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58814 Smartport assignment guidelines for Stratix 8000

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Rockwell Automation Support Center 58814 - Smartport assignment guidelines for Stratix 8000
Access Level: Everyone Date Created: 02/17/2009 08:34 AM Last Updated: 11/25/2009 05:52 AM

How should I configure Smartports on a Stratix 8000 switch? Smartports are a key feature of the Stratix 8000 switch which allow the operation of ports of a switch to be optimized by applying a suitable configuration for the device connected to that port. Smartports can be configured from Device Manager, using Cisco Network Assistant or from within a Logix 5000 project. Recommended guidance for smartport application is as follows: 1. If you are connecting a single EtherNet/IP node such as an I/O module, ENBT module or HMI terminal, you should apply an Automation Device smartport. The Customize button allows you to assign the port to a VLAN. 2. If you are connecting a computer or server (including FactoryTalk View) running one operating system at a time (e.g. Microsoft Windows installed on the base image), you should apply the Desktop for Automation smartport. The Customize button allows you to assign the port to a VLAN 3. If you are connecting a computer or server running multiple operating systems simultaneously (for example, Microsoft Windows running within VMWare) then you should apply NO smartport. 4. If you are connecting a Stratix 8000 or Cisco switch, you should apply the Switch for Automation smartport. Ensure that the same smartport is also applied to the opposite end of the connection. 5. If you are connecting any other switch (including Stratix 6000 and Stratix 2000) you should apply NO smartport 6. If you are connecting a 1783-ETAP you should apply NO smartport. 7. If you are connecting a Cisco router then you should apply the Router for Automation 8. If you are connecting a Cisco wireless access point, you should apply the Wireless for Automation smartport 9. If you wish to capture a network trace, this can be done with the Port Mirroring smartport. The Customize button allows you to select the source port and ingress VLAN. Note: the Automation Device with QoS smartport should not be used at present.

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http://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/58814/kw/connection%2... 20/08/2011

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