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lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No.

1, March 2003


Antenna Control System Using Step Tracking Algorithm
with H

Chang-Ho Cho, Sang-Hyo Lee, Tae-Yong Kwon, and Cheol Lee

Abstract: The outdoor antenna servo system is subject to has signiIicant torque disturbances
Irom wind pressures and gusts on the antenna structures, as well as bearing and aerodynamic
Irictions. This control system should provide a sharp directivity in spite oI the environmental
disturbances and internal uncertainties. ThereIore, the implementation oI a real-time controller is
necessary Ior the precise generation oI the reIerence signal and robust tracking perIormance. In
this paper, the discrete-time controller Ior the quick tracking oI a target communication satellite
is designed by applying the sampled-data H
control theory along with the reIerence signal gen-
erated by an improved conventional step-tracking algorithm. The sampled-data H
demonstrates superior robustness Ior the longer sampling period when compared with a simple
PID controller.

Keywords: H
control, sampled-data system, step tracking, satellite antenna.

The satellite broadcast receiving system shown in
Fig. 1, consists oI a satellite parabola antenna, an
LNB (Low-Noise Block-Down) converter, and a set-
top box tuner that sends signals to a TV set.
In order to receive signals eIIiciently Irom the Ko-
reasat (Mugunghwa) satellite, particularly, on a mo-
bile satellite communication system, a satellite an-
tenna should track a target satellite accurately by
means oI a tracking controller |1|. One oI the conven-
tional tracking controllers is a step-tracking controller
that works on the principle by periodically "jogging"
oI the antenna up/down and clockwise/counter-
clockwise Ior re-positioning to the point oI maximum
signal reception .

Fig. 1. ConIiguration oI DBS system.
In this paper, in order to develop and experiment
with an antenna tracking control system, Korea Tele-
com's Koreasat-3 (Mugunghwa-3), which is easily ob-
servable in the entire Korean Peninsula, has been used
as the target satellite. Koreasat-3 is conIigured to pro-
vide both Iixed and direct broadcast services, doubling
the capacity oI both Koreasat-1 and Koreasat-2. Spe-
ciIically, Koreasat-3 has 24 Ku bands (Fixed Satellite
Service), 6 Ku bands (Direct Broadcast Service), and 3
Ka bands transponders. It also Ieatures a steerable an-
tenna that provides regional coverage capability. Its 3
beam directivity can cover the majority oI India, and
the most densely populated portions oI China, or Japan.
The satellite is positioned at 116 east |2|.
Generally, parabola antennas or oIIset-parabola an-
tennas are used to receive satellite broadcasts, but re-
cently, easily installable Ilat-lightweight antennas have
been developed and adopted. Since receiving antennas
Ior Koreasat-3 should have a circular polarization
patch Ieature and should be installed on a mount, a
small lightweight and easily installable antenna is pre-
Ierred. High gain, sharp directivity, and high eIIiciency
are important criteria Ior the antennas |3|.
In this paper, the receiving regions are restricted to
the Korean Peninsula and variations oI the antenna
azimuth angle are considered only when on a mov-
able vehicle. Under these conditions, the purpose oI
the research is (i) to develop a system where azimuth
and elevation angles oI the antenna mount are con-
trolled only by a step tracking algorithm without any
costly sensor; (ii) to design a robust digital position-
ing controller to receive direct broadcasts more eco-
nomically and eIIiciently; (iii) to observe how the

Manuscript received December 5, 2001; accepted De-
cember. 5, 2002. The present research has been conducted
by the Research Grant oI Kwangwoon University in 2000.
Chang-Ho Cho and Sang-Hyo Lee are with the InIormation &
Control Engineering Department, Kwangwoon University, Ko-
rea. (e-mail: cch486yahoo.co.kr, sh41leedaisy.gwu. ac.kr).
Tae-Yong Kwon is with the National Star, Co., Korea.
(e-mail: nationalkwonhanmail.net).
Cheol Lee is with the Finix System, Co., Korea. (e-mail:
84 lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

step size variations inIluence the stability and track-
ing perIormance oI the antenna mount.

The basic tracking method used in this research is
the so-called step-tracking algorithm proposed in |4|.
The step tracking operation begins when the antenna
is commanded to make an initial one-step turn in any
direction, aIter which the level oI the receiving signal
is compared with the previous level beIore the turn. II
the signal level has increased, the antenna continues
another one-step turn in the same direction. II the sig-
nal level has decreased, the turn oI the antenna is re-
versed. By these step-by-step turns, the receiver an-
tenna can track the point oI maximum signal level.
Since this method uses only the Ieedback inIormation
oI the electric Iield intensity, it has advantages oI an
economic hardware conIiguration and a relatively
simple control soItware.
In practice, the step-tracking operation should be
perIormed uniIormly toward the possible space where
the target satellite may exist aIter adequately determin-
ing the order oI the traversal and longitudinal turnings.
That is, the step tracking method requires a Iundamen-
tal algorithm that can decide the direction oI the
movement to provide increased signal level by com-
paring the previously memorized input signal level
with the most recently received signal level aIter turn-
ing step angles. EIIort should be made to obtain an op-
timal step algorithm on which the tracking perIorm-
ance oI the antenna depends. Also, the step tracking
system assumes that the antenna is located in a position
where it is possible to receive the beacon signal Irom
the target satellite. ThereIore, the inIormation oI both
the previously known position and the present position
oI the target satellite obtained by sophisti-cated sensors
like the GPS or the Ilux gate is usually required Ior the
antenna tracking system |5|.
To meet these requirements, this study will show
that a satellite receiving system can be conIigured us-
ing step-tracking algorithm with an attached pre-scan

Fig. 2. Block diagram oI tracking system.
movement. This economic and eIIicient receiving
system can operate without any expensive sensors.
The step-tracking procedure may be divided into sev-
eral stages, the operation Ior each stage deIined as
shown in Fig. 2.
The initial mode oI the deIined operation is the
preparatory stage oI a scan mode where the elevation
angle oI the mount turns 42 with respect to the
horizontal plane and the azimuth angle turns to the
initial position 0 oI the mount.
At the scan mode, the antenna captures the beacon
signal oI the satellite and executes the operation to
Iind the region where the Iull step tracking is possible.
The region oI scan is deIined as the elevation angle oI
42-51, and the azimuth angle oI the range Irom
177.5 to177.5. That is, the antenna moves the
elevation angle 3, which is determined by consider-
ing the angle oI halI power gain and the scan velocity,
aIter the azimuth angle moves Irom 177.5 to
177.5 clockwise, and then the azimuth angle moves
again counterclockwise. This procedure is repeated
until it Iinds the position where the step-tracking is
possible as shown in Fig. 3.
During the scan mode, the reIerence trajectory, as
shown in Fig. 3, is generated and used Ior the track-
ing control oI the antenna mount. The scan mode
ends aIter memorizing the point with the peak AGC
(Auto Gain Control) gain. This point is used as a new
reIerence input Ior another tracking mode.
The need Ior the scan mode beIore the step-
tracking mode is due to the sharp directionality oI the
satellite antenna. Since the antenna gain variation is
sensitive within the narrower range, the tracking
mode cannot be executed in advance. The results oI
the repeated experiments have shown that the range
oI the AGC output voltage lies between 0.5 |V| and
3.2 |V|, and the range oI the tracking mode spans nar-
rowly under 10 in case oI the azimuth angle.
At the tracking mode, the antenna is controlled to
track one-step toward the satellite to obtain the higher
receiving level. II the antenna arrives at the level
where the broadcast can be Iully received, the stop
drive mode is executed.
The stop drive mode is executed to avoid mechani-
cal damage as the desired receiving level is obtained.
During the antenna stop operation, the processor con-
tinually receives the levels oI the signal received.
When the level oI the measured signal decreases un-
der the reIerence value due to the disturbances or un-

Fig. 3. Scan mode trajectory.
lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

expected movements oI the antenna, the scan mode
begins again. The level oI the signal is measured by
utilizing the AGC output voltage oI the tuner. The
step- tracking algorithm applied to the tracking mode
is implemented according to the sequences oI right,
up, leIt, and down.

In this paper, the mount oI the antenna position
system consists oI two geared DC motors connected
to the axes Ior the elevation angle,
, and the azi-
muth angle,
, respectively. Other than the gear ra-
tios oI 3600:1 Ior the elevation and 1800:1 Ior the
azimuth, the two DC motors have the same speciIica-
The transIer Iunctions oI the mount system should
have been obtained Irom the overall model consisting
oI the antenna mount, and the servo driver with
power ampliIiers. The mathematical model contains
some errors originating Irom the uncertainties in
measured parameters, unmeasured parameters such as
mechanical Irictions, and any missing inIormation oI
some component parts. The system identiIication
toolbox oI CEMTOOL has been used to solve these
problems. The procedure used to model a dynamical
system Irom the observed input-output data involves
three basic ingredients: the input-output data, a set oI
candidate models with model structures, and a crite-
rion to select a particular model in the set oI identi-
Iied models |6|. SpeciIically, the CEMTOOL and
DSP/IO board perIorms data acquisition and model
estimation. The estimation model structure is selected
as an ARX (autoregressive model with exogenous in-
put) model |7| shown in(1).
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A q v t B q u t uk e t . (1)
The parameters oI the ARX model structure are es-
timated using the least square method. The periodic
triangular waves are applied to the physical system as
a test signal, aIter which the angular displacements oI
the azimuth and elevation components oI the mount
are measured as the outputs. With 3000 data points oI
input and output, the ARX algorithm oI the CEM-
TOOL has obtained the transIer Iunction.
The geared motors, JEIL BSM-0615-DV24, are
used in the experiment and the overall transIer Iunc-
tions Irom the motor input voltage E(s) to the mount
(s) are obtained using (2) and (3).
3 2
( ) 0 . 1 1 1 . 7 2 9 5 0
( ) 7 0 1 1 4 8 3 4 9
s s s
E s s s s

. (2)
3 2
( ) 01.2 59.6 4898
( ) 60 11483 49
s s s
E s s s s

. (3)
The transIer Iunctions obtained are approximated
as 3rd-order systems, and their Bode diagrams are
shown in Fig. 4. As expected, the two transIer Iunc-
tions show nearly equal Irequency responses since the
diIIerence oI the mechanical load components oI the
antenna mount system should make Iew contributions
to each transIer Iunction because oI the high gear ra-
tios oI the azimuth and elevation components oI the

4.1. Design oI PID controller
In this paper, PID controllers popularly used in in-
dustrial Iields are designed as reIerence controllers to
compare with H
-robust controllers, which are de-
signed to have similar characteristics in perIormance
and robustness. PID controllers to be designed have
the structure oI a typical Ieedback control system
shown in Fig. 5. The parameters, K
, K
, K
, oI the
three-term controllers are designed adhering to the
Iollowing perIormance speciIications.
For the 6 degree reIerence displacement input :
Settling time: less than 2 seconds,
Overshoot: less than 5,
Steady state error: less than 1.

Fig. 4. Frequency response oI the AZ and EL model.

Fig. 5. Design structure Ior a PID controller.

86 lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

Fig. 6. Step response oI PID control system: EL
angle, |rad| Ior time|sec|.

Fig. 7. Step response oI PID control system: AZ angle,
|rad| Ior time|sec|.
Gains (K
, K
, and K
) are determined by the iteration
method observing control perIormances Ior each gain
candidate using the Ior-loop algorithm, and the results
are obtained using (4) and (5).
20, 0.0004, 0.001
4, 0.00015, 0.001
Figs. 6 and 7 show the simulation results Ior the
two PID controllers, both oI which show step re-
sponses satisIying the design speciIications.

4.2. Design oI the discrete-time H
-robust controllers
An H
-robust controller is designed Ior the plant oI
the satellite receiving antenna system. The controller
is designed by representing the mathematical model
oI the plant, and then discretizing the model by the 7-
stage H
-discretization using the liIting technique
proposed by Chen and Francis |8, 9, 10|.
In this paper, to design the discrete-time controller
Ior the satellite antenna system to allow Ior robust
tracking oI the reIerence signal, the optimal sampled-
data (SD) control theory is used |8|. The optimal
sampled-data control theory is practically used to
solve various problems that arise when a continuous-
time H
controller is transIormed to a discrete-time
controller. This theory also reIerred to as "a direct de-
sign method by liIting" helps to design a discrete-time
controller based on the continuous-time H

control theory and has the prime advantage oI little
perIormance deterioration Ior the longer sampling pe-
riod. The procedure Ior Chen and Francis' design
method is as Iollows: to begin, an equivalent Iinite-
dimensional I/O discrete-time system is obtained
Irom a sampled-data control system through using
computational steps, which is again transIormed into
a Iictitious continuous-time system with the preserved
-norm by bilinear transIormation. Then, the con-
tinuous-time H
-optimal controller is designed using
the established H
control method.
Finally, the discrete-time H
-optimal controller is
obtained Irom the continuous-time H
controller by the bilinear transIormation.
In this paper, in order to implement the controller
mentioned above, the design procedures include the
MATLAB codings oI the computational steps in |8|.
The H
-optimal control problem is Iormulated Ior
the structure oI the generalized plant including the
weight Iunctions, W
, W
, and W
To design the H
-controllers, an integrator was in-
serted to enhance time-response characteristics and
steady-state error reduction and to enable the CEM-
TOOL simulation experiments. The weight Iunction oI
the integrator output W
is used to determine the tran-
sient and steady-state perIorm ances oI the controller.
The weight Iunction oI the disturbance input W
is ad-
justed to increase robustness Ior the uncertainties oI the
system parameters. W
is set to limit the control signal
Irom the physically implemented controller. The design
speciIications Ior the H
-controllers are the same as
those oI PID controllers, and weight Iunctions are re-
stricted to real constants and determined by the iteration
method to obtain H
-controllers equivalent to the PID
perIormance speciIications. The weight Iunctions are
obtained using (6) and (7).
1 2 3
24, 0.09, 5
g g g
1 2 3
30.11009, 0.00447, 38.09
g g g
When 10 |ms| sampling time is used, the H
optimal sampled-data controllers designed by Chen
and Francis` procedure Ior the structure in Fig. 8 are
Iound as:
2 6
0.2466 3.451 0.2466
1.885 0.8851
: :
: :

lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

2 6
0.7309 1.893 0.7309
0.9467 0.05325
: :
: :

Figs. 9 and 10 represent step responses oI the H
control system by simulation. These results show
good tracking perIormance.

The satellite antenna tracking system is physically
implemented as shown in Fig. 11. The tuner selects a
channel oI the desired Irequency Irom the received
antenna signals with the AGC output proportional to
the received signal level. The AGC output voltage
usually lies between 2.65 |V| and 3.22 |V|, which is
ampliIied and Iiltered by a low-pass Iilter into the
range between 0 |V| and 5 |V|. Any ampliIied volt-
age within this range is applied to the A/D converter
as a reIerence voltage.
The A/D converter with 12 bit resolution is used to
detect the ampliIied AGC signal and the motor posi-
tion signals. The input voltage oI the DC driving mo-
tors is set to 24 |V|, where the angular velocity oI the
elevation drive is set to 6|/s| and the angular velocity
oI the azimuth drive is set to 11|/s|.
The real-time controllers are implemented using
the CEMTOOL soItware and the DSP/IO board (RG-
DSPIO) supplied by REALGAIN Co. Block algo-
rithms are transIormed into C codes by AUTOTOOL
DSPIO) supplied by REALGAIN Co. Block algo-
rithms are transIormed into C codes by AUTOTOOL
in CEMTOOL and downloaded to the DSP board in
order to execute the experiments. The speciIications
oI the DSP/IO board are shown in Table 1.
The parabola antenna and mount system shown in
photos 1 and 2 have speciIications as shown in Tables
2 and 3, respectively.
Figs. 12 and 13 show the antenna pointing trajecto-
ries according to the variations oI the elevation and
azimuth angles oI the antenna mount aIter scanning
the tracking range once.
In cases where PID controllers are used, greater vi-
bration in the mount are observed. The sampled-data
-robust controllers show better tracking perIorm-
ances than the PID controllers. In the case oI the PID

Fig. 8. Design structure Ior H

Fig. 9. Step response oI H
control system: EL angle,
|rad| Ior time|sec|.

Fig. 10. Step response oI H
control system: AZ angle,
|rad| Ior time|sec|.

Fig. 11. Block diagram oI experiments conIiguration.

Table 1. SpeciIications oI DSP/IO(RG-DSPIO).
Item RG-DSPIO01 Values
Main Processor TMS320C32
Operating Frequency 60 MHz
Internal Cache 256 bytes
Number oI Timer 2
ROM 128 Kbytes
Normal SRAM 128 or 512 Kbytes Memory
Iast RAM 256 Kbytes
InterIace 256 Kbytes

88 lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

Photo 1. Experimental setup oI the mount and antenna.

Photo 2. Experimental setup oI the real-time control
Table 2. SpeciIications oI antenna.
SpeciIications Values
Diameter 60 |cm|
Aperture eIIiciency 74 ||
Antenna halI-power angle 2.95 |]
Maximum receiving gain 36.13 |dBi|
Table 3. SpeciIications oI mount.
SpeciIications Values
Dc servo motor
JEIL BSM-0615-DV24
rated voltage: 24 |V|
gear ratio:
3600: 1, elevation
1800: 1, azimuth
Drive velocity
elevation: 5 |/ s|
azimuth: 10 |/ s|
Range oI
elevation: 0 , 60
azimuth: 0 , 355
Payload 30 |kg| maximum
LHW 270|mm|245|mm|
resolution: 0.025||, 10|turn|,
taper linearity: +0.2||
control, the vibration phenomena are related to the
sampling period and the derivative term controller.
While during a shorter sampling period the vibrations
associated with the use oI the PID control decrease,
the sampled-data H
-robust controller is less sensitive.
In Figs. 14 and 15, elevation angle versus time during
the scan mode are shown. Amplitudes oI vibrations in
cases where PID controllers are used two times
greater than the sampled-data H
-robust controllers.

Fig. 12. EL vs. AZ angle with PID controller.

Fig. 13. EL vs. AZ angle with H

Fig. 14. EL angle vs. time with PID controller.
lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003


Fig. 15. EL angle vs. time with H

Fig. 16. EL Control input vs. time with PID controller.

Fig. 17. EL control input vs. time with H

Fig. 18. AZ angle vs. time with PID controller.

Fig. 19. AZ angle vs. time with H

Fig. 20. AZ control input vs. time with PID controller.

Fig. 21. AZ control input vs. time with H

Fig. 22. AZ angle vs. AGC gain with PID controller.

90 lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

In Figs. 16 and 17 the outputs oI the controllers are
compared Ior the scan mode executions as shown in
Figs. 14 and 15. In the transient periods, control out-
puts Irom the PID controllers are veriIied to be Iour
times greater than those Irom the sampled-data H
robust controllers. In Fig. 16, it is observed that the
control signal oI the PID controller is the main cause
oI the greater vibrations oI the antenna mount as
shown in Fig. 14.
Figs. 18 and 19 show the azimuth angle versus
time during the scan mode, and Figs. 20 and 21 show
controller outputs Irom the controllers during the scan
mode execution shown in Figs. 18 and 19. Where PID
controllers are used, variation levels oI the azimuth
angles are less than those oI the elevation angles, but
the controller outputs Irom PID controllers are two
times as great.
In Figs. 22 and 23, variations oI the AGC voltage
according to variations oI the azimuth angles are
shown. During executions oI the scan mode, the
maximum AGC gain was about 3.2 |V|.
Although this value depends on location and
weather conditions, the results oI the physical ex-
periments show that, with the AGC gain oI 3 |V|, sat-
ellite broadcasts can be satisIactorily received. During
the scan mode executions, it was able to raise the
AGC gain to 3.5 |V| maximum.

Fig. 23. AZ angle vs. AGC gain with H

Fig. 24. Time vs. AGC gain with PID controller at
tracking mode.

Fig. 25. Time vs. AGC gain with H
controller a
tracking mode.

Fig. 26. AZ control input vs. time with PID control-
ler at tracking mode.

Fig. 27. AZ control input vs. time with H
at tracking mode.

In Figs. 24 and 25, variations oI the AGC voltage
versus time during the tracking mode executions are
shown. In the neighborhood oI the point oI 10 |s|, the
time to reach the target is observed 0.7 |s| Iaster in
case oI H
-robust controllers and the AGC gain curve
is Ilatter than in case oI PID controllers.
Figs. 26 and 27 show the controller outputs Ior the
azimuth components, during the tracking mode exe-
cutions. These controller outputs Ior the elevation and
azimuth components correspond to the tracking mode
executions as shown in Figs. 24 and 25.
In Figs. 28 and 29, the azimuth and elevation an-
gles, as well as the AGC receiving gain aIter both the
scan and the tracking mode executions are shown in
lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003


Fig. 28. AGC gain Ior EL and AZ angle with PID

Fig. 29. AGC gain Ior EL and AZ angle with H

3D plots.
To summarize the results oI the physical experi-
ments, the PID controller was Iound to have more vi-
brations than the sampled-data H
-robust controller.
The deterioration oI the overall tracking perIormance
was consequently observed, although the vibrations
decrease Ior the shorter sampling periods. The cause
oI these vibrations is related to the sampling period oI
10 |ms| and the derivative term oI the PID controller.
In case oI the PID controller, Iewer vibrations in the
azimuth component were observed than were Iound
in the elevation component due to the diIIerent sensi-
tivities oI the two components. The sensor in the azi-
muth component has less noise sensitivity Ior the
wider range between 177.5and 177.5. Con-
versely, the sensor in the elevation component has the
larger noise sensitivity Ior the relatively narrower
range between 0and 60.
The sampled-data H
-robust controller was ob-
served to be less sensitive both to the variation oI the
sampling period and the noise Irom the Ieedback sen-
sors oI the azimuth and elevation components show-
ing the robust tracking perIormances. This robustness
comes Irom the sampled-data H
-robust controller
designed by the method proposed by Chen and Fran-
cis |8|, which has superior robustness Ior the longer
sampling period. ThereIore, in this paper, it is proved
that the sampled-data H
-robust controller is a useIul
tool Ior the physical plant with constraints and uncer-
tainties not easily identiIied in the simulation.

Generally, the antenna tracking system using the
step- tracking algorithm requires additional sensors
such as a position inIormation sensor and a receiving
signal level sensor to obtain the stable and Iast track-
ing perIormance. Since the system requires a sharp
directivity, its tracking controller should be able to
track the reIerence signal in spite oI environmental
disturbances and internal uncertainties. These re-
quirements oI additional sensors and an accurate con-
troller result in increased cost Ior the system in total.
In this paper, by modiIying the step algorithm to
meet receiving conditions in the Korean Peninsula,
we have attempted to develop an antenna system ca-
pable oI quickly and accurately tracking the target
satellite Koreasat and receiving oI the signal transmit-
ted Irom it without using any additional sensors.
In the physical experiment, using only the AGC
voltage to detect the receiving level, the proposed al-
gorithm and controller demonstrated the desired per-
Iormances. Particularly, it was veriIied that the dis-
crete-time H
-robust controllers show robust per-
Iormances superior to the PID controllers Ior the
longer sampling period, although the H
-robust con-
trollers were designed with simpliIied real constant
weight Iunctions.
Furthermore, in implementing the step algorithm, it
was veriIied that the perIormance oI the antenna
tracking system largely depends on step sizes through
repeated experiments. Further work is needed to de-
sign attitude correction systems using the improved
tracking algorithm and minimum number oI sensors
in order that surIace vehicles such as ships may re-
ceive satisIactory satellite broadcasts during move-

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nication Service Technology, KICS, pp. 27-38,
|3| G. Maral and M. Bousquet, Satellite Communica-
tion Svstem 3/e, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1998.
|4| N. N. Tom, 'Auto-tracking oI communication
satellites by the step-track technique, IEE Con-
ference Proc. on Earth Station Technologv, pp.
121-126, 1970.
92 lnternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2003

|5| J. C. Choi, A Studv of Satellite Tracking Svstem
of DBS Receiving Antenna on Shipboard, Korea
Maritime University Ph. D Dissertation, 1998.
|6| L. Ljung, Svstem Identification Toolbox Users
Guide, The Math Works, Natick, 1998.
|7| L. Ljung, Svstem Identification. Theorv for the
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|8| T. Chen and B. Francis, Optimal Sampled-Data
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Chang-Ho Cho received the Master oI
Engineering degree Irom the Depart-
ment oI Control and Instrumentation,
Kwangwoon University in 2000. Dr.
Cho. completed Ph.D. degree in the
Department oI InIormation & Contro
Engineering Kwangwoon University in
2002. He is currently a senior engineer
at National Star Company.

Sang-Hyo Lee received the Ph.D. de-
gree in Engineering Irom the Depart-
ment oI Electrical Engineering Irom
Yonsei University in 1981. He became
an assistant proIessor in the Depart-
ment oI Electronic Engineering at
Kwangwoon Unversity in 1980. He is
now a proIessor in the Department oI
Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Kwangwoon

|10| B. Bamieh and J. B. Pearson, 'A general
Iramework Ior linear periodic systems with ap-
plication to H
sampled-data control, IEEE
Trans. on Automat. Control, vol. 37, no. 4, pp.
418-435, 1992.
|11| P. Gahinet, A. Nemirovski, and A. J. Laub, LMI
Control Toolbox Users Guide, The Math Works,
Natick, 1995.
|12| K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover, Robust and
Optimal Control, Prentice-Hall New Jersey,

Tae-Yong Kwon received the M.S.
degree in Engineering Irom the De-
partment oI Electronic Engineering,
Kwangwoon University in 1987. He
completed the Ph.D. course in the De-
partment oI InIormation & Control
Engineering, Kwangwoon University.
He is the president oI National Star, a
venture company.

Cheol Lee received the M.S. degree in
Engineering Irom the Department oI
Electrical Engineering, Kwangwoon
University in 1991. He completed his
Ph.D. program in the Department oI
InIormation and Control Engineering,
Kwangwoon University in 2002. He
worked as an engineer at Dae Ryung
Precision Company in 1990. He is now the director oI Finix.

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