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The Reiki Principles

Just for today............................

Do not anger

Do not worry

Work hard

Be kind

Be grateful

These principles were introduced by Dr. Usui for his own students who were
learning his Secret Art of Inviting Many Blessings (Reiki) They are taken from the
works of the Meiji Emperor who was a hero of Mikao Usui and considered to by a
very wise man in his day. (Also in Japan the Emperors were thought to be Divine
beings, so that anything they said would have been very important indeed)

These Reiki Principles are the very heart of Reiki. The intention of
Dr. Usui, in introducing these into his teachings was to instil mindfulness in his
students and to show us how to encourage positivity and discourage negativity in
our lives. In practising the precepts, you are
encouraged to pay attention to now which is a Buddhist notion, and
still not fully accepted or understood in the West. The idea that all suffering
from attachment and that to detach from unnecessary emotional
negativity and events in the mundane world is common to all Buddhist sects.
Paying attention to the precepts helps you not only to gain insight into your own
motivations and behaviours, but can also help you be rid of aspects
of your own behaviour or expectations that are unhelpful to your
own growth and maturation.

Some people have interpreted the precepts as orders, and try to apply them
rigidly in their daily lives. Not a good idea! For instance, Do not anger? What
never? You would end up with at least an ulcer, if not worse, by trying to repress
natural and justified anger. The principles remind us to pay attention to ourselves,
and that if we DO feel angry..... to think of what it is that we are angry about. Is it
justified? If yes, then the energy of the anger can be used to resolve the situation
- not by punching someone out! But by leaving the scene, or if necessary
removing the other person from the site of the disagreement (no not kicking
them... telling them to leave!) Mother Theresa said that it was because of the
anger she felt that she HAD to do something about the poverty in India. If she
hadnt felt her anger and realised what she was angry about a great many people
would in much worse conditions today. This is an example of how the energy of
constructive anger can lead to positive developments in our own and other
people's lives.

There is another meaning to the precept Do not anger that isnt

quite so well known in Reiki circles: The idea of not doing anything
to anger anyone else. Japanese kanji and the ideas that they express
can quite often be read in a number of ways. The character for anger
in this case is also a transitive verb, which gives a dual meaning to
that particular statement. It also makes a lot more sense than just
ordering yourself not to be angry. Weve all met the passive-aggressive
who can engender anger in others. Do not try to anger others, covers
that pretty well!

Do not Worry.... means really that worry in and of itself is a pretty useless
occupation. If worry ever solved anything wed be teaching how to do it in
universities! Is something worrying you? Yes... then look for the solution. If you
cannot solve the problem, then you need to find a way to live with it. There is no
choice. Just worrying isnt going to make a difference. And it only drains your
energy. And in the Buddhist way of thinking, this life is an illusion anyway. Why
worry about something that isnt real? It may feel real, but all things pass and
things too have a way of working out exactly as they should if you let them. Do not
worry: is teaching you to have faith. If you understand that the spirit is eternal -
then nothing can harm you ever. So why worry!

Work Hard?
This one doesnt mean you have to run out and dig ditches. Except if you want to
Dr. Usui meant this as encouragement to work on yourself. Spiritual work,
remember the principles, do your Reiki, meditate, and improve yourself!
In improving your own self, you also add improvements to the whole world.

Be Kind?

Self explanatory I think? BUT it means also be kind to YOURSELF!!

How much better would it be to give out the energy of kindness to everyone you

Be grateful?

Live with the attitude of gratitude.

Whatever you focus on you will get. If you focus on lack, lack is what you will find.
If you trust in the benevolence of the Universe and that you will always be taken
care of...... thats what you will get too! Be grateful for everything, EVEN those
hardships or difficulties that everyone has to endure. It is during those times that
we are strengthened. No-one (sadly!) ever learned anything through softship
Hardship is the only one that does the job. And we can all, given the perspective
of time, look back at that particular injury, insult, or rejection, and see that if that
hadnt happened, we wouldnt be doing this now. I promise! Blessings quite often
come in disguise - so the next challenge that comes along? Be grateful - you will
learn something from it and be strengthened by it. Which helps you be even more
ready for the challenge after that!

Reiki IS the Principles. Even without ever being attuned to Reiki, if you practice
the Reiki Principles in your daily life - you are more than halfway there!

IF Reiki is always there, and IF we are

connected already, then why would we need
to work at any kind of spiritual path to
reach a place that we are already in?

Good question. I hope I can answer it!

We ARE already there, there is nowhere to

strive for, there is NO need to try to perfect
ourselves, we are perfect already. But we
don't know that. Not REALLY know it! We
do not truly know it for many reasons, our
conditioning, our culture, our upbringing,
our religious beliefs, any one of a number of
things has blinded us to our true nature.
Applying the spiritual methods of the
system of Reiki will help to open your eyes
to your true self. Reiki can help you peel
away the old layers of conditioning that lead
you to think that you are separate from the
Source of all that is. The work is in
awakening your sleeping self - not in
climbing mountains to find Nirvana. We are
already in the Light, we are already THERE -
we just don't know it yet!

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