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R 01

Principal’s Message 校 长 致 词
2 - 3

R 02 Board of Management 学 校 董 事 会 4

R 03 Alumni Executive Committee 海 星 中 学 校 友 执 委 会 5

R 04 School Motto & Mission 校 训 与 办 校 宗 旨 6

R 05 School Song 校 歌 7

R 06 A Journey: Milestones (1958-2008)

旅程: 里 程 碑(1958-2008) 8 - 9

R 07 1958 - 1970 10 - 21

R 08 1971 - 1980 22 - 35

R 09 1981 - 1990 36 - 47

R 10 1991 - 2000 48 - 61

R 11 2001 - 2008 62 - 87

R 12 Editorial Team 编 委 88 - 89
校长献词 Principal’s
在创办期间历经艰辛,孙光汉修士 This year, as we celebrate Maris Stella High Looking ahead, we must journey into the future
为了实现办学的目标,谦卑地寻求 School’s 50th Anniversary, we are reminded with faith and trust in Divine Providence. As
多方面的援助,披荆斩棘地希望能 of the school’s humble beginnings and the Saint Marcellin Champagnat, the Founder of
建立起一所能基于圣母昆会创办人 unrelenting efforts of one man, who started the Marist Brothers advocated, “Their whole life
圣尚巴纳神父的理想,并能遵循其 a journey which spans 50 years to date. He will echo of what you have taught them. Exert
教育宗旨和创校理念的学校。 crafted a vision of a school, one that is based yourself, spare nothing to form their hearts to
on the ideals of St. Marcellin Champagnat, into virtue.” So must we as Marist educators, live
在过去50年中,海星中学在孙修 a reality. these words in our daily encounters with our
士伟大的精神影响下茁壮成长,海 charges.
星的莘莘学子都能充分发扬了海星 Over the past 50 years, Maris Stella High School
中学的“勤、勉、忠、勇”校训精 has grown from strength to strength. This was Let us together, share and continue Saint
神。 possible through the diligence, determination, Marcellin Champagnat’s dream of transforming
loyalty and dedication, and courage as the lives of young people; the same dream that
透过学校董事会和学校校友会的鼎 epitomised by the founder, Bro. J. Chanel. was shared by Bro. J. Chanel.
得改善,为学生提供一个有利的学 The unwavering support of the ex-students, Let that be our dream as we embark on the
习环境,此外,他们还确保任何学 through the School Board of Management next phase of this journey.
生都能接受完整的教育,实行一个 and the School Alumni, has ensured that Bro.
有教无类的教育理想计划。 Chanel’s legacy lives on. Together, they have
improved the school’s infrastructure so as to
展望未来,我们必须对未来的旅程 provide a conducive learning environment for
充满信心和信任,秉承他们的办学 success. In addition, they provided support
理念, 而我们身为海星中学的一份 to students regardless of their socio-economic
子,应当谨记孙修士他那种坚毅不 status so that no child is disadvantaged in his
拔、不辞劳苦,鞠躬尽瘁的创校办 education. It is indeed by God’s Grace and
学精神,而这精神将永远成为我们 through the protection of Our Lady Star of the
的楷模。 Sea, the patroness of Maris Stella High School
that the school is what it is today. Brother Anthony Tan, F.M.S.

Board of Management
海 星 中 学 董 事 会 2007 - 2009
Alumni Executive Committee 2007 - 2008
海 星 中 学 校 友 会 2007 - 2008 年 度 执 委 会
会长 刘德光 秘书 刘宏达 体育 柯金炼
Chairman Executive Member President Low Tuck Kwong Secretary Low Hong Tuck Sports Kuah Kim Lian
Dato’ Low Tuck Kwong Fr. Paul Tong
第一副会长 何子富 秘书 许永平 出版 陈德耀
1st Vice President Ho Soo Foo Secretary Koh Yong Pheng Benedict Publication Chan Tuck Yew Joseph

Vice Chairman Mr. Chua Kee Lock 第二副会长 余椿德

2nd Vice President Yu Chuen Tek
Seah Kok Sin
Vice Publication
Low Hee Keng
Mr. Yap Han Hoe Mr. Ho Soo Foo 副会长 林新旭 财政 任官氏 查帐 蔡志平
Vice President Lim Sin Hiok Treasurer Yam Guan Shyh Auditor Chua Chee Peng Charles
Brother Provincial Mr. Lau Choh Luen 副会长 叶汉河 副财政 刘伊翱 查帐 马正良
Vice President Yap Han Hoe Vice Treasurer Low Yi Ngo David Auditor Mah Ching Leong
Bro. Robert Teoh F.M.S Mr. Lim Sin Hiok
副会长 陈建秋 文化 黄凌聪 海星中学联络 杨岳龙
Dr. William Koh Vice President Tan Kian Chew Cultural Wong Leng Chung Contact Person Yeo Ngat Long
Supervisor 秘书 陈世明 康乐 颜松荣
Bro. Paul Ching F.M.S Mr. Yu Chuen Tek Secretary Tan Say Beng Recreation Gan Siong Eng Johnson

Motto 校训
勤 Diligence 忠 Loyalty and Dedication
孔子说:“饱食终日,无所用心,难以哉!”意思是:整天吃饱饭后,不 忠就是竭尽所能,行善避恶的意思。因而做事做人,认真负责,总不马
肯尽心做事的人,实在难以教导。其实人生必须辛勤工作。《旧约》上 虎,也不敷衍。消极方面,必要做到扪心无愧;积极方面,设法争取精益
说:“你必须汗流满面,才有饭吃。”(《创世纪》三章十九节)《新 求精。每日反省,一般说来,如果发觉并无自欺欺人,而是所做所为,对
约》保禄〈致得撒洛尼后书〉也有一句千古名言:“谁若不愿意工作,就 得起自己良心,对得起别人团体,对得起社会国家,尤其对得起一切根源
不应当吃饭。”(三章十节)因此,勤劳工作,是人类生来的责任。 和归宿,全能全知全善、有善必赏、有恶必罚的主,那么,我们才会心安
人的天资、环境、机会虽然不同,但是勤劳苦干的,终能事业成功。 理得,内心快乐!
所谓“勤能补拙”, 就是这个道理。 真正具有忠的精神的人,同时也必具有任劳任怨、自我牺牲的精神,办事
总而言之,辛勤工作,是成功的关键,是人生的正道和幸福的根源。 绝不推三推四,或者见异思迁,知难而退。相反的,他们充满了干劲,只

勉 Determination 勇 Courage
我们必须站在自己的岗位上,脚踏实地去做好应做的事情,成功或失败, 有义气,有魄力,面对困难与挑战时,能坚忍不拔,勇往直前,这就是所
不必过于计较。凡事不要好高骛远,不自量力,而应有计划,有步骤,有 谓“勇”。自古至今,立大业建大功的人,都是意志坚强、勇气十足的
方法,一切尽力而为。俗语说:自助天助。换句话说,就是发奋图强、努 人。这种勇气并非横冲直撞,意气用事,而是沉着思考,正确分析后,勇
力工作的人,天主必会补其所缺,予以协助。我们还该存着一颗谦虚的 于认错,甘心退让,或见义勇为,择善固执。
心,承认自己能力有限,时常举心向主,托靠、依赖并呼求主的助佑。 有耐心,不气馁,失败了还会从头做起,总也不放弃行善避恶的机会。在
我们需要互相鼓励,培养信心,加强信念,在不顺心不如意的低潮和逆境 遭遇到几乎穷途末路、无计可施的情况下,仍然抱着达观态度,寻求运用
里,常要以“事在人为”、“天无绝人之路”来提醒自己,振奋他人。确 新的解决办法,直到克服困难、排除障碍为止。的确,人生就是不断的英
信逆来顺受、绝不灰心、再接再厉、坚持到底的人,终有柳暗花明、拨云 勇奋斗,唯有坚持到底的人,才能荣获永恒的真福。

Mission 办校宗旨
“Our Marist Mission provides an educational program 1. He is humble and unselfish in all his accomplishments
that blends FAITH, CULTURE and LIFE through a climate of and achievements
cordiality, cooperation and constructive dialogue and thus 2. He values himself as a unique person and learns to value
effect the TOTAL FORMATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL, giving others as unique persons
due respect to his human dignity.” 3. He thinks well
4. He knows when to listen and when to speak
We perceive our students as seedlings and our task is 5. He is an individual who is willing to learn all through his life
therefore, to nurture, blend, graft and bind them so that 6. He is creative, capable and has the ability to lead others
they will become strong saplings. These strong saplings to achieve at a high level and to take on challenges
will soon grow into strong trees. Each strong tree will be a 7. He is an individual with a co-operative spirit whose main
“Man for Others” with the following characteristics: preoccupation is always to serve his fellow men
8. He is a determined and diligent person who perseveres
courageously against all adversities
9. He is a considerate, cultured and dignified individual able
to appreciate the fine things in life and live graciously

A Journey
Reverend Brother J. Chanel founded Maris Stella High School 1971
in 1958. The school started with four Primary One classes (163 The Maris Stella High School Graduates Association was
pupils) and four Secondary One classes (124 pupils) and a formed. 2001
staff of eleven including the Principal, Rev. Bro. J. Chanel. 1982 Visit by the then Minister of Education Rear-Admiral
Classes functioned in the afternoon at St. Stephen’s Primary 1972 With Mr Tan Keong Choon’s help, a piece of (NS) Teo Chee Hean
School in Siglap. Brother J. Chanel was honoured with the Public Administration land 3.11 hectares in size was acquired in 1982 and
Medal. this became the site for the primary school. 2002
1961 1994 - 1995 N4 Cluster Centre of Excellence for Information
First batch of Secondary Four classes scored 100% passes for 1974 1982 The rebuilding of the secondary school section. Technology
the Secondary Four Government Examination. Construction began on more new buildings and was Brother J. Chanel’s retire- ment dinner on 12th Febru- The movement of the secondary section to borrowed
The first Annual Graduation Magazine was published in 1961. completed by the end of October 1975. ary 1982, after serving 44 years in education. premises at Mt. Vernon Road (Mt. Vernon Secondary School). PRIME - Maris Stella High School (Primary)

1958-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001- Present

1963 1976 1982 - 1984 1996 2006
The school achived 100% passes for both Secondary Four The new building was officially declared open on 11 September The appoinment of Rev. Brother John Lek, F.M.S. The Silver Jubilee Dinner of the Maris Stella Alumni in aid of the Badminton Double Champion
and Primary Six classes. 1976. as principal. The School Motto was formulated. school building fund.
2005 - 2007
1963 1978 1984 1996 Exchange Programmes
The school expanded and more classrooms were needed. Maris Stella High School went bilingual. The appoinment of Rev. Brother Anthony Tan, F.M.S. Maris Stella High was conferred Autonomous status. CHERISH 2005 Silver Award in 2005
Other schools were approached for assistance and as principal. People Developer Standards Award in 2006
subsequently, Maris Stella functioned at different premises 1979 1997 - 1999 Sustained Achievement Award
concurrently. The school occupied these premises at various Extension of the primary school building began. The school 1986 The conversion of the primary school library to the Media - Sports in 2007
times from 2nd January 1963 to 22nd October 1966. was given SAP (Special Assistant Plan) status. The completion of the primary school building. Resource Library, an improved Administration Office and Staff Sustained Achievement Award
Room with system furniture and the inclusion of two computer - Value-Added Academic
1965 1989 laboratories. All classrooms were IT-enabled and the school (Special / Express Stream) in 2007
The Foundation Stone of the school building was laid. Brother J. Chanel passed away at the age of 71. was fully networked. Sustained Achievement Award
- Uniformed Group in 2007
1966 The completion of secondary school building. Sustained Achievement Award
A new phase in the history of Maris Stella began in 1966, after - Physical Fitness in 2007
nine long “homeless” years. The move to our own school of The Brother Chanel Media Resource Library, Trim And Fit (TAF) Gold Award
fifteen classrooms and a four-storey science block at Mount Dato’ Low Tuck Kwong Sports Hall, Concert Band achieves Gold in SYF2007
Vernon Road was filled with unrestrained enthusiasm. Dato’ Low Tuck Kwong Buiding and Shaw Hall are completed. Concert Orchestra achieves Silver in SYF2007
Special Programmes
The official opening ceremony of the new building was held
on 25th February 1967 graced by the Minister of Education,
Mr Ong Pang Boon.

The second phase of the school was complete with the
buiding of an adjoining block consisting of the Lee Kuo
Chuan Hall, a canteen, a library and administration offices.

Maris Stella Through The Years...

Opera Estate Convent

Kembangan Primary School

Silat Primary School

St. Stephen’s School St. Patrick’s School

Tung Ling School

First Batch
of Secondary Four Students

In the Secondary Four Government Examination, Maris Stella High School achieved 94.73%

passes, among which 28 students were awarded the Grade One Certificate, 1962

of Maris Stella
High School Before Levelling
动土典礼 Passes for Both
Secondary Four &
Primary Six, 1963

Grandiose & Majestic
Building of MSHS at Completion of First Phase,1966
宏 伟 壮 观 - 1 9 6 6 年 海 星 中 学 校 舍 第 一 阶 段 竣 工

Hon. Mr Ong Pang Boon, Minister of Education, after gracing

the opening ceremony of the first phase of our school building,
planted a tree as a memorial of the occasion.

Completion of Second Phase, 1968
Building includes the Shaw Brothers’ Administration
Block, Lee Kuo Chuan Auditorium and the Canteen

Ground-breaking Ceremony
presided over by Mgr. C. van Melckebeke, 1965

Message by the Late

Brother J. Chanel

Rev. Bro. J. Chanel (F.M.S.) Principal

Rev. Bro. J. Chanel
was honoured by the President
and awarded the Public Administration Medal.

Rev. Bro. J. Chanel
with Mr. Chen Teh Neng, Principal of Anglican High,
taken after being awarded
the Public Administration Medal.



1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
1. Mr. Poh Mah See
2. Mrs. Sini Yeong Hak
3. Mr. Ngoo Chak Hierng
4. Mrs. Lim Lee Fah
5. Mr. Chai Chee Seong
6. Mr. Chong Yee Chee
7. Mr. Chee Lian Kee
8. Mr. Lim Poey Tin
11 12 13 14 15
9. Mr. Kok Kee Chu
10. Mr. Lee Sik Hui
11. Mr. Tan Boon Kay
12. Mr. Chong Ng Tek
13. Mr. Tay Boon Too
14. Ms. Lee Woon Kiu
15. Mrs. Ivy Tan
16. Mr Liang Chin Suan
17. Mrs. R. Chandra 16 17 18 19 20
18. Mr. Lim Tow Tong
19. Mr. Yean Chow Wong
20. Mdm. Quek Lan Ing
21. Mr. Soh Peng Khian
22. Mrs. Lucy Chua
23. Miss Sita
24. Mdm. Lee Chai Hoon
21 22 23 24

The Official
Opening of
Third Phase of
New School

Message For The Young Philosophers
from Brother Kevin & Brother Anthony The Secondary Four, 1979
卓凯荣修士与陈金福修士训词 致1979年中四毕业班同学

Bro. Kevin Bro. Anthony Tan

Vice Principal Sr. Assistant
(Sec. Section)

勤 勉 忠 勇

浩 春
气 风
薪 雨
传 化
圣 千
母 秋
心 业
Brother John Lek ,
(F.M.S.) Principal of Maris Stella High School
Singapore, 1982 - 1984

Official Appointment Completion
of Brother Anthony Tan as Principal, 1984 of the Primary School Building, 1986
1984年陈金福修士正式受委为校长 1986年海星附小校舍正式竣工

National Schools Swimming Competition &

Records were Set

第28 届全国小学游泳锦标赛打破多项大会纪录

Brother J. Chanel
1918 - 1989


Pre-Primary, Primary
& Secondary

Student Council,1991
Board of

The Marist
The Marist flame is a symbol.

It represents our burning desire to uphold the Marist Spirit and our cherished
Marist traditions.

Graduating students light the Marist flame in a solemn ceremony that epitomises
the best of their academic and non-academic achievements of their time in
Maris Stella.

As school leavers bid farewell to their Alma Mater, their achievements,

represented by the flame, serve as an inspiration that lights the way for their
juniors in their quest to reach their full potential.

The responsibility of keeping the flame burning passes to the next generation of
Marists during the Leavers Ceremony, but graduating students leave with the
unquenchable flame of the Marist spirit in their hearts forever.

Moving to Mt. Vernon
Secondary School, December 1994

Extension begins in January 1995


Value-Added Award
for the 1995 GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations

Conferred Autonomous
Status, 1996 Donation Draw and Concert

Visit by the then

of Education
Rear-Admiral (NS)
Teo Chee Hean, 2001

IT Opportunities, Innovations and Achievements in
N4 Cluster COE (IT)
Centre of Excellence for Information Technology, 2002
Education, 2002 2002年北区第四校群资讯科技卓越中心

Programme for Rebuilding and 2002年海星附小新校
IMproving Existing School 舍在“重建与改建现
completion in 2002 for the primary premises with new
infrastructure that supports teaching & learning

与会嘉宾教育部教育资讯与科技署署长许添成博士 Cluster COE IT hosting Teacher Work Attachment related to IT

North Zone IT Symposium North Zone COE (IT)

Dr Koh Thiam Seng,
Guest Of Honour Centre of Excellence for Information Technology, 2005
Director, Educational Technology Division, 2005年北区资讯科技卓越中心
Ministry of Education

Badminton Team 羽球队

Centre of Excellence for ICT - Visitors from Local and Overseas Schools

Table Tennis Team 乒乓队

@ School
Scheme, 2006

Concert Band Chinese Orchestra
Singapore Youth Festival Singapore Youth Festival
新加坡青年节-管乐团 新加坡青年节-华乐团

Achievements Achievements
2001 - Bronze 2001 - Bronze
2003 - Silver 2003 - Silver
2005 - Gold 2005 - Silver
2007 - Gold 2007 - Silver

Awards 奖项 FMS@SG 1 to 1 Learning, from 2007 onwards
CHERISH Silver Award in 2005 2007年推展苹果电脑一对一教学项目

People Developer Standard Award in 2006

Sustained Achievement Award
- Sports in 2007
- Value-Added Academic
(Special / Express Stream) in 2007
- Uniformed Group in 2007
- Physical Fitness in 2007
Trim And Fit (TAF) Gold Award

Si lver Award

National Police Cadet Corps St. John’s Ambulance Brigade

National Cadet Corps Scouts

Exchange Programme with X’ian Cultural Infusion 文化浸濡
Gao Xin No. 1 High School in China

Life Science
In-house Research Programme
For Catholic

Scuba diving

of Brochure on Risks
of Illegal File-sharing

by Ms Liew Woon Yin,

Director-General IPOS
(Intellectual Property
Office of Singapore)
and Mr Michael Ellis,
Regional Director Asia-
Pacific MPA (Motion
Picture Association), 2007

Team 编委

Mr Peh Chin Heng James

Vice Chairman
Mr Edmund Goy Wee Peng

Ms Ang Siam Gek Evelyn
Mr Low Tung Mun
Ms M Anitha
Mrs Marissa Champion
Mr Pan Xu
Mdm Sivagami Alagappan
Ms Tan Oon Hang

Bro Anthony Tan Kim Hock
Mrs Maria Koh
Mr Kwok Weng Yee

We wish to thank the teachers, friends and

supporters who have made significiant
contributions to make this project possible.

We would like to express our appreciation to
Mr David Low Yi Ngo 刘伊翱先生
(Alumni member since 1995)
for his generous funding
in the production of
this coffee table book.

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