Launch Panels #CTXTIPS_TEXT_PANELDROPFILES=You can drag files from Windows Explorer and drop t hem on the list of panel items to automatically create items for those files. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_INIREADONLY=Read-only Settings #CTXTIPS_TEXT_INIREADONLY=An error occured while trying to save data to the Axif e Mouse Recorder settings file. Please make sure you have access to files in the Axife Mouse Recorder folder and the files are not write-protected.\n\nIf it is your intent to launch Axife Mouse Recorder from a read-only media, please turn t his tip off before you copy Axife Mouse Recorder to the read-only media. #CTXTIPS_SHORT_MOUSEPATH=Click-free Activation #CTXTIPS_TEXT_MOUSEPATH=Do not try to specify an accurate path. Specify a path t

hat you can easily repeat. #TIPS_SHORT_NOTSPEED=Acceleration #TIPS_TEXT_NOTSPEED=Turn on the playback options 'Override delays of keystrokes' and 'Skip unnecessary movements' to accelerate playback.\n\nThose options use i ntelligent algorithms and usually are more preferable than the 'Playback speed' option. #TIPS_SHORT_FORMS=Forms #TIPS_TEXT_FORMS=Quick launch panels of Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe let you easi ly fill in forms, type in e-mail addresses, etc.\n\nSave a frequently used seque nce of keystrokes in a file and add the file into a quick launch panel or associ ate it with a hot key. You can now fill in forms with one click! #TIPS_SHORT_MERGEMOVE=Compact List #TIPS_TEXT_MERGEMOVE=Turn on the option 'Merge mouse movements in the list' to c ompact the list of actions in the main window. Successive mouse movements will b e represented by a single line. #TIPS_SHORT_FROMHERE=Playing #TIPS_TEXT_FROMHERE=Right-click on an action in the main window and select 'Play from here' to start playback from that action. #TIPS_SHORT_KEYBOARD=Keyboard #TIPS_TEXT_KEYBOARD=Use the keyboard instead of the mouse, if the window you are going to control may change its position. #TIPS_SHORT_DELETEFINAL=Final Actions #TIPS_TEXT_DELETEFINAL=Turn on the recording option 'Delete final actions'. Usua lly the final actions that you use to stop recording are useless or even may cau se unwanted effects. #TIPS_SHORT_CLICKFREE=Click-free Activation #TIPS_TEXT_CLICKFREE=Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe supports the Axife click-free a ctivation technology. You can open an application, a document or a quick launch panel by using the mouse without a single click! For instance, you can specify t hat the notepad is launched when you move the mouse in a specified path, e.g. in the path like the letter N. #TIPS_SHORT_PANELS=Panels #TIPS_TEXT_PANELS=Quick launch panels of Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe occupy no s pace on the screen. You can activate them by using hot keys when needed.\n\nAdd the most frequently used applications, documents and folders into a quick launch panel to open them with one click! #TIPS_SHORT_HOTKEYS=Hot Keys #TIPS_TEXT_HOTKEYS=Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe supports hot keys not only to sta rt recording or playing, but also to open any application, document or folder. #TIPS_SHORT_CLOSEPANEL=Closing #TIPS_TEXT_CLOSEPANEL=You can close a quick launch panel by pressing Esc or by r ight-clicking on the panel. #TIPS_SHORT_NAVIGATION=Navigation #TIPS_TEXT_NAVIGATION=You can select an item of a quick launch panel by successi vely pressing the hot key that is associated with the panel.\n\nIf the key combi nation does not include Shift, you can navigate in the reverse order by holding Shift. #TIPS_SHORT_SHUTDOWN=Shutdown #TIPS_TEXT_SHUTDOWN=Axife Mouse Recorder Deluxe implements special actions, such as 'Turn off computer', 'Show desktop', and others. You can add them to a quick launch panel or associate with hot keys to simplify the frequently used actions . #TIPS_SHORT_GROUPS=Groups #TIPS_TEXT_GROUPS=Use the special actions 'Group start' and 'Group end' along wi th 'Sequence of digits' to generate complex series of numbers. #TIPS_SHORT_MRU=Recent Files

#TIPS_TEXT_MRU=The most recently used files are displayed in the File menu. You can open them with one click. #TIPS_SHORT_DEBUG=Debugging #TIPS_TEXT_DEBUG=The special action 'Stop playback' can help you to debug a comp lex script. #TIPS_SHORT_DRAG=Dragging #TIPS_TEXT_DRAG=You can move actions within the list by dragging them with your mouse. #TIPS_SHORT_SHELL=Explorer #TIPS_TEXT_SHELL=You can open or launch Axife Mouse Recorder scripts from Window s Explorer by using the right-click menu.\n\nYou can drag a script into the main window of Axife Mouse Recorder to open it. #TIPS_SHORT_HELP=Context Help #TIPS_TEXT_HELP=Use the question mark in the caption of dialogs to get quick hel p on dialog items. #TIPS_SHORT_PASSWORD=Passwords #TIPS_TEXT_PASSWORD=Turn on the recording option 'Do not record passwords' to be sure that your passwords are not recorded accidently. #TIPS_SHORT_SIMPLE=Quick Start #TIPS_TEXT_SIMPLE=You do not have to learn all features of Axife Mouse Recorder. Start using it right now!\n\nJust click Record, do something with your keyboard and mouse, and click Play to repeat your actions. #RECSCR_TEXT=You are about to start recording. Please choose one of the recordin g options. #RECSCR_OPTIONS=Recording options #RECSCR_NEW=Create a new script #RECSCR_OVERWRITE=Overwrite the current script #RECSCR_APPEND=Append to the current script #RECSCR_REMEMBER=Remember the choice and do not ask in the future (you can chang e this in the settings) #PLAYFROM_TEXT=You are about to start playback. Please choose the script you wan t to replay and the start position. #PLAYFROM_OPTIONS=Playback options #PLAYFROM_START=Play from the beginning of the script #PLAYFROM_CONTINUE=Play from the current action (number: %lu) #PLAYFROM_REMEMBER=Remember the choice and do not ask in the future (you can cha nge this in the settings) #PLAYFROM_REPEATS=Number of repeats: #PLAYFROM_FOREVER=Repeat forever #CLOSE_TEXT=You have clicked the Close button. Please choose one of the followin g actions. #CLOSE_ACTION=Action #CLOSE_MINIMIZE=Minimize the window #CLOSE_CLOSE=Close Axife Mouse Recorder #CLOSE_REMEMBER=Remember the choice and do not ask in the future (you can change this in the settings) #DEFAULT_EXE_MSG=This is a self-playing script created by Axife Mouse Recorder. The script replays previously recorded keystrokes and mouse actions, i.e. the sc ript controls your keyboard and mouse during playback.\n\nClick 'Start' to start playback.\nClick 'Cancel' to close the program.\nClick 'Properties...' to view parameters of the script.

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