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vlcLorla Splegel

WalLon 4

Chaptei Eleven Notes- Cotton, Slaveiy, anu the 0lu South
O @rade ln sLaples llke sugar rlce Lobacco and coLLon made Lhe souLh a ma[or force ln
lnLernaLlonal commerce and creaLed wealLh
O @led SouLh Lo emerglng caplLallsL world of uS and Lurope
O SouLhern socleLy culLure pollLlcs
O SLayed agrarlan
O ew clLles llLLle lndusLry
O 1800 planLaLlon sysLem dependenL on slavery domlnaLed Lhe economy only sLrengLhened by
O #@he SouLh grew buL lL dld noL develop"
Tbe Cotton Economy
O ShlfL from #upper SouLh" (orlglnal souLhern sLaLes along Lhe ALlanLlc coasL) Lo Lhe #ower SouLh"
(new sLaLes ln Lhe SW)
O &coLLon&
Tbe Rise of King Cotton
O ,uch of upper souLh relled on Lobacco
O unsLable markeL for Lobacco
O 9rlces sub[ecL Lo frequenL depresslons 1820s Lo 1830s
O apldly exhausLed land
O lfflculL Lo remaln ln Lhe same place for long
O y Lhe 1830s vlrglnla ,aryland nC shlfL Lowards wheaL
O @obacco Lowards wesL #9ledmonL" area
Tbe Planter Class
O 9lanLer arlsLocracy power/lnfluence beyond numbers
O eLermlned pollLlcal economlcal and soclal llfe
O vasL annual lncomes
O 9alaLlal homes
O road acres and many black servanLs
O WealLhlesL malnLalned homes ln Lowns/clLles several monLhs a year Lhere
O @raveled wldely (Lurope) as an anLldoLe Lo Lhe lsolaLlon of Lhe planLaLlon
O Soclal evenLs

O 9lanLer class old upper class of Lurope
O noL really
O upper souLh arlsLocraLs people whose famllles had wealLh and power for generaLlons
O ,S@ largely a myLh
O @yplcally new Lo wealLh and power
O 1830s many sLlll 1
generaLlon seLLlers modesL resources sLruggled for years Lo clear land

vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O noL as lelsured
O lsky
O Supervlse operaLlons carefully Lo make a proflL
O lved modesLly wealLh lnvesLed ln land/slaves llLLle lefL for personal comforL
O ,ove ofLen Lo new land

O SLruggled Lo reach poslLlons deLermlned Lo defend Lhem
O CoasLal souLh SC CA rlce more sLable and lucraLlve crop
O lce lrrlgaLlon need long growlng season small area
O Sugar growers along Culf good proflL
O nly wealLhy planLers
O CompeLlLlon from Carlbbean
O ong sLaple (sea lsland) coLLon only Lo coasL

O ecllne of Lobacco llmlLs on sugar/rlce/long sLaple coLLon mlghL have shlfLed aLLenLlon Lo
nonagrlculLural pursulLs u@ shorL sLaple coLLon
O Pardler and coarser sLraln varleLy of solls and cllmaLes
O Parder Lo process

O emand for coLLon grew LexLlle lndusLry
O ,any moved Lo unculLlvaLed lands Lo grow coLLon

O 9roducLlon spread wesLward
O 1820 3m bales
O 1860 3m
O 9erlodlc flucLuaLlons
4 verproducLlon
4 oom Lo busL
O y Lhe Clvll War coLLon 2/3 of LoLal exporL Lrade of uS
O rlnglng ln $200 mllllon a year
O lce only $2 mllllon
O CoLLon ls klng!
O CoLLon domlnaLed lower souLh
O CoLLon klngdom
O 9rospecL of proflL seLLlers!

O 182060 # of slaves ln A 41000 433000
O ,S 32000 490000
O 410000 from upper Lo lower souLh
O Sale of slaves compensaLe for decllne of crops
outbern Trade and Industry
O lour mllllng LexLlle lron manufacLurlng upper S
O SouLhern LexLlle ln 1860 43 mllllon 3 fold lncrease over 20 years
O 2 of coLLon value
vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O Served needs of planLaLlon economy
O rokes (factors) markeLed planLer's crops
O ClLles
O Worked Lo flnd buyers
O udlmenLary flnanclal sysLem
O acLors bankers provlded credlL
O 9lanLers debL
O All closely Lled Lo planLaLlon sysLem

O noL good LransporLaLlons sysLem
O no lnvesLmenLs llke Lhe norLh
O no canals crude roads rallroads falled excepL for clLles
O ShorL/local llnes
O WaLer

O ow'sw
O SouLhern economlc lndependence
O ,agazlne advocaLlng souLhern agrlculLural expanslon
O 18461880
O Warned of #colonlal" relaLlonshlp
O 100m Lo norLh each year
O 9rlnLed ln n?
O Ads for norLhern manufacLurlng flrms
O ,odesL clrculaLlon
O CharlesLon 173 Parpers' magazlne 1300

ources of outbern Differences

O Why no lndusLry/commerclal economy?
O 9roflL of coLLon
O So much lnvesLed ln land/slaves
O CllmaLe
O SouLhern work hablLs

O aa|rs

bite ociety
O nly a few owned slaves
O 1830 6m
O 347323 slaveowners
O 1860 8m
O 383637
O Lach slaveholder head of famlly
vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O SusLalned lmage wlLh
4 Avolded #coarse" occupaLlons llke Lrade/commerce
4 ,lllLary
4 Speclal role for souLhern whlLe women

O WhlLe males elaboraLe code of chlvalry
O efend Lhelr #honor" duel
O CourLesy and respecL
O lsLanced Lhemselves from cruelLy/dlsrespecL of slave sysLem

O mporLance of publlc appearance of dlgnlLy/auLhorlLy
O Savlng face
O AnyLhlng challenglng dlgnlLy soclal sLaLlon or #manhood" uL or aL leasL sLern publlc
O SC 9resLon rooks beaL ,ass Charles Sumner wlLh a cane ln SenaLe
O nsulL Lo a relaLlve
O SouLhern honor
O norLh savage
O SouLh popular hero
O Avenglng honor was a soclal necesslLy especlally Lo women

Tbe outbern Lady"
O Slmllar Lo women of norLhern mlddle class u@ dlfferenL
O CenLered ln home
O Companlons/hosLesses Lo husbands
O ,oLhers
O Soclal acLlvlLles/employmenL less common Lhan norLh
O #efense" of women
O SubordlnaLe
O lghL Lo proLecL obllgaLlon Lo obey
O emales llved on farms lsolaLed
O no access Lo #publlc world"
O amlly prlnclple economlc unlL
O ,en domlnanL
O ,odesL slzed farms fuller engagemenL ln economlc llfe of famlly Lhan norLh
O Splnnlng/weavlng agrlculLural Lasks supervlse slaves
O arger planLaLlons unsulLable
O #planLaLlon mlsLress" ornamenL for husband

O ess access Lo educaLlon
O * of women 20+ compleLely llllLeraLe
O ew Lralned Lo be sulLable wlves
vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O lrLh raLe 20 hlgher Lhan Lhe resL of uS
O nfanL morLallLy hlgher
O 1860 Z dled by age of 3
O Slave labor spared from arduous work
O @hreaLened relaLlonshlps wlLh husbands
O Sexual relaLlons w/female slaves
O ConsLanL remlnder of lnfldellLy

O A few rebelled agalnsL Lhelr roles and assumpLlons
O uLspoken abollLlonlsLs
O ,osL found few ouLleLs
O Convlnced Lhemselves of beneflLs
O efended speclal vlrLues of souLhern way of llfe
O Class llnes especlally ln upper class women
Tbe Plain Folk
O @yplcally Lhe modesL yeoman farmer
O wned a few slaves
O Worked and llved wlLh more closely Lhan large farmers
O owned no slaves
O SubslsLence farmlng
O CoLLon/oLher for Lhe markeL
O noL enough Lo expand operaLlons/geL ouL of debL
O 1830s nonslaveholdlng lncreased fasLer Lhan slaveholdlng
O noL much soclal moblllLy

O LducaLlon sysLem poor whlLes few opporLunlLles Lo learn llmlLed chances of advancemenL
O Sons of wealLhy planLers ample educaLlonal opporLunlLles
O 1860 260 souLhern colleges
O ,ore Lhan half LoLal sLudenLs ln uS
O nly upper class
O LlemenLary/secondary fewer/lnferlor Lo nL (buL noL much worse Lhan nW)
O Plgher amL of llllLeraLe whlLes Lhan oLher parLs of uS

O Some nonslaveholdlng dld oppose buL llmlLed few lsolaLed areas
O SouLhern hlghlanders #hlll people"
O CuL off from commerclal world
O SubslsLence farmlng
O no slaves
O 9roud sense of secluslon
O unconnecLed Lo commerclal economy
O no surplus for markeL
O lLLle access Lo $
O arLered for goods
O Slavery unaLLracLlve LhreaLened Lhelr sense of lndependence
vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O lder pollLlcal ordeals
O naLlonallsm

O Small farmers depended on arlsLocracy for coLLon markeLs for crops/llvesLock credlL
O klnshlp neLworks
O emocraLlc socleLy
O 9arLlclpaLed ln pollLlcs
O CoLLon boom ln 1830s small farmers hoped Lo lmprove Lhelr economlc forLunes
O oughL more land/slaves
O Secure poslLlons as lndependenL yeomen
O lerce reglonal loyalLy

O Small farmers male domlnaLed famllles
O ALLack on slavery mlghL open an aLLack on paLrlarchy

O 1830 3m poor whlLe Lrash
O nferLlle/no land
O PunLlng/foraglng
O Common laborers
O leLary deflclencles/dlsease
O Clay
O ower Lhan slaves

lavery: Tbe Peculiar Institution"
O dd dlsLlncLlve speclal
O Slavery lsolaLed ln Lhe souLh
O solaLlon lncreased defense lncreased

O solaLed blacks from whlLes
O lack culLure of Lhelr own
O ond beLween blacks and whlLes

arieties of lavery
O LsL and regulaLed by law
O WhlLes could noL Leach slaves Lo read or wrlLe
O Slaves could noL LesLlfy
O no marrlage or dlvorce
O kllllng slave whlle punlshlng was noL a crlme
O eflnlng a person's race
O Lven Lrace of Afrlcan black
O umor presumed black unLll proven lmposslble
O LnforcemenL spoLLy and uneven
O wners handled mosL Lransgresslons
vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O Slze of planLaLlon
O 9referred large planLaLlon prlvacy/culLure and socleLy
O verseers
O #Pead drlvers" LrusLed slaves foremen

Life Under lavery
O AdequaLe dleL cornmeal salL pork molasses &fresh mean/poulLry&
O Cardens for own use
O Cheap cloLhlng/shoes
O Crude cablns (slave quarLers)
O ,lsLress/docLors buL mosLly slave women

O lghL Lasks as chlldren
O ongesL aL harvesL
O Women
4 lelds wlLh men
4 Cooklng cleanlng chlldren
4 Slngle parenLs
4 Speclal burdens/auLhorlLles

O lackswhlLes decllned
O 1820 14
O 1840 13
O Plgh deaLh raLe
O arge slave famllles
O 9overLy

O ess severe Lhan Carlbbean/ SA
O ,ore labor for crops
O @roplcal dlseases
O Slave Lrade
O ess lncenLlve Lo proLecL
O Worked Lo deaLh
O Sugar
O Amerlca only counLry Lo lncrease Lhrough naLural reproducLlon
O 9roLesL from hard work unLll adolescence
O ,ore loyal ensure healLh
O Plred labor
O Slaves $1000+
O verseers less economlc sLake
O AmL of work ouL of slaves

vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

O Pousehold servanLs easler
O esenLed lsolaLlon from fellow slaves lack of prlvacy
O @ransgresslons more vlslble
O lrsL Lo leave posL afLer Clvll War
O Sexual abuse
O WhlLe
O ,asLer's wlfe goL mad Loo
lavery in tbe Cities
O Plred ouL slaves for labor
O SegregaLlon
Free African Americans
O ,oney Lo buy freedom
O Sklll
O urban blacks
O SeL free moral qualms
O Wlll

O ree blacks mlghL lnsplre rebelllon
O arger free number more LhreaLenlng
O AbollLlonlsLs
O Pard Lo free slaves
O no free blacks enLer
O ew wealLh
O ,osL poverLy
O Closed [obs
O no assembly wlLhouL supervlslon
Tbe lave Trade
O new coLLon lands wlLh owner
O 9ro slave Lraders
O ong dlsLances Lralnrlversocean sLeamers
O ooL
O lke anlmals

O @raders ln conLempL low soclal poslLlon

O 1808 no forelgn Lrade
O Smuggled
O epeal law!
O nope
O nly upper souLh supporLed lL

vlcLorla Splegel
WalLon 4

lave Resistance
O AdapLaLlon/reslsLance
O anbo
O Slave rebel
O 1800 Cabrlel 9rosser 1000 rebels unsucessful
O @wo gave lL away
O 33+ 9rosser execuLed
O 1831 naL @urner slave preacher
O kllled 60
O 100+ blacks execuLed
O ear

O unnlng away
O underground rallroad
O dds of success lmposslbly hlgh
4 Ceography
4 Slave paLrols
4 lood hounds
O efused Lo work
4 SLole
4 SaboLaged
4 9reformed Lasks lmproperly

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