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GULG81 Comm|ttee Meet|ng M|nutes 31

Cctober 7pm Comm|ttee koom 4
Meet|ng Started 1910
Meet|ng Ad[ourned 2010
In attendance !esslca McCrellls Mark ScoLL Lauren Mcuougall klrsLy SmlLh 1homas
Lambourn !o ArnoLL Lrln Mackenzle Chrls ?oung Slmon 1solakldls (1923)
Apo|og|es klL Moreland LllloL McConlgle !ames Parrlson
Comm|ttee 8us|ness
1 LvenLs CoordlnaLor LlecLlon
unanlmous voLe for SLeen!
2 LvenLs CaLchup
a asL
Women's evenL wenL really well and Lhe LurnouL was fanLasLlc !o noLed LhaL ln Lhe
fuLure lL would be much beLLer Lo know exacLly who wlll be meeLlng aL Lhe subway
b upcomlng (lncludlng men's/women's/Lrans*/posLmaL)
Wlcked Wenches wlll Lake 1 colns Lo make sure paymenL (and dlscounL) ls easler
1he followlng evenL ls Lhe Cuu Llbrarles dlalecLlc evenL and wlll lnvolve no
organlsaLlon as we [usL need Lo Lurn up aL Lhe Cuu
MS evenL Lo be pushed Lo nexL semesLer posslble back up could lnvolve vlcky Cunn
dolng a Lalk abouL rellglon and homophobla !ess wlll follow Lhls up
Speed maLlng ls Lhe followlng week (new evenLs coordlnaLor Lo be ln charge of
osL maL evenL ls organlsed for lrlday (7pm aL Wudon) and ls ready Lo go!
nexL Lrans* evenL ls Lhe followlng week (coffee nlghL) along wlLh Lhe drag klng
workshops on Lhe 10
and 11
1he drag klng workshops are now fully booked!
nexL men's and women's evenLs (november evenLs) Lo be organlsed asap and deLalls
emalled Lo !ess Lo be lncluded ln Lhe weekly emall
3 Cellldh
a Money slLuaLlon (S8C granL appllcaLlon)

We need flgures ln order Lo apply for more money Lo pay for Lhe band and Lhls
needs Lo be done asap or lL wlll be Loo laLe for Lhe cellldh
b venues vlewlng day?
venue ldeas lnclude CaplLol Sloane's Cudos and Cran Mor (Lauren Lo call venues
and organlse a vlewlng day so LhaL we can book asap)
c 8and
Lauren Lo book a band asap max 300 (Lauren Lo chase !ames up re band who dld
Lhe S8C cellldh)
d CharlLy (?)
1 per LlckeL plus any raffle and game money Lo go Lo charlLy World Alds uay
cellldh glvlng money Lo an Plv/Alus relaLed charlLy Lrln Lo research charlLles
e AdverLlsemenL (wlll be dealL wlLh by subLeam?)
f 8affle (wlll be dealL wlLh by subLeam?)
!o Lo be ln charge of organlslng Lhe raffle prlzes buL can delegaLe Lasks Lo Lhe sub
g uecoraLlons (wlll be dealL wlLh by subLeam?)
4 Sub1eam
a llrsL MeeLlng
Lauren Lo head up Lhe subLeam and organlse flrsL meeLlng 1hey wlll be lnvlLed Lo
Lhe nexL commlLLee meeLlng and we wlll have flrsL subLeam meeLlng asap afLer
booklng a venue
b 8oles
1he subLeam roles wlll be declded aL Lhe flrsL meeLlng
3 8lScoLland updaLe
klrsLy recelved an emall 1 hour before Lhe sLarL of Lhe evenL Lo ask lf we sLlll wanLed
Lhem Lo run lL! 1hey have offered Lo run an evenL nexL semesLer whlch Lhe
commlLLee agrees should sLlll go ahead buL only wlLh advance plannlng of Lhe
6 Same sex Lango lessons
1hls evenL won'L happen Lhls semesLer buL klrsLy ls ln conLacL wlLh oLher dance
schools and LuLors Lo organlse a sesslon for nexL semesLer

7 Welfare dropln
CommlLLee room 2 ls booked and everyLhlng ls organlsed!
8 PealLh Week
!ess recelved an emall from Amy !ohnson re S8C healLh week and wheLher we
wanLed Lo lncorporaLe anyLhlng ln Lo Lhelr evenLs/campalgn llLeraLure or do a [olnL
evenL ulscussed LhaL we could conLrlbuLe someLhlng do wlLh sexual healLh or
women's healLh buL we wlll dlscuss lL furLher closer Lo Lhe Llme
9 rlde Week
SubLeam for prlde week? We could use Lhe subLeam we already have and glve
Lhem Lasks for boLh Lhe cellldh and prlde week
ldeas lnclude a Mardl Cras Lheme lnvolvlng 8razlllan drlnks enLerLalners and
capoelra dancers!
Wlll approach SLraLhclyde unl Caledonlan 8oyal ConservaLolre as well as oLher
ScoLLlsh unlverslLles We wlll also conLacL organlsaLlons llke LC81 ?ouLh ScoLland
ldeas for accommodaLlon we could look aL hosLels local hoLels and people sLaylng
over aL commlLLee/socleLy member's houses We wlll research accommodaLlon and
Lry Lo flnd ouL abouL group booklng dlscounLs
10lrlnge LvenLs
LvenLs whlch run alongslde Lhe socleLy and are supporLed by Lhe commlLLee buL are
organlsed by socleLy members and are smaller/more LargeLed Lowards speclflc
lnLeresLs eg weekend movle evenLs Clasgay eLc
11osLers dlsLrlbuLlon
a volunLeers and place suggesLlons
osLers have arrlved and need Lo be puL up 1here are no general posLers whlch wlll
need Lo be chased up! SuggesLlons for posLer locaLlons
4 CMu Cuu Adam SmlLh Llbrary 8oyd Crr !oseph 8lack !ohn Mac 8ulldlng
Cym MaLhs bulldlng Modern Languages unl Cardens arLs bulldlngs Palls (?)
4 llyers off campus (and lf Lhere are any posLers lefL we can dlsLrlbuLe Lhem off
12Lube roblem!
1he commlLLee has been noLlfled LhaL Lhere ls a lubrlcanL we provlde causlng a rash
and lLchlng no one else has menLloned any problems so we [usL need Lo be vlgllanL
lL may have been an allerglc reacLlon

13nexL MeeLlng
Monday Lhe 7
november aL 7pm locaLlon 18A

Any Cther 8us|ness]Act|on o|nts

1 1uLorlals Lo do
a WebslLe Chrls
b Mall Chlmp Mark
c Scrlbd Lauren

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