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Games to play with Webelos This is my collection of Cub Scout games for a new or an experienced Cub Scout leader.

Over the many years of Scouting, I've pulled bits and pieces from various sites around the web and leaders books. I thought it would be nice to put them all together in one place. Please try to document where you got a particular file if you could. None of the text on this site is copyrighted. If you come across something that has a copyright on it, please let me know. Signs Up Game This is to teach Webelos scouts how to properly use the sign. Play it for about 15 minutes. Have all scouts sit in a circle facing inward. One scout is chose as 'IT'. He stands up as everyone else in the circle closes their eyes. The scout walks once around the outside of the circle and taps one scout on the back. When he gets back to his spot, he sits down and says, "Heads Up!". Everyone starts talking, making lots of noise, and keeping their eyes watching everyone else in the group. The scout that was tapped makes the Scout Sign whenever he wants. The first scout to see the sign, put his hand up, and stop talking wins. The winner gets to walk the circle and tap the next person. T-Shirt Relay Game 1 extra large t-shirt for each team. A judge for each team. Notes: The judge should make sure the shirt is pulled all the way down on each scout and no short-cuts are taken in the heat of competition. This works on teamwork and everyone is involved the whole time. Instructions: Teams line up in single file. The shirt is given to the first scout in each line. On 'Go' signal, the scout puts the shirt on and then holds hands with the next scout in line, facing the scout. All the other scouts work the shirt from one scout to the next so he is wearing it. He then turns and holds hands with the next scout, and so on. Teams need to have the same number of players or some need to put the shirt on twice Birds of a Feather Game Required:

Slips of paper with a bird name written on each one - chicken, turkey, goose, duck, chickadee, crow. If you have 24 people, make 4 of each. If 42, make 7 of each. Preparation: Hand out a paper slip to each scout. Notes: Since the groups constantly change, there is no real team that wins. It should only take about three minutes to get a winner so many rounds can be played. If you are going to give out any small prizes, do it right after the round since you'll have no idea who gets the prize later. Instructions: On 'GO' signal, scouts mill about the room exchanging slips as many times as they can with as many different scouts as possible. They do not look at what is written on the paper. On 'STOP' signal, scouts stop and look at their paper. On 'FIND YOUR FLOCK' signal, scouts try to find all others of their kind and then sit down together. The last group to sit is out, taking their papers with them. Repeat until only one flock is left. Alternate: When finding your flock, you can only make the noise of the bird you have, no talking. Alternate: Use any animals rather than just these birds Blowhard Relay Game Required: straw for each scout item to race for each team Notes: Items should be light, such as styrofoam or paper, but not round like a ball. This should be done on non-carpeted floor, such as a gym or cafeteria floor. Depending on what holiday is close, you can use themed items, such as spiders and ghosts, elves and snowmen. Instructions: Each scout receives a straw. Teams line up at the starting line. The first scout in line is on his knees with the racing item in front of him. On 'GO', first scout in each team uses his straw to blow air at his item to move it around the course and back to the next scout. Buddy Tag Game

Required: Need at least 12 scouts, the more the better Instructions: All players except for two form into buddy pairs and link one arm. Pairs spread out over area. There is one player as 'It' and one player being chased - the 'runner'. The 'runner' may run up beside any buddy team and link his arm with one free arm of a buddy. This makes 3 scouts together which is not allowed. So, the member of the buddy team that the 'runner' did not link arms with is now the 'runner'. 'It' can tag the 'runner' at any point. As soon as he is tagged, he is 'It' and 'It' is now the 'runner'. Usually, the tag is made when someone does not realize a 3rd has joined his team. Be careful about one scout being 'It' for too long. Change the game by having 2 Its and Runners at the same time. Bizz Buzz Game Notes: Improve mental quickness and concentration. Good for a filler while sitting around. Instructions: Group sits in circle facing in. In a clock-wise direction, scouts count up from 1. Instead of 7 and all multiples of 7, and all numbers that contain 7, say 'Buzz'. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Buzz, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Buzz, 15, 16, Buzz, 18, ... If there is a mistake, start over at 1 with the next scout in line. Once it is going well and the group has reached 50 or so, stop them and add 'Bizz' to the game. Now, substitute 'Bizz' for 5. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, Bizz, 6, Buzz, 8, 9, Bizz, 11, 12, 13, Buzz, Bizz, 16, Buzz, 18, 19, Bizz, Buzz, 22, ... If the number is a multiple of 5 and 7, or has 5 and 7 in it, like 35 or 57 or 70 or 75, say 'BizzBuzz'! Try for a group record or reaching 100. Eliminate scouts that make mistakes until only the champion is left.

Crab Fights Game Instructions: Everyone gets in crab position - on hands and knees with rear underneath. (rear up in the air). On 'Go' signal, everyone tries to get other crabs to touch their rear to the ground. The last crab up, wins. Referees are needed to determine when a rear hits the ground. Could have a patrol competition. Could have a 'Patrol Leaders' round to see which patrol has the crabbiest leader. Alternative: have each patrol lined up on the play area border at different locations. The first scout in each patrol crabs into the fight. When a scout is knocked down, his patrol gets 1 point, he leaves, and the next scout in his patrol crabs in. The patrol with the fewest points wins. Patrols of smaller scouts will hopefully figure out alliances to combat larger scouts Exercise Relay Game Preparation: For each team, write an exercise on a separate slip of paper and put in a bag or fold in half. Place papers at a point 30 feet or more from the team. Instructions: Each team needs an area in which to do exercises. Each team has a bag of paper slips about 30 feet from their area. On 'Go', the first scout of each team runs to their bag, pulls out one slip of paper, and runs back to the team. Everyone on the team performs the exercise. When the judge signals completion, the next scout runs to the bag, brings back a paper, and the team does it. Continue until the first team has completed a set number of exercises. Sample Exercises: 5 sit-ups 5 push ups 5 jumping jacks

5 toe touchs 5 one-legged hops 5 mountain climbers 5 deep knee bends run in place for 10 seconds 5 calf raises 5 head-hip-ankle touches

Fire Brigade Game Required: 1 full water bucket per team. 1 cone, stick, or marker per team. Preparation: Draw start line and place cone about 30-40 feet out from start. Instructions: Have patrols line up single file at start line. Each patrol leader is given bucket of water. On 'Go' signal, patrol leader runs out around cone and back to end of line. He passes the bucket to the scout ahead of him who does the same up to the first scout in line who runs around the cone. Repeat for 10 laps. The first team to complete 10 laps gets 15 points, second team gets 10 points, third team gets 6 points - minus 3 points for each 1/2 inch of water lost. Special 5 point bonus for the patrol with the most water remaining. Fitness Relay Game Required: For each team, a paper bag containing cards with one task on each card. Preparation: Draw start line and put cone out about 20-40 feet. Place paper bag with cards at start line. Notes: Fitness, teamwork Instructions: Patrols line up single file. On 'Go' signal, patrol leader picks card from bag, reads it and does that task out around the cone and back to tag the next scout. A scout can not choose a card until he has been tagged. First patrol to get through all tasks wins. May demonstrate each of the tasks first so scouts know what they are.

Example Tasks: Hop on left foot, Hop on right foot, Hop with both feet together, Walk backwards, Walk heel-to-toe, Walk blindfolded, Run, Bear walk, Carry a person or have a person carry you, Hold hands between knees, and so on. Frogs and Flies Game Notes: a version of Wink Murder Instructions: Scouts sit in a circle facing inward with one scout in the center - he is the Frogcatcher. Everyone closes their eyes while the leader walks around the circle and taps one scout on the shoulder. This scout will be the Frog. On 'Go' signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks around at all the other scouts. They should keep their eyes moving around taking a look at everyone else in the circle. The FROG's job is to stick his tongue out at a fly to kill it - without letting the Frogcatcher in the center notice him. When a fly notices the frog sticking his tongue out at him, he falls dead immediately. The Frogcatcher watches the scouts, trying to find the frog. He gets 3 guesses to determine the frog before the frog eats all the flies. Then, the Frog becomes the Frogcatcher and a new round starts. Making Change Relay Game Required: For each patrol: 4 pennies, 1 nickel, 2 dimes, 1 quarter, 2 small boxes or chairs or squares of paper Instructions: For each patrol, place a box at one end of the play area - this is the patrol's Bank. At the other end of the area, a second box is the Store. A couple judges are needed by the Stores - they are the store clerks. The idea is to take the required coins from the Bank to make exact change at the Store. Patrols line up in the center of the area, halfway between their Bank and Store. One scout from each patrol gets ready to race. The leader calls our a price from 1 cent to 53 cents. This is the amount that the Store clerk requires. The scout moves coins from the Bank box to the Store box

so there is that exact amount at the Store. He then returns to his patrol. First scout home with the correct amount at the Store gains a point for his patrol. Natural Selection Game Required: tarp, blanket, or jacket to cover items Preparation: Find a dozen natural items from around the area and spread them out on the ground. On a piece of paper, diagram the layout of the items for later scoring. Put a point value on each item. Cover them with the tarp. Instructions: Gather the teams around the tarp. Remove the tarp and give them one minute to study the items. Cover the items. Tell everyone that their job is to select similar natural items and bring them back to their team's area. They will have 10 minutes. The more identical to the original item, the more points are scored. For example, matching a grey rock with white spots is worth more than just any old rock. Finally, arranging the items in the same order as the originals under the tarp gains extra bonus points. You may allow players to re-examine the originals at a cost of 1 point per second per scout. So, if two scouts look for 8 seconds, that costs 16 points. Since the game leader determines values for items, you can make this a trivial or extravagant expense. Take care to only choose non-living items and remind teams to be gentle on the land. Rescue Race Game Required: bucket or bowl for each patrol drinking straw for each scout 20 to 50 2-inch paper circles or cutouts Instructions: Each patrol has a pile of paper cutout people that need to be rescued. People are rescued by sucking one against the end of a straw and transporting it to the bowl or bucket. On "Rescue!", the first scout on each patrol sucks up a cutout and runs to that patrol's bowl, depositing the rescued person. He then runs back to tag the next

scout in line. If a cutout is dropped, the rescuer sucks it up again and continues.

Rather than rescuing people, this can be varied to be pieces of eight, dinosaur eggs, or anything else that fits your meeting theme. Vegetable Olympics Game Location: This Game should be done Inside. Required:

1 baking pan For each patrol: 1 potato 1 cup dried kidney or pinto beans 10 baby carrots 2 stalks celery 20 round toothpicks 5 plastic cups 15 foot string 1 fork sheet of paper and pencil Instructions: Collection of vegetable-related games for winter indoor meeting fun. Bean Planting Relay Lay out a 15 foot string for each patrol. Every 3 feet along the string, set a plastic or dixie cup. Each scout walks heel-to-toe following a string stretched across the floor. Every 3 feet, there is a plastic cup into which he must try to drop one bean without bending over. When he reaches the end, he turns around and repeats the bean planting back to his patrol. Then, the next in turn goes. First patrol finished gets points. Patrol with the most successfully planted beans gets points. Potato Piercing Make a circle for each patrol using the 15 foot string. Each patrol gathers outside its circle. Each patrol leader is given a fork and potato. On 'GO', he steps into the circle. He tosses the potato into the air and catches it on the fork tines. He removes the potato, steps out of the circle, and hands it and the fork to the next scout in line. Rabbit Feed Put all the baby carrots on a baking pan - the feeding tray. Patrols line up about 15 feet from feeding tray. On 'GO', first in each line hops to feeding tray and grabs a carrot. He holds the carrot between his front teeth and hops back to tag the next in line. Once a scout is back, and done racing, he can eat the carrot. Mr. Potato Head Using the potatos full of fork holes, the toothpicks, dried beans, and celery, each

patrol creates a potato person or animal. The beans can be pushed into the potato to make a face and the celery can be attached with toothpicks. Let them use a marker or other items, if desired Vegetable Alphabet Give each patrol a paper and pencil. In a set time, each patrol tries to come up with a vegetable name for each letter of the alphabet, such as artichoke, brocolli, cauliflower, daikon, eggplant, ... Towel Rescue Play this game in chest-deep water. Divide the group into two teams. Put one member of each team some distance from his teammates and give him a towel. On signal, he walks or swims to his team, tosses the end of the towel to a teammate, and tows him back to the position from where he started. The "rescued" boy then becomes rescuer and repeats the actions, "saving" another team member. Continue until the whole team has saved and been saved Everyday Heroes of Courage Relay Race Supplies: Simple costumes that consist of three or four items; you can make different costumes or make multiple sets of the same costume for this game. Additional supplies may include: Masking or Painters Tape; Cardboard Boxes Examples: Fireman Plastic Firemans Helmet Raincoat Badge/Shield (Cardboard And Tinfoil) Police officer Blue Shirt (Adult Button-Down) Badge/Shield Walkie Talkie (Could Be Made From A Small Box) Soldier Tan, Green Or Camouflage Patterned Shirt (Adult Button-Down) Small Backpack Tan, Green Or Camouflage Patterned Cap Game rules: Divide Cub Scouts into equal relay teams.

Define a starting line on one side of the room and a waypoint on the opposite end (like crossing another line or touching a wall). Evenly distribute a set of costume items between the starting line and the waypoint for each relay team. When the race begins, the first member of each team runs to the first item and puts it on correctly. Once successful, he will continue down the line until he is wearing all pieces of the costume. When the Cub Scout reaches the waypoint, he turns around and returns each part of the costume to its original location while making his way back to tag the next boy on his relay team. Be sure to clearly identify where pieces of the costume should be returned during this leg of the race. This could be accomplished by marking a spot on the floor with masking/painters tape or a cardboard box. The winning team will be determined when the last member of the team has successfully completed both legs of the race and crosses the starting line first.

Fireman Save My Child Divide Den into two teams. One member of each team (the child) sits on an old throw rug or heavy cloth., about 2 foot x 3 foot, about 15 feet from his team. Each of the other players has a four foot length of rope. On signal, the boys tie their ropes together with square knots to form a rescue rope. When ropes are tied, a player throws the rescue rope to the child and the team pulls him to safety. The Den that ties all knots correctly and first pulls its child to safety is the winner. Dial 911 Pieces of paper are handed out to the captain of each team. Each paper contains emergency situations, i.e. house on fire, car wreck, cat up a tree. Each captain puts back the paper then goes back to his team and whispers what was written on the paper. Each team member must receive the message to the end. The last person raises his hand then when all the teams are done let each teams final member repeat the message and compare it to the original. Parents can judge to see which team came the closest. Rescue Relay The teams are in relay formation behind the starting line; one player of each team is standing in the goal line and facing his team. On the signal, this player runs to the first player in his team, grasps his hand, and runs with his back to the goal line. He remains there while the player whom he brought to the goal line goes back to the team and gets the next player. Thus each player is taken to the goal line and returns to get the next player until all have been rescued and are in file formation back of the goal line. The team that finishes first wins the relay. Variation: Have players work in pairs, returning to get a team member and employ various firemen carries to return him to the goal line.

Roll in a Blanket Play this safety game in Den meeting, or as a Pack relay. Stand in a big circle with one person in the middle. Have him point at random to anyone in the circle and say, "Your clothes are on fire!" The person named must fold his arms across his chest, drop to the floor, and roll over slowly. For realism, play the game using a blanket to roll in. Have each Cub Scout take a turn. Home Fire Hazards Hunt Prepare for this game by creating some fire hazards around your Den meeting place. You might include: matches left carelessly within reach of children, oily rags filed in a corner of the garage, an outside door blocked by a chair, grease spilled near a stove burner, screen fallen away from a fireplace, electric cord on the floor where people walk. Give the boys 10 minutes to make an inspection and find as many hazards as they can. Urge the boys to inspect their own homes and work with their parents to correct any hazards. Spot the Errors Material Needed: pencil & paper (for each Cub Scout) The Cub Scout Leader tells a story purposely making mistakes. The subjects could be: Health Rules; Highway Safety; Fire Safety, First Aid, etc. When the story is finished, the Cub Scouts go to their corners and list the errors. The Cub Scout who notices the most errors is the winner. Fire Keeper A player is blindfolded and sits cross-legged with sticks separately laid out in front of him. One at a time, the other players try to sneak up and remove the sticks. The goal is stealth. Players may not run up to the fire keeper to steal the sticks. The fire keeper cannot remove his blindfold during the game. He rests his hands on his lap, and only moves to try to tag a fire thief. Comanche Animal Ball: A game similar to basketball. Legend says the game originated when the animals challenged the birds to play ball. You have 2 teams and each player picks an animal he would like to be. When a player has the ball, he acts like the animal; while trying to make a basket. A rabbit would try to hop the ball to the hoop - a horse would gallop etc Before the game starts the teams agree on a set amount of goals to win. Eat & Whistle Challenge Players are divided into two teams and each person is given a cracker. At the signal, the first player on each team starts eating his cracker. He must finish it and whistle before the next player in line can start eating. The first team to finish, wins. Its A Blast! Players scatter around the room. The leader blows a number of short blasts on a whistle.

If there are four blasts, all players try to get into groups of four before the leader counts to ten. Players left out of the groups are eliminated. The leader continues to whistle different number of blasts. The game ends when only two players are left. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL This game shows how animals in the wild that are weaker or slower will lose to those who are stronger. Each player needs a three-inch bolt with two nuts screwed onto it, and twenty pieces of candy. Let the boys challenge each other to a race. To start, the nuts must be screwed to the top of the bolt. On a signal, the boys must unscrew the nuts all the way until they come off the bolt. The boy who gets the nuts off first gets two pieces of the other Cubs candy. BROOM SWEEP RELAY Supplies for each team: 1 broom 1 balloon (inflated) 1 plastic cone Directions: Divide your den or pack into equal teams. Line up each team behind a starting line. Place a plastic cone about 40 feet from the starting line for each team. Give the first person in each team a broom and an inflated balloon. On the start signal, the first person in each team puts the balloon on the floor and proceeds to sweep the balloon to the cone. He circles the cone and continues sweeping the balloon back to his teammates. He hands the broom to the next teammate and walks to the end of the line. The next player sweeps the balloon to the cone, circles it and sweeps back to his team. The balloon is to remain on the ground at all times. If the balloon pops, the player must restart from the starting line. The first team to have all players complete the clean sweep with the balloon is declared the winner. Have extra balloons (inflated) on hand in case one should pop. This game can also be played outdoors - fill the balloons with water for some wild fun. Popcorn This is a game that is sometimes played with large groups and a playground parachute but it can be fun for a smaller group too. And did you know that popcorn (without all the extras) is a great, healthy snack? Equipment: A playground parachute (or a blanket can substitute); a ping-pong or bouncing ball for each player, numbered so it can be identified. Directions: Each player puts their assigned ball on the parachute, then everyone lifts the parachute with both hands. On signal, everyone begins pumping the chute or blanket up and down to make the balls bounce off. When only one ball is left, that player becomes the winner. Now have some popcorn for a treat!

Colored Eggs One person is the Wolf. The other people line up next to each other, with the wolf facing them. Everyone in line picks a color in their mind. Wolf: Knock, Knock Line: Whos There? Wolf: "A big bad wolf with curly (or some other variation)hair" Line: What do you want?" Wolf: "Colored eggs". Line: "What color?" The wolf then says a color. Whoever had "picked" that color then runs around a selected area (to the far oak tree in the yard and back to the line, for example), with the wolf giving chase. If the wolf catches the "egg", then that person becomes the wolf with the game starting over. If not, and all eggs make it back to line successfully, the wolf then calls out the next color, etc.

NOSE-CONE RACES Divide the den into teams. For each team, stretch a 15 foot length of string between two chairs. Before tying to the second chair, insert a paper cone cup with the tip cut off onto the string. Each boy on a team blows the cup the length of the string and returns it. Continue in relay fashion until all have raced. Hinges Freeze Tag This is just a variation of Freeze Tag but when each boy freezes, he has to be using at least three of his body hinges in the pose he makes! Pyramid Challenge Before the meeting, prepare a list of foods. To play the game, spread several Hula Hoops out around the playing area. (or use masking tape to set off an area) Label each one - Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy, and Protein. Explain to the boys that when they hear you shout a food item, they should run and stand in the appropriate hula hoop. If the item you call out doesnt fit any category, or would fit in more than one category, boys should stand in place. Here are some suggestions for your list: Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Kiwi, Asparagus, Broccoli, Green Beans, Cereal, Flour, Milk, Cheddar Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Hamburger, Pasta, Spaghetti, Oatmeal, tortillas, Yogurt. Some tricky ones to use: Butter, Potato Chips, Brownies, Walnuts, Refried Beans, Ice Cream If boys disagree about where something fits, make a quick note so you can talk about it later!

Jump Rope Games Practice jump roping first. Relay - Use one rope for each team. Run and jump down to a line and back, handing the rope to next player. Variations: Jump backward; run to line, jump 10 times and then run back; see how long you can jump; jump 2 boys in rope at the same time.

Elephant Soccer Cubs get into a circle with legs wide apart and their hands down in front of them with hands clasped together for trunks. Roll a ball across the circle trying to get it between someones legs. Use only trunks to keep the ball from going through legs. Kangaroo Race Cubs pretend they are kangaroos with pouches. Give each Cub a bean bag to use as a pouch. After dividing into two teams, Cubs race each other across the floor on hands and feet with stomachs in the air (also known as a crab walk) with "pouches" perched on their stomachs. If the pouch falls off, the boy must put it back on before continuing. Strive for Five Challenge This is a variation of Pyramid Challenge Take away all but two of the hula hoops. Explain that the boys should run to Fruits or Vegetables when you shout out an item that belongs. All other food items should leave the boys standing in place. You can use the same list as before to make it trickier, add in items like: Fruit Punch, Apple Crisp, Vegetarian Lasagna, Broccoli-Beef Stir Fry, Cherry Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Apricot Jam. Fruit Basket Game One person is chosen to be the caller. Everyone else sits in a circle on chairs. The caller gives each member, including himself, the name of a different fruit. When he calls out the names of two fruits, such as apples and pears, the two who were given the names of those fruits must change seats. The caller tries to slip into one of the seats, leaving someone else without a seat. The one without a seat is the new caller. At any time the caller may say, "The fruit basket tipped over." Then all must change seats, and the caller tries to get any empty seat, leaving another person as caller. Unravel the Knot Game In a circle, people put their arms in and hold someone else's hand, then try to unravel the knot without letting go of hands. Beach Ball Beginnings Equipment: A blow-up beach ball on which you have previously written some questions or categories with a permanent marker. Directions: Form a semi-circle or circle, depending on the size of the group.

Ball is thrown randomly to everyone in the group. The person who catches it has to answer the question touching their left thumb. They also have to say their name. This is a good activity to learn names and get to know new people, boys or adults. And once you make the ball, you can use it for a long time. Just to get you started, here are some suggested questions: Whats your favorite color? What do you like most about school? What is your favorite thing to do? Do you have a favorite sport? What is your favorite movie or TV show? How many people in your family? Do you have any pets? Toilet Paper Game This is another classic scout game. Best for Bears or Webelos. Get a roll of toilet paper and explain to your group that they are going camping and need to take as much toilet paper as they think they may need for a three day trip. Once everyone has an ample supply, explain to the group that for every square in their possession, they must share something about themselves. M & M Game This is lots of fun and has a great ending! Boys are told to take 10 M&Ms. They cant eat them till they are told. Now, go around and ask each person to tell something about themselves for each M&M. When theyve finished, everyone gets to eat their M&Ms.

CLOTHESPIN MIXER Equipment: Clip-on clothespins - 3 or 4 for each person. Directions: Give everyone 3 or 4 clothespins. Tell them that the object of the game is to get rid of their clothespins without having anyone else pin THEIR clothespins on them. With everybody trying to get rid of his or her clothespins at the same time, as fast as possible, this is a rowdy and fun way to start a meeting. Litter Treasure Hunt Assign point values to litter. More common items such as candy wrappers, pop cans, and water bottles get 1 point. Moderately common items such as plastic grocery bags and newspapers get 3 points. Award 5-10 points for unusual litter that is collected. Divide the boys into teams to pick up litter. The team that collects the most litter points wins. To score, look in the boys collection bags (usually a plastic grocery bag) and guesstimate the amount and kind of litter collected, and assign a point value for the sack

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