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Un|vers|dad de| kosar|o

Lscue|a de C|enc|as numanas

Area n|stor|a
C|ass Name n|story and kepresentat|on

Course Descr|pt|on]Iust|f|cat|on

ln recenL decades Lhe sLudy of vlsual culLure has become an lmporLanL area of crlLlcal reflecLlon ln Lhls
course we Lake vlsual culLure as a cruclal area ln Lhe sLudy of Lhe hlsLory of LaLln Amerlca We wlll ask
how has LaLln Amerlca been represenLed vlsually? WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhese represenLaLlons?
And whaL ls Lhe role of vlsual represenLaLlon ln soclal and pollLlcal sphere?
ln order Lo engage wlLh vlsual culLure and lLs legacles we need Lo be able Lo read" Lhe lmages and
undersLand how Lhey lnLerrelaLe wlLh each oLher merge and communlcaLe meanlngs Lo dlfferenL
vlewers We need Lo see" beyond Lhelr surface Lo peek" aL whaL lles behlnd lL (lf anyLhlng) 8y
lnLroduclng and applylng ldeas from Lheorles of vlsual culLure culLural sLudles and posLcolonlal Lheory
Lhls course alms aL provldlng a deeper undersLandlng of Lhe blstoty and fooctloo of lmages ln LaLln
Amerlcan culLure
1he mall goal of Lhls course ls Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo crlLlcally engage wlLh vlsual culLure ln order Lo
beLLer undersLand Lhe power relaLlons LhaL underglrd hlsLorlcal and ldeologlcal concepLs such as race
gender and naLlon


1 DndersLand and arLlculaLe Lhe lmpacL of vlsual producLs on Lhe concepLs of culLure ldenLlLy and
2 DndersLand Lhe relaLlonshlp of power and vlsuallLy
3 DndersLand Lhe role LhaL vlsuallLy plays ln Lhe power dynamlcs of colonlallsm naLlonallsm and
conLemporary global socleLles
4 Learn Lo concelve lnvesLlgaLe wrlLe and orally presenL a LheoreLlcal/analyLlcal essay relaLlng Lo
vlsual culLure


1hls class ls a learnlng communlLy Lach one of Lhe members of Lhls communlLy musL acLlvely
parLlclpaLe My role ls Lo faclllLaLe learnlng and dlscusslon 1o LhaL end l have organlzed Lhe class ln 3
sesslons llrsL l wlll begln Lhe class wlLh a shorL lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe Loplcs and Lhemes ln Lhe asslgned
readlngs Second SLudenL presenLers Lake cenLer sLage and lead dlscusslon 1hlrd We end Lhe class by
pracLlclng vlsual analysls l wlll brlng such maLerlals Lo every class WlLh prlor permlsslon of Lhe professor
sLudenLs may brlng Lhelr own lmages Lo share and deconsLrucL wlLh Lhe class

Grad|ng o||cy

Cr|t|ca| Lssay
lndependenL research pro[ecL conslsLlng of a pro[ecL proposal absLracL oral
presenLaLlon and formal paper (1013 pages) ln Lhls essay sLudenLs are supposed Lo
engage ln an exLended formal and culLural analysls of a LexL problemaLlc or group of

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 2

lmages LhaL ls lnformed by our course readlngs and dlscusslons

our (4) Short

8esponses should synLheslze key polnLs and offer an analyLlcal appralsal of Lhe LexL(s)
dlscussed 1hey should be 12 pages and follow Lhe rules for wrlLLen asslgnmenLs
Pere are Lhe CDluLLlnLS for wrlLlng your response papers
o WhaL ls Lhe auLhor's argumenL?
o WhaL aspecLs of Lhe argumenL dld you flnd mosL compelllng and why?
o WhaL aspecLs were dlfflculL Lo undersLand?
o Pow dld lL relaLe Lo anoLher LexL from Lhls or prevlous weeks?
o WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons for Lhe course's quesLlons and Lhemes?
o lormulaLe quesLlons for analysls ln class

V|sua| Cu|ture Iourna|

SLudenLs are expecLed Lo keep a [ournal ln whlch Lhey wlll reflecL and collecL lmages
abouL a parLlcular Loplc or ldea 1hls ldea MDS1 be dlfferenL from your research paper

1he ldea of Lhe [ournal ls LhaL you plck and choose Lhe lmages LhaL call your aLLenLlon
and analyze Lhem 1hls analysls does noL have Lo be compleLe lL does noL have Lo be a
paper lL should conLaln your reflecLlons 1he followlng are some quesLlons you mlghL
conslder as you collecL and commenL on Lhe lmages you choose ?ou do noL have Lo
answer quesLlons ln your [ournal 1hese quesLlons are [usL a gulde Lo help you Lhlnk

o Why dld you flnd Lhls lmage lnLeresLlng?
o WhaL does lL make lL you Lhlnk abouL?
o Where dld you flnd lL? WhaL oLher lmages surround lL?
o Pow do you Lhlnk Lhls lmage reflecLs Lhe conLenLs of Lhe class?
o WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe lmage ln Lhe conLexL where you found lL?

8emember 1he !ournal ls a l8LL Lhlnklng exerclse

Attendance and
ALLendance and prompL arrlval aL all classes ls requlred Lhree or more unexcused
absences wlll resulL ln a falllng grade lL ls expecLed LhaL sLudenLs wlll conLrlbuLe Lhelr
ldeas LhoughLs and reflecLlons Lo class dlscusslons and wlll llsLen respecLfully Lo Lhe
conLrlbuLlons of oLhers ln Lhe class

ra| resentat|ons

Cn one occaslon durlng Lhe Lerm each sLudenL wlll conducL a class presenLaLlon and be
a dlscusslon respondenL SLudenLs wlll work collaboraLlvely on Lhe preparaLlon for Lhe
asslgnmenL and durlng class dlscusslon ln addlLlon Lo preparlng 3 quesLlons relaLed Lo
Lhe asslgned readlng dlscusslon respondenLs wlll glve a brlef summary of Lhelr general
response Lo Lhe maLerlal Crades wlll be awarded based on Lhe speclflclLy and deLall for
Lhe quesLlons and Lhe sLudenL's level of preparaLlon as demonsLraLed by hls or her
responses Lo sLudenL and lnsLrucLor commenLs

N@L All of Lhe wrlLlng asslgnmenLs for Lhls course musL be Lyped and should adhere Lo Lhe followlng sLyle

12polnL 1lmes new 8oman fonL double spaclng slngleslded pages and 1lnch marglns on all sldes
lease lnclude lnLernal clLaLlons when necessary eg (Smalls 3) as well as a blbllography correcLly formaLLed


IN @Lk@

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 3

When wrlLlng an essay (response papers and flnal research paper) you musL use parenLheLlcal noLaLlons
whenever you refer Lo an auLhor summarlze or quoLe from a book or arLlcle (?ear page number)

lor example

D|rect quotat|on 8eaLrlz 8odrlguez argues LhaL Lhe lmages of Lhe Comlsln Corograflca ls a sysLem of
represenLaLlon LhaL works Lo code and moblllze parLlcular dlscourses of race aL a momenL of lnLense
debaLe around quesLlons of naLlonal ldenLlLy belonglng labor and clLlzenshlp ln Colombla" (2010 3)

Summary 8eaLrlz 8odrlguez wrlLes LhaL aL a momenL of crlsls ln Colomblan hlsLory Lhe lmages of Lhe
Comlsln puL ln clrculaLlon parLlcular ldeas abouL naLlon work and clLlzenshlp (2010 3)


1he blbllography should be organlzed alphabeLlcally


LasL name llsL name @ltle ClLy ubllsher ?ear

8odrlguez 8eaLrlz L keollsm koce ooJ cltlzeosblp loot Momeots lo tbe Mokloq Mooofoctotloq of
8lockoess 8osLon Cullombo ress 2010

Art|c|e |n a Iourna|
AuLhor(s) 1lLle of ArLlcle @ltle of Iootool volume lssue (?ear) pages Medlum of publlcaLlon

8odrlguez 8eaLrlz L Chorographlc alnLlng and Lhe vlsual ConsLrucLlon of 8lackness ln nlneLeenLh
CenLury Colombla" Oollombo Iootool of koJlcol lolltlcs 22 (2010) 1340 rlnL

N@L @h|s sy||aus may change as I may rep|ace read|ngs to adust to students' |nterests pert|nence
etc A|| changes (ass|gnment due dates and read|ng mater|a|s) w||| e announced |n advance


Week 1
August S 2011
Introduct|on to the course V|sua| Cu|ture kepresentat|on and n|story

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 4

Class AcLlvlLles lease brlng Lo class an lmage LhaL you flnd sLrlklng dlsLurblng or
movlng 8e prepared Lo explaln your cholce 1he lmage may an example of any
genre a famlly phoLograph magazlne adverLlsemenL documenLary or [ournallsLlc

Week 2
August 12 2011
kepresent|ng the Conquest of Amer|ca
8equlred readlngs 1 ularlo de CrlsLobal Coln LeLLer Lo Lhe klngs"
2 Cabeza de vaca -ooftoqlos (selecclones)
3 Adormo 8olena 1he negoLlaLlon of lear ln Cabeza de vaca's -ooftoqlos"
3 Clbson Mel Apocolypto (fllm 2006) lllm vlewlng ln class

Class AcLlvlLles Group work w|th |mages

Week 3
August 19 2011
kepresent|ng the Conquest of Amer|ca
8equlred readlngs CLASSLS CAnCLLLLuD8 lesLlval

Week 4
August 26 2011
V|s|on and n|story Mapp|ng and Conquest
8equlred readlngs 1 Mlgnolo WalLer 1he Movable CanLer LLhnlclLy CeomeLrlc ro[ecLlons and
CoexlsLlng 1errlLorlallLles" @be uotket 5lJe of tbe keoolssooce lltetocy
@ettltotlollty ooJ coloolzotloo Ann Arbor DnlverslLy of Mlchlgan ress 2003 pp

for resenLaLlon
1 Crquera lablola 8ace" and Class" ln Lhe Spanlsh Colonles of Amerlca A
uynamlc Soclal ercepLlon" keteoJloq tbe 8lock leqeoJ 167188

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons

Week S
Septemer 2 2011
V|s|on and n|story @he Gaze of the Co|on|zed
8equlred readlngs 1 WhlLe Payden lorms of Wlldness" @toplcs of ulscootse ssoys lo coltotol
ctltlclsm 8alLlmore and London 1he !ohn Popklns DnlverslLy ress 1978 gs
2 lllm AvaLar (vlew fllm aL home)

for resenLaLlon
1 WhlLe Payden 1he noble Savage 1heme as leLlsh" @toplcs of ulscootse gs
2 lllm AvaLar + 8eadlng SLurken and CarLwrlghL AesLheLlcs and 1asLe" and
8eadlng lmages as ldeologlcal Sub[ecLs" ltoctlces of lookloq Ao lottoJoctloo to
vlsool coltote Cxford Cxford DnlverslLy ress 2001 gs 4836

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons
kesponse aper 1 DUL |n c|ass

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 3

Week 6
Septemer 9 2011
V|sua| Cu|ture kepresentat|on and the Construct|on of the ther
8equlred readlngs 1 SLurken and CarLwrlghL racLlces of Looklng lmages ower and ollLlcs"
ltoctlces of lookloq Ao lottoJoctloo to vlsool coltote Cxford Cxford DnlverslLy
ress 2001 gs 1043

for resenLaLlon
1 raLL Mary Loulse ArLs of Lhe ConLacL Zone" ltofessloo 1991 p 3340

2 Cruzlnskl Serge lnLroducLlon" and 1he Clash of CulLures" lolotloq tbe
coopoest @be Mexlcoo loJloos ooJ tbe otopeoo keoolssooce arls llammarlon
DnLSCC 1992 ags l39
Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons

Week 7
Septemer 16 2011
V|sua||z|ng kace |n the Amer|can Co|on|es
8equlred readlngs 1 Carrera Magall lmoqloloq lJeotlty lo -ew 5polo koce lloeoqe ooJ lJeotlty lo
-ew 5polo AusLln DnlverslLy of 1exas ress 2003 p
2 vlew and analyze casLa palnLlngs

for resenLaLlon
1 LsLensoro luchs !uan Carlos Los colores de la pleble razn y mesLlza[e en el
eru colonlal" los cooJtos Je mestlzoje Jel vlttey Amot lo tepteseotoclo
etooqtflco Jel leto coloolol Llma Museo de ArLe de Llma 2000 p 66107
2 ueanSmlLh Susan Creating the Colonial Subject: Casta Paintings,
Collectors, and Critics in Eighteenth-Century Mexico and Spain. Colonial
Latin American Review 14:2, 2005. Pp.169-204

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons

Week 8
Septemer 23 2011
V|s|on and Nat|on @he Construct|on of the Amer|cas |n the 19
8equlred readlngs 1 Appelbaum eL al lnLroducLlon 8aclal naLlons" koce ooJ -otloo lo lotlo
Ametlco p 131
2 8ollvar Slmn CarLas y proclamas (selecclones)

for resenLaLlons
1 8esLrepo Lduardo 'negros lndolenLes' en las plumas de corgrafos 8aza y
progreso en el occldenLe de la nueva Cranada a medlados del slglo xlx" -moJos
26 2007 p 2843
2 Ades uawn naLure Sclence and Lhe lcLuresque" Att lo lotlo Ametlco @be
MoJeto to 18201980 pp 63101

Class AcLlvlLles Student presentat|ons
V|sua| Cu|ture Iourna| (1
Issue DUL)

Week 9
Septemer 30 2011
@he Construct|on of Amer|ca y Its thers art I
8equlred readlngs 1 MonLe[o LsLeban and Mlguel 8arneL 8loqtoflo Je oo clmotto ManchesLer

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 6

ManchesLer DnlverslLy ress 2010 p 3990

for resenLaLlon
1 8owlandson Wllllam lnLroducLlon" 8loqtoflo Je oo clmotto p 132
2 !ouveMarLln !ose 8 ue esclavos a escrlbas memorla escrlLura y auLoblografla
en la llLeraLura afrohlspanoamerlcana" kevlsto coooJleose Je stoJlos nlspolcos
30 1 (129144)

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons
kesponse aper 2 DUL |n c|ass

Week 10
ctoer 7 2011
@he Construct|on of Amer|ca y Its thers art II
8equlred readlngs 1 MonLe[o LsLeban and Mlguel 8arneL 8loqtoflo Je oo clmotto ManchesLer
ManchesLer DnlverslLy ress 2010 pp 90194

for resenLaLlon
1 8everley !ohn AnaLomla del LesLlmonlo" 8evlsLa de CrlLlca LlLerarla
LaLlnoamerlcana 1987 (23) 716
2 Conzlez Lchevarrla 8oberLo 8lografla de un clmarrn" and 1he novel of
Lhe Cuban 8evoluLlon" -vl A lotom oo llctloo 1980 (13) 249263
2 uuchesne !uan 8amn Mlguel 8arneL y el LesLlmonlo como humanlsmo"
kevlsto Je ctltlco lltetotlo lotlooometlcooo 1987 (26) 133160
4 ?udlce Ceorge 1esLlmonlo and osLmodernlsm" lotlo Ametlcoo
letspectlves (1991) 1331
Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons

Week 11
ctoer 14 2011
@he V|sua| mak|ng of ostCo|on|a| Spaces and 8od|es
8equlred readlngs 1 raLL Mary Loulse ScraLches on Lhe lace of Lhe CounLry or WhaL Mr 8arrow
Saw ln Lhe Land of 8ushmen" ctltlcol lopolty 12 1 (119143) 1983
for resenLaLlon
1 Ma[luf naLalla Ce nesL pas le erou or Lhe lallure of AuLhenLlclLy Marglnal
CosmopollLans aL Lhe arls Dnlversal LxhlblLlon of 1833" ctltlcol lopolty 23 4
1997 pp 868889
2 oole ueborah lnLroducLlon" vlsloo koce ooJ MoJetolty A vlsool cooomy
of tbe AoJeoo wotlJ rlnceLon rlnceLon DnlverslLy ress 1997 gs 320

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons
kesponse aper 3 DUL |n c|ass

Week 12 SLMANA kSAkIS@A (C@8Lk 1821)

Week 13
ctoer 28 2011
V|sua| Cu|ture kepresentat|on and the Construct|on of the ther
8equlred readlngs 1 oole ueborah An Lconomy of vlslon" vlsloo koce ooJ MoJetolty A vlsool
cooomy of tbe AoJeoo lmoqe wotlJ rlnceLon n! rlnceLon DnlverslLy ress

PlsLory and 8epresenLaLlon Syllabus 7

1997 pp 3883

for resenLaLlon
1 8oland 8arLhes 8heLorlc of Lhe lmage" vlsool coltote @be keoJet !esslca
Lvans and SLuarL Pall eds (London Sage 1999) pp 317323
2 8o[ek Chrls SLuarL Pall and Lhe 8lrmlngham School" CulLural 1heory Classlcal
and ConLemporary oslLlons London Sage ubllcaLlons gs 6983

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons
V|sua| Cu|ture Iourna| (2
Issue) DUL

Week 14
Novemer 4 2011
@echno|og|es of V|s|on and the C|rcu|at|on of the Wor|d as Image
8equlred readlngs 1 SLurken and CarLwrlghL 8eproducLlon and vlsual 1echnologles ltoctlces of
lookloq Ao lottoJoctloo to vlsool coltote gs 109143

for resenLaLlon
1 Sekula Alan 1he 8ody and Lhe Archlve" ctobet 39 1986 364
2 8lack 8odles WhlLe Sclence 1he hoLographs of Louls Agasslz"

Class AcLlvlLles Student presentat|ons
kesponse paper 4 DUL |n c|ass

Week 1S
Novemer 11 2011
V|sua||z|ng Gender
8equlred readlngs 1 Cvermyervelzquez Mark orLralLs of a Lady vlslons of ModernlLy ln
orfldlan Caxaca ClLy" Mexlcoo 5toJles/stoJlos Mexlcooos 23 1 2007 pp 63
for resenLaLlon
1 Plll Colllns aLrlcla Mammles MaLrlarchs and CLher ConLrolllng
lmages 8lock lemlolst @booqbt koowleJqe cooscloosoess ooJ tbe lolltlcs of
mpowetmeot 8ouLledge 1990 6998
2 hooks bell 1he CpposlLlonal Caze 8lack lemale SpecLaLors" 8lock looks koce
ooJ kepteseototloo by bell hooks 8osLon MA SouLh Lnd ress 1992 pp 11331

Class AcLlvlLles Student resentat|ons

Week 16
Novemer 18 2011

Class AcLlvlLles INAL ALk kLSLN@A@INS

Week 17
Nov 2S
Class AcLlvlLles llnal aper uDL
(uaLes mlghL change Lo keep up Lhe DnlverslLy's academlc schedule)

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