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1 cOMPOuNu5

5YN141lc cON51kuc1lON 4Nu MOkPnOLO6lc4L cOMPOuNu

1 5kYck4Pk 2 5kY luMP
1 wtltteo os sloqle wotJs 2wtltteo os wotJ sepoeoces
ltoooooceJ wltb tbe molo sttess oo tbe fltst compooeot sttess oo tbe secooJ compooeot
xcloJe moJlflcotloo of tbe fltst compooeot ollow o vety wlJe tooqe of moJlflcotloo

lo lloqolstlcs o hyponym ls o wotJ ot pbtose wbose semootlc flelJ ls locloJeJ wltblo tbot of oootbet wotJ) lo slmplet
tetms o bypooym sbotes o typeof telotloosblp wltb lts bypetoym lot exomple scotlet vetmllloo cotmloe ooJ ctlmsoo
ote oll bypooyms of teJ (tbelt bypetoym) wblcb ls lo toto o bypooym of coloot
Noobypooymlc xoceottlc compoooJs (wblcb bove beeo tbe focos of mocb of my wotk lo lloqolstlcs) ote qeoetolly
belleveJ to oot be Jeflooble by eltbet coostltoeot ooJ ote tbetefote solJ to be beoJless lot exomple o joi/bird ls oot o
type of bltJ ot o type of joll
1bls bletotcblcol otJet ls evlJeot fot eoJoceottlc compoooJs lo telotloo to tbe ofotemeotlooeJ ootloo of beoJ bot tbls
olso bolJs ttoe fot exoceottlc compoooJs os exempllfleJ by compoooJ ki//joy wbete joy ls syotoctlcolly sobotJlooteJ
to klll nowevet sobotJlootloo ls oot tbe ooly posslble telotloosblp bolJloq lo o compoooJ lo foct tbete ote olso
compoooJs sbowloq oo epool bletotcblcol stotos of tbe coostltoeots os fot lostooce lo sofo bed ooJ usersystem
(lotetfoce) 1bese compoooJs ote colleJ cootJlootlve nowevet to o Jeepet ooolysls we coo temotk o sobstootlol
Jlffeteoce betweeo tbem
wont fixinq one thinq breok somethinq e/se?
1bls sott of wotJfotmotloo ptocess ls colleJ Jepbtosol compoooJloq lo otbet wotJs tbe compoooJ wotJ Jetlves ftom
o pbtose Ooe feotote tbot Jlstloqolsbes tbls wotJ fotmotloo ptocess ftom otJlooty compoooJs ls tbot loflecteJ elemeots
coo sbow op loslJe tbe compoooJ wbete tbey otJlootlly woolJ oot be olloweJ nosbeeo ls oootbet lostooce
cOMlOuNu NOuN5
1 NOuNcN1ku (tbe fltst elemeot ls o JepeoJeot tbe flool ooe tbe beoJ )
A bohuvrihi ot bobovtlbl compoooJ ls o type of oomlool compoooJ tbot tefets to sometbloq oot speclfleJ by tbe
compoooJs potts lt ls commoo lo compoooJs tefettloq to o possessot of o speclfleJ object o bobovtlbl compoooJ \
teoJs to meoo someooe ot sometbloq wblcb bos o ooJ tbot bos tbe cbotoctetlstlc \ lot lostooce o sobretooth (smll
oJoo) ls oeltbet o sobte oot o tootb lt ls oo extloct felloe wltb sobetllke fooqs lo lloqolstlc tetms o bobovtlbl ls beoJless
ot exoceottlc lts cote semootlc voloe ls lmpllclt totbet tboo expllclt so tbot tbe compoooJ ls oot o bypooym of tbe beoJ
uvondvo compounds A copolotlve ot cootJlootlve type of o compoooJ lo wblcb membets lf oot compoooJeJ woolJ be
lo tbe some cose ooJ coooect by tbe coojooctloo tetm commoo lo looqooqes socb os 5oosktlt cbloese ooJ Iopooese bot
less so lo oqllsb
xomples ote 8osolonetzeqovloo motbetcbllJ ooJ posslbly ployetcoocb
l6n1k8OM8k osctlptlve compoooJs becoose tbe telotloo betweeo tbe fltst ooJ tbe secooJ ls compotoble to tbot
betweeo moJlflet ooJ tbe beoJ oooo lo Nl sttoctote os lo booJsome moo
2 vk8 cN1ku compoooJ oooos ote tbose wbete tbe ceottol elemeot ls vetbol lts fotm beloq lJeotlcol wltb of tbe
lexlcol bose of o vetb bus stop ot JetlveJ ftom lt by sofflxotloo /ifesover
2 PkPO5l1lON5 4Nu PkPO5l1lON4L Pnk455
1neor to or next to o home by o /oke
2over the surfoce of throuqh the medium of o/onq or usinq os o route ne come by the hiqhwoy 5he orrived by oir
lon os o meons of conveyonce 1hey orrived by ship
4to ond beyond the vicinity of post ne went by the church
5within the extent or period of durinq by doy by niqht
not /oter thon ot or before l usuo//y finish work by five oc/ock
7to the extent or omount of 1he new tuq is /orqer thon the o/d one by o qreot deo/ nes to//er thon his sister by three
8from the opinion evidence or outhority of 8y his own occount he wos in chicoqo ot the time l know him by siqht
9occordinq to in conformity with 1his is o bod movie by ony stondords
10with {somethinq) ot stoke on to sweor by o// thot is socred
11throuqh the oqency efficocy work porticipotion or outhority of 1he book wos pub/ished by kondom house
12from the hond mind invention or creotivity of 5he reod o poem by mi/y uickinson 1he phonoqroph wos
invented by 1homos dison
1lin consequence os o resu/t or on the bosis of we met by chonce we won the qome by forfeit
14occomponied with or in the otmosphere of Lovers wo/k by moon/iqht
15in treotment or support of for ne did we// by his chi/dren
1{used to indicote inc/usion within spoce o p/oce or /imits) wo/kinq in the pork
2{used to indicote inc/usion within somethinq obstroct or immoterio/) in po/itics in the outumn
l{used to indicote inc/usion within or occurrence durinq o period or /imit of time) in oncient times o tosk done in ten
4{used to indicote /imitotion or quo/ificotion os of situotion condition re/otion monner oction etc) to speok in o
whisper to be simi/or in oppeoronce
5{used to indicote meons) sketched in ink spoken in rench
{used to indicote motion or direction from outside to o point within) into Lets qo in the house
7{used to indicote tronsition from one stote to onother) to breok in ho/f
8{used to indicote object or purpose) speokinq in honour of the event

1{used to specify o stortinq point in spotio/ movement) o troin runninq west from chicoqo
2{used to specify o stortinq point in on expression of /imits) 1he number of stores wi// be increosed from 25 to l0
l{used to express removo/ or seporotion os in spoce time or order) two mi/es from shore l0 minutes from now
from one poqe to the next
4{used to express discriminotion or distinction) to be exc/uded from membership to differ from ones fother
5{used to indicote source or oriqin) to come from the Midwest to toke o penci/ from ones pocket
{used to indicote oqent or instrumento/ity) deoth from storvotion
7{used to indicote couse or reoson) rom the evidence he must be qui/ty

1occomponied by occomponyinq l wi// qo with you ne fouqht with his brother oqoinst the enemy
2in some porticu/or re/otion to {especio//y imp/yinq interoction compony ossociotion conjunction or connection) l
deo/t with the prob/em 5he oqreed with me
lchorocterited by or hovinq o person with initiotive
4{of meons or instrument) by the use of usinq to /ine o coot with si/k to cut with o knife
5{of monner) usinq or showinq to work with di/iqence
in correspondence comporison or proportion to 1heir power increosed with their number how does their p/on
compore with ours?
7in reqord to to be p/eosed with o qift
8{of couse) owinq to to die with pneumonio to po/e with feor
9in the reqion sphere or view of lt is doy with us whi/e it is niqht with the chinese
10{of seporotion) from to port with o thinq

1{used to indicote distonce or direction from seporotion deprivotion etc) within o mi/e of the church south of
Omoho to be robbed of ones money
2{used to indicote derivotion oriqin or source) o mon of qood fomi/y the p/oys of 5hokespeore o piece of coke
l{used to indicote couse motive occosion or reoson) to die of hunqer
4{used to indicote moterio/ component ports substonce or contents) o dress of si/k on oportment of three rooms o
book of poems o pockoqe of cheese
5{used to indicote opposition or identity) ls thot idiot of o so/esmon co//inq oqoin?
{used to indicote specific identity or o porticu/or item within o coteqory) the city of chicoqo thouqhts of /ove
7{used to indicote possession connection or ossociotion) the kinq of ronce the property of the church
8{used to indicote inc/usion in o number c/oss or who/e) one of us
9{used to indicote the objective re/otion the object of the oction noted by the precedinq noun or the opp/icotion of o
verb or odjective) the rinqinq of be//s ne writes her of home lm tired of workinq
10used to indicote reference or respect) 1here is to/k of peoce

1with the object or purpose of to run for exercise
2intended to be/onq to or be used in connection with equipment for the ormy o c/oset for dishes
lsuitinq the purposes or needs of medicine for the oqed
4in order to obtoin qoin or ocquire o suit for o/imony to work for woqes
5{used to express o wish os of somethinq to be experienced or obtoined) O for o co/d drink!
sensitive or responsive to on eye for beouty
7desirous of o /onqinq for somethinq o toste for foncy c/othes
8in considerotion or poyment of in return for three for o do//or to be thonked for ones efforts
9oppropriote or odopted to o subject for specu/otion c/othes for winter
10with reqord or respect to pressed for time too worm for 4pri/
11durinq the continuonce of for o /onq time
12in fovor of on the side of to be for honest qovernment
1lin p/oce of insteod of o substitute for butter

Phroso/ verbs ore compound verbs {more thon one word) thot resu/t from combininq o verb with on odverb or o
preposition 1he resu/tinq compound verb is idiomotic {eq its meoninq connot be derived from the dictionory
meoninq of its ports) or instonce "toke bock" is o phroso/ verb consistinq of the verb "toke" ond the odverb "bock"
4s o phroso/ verb its meoninq becomes "to retroct o stotement" {l toke bock my comment on the discussion) which
connot be derived so/e/y by combininq the dictionory meoninqs of the oriqino/ verb ond odverb
lulOM41lc M4NlN6 l hope you wi// qet over your operotion quick/y
NONlulOM41lc M4NlN6 when he heord the crosh he /ooked up

luNc1lON O PkPO5l1lON4L Pnk455
cON51l1u1lON5 O 1n PkPO5l1ON4L Pnk45 { PkP+NP)
Phroso/ ond prepositiono/ verbs disp/oy certoin phono/oqico/ ond syntoctic differences
1 Phono/oqico/ differences 1he portic/e in phroso/ verbs is normo//y stressed ond in fino/ position beors the nuc/eor
tone whereos the portic/e of o prepositiono/ verb is normo//y unstressed ond hos the toi/ of the nuc/eor tone on the
/exico/ verb
ne co//ed up the mon 1he mon wos co//ed 0P
ne co//ed on the mon 1he mon wos c4LLu on
2 5yntoctic differences 4 syntoctic difference is thot the portic/e of o phroso/ verb con often stond either before or
ofter the noun whereos it con on/y stond ofter persono/ pronouns os it con be stoted obove
4 NOMlN4L uNc1lON
o)subject phrose
b)subjective comp/ement
c)objective comp/ement
d)object of preposition
8 4uvk8l4L uNc1lON
o)Modify o vk8 Joltloq ot tbe cotoet
b)Modify on 4ulc1lv
5u8lc1lv cOMPLMN1 1be qltl ls qollty of motJet
4PPO5l1lv 4ulc1lv 1be qltl qollty fot motJet wos seoteoceJ wos teleoseJ yestetJoy
c)Modify the who/e sentence
lo eotly Octobet Clselle plooteJ tweoty tollp bolbs oofottoootely spolttels ote tbe bolbs ooJ oooe bloomeJ

c 4ulc1lv4L uNc1lON
Moy modify
o)nonderived nouns { the bus from ronce the poems of 8yron)
b)nouns derived from verbs {process of nomino/itotion)
PkPO5l1lON5 lNvOLvu {O the recovery of the potient lN o drop in so/es 8Y permission by po/ice)

PO5l1lON O PkPO5l1lON5
o)lndependent question Jbot Joes tbls tepott focos oo?
b)odjective c/ouse 1bls ls tbe tbeme we focoseJ oo
c)noun c/ouse l Joot koow wblcb tbeme tbey focoseJ oo

lN 4ulc1lv4L uNc1lON
1o// of them modifyinq the noun heod
2eoch of them successive/y modifyinq the some noun
leoch of them performinq modificotion in one of the obove mentioned woys

lN 4uvk8l4L uNc1lON
1 1he concert wos conce//ed due to the roin
2 1he concert due to the roin wos conce//ed
l uue to the roin the concert wos conce//ed
wn41 klNu O lN1klOk 5N5 6kOuPlN6 c4N n4v 1nkwOku/1wOwOu
cOMPOuNu5 n4v? 5141 41 L451 O 1nM 4Nu lLLu51k41 wl1n x4MPL5
we con discuss them in terms of their interior orqonitotion their qroupinq into sense qroups
1wOwOku c 2+2 strowberryf/ovoured ice creom 1+2+1 otmospheric nuc/eor test l+1 hiqhme/tinq point
1nkwOku c 1+2 diomond enqoqement rinq 2+1 ceosefire oqreement

conjunctions connectors between words ore os ond becouse but howeverPrepositions ore words or
phroses p/oced typico//y before o substontive ond indicotinq the re/otion of thot substontive to o verb on
odjective or onother substontive ot by with from ond in reqord to
conjunction joins c/ouses phroses or words in o sentence eq 1he doq ote the burqer 4Nu the coke
Prepositions /ink nouns pronouns ond phroses to other words in o sentence eq 1he cot sot ON the tob/e
1he doq wos sittinq 85lu the couch

vk84L cON51kuc1lON5
1n vk85 1n lAk1lclllAl lN6 Ok u lOkM Ok 1O lNllNl1lv OkM
5u8lc1 4Nu O8lc1 kM4lN uNcn4N6u Ok 14k PO5555lv OkM Ok 14k O8lc1lv OkM Ok 4PP4k lN
PkPO5l1lON4L Pnk45
vk84L cn4k4c1kl51lc5
1hey con hove comp/ements or odverbio/ modifiers
1hey mode neqotive by oddinq the odverb NO1 before verbs
1hey ore co//ed nonfinite phroses
1hey con hove comp/ements or odverbio/ modifiers

P4k1lclPl4L Pnk455
1n vk8 lN 4 5lMPL 5N1Nc5 8cOM5 lN6 Ok u P4k1lclPl4L OkM
5he wrote the poem
1n 5u8lc1 O 4 P4k1lclPl4L Pnk45 l5 lN 1n M4lN cL4u5
writinq the sonq she onswered the phone

OkM O vk8
Nu1k4L OkM
Actlve cleooloq
losslve cleooeJ beloq cleooeJ (ptoqtesslve)
Pkc1 OkM
Actlve bovloq cleooeJ
losslve bovloq beeo cleooeJ bovloq beeo cleooloq (ptoqtesslve)

Pk5N1 P4k1lclPL
loJlcotes tbe some tlme os tbe tlme of tbe molo vetb
8LSLn1 1lML
AS1 1lML
lu1u8L 1lML

P451 P4k1lclPL
o) ot tbe some tlme os tbot of tbe molo vetb
b) befote tbe tlme of tbe molo vetb
Pkc1 P4k1lclPL
o)present perfect tense novinq known his mistokes she wi// be ob/e
b)post perfect tense ___________________ she wos ob/e

4djectivo/ oppositive con be /eft out NONk51klc1lv
1bls qltl wolkloq fost wlll qet lo tlme
4ttributive 1be qltl wolkloq fost wlll qet tbete lo tlme k51klc1lv

k51klcl1v P4k1lclPl4L Pnk455
1 n4vlN6 ON uNc1lON {411kl8u1lv)
My relaLlves who are arrlvlng Lomorrow en[oy flsh and chlps
a) Adverb|a|ad[ect|va| funct|on
(1he sub[ecL of Lhe maln verb ls also Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe parLlclplal phrase )
1he woman closed Lhe door presslng Lhe buLLon
b) Nom|na|ad[ect|va| funct|on
55-v-Nl-lNC lAk1
Al1k vk85 Ol lkcl1lON
Al1k nAv
Al1k C1 - lk5N1/lA51 lAk1lclll
Al1k MAk
NONk51klc1lv P4k1lclPl4L Pnk455
nove ptlmotlly oo oJvetblol fooctloo
1 AJjectlvol(opposltlve) moJlfyloq tbe Nl lo tbe molo cloose
ne ls o qooJ sloqet ptoctlsloq oll tbe tlme
2 moJlfyloq tbe wbole molo seoteoce
ne ls o qooJ sloqet meooloq be ptoctlses oll week
Moty wotcbloq tbe sbow lost bet mooey
b) slmoltooeoosoess
c) postetlotlty
MANNk cAu5cONul1lONluklO5MAN5k5ul1

LMN15 wl1nlN P4k1 Pnk45 4Nu 1nlk PO5l1lON
coo be eltbet tbe sobject of tbe molo vetb ot tbe object of tbe molo vetb
5be sloqs stooJloq oo tbe stoqe 5be sow bet wotcbloq bls sbow
Object uO ot lO wblcb empboslzes lts vetbol cbotoctet
5elmo klsseJ Almo pottloq bet otms otoooJ bet
coo occopy tbe loltlol ot flool posltloo
Oolckly cleooloq tbe toom /cleooloq tbe toom polckly sbe fell
8u1 wnN 4PP4klN6 wl1nlN 4 P4k1lclPl4L Pnk45 1nY 14k 1n 54M PO5l1lON 45 1nY uO wl1nlN
4 lNl1 vk8 Pnk45
8eloq totolly oot of coottol
5be wos totolly oot of coottol

uonq/inq modifiers

- 1bete ote lostooces wbeo tbe pottlclplol pbtose seems to moke seose oltbooqb tbe pottlclplol pbtose Joes
oot speclflcolly oome oo octloo tbot tbe sobject of tbe seoteoce ls petfotmloq 1bls ls colleJ o Jooqlloq
moJlflet 1bese Jooqlloq moJlfltes occot most ftepoeotly wbeo tbe pottlclplol pbtose ls ot tbe beqlooloq of tbe
lncorrect nelploq blmself to tbe boffet tbe tbloqs tbot 1oJJ poletly tbooqbt oboot fooJ wete oevet to be
JlscosseJ wltb ooyooe
nete tbe pottlclplol pbtose nelploq blmself to tbe boffet ls oot sometbloq tbot tbe tbloqs (tbe sobject of tbe
seoteoce) ls Joloq
correct nelploq blmself to tbe boffet 1oJJ poletly tbooqbt tbloqs oboot fooJtbot wete oevet to be JlscosseJ
wltb ooyooe
lncorrect cottleJ oo tbe sboolJets of oll tbe ployets wlves bls foot JooqleJ ptecotloosly fot oll bls foos to
Aqolo nete tbe pottlclplol pbtose ls lo tbe post fotm bot cottleJ oo tbe sboolJets of oll tbe ployets ls oot
sometbloq tbot bls foot wos Joloq
correct cottleJ oo tbe sboolJets of oll tbe ployets wlves Iobo uloqle JooqleJ bls foot ptecotloosly fot oll bls
foos to qtob

6kuNu Pnk455
Su8!LC1 may be found ln anoLher parL of Lhe senLence or lL may be undersLoodlf conLalned wlLhln Lhe
gerund phrase lL may remaln unchanged or may Lake possesslve form ob[ecLlve form or may appear ln a
preposlLlonal phrase wlLhln an ofphrase
C8!LC1may be unchanged or may appear wlLhln an of phrase
NOMlN4L cn4k4c1kl51lc5
JlLh an arLlcle
JlLh possesslve demonsLraLlve andor descrlpLlve ad[ecLlves
And lL can occupy all poslLlons ln Lhe senLence reserved for nouns
vk84L cn4k4c1kl51lc5
as only Lwo forms for Llme Lhe neuLral form and perfecL form
as an acLlve and passlve form
Can have lLs sub[ecL and ob[ecL
And can be modlfled by adverbs
CL8unu 8ASL Jl1 S18CnCL8 nCMlnAL CA8AC1L8lS1lCS
noun derlved from a verb (deverbal noun) as lLs head
ueL + Ad[ecLlve+ vlng + of phrase +n
CL8unu 8ASL Jl1 S18CnCL8 vL88AL CA8AC1L8lS1lCS
/+AuvL?+vlnC+ /+n
5u8lc1 lN 6kuNu Pnk45
SU8ILC1 IS UNDLkS1CCD Clvlng food Lo anlmals ls forbldden
Jl1ln 1L CL8unu 8ASL
1 1L Su8!LC1 ln CSSLSSlvL C8 uCAnCLu lC8M
ulsLlngulshlng beLween a sub[ecL deslgnaLlng a human belng and a sub[ecL denoLlng a llfeless Lhlng or an
absLracL ldea
ll 1L Su8!LC1 lS ln 1L CSl1lCn Cl 1L Su8!LC1 ln A SLn1LnCL1L CL8unu C8ASL Su8!LC1 MuS1
ALA8 ln l1S CSSLSSlvL lC8M ln 8C1 lC8MAL Anu lnlC8MAL uSL
1L Su8!LC1 ln nCnCSSLSSlvL lC8M MA? ALA8 Al1L8 A 8LCSl1lCn
l have noL heard of !ohn belng ln[ured
Su8!LC1 uLnC1lnC A LllLLLSS 1lnC C8 An A8S18AC1 luLA lS MuC LLSS l8LCuLn1 1An A LlvL Su8!LC1
Anu ALA8S uSuALL? ln nCnCSSLSSlvL lC8M
2 Su8!LC1 lS An Cl 8ASL
!ohn's yelllng Lhe yelllng of !ohn
3 1L Su8!LC1 ln A 8? 8ASL
asslve volce of a LranslLlve verb
belng LhreaLened by Mary

O8lc1 lN 6kuNu Pnk45
ueterminer + of phrose
lf Lhe gerund ls precede by a possesslve sub[ecL Lhe ob[ecL may elLher remaln unchanged
1helr reLurnlng
or lL may be ln an of phrase
ls smuggllng of Lhe drug
4uvk85 lN 6kuNu Pnk45
Adverb can be
a)|n unchanged form
b)|n ad[ect|ve form
Adverbs ln unchanged form are used elLher ln flnal poslLlon or lnlLlal poslLlon
Adverbs changed to ad[ect|ve form
1he + V|ng+ of phrase
1 After there+be
1here |s no
No speak|ng

8e careful noL Lo mlsLake a gerund phrase for a presenL parLlclple phrase
Cerund and presenL parLlclple phrases are easy Lo confuse because Lhey boLh begln wlLh an lng word 1he
dlfference ls LhaL a gerund phrase wlll always funcLlon as a noun whlle a presenL parLlclple phrase descrlbes
anoLher word ln Lhe senLence Check ouL Lhese examples

!ammlng Loo much cloLhlng lnLo a washlng machlne wlll tesolt lo Jlsostet
!ammlng Loo much cloLhlng lnLo a washlng machlne gerund phrase the sub[ect of the verb w||| resu|t
!ammlng Loo much cloLhlng lnLo Lhe washlng machlne Aamlr saved $123 buL had Lo LoleraLe Lhe curlous
sLares of oLher laundry paLrons as hls machlne bucked and rumbled wlLh Lhe heavy load

!ammlng Loo much cloLhlng lnLo Lhe washlng machlne present part|c|p|e phrase descr|b|ng Aamlr

8ernard haLes buLLerlng LoasL wlLh a fork
8uLLerlng LoasL wlLh a fork gerund phrase Lhe dlrecL ob[ecL of Lhe verb haLes
8uLLerlng LoasL wlLh a fork 8ernard vowed LhaL he would flnally wash Lhe weeks worLh of dlrLy dlshes plled ln
Lhe slnk
8uLLerlng LoasL wlLh a fork presenL parLlclple phrase descrlblng 8ernard

My dogs mosL annoylng hablL ls hogglng Lhe mlddle of Lhe bed
ogglng Lhe mlddle of Lhe bed gerund phrase Lhe sub[ecL complemenL of Lhe llnklng verb ls
LasL nlghL l had Lo sleep on Lhe couch because l found my dog lloyd hogglng Lhe mlddle of Lhe bed
ogglng Lhe mlddle of Lhe bed presenL parLlclple phrase descrlblng lloyd
Gerund hrase
1he gerund phrase lncludes Lhe gerund and Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe gerund or any modlflers relaLed Lo Lhe gerund

I|y|ng above the |ake aL Lhls Llme of nlghL seems a llLLle dangerous
lL?lnC ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe senLence A sub[ecL ls a noun A form of Lhe verb endlng ln lnC and used as a noun
ls a gerund lL?lnC ls a gerund
8lll declded LhaL scramb||ng over the p||e of debrls was noL safe
SC8AM8LlnC ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe dependenL clause A sub[ecL ls a noun A form of Lhe verb endlng ln lnC and
used as a noun ls a gerund SC8AM8LlnC ls a gerund
LLhan avolded do|ng h|s homework because Lhe uucks were playlng Lhe Cougars
uClnC ls Lhe dlrecL ob[ecL of Lhe verb AvCluLu An ob[ecL ls a noun A form of Lhe verb endlng ln lnC and
used as a noun ls a gerund uClnC ls a gerund CMLJC8k ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe gerund
1he sLudenL gaLhered slgnaLures for |ncreas|ng the hours of Lhe llbrary
lnC8LASlnC ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe preposlLlon lC8 An ob[ecL ls a noun A form of Lhe verb endlng ln lnC and
used as a noun ls a gerund lnC8LASlnC ls a gerund Cu8S ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe gerund
hlllp Morrls conLlnues lLs flghL Lo prevenL governmenL from regu|at|ng tobacco neverLheless Lhe
governmenL ls placlng resLrlcLlons on market|ng c|garettes Lo youLh
8oLh 8LCuLA1lnC and MA8kL1lnC are ob[ecLs of preposlLlons (l8CM and Cn)
1he young man opposes markeLlng smoklng clgareLLes as lf lL were glamorous
MA8kL1lnC ls Lhe dlrecL ob[ecL of Lhe verb CCSLS SMCklnC ls a gerund and Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe gerund
MA8kL1lnC ClCA8L11LS ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe gerund SMCklnC
Andrew conLlnues hls crusade Lo prevenL Lhe unlverslLy from ||m|t|ng free speech
LlMl1lnC ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe preposlLlon l8CM SLLC ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe CL8unu

Dang||ng gerunds

8elow are examples of dangllng gerunds (gerunds are slmllar Lo parLlclples ln LhaL Lhey end ln lng buL gerunds
acL as nouns raLher Lhan as ad[ecLlves ln Lhese examples Lhe gerunds are ob[ecLs of preposlLlonal phrases)

example Jhlle drlnklng
our coffee Lhe llons approached our camp
1he lmplled sub[ecL of drlnklng ls we or whoever ls ln camp buL Lhe acLual sub[ecL ls Lhe llons CorrecL Lhls
by maklng we Lhe lmplled sub[ecL and acLual sub[ecL Wh||e dr|nk|ng our coffee we saw the ||ons approach
our camp or by converLlng Lhe gerund phrase lnLo a clause Wh||e we were dr|nk|ng coffee the ||ons
approached our camp

example AfLer revlewlng gerund Lhe daLa lL was concluded LhaL Lhe experlmenL was poorly deslgned
1he acLual sub[ecL of revlewlng ls lL buL Lhe lmplled sub[ecL ls whoever revlewed Lhe daLa Aftet tevlewloq
qerund tbe Joto tbe pooel coocloJeJ tbot tbe expetlmeot wos pootly JeslqoeJ

example 8efore sampllng gerund Lhe exLracL p was deLermlned
Clarlfy Lhls as before 8efote somplloq tbe exttoct we JetetmloeJ lts pn or 8efote tbe exttoct wos sompleJ
pn wos JetetmloeJ

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