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nazl Cermany (AuLhorlLarlan 8eglmes)

8lse of PlLler
Weakness of We|mar Government
O @he sysLem ensured LhaL no slngle parLy could galn domlnance ln Lhe 8elchsLag (Cerman
O Powever lL also meanL LhaL dlfferenL pollLlcal parLles had Lo form coallLlon governmenLs
ln order Lo geL laws passed
O @he changlng sysLems of governmenL were very dlsrupLlve Lo ordlnary llfe
O Cerman publlc was lefL wlLh Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lhe uemocraLlc sysLem ln Cermany was
O Jelmar pollLlclans also spenL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhelr Llme Lrylng Lo form coallLlons
governmenLs and squabbllng lnsLead of runnlng Lhe counLry
CpposlLlon from
Lhe 8lghL
O ,any Cermans felL angry aL Lhe Jelmar governmenL for slgnlng Lhe armlsLlce as Lhey
belleved LhaL Lhe Cerman Army was noL defeaLed
O @op Army Cfflcers and Lhe kalser's lormer Advlsors Lold Lhe people LhaL Cermany was
sLabbed ln Lhe back by lLs pollLlclans (november Crlmlnals)
O Powever Lhese clalms were noL Lrue as Lhe Cerman Army had losL lLs allles and were
runnlng ouL of resources @he Jelmar (ConsLlLuLlonal) CovernmenL slgned Lhe armlsLlce Lo
prevenL furLher losses
CpposlLlon from
Lhe LefL
O CommunlsLs opposed Lhe Jelmar governmenL as Lhey wanLed Lo sLarL a communlsL
revoluLlon ln Cermany (Llke Lhe CcLober 8evoluLlon ln 8ussla)
O @hey Look over some Cerman clLles and seL up SovleLs Lhere (8erlln ,unlch klel)
O @he maln group of CommunlsLs known as Lhe SparLaclsLs were opposed by anLlcommunlsL
exservlcemen who called Lhemselves Lhe lrelkorps @here were frequenL baLLles beLween
boLh parLles
unable Lo
malnLaln order
ln Cermany
O @he governmenL spenL mosL of lLs Llme Lrylng Lo suppress rloLs and aLLempLs Lo overLhrow
Lhe governmenL
O @he Jelmar CovernmenL's own army could noL puL down Lhe revoluLlons and Lhey
frequenLly relled on Lhe lrelkorps Lo puL down Lhe CommunlsL 8evolLs
O @hls made Lhe Jelmar CovernmenL look weak as lL was unable Lo conLrol Lhe counLry
O @he lrelkorps Lhemselves led by Jolfgang kapp led a rebelllon agalnsL Lhe governmenL
when lL Lrled Lo dlsband army unlLs Powever Lhe kapp uLsch (kapp 8ebelllon) falled
O Adolf PlLler also led anoLher rebelllon known as Lhe ,unlch 8eer Pall uLsch lL Loo
Loss supporL of
Lhe ,lddle Class
O Cermany had Lo pay reparaLlons Lo allles
O Jelmar CovernmenL prlnLed money Lo pay off lLs debLs
O @hls led Lo lnflaLlon and laLer hyperlnflaLlon
O @he overall value of Lhe Cerman mark dropped overnlghL eople's savlngs Lhen became
worLhless overnlghL
O AlLhough Lhe economlc slLuaLlon lmproved ln 1924 many mlddle class Cermans felL LhaL
Lhe democraLlc sysLem had falled Lhem

LosL A capable
O @he Jelmar CovernmenL losL a capable leader when CusLav SLresemann dled ln 3 CcLober
O Pls role as lorelgn ,lnlsLer of Cermany was plvoLal ln lmprovlng relaLlons beLween Lhe
Allled owers and Cermany
O Pe also negoLlaLed for Lhe uawes and ?oung lans wlLh Lhe uSA
O @hese plans allowed Cermany more Llme Lo pay lLs reparaLlons Lo Lhe Allled owers
O @he overall amounL Cermany had Lo pay was also reduced by a Lhlrd
O Cermany was also accepLed lnLo Lhe League of naLlons
O @he perlod was known as a Colden Age for Cermany
O Powever when Lhe Amerlcan economy was hlL by Lhe CreaL uepresslon Lhe fraglle
slLuaLlon of Lhe Cerman economy whlch relled heavlly on Lhe uSA's ablllLy Lo keep loanlng
money collapsed when Lhe ald from Lhe uSA sLopped
O Cermany sllpped back lnLo an economlc slump and Cerman buslnesses were forced Lo
close maklng mllllons of Cermans unemployed
|t|er's Ab|||t|es
Speaker and
O Jas a charlsmaLlc leader
O Jas able Lo make people belleve LhaL he undersLood Lhelr problems
O PlLler's aLLempL Lo overLhrow Lhe Jelmar CovernmenL was a serlous offence
O Could have recelved Lhe deaLh senLence for Lrylng Lo overLhrow Lhe CovernmenL
O Powever hls speech made Lhe [udges sympaLheLlc Lowards hlm (,ade hlmself seem llke a
paLrloL who was Lrylng Lo resLore Cerman glory)
O Pls speech appealed Lo Lhe [udges who preferred days of auLocraLlc rule under Lhe kalser
and Lhey gave hlm a llghL senLence
O PlLler laLer publlshed a book called ,len kampf (,y SLruggle) Lo make hls ldeas beLLer
known and wln supporL from Lhe Cerman people
8eorganlsed Lhe
nazl arLy
O JanLed Lo galn power Lhrough leglLlmaLe means
O 8eorganlsed Lhe nazl arLy and creaLed a youLh movemenL Lo geL Lhe supporL of Lhe youLh
O Large publlc meeLlngs also aLLracLed new members
O @he nazl arLy sLlll only won Lhe mlnorlLy of Lhe voLes as
1 Cermans were golng Lhrough Lhe Colden Age of Cermany and felL LhaL Lhere was
no need Lo replace Lhe currenL sysLem of CovernmenL
2 @he ma[orlLy of Lhe worklng class voLed for Lhe Soclal uemocraLlc arLy @hose who
dld noL voLe for Lhem voLed for Lhe CommunlsLs noL Lhe nazls
3 AL Lhe Llme Cermans dld noL llke Lhe way Lhe nazls beaL up Lhelr opponenLs or
Lhelr lnLlmldaLlng naLure
O Powever Lhe slLuaLlon changed when Lhe CreaL uepresslon caused Lhe Cerman conomy
Lo collapse leavlng many Cermans unemployed
xplolLed fear
of Communlsm
O PlLler Lold rlch Cerman buslnessmen and lndusLrlallsLs LhaL Lhe CommunlsLs were Lrylng Lo
sLarL a communlsL revoluLlon ln Cermany and lf LhaL were Lo happen Lhe CommunlsLs
would conflscaLe Lhelr wealLh and dlsLrlbuLe lL Lo Lhe poor
O ,any rlch Cermans gave Lhe nazls flnanclal supporL ln Lhe hopes LhaL Lhey would help Lo
prevenL Lhe spread of Communlsm ln Cermany
O PlLler used Lhe money Lo recrulL a prlvaLe army of abouL 400000 men known as Lhe SLurm
AbLellung (SA) or Lhe SLormLroopers
O @he SA's role was Lo prevenL nazl 8allles and venLs from belng dlsrupLed by CommunlsLs
Powever lL was Lhe SA Lhemselves LhaL were responslble for vlolence agalnsL CommunlsLs

Skllful aL maklng
deals wlLh
O Jas able Lo ouLsmarL Lhe Jelmar ollLlclans who LhoughL LhaL Lhey could llmlL PlLler's
ower and lnfluence
O Powever [usL afLer he was appolnLed Chancellor PlLler wenL abouL uslng hls power Lo end
Jelmar Cermany and sLarL Lhe @hlrd 8elch (mplre)

Impacts of |t|er's k|se
O 9o||t|ca| Impact (Democracy |n Germany Destroyed)
keichstoq lire
4 8lamed CommunlsLs for sLarLlng Lhe flre
4 ,ade resldenL von Plndenburg glve hlm emergency powers Lo help Lo
save" Cermany from Lhe CommunlsLs
4 used hls powers Lo remove pollLlcal opponenLs
ob/iq 4ct
4 ,ade us of hls powers Lo sLrengLhen hls conLrol by removlng all
governmenL offlclals replaclng Lhem wlLh nazl Cfflclals
4 8anned Lrade unlons and arresLed Lhelr leaders
4 All oLher pollLlcal parLles were banned ln Cermany
@hreots withi the Noti Porty were removed
4 PlLler was wary of Lhe SA whlch had grown lnLo a sLrong organlsLalon
4 8ecame susplclous of rhnsL 8ohm lLs leader and an old frlend
4 8ohm wanLed Lhe SA Lo become a second Cerman Army
4 PlLler knew LhaL Lhe Cerman Army and noL Lhe SA was capable of helplng
hlm Lo reallse hls dreams of CreaLer Cermany whlch mlghL lnvolve was
wlLh 8rlLaln and lrance
4 nlghL of Lhe Long knlves
4 ArresLed and execuLed key SA leaders
4 @he Army Cenerals were pleased wlLh PlLler's acLlons and pledged loyalLy
Lo hlm
4 PlLler had removed LhreaLs Lo hlm and galned Lhe supporL of Lhe Cerman

O oc|a| Impact (German 9eop|e had L|tt|e Ireedom)
merqecy Lows were possed
4 used emergency powers Lo ban pollLlcal acLlvlLles
4 CourLs were under nazl ConLrol
4 lmposslble Lo geL a falr Lrlal
4 @he SS (SchuLzsLaffel) or llLe Cuard were Lhe PlLler's ersonal 8odyguards
4 @he CesLapo were Lhe Cerman SecreL ollce
4 @hey arresLed anyone suspecLed of belng agalnsL Lhe PlLler or Lhe nazls
4 8oLh were above Lhe law
4 eople were encouraged Lo lnform on Lhelr nelghbours and famlly
members lf Lhey dld noL show Lhelr full supporL for PlLler and Lhe nazl arLy
ocetrotio omps
4 Anyone suspecLed of belng anLlnazl was senL Lo concenLraLlon camps
4 @hey were badly LreaLed Lhere and many Cermans dled
4 ,any dled of sLarvaLlon and from belng overworked
ProNoti /tro/ 4ctivities
4 All forms of culLural medla was sLrlcLly regulaLed by Lhe nazls
4 Cnly culLural acLlvlLles LhaL encouraged Cermans Lo supporL PlLler were
4 @he developmenL of oLher forms of culLure were prohlblLed
4 nazls had an exLenslve use of propaganda
4 8adlo sLaLlons were also broughL under nazl conLrol
4 Cermans were requlred Lo llsLen Lo Lhe luhrer's speech
4 Clnemas were also under nazl conLrol
4 Showed Lhe nazls ln a poslLlve llghL and ofLen deplcLed !ews as Lhelr
4 ubllcaLlons had Lo approved by Lhe nazl ,lnlsLry of propaganda
4 Any books wrlLLen by !ews or oLher 'undeslrables' were conflscaLed from
llbrarles and shops and burned ln publlc
Porodes ko//ies
4 @he well organlsed rallles gave Lhe Cerman people an lmpresslon LhaL Lhe
nazls were powerful and organlsed whlch greaLly appealed Lo Lhem
roiwoshed Yoths
4 nazl ?ouLh CrganlsaLlons made many Cerman youLh bllndly loyal Lo PlLler
and Lhe nazls
4 @he crlsp unlforms and Lhe sense of belonglng Lhese organlsaLlons gave Lo
Lhe youLhs greaLly appealed Lo Lhem
4 @hose who were noL members of Lhese organlsaLlons found lL hard Lo enLer
unlverslLy or obLaln [obs
4 Powever noL all Lhe youLhs wanLed Lo [oln Lhese youLh organlsaLlons (@he
delwelss lraLes)
dcotio ystem otro//ed by Notis
4 Schools ln Cermany LaughL abouL Lhe lmporLance of belng loyal and
obedlenL Lo nazl bellefs
4 roduced youngsLers who belleved ln raclal segregaLlon and pre[udlce
Jome qive /imited kesposibi/ity
4 nazls belleved LhaL women should only care abouL 3 Lhlngs klnder klrche
kuche (klds klLchen Church)
4 lorced many professlonal women Lo glve up Lhelr [obs Lo Lake care of Lhelr
ews mistreoted
4 8elleved LhaL Cermans were parL of a superlor race called Lhe Aryans and
LhaL !ews belonged Lo an lnferlor race
4 @hey also belleved LhaL Lhe lnferlor race should be Lhe slaves of Lhe
superlor race
4 !ews were also rounded up and senL Lo concenLraLlon camps where many
4 ,any ollsh !ews were also humlllaLed ln Lhe nlghL of 8roken Class !ewlsh
buslnesses were also vandallsed
4 @he PolocausL was PlLler's ldea of Lhe 'llnal SoluLlon' LhaL would rld
CreaLer Cermany of !ews
4 ,ore Lhan 6 mllllon !ews would be sysLemaLlcally kllled by Lhe nazls ln
ConcenLraLlon and ueaLh camps llke AuschwlLz Chelmno and @rebllnka

hrches otro//ed by Notis
4 Churches ln Cermany were Lold noL Lo speak up agalnsL Lhe kllllng of !ews
4 asLors who spoke ouL agalnsL Lhe nazls were senL Lo concenLraLlon camps
4 @he nazls creaLed Lhe 8elch Church and placed all roLesLanL Churches
under lL
4 lL also slgned an agreemenL wlLh Lhe CaLhollc Churches saylng LhaL lL would
noL lnLerfere wlLh lLs proceedlngs
4 @he nazls also reduced Lhe Church's lnfluence over Lhe Cerman people by
closlng all church schools and church youLh groups

O conom|c Impact
Jorkiq oditios mproved
4 lormed Lhe Cerman Labour lronL (uAl)
4 ,ade workers belleve LhaL Lhe uAl would help Lo proLecL Lhelr rlghLs
Powever Lhe uAl was used by Lhe nazls Lo conLrol Lhe wages of Lhe
4 AlLhough sLaLlsLlcs shown by Lhe nazls showed LhaL wages had lncreased
subsLanLlally lL was because workers were made Lo work longer hours
4 @rled Lo lmprove Lhe llves of lLs workers Lhrough Lhe 'SLrengLh Lhrough !oy'
(ktoft Jotcb lteoJe) scheme
4 kdl lncluded cheap holldays crulses and sporLlng acLlvlLles
4 Jorkers could also pay an lnsLalmenL of 3 marks every week Jhen Lhey
had pald a LoLal of 730 marks Lhey would be glven a eople's Car
4 Powever none of Lhe workers acLually recelved Lhelr car as Cermany
sLopped maklng cars when war broke ouL ln 1939

New obs reoted
4 @he nazls also reduced unemploymenL by lmplemenLlng vasL governmenL
pro[ecLs LhaL lnvolved many workers
4 @he naLlonal Labour Servlce employed [obless people Lo bulld schools
hosplLals and hlghways (auLobahns)
4 @he expanslon of Lhe Clvll Servlce and Lhe relnLroducLlon of conscrlpLlon
also helped Lo reduce unemploymenL
4 AlLhough sLaLlsLlcs showed LhaL unemploymenL was reduced Lhls was due
Lo Lhe facL LhaL women and !ews were forced Lo glve up Lhelr [obs
4 @hese Lwo groups of people were noL lncluded ln Lhe sLaLlsLlcs as
4 PlLler also creaLed employmenL by breaklng Lhe Lerms of Lhe @reaLy of
4 8y lnLroduclng conscrlpLlon and rearmlng Cermany many [obs were
creaLed ln Lhe manufacLurlng lndusLry LhaL bullL more Lanks shlps and

iq siesses eeitted
4 8earmamenL only beneflLed blg buslnesses LhaL were mlllLary relaLed such
as Lhe coal sLeel chemlcal and LransporL lndusLrles
4 @hese lndusLrles won large governmenL conLracLs Lo provlde mlllLary and
mlllLary relaLed supplles Lo Lhe army
4 noL all buslnesses beneflLLed from Lhe nazl conomlc plans LhaL were Lrylng
Lo make Cermany selfsufflclenL
4 @hls was because large buslnesses were favoured over smaller buslnesses
4 Jhen war broke ouL ln 1939 Lhe Cerman people suffered as Lhere were
noL enough consumer goods and supplles
4 @he economlc plan relled on Cermany's ablllLy Lo keep bulldlng weapons
for war Powever Cermany was spendlng more money Lhan lL was earnlng
from lLs sales of goods
4 Cverall Lhe Cerman economy dld noL lmprove

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