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[提升 之灵 性学 堂 ]春分和 复活 节祝 福

Spring Solstice and Easter Blessings:

A Return to the Dance of Truth and Fulfillment of Dream


The One Source and Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila"

March 22, 2002

全一 之源 和道 透过 Karen Danrich "Mila"传递

2002 年 3 月 22 日

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,

至爱 的提 升人 类:

One will notice that there are a host of new materials pouring forth through Mila. Mila feels
compelled to write in the greater understanding that there is little time to bring forth the information she
is incarnate to anchor. Therefore the coming year and a half may have more written materials generated
than ever before in her personal history. After such a time, the thought-form will change enough that it
may be hard for those at lower initiatory levels to understand, and therefore the information needs to
flow through now, as there is still a bridge between the Language of Light and non-ascending languages
in her field.

你将注意到会有大量的新资料通过 Mila 涌入。在了解到展现她的化身所锚定信息的时间不多时,Mila

This Spring Equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of Earth. Recent changes have allowed the truth
of Earth to return and prevail. Earth's truth was lost some 28 million years ago and as truth was lost, her
light and love begin to dwindle and fade into non-truth. A lengthy journey into non-truth teaches any
sentient species or consensus reality greatly. Earth is now emerging from this lengthy period of non-truth
and it is a joyous time indeed for all species as a result.

约 28 百万年以前被丢失,而因为真相被丢失,她的光和爱开始缩小并消失进非真相中。一段进入非真相的

What does the return of truth equate to? Truth is the remembrance of one's original endowment as
soul. All souls as they were cast from the Tao had an endowment. The endowment is a series of
encoding that insures that there is knowledge for the dance ahead. All souls intend to evolve, and the
endowment insures that evolution will prevail in the dance of soul. All endowments are co-created to
work in unison with all others, each providing a necessary piece of the puzzle to ensure the dance and
ultimately evolution of the whole. As truth fades, the remembrance of one's original endowment is also
lost. This is what has occurred upon the dimensions that Earth resides within; her remembrance of what
she originally knew, and all souls originally knew faded. In the forgetfulness, a dance of non-truth


Each creation that falls into non-truth expresses it in a different manner. So it is also for each
human, for humans likewise have fallen into a dance of great non-truth. Each human expresses the
non-truth in a different dance. For some, the dance appears upon the surface joyful, with one's dreams
fulfilled upon. However upon your plane of reality, the joyful dream fulfilled in the human dance is limited
to only a very few in human form, and these are often folk that acquire fame or fortune to a certain

For Earth and your creation, this is also so. There are those parts of creation that have only known
love and light and dreams fulfilled upon, much like the humans of fame and fortune. Such planets or
stars are few in number in your creation. Most stars and planets in your creation are deprived, deprived
of any dream at all, and have known only fall after fall in consciousness regardless of dimension.


For most humans, life is also much like such stars and planets, with dreams unfulfilled upon. In
youth, one perceives life as ahead of oneself yet, and there is time for the dream to come to fruition. By
middle age, there comes a time when each recognizes that the dream that they had hoped for in youth
is most likely not going to occur. In the West, this is often associated with a middle age crisis. However,
even if the crisis causes change, rarely does the change fulfill upon the dream.



非真 相和 梦想 编织

Why is one's dream so hard to manifest? In the dance of non-truth, dream becomes polarized to the
few who can seemingly manifest anything that one desires, leaving the remaining many with little
fulfillment of dream. Why does non-truth have this affect? Non-truth or distortion causes energy to curve
or spiral. In the spiral, one dreams the dream, and the curving energy takes the dream depositing it in
another's life dance. Unfortunately, the dream that manifests in another's life dance may not be their
dream, and therefore is just as unfulfilling as what manifests in one's life dance, for it isn't what the
individual was wishing for.


We will give you an example of this. Mila in her youth longed heavily for a horse. So much so that
having a horse was what she dreamed of day and night from ages 5 through 13. The horse never
manifested. A neighbor was able to acquire a pony for a time. But the neighbor didn't enjoy this and later
sold the pony to another. Yet another friend of Mila's had access to horses from an early age, Arabian
horses to boot! She was able to raise show horses, going on the road with her brother and sister in law
as they traveled the country in their dance with horse shows. This however never really made this
individual happy. One could say that they were blessed with Mila's dream, but it was not their dream,
and therefore there was no fulfillment in the manifestation of such an experience.

我们将给你一个这样的例子。Mila 年轻时非常渴望有一匹马。她从 5 岁到 13 岁,日夜梦想着有一匹马。

马从未出现。一度一个邻居能有一匹小马。但这个邻居不喜欢它,随后把小马卖给了别人。Mila 的另一个朋
但是这从来没有真正给这个个体快乐。你可以说他们被 Mila 的梦想祝福了,但是这不是他们的梦想,而因

For most humans, so it is also. Even those with great fame may not have desired the fame, and
may be miserable inside of self in the dance. So one of the SSOA affiliates that is a talent search for a
large media host has come to see in the personal confessions of such folk. What good is it to manifest
the dream of another and live an unfulfilled life? The Tao and One source see this as the underlying
cause of an extremely shortened lifespan, as what happens to the "will to live" under such an
experience? The "will to live" dies in the non-fulfillment of the life expression.

我可能有着悲惨的一面。SSOA 的一个会员有着搜索大型媒体活动的才华,能看到这些人们个人的自白。显


提升 和生 活的 意志

Ascension requires a will to live. If one were to know that their dreams would never come to fruition
through ascension, one's ascension would also not come to fruition, for the lack of a will to live would
cause death long before the ascension could come forth. One's dreams therefore should manifest as a
result of one's ascent. And yet there is so much skewing the thoughts even as one embraces the
Language of Light that ones dream may still end up manifesting in another's life rather than one's own.
This is an expression of non-truth beloved, a dream that one holds dear manifesting in the experience of
another. This is the result of many causes upon your plane of reality, so many in fact that it would be
difficult to sort through all of the causes in a single lifetime of ascension.


What to do under such a circumstance? One manner of straightening one's thoughts so that they
do not spiral into the life dance of another is to synthesize one's field. (See the "Synthesis
Meditation.pdf" for more information). Mila and Oa will soon make a recording of this meditation for
others to utilize without requirement to read it from the site or a printed document. So stay tuned to our
products section for this as it becomes available.

你的场。(请阅“合成冥想.pdf”以读取更多信息)。Mila 和 Oa 不久将刻录此冥想,能给别人使用,而不需
Synthesis has the affect of straightening thought-form into a rainbow of tones; the rainbow curves
but into a circle. In the circle one's thoughts remain in one's field rather than spiraling into another's.
Therefore making one's intents for what one wishes to manifest through one's dream is best done in a
state of synthesis, or after one synthesizes the field through meditation. In so doing, the thoughts
relayed to the sun for manifestation will be relayed back into one's own projection.


What is a projection? Each human has a projection for their life dance that emanates down the
dimensions into physicality through 18 planes of reality surrounding Earth. At this time, the 18 planes
have been restructured and have become magnetic. Therefore one's intentions must be infused with the
Language of Light, or they will not be relayed back into one's life dance. Each human has a mirror or
exact duplicate of himself or herself upon the 18th plane. One's dream first manifests upon plane 18 and
then rapidly steps down 11 planes related to dream weaving. More or less, planes 18 through 8 are the
planes of magic that one draws the tones of creation from to weave the dream into a nonphysical
holographic movie and are utilized to weave the dream into a physical and viable manifestation. Then
the dream or movie begins to step down the 7 remaining planes of manifestation into physicality,
drawing others required to see the dream to fruition into the dance. (See "Becoming the Dreamer and
the Dream" for more information on conscious dream weaving.)

什么是发射?每一个人类对他们的生命之舞都有一个发射,沿密度发下来,通过围绕着地球的 18 个
实相层,进入物质层。在此时,18 个实相层都已被重建,并已变为磁性。因此你的意想必须注入光之语,
否则它们将不能被转播回你的生命之舞。在第 18 层上,每一人类都有一面镜子或他/她自己原样的复制。你
的梦想首先显化在第 18 层上,随后快速步下与梦想编织有关的 11 个层面。或多或少,18 个层面通过 8 个
随后梦想或电影开始沿其余 7 个显化层下来到物质层,汲取其他所需来观察梦想实现进舞蹈。(请阅“成

What happens when one intentionalizes and is not synthesized? The dream ends up skewed into
the projection of another who then benefits from one's dream weaving in lieu of oneself. There is so
much karma in the human dance for the skewing of dream, that it is difficult for initiates to manifest
much of anything that they intend in our experience. Even Mila and Oa have had difficulty gathering
those required at Conclave to support Earth's global ascent. Often their gathering has either drawn in
the wrong individuals creating great difficulties for the group anchoring for the event, or failed to draw in
the numbers required for the job. In spite of all that they have tried over time, the gathering continues to
be skewed.

自己意愿的任何事都是困难的。甚至 Mila 和 Oa 也艰难地召集他们的大师秘会所需要的人来支持地球的全

In analyzing why this is so, as Mila and Oa are synthesized more of any day than not at their
current vibratory rate and level of evolution, it is perceived that there are deliberate and intentional
machinery devised by forces of the dark to skew dreams. The dreams are skewed on to those lineages
and holographic human natures that can be heavily used by the dark. It is for this reason that often
those of great fame have such abusive energy fields from a point of view of harmlessness. They are
used heavily by the dark to retain dominion over the human species, and the dreams have been skewed
into such lives to give such lives large audiences through which the dark can manipulate.

在分析原因中,当 Mila 和 Oa 在当时振动等级和进化程度上于任一天里比过去更多地合成,它被觉察


It is for this reason that few if any of much fame will ascend, as most have holographic natures that
are Annanuki in origin. The solar and universal counsels are blocking any ascent of those with
holographic origin from another creation, as the non-resonance threatens the ascent of the whole if it
were to gain in power upon a solar or universal level. (See "Solar Counsels Take Charge Over Human
Ascension" for more information.)

就是这个原因,几乎没有一个名人将提升,因为大多数都有着起源于 ANU 的全息性质。太阳和宇宙顾


声誉 和灵 性之 路

One may think, well don't Mila and Oa have a certain level of fame? Let us simply say that their
work is so controversial in relation to the current metaphysical movement that the map carvers of
ascension are the only ones who resonate and are drawn to study the materials. The map carvers are a
small group of humans numbering less than 8000 global wide. Some of such folk speak languages that
leave Mila and Oa's work in an arena that they personally will never touch upon in physicality. However
all map carvers' work together in dreamtime to fulfill upon their collective mission. In time more initiates
will be attracted, and this shall occur in particular as the map followers begin to journey upon the
initiations leading to Bodhisattva level evolution. By the time this occurs en mass, Mila and Oa may be
retired from teaching ascension and focused upon other endeavors in their written materials, such as
building a self-sustaining lifestyle and community that supports ascension.

你可能会想,为什么 Mila 和 Oa 没有特定程度的声誉?让我们简单地说,在与当前形而上学的动态关

数量的人类团体,全球不到 8000 人。一些这样的人们告别 Mila 和 Oa 的工作,在舞台上演讲,在现实中他
的提升者将被吸引,而这尤其会发生在当地图跟随者开始了通向 Bodhisattva 层面进化之旅的时候。到这大
量发生时,Mila 和 Oa 可能从教导提升中隐退,并聚焦于他们所写下的资料中其他的努力上,例如构建一

Why must this be so? The path of fame and the path of spiritual mastery are so diverse that they
cannot touch upon one another. If they touch upon one another, one's mastery is sacrificed. Mila and Oa
choose to ascend in this lifetime and not through future ancestors, and therefore they will only choose a
path that allows for this dream to come to fruition, which causes only the path of non-fame to unfold.

掌握被牺牲。Mila 和 Oa 选择在此生提升且不通过未来家系,而因此他们将只选择一条容许这个梦想被实
We perceive that the numbers studying with Mila and Oa will never be great, however those that
can work with them will be blessed with an understanding from their own sharing that will fuel the ascent
forward further than perhaps those who are unable to study with them. Earth already sees this is so with
those map carvers who choose to study Mila and Oa's journey and those who do not; there is greater
clarity of field in those who study with them. Why? The materials themselves allow for bringing more of
the unconscious to consciousness where it can then be cleared through conscious intent. The more of
the unconscious that is cleared, the more of the Language of Light can be embraced in an ascending
field leading to a greater clarity of the energy surrounding an initiate. The greater the clarity of field, the
easier it is also to manifest one's dream.

我们觉察到跟随 Mila 和 Oa 学习的人的数量将不会变大;但是能与他们一起工作的人将被祝福,带着

切割者谁选择从 Mila 和 Oa 的旅程中学习,谁没有;向 Mila 和 Oa 学习的人有更明晰的场。为什么?资料

Many may wonder, what is the special role that Mila and Oa hold then, if it will never be widely
known in the physical for what they do? The special role is the anchoring of the Tao into the human
dance at a time when this could not occur otherwise. Mila and Oa were specially prepared for this job
many generations prior to their birth. They have fulfilled upon their ability to execute this job in their
relentless choice to ascend. It has not been an easy journey beloved, and so we ask that you not
glamorize the two of them or put them on a pedestal. Most would not like the lifestyle that Mila and Oa
live, for most of what humans enjoy in their family relations or relationship with friends have had to be
sacrificed by Mila and Oa in order for their ascent to come forth. This is so due to karmic completion; as
karma is completed the dance ends, and many a dance with those that they have loved has ended
beloved. They sacrifice their friendships and family relations for the purpose that they are here to fulfill

许多人可能会惊讶,Mila 和 Oa 拥有的特定角色是什么,是否在现实中他们所做的将从不会被广泛地
知道?特定角色是把道之爱锚定进人类之舞,当这不能以别的方式发生的时候。在他们诞生之前,Mila 和
Oa 特别为此工作准备了许多代。他们已实现了他们的能力,在对提升的无情选择中去完成这个工作。它不
Mila 和 Oa 的生活方式,因为大多数人喜欢家庭关系和朋友关系,而这是 Mila 和 Oa 为了展现提升所不得
Also we ask that you not give them your power or worship Mila and Oa, for all humans are no more
or less than they. Mila and Oa can represent however a role model for one who is willing to sacrifice
their personal will and choices for the greater good of the whole in all that they do. In due course, all
humans will align their will in full to the greater good of the whole of Earth; this will come forth through
the coming 18 future generations yet unborn. Mila and Oa are living representatives of two who have
attained such a state now for the purposes of carving the path so that the modifications necessary within
the human genealogy can follow to bring such a future humanoid form into physicality. They can be
honored as such, and for those that wish to understand their journey, they invite each to study with them
if one is guided so from within.

所以我们请你不要把你的力量和崇拜给 Mila 和 Oa,因为所有的人类不比他们更多或更少。但是 Mila

和 Oa 为愿意奉献个人意志、并选择所做的任何事都能带给整体更大利益的人们象征了一个角色模型。在适
当时,所有的人类将对地球整体更大的利益来充分校准他们的意志;这将通过现在还未诞生的未来 18 代
实现。Mila 和 Oa 是两个活生生的代表,现在为切割路径维持这样的状态,以为了人类宗谱内必要的修改

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