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A remler arLner for llnanclal CrowLh and lnnovaLlve Servlces

1o provlde lnnovaLlve flnanclal soluLlons and servlces Lo LargeL cusLomers ln order Lo generaLe proflLs
and creaLe value for our shareholders and oLher sLakeholders
ln so dolng we provlde opporLunlLles for employees Lo conLrlbuLe and excel and be compeLlLlve ln
provldlng our soluLlons and servlces Lo our valued cusLomers
We shall conducL our buslness wlLh lnLegrlLy and professlonallsm ln compllance wlLh good corporaLe
governance prlnclples and pracLlces
8e dlsclpllned ln growlng our loans by havlng an aLLlLude of 'absoluLe zero Lolerance' for nLs

ln Servlng CusLomers
ln Servlng Lhe 8ank
1oLal commlLmenL
Lxcellence Lhrough Leamwork
ln Carrylng Curselves aL Work

8as|c 8ank|ng Serv|ce
llqlble lot ltotectloo 8y lluM

8as|c Sav|ngs Account
8as|c Current Account
1ype of deposlL
accounL Lo be
Savlngs accounL (ConvenLlonal) CurrenL accounL (ConvenLlonal)
roducL Code SA8SA SA8SA1 CA8SA CA8SA1
LllglblllLy All Malayslan clLlzens and
permanenL resldenLs shall be
enLlLled Lo 1 8SA slngly or
[olnLly per banklng lnsLlLuLlon
a no lnLroducer ls requlred
for openlng of accounL
b SocleLles/ assoclaLlons/
lnsLlLuLlons are noL ellglble
c lndlvldual AccounL
(appllcanL aged 12 years
and above)
d Mlnor AccounL (AppllcanL
aged below 12 years) lor
mlnor accounL lL ls Lo be
opened [olnLly wlLh and
operaLed only by Lhe parenL
or guardlan
e lor [olnL accounL wlLh boLh
Lo slgn condlLlon Lhe 8ank
shall dlsclose Lo cusLomers
upfronL Lhere are no
8ankcard lssued and Lhus
All Malayslan clLlzens and
permanenL resldenLs and SMLs shall
be enLlLled Lo 1 8CA slngly or
[olnLly per banklng lnsLlLuLlon
a AppllcanL has Lo be aL leasL
18 years old and musL have
an lnLroducer
b 9er|od for an
accountho|der to qua||fy as
an |ntroducer |s 1 year
c A mandaLe Cum lndemnlLy
for !olnL AccounL form musL
be compleLed Lo operaLe all
new and exlsLlng !olnL
AccounLs 1hls ls Lo enable
Lhe 8ank Lo accepL AccounL
ayee Cheque(s) payable Lo
elLher one of Lhe accounL
ef|n|t|on of SML
a 9r|mary Agr|cu|ture
A small and medlum
noL ellglble Lo 8SA/ 8CA
f A mandaLe Cum lndemnlLy
for !olnL AccounL form musL
be compleLed Lo operaLe all
new and exlsLlng [olnLs
accounLs 1hls ls Lo enable
Lhe 8ank Lo accepL AccounL
ayee Cheque(s) payable Lo
elLher one of Lhe accounL
enLerprlse ln prlmary
agrlculLure ls an enLerprlse
wlLhfullLlme employee noL
exceedlng 30 or annual
sales Lurnover 8M3 mllllon
b Manufactur|ngke|ated
Serv|ces (MkS)
A small and medlum
enLerprlse ln manufacLurlng
(lncludlng agrobased) and
M8S ls an enLerprlse wlLh
fullLlme employees noL
exceedlng 130 or wlLh
annual sales Lurnover noL
exceedlng 8M23 mllllon
c Serv|ces (|nc|ud|ng IC1)
A small and medlum
enLerprlse wlLh fullLlme
employees noL exceedlng
30 or annual sales Lurnover
noL exceedlng 8M3 mllllon
leaLures and
mlnlmum level of
O Cheques and cash deposlLs
O WlLhdrawals vla A1Ms and
over Lhe counLer (C1C)
O lund Lransfer beLween
O Cheques and cash deposlLs
O WlLhdrawals vla A1Ms and
over Lhe counLer (C1C)
O lund Lransfer beLween
O lssoooce of cbepoes
O -o ovetJtoft foclllty
lnlLlal deposlLs Lo
open baslc bank
8M2000 8M30000
lnLeresL raLes O As per Lhe 8anks prevalllng
non lnLeresL bearlng
Cash deposlLs
charges (lncludlng
coln deposlL)
O lree on cash deposlL machlne
O lree C1C deposlLs LransacLlon and be excluded from Lhe C1C
llmlL lf cash deposlL machlne ls noL avallable
Servlce lee no servlce or malnLenance charge
Lo be lmposed
8M1000 wlll be charged on every
!une and uecember lf Lhe average
balance over lasL 6 monLhs ls less
Lhan 8M100000
number of free
LransacLlons per

lssuance ls
necessary on all
8SA/ 8CA
accounLs excepL
for SML accounLs)
CpLlon 1 (roducL Code SA8SA1 CA8SA1 CA8CA1_SML)
a 8 C1C vlslLs aL branch 9
visit ond onwords No fee unti/
further notice
b 8 A1M cash wlLhdrawals aL branch no fee shall be lmposed for
non cash wlLhdrawal LransacLlons (eg balance enqulry or fund
Lransfer wlLhln Lhe same bank) 9
withdrowo/ onwords
kM100 per withdrowo/
c Cl8C LransacLlons llrsL 2 Cl8C LransacLlon ls charged 8M030
per LransacLlon 3rd LransacLlon onwards wlll be charged 8M200
per LransacLlon
CpLlon 2 (roducL Code SA8SA CA8SA CA8CA_SML)
a Annual A1M fee of 8M800 for unllmlLed C1C A1M
b Cl8C LransacLlons llrsL 2 Cl8C LransacLlon ls charged 8M030
per LransacLlon 3rd LransacLlon onwards wlll be charged 8M200
per LransacLlon

lnLerneL 8anklng lree of charge
O lund Lransfer faclllLy (excepL Cl8C faclllLy as sLlpulaLed ln Lhe
O Cnllne blll paymenL faclllLles wlLhln Lhe bank and
O AccounL enqulrles
lssuance of
cheque book
nA a SLamp duLy 8M013 per
b Courler charges of 8M300
cheque book dellvered
c no refund of Lhe courler
charges of 8M300 per
cheque book desLroyed lf
cusLomer falls Lo collecL/
recelve Lhe cheque book
wlLhln 14 days from daLe
Mlnlmum balance
(Lo be malnLalned)
8M1000 nA
MonLhly sLaLemenL MonLhly sLaLemenL
Closure of 8SA 1he lasL sen ln Lhe accounL can be wlLhdrawn upon closure
uormanL accounL
%-o floooclol
ttoosoctloos fot o
petloJ of 12
mootbs ot mote)
1 no charge on acLlvaLlon of Lhe accounL
2 MonLhly balance less Lhan 8M1000 sysLem wlll auLo close Lhe
accounL and absorb Lhe balance afLer 2 remlnders
1 AccounLs wlLh more Lhan 8M1000 annual servlce fee 8M1000
wlll be levled (wef 20 !une 2010)
CLher fees and
a 8eplacemenL of A1M/ bankcard kM1200
b Larly closure of 8SA/ 8CA lf lL ls closed wlLhln 3 monLhs of
accounL openlng kM2000
c Cash wlLhdrawals aL A1M faclllLles owned by oLher 8ls (MLS
charges) kM100
d istinq chorqes on tronsoctions/ services obove the minimum
thresho/d os set out by 8NM os per the bonks eistinq toriff of
e @ronsoctionspecific chorqes {eq chorqes on te/eqrophic
tronsfer stop poyment instruction outport cheque commission
etc) os per the bonks eistinq toriff of chorqes
8as|c 8ank|ng Serv|ces ramework
O 8ank negara Malaysla lnLroduced Lhe 8aslc 8anklng Servlces lramework on 14 uecember
O All commerclal banks and flnance companles are requlred Lo offer one baslc savlngs accounL
(8SA) and one baslc currenL accounL by 1 lebruary 2003
O 1o ensure LhaL Lhe banklng publlc has access Lo Lhe commonly used banklng servlces Lo meeL
Lhelr general needs aL mlnlmal cosLs
O ln llne wlLh Lhe expecLaLlons LhaL banklng lnsLlLuLlons should play a more effecLlve role ln
meeLlng soclal obllgaLlons

Cu88Ln1 ACCCun1
We have made sure LhaL our CurrenL AccounL offers you all Lhe feaLures LhaL you would expecL from any oLher
ma[or bank ?eL we also offer a number of oLher beneflLs LhaL you would only expecL from an organlsaLlon as
lnnovaLlve as Affln 8ank 8erhad
kequ|rements (for company current account)
O Memorandum ArLlcles of AssoclaLlon (cerLlfled copy)
O lorm 24 (cerLlfled copy)
O lorm 49 (cerLlfled copy)
O hoLocopy of ldenLlLy Card/assporL of slgnaLorles
O Companys rubber sLamp (ln dark color lnk)
O Cheque requlslLlon sllp duly slgned
O Mlnlmum deposlL of 8M 200000
O 8oard of ulrecLors resoluLlon Lo auLhorlse Lhe openlng of a currenL accounL
O lnLroducer (currenL accounLholder wlLh A88)
O SlgnaLure on speclmen slgnaLure cards (musL be ln black lnk)
kequ|rements (for so|e propr|etor]partnersh|p current account)
O lorm A (orlglnal)
O lorm u (orlglnal)
O hoLocopy of ldenLlLy Card/assporL of slgnaLorles
O Companys rubber sLamp (ln dark color lnk)
O Cheque requlslLlon sllp duly slgned
O Mlnlmum deposlL of 8M 200000
O lnLroducer (currenL accounLholder wlLh A88)
O SlgnaLure on speclmen slgnaLure cards (musL be ln black lnk)
lor more lnformaLlon vlslL your local Affln 8ank 8erhad 8ranches Loday

Cverdraft Aga|nst |xed epos|t kece|pts
Customer Loan L|m|t epartment or Centre 1e|ephone Numbers
Any AmounL
land flnanclng
loans 8nM
CCC schemes
ersonal Loan Consumer
CredlL ueparLmenL Menara
032033 9348 / 9332 / 9333 /
lax 032026 3107
LnLlLy (Sole
and eLc)
up Lo 8M30
Small 8uslness Loan CenLres

a 8angsar
b Shah Alam
c Srl eLallng
d kuanLan
(LasL CoasL 8eglon)

a 032284 8063/ 8142
b 033314 8362
c 039038 4626/ 9037
d 09317 7720/ 7721
8uslness banklng
Cverdraft Aga|nst |xed epos|t kece|pts
An overdrafL ls a faclllLy allowlng a borrower Lo overdraw on hls currenL accounL up Lo a prearranged llmlL for
personal and buslness use
1hls servlce ls opened Lo lndlvldual and [olnL accounLs company soleproprleLor and parLnershlp cusLomers who
malnLaln a currenL accounL and/or holdlng lu8 (mlnlmum of 8M3000)
1he llmlL for Lhe overdrafL ls 100 flnanclng equlvalenL Lo Lhe amounL of lu8 1he lnLeresL raLe ls 2 above lu8
raLe or 1 above 8L8 whlchever ls hlgher on dally resL basls
lor more lnformaLlon please c||ck here

e Seberang !aya
(norLhern 8eglon)
f !ohor !aya
(SouLhern 8eglon)
g 8uklL 8aru

e 04398 1409/ 3039
f 07331 8396/ 8397
g 06232 4331/ 4243

8M30 Mllllon
Lo 8M100
Small Medlum LnLerprlse
ueparLmenL Menara Allln
032033 9236/ 9231/ 9733/
9281/ 9733/ 9276
lax 032026 3969
Mllllon and
CorporaLe ueparLmenL
Menara Allln
032033 9261/ 9307/ 9260
lax 032032 1043

ersonal loan
A Sav|ng |ex|b|e |nanc|a| 9|an 1o Cwn|ng our Idea| nome
WheLher you are buylng your flrsL house looklng Lo reflnance or
purchaslng an lnvesLmenL properLy Affln Pome SoluLlons us ls Lhe ldeal
cholce for you lL ls more Lhan [usL a home loan lL wlll help you manage
your flnances upgrade your home and offers you more flexlblllLy on
your repaymenL and savlngs on lnLeresL

We also glve you flexlble opLlons wlLh our flexl package whlch allows for comblnaLlons of 1erm and
overdrafL flnanclng Affln Pome SoluLlons lus ls more Lhan a convenLlonal houslng loan lL ls a flnanclal
plannlng soluLlons LhaL helps you achleve your llfe and famlly goals
1alk Lo us Lo flnd ouL how Allln Pome SoluLlons lus can help you buy your home as well as help you
plan your fuLure
Affln Pome SoluLlons lus helps you
O 8eLLer manage your cashflow
O ln your flnanclal plannlng eg reLlremenL and chlldrens educaLlon
O Save overall lnLeresL cosLs wlLh uAlL? compuLaLlon of lnLeresL
O aymenL ln excess of loan lnsLallmenL amounL
O 8edraw of excess paymenL
1erms Cond|t|ons
O 1he package ls appllcable for a properLy value of 8M200000 and above
O Margln of llnance (MCl) up Lo 93 lncluslve of M81A
O 1enor 43 years or up Lo Lhe age of 73 whlchever ls earller
O ketent|on or LockIn
a) Appllcable Lo seLLlemenLs wlLhln 3 years from full dlsbursemenL daLe
b) enalLy amounL 3 of Crlglnal Loan AmounL lf redeemed afLer 3 years buL wlLhln 3 years
b) enalLy amounL 3 Crlglnal Loan AmounL lf redeemed wlLhln 3 years
O Mk1A We sLrongly encourage you Lo Lake M81A Lo ensure LhaL you and your famlly are
8edraw faclllLy on excess paymenL can be conducLed vla wwwafflnonllnecom for reglsLered afflnCnllne
lease cllck Lhe followlng for more lnformaLlon on
O roducL ulsclosure SheeL
lor furLher lnformaLlon please call our Call CenLre aL SS22 or vlslL Lhe nearesL Allln8Ank /
Allln lSLAMlC branch Loday
Aff|n Cred|t 9|us

A kemortgage |nanc|a| 9|an or 9ersona| Consumpt|on
Affln CredlL lus ls a Lerm loan or overdrafL or comblnaLlon of Lerm loan and overdrafL for Lhe purpose of
flnanclng unencumbered properLles 1he loan ls for personal use and lnvesLmenL 1he Lype of properLy whlch ls
accepLable for Lhls remorLgage flnanclng ls compleLed and unencumbered resldenLlal and buslness premlse wlLh
lndlvldual or sLraLa LlLles lssued lor comblnaLlon package of Lerm loan and overdrafL Lhe maxlmum overdrafL
porLlon ls 30 of LoLal flnanclng amounL for loan value less Lhan 8M300000 and 70 of LoLal flnanclng amounL
for loan value on or above 8M300000
Affln CredlL lus helps you
O Save overall lnLeresL cosL wlLh uAlL? compuLaLlon of lnLeresL
O aymenL ln excess of loan lnsLalmenL amounL
O 8edraw of excess paymenL
1erms Cond|t|ons
O Loan amounL Mlnlmum 8M30000 and Maxlmum up Lo approved margln of flnance
O roperLy value Mlnlmum 8M200000 dependlng on locaLlons
O Margln of llnance (MCl)
8esldenLlal up Lo 90 dependlng on locaLlons
8uslness remlse up Lo 83
O M81A llnanclng 3 (M81A MorLgage 8educlng 1erm Assurance)
O 1enure Mlnlmum 3 years and Maxlmum 30 years or up Lo Lhe age of 63 years whlchever ls earller
O 8eLenLlon
a) Appllcable Lo seLLlemenLs wlLhln 3 years from daLe of full dlsbursemenL
b) enalLy amounL
4 3 of orlglnal loan amounL lf redeemed wlLhln 3 years
4 3 of orlglnal loan amounL lf redeemed afLer 3 years buL wlLhln 3 years
8uslness remlse
a) Appllcable Lo seLLlemenLs wlLhln 3 years from daLe of flrsL dlsbursemenL
b) enalLy amounL 3 of orlglnal loan amounL lf redeemed wlLhln Lhe 3 years reLenLlon perlod
r Mk1A We sLrongly encourage you Lo Lake M81A Lo ensure LhaL you and your famlly are proLecLed
8edraw faclllLy on excess paymenL can be conducLed vla wwwafflnonllnecom for reglsLered afflnCnllne users
lease cllck Lhe followlng for more lnformaLlon on
O roducL ulsclosure SheeL
lor furLher lnformaLlon please call our Call CenLre aL SS22 or vlslL Lhe nearesL Allln8Ank / Allln
lSLAMlC branch Loday

8uslness banklng

9roducts Cred|t Guarantee Corporat|on (CGC)
Guarantee Scheme
New pr|nc|pa| guarantee scheme (npgs)
1 Cb[ect|ve of Scheme O 1o asslsL enLrepreneurs who have vlable pro[ecLs
buL lack Lhe collaLeral Lo obLaln Lhe requlred loan
amounL from flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
2 Cred|t ac|||t|es L||g|b|e for
O Lllglble credlL faclllLles are Lhose granLed wlLhouL
collaLeral (le clean loan () and Lhose LhaL are
parLlally secured
O 1ype of credlL faclllLles ellglble for guaranLee are

1 1erm Loans
2 CverdrafLs
3 LeLLer of CredlLs/ 1rusL 8ecelpLs
4 8llls urchased
3 8ank CuaranLee
6 8ankers AccepLance
7 Plre urchase
8 Leaslng
9 LxporL CredlL 8eflnanclng (LC8)
10 Any oLher credlL faclllLles deLermlned
from Llme Lo Llme by Lhe corporaLlon
O Appllcable only for new loans LxlsLlng loans shall

noL be ellglble for guaranLees unless addlLlonal
loans are granLed
O Small loans noL exceedlng 8M3000000 are
guaranLeed under Small LnLrepreneur CuaranLee
Scheme (SLCS)
L||g|b|e 9art|c|pants O All Malayslan owned conLrolled and reglsLered
8uslnesses (wlLh Lhe excepLlon of cooperaLlves)
wlLh annual sales Lurnover noL axceedlng 8M23
mllllon or full Llme workers of 130 or less
Loan L|m|t O 1oLal credlL llmlL ellglble for guaranLee Lo a slngle
borrower (Laken on company basls) ls up Lo
8M10 mllllon
S Interest kate O 223 above 8ase Lendlng 8aLe
Marg|n of Guarantee Cover O Maxlmum cover of up Lo 8M23mllllon on Lhe
unsecured porLlon 1here ls no capplng lmposed
on Lhe secured porLlon
8anges beLween 30 Lo 90 sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng
unsecured orLlon Secured orLlon
30 Lo 80 30 Lo 90

Guarantee ee O 123 for Lhe unsecured porLlon and 10 for Lhe
secured porLlon based on Lhe guaranLee cover
and ls payable annually ln advance

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