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The purpose of SRS is to present a detailed description of the website ONLINE CITY (AMRITSAR). It will explain the purpose and features of the website, the interfaces of the website, what the website will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the website will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the website and will be proposed to clients for its approval. The SRS forms the basis for a load of other important documents such as the Software Design Specification. It basically helps in validating with the client that the product which is being delivered, meets what they asked for. 2. PROJECT SCOPE:This website will be developed for the people, who want to take the online information about city amritsar, Punjab, India. So, for this reason we give title as ONLINE CITY (AMRITSAR). This website will be designed to provide the following information: History About Modern Amritsar distance between important locations distance near cities of amritsar and short description that cities Articles written on Amritsar Information of Main Places. This website will provide the following faculties to user: User can also see the information of hotels, can book the hotel Online. User can also book cab.

User can see the images related to amritsar and user can also upload image, which is tested by administrator of website. User can also make queries to administrator about amritsar by contact us, which reply send by e-mail. This website will provide preformatted bills on all booking like cab and hotels. These bills can print and also these will be sent to e-mail id of user. This website is fully controlled by the administrators of this website. This website has a relational database, which has list of countries, states, cities, locations, authors of articles and etc.


This part of the SRS will provide whole view of the website. This website will be fully controlled by the administrators of this website. They can add, view and update whole information available on website. Administrators are divided into two parts: Main Administrator and Administrator. Main Administrators will have more powers then simple administrators. Main administrators can add and delete a new administrator, but simple administrator will not add and delete admin. This website will provide full authentication by using username and password to user of website and provide admin name and password to administrators. Administrator can barred user to login for some reason. This website will provide almost information to user of website like history, about amritsar, distance between locations and cities from amritsar, information of hotels and cab, articles and etc. All the information will be added and updated by administrator and access by visitors of website. User of website can book hotel and cab, also upload images related to amritsar, also give his profile in the website. Users will also see news and announcements from administrator like discount on hotel booking etc.


The following is the graphical view of operating environment of website:-

Before Login of user Users without username User Part Valid Users(username & Password)

Admin Part Whole Website

Main Adiminstrator


Figure 1 The website ONLINE CITY (AMRITSAR) has four active actors and one website with three parts. The four active actors are Administrator, Main Administrator, valid users with username and password, users (which no account in website). The three parts of website are admin, users, before login of users. A Users can communicate with administrator through contact us page and administrator can communicate with users through e-mail or phone. Above figure1 shown how website will provide interfaces to the outside environments.

This section of SRS provides use case for all active actors of this website. While administrators and main administrators have same use cases like add, view and update of information available on website. Only difference this, Main Administrator can add and delete other administrators of website. Users without account in website can only access information about Amritsar. They cannot book hotel and cab and also cannot upload images. Users with valid username and password can access information about Amritsar and can book hotel and cab and also can upload images.

Administrator and Main Administrator:Use case: ADD , VIEW AND UPDATE RECORD


Description:Administrator can add record after login. Admin can view records, if there is any error or need to modification in record then admin can update the record. Initial Steps to Add record:1. Firstly, administrator login into website using unique admin name and password.
2. Admin click on add button of which type of record want to insert like

new location, new main places, hotels, cab and etc.

3. Enter the information of needed field on add webpage, there must validation used like required field and compare data(type of data like int values) and etc. 4. After entering needed information enter save button to submit data into Tables of SQL SERVER2000. Initial Steps to View and Update Record:1. Firstly, administrator login into website using unique admin name and password.
2. Admin click on view button of which type of record want to view.

3. Then a gridview of records will be shown. If admin want see detail of any record, he/she click on record. 4. Then a detail page will be opened, which have two button update and back.
5. if there is needed of any modification, then change the records field and

click on update button. 6. if there is no need of any modification, then click on back button to come back on view page.

Unauthorized User
Use Case: View Information, Add Testimonial, Contact Us and Sign Up

View Information Add Testimonial & Contact US Sign up

Unauthorized User

User without Account can directly access information. They can also add testimonial and contact us for some queries. They can also create his/her account if they need.

Authorized User:Use Case: view Record





Description:User can view information available on website by using view pages which provides short information. User can view full information by using detail pages. Initial Steps:1. firstly, user can login by using valid username and password from index page. 2. then click on view button to see the record. 3. then a gridview will show records related to a type like distance between locations, etc. 4. if user want to view full record then click on gridviews record, it show all record in a detail page. Use case: Book Hotel






Description:User can view hotel and can book hotel online by using this website. Initial Steps:5. First four steps are same as view record. 6. on detail page, there is a button of book hotel click on it, a new webpage will be open. 7. fill all the information needed like number of rooms, number of days, check in date, credit card no and etc. 8. after, it a printable bill will be generated. Use case: Book cab This case is same as Book Hotel. There is only change in pages name and tables which are used to book a cab. Use Case: Upload Image This case is used to upload images related to amritsar. When user uploads image at view images of album page, then it is not directly shown to users. Image

is firstly checked by admin if admin approved it, then it will show to other users otherwise it will be deleted.

External Interface Requirements:The only link to an external system is link to send e-mail on other websites. This faculty will provide to administrator to send e-mail on the reply of queries which are put by the visitors of website. It will provide a fast response to visitors. User Interface Requirements:The following are the interfaces which are needed by a user:

LOGIN PAGE:- by using this page, user will login in website by using username and password. User will also find forget password by using button forgetpassword?. User will create also new account from this page.

VIEW PAGES:- From these pages, user will view all the information available on website. These interfaces will have select button on grid for view full detail of specify record.

DETAIL PAGES:-These pages will have detail information of specify record

which is selected from view pages. There is two button on detail pages: image button to view full image on next page and back button to come back on view page.

BOOK HOTEL & BOOK CAB:- these pages will use for booking of hotel
and cab. At detail page, a button is available of booking. When button will be clicked, the a booking page will open. After enter the whole needed information. A printable bill will be open. User will take the bill of booking.

Hardware Interface Requirements:In hardware requirements, the physical components of the system are considered like the processors capacity, main memory, hard disk capacity, etc must be known. The following is list of hardware will be used in development of Website ONLINE CITY (AMRITSAR):Processor Hard Disk RAM UPS Monitor Keyboard Printer Celeron M 80GB 1 GB

Keyboard Interface:- it will be needed for data entry on website. Monitor Interface:- it will be needed for see the soft copy of information available on website. Printer Interface:- it will be needed for print bills of hotel booking and cab booking from website.

Software Interface Requirements:In this category the operating system and working environment are considered the operating system installed should be compatible to the requirements of the system to be installed. And also, the software required should be installed. The following is list of hardware will be used in development of Website ONLINE CITY (AMRITSAR):Operating System Front End Back End Language Drivers Documentation Window XP ASP .NET SQL SERVER 2005 C# Drivers are needed for all Hardware. MS OFFICE 2003, Paint


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