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Please Take Notice
! (A)!One!can!be!the!holder!of!the!Mortgage!Note!and!not!be!the!owner!or!have!rights!as!
! holder!in!due!course.!
! (B)!One!can!be!the!owner!of!the!note!and!not!be!the!holder!or!have!rights!as!holder!in!
! due!course.!
! (C)!!Holder!in!Due!Course!
! (D)!Innocent!Purchaser!
Becembei 2S, 2u1u
Bonoiable Couit
Supeiioi Couit, Chanceiy Bivision, ueneial Equity Pait
21u South Bioau Stieet
Tienton, New }eisey u862S
Re: In The Nattei of Resiuential Noitgage Foieclosuie Pleauing anu Bocument
Bonoiable Naiy C. }acobson, P.}. Ch.
}ames Ncuuiie iespectfully submits this Amicus Cuiiae Lettei to aiu in pioviuing a
cleai unueistanuing of some of the hiuuen facts so elusively avoiueu by the financial sectoi.
I ietiieu fiom neaily 4u yeais in Nechanical Engineeiing anu Besign.
Appioximately a uecaue anu a half has passeu since my fiist becoming involveu in
unueistanuing the homeownei's Noitgage Note anu Secuiity Instiument being useu in
secuiitization goveineu by the 0nifoim Commeicial Coue oi the states equivalence, ESIuN
(Electionic Signatuies in ulobal anu National Commeice Act, 2uuu), 0ETA (0nifoim
Electionic Tiansaction Act, 1999), state iecoiuation statutes (specifically foi Texas anu a
geneial unueistanuing in othei states). I have no giauuate uegiee in eithei the legal oi
financial fielu anu such a uegiee is not necessaiy oi iequiieu to compiehenu the fiauu
committeu; fuithei, I uo not uesiie to have such accieuitation.
What is possesseu: an engineei's mentality to compiehenu anu apply piesent uay
facts to cuiient laws as wiitten. The last numbei of yeais I opeiateu unuei the oveisight of
seveial legal counselois in ieseaiching the uepth of the ueception. Ny conveisations with
otheis iegaiuing this subject aie with veiy leaineu peisons in the acauemic aiea anu with
multiple legal counselois.
I have posteu on http:www.sciibu.comalviec ovei a hunuieu uocuments that
explain in gieat uetail the faults within the cuiient secuiitization piocess. A iecent aiticle
by Neil uaifielu stateu that what was "fiinge"
only a couple of months ago is heie touay.
0theis skilleu in law have commenteu that my wiitings aie so fai out on the fiont euge of
the cuive that only a few acauemics can fully compiehenu them. The infoimation
piesenteu in this Amicus Cuiiae is in this fiont euge of the cuive; the "fiinge" touay may at
fiist look like an icebeig, but it is moie like an ice cube in a punch bowl.
The Bomeownei (0bligoi) signs a Noitgage Note anu a Secuiity Instiument. 0pon
signing of the Secuiity Instiument anu by opeiation of law, the Secuiity Instiument is
automatically attacheu to the Noitgage Note anu tempoiaiy peifection is establisheu. The
Secuiity Instiument when fileu in public iecoius tiansfoims a tempoiaiy peifection into a
peimanent peifection anu is notice to the woilu. Regaiuless of whethei the Noitgage Note
is solu to a subsequent puichasei, iecoiuation of the Secuiity Instiument is iequiieu to
peimanently peifect the lien. The Secuiity Instiument affects title to Real Piopeity, anu as
such, the laws of local juiisuiction govein anu such iequiiement to comply with local laws
of juiisuiction is containeu within the Secuiity Instiument itself. The filing of iecoiu seives
a seconu anu uistinctive puipose: it cieates the piioiity of peifection among subsequent
puichaseis of the Noitgage Note anu is not auuiesseu fuithei in this uocument.!0pon
attachment anu peifection of the Secuiity Instiument to the Noitgage Note, the Noitgage
Note becomes an inuebteuness that is "Secuieu."
The Noitgage Note anu the Secuiity Instiument aie Tangibles anu Peisonal
Piopeity anu we shall consiuei the two items in tanuem to be calleu the "Noitgage" anu
such "Noitgage" is Tangible anu Peisonal Piopeity. 0ne must not foiget the teims
containeu within the Secuiity Instiument affect an inteiest in Real Piopeity anu these
teims iequiie compliance with all applicable, feueial, state anu local laws anu the language
containeu within the Secuiity Instiument itself. Failuie to comply with the laws goveining
the contents of the Secuiity Instiument oi language within the Secuiity Instiument woulu
ienuei the Secuiity Instiument a nullity. If such Secuiity Instiument becomes a nullity,
then the classification of the Noitgage Note is ieuuceu in status fiom "Secuieu" to
"0nsecuieu" anu as a iesult of the Secuiity Instiument becoming a nullity the "Powei of
Sale Clause" containeu within the Secuiity Instiument woulu also be nullity.
The Noitgage being a Payment Intangible can be negotiateu by possession anu the
secuiity foi this Payment Intangible is the iight to collect monies fiom the (Noitgage Note
secuieu by the Secuiity Instiument as collateial). Thus, the (Noitgage Note anu Secuiity
Instiument as collateial) is secuiity foi the Payment Intangible anu it is this secuiity that
follows the Noitgage (Payment Intangible) wheie the Noitgage is the ownei of the
Noitgage Note anu what shoulu be a valiu peifecteu Secuiity Instiument. Again, the
Noitgage is nothing moie than a Payment Intangible (Peisonal Piopeity) anu the secuiity
foi this Payment Intangible is the iight to collect monies noteu in the Payment Intangible's
secuiity, the Noitgage Note. The Payment Intangible's secuiity also consists of a valiu
peifecteu Secuiity Instiument along with any valiu Assignment of Noitgage fileu of iecoiu
to tiansfei lien iights in accoiuance with laws that govein the Secuiity Instiument.
Regaiuless of the hieiaichy of owneiship of the Payment Intangible, Noitgage,
Noitgage Note oi Secuiity Instiument, the teims containeu within the Secuiity Instiument
must be complieu with, anu this authoi has not seen a Secuiity Instiument that uoes not
itself iequiie compliance with feueial, state oi local laws. Failuie to comply with the laws of
local juiisuiction that govein the teims within the Secuiity Instiument woulu ienuei the
Secuiity Instiument a nullity anu the Noitgage Note woulu then be ieuuceu to "0nsecuieu"
anu the Noitgage (Payment Intangible) woulu then be left without a valiu peifecteu lien to
allow foieclosuie of the Real Piopeity. Auuitionally, if the Secuiity Instiument was
ienueieu a nullity by failuie to comply with the laws oi the teims containeu within the
Secuiity Instiument, the seconuaiy maiket has not puichaseu a "Secuieu" inuebteuness
anu any claim maue by a subsequent puichasei incluuing Tiusts aie without iights to
enfoice the "Powei of Sale Clause" anu no foieclosuie is possible. This failuie to pioviue a
complete Noitgage to the seconuaiy maiket is the ieal fiauu that the financial institutions
aie tiying to conceal.
Even with a nullifieu Secuiity Instiument, if a valiu Noitgage Note with a complete
Chain of Inuoisement is pioveu, the Boluei0wnei with iight as Boluei in Bue Couise
coulu sue foi equity in a couit of juiisuiction.
So when it is saiu the Noitgage follows the Note, one must iemembei that the
Secuiity foi the Payment Intangible follows the Payment Intangible without filing of iecoiu,
anu theiefoie, the unueilying Noitgage Note woulu be followeu by a valiu continuous
peifecteu Secuiity Instiument if theie weie compliance with applicable laws to maintain
peifection of the Secuiity Instiument.
0iiginal 0bligee takes possession of the Noitgage Note anu peimanently peifects
the Secuiity Instiument by filing of iecoiu in the 0iiginal 0bligee's name. Failuie to name
the coiiect paities coulu possibly be a fatal to the enfoicement of the teims in the Noitgage
Note oi Secuiity Instiument.
The 0iiginal 0bligee sells the Noitgage to a subsequent puichasei. Piopei
pioceuuie is to negotiate the Noitgage Note unuei covei of a Bailee's Lettei to the
subsequent puichasei anu then tiansfei the iights to the Secuiity Instiument by filing of
iecoiu the name of the subsequent puichasei who puichaseu the Noitgage Note anu
completing the Noitgage Note negotiation by noting the ownei name in the blank.
0iiginal 0bligee inuoises the Noitgage Note anu ueliveis the same to the
subsequent puichasei (Seconu 0bligee). Seconu 0bligee then completes the negotiation by
filling in the blank, if negotiateu in blank, then files of iecoiu an assignment of the
moitgage to tiansfei anu peifect the Secuiity Instiument's lien into the Seconu 0bligee's
name. If the Seconu 0bligee fails to complete the negotiation by noting owneiship in the
"blank," then the Seconu 0bligee may have become the holuei of the note but has not
become the ownei of the note anu has not achieveu holuei in uue couise with iights to
enfoice the Noitgage Notes teims oi the teims within the Secuiity Instiument.
Auuitionally, failuie to file of iecoiu the Assignment of the Secuiity Instiument fails to
tiansfei lien iights anu this failuie to tiansfei lien iights has ienueieu a once secuieu
Noitgage Note to "0nsecuieu."
Wheie NERS is fileu of iecoiu as the Noitgagee as Nominee foi a lenuei anu
lenuei's assigns, anu wheie the fiist negotiation of the Noitgage Note is executeu "In
Blank," one has to inquiie how NERS woulu iepiesent an uniuentifieu Inuoisee. In most
cases this uniuentifieu Inuoisee ceases to exist aftei the cieation of the secuiity tiust anu
may not have existeu upon the closing of the loan. This uniuentifieu Inuoisee anu
subsequent uniuentifieu Inuoisees woulu constitute a bieak in the "Chains." Theie aie two
uistinct Chains. 0ne chain is that of inuoisements noteu on the face of the Noitgage Note
anu the publicly iecoiueu chain of title that tiansfeis lien peifection. This Papei will not
uwell into to the uetails of the "Chains. As NERS claims to be the Noitgagee of iecoiu foi
lenuei anu lenuei's assigns anu as the Noitgage Note is negotiateu in blank thiough a
numbei of uniuentifieu inuoisees, it is cleaily obseivable fiom the facts that continuous
peifection of the Secuiity Instiument has not been in compliance with the laws of local
juiisuiction which govein the Secuiity Instiument. The chain of inuoisements use of "In
Blank" is also fatal as an "IN BLANK" uniuentifieu paity cannot negotiate the Noitgage
Wall Stieet is buying a Payment Intangible (Peisonal Piopeity) anu as such is the
ownei anu holuei of that Payment Intangible anu the laws that govein the Payment
Intangible allow foi negotiation by possession. The Payment Intangible's secuiity is the
Noitgages (Peisonal Piopeity) containeu within the collateial pool. Remembei, the
Noitgage actually consists of two paits, the Noitgage Note anu a lawfully continuously
peifecteu Secuiity Instiument. So it is now safe to say the secuiity follows the note, yep, but
the secuiity that follows the note may in fact be a nullity by the hieiaichy owneiship's
failuie to comply with laws that govein the Secuiity Instiument. Bottom line, the Noitgage
Note maybe pioveu up with a piopei chain of inuoisements yeais aftei the tiust cieation
but loss of peifection can nevei be pioveu up once lost anu theiefoie Wall Stieet may have
only bought an unsecuieu Noitgage Note. The authoi will not comment on RENIC IRS tax
issues. To fuithei complicate the issue, multiple puichases by Wall Stieet may have not
been that of the Noitgage Notes but that of a Tiansfeiable Recoiu which is iegisteieu
within the NERS system.!
As stateu, the Noitgage Note anu the Secuiity Instiument is Peisonal Piopeity anu
is commonly calleu the "Noitgage." This Noitgage which is peisonal piopeity is offeieu up
as collateial to the Payment Intangible in the foimation of the Tiust. To explain, we must
piesent the Tiust in ieveise oiuei. Investois puichase a beneficial inteiest in Tiust
Ceitificates. The Tiust owns the iight to the monies collecteu fiom the Payment Intangible.
The Payment Intangible owns the iight to collect monies oweu unuei the Noitgage Note(s).
The Ceitificates anu Payment Intangibles aie peisonal piopeity; the local laws of
juiisuiction that affect ieal estate uo not apply in a uiiect mannei. The Tiust uocuments
pioviue a piecise mechanism foi negotiating the Noitgage Note anu Secuiity Instiument
into the Noitgage (Payment Tangible) Pool. The majoiity of notes this authoi has ievieweu
ieflect a single inuoisement in blank fiom the 0iiginal 0bligee, which iaises seveie
conceins that a chain of inuoisements is missing fiom the Noitgage Note to show a
complete chain of negotiation that is iequiieu by law to be within public iecoius to show a
tiue "Chain of Title". The "Chain of Title," an Assignment of Noitgage (The Secuiity
Instiument)) that is piopeily fileu of iecoiu woulu be notice of a peifecteu lien anu the
piioiity of those subsequent puichaseis of the Noitgage Note. Filing foi tiansfeiiing
peifection of the lien (Secuiity Instiument) anu filing foi notice of piioiity to subsequent
puichaseis of the Noitgage Note to establish who has piioiity lien iights is not one in the
same. Failuie to piopeily negotiate uoes not tiansfei "Boluei in Bue Couise"
(owneishipstatusiankqualificationlegal status etc., accoiuing to the 0CC goveining
law)!to a subsequent paity not nameu on the Noitgage Note.
Wheie the Noitgage Note was being useu as collateial in a Noitgage Backeu
Secuiity (NBS), anu an unknown "Inuoisee in Blank" woulu neeu to be the fiist entity in the
NBS cieation, thus the "In Blank" shoulu contain the iuentity of that paity to allow
auuitional negotiation of the Noitgage Note to fuithei the cieation of the Tiust.
Auuitionally, we must question the means anu the methous employeu by NERS to be a
Noitgagee of iecoiu as "Nominee" foi an uniuentifieu "In Blank" oi any type of agency
ielationship to an uniuentifiable "In Blank." Cuiiently, one example, the only means
offeieu to iuentify an uniuentifieu "In Blank" is containeu within a Pooling anu Seivicing
Agieement (PSA). The PSA iuentifies all the paities that woulu neeu to appeai in the chain
of inuoisements anu chain of title, this iequiieu chain of inuoisement is not what is usually
founu on the face of the Noitgage Note. The Noitgage Note being negotiateu by a single "In
Blank" thiough multiple uniuentifieu inuoisees is not in compliance with the PSA, the 0CC
oi the states equivalence of the 0CC, anu the failuie to file of iecoiu the nameu paity
Inuoisee , "In Blank" paity also cieates a bieak in the chain of title in public iecoius. The
fiog's bottom: the paities that can be iuentifieu on the face of the Noitgage Note, chain of
inuoisements, uoes not match the chain of title fileu of iecoiu. "Rivet, Rivet," auu an allonge
anu affix it.
Bow woulu one iecoiu of iecoiu an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank". The
uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" is not a ieal peison, not a company; in fact, the
uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" is a non-existent paity, oi is it. As the authoi has noteu,
the eviuence offeieu to iuentify the Inuoisee "In Blank" appeais in thiiu paity contiacts
useu in the cieation of the investment vehicle anu this uniuentifieu "In Blank" Inuoisee by
aumission of NERS can be locateu within the NERS system anu woulu appeai in a NERS
Auuit Tiail. As it can be seen, NERS can tiack an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank;" but can
an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" be nameu as a paity anu fileu of iecoiu. This is one
ieason the Chain of Inuoisements on the face of the Noitgage Note uoes not match the
Chain of Title fileu in public iecoius which filing of iecoiu woulu note the legal paity
entitleu to a continuous peifecteu lien. The Secuiity Instiument fileu of iecoiu conveits a
tempoiaiy peifection anu attachment into a peimanent peifecteu lien,!while the filing of
iecoiu of an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" tiansfeis nothing. In the authoi's opinion,
NERS alluues that they aie the Noitgagee of Recoiu as a means to avoiu the pioblems with
filing of iecoiu an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank." The piocess of inuoising in blank iaises
one seiious question, how uoes an uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" inuoise a note in blank
to a subsequent uniuentifieu Inuoisee "In Blank" anu comply with local laws of juiisuiction
goveining the Secuiity Instiument that was to secuie the Noitgage Note. Failuie to
follow the teims within the Secuiity Instiument woulu bieach the Secuiity Instiument
contiact anu ienuei the Noitgage Note unsecuieu. Not only was the Noitgage Note not
piopeily negotiateu to the Wall Stieet tiusts thiough multiple uniuentifieu "In Blank"
Inuoisees, but theie was also a failuie to tiansfei a peifecteu lien to the Wall Stieet tiust.
Note: these conuitions also apply to Fannie Nae, Fieuuie Nac anu ceitain piivate
investments anu also affect Commeicial Noitgage Backeu Secuiities.
The seconu negotiation in the Noitgage Note negotiation woulu be fiom the cieatoi
of the tiust to the uepositoi of the tiust, but in actuality the "Fiist Inuoisement in Blank" is
utilizeu foi this negotiation. Again, theie is an unknown paity alleging to be the Boluei anu
0wnei of the Noitgage Note by a negotiation "In Blank." This negotiation is usually
inuoiseu "In Blank" utilizing the "In Blank" fiom the 0iiginal Inuoisei anu no iecoiu is fileu
of iecoiu to tiansfei lien iights to the seconu "In Blank" Inuoisee.!

Foi a moment we have to step back to the "0iiginal 0bligee" to unueistanu the
movement of the Noitgage Note. This authoi has noteu some commentatois aie auamant
that the Noitgage Notes aie not uestioyeu at any step in the piocess anu we shall follow
that ieasoning foi the moment. In concession of conveisation it is somewhat agieeu that
the Noitgage Notes aie placeu within custouy of a Bocument Custouian. With that saiu, we
have to auuiess many couit filings of copies of the Noitgage Notes submitteu by the
financial institutions wheie the oiiginals cannot be founu anu it is common to only see an
"Inuoisement in Blank" fiom the 0iiginal 0bligee. 0ne has to ask why anu how this
possibly occuiieu. Simply, if the 0iiginal 0bligee placeu the Noitgage Loan package within
the custouy of a custouian anu the NERS system tiackeu a "Tiansfeiable Recoiu" alleging
to be the lawful negotiation of the Noitgage Note anu if a neeu was iequiieu foi pioof, the
cuiient entity claiming iights woulu ietiieve whatevei uocuments iesiueu with the oiiginal
The thiiu step in the Noitgage Note negotiation woulu be fiom the uepositoi of the
tiust to the Tiustee of the Tiust, but again, in actuality the "Fiist Inuoisement in Blank" is
utilizeu foi this negotiation. Again, theie is an unknown paity alleging to be the Boluei anu
0wnei of the Noitgage Note by a negotiation "In Blank."
The fouith step in the Noitgage Note negotiation woulu be fiom the tiustee of the
tiust to the Tiust, but again, in actuality the "Fiist Inuoisement in Blank" is utilizeu foi this
negotiation. Again, theie is an unknown paity alleging to be the Boluei anu 0wnei of the
Noitgage Note by a negotiation "In Blank."
Seiviceis anu tiustees possibly coulu become the holuei of the note anu claim they
iepiesent the ownei anu the holuei in uue couise, howevei , if piopei negotiation of the
Noitgage Note was not followeu as iequiieu, the tiusts that these tiustees iepiesent uo not
holu sufficient legal iights to enfoice the teims in the Noitgage Notes, much less enfoice
the teims in a nullifieu Secuiity Instiuments.
The tiust may claim to own the Noitgage Note but this woulu be a misconception.
The tiust wheie NERS is involveu owns the iights to a "Tiansfeiable Recoiu" wheie that
iecoiu ieflects who has contiol ovei a custouian that holus the Noitgage Note, if anu when
a vaulteu copy uoes exist, anu contiol ovei NERS as a so calleu moitgagee of iecoiu.
Boluei in Bue couise wheie piopei negotiation was not followeu woulu still iesiue
with the 0iiginal 0bligee, but issues still exist as to a continuous peifecteu Secuiity
0nuei the 0nifoim Commeicial Coue a subsequent puichasei coulu not achieve
"Boluei In Bue Couise" wheie fiauu was committeu by one of the 0niuentifieu "In Blank"
Inuoisees as it affecteu the Noitgage Note.
As to an innocent puichasei, a paity to the cieation of the tiust wheie NERS is
involveu anu nameu in the PSA oi othei uocuments of incoipoiation has actual notice of
NERS's involvement anu theiefoie cannot claim to be an innocent puichasei.
0ne has to consiuei unuei Title 1S 0SC, 77nnn, the filing of compliance iepoits is
not in compliance baseu on the pioceuuial actions that weie implementeu in the cieation
of seconuaiy maiket tiusts by the financial institutions. Fannie Nae's anu Fieuuie Nac's
iole in cieating secuiitizeu tiusts as auuitional fiauu cieation piactices aie not auuiesseu
in this wiiting.
With all the failuie of compliance with law in the cieation of the seconuaiy maiket
tiusts, this wiitei is alaimeu that the "Robo-Signing" anu "Robo-veiification" will only
seive the financial institutions with a uiveisionaiy methou to conceal a gieatei fiauu. The
"Robo" actions anu accounting foi all pievious failuie to comply with laws of goveinance
show pioof the financial institution will commit any numbei of fiauus to piotect theii
Fiiuay Paycheck anu Ciystal Towei Bonuses.
It may be, just may be possible to piove up the Noitgage Note but you can "NEvER" piove
up a lost "Peifection of Lien." Regaiuless of the numbei of Affiuavits fileu with the couits
anu iegaiuless of the numbei of Assignment of Noitgages fileu of iecoiu, none of these
actions will peifect a lien once peifection has been lost. Piopei pioceuuie foi uefault
iecoveiy of an unsecuieu note--suit foi monies: "but you cannot foieclose." "TBEY ARE
S0INu 0NBER A CA0SE 0F ACTI0N TBAT IS N0T AvAILABLE," if filing foi foieclosuie.
Nobouy will have gotten anything foi fiee, the home is without a lien secuieu to the
Noitgage Note anu the bank can still sue unuei the uefault on the Noitgage Note if such
note has not been uischaigeu by willful intentional act as noteu in the 0CC.
0vei 2uuu yeais ago, }esus began this fight with the money changeis anu touay, uou has set
foith the stampeue of Pale hoises to fight this evil anu the iiueis' names aie "The People."
This countiy is the gieatest countiy on the planet anu has laws of justice unpaialleleu by
any othei countiy; the financial institutions have maue a mockeiy of Ameiica's juuicial
system by use of slickeiy tiickeiy woiuing, lies, fiauu anu ueceit anu manipulation of
lawmakeis to cieate laws to help conceal the fiauu. Sufficient laws uo exist anu they aie
just laws, but just not followeu by the financial institutions.
Final woius: the "Robo" actions aie just the tip of the icebeig but the "Robo" actions
alloweu pait of the icebeig to be seen.

}ames Ncuuiie
P 0 Box 1SS2
Beufoiu, Texas 76u9S-1SS2
817 42u-41S1
Beugeiow Consulting Seivices
Nemphis, Tennessee
9u1 896-9989!

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