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Ascorbic acid: Vitamin C, an essential nutrient found mainly in fruits and vegetables.

The body requires it to form and maintain bones, blood vessels, and skin. Like other vitamins, ascorbic acid is an organic compound. An organic compound is a substance that (1) occurs in living things, or organisms (hence, the word "organic") and (2) contains the elements carbon and oxygen (hence, the word "compound," meaning combination of elements). Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, one that cannot be stored by the body except in insignificant amounts. It must be replenished daily. Purpose and Benefits Ascorbic acid helps produce collagen, a protein needed to develop and maintain healthy teeth, bones, gums, cartilage, vertebrae discs, joint linings, skin and blood vessels. Ascorbic acid also does the following: 1. Promotes the healing of cuts, abrasions and wounds. 2. Helps fight infections. 3. Inhibits conversion of irritants in smog, tobacco smoke, and certain foods into cancercausing substances. 4. Appears to dilate (widen, enlarge) blood vessels and thereby lessen the risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease. 5. Helps regulate cholesterol levels. 6. Prevents the development of scurvy, a disease characterized by weakness, fatigue, anemia, swollen joints, bleeding gums and loose teeth. Scurvy was common aboard ships in earlier times because crews traveled for long periods without eating fresh vegetables or fruit. Many sailors died of the disease. Scurvy is rare today. 7. Appears to lower the risk of developing cataracts, clouding of the lens of the eye that impairs vision. 8. May help protect diabetics against deterioration of nerves, eyes and kidneys. 9. May (or may not) inhibit the development of colds and decrease the intensity of cold symptoms. (This is highly controversial.) 10. Aids iron absorption. 11. May reduce levels of lead in the blood. Food Sources

Fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines, pears, bananas, melons, papayas, strawberries, mangos, blackberries, blueberries, kiwis, pineapples, watermelons, raspberries, cranberries, cantaloupes, rose hips, acerola cherries. Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, green peppers, red peppers, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, peas, turnips, turnip greens, onions, corn, pumpkins, carrots, parsley, sauerkraut. Herbs: garlic, watercress. Other sources: fish and milk (occurs in small amounts). Recommended Daily Intake in Milligrams Infants from birth to 1 year: 30 to 35 mg Babies 1 to 3 years: 40 mg Children 4 to 10: 45 mg Pregnant women: 75-90 Lactating women: 75-90 Smokers: 100 mg Diabetics, elderly persons, patients suffering from stress or allergies: up to 200 mg as determined by a physician All others: 60 mg (unless a physician indicates otherwise) A milligram equals 1/1000 of a gram. A gram equals .0353 of an ounce. Side Effects From Overdose Some people taking large amounts of ascorbic acid may experience diarrhea, nausea, skin irritation, burning upon urination, and depletion of the mineral copper. There is evidence that large doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the development of kidney stones. In addition, patients suffering from iron overload or a disease called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (an inherited condition affecting the red blood cells) may need to monitor their intake of ascorbic acid according to a physician's instructions. Toxicity

In the laboratory, vitamin C can induce the formation of genotoxins (agents that damage DNA). If generated in significant amounts, these genotoxins could generate mutations and so conceivably contribute to the development of cancer. Interactions Ascorbic acid can cause adverse reactions when taken with some drugs. Therefore, patients taking drugs should always read warning labels and advisories on containers and printed pharmacy instructions. If in doubt about a possible reaction, patients should consult a pharmacist or physician. See also: Paprika. Last Editorial Review: 6/Vitamina C reprezinta un antioxidant de exceptie ce contribuie activ la franarea proceselor degenerative din organism. Facand parte din grupa vitaminelor hidrosolubile (solubile in apa) vitamina C se elimina in cantitati mari din organism. Organismul uman nu isi poate sintetiza propria vitamina C si tocmai de aceea trebuie sa si-o procure din alimente sau din alte surse. Sensibila la lumina, caldura si vapori de apa, vitamina C este necesara in formarea colagenului, o proteina ce da tarie oaselor, cartilagiilor, muchilor si vaselor de sange si contribuie la buna mentinere a capilarelor, oaselor si dintilor. Acidul ascorbic administrat in mod sustinut ajuta la: - functionarea normala a sistemului imunitar, inhiband cresterea tumorilor si asigurand rezistenta organismului impotriva infectiilor - participa la sinteza hormonilor glandelor suprarenale - previne uzura celulara, incetinind procesul de imbatranire, are rol de echilibrare a organismului fiind necesar in metabolismul calciului si al altor minerale - are rol de echilibrare a sistemului imunitar, prevenind aparitia astmului si a alergiilor si stimuland productia de interferon, factor cu proprietati antiinfectioase remarcabile. Acidul ascorbic accelereaza vindecarea ranilor, regenerarea tesuturilor, participa la sinteza fibrelor de colagen, a cartilajelor si oaselor, precum si la sinteza hormonilor cortico-suprarenalieni. Scade colesterolul sangvin, protejeaza organismul fata de substantele cancerigene si creste si mentine randamentul fizic. Vitamina C ajuta absorbtia fierului la nivelul intestinului, creste rezistenta la infectii si mentine numarul globulelor albe din sange, ofera protectia antioxidanta, prevenind transformarea nitratilor (din tigari, fum, grasimi, unele legume) in substante cancerigene. Cauzata de o alimentatie insuficienta, de o malabsorbtie digestiva, de o crestere a necesitatilor sau eliminare excesiva, carenta apare cel mai des la subiectii varstnici, alcoolici, suferind de malabsorbtie cronica (doza zilnica recomnadata de vitamina C este de 60 de mg). Simptomele lipsei de vitamina C sunt: oboseala, astenie, slabiciune, stare de depresie, lipsa poftei de mancare, dureri osoase moderate, ameteli, piele uscata, edeme, gingivita, hemoragii. Deficitul de vitamina C - conduce la aparitia scorbutului care este o boala caracterizata prin anemie, caderea dintilor si sangerari sub piele. In carenta de vitamina C tenul devine

uscat si palid, pierzandu-si stralucirea si prospetimea. Excesul de vitamina C (1000-5000 mg pe zi) se manifesta prin deranjamente stomacale mai ales in cazul unei sensibilitati crescute la aciditate, aparitia de pietre la rinichi, afectarea sistemului imunitar si aparitia simptomelor de ameteala si greata. Surse de vitamina C sunt: fructe (portocale, papaya, mere, capsuni, grepfruit, pepene), broccoli, ardei gras, rosii, mango, cartofi, varza, spanac, lamaie, varza, afine. Sinonim: vitamina C. 16/2001

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