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Zen Cafes: for those who want to participate in Transition Culture – introducing Resurgence magazine –


The way to saving the planet? What to do?

Achieving the benefits of a sustainable future is not just about

addressing environmental needs; it is about the educative processes
we engage in.

Running a sustainable enterprise, demands, at the very least, a

learning process.

This is not just a matter for academics; it is about waking up to the

benefits of a New Republic of the Intellect – a time and a place where we respond
intelligently to all around us!

See the work of Prof. Vala Ragnarsdottir at Bristol University - Dept of Environmental
Sciences and Beyond Universities – A New Republic of the Intellect by Sir Douglas
Hague, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs.
See: http://www.iea.org.uk/record.jsp?ID=55&type=book

Human Ecology for a New Republic

The New Republic vision engages with the Shalom vision; a
perspective shared by a number of leaders who contribute their
life efforts to realizing peace and social justice – all who have a
vested interest can participate in creating the conditions for
sustainable prosperity!

Help is provided - for those who want to participate by: The

World Café, Big Café and Open Space.

See Big Café set up to help shape the ten-year sustainability Charter for Bristol.


The next step: we invite you to examine the New Republic vision in which you can

Local action serving as an example of “people power”

Bristol is a Transition City, Transition Towns and Cities are aligning themselves to the
reality of Peak Oil and the benefits that a carbon neutral future spells for those who want
to lead their lives as if People and Planet matter! See: www.transitionculture.org.

Chooseday is a local initiative that rewards people who choose to leave their car at home,
one day a week. The result? People opt for calmer more peaceful lives with chance to
take time off and actually enjoy themselves. Yes! Enjoy the liberation of going without a
www.chooseday.org. ChooseDay is promoted by Agora.

What about you? What is your vision?

A New Republic of Mind and Spirit

Opportunities to find out more - for those who subscribe to Resurgence magazine:

Zen Cafes and Study Direct – options for investors in sustainable community
Zen Cafes: for those who want to participate in Transition Culture – introducing Resurgence magazine –

A New Republic of Peace

The Shalom vision – we provide a chance for future leaders and public servants to
understand how to manage change.
We invite those who apply to study with us, how to “read the marketplace” and rethink

A New Republic of Whole Person Development

We provide a chance for individuals to train for a future in holistic arts,
yoga, meditation, Right Livelihood and human-scale education.

A New Republic of Healthy Lifestyle

We offer a chance to form your own local co-op, to supply healthy food
and drink to local people. You have opportunities to prepare for an
independent future in: food production, food distribution, food
preparation, social enterprise management and hospitality.
See: www.slowfood.com.

A New Republic of Enterprise

We offer a chance for those who want to work towards their financial independence,
through Social Enterprise and Right Livelihood. See “Workplace as Café” published by
Café Society.
Apply to join the Social Entrepreneurs’ Community – The Hub or apply to Co-venture with
Zen Cafes @ The Hub to set up your own independent collective or co-op as a Right

What does agora mean?

Agora is the Greek word for marketplace.

As sustainability practitioners we are here to help people through
times of transition, to help realize positive change in their lives.
We understand that solutions to societal issues do not have to come
through government or institutions, people can work through choice
and consensus in their home, at work, at school in their daily lives,
provided they have support in their community and can translate
decisions through choice in their local marketplace.

We work with Demos and can introduce you to this leading think-tank.

Eco-Campus – Rethinking Globalisation

From the Eco-Campus Spirit of Life Centre, Mani, Greece, we offer orientation and
support for those who want to rethink globalization, engage in Peace Studies, work for
social justice, or simply learn to “read the marketplace” so as to understand the world we
live in.
“To know what is going on, takes sense. To know what to do about it, takes wisdom.”

Dharma Studies
We welcome Dharma practitioners and Social Entrepreneurs in setting up their own
Transition Town action group. We work with the Social Enterprise Community called,
collectively The Hub. It’s a happening place to meet and collaborate with like-minded
Our work comprises creating community initiatives and connecting people, to those who
can help realize creative projects that benefit community and enterprise.

Study Direct
Study Direct – our teacher training and curriculum development and publishing services
are available for teachers, schools and universities that want to work with us.

Zen Cafes and Study Direct – options for investors in sustainable community
Zen Cafes: for those who want to participate in Transition Culture – introducing Resurgence magazine –

We especially welcome applications from individuals who seek to train for an independent
career as a tutor, coach or mentor specializing in human-scale education, eco-learning
and whole person development.

Dharma Study curriculum development is available from Eco-

Campus and retreats are open by invitation at the Eco-
Campus recommended centre, The Spirit of Life Centre, Mani,

We welcome those who want to work with us to set up

independent Dharma Study and Retreat Centres with focus on
the holistic arts, the creative life, yoga, meditation and aikido.

If you want to do business as if People and Planet matter you are invited to study with us
or take time out as the first step to realizing work-life balance.
What you may struggle to do as an individual, you can achieve with the right support
from timely friends.
This is the understanding behind the SOL spiritual community or Sangha.

Slow Food
If you want to supply food and drink you can work with us as a
supplier of Frank Water and Freedom Cola to your clients. We
welcome applications from those who want to set up their own
Fair Trade Café outlet.

You can go the independent route and buy a franchise from

Beyond The Bean or you can reduce your risk and apply to Co-
venture with Flow Internet Cafes to serve the needs of local

To read about the principle behind Flow – see www.flowidealism.org or read Good
Business, Flow, Leadership and the Making of Meaning:

Workplace as Cafe
Read the brochure on Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture and organizing Workplace as
Café. Contact Zen Cafes @ The Hub.

If you want to set up independent media to serve the needs of local community you are
invited to one of our Media and Creative Workshops for Transition Culture Co-ventures.
We show you how to set up local broadcast and publicity services to serve the media
needs of local clients.

See: Handbook For Change -

http://hbfc.clearerchannel.org -
Independent Media -
www.indymedia.org.uk and
Knowle West Media Centre –

The next step

To read about your options - see Zen Publishing

To participate in SOL Community Sangha and realise a New Republic of Arts and
Community you are invited to apply to join Creative Village.

Zen Cafes and Study Direct – options for investors in sustainable community
Zen Cafes: for those who want to participate in Transition Culture – introducing Resurgence magazine –

Zen Cafes and Study Direct – options for investors in sustainable community

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