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The dwelling place of the Word is man and its truth is love." (Ode 12) The Truth shall set us free...The Light of the World shall take away the darkness from everyone's soul!

Where is The Truth? Where is The Light of the world? Have you found it? Or, are you in the middle of some gibberish "mystery", "secret", and "hidden" literature trying to figure out where and what is it? You may have read books from as prominent as the Holy Bible and The Qur'an to as mystifying as The Divine Pymander and The Emerald Tablets, added to that a whole lot more: The Popul Vu, The Chronicles of Akakor, The Upanishads, The Talmud and The Torah, The Kybalion, The Nag Hammadi Library, etc. - it must have been there shrouded in some "mystery", or perhaps you are into the sciences of Quantum Mechanics, Genetics, archeology, cosmology, and what nots. So, where is The Truth? Where is the Light of the World? The good news is that you don't have to assimilate all these to know the truth and see the Light. You may not have the intellectual capacities of great men and women, but then again, you don't have to be to know the Truth and see The Light. You don't need a religion or a Ph.D. to grasp it. Your treasured references and corporeal knowledge will literally jump into the "triviality" and "hoopla" category soon as you know that the Truth and the Light is no secret, and definitely not a mystery. God had written it somewhere safe from the meddling hands of those non-loving beings, not in some ancient manuscripts, thus it is incorruptible. Inpite of that, it is highly accessible to anybody seeking comfort in its wisdom and power. The Truth and The Light are ONE, and it is never a privilage for it is Impartial - GOD Is Impartial. Now look at the hypocritical "privilaged" few did with the "truth" they purport - what have they done? The Truth is bare and easy to understand because it is so basic yet so powerful. It is The LAW of the Universe! - the archetype of all creation. Now here is the clincher - it is indelibly encrypted in our hearts. In vague decode we can only come up to this:

"L....O....V....E"! See? it is no secret, and definitely not shrouded in mystery. LOVE is the primal paradigm and always will be. The dogmatically fabricated secrets and mysteries purporting to hold the Truth are diversionary tactics perpetrated by the dark forces to dissuade us away from the Light, for The Light cannot be nipped and put out. Darkness has no power over the LIGHT. It cannot contain it, nor can it absorb it. It literally dissipates in its presence. LOVE is The TRUTH, The LIGHT, The LAW - it Is GOD. We can experience its immense power and understands what it commands us to do and what it can do. And just as it is Impartial, while you can experience and understand it, so is that Lovable little creature you are cuddling in your arms - your Cat, your Dog, and even a lowly Ant, a blade of Grass, the Trees, the Earth, the Planets, the Sun, the Whole Universe - US. ALL of US possess in the centers of our beings the common theme of all creation - LOVE. There is only LOVE, it is the purest, the rest are abberations. Why is the world this sick? It is plain and simple - we are in complete violation of THE LAW OF LOVE. We are in rebellion against the Power that created us. How do we get to Healing? Whether you are occupying Wall Street, managing a bank, doing dirty work in Iraq, attending to formulate a propaganda, arguing with fellow "think tanks" in Pentagon, scribbling Pres. Obama's speech, poaching in some obscure island, dissecting a patient, counting your millions, begging in the streets, brandishing an AK47, indignant in protest to your government, making a sermon in your church, whatever you're doing, dramatic or not, wherever you are, this is inevitably what you(We) should be doing day in and day out: Look in the mirror and see your reflection. Ask it questions - have you really LOVED yourself? ...your fellowmen? ...the world? The mirror is not that piece of glass in your bedroom - it is your reality. See the intricate details of your reality and how you are reflected on it and then see how your reflection sees you. Now, Where were you? where is LOVE? what have you done? Are you getting a conviction? However, LOVE is not a judgemental GOD for it is forever LOVING. It is the Universe's immutable architectural design and the keeping with the LOVING specifications bears upon us. Therefore, self-judgement is ask of every thought, belief, and action to know if it is in perfect compliance.

We Heal the world by actually healing ourselves. We do this by actually absorbing the whole intensity of negative mixed emotions stirred by unpleasant events of our realities into our hearts. You can't be sensitive to Love if you're enured to the feeling of what is not love. For the heart to be sensitized you need to peel off the callous of bias and indifference and feel the negative mixed emotions that would really break your heart - shed a tear for the pains of the world, so to speak. Humble yourself before the greatness of The LAW. The greatest of all condescending is done in tears, so feel the emotions and cry in repentance as you visualize embracing yourself, your family, your pet, your community, humanity, and world and BE SORRY FOR NOT LOVING. After which, make an inexorable commitment to become the perfect embodiment of The Equation of LOVE. Last but not least, live the paradox of LOVE by "losing yourself to gain it", "become last to be first." Only shall have you done these shall you find your exalted self overflowing with happiness and vibrant health, and you are not hungry anymore, you are full! - this is the LOVE paradox, your priceless reward - by virtue of the LAW of the HEART! Only in this manner would you be able to unleash the healing powers of LOVE.....it never fails! Remember: There is no Good nor Evil...there is only LOVE and notLOVE.

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