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1. He was very ...............because he came late for the meeting and did not apologize. A. emotional *B.

impolite C. formal D. polite 2. The new Chief Executive prefers ..meetings, where everybody can relax and feel comfortable. A. responsive B. formal C. patient *D. informal 3. It takes two to tango and you both should try to be .in the dance. *A. co-operative B. critical C. formal D. informal 4. He signed the contract without reading it. What an .attitude to work! A. emotional *B. irresponsible C. unresponsive D. informal 5. Cigarette smoking is ........................ about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. A. a cause B. the key to *C. the cause to D. why

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

6. He seems to accept whatever people say without thinking. He is too......... and it irritates me very much. A. co-operative B. emotional C. impolite *D. uncritical 7. There is some ............in opinions about the question of the direction the company is taking. *A. difference B. cooperation C. confusion D. indifference 8. The government has done nothing to resolve the ................over nurses' payment. A. argument *B. conflict C. difference D. discussions 9. The negotiating teams will have some ....... discussions before the day of the actual negotiations. A. private *B. informal C. formal D. public 10. You can't take on more staff and cut costs. The two ........... are in conflict with each other. A. objects B. discussions *C. objectives D. things
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

11. There was considerable disagreement among the negotiators ................ the campaign planning, so it did not succeed. A. among B. for C. about *D. on 12. After some heated ..................... a decision was finally made. A. conflict *B. arguments C. agreement D. discussions 13. She's not very........ in the way she treats her employees. She favors some staff but gets tougher with others. *A. consistent B. inconsistent C. agreeable D. disagreeable 14. Neither side was prepared to............., so no agreement was reached in the negotiation. A. suggest B. disagree C. favor *D. compromise 15. He never gets angry, sad or shows disappointment during a negotiation. In other words he is .... A. agreeable B. cooperative *C. unemotional D. formal

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

16. Oil is a nonrenewable material. So we should learn how to use it more ................................ *A. economically B. economic C. on economy D. with economics 17. Good answers don't always come quickly, so don't be too........................ A. patient *B. impatient C. critical D. uncritical 18. Joining in a negotiation sometimes you should make compromise because you can't ....... all the time. A. be weak B. be strong *C. be tough D. be unemotional 19. A company which sells direct to the public rather than to shops is known as a ............................ A. retailing *B. retailer/retail company C. wholesaler D. distributor 20. Don't ....................... with everyone all the time or they will think you are............. *A. agree/ weak B. agree/tough C. disagree/ consistent D. say yes / emotional
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

21. Many countries .............. United Kingdom and the Netherlands are heavily dependent on international trade. A. those B. naming C. as *D. such as 22. The number of people without jobs orhas been rising steadily since the first quarter of the year. A. employment rate B. cost of living *C. unemployment rate D. workforce rate 23. To be a successful negotiator you should keep the same attitude towards others or in other words you need to try to be .................... A. cooperative *B. consistent C. responsive D. critical 24. The Board meeting keeps going on because there's some ..........................of opinion about the question of what insurance company they would carry out the insurance coverage with. A. different B. indifference C. differentiation *D. difference 25. The difference between imports and exports values over a particular period carried out by a country. *A. balance of trade B. trade of balance C. exchange rate D. trade deficit
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

26. In Vietnam Tourism contributes about 5% of the country ..............which refers to the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in one fiscal year. A. national income *B. gross domestic product C. gross domestic profits D. domestic earnings 27. Low taxes, tax exemption are offered as................to foreign companies in order to appeal to their investment A. taxation B. tax assessment *C. tax incentives D. tax avoidance 28. Don't sign any contract without reading it. You must be .for what you do! *A. responsible B. critical C. co-operative D. responsive 29. .is the money that a government pays to make something cheaper to buy. A. Subsidiaries *B. Subsidies C. Supports D. Subsidiaries 30. We need to deregulate our investment law otherwise not any foreign investors want to ........ here. A. domestic investment B. local investors *C. foreign investment
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

D. foreign manufacturers 31. According to the recent survey, 11% of the are earning less than the minimum wages. A. labor class B. working class C. employment rate *D. labor force 32. The country is now officially in...... .Trade and industrial activity are decreasing and more people become unemployed. *A. recession B. reception C. economic boom D. prosperous 33. The companies need dollars to service their........, that is the money they owe to lenders from other countries. A. policy *B. foreign debt C. foreign investment D. foreigners 34 .... refers to the total amount of money spent by a government on schools, roads, the army, etc. *A. Public expenditure B. Public money C. Business expenses D. Business money 35. The current ......................... between Indian currency and Euro is 50 rupees to the euro. A. foreign exchange B. money exchange *C. exchange rate
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

D. change rate 36. In a memo to all department managers, the employees more flexible working hours. A. spoke B. said C. asked *D. requested 37. Though the company has used ways of promotion such as giving............to customers, profits are getting down the last quarter of the year. *A. free gifts B. samples C. bonus D. incentive 38. As regard to.....................of men employed in financial and business services, it increased from 12% in 1989 to 15% twenty years later. A. percent B. amount *C. the percentage D. quality 39. Around one in eight men employed were in health, education and public administration services in 1989, while the same industry .................one fifth of men's jobs in 1999. A. stood at B. made up of C. represented for *D. accounted for 40. In order to deal with long - term demographic changes which could reduce the labor force, the government has introduced a number of measures .......................... the labor market
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

A. to transfer *B. to reform C. change D. to move 41. If he................ his sales target for this year , his bonus will be doubled last year. *A. exceed B. don't achieve C. miss D. will exceed 42. American negotiators enjoy relaxed and comfortable atmosphere at their negotiation so they often start with........................ A. greeting talk *B. small talk C. social talk D. conversation 43 ..................., and the status importance are not paid much attention, according to the American. A. Position B. Job titles C. Formal *D. Protocol 44. I think "Teacher" is a really................... job. It needs personal skills and patience to get success. *A. demanding B. co-operative C. responsive D. emotional 45. The higher the..........................of a country, the richer its people get. *A. GDP
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

B. interest rate C. unemployment rate D. stable economy 46. ......... is one of effective ways to communicate not only at the negotiations but in daily life as well. A. with eye-contact *B. eye- contact C. contact through eyes D. through eye-contact 47. Spanish business people ..................... quick thinking to careful preparation at meeting. A. enjoy B. mind *C. prefer D. like 48. Until their country economy become ............... we can't put more money in our project there. A. improvement B. develop C. sustainable *D. stable 49. Don't forget to take money with you when traveling in strong............. like US dollar or Euro. A. current B. coin *C. currency D. note 50. A limit of time or date by which you have to complete your work or something as requested. *A. deadline
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

B. dead time C. fix time D. appointed time 51. A/an....................... product is the one which doesn't cost the consumer much to use. *A. economical B. economic C. safe D. unique 52. Toyota automobiles have the reputation for ........ They can run tens of miles without any breakdowns. A. not reliability *B. being reliable C. reliable D. not reliable 53 ........... products are also up market products. They are produced specially for one or a group of people. A. Market followers B. Mass- made C. Down- market *D. Custom- made 54. Nike trainers are usually ............................ shoes. *A. hard-wearing B. best-sell C. long- last D. well- make 55. Could you let me know their ......................... .? I mean the width; the length and the height. A. design *B. dimensions
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

C. size D. shapes 56. The machine is strong, able to survive being used a lot and unlikely to break down or in other words it is.................. A. practical B. flexible C. elegant *D. robust 57. The symbol which indicates a company's ownership towards their products. A. tag B. label C. mark *D. trade mark 58. Vietnamese garment manufactures are facing difficulties with ....................... clothing from China. They are cheap in prices, attractive in designs and colors. *A. down-market B. up-market C. mass D. custom- made 59. In the event of high increase in inflation rate many Joint-stock commercial banks have to raise their.................... to attract more savings from population. A. borrowing rate B. deposit rate *C. interest rate D. lending rate 60. Very user- friendly is one of Sony product ............................... A. disadvantages
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*B. selling points C. point- selling D. strengths 61. Apple's new 3G I-phones have several special ........... quite different from others, for example they can access internet more quickly A. specifications B. characters *C. features D. characteristics 62. The length of time during which you stay away from work because of illness. A. sick - absence *B. sick-leave C. day off D. sick holiday 63. I'm afraid our newly- launched product will have to be................. if its sales keeps falling. A. throw away B. destroyed C. disconnected *D. discontinued 64. Energy- .....................design is an outstanding and useful feature of Toyota's new car model. *A. saving B. consuming C. safety D. losing 65. The sales of Greeting cards often pick up on public holidays or specials festivals just like Valentine, Christmas etc. "Pick up" is similar in meaning to:
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

A. fall B. go down C. decline *D. increase 66. The sum of money from all kinds of taxes a government receives making up one country's Gross Domestic Products is ................... A. revenue B. turnover *C. income D. all answers are correct 67. Harry Porter is ranked as one of the ........................... books for children in the modern world. A. best- seller *B. best- selling C. well- selling D. excellent- selling 68. The product which can be used for several purposes is a ........................... one. A. multi-use B. multilateral C. multinational *D. multi-purpose 69. Vietnamese Government is trying to control the inflation rate by following a ............. monetary package policy. *A. tight B. loose C. lost D. tighten

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

70. Before setting up a new business it's very crucial to do market research, as well as explore the competitors and ............................... your products against theirs. A. standard B. criteria *C. benchmark D. mark 71. We will inform our shareholders as soon as we....................... the contract. A. lost B. win C. achieved *D. accomplishes 72. Many private stock investors now get so disappointed the share investment because it doesn't give them a considerable................................... but heavy loss on their investment A. profit *B. interest C. income D. return 73. We plan a series of ..................................... , in addition to newspaper advertising campaign. A. films B. programs *C. TV commercials D. channels 74. You will be allowed to .................................... 15 % off net price- list if you place an order of $ 2000 before the end of this month. A. have B. enjoy C. take
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*D. give 75. It is said that negotiating behaviors varies from one culture to another. Americans are usually open, sociable and informal. Germans, on the other hand, place.......... on clarity and thoroughness. *A. great weight B. heavy weight C. light weight D. medium weight 76. If you plan to borrow money from the bank or even from your relatives for your new own business, it's advisable for you to find out about the ........................... A. exchange rate *B. inflation C. profit D. interest rate 77. The situation when a country pays more money for imports than it gets from exports. A. trade recession B. trade deficit C. trade surplus *D. trade balance 78 ...................... they sign the contract, they want us to promise better terms for future business. A. After B. At once *C. Before D. Currently 79. I won't invite them to my sales presentation ................. they apologize me for their missing of previous ones. A. before
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

B. when C. as soon as *D. until 80. Let's contact his referees first .................................employing him. *A. before B. after C. when D. while 1. During a negotiation in Germany it is advisable to avoid interrupting, ..........you have an urgent question about what are being said. A. when B. in case C. if *D. unless 2. He will.his mind when he sees how much money the new proposal will save for the firm. A. changes *B. change C. changed D. be changed 3. Would you complain if they ................. late in delivery again? Of course I'd. A. had been B. have been C. are *D. were 4. If we...............regular orders, would they cover transport costs? No I'm afraid they wouldn't. A. place *B. placed
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

C. had placed D. are placing 5. Will you get a bonus if you ........................... your sales target? *A. exceed B. exceeded C. have exceeded D. had exceeded 6. The more you practice the fewer mistake you.................. . I can assure you that. A. make B. would make *C. will make D. are making 7. Wouldn't they be disappointed if they ............. the contract. There will be another chances *A. didn't win B. don't win C. haven't won D. hadn't won 8...........................you ..................a concession if our counterpart makes one at the negotiation? A. Wouldn't/ have B. Would/ have C. Will/make *D. Won't/ make 9. I am flying to the States tonight. I will give you a ring .....................there. A. if I get *B. when I arrive C. unless getting
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

D. whether to get 10. When you . a high staff turnover, it's easier .........something wrong with the management. *A. have/ to get B. had/ gets C. have/ getting D. are having/ have got 11 ........................... sure they wouldn't continue doing business with you if they weren't satisfied. *A. I'm B. I'll be C. I have been D. was 12. If he was able .......................... pressure, he would be an excellent negotiator. A. dealing with *B. to deal with C. to have ability D. to be deal with 13. Mr Barton, our new business partner from the US, is coming this afternoon. Could you meet him at the airport.he arrives? A. in case B. unless *C. when D. provided 14. We will sign the deal tomorrow .. *A. unless something goes wrong B. unless nothing goes wrong C. if something goes wrong D. in case something goes wrong
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

15..........................I lose this order, I'm afraid it will affect my commission. A. When *B. If C. Unless D. After 16. We believe that our company has a solid record of success: We have shown a profit every year ... we began this company. *A. since B. while C. when D. from 17. We .have to turn to another supplier if you ...................able to deliver this month. A. did not/ were *B. would not/ were C. would not/ are D. did not/ are 18. The company .her a free gift if she .her order size. A. gave/ increased *B. will give/ increases C. gives/ increases D. would give/ increases 19. A discount of 15% off the price-list .......... to you if you doubled your order size and pay in cash. A. delivered/ would pay B. will deliver/ will pay C. will deliver/ paid *D. would be given
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

20. If they make a concession, we will do.......................... A. same B. in the same way C. too *D. the same 21. If you place regular orders with us, we will ................................. insurance. *A. cover B. give C. pay D. allow 22. I'm writing to confirm the date of delivery as we..................for our next consignment. A. will agree B. have agreed *C. agreed D. agree 23. The company's goal is to reach its factory maximum capacity.....the next three months. *A. in B. into C. about D. with 24. If you have an advanced degree in Business Administration, there .......... more job opportunities available to you. A. have been B. would be C. are *D. will be

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

25. This package .................by EMS if you want to have any hope of meeting the deadline. *A. should be sent B. should send C. would send D. will send 26. Office parties ..................... at almost departments before the Christmas vacation begins. A. are holding *B. will be held C. will hold D. need to hold 27. Ultimately, the success of the company depends.............. consistent management strategies. *A. on B. under C. about D. for 28. We thought our offer ......................... been accepted by now, but no reply has been received. *A. would have B. have C. has D. will have 29. Despite the unsuccessful summer season, the CEO ........... to go ahead with expansion plans of A. enjoy B. like C. will want *D. wants
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

30 ...............with, the differences in cultures may affect the way we respond on other nationalities. A. To open *B. To begin C. To discuss D. To talk 31. Unless they ........................... government bureaucracy I don't recommend you to invest there. A. reduces B. had reduced *C. reduce D. will reduce 32. Let's buy petrol .............................. its prices are going to increase. A. whether B. provided C. in case *D. before 33. The Government is creating free training programmes ............. reduce unemployment rate. *A. in order to B. in case C. as to D. So that 34. Exports are being made easy so that the balance of trade .................................. A. improves B. is improved C. would be better *D. will be improved

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

35. A very strict environmental law ...........recently so as to stop companies polluting air and water. A. will pass *B. has been passed C. passes D. would pass 36. .................the budget deficit the government is raising taxes, but they are facing public protest. *A. To reduce B. In order to increase C. So as not to reduce D. All answers are correct 37. Did she talk ........................you .....................her plans to quit her job? A. to/ to B. with/ to *C. to/ about D. with/ about 38. Some slight modifications should be made to your product in order to get it ...... to our market demand. A. replace B. change C. adopt *D. adapted 39. They are going through a difficult time. All employees ........... cut down on unnecessary expenses A. will have to *B. would have to C. have to D. are going to
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

40. If you don't feel well, ........................a day off tomorrow. A. all answers are correct B. will have C. will get *D. take 41. We need to know, in particular, ......... it can scan 3-D objects and also.......types of paper it takes. A. why/whether B. if/ why *C. whether/ what D. why/ whether 42. Have you.................... your computer................... yet? A. had/ repair *B. had/ repaired C. have/ repaired D. had/ repairers 43. I don't mind driving myself but I prefer ........................ by others. A. driving B. to drive *C. being driven D. to be driving 44. People are more ............................ if they work in pleasant surroundings, according to a recent survey carried out by our company. *A. productivity B. productive C. produce D. productively 45. The value of people's savings ..................... if inflation rises. A. will rocket *B. will go down
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

C. will go up D. will increase 46. Mrs Barton is coming this afternoon. Could you send her up.................. she arrives? *A. when B. if C. unless D. whether 47. We won't be able to compete with our competitors ........ we don't modernize our production plant. A. After B. when C. unless *D. if 48. I'll be at a meeting this afternoon, so if Pierre ............... , ............. him I'll give him a ring later. A. calls/ will tell B. will call/tell *C. calls/ tell D. is calling/ will tell 49. If you finish everything that needs to be done before five, you....................... home. *A. can go B. are able to go C. will go D. will be able to go 50. What should I do if everyone .................. still ................. when I want to start my presentation? A. was/ talking *B. is/ talking
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

C. will be/ talking D. are/ talking 51. We are going to have a bad year if............................ *A. the demand doesn't increase soon B. the demand increases soon C. the consumers like our newly- launched product D. the prices are correct 52. I won't accept an overseas posting unless........................... A. I don't like it B. It can't make much money C. I can't have my job back when I return *D. I can have my job back when I return 53. Please don't phone me ........................................ A. if there 's something urgent *B. unless there's something urgent C. when you don't need my help D. as soon as you need help 54. The publisher Paul Raymond is said to be the richest man in Britain and he .................. a personal fortune of over $ 1,650,000,000. A. has been believed to have B. had been believed to have *C. is believed to have D. was believed to have 55. I often stay at 3-star- hotel in which I can have my clothes ............. and .......... within 12 hours. A. made/ returned *B. cleaned/ returned C. ironed/ back D. washed/ back
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

56. How often do you have your hair....................? Once a month A. cuts B. to be cut *C. cut D. cutting 57. It's advisable for people who travel much to have money ......... their account and take credit card. A. to be put B. putting C. put onto *D. put into 58. I will take a credit card.............................. we don't run out of money, in addition, we don't have to take so much cash with. A. so that *B. in order C. however D. and 59. He's going to book a hotel room in advance ....................... the hotel is fully booked. *A. in case B. when C. because D. if 60. We will allow you to become the sole distributor of our product ....... you can meet our requirements. A. not before long B. so as long *C. provided D. unless

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

61. Keep the insurance documents safe........................ we need to make a claim. A. so that *B. in case C. unless D. as long as 1. As well as being formal, negotiations are direct. German negotiators speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly. When someone speaks his or her mind this person A. expresses his or her opinions indirectly *B. says what he or she thinks C. does what he or she thinks D. hides his or her thoughts 2. As well as being formal, negotiations are direct. German negotiators speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly. You place great weight on something if you .. A. consider it urgent B. think it is not very important *C. consider it very important D. discuss it in details 3. Surely no technology has led to many conflicts and lost friendships as electronic mail. But nowhere is e-mail more dangerous than in negotiation.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? *A. E-mail can easily lead to conflicts and loss of friendship B. E-mail is one of the best ways to use for negotiations C. Conflicts have resulted from e-mail D. E-mail is dangerous every where 4. During the negotiations your counterparts may interrupt each other, or even you. It is quite common in Spain for this to happen in the middle of
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

a sentence. For several people to talk at the same time is accepted in Latin cultures, but it is considered rather unusual in Northern Europe.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A. Northern European negotiators can interrupt each others during the negotiations *B. You can interrupt and can be interrupted during the negotiations in Spain in Latin cultures in general. C. In Latin cultures it is not common for several conversations taking place at one time D. It is unacceptable for negotiators to interrupt each other during the negotiations in Spain 5. In negotiations, Spanish business people rely on quick thinking and spontaneous ideas rather than careful preparation."Spontaneous" is similar in meaning to: A. well- prepared B. well- planned *C. sudden / instant D. carelessly- prepared 6. The attitude 'time is money' has more influence on business communication in the US than it does in anywhere else. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.Which is the main idea? A. The attitude "time is money" has very bad effects on business communication in the US B. Getting results at a negotiation is as important as developing personal relationships in US *C. Negotiation results are more important for US business people than building personal relationship in business D. Personal relationships are not important at all in US 7. Excessive enthusiasm or compliments are rare in German business. You should give a thorough and detail presentation, with an emphasis on objective information, such as your company's history, rather than on
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

clever visuals or marketing tricks.Which statement is FALSE according to the passage? A. German negotiators seldom indicate their feeling *B. German business people often praise the others or show that they are interested in the counterpart's ideas C. Objective information is of importance for German business people D. Clever visuals or marketing tricks are used widely by business people in Germany 8. Mr Pistorio invested in Catania because he felt from the start that the Sicilian city had all the ingredients to develop into a competitive hightech centre.The word 'ingredients' is similar in meaning to: A. spare parts B. components C. vegetable, meat, spicy to prepare dishes *D. the factors such as skilled labor force, infrastructure and population education level. 9. A number of changes have occurred in the labor market and working practices over the last 20 years. One of the most significant changes has been the vast move, especially in industrialized countries, from manufacturing to service industries.Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. In industrialized countries more people now work in service industries than in the past B. The move from manufacturing to service industries has been important and noticeable. *C. The labor market and working practices are now, not as the same as over 20 years ago. D. There has been only one change in the labor market 10. Working in service industries, a lot of people have been freed from heavy and repetitive work in factories. However, many people find their work in service industries equally boring and just for badly paid.The
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

sentence people have been freed from heavy and repetitive work is similar in meaning to: A. People stop doing heavy and repetitive work B. People must do heavy work *C. People didn't have to do heavy and repetitive work D. Heavy and repetitive work is free 11. Nowadays in most companies the management team has become less hierarchical. This is often called downsizing or de-layering. In other words, there are fewer managers and fewer levels of management.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Fewer managers and fewer levels of management make up better hierarchy in the company *B. Downsizing the management team means increasing the management members C. Downsizing the management team is popular among companies nowadays D. Fewer managers want to work for downsizing companies 12. Competition from new products and from different parts of the world means that nowadays companies have to adapt very fast to changing markets and this requires them to be very flexible.What does fierce competition require companies to do? A. To be flexible B. To adapt their products *C. To improve their adaptability and flexibility to the fast- changing market D. To provide new products 13. The relevant questions when launching a new product are: what products are alternatives to the product a company intends to launch? What is their price and how many customers do they win?When launching a new product it's necessary to consider: A. How many people would like to buy it
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*B. Three questions concerning with the next new product; prices and number of potential customers C. The alternative of the product D. How much the prices should be 14. The sales pitch seems to be going well and then, without meaning to, you say something to upset your client. What do you do? According to Tom Lambert, author of High Income Consulting, using logic to deal with emotions does not work.The phrase SALE PITCH here means: A. an offer for a discount B. a debate *C. a sales presentation D. a sales promotion 15. New technology and global competition have meant that the life cycle of products is not nearly as long as it used to be. This has had profound effect on the companies and the way we work. In order to cope with sudden changes in the market, companies need much greater flexibility from their staff.What can affect heavily on the companies and the way we work? A. Staff flexibility B. Shorter life cycle of products *C. New technology and global competition leading to shorter product life cycle D. The market changes 16. E-mail is not necessarily a bad way to negotiate, but the researchers suggest that it need to be used carefully.Which is NOT TRUE. A. It's not bad to use e-mail for negotiation B. E-mail needs to be used with care *C. Negotiating through e-mail is a good way D. We shouldn't use e-mail in negotiation

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

17. Surely no technology has led to so many conflicts and lost friendship as electronic mail. But nowhere is e-mail more dangerous than in negotiation.Which of the following is TRUE? *A. E-mail can easily lead to conflicts especially in negotiations B. Using e-mail may not result in losing friends C. E-mail is dangerous means of communication D. E-mail should be used widely 18. Medtronic has developed an implantable for treating epilepsy and could start trial in human next year. The implant is inserted under the skin by the chest and wired up to receive signals from the brain.Which of the following is TRUE? A. There is no wire for connecting the device to the human body B. The device is inserted in the brain to receive the signals *C. The device is put under the skin and connected to receive signals from the brain D. The device has been tested in human for long 19. At the age of 18, I had the luck to become Christian Dior's assistant, to succeed him at 21 and to be successful from my first show in 1958. Since then I have lived for my work "Yves Saint Lauren said.Yves Saint Lauren said his career success................. A. began to develop at the age of 31 *B. was due to hard-working C. was due to good look in his early age D. was due to the fact that he had no competition 20. He thanked Francois Pinault, the French entrepreneur who has bankrolled Saint Lauren's loss- making haute couture since 1999 Bankroll is similar in meaning to: A. to give funding B. to act as financial manger C. to negotiate with the bank *D. to provide financial consultancy
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

21. Chidi Ngwaba's advice for would-be entrepreneurs? "Have a vision, spot a new niche and be sufficiently convinced to go for it 100%". It's not the advice a bank would offer. A bank's advice would centre more on researching your ideas and drawing up detailed business plans. You probably need both to get started.To spot a new niche means A. Create new product *B. see an opening in the market C. copy what the other business people are doing D. find a good location for your HQ 22. Regards the percentage of men employed in financial and business services, it increased from 12 in 1979 to 15 twenty years later.Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. All answers are correct *B. It took 20 years to raise the percentage of men employed in financial and business services from 12% to 15% C. Men accounted for over 12 % in financial services D. There's 15% 0f men in the business in 1979 23. The product life cycle begins when a new product is designed. At that stage, there's only a plan or a drawing which is then used when the product is manufactured. Nobody knows how well the new product works, or how good it is, so it has to be tested.Which of these statements is TRUE? A. Pan or drawing of the new product is used for designing it *B. Designing starts the product life cycle C. It is known that the new product can work well at designing phase D. The new product doesn't need testing 24. Our new scanner Alpha JTX2 will help you run your business smoothly and efficiently. It is a high-performance scanner designed for those who get professional results in seconds; high-resolution scanning; 6-second preview scan...AlphaJTX2: the market leader in scanning technology.The market leader means: A. the most expensive product on the market
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*B. the best-selling product C. the second best- selling D. the product which leads the market 25. Yves Saint Laurent, the French designer, signaled the end of an era in fashion when he announced his retirement from haute couture at an emotional press conference at his Paris salon."haute couture" means: A. A famous fashion maker B. A garment business C. A company which produces garments *D. A leading company specialized in up-market fashion products 1. To find out about the color of the new product you ask: A. What color is available? B. Can you tell about the color? *C. What color does the product come in? D. What color is it? 2. You say........................... to close your negotiation. *A. Let's go over the main points again B. Let's have a break C. Shall we stop here D. Thank you 3. 0.986 can be pronounced ................................. in British English A. Point nine hundred eighty six B. Nought point nine hundred eighty six C. Zero nine eight six *D. Nought point nine eight six 4. To calm down your negotiating partner you can say: A. Don't be angry *B. Let's have a break and come back with some fresh ideas C. How about a break? D. Calm down please
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

5. A friend of yours say I have exceeded my sales target this year then you respond: A. Very glad *B. Well-done C. Happy D. Surprised 6. To refuse politely the offer Would you like me to take you home? you say: *A. Thank so much but I can mange myself B. It's very kind of you C. No, thanks D. Yes. I 'd love to 7. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence:When do you want to discuss the project? A. Right. Where will the meeting be held? B. Right. Where should we go now? *C. Well, could we possibly do that before the meeting starts? D. Well, what do you want, then? 8. Choose the most suitable reply to the following sentence: Look at these figures, please. I think they need checking. A. No, never again *B. When you've typed them all up, we can check them together C. Why don't you invent them here? D. I don't need to type them today 9. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: Are you going to the Trade Fair now? A. Do you know where it is? B. All right. I'll go C. All right. Let's start the Trade Fair *D. Yes, if anybody phones while I'm out, tell them I'll be back by 2.30
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

10. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: It would be useful to know today's exchange rate. A. I'm afraid you can't get them B. All right. Let's get them now *C. Yes, I agree. We'll find out as soon as we get the Financial Times D. Where can we get them? 11. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: Have you read Peter's new sales report? A. No. I don't like reading *B. Yes. I'd like to discuss it with you when you have a minute C. Never again, do you agree? D. Don't bother to ask me 12. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: It seems we are not doing business with Alfatex anymore. *A. No, never again. Certainly not until they apologize for their terrible mistakes B. Don't tell anybody about them C. When should we start business again? D. Good idea. Let's do it right now. 13. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: So have they won the contract, then? A. What should they win? *B. We don't know yet. We'll have more information after we've talked to the team leader C. Never. It is impossible D. Why do you ask me like that? 14. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: Did the unemployment rate decrease? A. What do you know? B. No. It went down by 0.5% to reach 11.3%
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*C. Yes. It went down by 0.5% to reach 11.3% D. Don't ask me like this 15. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: What's the basic rate of income tax in the UK? A. It's a good idea to reduce the income tax in the UK *B. Well, it was reduced from 23 to 22% a couple of years ago C. You should not ask about UK D. Do you know where the UK is? 16. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: What's the euro-dollar exchange rate? A. It is a good idea to change the euro B. It goes down all the time *C. I'm not sure. Somewhere between 0.9 and 0.95 against the dollar, I'd say D. I don't know where to change the dollar 17. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: I'd like to make a complaint. A. Don't say to me like that again *B. What seems to be the trouble? C. Where to make a complaint? D. All right. Where is the complaint? 18. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: I've just heard, we've won the export achievement award. A. Don't mention it B. Congratulations! That is good news *C. Never mind. This year is good D. It's really kind of them 19. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: How are the negotiations with Hellasco going? A. Don't ask me like that
L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163 Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

*B. Well, they don't like negotiations C. Where are their headquarters? D. It's not easy. They want to have exclusive rights to sell our printers in Greece 20. Choose the most suitable reply for the following sentence: Hello, Richard. Could I have a word, please? *A. Why should you have a word? B. Sure, sit down. You look upset. What's the matter? C. All right. Where are you going? D. What do you mean?

L Vn Dng Y! duonglv163

Tel: 0916 03 1102 Mail: duonglv163@gmail.com

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