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Ca||er kece|ver

Sw|tch|ng Center 8ase Stat|on 8ase Stat|on

Commun|cat|on connect|on between two mob||e
1 When Lhe caller sLarL Lhe call Lhe elecLro magneLlc fleld LransmlL from hls moblle
anLenna whlch recelved by Lhe closesL base sLaLlon 8S"
2 1hen Lhe slgnal LransmlL from Lhe 8S Lo Lhe swlLchlng cenLer SC" ln order Lo
check Lhe auLhenLlcaLlon of Lhe caller and recelver
3 AfLer LhaL Lhe SC wlll LransmlL Lhe slgnal Lo Lhe closesL 8S ln Lhe recelver slde
4 nexL Lhe 8S ls golng Lo LransmlL elecLro magneLlc walve whlch should be
recelved be Lhe recelver moblle anLenna
3 llnally afLer Lhe recelver open Lhe llne Lhe Lwo way communlcaLlon connecLlon
esLabllsh beLween Lwo persons
ow the rad|at|on |s produced by a ce|| phone?
8ase Stat|on
Lnergy |ost |n d|rect|ons other than base stat|on
Cell phone radlaLlon ls LransmlLLed by cell phone anLenna ln all dlrecLlons
MosL of Lhe energy losL ln Lhe space
arL of Lhe energy recelved by base sLaLlon
parL of Lhe energy ls lncldenL on human head
L|ectro magnet|c s|gna| transm|t from ce|| phone antenna
noLe 1he lncreased use of cell phones has broughL abouL serlous concerns
regardlng Lhe probable healLh hazards 1hls ls because moblle phones use
elecLromagneLlc radlaLlon ln Lhe mlcrowave range
1he lederal CommunlcaLlons Commlsslon seLs speclflc absorpLlon raLe SA8"
sLandard whlch ls accepLable power radlaLlon for cell phones musL noL exceed
16 W/kC
1he lower Lhe SA8 Lhe beLLer Lhe phone from a poLenLlal healLh hazard
,ax|mum ower 1ransm|t
1here are three way to found SAk
1 lrom Lhe user manual of your moblle phone
2 vlslL moblle manufacLurers forum web slLe
and selecL your moblle phone model
3 LnLer lederal CommunlcaLlons Commlsslon
webslLe and WrlLe your moblle lCC lu
number ln Lhe lCC lu
ead 1emperaLure 8alse
1herma| Lffect of Ce|| hones
1herma| Lffects
eaL generaLed on Lhe face by 13 mlnuLes of cell phone use due Lo Lhelr
elecLromagneLlc radlaLlon
kad|at|on enetrat|on |n the head of an adu|t ten
year and f|veyear o|d
When radlaLlon hlLs Lhe head lL peneLraLes Lhe skull 1he plcLures above are Lhe
resulL of an experlmenL show how radlaLlon peneLraLes Lhe skull of an adulL (23)
10 year old (30) and a 3 year old (73) 1he younger Lhe chlld Lhe deeper Lhe
peneLraLlon due Lo Lhe facL Lhelr skulls are Lhlnner and Lhelr bralns conLaln more
fluld Lhan adulLs' 8adlo frequencles Lravel Lhrough chlldren's bralns much more
easlly and Lherefore lncrease Lhe rlsk of cancer
lL ls noL only Lhe cholce of phone buL how you use lL LhaL ls lmporLanL when
you wanL Lo conLrol Lhe amounL of radlaLlon you are exposed Lo ere you wlll
flnd a few slmple Llps LhaL can conslderably reduce radlaLlon and Lherefore
also healLh rlsks
Cons|der the fo||ow|ng when us|ng your mob||e phone
Dse a handsfree set
1he furLher away from your body Lhe phone ls Lhe less radlaLlon you are
exposed Lo uslng a handsfree seL ls Lhe easlesL way Lo radlcally reduce Lhe
amounL of radlaLlon you are exposed Lo lf you use a moblle phone
o|d |t at the bottom
8y coverlng large areas of Lhe phone wlLh your hand you reduce lLs ablllLy
Lo send and recelve slgnals 1he phone Lhen lncreases lLs power and
LransmlLs sLronger radlaLlon Lo compensaLe Lhls So hold Lhe phone as far
down as posslble so lL can operaLe aL low power
et |n the best pos|t|on
ou can see Lhe slgnal recepLlon sLrengLh ln Lhe dlsplay When recepLlon ls
good Lhe phone reduces power and radlaLlon lf recepLlon ls poor Lhe phone
uses maxlmum power and radlaLlon
on't ta|k too |ong and Dse regu|ar phone |f poss|b|e
1he radlaLlon you are exposed Lo ls dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe Llme you spend
Lalklng on your phone lor llnger calls lL ls safer and cheaper" Lo call from a
regular phone
azardous areas of use
uon'L use a moblle phone whlle drlvlng a car SLop aL a safe place and Lalk
uon'L use your moblle phone ln places where Lhere ls a loL of elecLrlcal
equlpmenL such as hosplLals and alrcrafL
uon'L baLhe wlLh your moblle phone
uon'L leL small chlldren Lalk on your moblle phone for long perlods 1hey
are more suscepLlble Lhan adulLs

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