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Develop a replicable program to increase basic skills in vulnerable children.


Flesh out these areas: INNOVATION TRANSPARENT DEVELOPMENT - Blog DATA DRIVEN LOW INCOME and CHILDREN OF COLOR SEVERLY IMPACTED Those 2 grades or more below in fluency or comprehension. Idea for a pilot project being discussed at two congregations within the Episcopal Church here in Portland. Both congregations have a number of retired teachers and professionals to tap as the core volunteers, the space and a Saturday meals program already onsite. Please know, The Episcopal church has very serious child safety and supervision rules as well. ZERO religious instruction would be allowed -- the TEC is very pro-Church/State separation and this would be our effort to show how we could help support the public school system. It would NOT be seen as a ministry and participants and parents would NOT be solicited to join or make donations -other than potentially a sliding scale fee to underwriting of any hard expenses if outside support did not materialize and program continued/expanded. The overall goal is to increase fluency and focus on basic skills building to supplement what is being done in the classroom not replace it. As special education parents it seems at some point the current system just gives up/overlooks the fluency and comprehension gaps and pushes kids along without addressing the gaps. It seems to say that it is ok to have some kids with 1st/2nd grade fluency, 3rd grade comprehension and sitting in a high school class (or a behavior classroom) with no/little focus to ever close that gap. Goal is to try and reach each child and find and activation their passion to then instill a joy in reading (whatever the subject or media). Also to plug into the library system (get cards, navigate to find books you like, find your level for reading, get points for using the library, etc), make sure any qualified families participate in the $9/month Comcast internet deal with free computer and get qualified kids signed up for Bookshare/Overdrive. Lastly giving away Kindles/e-book reader as the reward for completing the first 8 week session as an incentive. One or two saturday sessions would also be setup to reach the parents i.e. practical skills building workshops focused on how to instill and encourage reading or practical math.

1. Establish key partnerships / collaborators 2. Assemble key staff / volunteers 11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 1 of 6

3. Develop program 4. Strategic underwriting in place 5. Complete initial outreach 6. Train staff / volunteers 7. Complete Phase 1 8. Expanded outreach 9. Seek outside small donor, supplemental funding 10. Complete Phase 2 11. Complete Assessment 12. Report findings publicly including partners, participants and funders 13. Define next steps and seek additional funding

Number of children served: Phase 1: 2 Sites 1 Classroom per site (2 Classrooms total) 12 Children per classroom (24 Children total) Phase 2: 2 Sites 3 Classrooms per site (6 Classrooms total) 12 Children per classroom (72 Children total) TRANSPARENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: REPLICABLE from the start beginning with two separate sites to illuminate issues, which may only become by have distinct sites, cultures, etc. learned organically COMMUNITY BASED SOLUTION TRACK ALL VOLUNTEER AND IN-KIND TIME to have a realistic understanding of the ongoing and startup costs for continued operations post-pilot and for any further expansion, INCREASE COMFORT WITH TECHNOLOGY EVERY CHILD WITH LIBRARY CARD EVERY CHILD WITH Kindle at end of completing the program (TRAINED) INCREASE USE OF LIBRARY, APPROPRIATE LEVEL BOOKS

Leadership: Project Manager / Program Manager ($25-35/hour) Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D) ($100-$200/hour) Master of Science Education - Special Education (M.S. Ed. - Special Education) ($30-$50/hour) Classroom: One Credentialed or retired credentialed teachers per classroom ($25 - $40/hour) One OT/PT Specialist if sports program is included at launch per site ($25-$50/hour) 11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 2 of 6

One Para-professional Educator Classroom per classroom ($10-$20/hour) One Para-professional Social Coaching per classroom ($15-$25/hour) One or more Classroom volunteers per classroom

Support roles: Technology volunteers Meal preparation & cleanup volunteers

SETUP INITIAL PILOT PROJECT: Find sufficient funding and community resources to support pilot project Find collaborative partners within School District, County Library, County Developmental & Mental Health, Medical Professionals at OHSU/Doernbecher, Providence and Kaiser, Child Development Community, SUN school providers/managers, Campfire, Community Centers, Schools and Programs targeting homeless families with children, Educational Assessment centers, Foster care Agencies, Social Services, Literacy groups, Special Education and Disability community Identify roles, find qualified professional volunteers or hire part-time staff Selection / development of the curriculum, materials and assessments with state grade level proficiency as the minimum standards (Potential use of RTI, Writing to Read, approach) Training for community based para-professionals and volunteers Identify and train all staff and volunteers on the technology being utilized in the program Outreach to schools and families with children (K-5) in special education, at-risk and low-income with both formally identified and unidentified performance gaps INITIAL PILOT PROGRAM: Individual and group based activities to increase reading fluency (speed) & math fluency (speed) Skill-streaming for social skills in classroom, meals, group activities and sports Dedicated time for social skills training through team sports with active coaching/feedback Screening at the start, periodic performance snapshots during program and formal quantitative and qualitative (self esteem as a learner) assessment at the end of each 8-week program cycle Provide healthy, balanced meals breakfast and lunch Parent education Connect with library EVALUATION OF PILOT PROJECT: Intake screening and initial assessment of childs reading and math fluency and comprehension Assessment of fluency progress for each child Assessment of comprehension progress for each child Assessment of social skills improvements for each child Assessment of childs own self esteem / self awareness as a learner Assessment of childs likes/dislikes of the program Assessment of parents own experience of the program Assessment of the parents thoughts on the childs experience in the program Assessment of staff and volunteer experiences and areas of improvement Assessment of partners and program collaborators / partner agencies experiences and areas for improvement Assessment of childs PPS classroom teacher & special education case manager for any improvements seen in classroom or work 11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 3 of 6

Initial and follow-up assessment of childs access of the school, county and Kindle/Overdrive library number of books and if choosing appropriate books for her/his level of reading/goals set several weeks after the end of the pilot project Review of number of external referrals and follow-ups by parents for additional support or services Ability to A/B test inclusion or use of specific technology or software Tracking/Cross tab by multiple criteria including for number and source of incoming contacts, level of parent participation in trainings, childs attendance rate, completion rate, source of initial referral and other outcomes

POTENTIAL EXTENSION / EXPANSION OF PROJECT: Expanding from 6-hour to a 8-hour Saturday program (or add drop-in Sunday afternoon playgroup) with additional dedicated time to social skills based team sports and engaging parents and siblings Expand to a full Middle School and High School program, staggering Exercise/Social Skills. In addition to fluency and competency additional study, writing and executive functioning skills & strategies i.e. diagramming, outlining, note taking, test studying/preparation, executive functioning, organizing materials and use of digital tools to support these strategies Support for bilingual instruction/inclusion of ESL students Expansion to additional sites Expansion to a dedicated after school program built on any lessons learned/success Testing and evaluation practice for completing Neuo-psychological and other testing to this vulnerable population and provide access to advanced OT/PT integrative / educational therapy Purchase, license and extend, or develop apps & software to use and release to support basic skills Create an online component for current and former participants to cross-support each other and access to additional online resources and skills building opportunities.

FINANC IAL: Seeking funding to complete two 8-week, 6-hour sessions simultaneously at two locations.
Ideally one 12 child classroom for first phase at each site and three classrooms at each site for the second phase. The largest cost center will be hiring part-time paid staff time if organizational partnerships or qualified, committed volunteers are not forthcoming. The budget would need to include staff and volunteer start-up time to finalize the initial program and complete any training. To launch the program successfully would require 4 weeks of Leadership staff time and 2 weeks of pre-launch Classroom staff time. The budget would also need to include 2 weeks of post pilot time for Volunteers, Classroom staff and Leadership to complete the evaluation phase and document the project fully.
Pilot Budget Overview Program Wide Costs (Both Phases) Site Level Cost - Phase 1 Site Level Cost - Phase 2 One-time Classroom Cost - Phase 1 One-time Classroom Cost - Phase 2 Reoccurring Per Classroom Costs - Phase 1 Reoccurring Per Classroom Costs - Phase 2 Reoccurring Child Centered Costs - Phase 1 Reoccurring Child Centered Costs - Phase 2 Low Cost Model $70,580 $5,960 $5,960 $12,500 $25,000 $9,480 $28,440 $9,240 $27,720 $194,880 96 $2,030.00 36.2% 3.1% 3.1% 6.4% 12.8% 4.9% 14.6% 4.7% 14.2% High Cost Model $131,030 $10,280 $10,280 $12,500 $25,000 $15,240 $45,720 $12,480 $37,440 $299,970 96 $3,124.69 43.7% 3.4% 3.4% 4.2% 8.3% 5.1% 15.2% 4.2% 12.5%

Total Children Served Average Cost Per Child For Pilot Project

11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 4 of 6

Cost Centers People One-time technology & software Curriculum, materials Technology takehome Meals Marketing / Outreach

Low Cost Model $101,920 $44,700 $18,220 $14,400 $12,840 $2,800 $194,880

52.3% 22.9% 9.3% 7.4% 6.6% 1.4%

High Cost Model $183,200 $47,100 $29,850 $19,200 $17,120 $3,500 $299,970 Hours / Count 384 640 30 30 96 1,712 480 384 640 320

61.1% 15.7% 10.0% 6.4% 5.7% 1.2%

Top 10 Budget Line Items (Low Cost Model) Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D) Eight Credentialed or retired credentialed teachers per classroom Modern Laptops w/CD-ROM, WIFI 5/per classroom iPads - 5/per classroom Amazon Kindle Touch 3G / Fire per child Meals Project Manager / Program Manager Master of Science Education - Special Education (M.S. Ed. - Special Education) Eight Para-professional Social Coaching Two OT/PT Specialists if sports program is included at launch per site

Low Cost Model $38,400 $16,000 $15,000 $15,000 $14,400 $12,840 $12,000 $11,520 $9,600 $8,000 $152,760

% 19.7% 8.2% 7.7% 7.7% 7.4% 6.6% 6.2% 5.9% 4.9% 4.1% 78.4%

Per Child $400 $167 $156 $156 $150 $134 $125 $120 $100 $83 $1,591

Top 12 Budget Line Items (High Cost Model) Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D) Eight Credentialed or retired credentialed teachers per classroom Amazon Kindle Touch 3G / Fire per child Master of Science Education - Special Education (M.S. Ed. - Special Education) Meals Project Manager / Program Manager ($25-35/hour) Eight Para-professional Social Coaching Two OT/PT Specialists if sports program is included at launch per site Modern Laptops w/CD-ROM, WIFI 5/per classroom iPads - 5/per classroom

High Cost Model $76,800 $25,600 $19,200 $19,200 $17,120 $16,800 $16,000 $16,000 $15,000 $15,000 $236,720

% 25.6% 8.5% 6.4% 6.4% 5.7% 5.6% 5.3% 5.3% 5.0% 5.0% 78.9%

Hours / Count 384 640 96 384 1,712 480 640 320 30 30

Per Child $800 $267 $200 $200 $178 $175 $167 $167 $156 $156 $2,466

Description of the Cost Centers: People One-time technology & software Curriculum, materials Technology takehome Meals Marketing / Outreach


Currently seeking agency partners to collaborate and support the development of the pilot program and its goals. Currently seeking volunteer or in-kind shared staff and/or potential paid staff where needed. Currently seeking strategic funding relationship/partnership to underwrite the majority of the cost for 11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 5 of 6

the pilot project. Currently seeking public and community financial support for the project to create longerterm donors and buy-in.


Finalize initial budget, choose 2-3 primary strategic partners and find majority underwriting.

11/6/11 - 11:50 PM - Peter Leahy http://PeterLeahy.com Page 6 of 6

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